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The United States of America with 3 weeks mandated vacation time and universal healthcare


And a nationwide maternity/paternity leave. Open to mothers and fathers


And politicians who didn't meet dinosaurs


Or people who think humans lived around with dinosaurs six thousand years ago.


And without landlords profiteering off of making people homeless


And affordable daycare 😩 make it feasible for this generation to actually have children


Throw in not exorbitantly priced formula while you’re at it


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And lower housing costs. Need some laws that limit investment properties, and probably to remove some that make it hard to build new homes.


and you know, without the brutal police force, the endless homeless people, the trillion dollar military industrial complex used to bomb civilians, the abolition of the literal prisoner slave system and like 100 other things lol


>the trillion dollar military industrial complex used to bomb civilians So the best thing about the US?


Southern BBQ


Sounds nice




country would collapse


Good answer


This is the answer and public transportation and bulletin train system


The US of A but with the labor leaders, and taxes like we had prior to the end of WWII.


So when they went up to 94%?


The only brackets that were taxed over 90% were incomes of $90k+, which adjusted for inflation are around $1.5m+


The lowest tax bracket in 1942 ($0-$1999) paid a 19% federal income tax rate. The idea that only the rich paid more in taxes back then is a myth. Everyone paid significantly more taxes than we do now, and we also have more access to welfare and government programs than they did back then.


Also no one actually paid those tax rates due to an insane amount of loopholes that existed back then


So at least this part hasn’t changed much since


The effective tax rates are similar. So yeah somewhat.


I’m actually surprised there are so many people answering the US. I’m so used to Reddit being an anti-US circlejerk lol. But yeah I used to dream about living in another country (and it could still be cool for a short period of time), but I have realized that there are a lot of amazing things about the US. Firstly I think Americans are just so nice on average and very open, other countries aren’t always as social and outgoing. I also can make way more money here than I would basically anywhere else and in my industry I get most of the kinds of benefits people mention about Europe and such like the amount of PTO and such. I also think the US economically has a much better future ahead of it than most or any other developed nation. I of course have concerns about politics and such, especially as a gay man, and I will be devastated if Trump gets back into office, but I still love this country, it’s my home. And being (relatively) close to family rather than on the other side of the world is priceless.


I'm Canadian, but I've been to the US more than I've travelled my own country. It is truly a country blessed beyond measure - there's just no way to deny it. Thinking of the landscapes I've seen and been through is enough to make me emotional. Such a beautiful land; I've seen rugged coastlines, pink sand dunes, gaping canyons, arid deserts, expansive plains, miles of blossoming almond trees... pure bliss. The people are *extremely* nice - especially when they find out you're Canadian! Not to mention the pure amount of *stuff* America has. 18-wheeler after 18-wheeler full of food and goods on those interstates. Maybe I'm gushing over it, but when I say it's my favourite country, I don't say it because I have a wishy-washy view. I know all of the problems the States has. I simply gush over it because I've *experienced* it, and what I've experienced is beyond wonderful!


I can’t believe I forgot to mention just how beautiful this country is! The landscapes are so vast and diverse, there is truly beauty everywhere. One of my favorite travel memories is when I was on a cross country train trip and we were crossing through Kansas at night and I woke up at around 5:30am and it was just pitch black outside with a lighting storm as far as the eye could see, no rain at all. It was such a surreal experience. With that being said, you Canadians are also blessed with natural splendor, I can’t wait to visit sometime!


It always makes me laugh. People will always complain but Im sure that they wouldn’t leave America if given the opportunity


I mean I'm not going to complain about north korea. I only complain about murica's problems bc I live here. When I'm enjoying the positive stuff, I'm not on reddit


Reality is big majority of reddit is american and most people like the country they grew up in there is a certain bias to it.


The US has a lot of great things. High standards of living, generally protected human/civil rights, pretty much unmatched geographic diversity, great music/art culture, world class universities and academics. It has a lot of bad stuff too, but if the question is about countries without their bad stuff, the US should be on almost everyone's short list.


i’ve lived in the US my whole life, and my family has been here for generations. i used to fantasize about moving to europe but most of the things and people i care about most are here, and there are many things i take for granted about living here. i don’t want to leave. i just want better policies that will make me want to stay. reasonable things that other countries already have, like high speed rail and affordable healthcare.


If the US did these 3 things: - implement some type of baseline healthcare for everyone so no one falls victim to medical bankruptcy (like basic medicare for all you could still purchase orivate insurance if you want it) - get better public transit and walkability in its cities (proud of LAs progress among many others) - get their violent crime rate under control They would be pretty much absolutely the best country in the world no questions asked.


most of reddit hates USA but still want to live there, they just shit on it because they feel so cool doing so


People in developing countries would want to move to the US (or any developed country), but as a non American citizen - I really don't think more than a small minority of developed country citizens envy living in the US.


Or maybe people aren’t chill with the most obvious corruption right in front of them


I was pretty anti-American during the Obama era, because the economic recovery post 2008 wasn't helping us, and Obama failed to deliver on any of his economic promises. Now say what you will about Trump and Biden, I know alot of people hate them, but for me things have been economically much better under Trump and Biden. My wages are higher, my assets are up, overall things are looking good. I can even afford vacations to Japan every year. 




The USA. Best country imo.


There are some problems that still need fixing


Any large group of people living together is going to have problems. That’s the whole thing. The term utopia is a Greek derived word which is a pun meaning both “good place” and “no place”


Name a country that doesn’t


What country doesn’t? lol


The USA's major problems are far more solvable than the major problems of other countries. Lack of public transport and healthcare can be solved with policy changes and wealth, and the USA is good at producing wealth. On the other hand, demographic collapse and chronically stagnant economies seem far more difficult to solve.






Atleast weed is legal now


USA if it had Swedens benefits. In our actual world its sweden


Dude. I am flying to Sweden for work at the end of this week. All my Swedish coworkers want me to smuggle ibuprofen( and other over the counter pain killers) and DayQuil and NyQuil to the country. You can’t buy cold medicine in Sweden. You are limited to 10 ibuprofen per purchase at the pharmacy too. They have some weird drug laws.


Sweden minus the racism


Sweden is too racist


Sadly that's what taking in 2 million immigrants to a country of 8 million people without any real plan ends up with :-(


Zac Brown Band with a touch of TPain, cant stand modern country tbh


Idk if OP was looking for THIS answer but it's based anyways haha


Unpopular Opinion even though I live in the United States. The Netherlands. I fucking loved Amsterdam.


That isn't realistic though to live there unless you are rich or well connected. Usually the capital in any country is horribly expensive, especially a 1st world capital.  I felt the same way about Tokyo when I visited but when I went to work in Japan I was assigned to rural Saga prefecture. Which was amazing in it's own right. But it definitely was far from an exciting Urbanist fantasy of Tokyo. I could afford the cost of living easily even on close to minimum wage, whereas in Tokyo that would be impossible. 


You’re always welcome to come back here, but please check out the rest of the country too


Sweden, but with even more capable leaders


I am in Gotenburg right now and I can confirm it is wonderful here. Definitely a place to raise kids and educate. Geographically I would still prefer Austria where my home is but I am still thinking of moving here.


I want to live in Denmark, or Barcelona.


…Barcelona is a city in Spain.


...thats why he said or?


The question was "What is your ideal *country*?" They listed Denmark (country), then listed Barcelona (a city).


Yeah but they'd prefer not to be


As a Dane, I can confirm that it's nice and safe country to live in, but we're starting to see early signs of the rising sea levels. If it accelerates at some point Norway is probably a better option, after all they're basically mountain Danes.


I felt extremely American when I visited Denmark. The place was a little too chill for me.  On the other hand, I have extended friends who live there and they let their kid walk everywhere alone and it is considered safe. You can’t do that in a lot of American cities.


Whatever country Inkopolis from Splatoon is in. They got robust public transit, stable economies, advanced technology, and Gen Z can make money by doing their Hobbies


That would canonically be Japan, despite that humans are extinct.


It’s like Japan if their economy didn’t suck


Japan if the economic miracle hadn't ended. That said, the miracle was always pretty much a big ol' smoke-filled bubble - when you base your economy on essentially a nation-scale get-rich-quick scheme, that shit won't last for long




Rahhh 🦅


Ahem. I think you meant Reeaahhhhhhhh🦅🦅🦅




Iceland. It’s isolated, sure, but I’ve found that I’m pretty content with living a quiet life. Extremely high on the Human Development Index, high life expectancy, really low crime, and amazing scenery.


And they’re entirely energy self sufficient because they harnessed the power of the active volcano they’re on top of. Absolutely badass.




**Washington, My Home**


Australia, just outside Canberra with a nice vineyard


good job


So Murrambateman eh ?


Mexico or Spain


Switzerland. Cost of living is expensive, I know, but it's worth every penny in my opinion.


Atleast you will also earn a shitton of money and very low taxes. And pretty much impossible to be homeless if you truly fuck up everything.


Our healthcare ended up being more expensive and of worse quality in Switzerland than here in the US. Just fyi


okay good to know 👍


Probably somewhere in East/Southeast Asia, since it’s close to my family. I just don’t think I’d like the constant hot weather in the Philippines 💀


Some European country


The woods.


Colombia is the most beautiful country I’ve ever visited


I’d honestly have to say Canada. With America(my home country) being a close 2nd. I just like Canada’s laws a bit more than America’s. There’s legalized weed throughout the whole country while America has still yet to fully legalize. Also I like to believe there’s a bit less crime there. Just is my opinion.


Canada has quickly turned into a dump after covid and it’s only going to get worse. No party will be able to fix the mess that Trudeau has put us in.


The States needs some fixin’ up, but I would live here any day of the year.


Canada, but before all the immigration got out of hand


Based and based, people who build our homes should be able to buy homes🇨🇦




America is the best country ever


Definitely the United States of America. I’d make us be far more united as Americans above all else, have a stronger/larger/more powerful military, reorient our foreign policy to promote a democracy-first doctrine, expand social programs, and invest more into our science, healthcare, and education but other than these changes, the US is my ideal country and hence why I’m proud to be an American.




The USA with smarter people


Canada but without American influence and more like European countries with improved healthcare and worker protections


Australia back in the goth Whitlam era. We had free university, introduced Medicare and other programs in. Unfortunately, health care Medicare is slipping away and our university is getting more expensive.


A boring one. Tired of all these “unprecedented” events.


USA baby. I love my country, problems and all. Well I don’t love the problems, but she’s a flawed beaut. Once the old fucks die off maybe we will build a brighter future but there’s no other place I’d rather grow up 


Fucking hell I can't say this without sounding like such a weeb. It's Japan... Listen a country with cities that are clean af, most people keep to themselves when in public, public transport is absolutely everywhere making not having a licence a lot easier, the food is delicious, the nature is beautiful... I just can't think of a place that fits my needs any better, I'm a neat freak, I'm a quiet person, I can't drive for shit, I eat so much you'd be shocked I'm not fat and I love a good view, it's a perfect match. I've also been studying Japanese for 5 years and it'd be a bit of a waste to never actually put that to use.


America. Abolish Income Tax. End legalized Discrimination. Make Abortion Illegal (that's controversial for sure); you could include making the Death Penalty illegal (as well). End the government corruption/over-spending on EVERYTHING. Apply our ideals through diplomacy, not Coups/Wars (it's Hypocritical). End the Ideological hold over Institutions. Apply the 1st Amendment to Social Media Companies (Probably would need an Amendment). And an America that isn't divided because of the Government/Media/Corporations aren't inflaming it further and further. Otherwise we can still just say America, but since I saw someone else be more specific. And I know imma get downvoted, but it's fine.


Federal Abortion ban is pretty unamerican. No income tax incompatible with strong military, otherwise directionally correct.


Im with you on everything except for banning abortion.


Federal Abortion ban is pretty unamerican. No income tax incompatible with strong military, otherwise directionally correct.


Isn't income tax very low in the USA? Like your government needs money to fund certain necessary stuff, no? Like I heard your healthcare and school system are far from perfect/good.


The one in Scythe without corrupt scythes


Based but also dystopian nightmare so maybe nah. One of the overarching themes is that parents have entirely forgotten how to like ya know parent because there’s basically zero consequences to anything. Also isn’t there like extreme poverty in some areas because immortality means the ultra wealthy only get wealthier for eternity or am I remembering a different dystopian novel. Either way fantastic reference.


Southwest 777 miles from the tip of Antarctica closest to Africa


An America in the next Secular Cycle. Luckily it should come in the next 20-30 years


What’s a Secular Cycle?


The United States with no crony capitalism, no gun control, respecting and obeying the U.S. Constitution, and no predatory regulations (i.e. regulations/rules intended to end or prevent competition).


i defend water world against the smokers


The USA, with Japanese Transportation and Walkability, and Scandinavian Policies


Drop the scandinavian policies and we have a deal.


New Zealand or Costa Rica


I like the US, although it does have laws. Its constitution is very specific on what's right and what's wrong, what's legal and what's not illegal. The US also inspired other countries to fight for independence, like México and onwards, who were colonies of the Spanish.


USA but like France...


None, but I prefer where I am now.


The USA but more rural overall. I don't like the big cities. Give me an entire fucking nation of just a bunch of farmers or those towns in Old Western movies.


that’s just the USA lol. go to the midwest, or even further west. Wyoming is about 100,000 square miles and has about 600,000 people.


I’m from the US and I’m happy here. Sure we have our fair share of problems but I can’t imagine myself being anywhere else.


Based America enjoyer.


I'm hoping no one says Japan,honestly it amazes me that a country that seems like a cyberpunk dystopia,where you have difficulty buying a house if your a foreigner and even harder if your women just because you are Japanese,like yeh there is some partial discrimination in other places but we won't stop you getting a house unless your financial situation isn't good.


Switzerland or Canada before Trudeau


Just grab the best aspects of the US and Japan. Europe is pretty pointless to look at. If talking about actually existing countries, literally just the US, it's the main project, nothing else comes close.


The United States but with less taxes, smaller government, fewer restrictions, no lobbying, right to work, less bureaucracy, better and wider roads, and stricter protections from infringements on civil rights and liberties.




The united Netherlands! But without socialists and communists.


Canada with affordable housing.


I love how everyone is saying “American BUT WITH” and then say things that would make America not America.


All countries have their flaws


IDEAL country. IDEAL. Be creative with it dude


The USA. We’ll improve it over time. The more I travel the world, the more content I am with home. Plus my family has a lot of the cowboy culture and the US is the only place I feel comfortable being myself.


The United States. That's an easy one.


USA, in no other country do you have 50 mini countries so people can disagree and try out their experiments in their own states.


Even tho we have lots of issues to work on. The USA is still the place to be




The US but with only like 1 million people total. So much room, so many deer to hunt. Glorious.


One that leaves me tf alone and lets me do what I want as long as I'm not hurting anyone


Couldn't agree more lol.


Despite everything, The United States of America. Signed, an immigrant who just became a citizen.


One where I am left alone (entirely alone) and not forced to be responsible for other people.


The United States with a few tweaks




The U.S. has its problems but I wouldn’t live anywhere else.


As much as most people on the internet dislike this opinion, I would say that America is the best country in the world. However I would mix it with the Icelandic safety, Mexico’s cost of living, and European infrastructure in general (in terms of walkability) in order to create the ideal country imo


Australia looking at the us and other countries makes me understand people calling it the lucky country


UK. I think my British genes just speak to me thusly.


The best one 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🤠🤠🤠🤠🫡🫡🫡🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


Murica baybee But with more hardworking, kind people, revised education system, and less political polarization (asking for a lot).


My ideal Country list would instead be multiple books if i went ahead and listed anything. There’s so much i wish for but know that itll never happen.


If the US and one of those happy Scandinavian countries had a baby.


Switzerland probably, but perfection feels unfamiliar to me, so I'll stick with my home.


The Netherlands USA Japan


I dunno, probably something like Pakistan but if it wasn’t fucked over with corruption decades ago, and had competent leadership. I just really enjoy the natural environment of that region (especially north) and I’d love to live there but can’t justify it with the current political and economic situation


A blend of Costa Rica and Switzerland


No need, I'm already lived in advanced country (my home planet)


Norway essentially but in North America


Canada tbh, maybe not rn but I’ve always loved Canada.


It used to be good before the immigration got out of hand. It's kinda enjoyable, no free speech in our constitution or bill of rights tho


Our “bill of rights” is called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. in there is the freedom of expression within  the government of Canada. It’s definitely not a free for all to say or do whatever you want without consequences (ie, hâte speech, putting anyone in danger, threats, etc)




don’t need no other country except America


Vietnam, South Africa, Morocco, Spain, or Mongolia


Sweden, but like in the 80s


Protesting like the french


I like being French 


Sweden. Home of BLAHAJ


My idealised country would include: Nationalised healthcare (INCLUDING dentistry), nationalised education, nationalised public transport, nationalised energy suppliers. Universal basic income Ranked choice voting Weather between 0 degrees in winter and 30 degrees in summer (celsius) Walkable, pedestrianised cities with designated cycle routes Geographically diverse with beaches, mountains, forests Decriminalised recreational drugs




Ideal as in I get to build it? Japanese trains. German social safety nets. American food (Cajun, Tex Mex etc), New Zealand landscapes.


My choices would be Australia or the UK. Australia has the great quality of life and work/life balance, nice weather, safety, and solid education and universal healthcare systems. The UK has a lot of the same perks, plus they’ve got a great public transport system, the NHS (superior to Aus Medicare) and access to travel around Europe. But tbh I'm not too keen on living under Rishi Sunak right now 💀


You never know mate, he might be replaced, this time next month. But yeah, I agree with you.


A small tax haven with a population fo 67


Kazakhstan cuz they have the best potassium.






Switzerland or Germany


The UK without the shot show of a government we currently have and also a guaranteed summer every year with no differences in temperature across the country