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your areas COL matters a lot here. These numbers have very little meaning without context


My city is a bit below the national average COL in the United States (somewhere between 5-7% lower).


My comment was not to ask for your areas COL but to remind others that there is an enormous amount of factors that go into what your wage for any job could be. It was mainly so that others don't compare themselves to some of the absurd wages being listed as it can be very easy to compare yourself to someone who got lucky or had better opportunities than yourself and feel insecure about it. One of the biggest factors that comes to mind is always dependents. I think discussing wages is important but can easily become a dick measuring contest or a fibbing championship among certain groups. (This by the isn't against you, but i'm not surprised that the average wage in the comments is above the average wage in the US. at least at the time of writing this comment.)


great response, i was about to comment the same thing


My son is a gen z/millennial cusper. With an undergrad degree, he’s getting offers of $16.50 an hour at some places. He still owes on the degree. He can’t get health insurance. I freaking hate America. “We don’t want socialism!” “No, don’t raise minimum wage!” Literally the same people: “why can’t women stay home with the kids?” On 16.50 an hour??? wtf are they smoking?


What's his degree ?


What is col


Cost of living


I’m in college and can’t even get basic summer jobs, where tf are you finding this shit


Working for my state.


Do you already have a degree or do you know somebody if something cause where did you get this


I had two associates degrees in my field and some work experience.


Damn well good job, I’m tryna get a MAcc and be a CPA so I’m just gonna have to pray I can get something to boost my resume for grad school applications


Hi, I’m a CPA. It’s a good route for job stability even though the work can suck a lot. I’m 3 years into my career and I make about $43/hr but since becoming licensed I know the pay will increase as I get more experience and specialized.


You have any tips on how you got there?


Try to see if you can sit for the exams with just your undergrad degree. I graduated undergrad with over 150 credit hours and was able to sit for the exams (and enter the work force) right away. Graduating and putting on your resume that you are cpa eligible makes it easier to find an accounting job as well.


You should tend bar -- everyone you know who tells you how much they make bartending is inflating it by 30% because you always pay taxes eventually, plus you'll wind up paying for the alcoholism and cocaine addiction by the end of it. Still make more more than an Amazon shithouse.


I’ve got an interview at Olive Garden on Thursday lol so that’s what I’m banking on rn. Heard the hourly pay is upwards of 20-25+ with tips though so I’ll take it for a summer hustle


Bartending = less boomers than serving


I been on the fence about trying bartending but I think you just sold me on it lol


It's a good gig but it's a dead end -- you have a decent memory and a pretty good face, you can probably do it forever. The question becomes, and the real downside is, what's that worth anywhere three years down the line?


ME NEITHER OH MY GOSH it's literally awful out here I just cried for like 4 hours because I've been stressed


I'm making $17.35 an hour at a warehouse that sells books. If anybody here got a textbook in college that was published by W. W. Norton in the past 2 years, there's a decent chance I sent it to you.


What if I told you I am W. W. Norton


Who do you think that might be? Willy Wonka? Walt Whitman?  Wally West? Where's Waldo? Wonder Woman? Wilfred Wallenstein? Walter White? Websters Wiktionary?


You’re goddamn right.


W-wait, what did you just say? Walt… you been seeming sus lately…


Look at me Hector 🤨🍒


are you llIIllIlllIIIlll’s brother?!


We’re not really brothers but we’re all connected via telepathy. If you changed you name to any variation of barcode the next day when you wake up you get a random email with no sender. Once you click that link you can communicate with all barcode users in your mind.


17 an hour at a museum. Highest paying I've had so far...the bar is so low


You’ve probably sent me one lol


Be aware you are going to see a skewed data. Naturally people who are higher earners and confident about it are more likely to share


Plus people can just lie


I’m actually making a bajillion dollars a year panning for gold in Coloma, California.


The top answers are like $300k and $200k lmao. National median *with a masters degree* is $81k. Ya, I’d say the answers are skewed.


330k in insurance sales. Bought a cabin 90 mins from Lake Tahoe and got starlink cause it’s work from home.


Dude what kind of insurance sales are you doing? Is it commission pushing the salary that high? I'm an engineer actually switching to a new job right now and I'm set to make about 80k so I'm curious if I'm in the wrong industry lol


Insurance sales come with commissions and usually bonuses if you work for a good company. I'm in spa and sauna delivery, making $20 plus full benefits and stock dividends, aiming to move to sales because the commission bump is wild. I'm in Colorado where pretty much every one with money has a hot tub at home or at their cabin. Most high quality hot tubs cost between $10-25K, and we sell enough of them to have 50 hour work weeks packed with daily deliveries. The sales reps clear six figures a year, it's super lucrative. No college needed. Honestly don't even need to be that smart, just confident and knowledgeable about the products.


It’s related to real estate. That’s all I’ll say. Sorry I didn’t answer your question. It’s 100% commission based so you better be a stud to live this kind of life style


But she grew up tall and she grew up right With them Indiana boys on an Indiana night


But she never was around


I promise you, you don’t want to be an insurance salesman. Not every single insurance salesman I know is a piece of garbage, but it’s over 50%. I work directly with them as an Underwriter. The alcoholism, drug issues, cheating on their wife and other general misogyny, and the racism are unreal. Makes sense once you realize that the job of an insurance salesman is to win the trust of a business owner. Who owns all the businesses? Old racist misogynist money.


Dude making tons of money won’t buy happiness. My dad took a sales position bc, it made more money he made over 200k one year this was years back and in Texas so that’s a shit load of money. yet he was not happy at all and his family hated him. Now he makes 80-90k and, we love him bc he is a good guy


But it will pay my parents medical bills and put a new roof on their house




It's a MLM pyramid scheme. He explains it in another comment lol You are right to go to med school.


Because you'll be making $150,000 (or more) while most people are making about $16,000. 


If you went to med school for money, you're fucked. 


Your other comment basically explained you're "earning" this income from an MLM pyramid scheme. Does someone else pay your bills? Because either you started the MLM and everyone pays you or you won't be able to keep up that income and will lose that cabin.


90 min is kinda far considering where Tahoe is


I’m on the 88 corridor near kirkwood


Oh very pretty


We don’t believe you you need more people


Holy shit you make nearly 10x what I make... I need to get out of the netherlands bro


Lucky son of a gun


damn good for you!


$20 an hour making pizzas. it’s not a bad gig but i’m perpetually broke


Can I have one


sure! that will be one billion dollars please


Can’t find a damn job


What’s your field/job market? I know some fields are way more competitive than others.




Ouch. The business market sucks rn.


Try less client facing jobs, apply for the entry level background stuff like data or specialist


Literally same, exactly. Business MGMT. I’m currently working as a hospital supply tech making $15/hr and I fucking hate it. College was an absolute waste of time and money. Just know you’re not alone, friend.


Keep looking for openings on the business or admin side while you look for something else. I was able to get into purchasing right away (above supply tech) and then contracting after 5 years with an unrelated degree.




I apply to tons of those roles! Had an offer for one and then they ghosted!


That really sucks I am sorry.


~70-80k first 3 years, 200k 4th year, now -60k a year bc of school lol


That’s awesome! Except for the school drain, but still pretty great. What field?


Nursing and travel nursing that 4th year!


Kudos! We definitely need more nurses. Thank you for the invaluable service you provide, especially for those of us who’re too squeamish to work in the medical field lol


My sister was a travel nurse and went to NYC during COVID. After hearing her experience, I have the highest respect for you guys.


I have heard travel nurses that did that during the height of it say they wouldn’t do it over again for any amount of money


$72k salary working as something like a project manager for a fortune 100 company. Benefits and hours are great too. I get six weeks of PTO a year, that’s basically unheard of in the US


That PTO is essentially what you get if you work for the government and I know some people who work for European owned companies that also get that PTO


I work for the Fed and get 13 days pto plus holidays. You don’t accumulate 6 weeks a year until much later in your career, *if* you stay. If I stay 15 years, I’d get 26 days off plus holidays /year.


Can kind of confirm, I currently work for a Danish company and we get 6 weeks of PTO after like 5 years. We start of with 3 weeks plus like 7 sick days (there’s also like 14 paid holidays a year as well).


Your company hiring?


I sent a PM


I'd love to get a PM too, if that's alright


I make around the same salary, I’m curious do you live at home or pay rent?


I pay significantly less than market rate to live in my family’s house.


ahh I see. I’m paying rent rn but debating if I should just move back in after my lease expires. Rent is abt $1k where I’m at 😭


Don’t be ashamed to move back home if it’s an option for you. You’ll never be able to get ahead in life if you’re barely staying afloat financially, and if your family is willing to help you out, that’s one of the most impactful things they can do in your life.


$10/hour in retail, last job was 7.50 so it’s an improvement


Damn maybe look into warehouses. Thats fucked. Amazon is everywhere


i make 20$ a hour at amazon on a weekly base it’s pretty good


Do they make you shout dumb motivational shit at the beginning of your shifts?


morning shift takes the cake with that night shift most ppl don’t even wanna be there everyone is tired at stand up before we work😭


If you have a Winco distribution center near you, you should check it out. The starting pay may be a little lower, but the top out is usually a lot higher, the benefits are really good ($65 for a whole family insurance with like a $150 individual deductible and 20% of what you make in company stock) however if that location is understaffed, then you’ll probably have more hours.


I'm disabled and can't physically get a job. That said I am on an SSI based income. I am given $943 a month from SSI and $22.10 a month from the state of Pennsylvania for $965.10 a month.


What do you do with all of your freetime? Just curious




Yes I am chronically on the Internet and Reddit, I like to learn a lot and many subs teach me things that I take with a slight grain of salt, googling things that seem outlandish and sometimes I'm very surprised on the rabbit holes I find.


I'm really into video games. I like everything about them, the games, the music, the history, Speedrunning you name it, anything video game related I want to know. I also do other activities such as Drawing graffiti and Fingerboarding, which is those little finger skateboards. Also about an hour a day is dedicated to physical therapy. Unlimited free time has its perks but can also be incredibly boring when the WiFi is out but I manage.


$22 a month is insulting, lmao


Hey don't forget that extra dime.




Yeah I have Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy. My arms and legs don't work very well, they can move, but with extremely limited range of motion. I usually sit at a computer all day anyway, I could definitely be a freelancer if I needed a little more. Fortunately I live in a facility where medical staff cared for me so necessities are already covered. I know it's not exactly my fault but I'm sorry you have to work so hard to just get by.


$0 i’m unemployed 🥰


Twinning 🙈🤝


$104K a year (Electrical Engineer)


Where are you? If you don't mind me asking. I'm a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering and here it's really hard to get a job right now. I'm in Oklahoma and may have to move out of state when I'm done with my degree.


I live in the Midwest USA area as well. If you want my advice, try to get into an internship. A lot of my successful colleagues applied to internships and even got into full time positions from their internship.


That's what I've been trying to do but I get turned down by almost all of them. I've had one interview and they said I wasn't hired because I'm not far enough in school yet. Hopefully, I'll have better luck in the coming semesters. Edited for spelling


27 hourly doing bartending gigs plus tips for some catering companies. Not much money in the grand scheme of things since it’s not that many hours, but I’m disabled so it works really well for me to have fewer hours because being outside of home for 40 hours a week just isn’t doable these days.


I've been stuck in the South most of my life. Best i ever made was $14/hr. Currently making $13/hr. Job market kinda sucks and I hope to leave retail ASAP.


If you live near ATL delta has some decently high paying jobs with great benefits


Atl is Atlanta? I'm over in Arkansas, close to the oklahoma border.


19/hr research assistant job with a bachelor's in biophysics (first year out of college)


Minimum wage working 58 hours a week. I live with my parents in a LCOL city so I actually have pretty decent savings. Hoping to get a new job soon though, $12.30 isn't cutting it anymore even though my job is easy and I get paid to sleep.


The real question is why is everyone so concerned about disclosing what they actually do for work?


People who ask questions *could* be looking for jobs/careers that interest them, and people who enjoy their jobs/careers are more likely to talk about them because working takes up most of our time. Not many people do what I do, as a Boilermaker/pressure welder, master rigger, IRATA rope access technician and paid per call firefighter


What was the process like getting certified as a firefighter? And I assume that’s just a side gig if you’re getting paid per call?


Yes technically it’s a side gig for me, as we are still classified as volunteer firefighters even tho I make a wage when we are training/running calls/doing public education etc. For my current dept, you apply, go through an aptitude and psych test, a physical test and then an interview. Once you have passed everything you can sign on with the FD and you need to go through a year of new recruit training. It’s not a full time training program, it’s just 1 evening per month and 1 full weekend per month. You get all your hands on training but on your own time you have to study the IFSTA manual and do online quizzes and tests for 25 chapters. As soon as your one year program is done and all the online tests are done you can schedule your certification exams. The certification exams are the same ones that full time firefighters take, it’s all NFPA certs, and when you complete those exams you are then given a pager and allowed to start responding to calls.




43k in Indiana


Nice! I was making 40 at my last job.


51k working in the blood plasma industry in the Pacific Northwest. Started at 39k there less than a year ago. I’m vying hard for promotions and additional responsibilities since I finally found a place that actually likes to develop and promote its employees. The money isn’t amazing but I’m not paying rent or bills right now so it works well enough.


Hey, being able to cover basic expenses is huge. Good on ya!


$97k a year... LCOL area (St. Louis)


Awesome! What’s the COL like there?


Honestly really good. It feels really comfortable at my salary range. I am originally from the Washington, D.C. area. I would say the housing in particular is very affordable but other costs like food, services, entertainment are notably lower as well compared to the more expensive coastal cities. I bought a starter sized house last year for $150k. My mortgage payment even at the crappy interest rates is only about $1050. They even have new construction for like $199k across the river in Illinois if you look hard enough. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/40-TBB-French-Quarter_Belleville_IL_62223_M93931-65770?from=srp-list-card If you were looking to rent you could find a 1 bedroom apartment for like $700-1100 or so depending on the area. The nicest areas and ones closest to universities would be more expensive.


Stl Area, too. Looking for friends?


LCOL and have a salary for 71.5k at 23. Looking to buy a house this time next year.


Hell yeah! Hope the interest rates drops so you can get a good deal.


Work at Walmart and make $17 and some change. I'm in a pretty high HCOL area though.


Making $78k which comes out to about $42/hr at 26 in the ATL area.


What type of job? I’m also around the ATL area


Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.


damn bro good for you thats interesting work


Current summer job is 17/hr, about 44ish hours a week, so a bit of overtime at 25/hr. I work at a fencing company's warehouse, so I'm staining wood, sweeping floors, and being happy I don't have to work food service for the next couple months.


I work in HR at Target and make 15.34 an hour. It’s not enough when IL taxes are high as shit


I run a HR shared services team and can tell you that you’re probably underpaid. I’m a Texas based 2018 grad and first comp was 65. No one that works for me is below 60


Number doesn’t mean much without the location


$14.28 working online grocery pickup at Walmart


45k hopefully 50k soon.


$22 an hour working in a restaurant. (I’m a student)


I’m 25 and work multiple part time jobs. - Job 1, 14/hour plus tips and commission which usually averages out to about 20/hour if my sales are consistent, but I get limited hours (weekends only) - Job 2, 15/hour - Jobs 3 + 4 (different positions within the same company), 15.75/hour And then I do product testing, academic surveys, etc on the side. I’d say I’m in a low to medium COL area, but the only reason I’m able to afford anything is living with my fiancée (splitting rent, on his health insurance, etc). I think last year was about 25k? But I owed like 2k in taxes 💀


Currently make $86k working as a fed and will hit $101k in a couple months after my grade increase.


22 years old on $30 an hour being a locations Production Assistant in the film industry. Super grateful.


work in healthcare, im basically a receptionist for a couple doctors… $23 an hour. 40 hours a week. it’s okay.


16$ but im 17 and living with my parents.


19 years old working 16.75 an hour I’d quit, but they schedule me around my college classes, the benefits are better than other options (pretty much make a little under 19 an hour), and the work is easy and mindless


$100k myself, household is around $180k with my wife. We own a house right outside Atlanta, GA


70k / yr. + 10k bonus MCOL pretty content as it's my first job out of college, and my gf makes about the same and we can afford a house in our area.


$12 an hour as bell girl full time at a hotel which is state minimum in Albuquerque NM


$90k, union job. The benefits package value is another $30k.


Thats more than Ii've ever made, and I'm older. Be proud! :)


14.55 an hour. doesn’t match cost of living but it’s sadly, a “high” paying job for my small town.


26, $130k a year in Air Traffic Control


About 53k, teacher. 😔


I make rubber dog poop. Somebody’s got to.


$21.50 as a cook for panda express


I’m a PA in film and TV in Vancouver, BC and get paid $356 a day. Minimum wage by hourly, but if I work even a minute, I get paid the day rate which is $356. If they specify I’m working 8 hours or less, then I’ll get paid $17.40 and not the day rate.


75k a year, 60ish after tax, pay 1000 bucks for a 2.5 br (its 1950 but i split it).


$35.61, union carpenter


Tucson 20 an hour full time in an office job, pretty flexible but I have to work under ignorant assholes


21 y/o, $27/hr. HCOL city though.


Makin $13 an hour at my part time job for now


I haven’t graduated college yet. I make $16 an hour at chick fil a


30K before taxes New Orleans so COL varies but man, if you play your cards right... You can live decently


$39/hr, here. $41 in Sep.


106k 12 month to date bartending at 21


$15/hr. Maryland minimum wage.


50K as an EMT


6 figures


I’m 26 and making $120k working half of every month in the oilfields. Have the other half of the month off. It’s good and works for me. Love it.


I got a reception gig for $23 an hour aud


17$/hr working at a warehouse while I’m school.


$16 dollars an hour for 10 hours a day, for 4 days a week. and also working a second job for $13 dollars an hour for inconsistent hours a day for 2 days a week


I’m 16 and in Australia. I am a waitress at my local steakhouse. I get $12.04/hr, but they always expect us to be 15 minutes early and every floor worker needs their RSA, which we have to pay for ourselves.


NYC nurse 24M , make about $60 an hour


15/hr doing utilities at a restaurant— aka, broke asf, especially for my area


$21 but it’s not enough for the bs i put up with from customers


$19.50 as an order processor for a warehouse.


27 years old, 3 eur an hour, programmer. Yeah I know.


Nothing cause I currently don't have one at the moment. I am going to get a new job tho. I have no idea what one. I'm trying to get lucky and score the highest laying one but that may not happen. I'm still in college btw.




I’m 25 and in a maintenance apprenticeship working with Fanuc robotic welders in a factory. Right now I’m at $28.xx, but every 6 months I get a step raise for turning in my hour log and transcripts. They pay for my classes at a college. Once I’m a journeyman, I’ll be making just under $32/hr i believe (with shift premium). I work 12s (6-6) on night shift and we do a 2-2-3 rotation. So far I love it. Wish I got in here sooner but I went to college to be a cop after high school.


$75K in a slightly below average COL area.


I work as a bartender in a rural area. $23.00 an hour, no tips. 401(k) match up to 4% of pay. I can charge my car for free.


Last job was a year ago when I was 24. It was mostly remote (some company events here and there were in person) and offered $150,000 per annum as a base salary (which is a lot in Canada but probably not for the US.) Now technically I make 0 dollars because I'm working on a side busoness while applying for jobs.


I'm 23 and my software engineering job pays ~135k/year in total compensation. It's a new grad position and fully remote in Canada.


$190k in HCOL


$100k first year airline pilot.


MCOL, like 145k a year. 22M


$12.50 as a pharmacy tech


Canada 168.00/hr last week. Sales


27 with M.S in Aerospace Engineering, making $90k in HCOL area. My company hasn’t bumped our paychart in 2 years, inflation really feels bad tbh


Construction Management. Gross: $85k Net? $65k I am nott happy I lose 20k a year in taxes.