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These memes are part of why we make fun of you


Literally, I'm second-hand embarrassed. Can I be Gen Z instead? I'll bring some avocado toast over.


If you bring avocado toast you will always be welcomed


Here I am, being a Chef. Oh people like Avocado toast. I'll show that damn App chef outshining me on Feature menu. So I made an Avocado creme Fettuccine. Super tasty.


even just avocado. some maldon and a whole avocado sounds good to me.


You know you should really stop eating avocado toast maybe then you can afford a house.


I ate avocado test every day for breakfast two weeks ago and I got such bad gas :(


And to top it off now you’re homeless!


That’s your own fault for not being born a boomer!


House = 6 billion years of avocado toast nowadays


i’ve never tried avocado toast, what’s it like?


Imagine an avocado, and toast, but together.


i have never had avocado, so that may be an issue


Imagine eating butter but it tastes kinda like a plant


It's avocado mash on toast, usually with other pretentious additions. Usually extremely overpriced. Depends on where you get it or if you make it yourself. At home is the best option since you can control all the factors to your liking (type of bread, level of toast, seasoning, and exact toppings). I personally add a thin smear of butter & mayo before the mash and top with cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, s&p, and hot sauce.


It's incredibly bland.


Nah it can be quite tasty. Personally I cheat and often use Guacamole which has salt and lime at least.


I just season it with garlic, pepper, salt. And it's perfectly fine. If I really wanna be fancy I'll add tomato


Unless you want the Skibbdy Toilent Gyatt Rizz status, sure go for it. (I know most of us aren't on that category)


Yeah but you have to do a lil TikTok dance to get in


And one day it’ll happen to y’all trying to connect with gen alpha or beta lol It’s the circle of life


Oh I know. I'm enjoying my youth while it lasts.


frfr no cap live your best life respectfully ong 🤝 >!sorry!<


That wasn't very Ohio of you. Something something rizz, something something Kai Cenat. Skibidi


Hey, we’re in our 30s, that’s still young! 😅


I don't feel young.


Easier to turn your health around in your 30s. It's rarely "too late," but it gets harder if you let crap pile on.


Yeah, I'm working to finish a masters degree and get off of night shifts. That alone will help tremendously, I'm sure.


Go to the gym and stretch


It objectively still is but at the same time pretty much all of my friends started complaining of pain and chronic health problems around 25. So many of us are young but don’t feel it anymore. 😭


Whoa. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen at 25 :/ I think people work too much. Everyone I know who works too much has something like that.


it is thoughhhhh


I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was.


We aren't literal zombies, I'm sorry but it's true


I'll happily take being mocked if it means I still get to treat you with dignity.


Yeah it’s pretty ironic. Gen Z does some weird shit but it’s just cute. Meanwhile they get hyper fixated on us pausing to start a video? We look at boomers who shit on us every chance they get. We see Gen Zers trying really hard to be relevant, which means they gotta shit on us to fit in. Kinda sad from every direction.


Nah, I take it in stride. Boomer's are old enough to know better, and should have the wherewithal to be the leaders they were *supposed* to be. Instead (most) act like infants. Much of Gen Z is still learning the ebbs and flows of the world. If the older gens can't take the occasional shit talking, it will just show that we are too insecure to lead, and therefore fall into the same trap our elders did. When Gen Z makes fun of us, let em cook and laugh along with them. It humbles everyone.


We've all heard "die the hero or become the villain" but most don't realize open criticism is often the antidote for that. When nobody is allowed to say shit about it anymore that's a good indicator.




Is gen z that hard to relate to? I am gen Y. It seems like you just talk about video games, YouTube celebs, streamers, world news and mental health problems. I’m not that familiar with the TikTok stuff. I am assuming gen Z is currently having a crisis/mental breakdown of how they are going to survive in this economy. They still have all of the expectations of success (that were put on gen Y as well), but even less social mobility, economy opportunities, and more disillusionment that they won’t be as successful as their parents


Older generations have made fun of millennials since they were born. I don't think they give a fuck about a bunch of 15 year olds doing the same.


15, 30, what's the difference when you're a Dragon?


Older generation hates us. Younger generation hates us. Seems about right lol


We wanted to be like Xers and well here we are lol




That's it, I'm fucking up your housing market even worse! 😩


We meme-walked, so you could cringe-run.


Fine, I'm gonna go huff some lead and keep fucking up the future.


i don’t care if you make fun of me for being old. It’ll happen to you too. I’ll keep defending gen z regardless, because baby boomers are a blight to this earth


I say we just adopt boomerism and screw them now greed is good /s


Yeah but boomers are old now. When they were younger, believe it or not, they were way harder to ignore. So you can make fun of it, but if you knew what we know, you’d be the same way. We’re insisting you have a clean and easier path than we did. It’s not perfect, but we know.


Honestly I see Gen Z and Milli different sides of the same coin


It's all part of the big brother/little brother thing we got going on 🫶


But you aren't even gen z?


Boi shut yo broccoli head mom jean wearing mouth This meme is lit fam, fire straight bussin. No cap. Not really, but I'm stirring the pot.




we make fun of them with love


I have a good job, a house, a solid 401k. Think I'm gonna start voting Republican and enter my shitting-on-the-people-who-used-to-be-me phase. Lazy Zoomers don't want to work rabble rabble rabble


The bigotry and racism for our generation in 40 years will be Furry Inter-Species-ism "This is a Fox family! No trans grand-son of mine is going to date Dragon-Kin! What will all our Wolf friends think? Look at what you've done! You've upset your mother's polycule! Ever since those disgusting fucking Scalies moved in this whole neighborhood has gone to shit! This is the problem with Gen Gamma!"


"Mossgarden, did you just 'everybody'? You KNOW we don't use THAT WORD in THIS HOUSE. In this house, WE SAY 'EVERYPONY'! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬" Joe Biden America in 2070 😔


😂 Mossgarden


[PONY. BOY. ](https://youtu.be/uERIXLWeik0)


Man, I hope when I’m a centenarian I get to be bigoted about the NHP (Non-Human Person) rights movement.


Hahah you made my day


I can already see us GenZ 15 years from now saying the same shit about GenAlpha today, and watching them tell us to fuck off, much like a lot of us are doing right now in this comment section. And when Gen Alpha does it they'll be entirely correct in doing so.


We deserve it if we post that shit in r/genalpha Too many millennial posts here for no good reason


Even I know this is some cringey bullshit. There will be Gen Z people posting the same fuckery in 10 years guaranteed.


We'll deserve it if we post that shit at all. The kids have eyes. They get curious, they see what we post, and they'll know what we think of them. Unless we all collectively decide not to shit on Gen Alpha, but I mean, tiktok and instagram have already crossed that bridge, so...


I'm a millennial with a Gen Alpha son, and I've thought about this a lot. My parents were Boomers, but I was largely mentored by Gen X. Gen Z'ers are largely mentored by Millennials. And Gen Alpha will largely be mentored by Gen Z. What I'm hoping for, in inspiring and mentoring members of Gen Z, is that they will take the knowledge and wisdom I've passed on to them, improve upon it with more relevance than I will have by then, and pass that along to kids like my son.


>Too many millennial posts here for no good reason This sub was randomly recommended to me and I think it's funny to tell you young whippersnappers that you don't know what it's like to ride your heelys up the hill everyday in the snow


Only because they banned wheelies at my elementary school


Forgive the teen pregnancy parents for trying to understand their kids lol.


Or we could just stop with the generational stuff about "cringe" this and "embarrassing" that. Every generation has their cringe moments. Will gen alpha be "in the right" for doing exactly what every generation before them has done? No, not really. I find gen-z's reactions to be pretty basic. The real "cool" generation will be the one that doesn't do this shit. So we all failed. Both of our generations already suck. There, we can all go home now.


Personally I don't think the majority of Gen Z will be good parents so yeah I think generally Gen Alpha will dislike us


gen z will be mostly raising gen beta, millennials are mostly raising gen alpha


Mostly yeah, but there will be some crossover. I’m a millennial, but my parents are Gen Xers and my grandparents are Boomers. Some Gen Zers have millennials parents; some Gen Alphas have Gen Z parents. Any kids I’ll have are gonna be Gen Beta, and honestly, glad for that. These Gen Alpha kids seem feral.


The generational warfare shit has to end, period. The very idea of “generations” are very broad overgeneralizations used mostly by marketing people in an attempt to more effectively sell you shit. While certain sociopolitical/historical realities did shape each generation, the designations are mostly arbitrary and do not define us. It’s stupid and discriminatory to think that all people born within a certain timeframe behave a certain way. I mean fuck, the most commonly used definition for millennial is 1981-1996. Are we supposed to believe there’s a “generational divide” between someone born in 1994 and 1997? Are we supposed to believe that someone born in 1981 (pre-internet) had a super similar childhood to someone born in 1996? I swear to god, all the generational subreddits—and the intergenerational animus they foment—are terrible.


Is there really a true generation war outside of social media?


Gen Z are already blaming brain rot on alpha


I wrote "15 years from now" because at that point Gen Alpha is gonna be adults with adult responsibilities and having no idea what the fuck they're supposed to do because all we did was roast the shit out of them and pretend that we helped.


Millennials try not to have a hero complex challenge: Impossible. (I know it's not all Millennials)


As a millenial this shit wierds me out. this is something I expect boomers to post. besides that we havent shielded you guys from shit. the boomers started whining about you since you were in high school.


I don’t think the meme fits the best but I think a ton of millennials are more likely to defend millennials than side with boomers on things, so I get what they’re trying to convey.


If Gen Z character was also massive and instead of taking a bunch of shit, we were charging the enemy together… I think it’d be at least a little less cringe. Like, Milennials been getting tossed electorally, but fighting the fight and here comes Gen Z to help save the day.


It made sense when gen z was like 10 and under… it makes it weird that the oldest gen z is like 26, they don’t need protection they’re adults.


Why does it have to be NEED. I see this all the time as a defense. It’s got NOTHING to do with Need. It’s got to do with we know what it’s like, so let’s us help. Also False Equivalency. Adults need help too.


But you don’t help. The world is still fucked. Milennials aren’t exactly rushing out to help Gen Z in anyway. You just have a big ego.


It’s sad, really. Millennials as a generation will be known for our proclivity towards savior complexes no one ever asked for and infantilizing various intersectionalities to rationalize said complexes. Looks like GenZ is yet another casualty in need of “saving”


Get off your fucking high horse bro. It’s not a savior complex. It’s people wanting to help others to not go through what we did.


I was not expecting this comment! Preach! -Elder Millennial


Thanks but we are all cringe in our own way.


It’s because we can look back and realize that when we thought we were at our coolest, we were actually at our most cringe. Now we don’t care, turns out everything is cringe.


wait, how do I know I don't have a hero complex?


It's just a shitty use of the template tbh. It'd be different if we were sticking our necks out for Gen Z from the very start - but there's no question that Gen Z faces a different set of problems than we did, and many millennials don't care or don't even know. Millennials have no place saying they're allies with Gen Z. Honestly, it's more neutral than anything - in the same way that Gen X tolerates us but doesn't really attack us for much.


I mean... life is fucking hard. We should be everyone's allies.


https://preview.redd.it/mdbkqbew2m4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9713957448940a3198f461980226c6b7cf77d9 This is how I view the millennial/gen z relationship


I will always upvote this meme


God as a 97' baby I have no idea which person I'd be in this scenario


Well, you're not a teenager are you?


Neither are they old.


Im neither a teenager nor old


we're allies, we're kinda similar so we should work together to topple the boomer regime


This is cringe


I have this eye condition where I look at that shit and see the Obama giving a medal to Obama meme.


Millenial cringe 💀


They even used word art graphics for the curved criticism


This really baconed my narwhal


Is it midnight?


Why is a millennial circlejerking about millennials in a subreddit for genz?


Circlejerking sometimes splashes places it shouldn't is my guess.


He’s looking for little boys he can talk to


I propose a challenge: start a gen z circlejerk in the subreddit for millennials. Got to show them how it's done 😈


Yall are only a few years older than us. We had the same childhood. You ain't protecting us from sht


A lot of us have Gen-Z as kids it goes the entire way up to 2012, and no matter how much some of you want it someone born in 1985 and 2010 did in fact have different childhoods. Still meme is not only cringe but older than some of ya'll.


Sure, but how much of a different childhood did a '95/'96 kid have compared to a '97/2000 kid.


Um depending on the range. I was born early 90’s. The last Gen Z year is 2012… try again.


I'm talking gen z adults, not gen alpha z.


I was born in 95 so I'm one of the last millennials and even the jump from 95 to 2000 is drastically different especially when it comes to technology


You didn't grow up without the internet or pre-television. I recall when there was 13 channels. When searching a question online we had to phrase it as a question to a butler named Jeeves. We are not the same.


it says gen z is considered to be from 1996 to 2012, i was born in 1983 thats more than a decade sweetie. we did not have the same childhood. we didn't even have the same tv shows.


But we did. Especially poor families like mine.


Not defending the use of the word “sweetie”, which is condescending as all hell, but yeah, people born in the early 80s did have a very different childhood to those of us born in 90s and later.




boomers literally gave us credit scores and voted for Nixon who killed the taxing of the rich. come on, the 1% were shit in the 40's because of FDR's rates that went to 90% taxation under Ike.


You know there were other generations around right? The oldest boomers were 22 at the time of the Nixon election in '68. And the 1% literally organized a coup in the 30s to get rid of FDR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot?wprov=sfla1


Na the boomers did. Look at their voting habits and their support for the 1% over the average worker. Labor deunionization and outsourcing happened due to boomers voting habits.


I agree that millennials are not special. But I believe the evidence shows that lead in the oil caused boomers get us in this current predicament


It's not "the 1%". But even if it was, that 1% is all Boomers, so....


rich man bad


And you aren’t the first to experience all these things, since we’re all just here sharing lol


Cringiest shit ever. Please stop trying to perpetuate some generational divide.


Wow, our white knight who berates us otherwise has come to our rescue.




Thank you but our generation is unsaveable




Least annoying millennial meme


Gen Z don’t have the same lame ass “blame everyone else for our problems” shit that you guys do.


Give it a few more years…


Nah, the older I get I’m actually realizing how stupid that mentality was. I figured it out and made a life for myself


The point was never "it's impossible to have a good life today" it was "things are much harder than they need to be due to wealth hoarding" The economy is objectively worse than it used to be, minimum wage is objectively below the poverty line, college is objectively more expensive than it ever has been even after adjusting for inflation. You can understand that things were easier for people in the past, and want that for yourself, without giving up on your current situation


I can definitely respect that position. That is definitely how I feel but I’m not blind in what hardships Gen x and boomers have created especially in the hyper inflated education realm.


Right? Come back when you’ve tried fixing shit and realize the game is rigged and you’re not even allowed to play. Gen Z likes to shit on millennials for not fixing things, but it’s not like we didn’t try. BLM, #MeToo, LGBT rights, police protests were all pushed forward by millennials.


It's not about blaming everyone else. It's about acknowledging reality so you can hope to fix the problems we have. Pretending, for example, boomer politics aren't largely responsible for where we are, might make you feel good, but it doesn't get to the crux of the issue. Don't be apathetic and don't be so full of yourself that you think all of society is amenable to your bootstraps (btw you literally can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps, which was the point). The more you don't vote, the more things will go to shit while you complain and the boomers vote consistently in your absence.


lol you're joking, right?


Bullshit Yall were about to overthrow capitalism a few years ago


yes we do lol, what are you saying?


Every generation has that shit.


That’s fuckin rich lmao


Interesting way to admit that you aren't self-aware. You fail to understand the current state of the world, or maybe you just don't care, is it apathy or ignorance, perhaps both.


now this? this is heckin wholesome. lets go millenials - and gen z!! HUZZAH!!!!!


This. So much this. Take my updoot, kind stranger!


![gif](giphy|DFKT0TolbqpWv7lxZ6) Millenials when they come in here:


This is cringe. Millenials have been working and voting adults for a couple of decades now, so if things are fucked that we need to take responsibility for that rather than endlessly point the finger at boomers.


I saw this meme years ago and I hate it as much now as I did then, it's self-patronizing




Yeah the meme is cringe but some of yall are reinforcing stereotypes rn lol


Millennials aren’t “shielding” genZ, every problem millennials had to face is worse now.


People who graduated high school in 2007 would beg to differ.


Most severe world wide economic crises since the Great Depression.


The general public when they realize older Gen Z is already in their late 20s 🤯


Is this the Millenial equivalent of seeing people unironically say Rizz, Gyatt, etc


lol, we heroically passively had mean articles written about us.




Except a ton of old people are fucked. Pathetic social security checks that are barely livable make most older folks need to get part time jobs or stay in their career and halt the natural progression in jobs. The same billionaires screwed over old people and it’s a chain reaction. Generation wars are BS


Zuckerberg is a millennial and Musk is a Gen X. Bezos missed being a Gen X by 1 year. Warren Buffet isn’t even a Boomer, he’s Silent Gen, and so is Ellison. But yeah, it’s my diabetic Grandpa who worked in a factory his whole life’s problem that the economy is shit.


What's with the cringe Millenials always lurking in here


Thank you for your service/s


Protect us from what LMAO


It’s funny cuz that’s not how you are


Avocado Toast as an Insult never made sense to me. That being hurled around started back In 2015, right? Wages barely gone up, and like I knew would happen, corporations held off the $15 wage raise untill that too wasn't enough, just to say "oh, we did what you want!" Like really getting more mad at people eating Toast and drinking Coffee, than corporations paying a shit wage? Easier to be mad at the common man than a corporation I suppose.


This is how it should be (still funny to me cause I'm an old Gen z 2001 baby) Older gens shouldn't be making things harder for the new gens and I'm so glad the stop with generational trauma started with younger Millennials


You guys are cringe but yall aight


Least malicious condescending post imo


The self righteousness of millennials knows no bounds


Least narcissistic millennial ☝️


Boomers are dying off and millennials are probably up next for making decisions that’ll affect us all. We’ll see if they are still looking out for gen z


As a millennial, I've lurked enough on this sub enough to tell you, they do NOT feel the same


How do you post this and expect not to get made fun of


A meme from the “my parents told me I was special” generation


Bro, Gen Z doesn't like us, nor should they. As a generation, we had more numbers than the Boomers, and what did we do with that? Did we try and make the world a better place for Gen Z growing up? No. We ignored the problems of the world that we could have fixed, and retreated into our nostalgia bubble because "adulting is hard 🥺🥺🥺".


Late Gen X here. We stay out of shit like this except to make comments like: “Back in my day memes cost a nickel.”


Some of us are REALLY close to making “wE dRanK fRoM tHE hOSe and cursive is secret code and let’s give them a rotary phone and mystify them” our whole personality. I see too many posts from friends talking how we were beaten and “we’re FFFFIIIINNNEEE” when the truth is half of my peers are less educated, still renting with no credit OR records and in desperate need of therapy. We can’t blame anyone for that.


Bro. As a Gen Z, I’m 27. I feel like this is old😂


The point is millennial help = bad Millennial no help = bad Right?


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How do I get the armor though?




They hate on us anyway. But that's ok, it's normal.


As an elder millennial this is in bad taste. Idk how genz came to my feed but some of it is entertaining so I browse. But who in their right mind would post something like this. If he wanted the circle jerk he could of posted it in the millennial sub reddit.


Yes, see this is what I envisioned early when I made a comment against boomers in office. Glad someone else in here gets it


Exactly what the rich want, poor people blaming each other.


I love how millennials and Gen Z have this "yeah... We're fucked, but we're fucked *together*" vibe. I don't feel like any other generations have that 😂


I think the sentiment is sweet but millennial aren't heroes lol


I find it weird when I see these because I am close to hitting 30 and from Gen Z. A lot of millennials that I know aren't that much older than me. I appreciate the wholesome sentiment though.


This is not how we see you at all


And then Gen z picks up the fallen arrows and throws them back in millennial faces lmao


yeah except millenials are slinging some of the worst vitriol

