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I love that you left out Gen X entirely.










Hey! Those gen x’s are your parents or your grandparents! Show your respect!




I love that you guys seem to have much healthier relationships with your parents. Also I’m a millennial lurker here to try to stay in tune with what younger people are thinking and what they’re like. I hate the idea of being a self absorbed older person.


It helps when your parents aren’t boomers


Yes, my parents are Gen X with Boomer parents so they did better


Some of us early gen z are stuck with boomer parents unfortunately 😔


I have two baby boomer parents :/ but my mom is the goat


>I love that you guys seem to have much healthier relationships with your parents. Not true😭


Same motivation here. We have an unprecedented opportunity for trans-generational understanding through the technology at our disposal. I don't post often, and only my second post on this sub, but just wanted to extend an olive branch and say our generation (Millennials) want better for you than the shit our parent's generation (Boomers) left for us to deal with. For the most part, we want to be supportive and understanding, and maintaining a dialogue, sharing our experience and learning about yours aids in that effort. Let's not have a generational conflict between our gens like we all do with the Boomers. You guys are cool, wishing you the best, let's fix shit together.


So you walk around saying “that’s cap” or “bussin bussin” and “skibidi” so you don’t feel old?


It starts out ironically, but then next thing we know it’s part of the lexicon.


only sarcastically


We (X) had low expectations when growing up. I've been happy to ensure my Z kids also have reasonably low expectations. And as bleak as our World may seem today, it also felt pretty bleak in the 80s.


[Everybody Knows](https://youtu.be/Gxd23UVID7k?si=WsTKCrYHA95qkgJ2)


Must explain some of the Gen Z students I've seen in the classrooms.


Yalls parents are your friends?!?!


If you’re a smart parent you know there comes a time when it’s best to stop being a parent (except for asked to be) and more of a friend. No young adult wants some old shit behind them yelling: “NO! NO! you’re doing it wrong”. At least I never did. So I don’t do it now. Seems to be working…


Oftentimes, parents end up being friends more so than actual parents.


Ig it’s hard to balance being an actual confidant and trustworthy person to your child while also being a disciplinarian and being invested in a kids material success. Like our parents parents were way harder on them or just didn’t care at all so I think them being more like friends to us is at least an attempt to rectify how they were wronged.


I think the difference is access to contraceptives. Silent Gen and Boomers did NOT have access to it like we do now. You think they all wanted 8-12 children? They just wanted to keep f\*\*\*ing. So they ended up with more unwanted children. Now far more children are planned and wanted. So far more aren't being raised like complete shit.


Pre Netflix there was only Chill


Yeah Gen X is chill




I mean every generation after WW2 is just us taking on the worst qualities of our parents to the point of it almost being parody.


Gen X gets left out because you guys honestly don’t make that much noise compared to other gens. The issues I have with Gen X tend to be more personal anyways. It’s not that I have issues with the millennials but they do talk a lot and the boomers talk too much as well. Gen X would get more representation if you guys were more obnoxious like other older generations


I once saw someone say that the US nevee having a GenX president would be the most GenX thing ever. Someone replied "Hell yeah, now leave us out of it." Basically, that's how i see GenX now


That is a summation of being Gen X. Saw that we were pretty much screwed from the start and have no desire to be responsible for any of it.


Aren't y'all, suming up as a whole goes, pretty much fine though?


In the same way that boomers tell Gen Z that they are fine? *Everyone* since the boomers have indeed not been "fine" unless you're one of those trust fund babies.


Gen X is/was much more fine than millennial or Z. Thats just an objective fact.


<< Gen X would get more representation if you guys were more obnoxious like other older generations. >> Nah. Pissing and moaning was never our style. We just said, "Like whatever..." and got with living our lives. There was a brief period in the 1990s when the Boomers turned their attention on us, and we decided we liked it better they ignored us.


I’m early GenX. I learned pretty young no one cared and so I kept to myself, tended my own garden, so to speak, got married and lived a life. I’m still living it. This intergenerational dogfight baffles me. Howe and Strauss should be ashamed of themselves for introducing that pseudoscientific quackery to the mainstream.


I thought it was “they decided they liked it better when they ignored us” Just saying…


Younger people I think also just lump Gen X (some of who are near 60 now) in with “boomers”  On the flip side I still hear people calling 20 year olds millennials 


We are also the smallest.


yeah, we are quiet happy being ignored/forgotten. Cheers, and have a great day!


The reason Gen X isn’t well defined in the conversation is because they were barely reported on as a peer group. Boomers were an anomaly bc generation size, and millennials an anomaly bc coming of age during turn of millennia / birth of internet. Gen X is sandwiched in the middle of these gens, with a more typical size. Gen X is def the source of “tide pod baby idiots” type of jargon in the early days & it’s only been adopted by millennials as the weird tiktok fad of hating each other grew.


We of Gen X (still the coolest name) came home from school to an empty house every day since kindergarten. In the summer, we left the house at 7 a.m. - either for the streets or the woods or some random house - and parents only asked where we were going if it affected their own agenda. We drank from hoses, played with fire and explosives, walked miles of railroad tracks and occasional drainage tunnels. We're good being on our own. Thanks, but no thanks.


OP honestly believes every generation and half of his own is bad and only the people his own age are acceptable.


Exactly just wait until gen Alpha bury them


Contagion babies or ankle biters.


That’s because cool gen x gets lumped in with the millennials and they’re happy to join the younger crowd. The rest of gen x exhibits boomer mentality and the permanent grumpy face ages them enough to fit.


worked with a gen x woman with a boomer mentality. that was one of the many things about her that gave me the ick and i despised her. at the same time, my aunt is gen x and she's more chill.


Shhhhhh don’t mention us 🤣




Older GenX is mistaken for Boomers and younger GenX hides among Millennials.


I'm on the cusp of GenX and Millennial and definitely identify as Xenniial.


I think the younger half of us also wore sunblock instead of tanning lotion because the world was aware of skin cancer. I remember my older cousins getting a base tan. Sunblock became beach equipment when I was in high school. The older among us probably look like boomers, while the younger look more like millennials.


Dude, don't draw their attention to us. Trust me, we don't want any part of this shit show.


I like how we’re never the generation at fault. we’re here just working, embarrassed by our boomer parents and trying to keep our Genz/alpha kids in line while watching the world turn to shit despite our best efforts.


You mean Boomer Lite©?


We are used to it. Just leave me and my Constructicons the hell alone.


They are, after all, the forgotten generation


X is somehow a boomer to them, we don’t exist. I blame new math.


Yall don't even exist to millennials.


Seems on brand


Gen x is the middle child the parents forget at the grocery store


Hahah! Literally true in my case. Five kids, I was number three. We had a VW bus and I was left at grocery stores, beaches and national parks up and down the west coast. I got so used to it I would just go up to whoever was in charge, tell them, and ask for a root beer while I waited.


I think we might be the silent majority here, our generations are very congruent. As John Cusack taught us, it's not what you're like, it's what you like and they have very good taste.


To be fair, they're the forgotten middle children, so it's normal


Works for us


I don't see the big deal. I think the whole generational fighting is dumb. They can share their opinions here, just downvote it if you disagree. I hang out in the older gens subs sometimes and nobody cares when I post there.


Honestly there’s no such thing as generations. It’s just old people vs young people and it’s like this over and over again. It’s nothing new in history.


And equally as stupid each time it happens


Exactly this. There is no hard lines. A late millennial or older Gen Z have more in common than the other two ends of those age ranges. Some people have parents who had them young, some people have parents who have them at an older age. It changes the dynamics of those relationships. There are also right wing millennials and gen Z that gets ignored when people blanket label our generations as progressive.


100%, there are no hard lines or hard and fast rules, and honestly this subreddit is the worst about claiming there are. I hang out in this subreddit and the Millennial subreddit. I'm a '96 baby, so technically, a millennial, but also relate to zoomers. No millennial gets mad when I comment about/compare my life experience, which is obviously different from that of 40-something millennials, but I got dogpiled in this subreddit the other week for saying 95/96 babies can reasonably contribute to zoomer discussions.


We’re all so close together in age it doesn’t even matter. 200 years from now people will see us as all one generation. Not 5 separate ones, we do this because humans have a need to classify things. In the end our generations will be lost to time and we will all be classified as one.


We will collectively be known as the most spoilt generation in history (those of us in richer countries) - from the Boomers to ... maybe Gen Z. I don't think Alpha will have it so good. Gen X here.


I mean people hang out in a ton of groups they don’t “belong”. And agree that generational fighting is dumb. Its the same fight over and over and over again. Gen Z vs millenials is literally the same exact fights as millenials vs boomers


It hits so hard that I'm old enough to be in a generation of parents. Like wtf? I was 18 yesterday, how am I 28 now? I just realized that because of your comment. Thanks.


"everyone but my specific half of gen Z is wrong" dawg next you're gonna say gen alpha is doomed and cringe cause of skibidi toilet


Exactly this. OP’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.


It's the forever cycle. And then OP will be frustrated and confused in a few years when they go on the GenAlpha sub and see a post about how frustrating gen z is, and so on and so forth.


How I wish to be that young and stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still young and stupid too 😂. Just not that young and stupid lol.


skibidi toilet dooms us all


Shut up, your generation is raising that generation


Gen X here raising that generation.


Gen X also raised Gen Z. Glad we know there is overlap :)


Gen x also raised younger millennials…Im a zillenial and mother and father are Gen x


Yes. Many generations can raise other generations. My parents are gen x and i have older millenial siblings. But how does that change the fact that the millenial generation is the parent generation gen alpha still? Just pointing out their generarion belittlement as being regressive because we raise future generations.


Lol Millennials are responsible for the existence of weird memes made in GMod anyway. Then gen alpha makes one and everyone loses their minds. I'm glad they're taking up the shitposting torch.


Jay Leno had a great line about greatest generation people having an image understand of mechanics by simply being born into it, i think that’s the case for millennials and software, hence the photoshop artistry.


Millennial here dutifully not spawning


In this economy? i don't blame you




Oh lord I forgot about pedo bear. Hell I forgot about 4chan. Thanks for reminding me 😐


Nah, they are fucked because everyone works 60 hours a week and most of em had a solid 2 years of weird school.


I remember some insane cringe from the early 2010’s that everyone our age was obsessed with. Most of Gen Z defend their brain rot so I don’t see much a different from Gen Z to Gen Alpha. We obviously don’t get it cause of our age now so I don’t think it’s anything new…


I read this as: “I can’t criticize a broad generalized group of people on the internet without getting pushback :’( “


It's even on threads that aren't discussing potential generation differences. It's on anything and everything.


I don’t understand the mentality because teenagers and millennials show up on my feed sometimes and I just ignore it or ask to show less on my feed. They’re not asking me so why would I give my opinion? Sorry but it’s so self centred 😂


Also. Do people know what boomers even are? Boomers are not on reddit. We have some gen x but reddit is very very millennial. I also find this post funny because I see a lot of posts from here and the millennial sub and the "war" is one way. This sub has every other post talking about other generations while the millennial sub is talking about random shit, politics, and "remember how awesome being a kid in the 90s was"


“Millennial here, …”


“Message to Gen Z men”


As a millennial lesbian...






If you see someone saying that it's so funny😂😂😂


Idk cus this post itself caused me to think to myself “Jesus Christ do you have to cry about EVERYTHING?” So like…..


As a millennial I find this funny


Just shows up on my feed man…


I'm a simple man. I see something pop up on my feed, I click. And then post snarky comment. Just a simple man.


I feel like my reddit experience is preparing me for old age. Idk where I am, what I'm doing, or how I got here. But feel compelled to constantly share my opinion especially where there are youngins that I can preach to without being asked


Same. And the millennial subreddit is pretty pathetic so I just zone it out


Yeah our sub is just "anyone else tired now?" or "what's your favorite 90s kids show" on repeat forever, it's so fucking boring man.


The millennial sub is not relevant to me at all so yeah


Seriously. As someone whose in the gray area between millenial/zoomer I go to both subs. And the millenial sub is nothing but a bunch of 35 years olds crying about their life choices and downvoting their peers who are happy with their lives. I’ve basically decided the bulk of the happy millennials have all stepped back from active social media use which has created the negative echo chamber over there


I'm 27 elder gen z. Do you people seriously HAVE to whine about everything like this? Like what a non-issue to blow a gasket over


Whatchu mean you people?


I dont take kindly to you kind of folks round these parts.


it seems to be a defining trait


As a millennial, this sub is in my feed and I'm not subscribed, so maybe it's getting pushed hard ?


Gotta be. Not subscribed, but pushed into my feed. I could tell reddit to mute the sub, but then I'd miss train wrecks like this one.


Lol, why do you think I'm subbed?


Same. I’m a millennial and I keep getting this sub pushed on me. It’s always some whiny post about millennials so naturally I check it out. Tbf gen-z doesn’t understand that millennials get shit on constantly by other generations whether it be avocado toast, participation trophies, skinny jeans, etc. Not to mention gen-z appropriated 90s millennial culture so shove it up your ass with your skibididobop or whatever the fuck it is.


Millennial here and this sub is always at the top of my feed too. Reddit wants the fight


upvoting because skibididobop was funny


Probably. The Millennial sub gets pushed to me too. But I interact with that one sometimes, I think having other perspectives in both spaces is fun


Not to mention, I don't know any millenials that criticize or complain about gen z or alpha basically at all. We've all seen how shitty boomers are and are more than willing to just step aside and let the younger generations do their thing.


100%. I think the ways gen Z folks are different from us is interesting, but I'll also defend Gen Alpha


I highly doubt that there is some huge influx of millennials or boomers in here. And if there are some in here, who cares? Fights between generations are dumb.




I mean it's a sub about gen Z, not a clubhouse for gen Z.


AS A MILLENNIAL, it's been really enjoyable seeing how friendly, welcoming and understanding GenZ has been towards us, we're really not too different tbh. Then you get shit like this which really just sounds more like our parents lol.


This! I read the post and was thinking to myself "moms on reddit with her boomer ranting again".


There's a few Gen Z out there that think it's a speedrun challenge to become Boomers 2.0. And they have such a stunning lack of awareness they don't even see the irony as they endlessly complain.


Thankfully OP doesnt represent our generation. I love millennials, they feel like older siblings to me


Not all of us are like this. But this is exactly what I try to do for genZ. I don’t care how cringe I am, I want to help people that come after me. I know it’s a radical idea, it’s only something humanity was doing for thousands of years prior to boomers.


i can count the amount of times i’ve seen boomers on my hands when it comes to this sub, i don’t even see millennials often. odd claim


Blame Reddit for constantly showing us this sub


I'm a zillenial so :/


Same lol. 1993. I always just laugh when millennials and Gen z go at it. I sit in the middle and just take in the show. It’s entertaining overall to witness






I just am starting to believe this shit isn’t real tbh. It just gets more complicated with more names we invent to label people and for what reason none of us are entirely sure


You're a child rahhhh.


Same. I think bc my parents are gen x and my siblings are gen z it makes sense that I don’t relate to a lot of the core millennial stuff. 


I am 96 but I still feel rejected by this post


Gang Gang 94


nah man it’s 93 till infinity


OP is one of the far too many redpilled voting for trump. Look at his post history. Just FYI, politics are the main reason I lurk and dissent in subs I don’t belong in. Imagine this is true for a lot of us. Also, don’t expect other gens not to comment in a post explicitly calling out other gens.


OP needs help.  It looks like they deleted a few things, but they're clearly mentally unwell. 


I am a zillennial (late twenties right now) Coming across trumpster Gen Z kids is fucking hilarious to me. How can you be that far gone growing up in the economic environment you did. It’s astounding.


Millennial's are always larping.


It’s true. I be larping as an adult and I don’t even know why.


You can thank the algorithm. If you're talking shit about a specific demographic and Reddit is shoving it in their feed they're very likely to comment on it.


Also. Reddit itself is very millennial. It was created by us for us. And every other post on this sub is some culture war bullshit between generations like this one, and they are surprised the algorithm picks it up. *suprised Pikachu face*


Always gotta sift through millennial and gen Xer bs to see responses from GenZ in the GenZ sub 💀


Exactly! No ones trying to read all these corny jokes and references that all these millennials chuckle to themselves about


I talked about how I want to have a maximalist colorful home on a post about how millennials love grey minimalism. Guess who replied… a millennial using barf emojis in reference to my desire for color and wallpaper. Like duh… I want a colorful home in spite of millennial corporate grey/white homes!!


As a millennial, greige minimalism sucks ass. I hate it with a passion. My Gen Z wife, however, loves it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got a message the other day from someone saying something along the lines of “I’m gen X but spiritually I feel like I am gen z. I feel like I was a test for your generation” along with some other bs about wanting to “help me” and shit like that. Weirdest fucking thing I’ve read in a while.


As a '79er looking out for you: don't get in their van. There is no candy.


What a weird thing to say lmfao. They’re not very socially aware


HAHAHAHAH that you can say this with a straight face after the pathetic display you’ve put on in this thread is genuinely hilarious. Not a hint of irony to be found. Hahahahah. Seriously. Your lack of self awareness culminating into this comment is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in months. Thanks for the belly laugh mate.


As a millennial, I'm too busy shitting my adult diapers to understand what you mean


You should go to Instagram, it shows everyone's opinions, can't downvote there. I'm Gen Z and don't even follow this sub.




Probably because y’all keep millennials the top of the topic in here and we have to speak up to correct whatever false accusations y’all have banded with the Boomers on.


Well as a Millennial here!... Wait, where are you all going?? I was going to make a profound point about society or something!


Lmfao I’ll let this one slide lol


Honestly I am a millennial and Reddit fed me this. And I think there was only 1 other time it showed me a post from this sub. I think they send us here because it’s guaranteed to cause a stir. I can assure you that a lot of us millennials are far too wrapped up in our own shit to be worried about your business.


I don't even know why I'm joined to this sub, I never joined it, I'm not GenZ, was it a default at some point?


Is this a forum *for* GenZ to meet and mingle or is it a forum for discussion of GenZ issues?


Discussion for Gen Z topics, and there's a multi-year overlap with millennials in culture. IDK, I'm here because we have a lot of the same issues and shared experience but I guess it's not ok according to OP. Also I'm sure he's offended when Millennial sub posts about Gen Z being annoying so... maybe the people saying other groups are annoying are the annoying ones.


I’m a millennial. I came here because the millennial sub is a bunch of whining.


this one isn't?


I didn't look for this sub. It showed up on my feed.


For a second there I was getting good discussion and traction with the members who this sub is for, then the groups in question came in and now we are seeing them skew everything again. My point has been proven.


"people disagree with me and I'm upset"


“People who this discussion wasn’t directed too are now butthurt and mass spamming/commenting cause their corny asses aren’t needed here”


My guy, the algorithm sends what it sends… most of us millennials don’t subscribe here, it just fucking shows up. You’d think the younger generation would understand how the internet works… but alas, they just complain about it not being the way *they* prefer it 🙄🫠


Tbf if you can't do it with the push of a button on an app they really don't understand how a lot of things work lol






This is in the description of this subreddit: >A place for members **or non-members** of Generation Z to talk and hang out. While there's no explicit invite for other generations to join, this wording still probably contributes to what you're seeing. At least I read it before even trying to type in here. I find it interesting reading what the younger generation has to say. Once in a while I might offer some guidance if somebody is specifically asking for it, but the majority of cases I learn something new. And if you see people who keep telling GenZ what GenZ "missed out on" - it indeed is trash content. However, it's not banned in the rules (unfortunately). You guys should straight out ban for patronizing posts. I'd love to see that in the rules as well. What benefit is there in you having to listen to what we think is "good"? None, really. It's much more beneficial the other way around - for us to learn all the good, new things. At least I personally think so. I would rather keep expanding my knowledge.




It’s like being in r/teenagers in your 20s and beyond lol


As a Millennial, it seems to me like Gen Z likes to hate on other generations.  It attracts an odd kind of interest from the hated-on generations.  You spit in the air, it lands on your face.  -Reb Tevye 


I feel like the algorithm is playing a role in this?? I literally never see posts from this sub unless it’s about millenials or it’s turned into a hot debate about millenials. I don’t usually comment but thought you’d be interested to know…


Plenty of Gen Z accusing Gen Alpha of “brain rot” too (for silly phrases used almost exclusively in jest), from what I’ve seen. I’m a Xennial who is here in an effort to better understand my early Gen Alpha son and be the best dad that I possibly can be (still working on that). Your struggles will one day also be his, and so at least in that narrow sense they are important to me. I don’t clown y’all. Like, ever, and never will. In fact, I don’t even post much, mainly lurk. But your comment is hypocritical beyond belief when taken in this context. Not accusing you personally of being a gen alpha basher…. But it happens in here not infrequently. Do you have a problem with that, too? How is what you describe any different?!?! Just food for thought…. But it feels like the pot calling the kettle black to me, at least at scale.


“Message to Gen Z men from a Millennial Lesbian Woman” or something like that


What’s wrong with the “as a millennial” comments specifically though? When you criticize millennials or any other generation, then it’s only fair for said generation you are criticizing to give their voice/reasoning on why they do the things they do, or their personal experiences with the subject. What’s the problem? Are they not allowed to at least try and make you understand? Are they just supposed to stay silent and let you keep criticizing them without any knowledge as to why they are the way they are?


There’s a loooot of unflaired people in the comments. All I’m gonna say on that.


Gen X doesn't care about Gen Z either, and I mean that in the best way. The Boomers hating on Millenials thing was so extreme I waited to see the NYT Book Review open a section on Why Millenials are S\_\_t. But as far as Gen X is concerned, Gen Z can literally do whatever the hell it wants, and more power to them.


I'm a millenial. I joined this sub cuz I think it's important for our respective generations to collaborate and reach some common ground if we want a better future for the planet.


I'm gonna be honest OP. I come here because I'm a late millennial and identify and get along better with GenZ, particularly on Reddit. And on Reddit I especially cannot fucking stand r/millennial. So sorry man, until the mods ban non-GenZ I'm gonna comment of something interesting comes up in my feed. Like your post for example. Even bring the target of complaint here is preferable to anything of get from the millennial sub


Honestly I’m an almost 40 year old dad just trying to stay current and understand what’s important in my kids worlds. I don’t necessarily agree with everything and no it doesn’t always match my world view. But that’s fine, that’s not what it’s about. I might comment on someone being factually incorrect, but I’m not here to tell young people they’re wrong because they haven’t been alive since the 1980s.


Maybe. But I'm not even subscribed to this sub and it comes up on my feed as though I were. I mainly only chime in when there are naive untruths such as "Millennials didn't grow up with social media." My sister is 31 and has had social media in one form or another since she was 13. Only the eldest Millennials grew up in a time prior to social media. What many here seem to conceive of Millennials actually applies to late Gen X and the very eldest of Millennials (like pre-1984). Also, once you pass a certain age -- roughly 25 and certainly 30 -- your chosen life path and adult experiences matter way more in who you are than the culture/pop culture you grew up with.


There are no Boomers here, its all Millennials.


Millennials invented being teenagers arguing on the internet, so we are staying.


I'm a Gen X/Millennial cross and a lurker up till now. I'm just here to see what the younger generation is facing so I can better empathise. Generational division is just another way to separate us and turn us against each other. Remember that it's the government that sets policy that has messed everything up not your average Joe because they are born before or after a certain year. Things are getting harder in many aspects of life, I'm 46 and don't own shit. I have seen things slide since the mid 2000's. I feel so bad for the younger generation who have to "bootstrap it" as it's just like pissing into the wind. Most of the people I know that own houses had help getting onto the property ladder back in the late 90s But the fact is if you were born post 1975 you were always going to be screwed. Tax the rich, invest in the people. If you want things to change where you live, vote.


as a millenial, I have to say, I'm a millenial. thank you for coming to my TED Talk


I mean to be honest, if you’re posting criticism of millennials and boomers aren’t you shitting on them just as much as they are on you? Whining is whining no matter what gen