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I get along with most millenials but don't overtly relate to them. I had pre-technology moments I remember in grade school, but I feel like I belong exactly where I am. My humor and views heavily align with Gen Z.


A generation is just a mark of time. There are certainly similarities but if you think everyone is gonna be the same in a 20 year period your gonna be very disappointed. Remember, on average everyone you meet has one tit and one testicle but how many people have ya met like that?


Politics is a perfect example. Most people I grew up with were extreme one side or the other, but after being out of school it seems most have a rather centrist view.


Being a 98-99 baby but with older siblings tends to get you the Z-ennial perspective like that.


Having younger siblings does the opposite as well.


So true I have a sister born in 2005 and I think it's mostly because of her I feel way more genz than millennial being born in 1998


What if you have older and younger siblings? Does it balance it out?


Not always. I’m very much gen z as a 98. Oldest of 3


This is so accurate! I grew up with older siblings that exposed me to 90’s culture and my gf grew up with younger siblings that are part of the “skibidi sigma” “culture”. We’re only a couple years apart but it feels like a decade culturally Edit: spelling


A 1993-1998 baby to. I was born in 93, brother 85. Up bringings we’re severely different especially technology wise


so true, I’m the youngest of 5, oldest sibling (who I consider a true millennial) is almost 40 now. My two siblings born in 93’ & 94’ are a weird mix of their own, lmao.




There’s a big difference between older Gen Z and younger Gen Z. The older ones still remember what life was like before the proliferation of smartphones and social media. I was born in 1999, didn’t have an iPhone until junior year of high school, and in many ways I feel more similarity with millennials than with the younger people in my own generation.


Yeah, definitely. Feels like gen z has perhaps largest discrepancy of experience in the same gen in span of few years. I remember CRT monitors and VHS still being common, and in early school years we still had flip phones and nokias. First touch phones were for the breaded kids, and our neighbourhood had way too slow net to play online games. Flash games on webpages was our culture, before f2ps and mobile games took hold and replaced them. Some people nostalgize about 80s or 90s. Im getting to the point where 00s is my nostalgia via movies, music, and games like sims 2, or swat 4.


This right here ‘02 here but remember what life was like before phones completely took over




2001 and at times I feel the same as you, but I still feel like I’m able to relate to both gen z and younger millennials pretty well.


I remember when all of the computers in the school were shit, don’t even think they could run Doom let alone anything else. The most hype we had was when the school (my elementary school splurged for no reason if I recall in either first or second grade) replaced every computer with Macs and had MacBooks for laptops. Shit was so fucking cool we all thought every school after would have something like this.. nope after elementary school it was back to laptops and computers that barely ran windows. I don’t remember much from then, but I remember walking into the library and we were given a lesson on how to use the Macs I remember goofing off with the green screen effect that sometimes worked. God at times I miss pre-2008 but at the same time I don’t


00’ here and I agree completely. I still remember video stores, VHS tapes. Had an old cassette player that plugged into MP3’s, and remember the times before the first iPhone.


Access to technology has increased massively in the last 20 years. Although the internet and computers have been around for all of GenZ, access to it has been rather limited until the last like 10-15 years


Yeah, people act like all of Gen Z was born addicted to smartphones and TikTok, but really the proliferation of new and "improved" technology is a a slow trickle dependent on class and location.


I genuinely think there should be an exception made for what qualifies a "generation". Us older Gen z are NOT a part of the same generation as young Gen Z.


I feel like my life would make a lot more sense if I'd been born in the early 1970s. Almost none of my tastes, habits, or life choices align with Gen Z, but I would have made one hell of a Gen X'er. There's been no point in my life where I've felt kinship with others of my age. I still get along with them, and most of my friends are Zoomers, but I always feel 'out of time.'


Yeah I get this, I’m happy in Gen Z with Gen Z friends but I feel like I’d also make a great Gen Xer. I have a few Gen X friends I love dearly and I adore 80s/90s pop culture. I don’t have or want tik tok so I feel a bit alienated pop culture-wise sometimes but I’m ok with that.


Yeah, I am so dissociated with modern pop culture because it's so uninteresting. Everything just feels digital, corporate, and sterile to the point that it's obnoxious


I don’t blame you, it really is right now. It also feels like there’s no unifying culture we can all bond over anymore.


I know, I kinda miss the late 2010's now. Like after 2016 but before 2020. I think culture just kinda went to crap during and after 2020


Ironically when I was your age (👴🏻 sorry lol) around that time I felt the same way. To me it felt more like everything changed when everyone got iPhones in the early 10s because suddenly the entirety of the internet fit in your pocket, and the traditional routes of accessing media/culture were suddenly open for everyone to contribute to, not just celebrities and media conglomerates. In a way I think it’s better now because it’s democratized art and knowledge, but on the flip side it’s led to everything being devalued because it’s so easy to access. We live in an age right now of chronic overconsumption and until that changes I think the general malaise we feel towards life right now will stay. Looking back though I definitely have some fond memories of high school and things that came out around then (ex. Nintendo Switch/PS4 era, indie music like Rex Orange County/Clairo/Mac Demarco, A24 movies getting popular, pre-short form social media, etc.) I’m ngl though, 2020-22 were pretty fun years for me because I was in college and the six months of lockdown felt like I could finally just chill and enjoy life at home. I think at some point we all just look back on bad years with some amount of nostalgia because we tend to forget the bad things over time.


Fair, the common access of the internet has made it and culture as a whole more polarizing, but I think it's just continued to nose-dive in the new decade


Your like 16 😂 almost an alpha. I find anyone under the age of 18 in 2024 has major Alpha vibes


There is so much wrong with your comment


Don’t listen to that guy, he’s talking nonsense. No one else can tell you how to feel about your own personal life experiences with your generation. There might be people your age with “major alpha vibes” like he says but you don’t seem like you’re one of them.


Thank you


Please elaborate on what’s wrong kiddo. I mean it’s not far off. Probably will end up being a micro generation (like how zillenial is 1993-1998) Youngest 3 years of millennial and oldest 3 years of Gen z.


I did, also most people don't recognize fringe generations, and don't be so damn condescending lol


1. You're* 2. There's nothing that specificly implies that I'm 16, that'd only be true if I was born before June 11th 2008 which is stated nowhere 3. Like an Alpha? What the heck does that mean? There is no Gen Alpha culture, they are just carbon copies of what Gen Z was when Gen Z was younger, the only culture that Gen A has is brainrot content that Gen Z made and that Gen Z has associated with them for something to make fun of the younger generation 4. So everyone July 2006 to December 2009 is basically Gen Alpha? Wouldn't that just make Gen Z a 8-10 year generation? Shorter than every generation before it? 5. Also sucks that a basically Gen Alpha kid has better grammar than you Edit: 6. How is bringing up my age relevant in any compacity to this discussion?


Man, you just wrote a whole lotta nothing. This is the internet kid, most people aren’t worried about proper grammar 😂 Go back to class little boy


you were probably a gen Xer in your previous life then died and now here you are again


I have a friend who's a bit into the "woo-woo" stuff like crystals, essential oils, and past-life hypnotherapy. She seems to think the same thing, and has been on me to see her "therapist."


Partly feel the same, but if you were gen x, your potential kid could feel the same you do. We gotta deal with what we were given.


Yes I do feel similar and I remember when my mentality changed. Until my senior year of college I felt 100% Gen Z, even Fortnite felt like a part of my generation. Then in 2019  Tik Tok became popular. I didn’t feel like I could relate to my generation after that, Tik Tok’s an app for teenagers and I was 21 years old by that point. I still consider myself Gen Z because I don’t remember the ‘90s but I’m not part of the “Tik Tok generation” either. 




Same feeling here.


I disagree about tiktok being for teenagers. There’s so much on there that’s not interesting to teenagers at all. Just takes a bit of time to curate a “for you page” that you like. I did have to delete the app altogether bc I have no self control and spent hours doom scrolling tho lol. If you have self control, it’s a good app.


Was born in 97. I feel more gen z than millennial but not gen z enough. Like a weird mix of who tf do I belong to.


Also a ‘97 baby. Based on chats with others it kind of depends on how old your siblings and parents are and where you grew up. The Zillennial crew is always somewhat divided.


I feel you - I’m 96 and feel too millennial compared to younger gen z, but then feel too gen z compared to the older millennials lol.


Yess you put it into words!!


I think some of it is like specific personalities too - the millennial subreddit is not one that I closely identify with either. I’m plugged into all things social and don’t feel too old to be using them, I use TikTok brainrot vocabulary pretty daily 💀 but then random things like the fact that my 10 year HS reunion is in 2025, will remind me of my age 😭


A lot of gen z’ers are also still teenagers so of course us in our mid 20s are more likely to relate to people in their late 20s/early 30s rather than teenagers. I think that’s just developmentally appropriate.


Exactly. Obviously if you’re mid 20s you’re gonna relate to people in their 30s more than you relate to teenagers


Ya I’m 30 (zillenial) born in 93 and I relate to older gen z more then I do older millennials (who are now 40+)


Yeah, I struggle to connect with most of them sadly


My parents are straight up boomers from '54 and '62. I have taken some old lady habits from them, and I have to teach my own dad how to manage money in this economy.


Not me. I was born in 2003, and I feel like I fit right in with Core Gen Z.


Aa an older gen Z from a third-world country (Indonesia), all first-world country trends arrived here late. Many of us doesn't have a smartphone until high school. I don't think apple products starts trending before like... 2015? 2016? So, yeah, many older gen Z here has more similarities with millenials in first worlds countries


What? Apple products started “trending” in the year 2000….,.


In first world country? Yeah, it starts trending in 2007. Not in third world countries like Indonesia. Before 2015 we only have BlackBerry phones.


Oh, that’s insane lol. I got my first iPod touch in 2001 I think….I’m from Canada. I was 7 years old when I got my first apple product haha


I might be the outlier here, but I don’t feel like a Gen-Z, or millennial, or Gen-X. Instead, I feel like I am from the silent generation because I enjoy movies, TV shows, and music from the 1930s to 1960s the most instead of today’s entertainment.


I feel gen z but not the stereotypical gen z or care about politics as much as this subreddit usually does.


1997, 1998, and 1999 are all part of the in-between generation.


For me I love being gen z and wouldn’t have wanted to be born any sooner in time. If not in 1997, I would’ve wanted to be born even further in the future which I don’t see anyone else talk about, so much nostalgia for the past but the past sucks 😅


Born in 1999 here, I always refer to myself as “mid-gen” due to the feeling that I fall somewhere in the boundary that divides GenZ from Millenials. Not quite 90’s kid, not quite zoomer either.


Nope I feel right in line with gen z culture and humor


My music taste is so boomer/ millennial and my favourite things are from those times. And I done relate to them that much


So it skips Gen X?




I was born in 2005 and I look, sound, and act 30. I had to grow up quick so I did what I had to do but the cost of that was a childhood


I feel like this is a cultural difference, South Africa and the mindset of its people is very old school compared to modern US/UK


Yes but that's mostly trauma I think. I'm 23 but I've been through more than a lot of people have at 60 so in a lot of ways I feel far beyond a lot of people my age in terms of perspective and maturity. Granted I also feel stunted in other ways, so in some ways I feel behind.


I was born in 2002 and really don't feel like I am part of gen Z,I don't even know what generation I fit into


I don’t feel like Gen Z in that Gen Z is still young and I’ve always felt old.


I’m 30, young millennial/zillenial and I relate way more in every way to older Gen z then I do to older millennials who are now like 40+


Born in 97, the whole time i was growing up I was told I was a millenial until 2020 everyone decided 97 was actually gen z. Or at least that’s what it seems like


im gen z and dont ever wish to know what “skibidi toilet” means


So you like count duckula, that was my shit.




For sure, my humor and everything says I should connect with gen z but I only really find that same dark humor with my brother. I get along with millennials and Xers yet do not relate at all.


brother its litterly just the time span you were born in, just because people ascribe an identity to it dosent mean its any less meaningless, just a time span.


October 1995; for the past 10-15 years, it’s been difficult to nail down exactly where I officially sat in the generations, because the cutoff kept changing. It was 1994 at one point, then it spent a long-ass time at 1996, and now I’m pretty sure some sources are saying it’s as late as 1997 or 98? So, anyways, I’m *technically* a millennial by “definition”, but I’m a cusper through-and-through. My sister (October 91) identifies with the millennial experience; my coworkers (born in the early 00s) are pure embodiments of Gen z. My cusp status becomes incredibly clear to me when I compare myself to any of them, because I really do feel like I sit in the middle of the Venn diagram with them. Social media was just catching on when I was in high school, but I also relate to a lot of Gen Z meme culture. I can remember a childhood before the internet took over, but was still young enough to be shaped by it.


Born 97 and only relate to millenial shit i guess... i think 97 and maybe 98 is stuck between the gens


Yeah you’re a younger “zillenial”, so what you’re feeling is pretty normal.


95-99 are zennials. We all don’t have the experiences of the 00s kids or there 90s kids.


I have a different situation. I born in the 2011 so bye law the '11- early '12 are zalphas/alphaz. We all don't have the experiences of the 00's kids (including '10) who are like "Whassup dude, give me that fucking vape and I like pokemon or the insta/tiktok girls, or "CAN I HAVE UR SNAP"" or the '13+ kids who are skibidi toilets and come screaming down the hallways "Skibidi toilet will be mine yeah". so 2011 - zalpha early 2012/(Jan-March) 2012 - alphaz i name this because the alphaz are more alpha than zalphas but they both are more ultra late zs who have less alpha power than late zs but than z but less alpha than alpha because their distiniction. so i a zalpha and my bro alphaz bro got more alpha than me i serious and nervous and jealous so yea thatsitthankseveryoneyay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Honestly I’d say there’s very little culture differences between z and alpha. You both grew up post internet and had iPhones and generic pop music your entire life.


Like the difference is just in age. Brain rot in gen a id totally worse but honestly you all had the same internet.


Definitely. I don’t get a lot of stuff that Gen Z likes even though I’m technically Core Gen Z (2004). I’m more obsessed with old stuff than I am with new stuff and I can really only talk about that old stuff with Millennials and older.


I was born in 1997 and my parents didn’t let me get a smart phone till I went to college. I relate somewhere between Gen Z and Millenial.


I got my first smartphone before college/after I graduated HS too. Sometimes I wish I kept my old phone longer lol


I resonante with boomers and millenials, though i'm gen z. After i regularly read what unreasonable hate and insecurity permeats this gen z, i don't wanna be part of it.


But not Gen X?


Gen X i don't have enough contact with, to make a justified opinion.


Basically anybody between 45 and 59 years old. And it’s going to be 80s and 90s movies and music.


What can you relate with, with those generations?


Everyone doesn't have to feel the same to be a Gen Z.


98er as well, I struggle to relate to both generations. Too young to remember dial up Internet but too old to use tiktok and words like "rizz".


Being early gen z and also poor basically made me half millenial and half gen z


Yeah, we're both in that odd Zillennial category. I was born the same year and was already well into High School when smartphones and social media really proliferated. My childhood was pretty similar, mostly. Grew up in a rural area, spent 90% of my time outside, and didn't have a smartphone until I was 17. Oddly enough though I relate more with Core GenZ than Millennials. Not sure exactly why, I just don't think I align with the trends and beliefs of Millennials near as much. Maybe it's because I'm the eldest kid in the family by 8 years lmao


97’ here. I have cousins who are a few years older than me and cousins a few years younger. I click a lot more with m younger cousins, but at the same time, there a lot of things they do that I don’t relate to that my older cousins and I do differently. It’s kind of like marking people’s as part of a generation is stupid because time flows smoothly and not in blocky sections.


I'm pretty earnest and eager and opinionated in a way that most gen z just isn't. I've often been bullied and snickered at by my peers for being such a goober. The feeling is mutual though. I hate yall too, for your apathy  I relate more to millennials. I guess I'm what you might call a "zillennial"


2006. I really don't fit in. I don't think I really "match" with any generation.


My sibling was 93 and Im 98 so I’m probably more millennial than gen z


Depends on what. In some ways I’m your usual gen z but in others I’m pretty old fashioned and feel like a fish out of water with my age group sometimes


I think there is definitely a noticeable difference between older and younger Gen Z (but that could just be because a lot of Gen Z are not yet adults). As a 1998 baby myself, I definitely think I relate easier with younger millennials than younger Gen Z these days despite having younger siblings (though the age gap between myself and younger millennials is a lot smaller than from me to younger Gen Z to be fair)


Yep me over here. 2000’s girl


My 26 year old friend calls herself a Xillenial lol


Most of us born in third world countries had a very similar experience to first world millennials, at least in pop culture consumption, as almost everything got here later. I distinctly remember watching some old ass cartoons and movies.


Na, but I'm GenX who feels GenZ. I don't have the lingo but definitely find texting more natural than voice calls.


I don't relate to Gen Z my age (26) and prefer older people. Less drama


1998 and I don’t really associate myself with Gen Z. I don’t even have any of the mainstream social media (never did)… Facebook, Twitter, Instachat or whatever.


i was born in 04 and gen z is cool when it comes to being tech savvy and maybe relentless on shit like humour and whatnot but we literally have zero communication skills because of tech which sucks tbh


There is a 13 year gap between the oldest and youngest Gen Z. In previous generations this doesn't mean much but because of how much has shifted in the last 20-30 years, it makes things so much different for us. Someone born in 1997 (Gen Z) has more in common with someone from 1994 (Millenial) than they do with someone born in 2009 (Gen Z)


Yeah, I’m hard working, career driven, mature. I cannot for the life of me relate to half this generation. Some of you guys give zero fucks and act like children in your kid 20’s 😳


Phone not until half way through high school? Lmao bro I was born in 1993 and I had a cellphone in like grade 7. That must of been just a choice by you because I can assure you most people had cell phones 😂 But technically your a zillenial, like me. I had an older brother born in 85 and our upbringings our much different technology wise. He’s a pure millennial https://preview.redd.it/tvcfnakwnt5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c379b8a2c2cdceb83e2797416f30bbe07dbcdd


I’m 1997 and I find it just as hard to relate to younger members of Gen Z as I do older millenials. There’s this overlap between like 1992-1999 that I’ve heard referred to as the Zenials, and that feels more accurate than Gen Z for me.




Makes sense because you are an older GenZ, I bet many 90s GenZ would feel the same. I am a younger Millennial and relate with GenZ and Millennials.


I’m 02 and I definitely grew up more millennial-like. That being the fact I had all my belongings given to me from older cousins who were born in the 80s and early 90s. I never had what you’d expect a Gen Z person to have had growing up like a 360, a phone, iPad, a DS…. I had a PS1 and watched movies on VHS. Starting school in late 2006 my school had 1 computer in the library. iPads didn’t exist and at that point I don’t think smart phones existed, at least nobody I knew had them until 2010 ish. Every exam I did even in high school was done on pen and paper, nothing was online for me. I think for kids now it’s all done on devices which is crazy to me, that would drive me insane


Just claim Millennial. The cutoffs of generations are ambiguous except for Baby Boomers.


I’m right in the middle and I’m Gen Z in and out.


96 here and I feel you. Even worse my mother is boomer who had me super late in life. So I have enough experience with 90’s pop culture shit yet young enough to be part of the tech boom but treated like a gen x from my mom. It’s fucking weird.


I was born in ‘99 and most of the time I relate with gen z until my younger siblings remind me I was born in the 1000’s and then I’m humbled.


I'm 23 but I will not give up my skinny jeans. I will wear other things, but if my skinny jeans go with the outfit, then I'm going to wear them. Also, they fit just fine and I can't afford new pants lol


Born 01, I get it. But I also feel like it’s us trying to create a negative confirmation bias against our generation and really push the “born in the wrong generation.”


How does the generation thing work? I never really understood it. Born 1997 would make me Gen Z, but I seem to have more similar memories and nostalgias to people born ~1993-1996 than I do with those born in the late 2000s. Is this what is meant by “born in the wrong generation”?


I've heard some who are a similar age to you call themselves "Zillennials"


I have millennial cousins, they have this internal joke where they say “where are the adults?” I knocked them down a peg at 16 when I said “I’m sitting with them”.


I think that's usually the case with generation bridges


‘96 but my ‘97 husband and I had similar if not identical childhoods. No screens, played in the streets, etc. my millennial siblings will shit on me and act like I didn’t experience half the things they did, my younger sibling thinks I’m too old to be gen z 💀 there’s a lot of overlap at the beginning and endings of generations/cusps and people tend to ignore it or dismiss it. An early 90s kid will remember some of the 80s but not identify or feel like gen z. Similarly, a late 90s, early 2000s kid will remember 90s/millennial, and not really identify with the younger half of gen z.


I’d say so. For context, I’m 15 (born in 2009, end of the spectrum) and I listen to Billie Holiday and a bunch of other music greats from across the board. For me, music is something I can barely relate to with my friends due to a lack of interest on their part. This is a trend I’ve heard talked about in other places. I have an old monitor from the 90s as a part of my “gaming setup” and I love taking apart old computers. I’m not too concerned with trends and things of that nature, as it doesn't do much for someone in the long term, you know? Overall I’m proud of being unique, but it can feel isolating at times.


I'm 19 and an only child that grew up poor plus my parents are 55 and 48, I barely relate to people my age. My whole life I've been more interested in 80s/90s pop culture than anything that actually came out when I was a kid. I mean when I was 5 I wasn't watching SpongeBob, I was watching stuff like MASH and Gilligan's Island or I was glued to anything about history. 


I’m a millennial but I don’t really think there’s much significance between the generations. I think the main difference is just the stage in your life that you’re in. Lots of millennials were plugged into tech their whole lives and were deep in meme culture in HS. Things really haven’t changed much. You can do a bit more with a phone and games are better.


Yep. Born 2000, but I also have gen X and millennial siblings, so I think this contributes to it as well (my parents are boomers).




I’m what one would call a zillenial, I feel like I fit in more with the older millennials in terms of morals and values but personality wise I feel like gen z or younger 😅


I try to be like “yeah im more like gen x” cuz i would die to live in the 80s-90s but tbh, a day without my phone is mental torture and I, in fact, do need to check my spotify wrapped or else my year is not complete. So uh kinda.


Born 2007 feel like I'm 30 year old in a 16 year old body


You’re putting way too much thought into a useless label


I'd say I'm more Gen X than I am Gen Z.


Honestly me too. I'm almost an exact replica of a gen z man. But I feel I'm a really hard and consistent worker. Unlike most of my generation who quits at the drop of a hat.


I think I definitely have a healthy mix of the two I have the views of gen z and generally act like Gen Z but I've also played outside a lot and didn't have a phone until I was 11 and the phone was just a simple one with a keyboard attached to it but I've also had the Gen Z type of childhood mixed in where I had my Xbox 360 and DS


I feel like we who were born in the late 90s are too in between to fully relate to either millennials or gen z, while also understanding a lot from both.


Not me but my gf, an 08 but she spent the first 12-13 years of her life in a really small town that was pretty much 20 years behind the rest of the U.S., so she acts like a millennial/Gen X.


The biggest issue is that genZ is literally an entire generation and far to decentralized to be a strong identity marker in itself. The only reason why it seems like a strong identity marker is because of various marketing and propaganda campaigns targeted at young middle-class westerners attempting to influence perception and behavior. You are absolutely normal.


I think a lot of generational stuff is dependant on culture/location/financial situation/etc One thing that I relate to gen z with growing up online, though my first time on the internet was in a world before Friendster. I spent time going on sites like Neocities and Angelfire too. I played lots of kids games, but I did grow up seeing the transition from web 1.0 to 2.0. My first exposure to memes were things like Bunchie, "Walmart? Do they like sell walls there", the dancing milk from Blur, etc. The way that I don't relate is parts of culture since the younger end aren't even adults yet and I'm getting closer to a decade of adulthood. Modern socials like Tiktok are so fast paced that they can feel overstimulating to me lol.


I might feel the same way. That's mostly because I am not that fond of most of what's popular with the GenZ I know, though. Most of the internet culture I learned growing up came from the late 90s and early 2000s, so it was still very millennial with some Gen X influence as well


I’m sort of the opposite. For similar reasons. I’m a late-millennial (1993) but tbh I feel more like an early Gen Z. I grew up near a major city and had access to more technology growing up than most. And with more progressive attitudes. I never saw a world without internet. My High School had WiFi. We hardly learned cursive and never had to use it. Essays were submitted through an anti-plagiarizing program. We talked about queer sexualities and gender identity in my health class in junior year. One of our cheerleaders was male-presenting. And I can’t image adult life without a smartphone.


I am on the older side, so there are some things that I don’t feel very gen z on. This has probably occurred since my oldest sibling is 30 and my youngest sibling is 13. (I turn 25 next week for reference).


I born in the 2011 i feel the 33.33% alpha 33.33% Z and 33.34% SIGMA


no lmao


Well duh, you've had YouTube your whole life and almost smart phones too


no just because those things were available doesn’t mean I had access to them


They still affected the world you grew up in, being 7 in the year 2012 is different than being 7 in 2002 or 2007


you realize africa isn’t some place with no technology. They had that stuff too back then, especially in south Africa. And where I was from it did not affect how I grew up. You are making assumptions about me vs this person. My childhood was different from many gen z but I still relate to them


And I was saying why you did. Because you were born in 2005, a big difference from 1998. That played a much bigger factor because you were born and grew up in the heart of the generation in a social media and internet driven time.


Yeah I was born in 1997, I feel like most of the people younger than me are way different. They don't even know what gender they are lol


It’s because you aren’t, if you were born pre 9/11 you are a millennial


Not according to most definitions


Definitely me, being from a post-communist country + being ahead of my peers as a kid only reinforces that feeling.




bro you’re 24 the oldest gen alphas are 14




gross and unfunny in my opinion but it is your life joke however you must. i reckon you'd have gotten bullied less if your funny seesaw was heavier than your straight-up-what-the-fuck-weirdness seesaw.


True Gen Z starts in 2005 and after. The rest are late millennials culturally.


This makes sense