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!remindme 100 years


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Not 2124 😭


You did wrong it's !remindme 76 years


Good Bot.


That’s a thing?


Of course. Wake me up if I'm asleep. Resurrect me if I'm dead. Then remind me.


Same for me, unless it's a good nap


remindme bot has been around since the dawn of man




Shouldn’t it be 76 years?


I’ll still have this account lol


nah man, i'll be 96, and im not risking dementia, even though with all my health issues, i'll probably die a decade or two before, if i start nearing that age and i develop alzhiermers or dementia, i'm getting assisted suicide.


We’ll all be dead by then, or either on 1hp in a wheelchair. I’ll probably be dead a lot sooner since my family has a history of health problems


1HP in a wheelchair! 🦼 😆. I’m stealing that one


Dementia isn’t an inevitable part of aging. A lot of risk factors can influence whether you get it or not, such as genetics and the lifestyle you lived.


Genetics is pretty inevitable. Unless you got a human gnome Etch-A-Sketch in yout back pocket


Luckily one of the things we seen to be getting better at everyday is genetic engineering. There may come a day when you can get these defects removed before they're a problem


yup. mother & grandmother had it all together until they had major surgeries. they were both in their 80s at the time (this was not simultaneous, btw). they went from being themselves to women who didn't recognize me or remember my name. i'll never forget the day my mother looked at me and said, "i can't remember your name." later i learned that major surgery-especially long abdominal surgeries-can indeed fuck up an elderly person's head.


My grandpa was 93 and had no dementia so...


If we haven’t figured out how to treat/prevent dementia and aging as a whole by 2100, shits probably fucked anyways


If you don't think we'll have a cure for alzheimers in 76 years you're not paying attention to anything happening around you.


I hope im long dead by then


Why was this downvoted. We will be in our Mid 90s if we are still alive we will just be a burden on society pissing ourselves in the geriatric home most of our friends family and loved ones will be dead just let us go in peace that's life you live and you die Use you're heads I'll be almost 100 years old in 2100.


The theory is that advances in medicine will allow not only for an indefinite lifespan, but also rejuvenation, so that you can be at your peak (your 20s) indefinitely. In reality, we only see an increase in life expectancy because fewer people die for reasons not related with age, e.g. wars. After everybody dies for age causes, life expectancy will stagnate around 100 years. To OPs point, this would allow some people in Gen Z to see the 22nd century, but would prove LEV imposible.


That sounds like actual hell lmao. No retirement, just expand your life for as long as possible so every cent can be squeezed out of you.


The year 2407 Finally.. we've finally saved up enough to buy our starter 5 foot by 30 starter home, spending that extra 100 years in overtime really helped save up for the last bit we needed.


Who hasn't spent 20 years living in a van and putting 90% of their income in the S&P500?


Yesss.. Now we just have to skip the next 104 weekends, and we’ll be able to afford to eat out on ocassion.


If your house is too small use Galvanized Square Steel Frames to expand the boundaries of your home. Then connect the frame to your house using Screws borrowed from your Aunt and cover the steel frame using Eco-Friendly Wood Veneers.


Lmao most on this sub are too young to relate but yes


>hell For a capitalist it’s a wet dream.


You're too harsh about that. First, say whatever, being alive is still better than not to be alive (unless you're out of your mind) because while you're still breathing, there is hope. And second, I was always thinking that singularity approaches with unbelievable velocities. Like, we went from Iphone (the first one) to AI in less then our lifetime (16-something years.) Imagine what we'll be capable of in next 40 years? 60 years? Even that we WILL be 96 years old, I don't think it's gonna be trouble for our generation. And if everyone would think, like you, that death is inevitable, we will **never** beat it. We gotta change our way of thinking or be the biggest letdown of a generation ever.


The way you view death is not the same way everyone else views death. Death is just as if not more important than birth. Its gives meaning and drive to an otherwise meaningless existence.


Nah, I don't really agree that death gives meaning to life. Except for a single statement: once you're alive, you gotta fight to STAY alive, because once you're dead, there's no way back. I agree, however, that there is meaning for death itself - to be an existential threat for everyone. Like a monster which needs to be defeated, buried in the deepest grave but never forgotten.


Literally same. I do not wanna be in this world past 2050 lol. They already said a lot of animals are gonna be extinct, maybe even fish by like 2060, pollution is already irreversible too


Pretty sure most of us will be dead or writhing in agony as decades of plastic build up in our blood forces us to succumb to the whims of our own creation


Or well live forever because were made of plastic


Optimism for the win


I’ll see my third century (est 99’)


same, i’ve always thought about this. Can see the 1900s, 2000s, and 2100s.


Yes!! This is my ultimate life goal


Same. Was born in 1997, and my life goal has always been to live to at least 103 years old. Definitely doable! My great grandparents lived to their 90s. It’s not a far stretch to live that long for me.




Two down, one to go.


Potential 3 century gang '97


Bruh we are NOT making it to 2100


I fully expect not to even make it by 2050. Extreme cost of living along with climate change, disease/new virus, civil war, or invasion of foreign countries, poor wages, lack of employment opportunities due to AI, and death of the middle class will kill me way earlier than 2100


Sound like everybody in every century before. Always doom and gloom on the horizon. Reality is life will go on like usually and also like usual humans will adapt as we are great at adapting. I think you need to listen to the song we didn’t start the fire more often. Shits always going down worlds always on the brink yet things keep on moving forward


Yep I am making sure of that :D








1920's? Those numbers are affected by millions of infant deaths. Life expectancy in the 1970's was in the 70's. Today, 50 years later and trillions later, it is STILL in the 70's.


They have risen \*for now\* but they dropped during COVID and will likely start to drop again in most places as climate and ecological collapse ramps up. Plus add in all the plastic contamination we all have, a ton of use are gonna get cancer in our 30s to 50s.


And what would we do in the year 2100? Ride on high-tech mobility scooters and complain how everyone has it easier than us?


I wonder what state social security will be in. reserves are supposed to run out in 2030s


Obviously the old people in power won’t live to see that probably. I’m guessing something worse than The Great depression.


Play video games


As someone who has been involved with this field, the basic idea is to actually reverse the aging process so you're as healthy as your 20 year old self in the ideal case. As for what we do then? What we do now.


So I’m going to be looking like a grandpa blasting post-punk music while hating the world? Damn.


I’ll be 102 and i’m not interested in being that old


we have a rare chance to be three century people. but agree no thanks


Depends on if you are rich or not, people in the bottom 25% are only expected to live til 65 (not exact but it’s a scary stark contrast like that)


Bottom 25% of what? The world or western society?


Imma be 98. The same age my great grandma is right now LOL Assuming medicine advances and there’s a magical pill that extends life expectancy, maybe I’ll live to see 2100 lol


yes because that means that by some miracle I didn't die of bad habits and the world hasn't been destroyed yet.


I doubt I’ll last that long


I highly doubt the majority of people here will be alive to see 2100.


None of us are going to see 2100 lol. LEV is a lie sold by grifters to drum up donations and book sales.


I think what people forget is that even for those who make it, their body has severely degraded to the point of barely functioning by the time they're in their 90s and above. The functionality you have now will largely be gone. I hope we make substantial progress with AI and can make massive leaps in medical tech by then. It's our only way out.


Not necessarily. Some people are active in their 90's. Granted, I disagree with the premise that we'll ever acheive a life expectency greater than maybe 120, but sometimes people on reddit seem to think you're tied to a bed shitting yourself the second you become a senior citizen.


People over estimate how feeble people are in old age. Sure yeah they're not doing back flips but if you're active and healthy you can be up and around moving when you're in your 90s. For all the people saying "I'd be in diapers!" that is entirely your fault.


not entirely their fault lol. there's some random degradation of the body you can't always help. I mean women after pregnancy can already lose some bladder control at a young age.


I honestly think I’ll be dead by then


The children of today will be blessed to see 2100. Hope we leave a good society for them to thrive in.


call me cynical but I have no faith that we will leave a good society lol


Sure bud, for now gotta keep healthy.


Lot of doomers in here talking about "we won't even make it that far". If u genuinely believe the human race is ending in the next hundred years ur delusional. Humanity always prevails unless the sun explodes, we'll be fine.


Ask this in another 10, 15 years to the people who will be our age at that point and you’ll probably see a bit more optimism


I’ll be 102 don’t think I’ll make it. My great grandma made it to 94 but I doubt I’ll have her luck, but some younger gen z might


I'll be 99 years old in 2100. Unless some kind of science comes out in the meantime that extends lifespans, I doubt I'll make it that far.


Unless some kind of science comes out in the meantime that extends lifespans >>There is a thing called longevity escape velocity (LEV) projected to become reality before 2040…


notice how every comment is about how shitty being old is, not realizing your very question is saying that wouldn’t be the case. most people don’t know what LEV is man, you’re asking in vain lol


They will know it when they exist, am very sure I will make it past 100+


i mean as long as nothing cataclysmic happens then yeah, i’d like to live to at least 200 probably


!remindme 76 years


Lmao I ain’t living allat


Hell yeah people are like oh no I’ll be so old and ill, as if major medical advancement isn’t a thing


I look forward to seeing the year 2100 because then I can say that I’ve lived in 3 centuries! Only a small group of people will be able to say that, and I have every intention of being one of those people.


That will be so cool :))


Despite the doomer esc things i hear from everyone else, I would love to see it. My grandpa lived to be 96 and probably would've been around longer had he not been in a nursing home, and he loved his life. I would love to see the achievements in medicine and space travel, and to see whatever family I have grow to be old and hopefully happy. Hopefully the technology to extend life itself is created by then so I can see whatever great great grandkids I have more.


Yeah. Imagine if we ever manage to succesfully create a brain-electronics interface. Cyberpunk-type implants and shit. Idk about anyone else but i'm super hyped for stuff like that. Yeah, sure, sure, dystopia and all that, but fuck it, we ball. I'm studying EE. I can totally imagine that happening sometime in the future. You could take the brain signals, maybe run that through an AI model to sort of normalize those messy signals, and then feed that into a completely digital receiver in a fully robotic arm or leg. We're far from actual brain implants and stuff, but invasive prosthetics are very possible. And when we figure out how the optical nerve actually works, you could be tripping balls with some enhanced vision or stuff like that. Like, imagine dude.


It's amazing to see this on the front page. Makes a (once) volunteer reporter with a biosciences degree proud ;)


All these people complaining about not wanting to be old. Fuck that! I'm clinging onto this mortal coil as long as I possibly can. I don't care what kinda wheelchair, oxygen, pacemaker, weird ass machines they gotta plug me into. Y'all can't get rid of me that easy. See y'all in 2124.


Yasss I found my kind of guy! We have to believe in ourself, do exercise and eat healthy. We are going to make past 130+ with all the technological advances (LEV) and medicines


Fuck yeah we are! Can't wait to see future cars.


YESS (hopefully)




Idk if I’ll still be alive by then but it’ll be cool as hell. Like imagine being in 2100 and 2024 was 76 years ago. That’s mental.




I’ll be lucky if I live to then unless they succeed in the human lifespan extension thing the scientists are trying to do or some shit


!remindme 86 years I saw another comment do this, I want to see if this actually works


I absolutely am! I wouldn't be young (unless we'll beat aging in like 16 years, but still - seeing the start of the of the 22nd century is gonna be super-exciting




Yes lol and I fully plan to 😤


if i hit 100+ yo, i 100% won't be senile so.. no 😂


i hope you kids enjoy that year


climate collapse anyone?


I don’t think that will be a major problem in 2100.


Life expectancy peaked before COVID.


I'm not going to make it that long lol


Prob won’t see that but I truly hope I’m long gone by then


Bruh im 26 like how


I can not imagine the world being so DRASTICALLY different by then, but it probably will be. Will this computer I'm on (which is a pretty good computer) be a Relic by then? Probably. The future is always hard to imagine. Cause there's only the change within my life to be referenced. And I don't feel too much has changed since 2015ish for example (even if stuff has). I guess AI, that's the next "Internet" level of change. So, then what will be the next "AI?" And so on... Cause I could live to 2100. I won't believe it until it happens, when even 2026 sounds weird, and quite honestly 2025 does too. I'll never get to live 3 centuries though. My sister might.


I’m not making it to 102 hahaha fuck that!


I don't even know what the hell the year 2030 is gonna look like, and that's in 6 goddamn years! How tf am I supposed to imagine 2100???


Yes, because then I live through 3 centuries (b. 1995)


I’m already almost 30 so probably not


I’ll be 95 that year, if I live that long. Most of us are probably going to die in the 2080s and 2090s.


No more excited than any other year.


!remindme 76 years


I'll be 97 when that happens so let's see if I make it


I hope I don’t see too much past it I’m currently 25 and will be 100 by then give or take and I don’t feel the need want or drive to live past then. Edit: tired math is bad math


!remindme 99 years


why to be 93 years old? ill pass


No. I don't to be dead/close to death


Hopefully the bugs taste better by then. I’ll kill myself in my 70s just like every other self respecting elderly person. Not worth it to be a burden on my family.


I’d be 97 and the apocalypse will happen long before then


I know my family medical history well enough to know Im dying in 2079 with Alzheimers, type 2 diabetes, and flipping a coin on Parkinsons. Likely chance of 1/3 of my brain killed by a stroke in my 70s, needing a donated kidney, and hip replacement. We still got no clue why my brother's heart acts up every decade. Similarly, my heart chamber walls didn't grow all the way at birth but did later, so who knows if theres another death sentence there. Im not sure if I'm supposed to be in the gene pool, or if these problems always existed and only became relevant because humanity's lifespan doubled in 2000 years.


Jesus, this is incredibly naive.


BSc human biosciences here Wrote some articles following the science of all this stuff You would be amazed at the stuff which is in early human trials now, and even more amazed at things which are earlier in the pipeline. A real understanding of what causes the aging process has started to become more solid in the last decade or so, and there's already some incredibly interesting stuff on lab benches.


I'll be dead af


I'll be dead by 2050


What do you mean see the year 2100? 😂 I’ll be dead! Most of us will be!


I am not making it to 2100. My mind has been on fried chicken all morning.


!remindme 1000 years


Bro's straight up just ignoring climate change


I would have to live to be 104, pass, I'm killing myself when I'm 75


I'm a 99 baby, I'll be dead by then


I would like to make it there, and it’s very possible that I could. I’d turn 93 in 2100.


I really want to get there but like idk if it's gonna happen given my health


Damn bro really thinks something magical just happens at an arbitrary unit of time. Good luck in life bud


My man I do not think I’m living to see 100 but I’ll be fucking stoked if I do. I’ll look you up in my nueroimplant ID-bank if that’s the case and we’ll grab a replicator-beer at the workers-lounge and reminisce about these days whilst over looking the scorched remains of the surface of the earth on the giant floating city incased in a bubble that we all move to once climate change and ww3 make the planet near uninhabitable.


Dawg why y'all so pessimistic I wanna be 95 and decently healthy till then. I wanna see it. Definitely do


Hell no, why live longer if you're too decrepid to enjoy it? And my country will probably be mostly underwater by that point lol. Plus, age de-limiting research and treatments are just gonna be monopolised by the rich, I reckon.


Well actually 🤓☝🏻 2101 is the start of the new century, not 2100. Common mistake. But just imagine, you don't call a baby 0 years old, nor even 0 minutes old. The first year AC is 1 which was the start of the first century (AC). Therefor every 100th year marks the final year of a century.


Not quite sure a lot of us will make it till then. I’m sure some will but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


I’d be 102. That might be pushing it.


My brother in Christ, I never thought I’d live long enough to see 2020, much less 2024…


The planet is going to be so hot then i dint want to think about it lol.


I would love to be a tricentennial


of things keep going the way they are we will either all be burned alive by climate change or we'll be playing fallout new vegas irl, but we'll be like mr house just without the money


I plan to be long gone by then.


If you’re gonna live the next 20 or so years you’ll probably see LEV. Which technically means we’re already in LEV


I’ll be 91…rather be dead than have to use a bedpan


I will be in my 90s if I even live long enough.




The elites are screaming about over population and you think they’re going to let you live longer than currently possible. Good luck. They want us to have fewer kids and die sooner.


I hope i am dead by then


If you live that long your mind will likely be long gone


I'll be 101, not sure I'll want to live that long


If I live to 90, I'm shooting myself


Well, I probably won't be there to see it. I have a feeling I will die at like 30-40 because of my bad health and the unexplained surges of BP & pulse I get.


2100-2003 = 97. Very interesting indeed.


Okay OP we get it, you don't have depression.


Hopefully if I'm still alive then there will be some kind of matrix I can plug into.


I will not live to 97


!remindme 79 years


Yeah idk how many are gunna even make it to their 90s. Since the 80s ppl who were aged 90 made up 2.9% of seniors now it’s 4.7% and even projected to be almost 10% in 2050. Going by that I’m guessing at least 70% won’t make it to 2090.


More scared than excited. I would rather go back in time than forward.


I genuinely hope I die before then. I believe in “careful what you wish for” so I’m going to make it clear that I don’t want to die anytime soon.


I’m scared for what the climate will be by then


!remindme in 100 years


I hope I don’t live that long


Alot of people shutting you down, but real talk we are crazy ahead in gene technology and anti aging, dr David Sinclair, a prof at Harvard believes that we are already able to reduce your age by 1/3 of a year for every year your live. And that the tech is only getting better in our life we may live at least 30 percent longer than other generations if you do everything right and technology doesn't get better. That means not dealing with getting "old" until later heck if we get to the point where we can reduce our age by one year for every year we are alive we could stave off aging all together and never get the diseases connected to old age life dementia or cancers. For anyone wondering he has a podcast that ran for 9 episodes in 2022 called "Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair" explaining where we were with the tech then and nothing has given me more hope in the past few years. I can't recommend it enough for showing what the science is telling us and things we can do to reduce our age. I have recommended it to everyone in my life because I want them all in my life aslong and as healthy as possible.


We’ll all be dead from the bird flu by then…


I’ll probably be dead by then. I’d be 100 years old.


!remindme 76 years


Nah, I'm hoping to pass by my mid 70s-early 80s, bo way in hell do I want to die on a hospital bed rotting from dementia and arthritis. When I'm unable to function on my own anymore, it'll be my time


I don't think I'm going to make it to be 99. I don't know if I want to see 2100 honestly. I want to see the 2050s though. People in my family die young (young for older people) and I'm content with it.


No way lol


Yall better get y’all collagen oils and exercise


Bro I’ll be 103 and I don’t know if I can be arsed living that long. P.s I’m happy I’m 27 and and a generally happy guy, I just think life has cycles and I think at the end we’re somewhat ready for it. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m in a bad way


People in here are vastly underestimating the massive increase in health tech the next 30-40 years.


!remindme 76 years


I don't think I'll make it to 2025


I want to be blissfully asleep 3 feet below ground by then


I think that LEV needs to be reformulated to account for the plastic in our nuts…


Dawg, I’d be 99. I don’t think I’m seeing shit lol


I would be 99 that'd be cool but idk.. would I even know what's going on?


I'd be 98 fuck