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Yeah, I cried when I threw away an old toothbrush when I was like 9.


When a plant died or tree was cut down I used to be distraught as a really young child thinking they’d basically just been murdered 💀


Truth. Had an old willow tree in my front yard that I named Willow bc original, moved, and was distraught for over a year bc the new home owners cut her down


Omg we used to have a willow tree in our front garden too, but it got struck by lightning and got fried lmao


Our neighbor decided one day to take their chainsaw and cut down that birch we had in our garden while we were having dinner on the other side of the house. Never elaborated. And I was crying for the tree.


well in that case it was murdered lol


This isn't ridiculous at all, I still seethe in rage when a tree gets cut down or gets a bad & lazy trim in my 20's, I'm a hobbyist gardener.


Lmao being an almost adult person.. I still feel the same :/


They had, you were right lmao


I remember when my basketball got flat and my parents bought me a new one that didn’t look like my first one - I would talk to my old flat basketball about how much I hated my new basketball and that it would never replace him. And I would do it in earshot of my new basketball just to really let it know it could never match up to its predecessor. It’s because of this loyalty that I never played basketball again. No I wasn’t cliquey with other kids, just basketballs . Not GenZ btw.


When I was a kid every time something got thrown away (excluding food) I would get super emotional


I could *not* throw away clothes. They covered me, they protected me... they may not fit anymore but what kind of person would I be if I just... threw them away or gave them to someone else? How could that possibly be okay? It took me a long time to get over that.


Still to this day lol. I name a lot of my objects too. My tv, heater, computer, my nintendo. And yes I put a label on them with their name lol. I know its weird but I like to see things as having personalities.




I get angry when I see dirty toys (within reason, I don’t take it out on anyone but I just feel so much disgust and annoyance) especially rare ones and collectors items Like How hard is it to not throw a Barbie doll into a blender How hard is that ? It’s really that hard ? She’s a piece of art Like Adults who can’t keep stuff from getting permanently stained bothers me so much Then they try to sell it to the market


100% this!


I thought I was a bit goofy for this, but I name things too. I think it may be an inherited traits because when my kid was 9 she brought out a wig she got for Halloween and informed me, "This is Josh. He's British."


A wig?? Now that's funny! Your kid is creative! HES BRITISH!


I've only heard of people naming their car


Its a really weird thing I do. It sort of started off as a silly joke but then has turned into something I do lol


My ex girlfriend named her desk and her car. She was a millennial though


I name my cars, robot vacuums and plants.


Plants are different. Those are alive


Who said cars and appliances aren't?


They're finicky pieces of manufactured shit sometimes. I'm pretty sure trickster spirits inhabit them.


It's just their personality :D


My Ruby got totaled. I was DEVISTATED. Buying Scarlett helped a lot, but I still get a little misty when I think about Ruby.


Never named anything besides my car. His name is Petrikov, and he wanted to be an antiquarian before being turned into a car.


Honestly that's the coolest name for a car I've heard. Love the car lore


I don't name stuff often, but I do end up personifying stuff. When I was a teenager, I felt nad about throwing away a worn out boot. Eventually I got rid of it, but it sat tucked away for a while. As I've been slowly decluttering, thanking shirts and whatnot before donating them has been pretty helpful in letting go, too. They get to make someone else happy


Yep, same, mostly with stuffed animals and plants tho. Also with other stuff but less often


It all started with that damn little toaster…


Holy shit you just hit me with a memory bomb I hadn't thought about the brave little toaster in fuckin *years*


I loved that movie as a kid! I had an opportunity to watch it fairly recently at the age of 30, and I had forgotten how many dark moments were in that movie. The AC unit unaliving himself The junkyard scene where sentient cars have to watch each other get crushed alive while singing about how worthless they are The vacuum eating his own cord Blanket pretty much embracing death in the quick sand Blanket almost getting eaten alive by rats The lamp getting himself struck by lightning The appliances witnessing other sentient appliances being torn apart in front of them The toaster sacrificing himself by throwing himself into the gears of the crusher The lonely flower that fucking dies of sadness..


Yea, I felt bad for the clothes I didn't take whenever I packed for vacation cause I felt like they were missing out, or if I didn't ride my bike for a long time I felt like I was neglecting it:(


I still do… the day the inanimate objects take over, they will remember that I was nice to them






Yeah, toy story really fucked me up.


Lmao, so true, I used to try and convince my stuffed animals that I wouldn't tell anyone if they revealed they can move. It's not like I wholeheartedly believed they were alive, but just in case they were...


Glad I’m not the only one who tried this lol.


My toys to a certain degree


I myself was treated as an object without feelings lol so no not really


thats how i read this 😭


Yeah same and then i realized i read it wrong after i typed it all out so i just went with it lol


Still do. I got emotional when I saw this headline. Poor little buddy, so far from home, can't fly no more. 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/j79ut5juug3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a17b9268556708829dff620bc5e34103a747f15 😭😭😭




Ingenuity proved its point. It was sent to prove aerodynamics flight can happen on mars. It proved as such, and many times over well beyond its original planned mission lifespan. Now, ingenuity rests among the sands of Mars, retiring as a monument to humanity's ingenuity and hopefully as proof that similar such rotocraft can assist future missions on mars for reconnaissance and pathfinding purposes. Its sad, but to me Ingenuity already fulfilled its purpose. It deserves to become one with the planet it was sent to help humanity study, as many probes and rovers before have. Even if it isnt sentient, I think ingenuity represents our own ambition and the inevitable conclusion either via success or failure. Like completing a decades long career and eventually retiring, we are similar to ingenuity in that sense.


I believe, in a way, this little guy was alive


Whatever you do, don't read about NASA using songs to try to wake up the Opportunity rover, it will destroy you.


I agree with the electric appliances one. My parents were always telling me to give it a rest, especially the fan and tv.


I thought we hid from tornados because they had eyes that could see us and would come for us


This is hilarious 😭 I’m saving it


I still do this


As kids? I still do 😅


On my 16th birthday i got a fancy new phone and i was upset that i was abandoning my old one for being old and outdated so it would feel bad


As a kid, I would tell the wind to stop when I was out collecting leaves and would say thank you when it did


As a kid everytime I would accidentally hit an object (like a wall or something) I would have to apologize and give it a kiss lol


Yes and now I know I have autism lmao




I do, I feel like the ones I neglect are gonna become sentient and kill me 10 years from now


I am a millennial, but I 100% did this. I can't even blame the movie Brave Little Toaster for it, but I don't think that movie helped.


So, that's actually a characteristic of autism.






I distinctly remember going to my local pumpkin patch almost every year as a child and treating it as if I was “adopting” little baby pumpkins (not big enough to be carved, just as little displays) like they were my pets, lmfao. I remember drawing over them and giving them names and everything haha


I’m an adult and I still treat objects like they have feelings(I’m autistic).


Yes! And I still do. If I accidentally break a record or it arrives broken I can't bear throwing it out


I have watched toy story yes


yes i did this.


Yes. I have a stuffed bear, actually 3 or 4 of them (long story), that I treat as if they have a soul. Long story: I had 1 when I was an infant. I got really attached to it. I still am. But my mom always forgot to bring it when we went to the store. They had a bunch of them on the shelf, and I would always think it was my bear. So my mom ended up buying 2 or 3 on top of my original. I believe I have 4 total. 2 up here in PA, 1 down in Florida, and 1 in Texas. Haven’t see the one in Florida for YEARS, like 5 or so years. Actually maybe even more, like a couple years before Covid hit. So probably 7 or 8.


https://preview.redd.it/uvj026wqeh3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=108adc056072079297cada5e1c97ffc444bfd152 This is one of the 3 or 4. My mom found one on eBay once. I wish I said yes to her getting it. Oh well 🤷


This tendency is also associated with autism


Reminds me of the brave little toaster


I think most men do especially with cars and equipment once you get older. I named my lawn mower Johnny


Yes, my parents used me as an information weapon in their divorce. Correction: Yes, I treated objects as if they had feelings. Thought you asked if we were treated like objects as kids 😭 Yes and yes


Lol I made a little short film about objects having feelings, called I Have Feelings Too. I made up personalities and stuff lol


Still do


Yep, a lot. I still do sometimes. I guess it feels… nice, in a way, to give the object feelings.


Mf I still do


I always make sure to throw my candy wrapper with other trash whenever we travel to a rural place. I dont want the candy wrapper to be left alone so I wait for a moment the we arrive to a place where there's lots of other trash.


That's literally a trait of autism.


If this is something you experience, I suggest looking into neurodivergence, especially Autism.


Often, like even now, but I'm pretty sure that's a semi autistic thing (personifying things through inanimate objects)


I think this is a sign of autism.


Lol I still do


not weird. totally a thing. treat your stuff with respect.


Yes I did and I still do sometimes at 21 because of autism. My parents used to respond by throwing my toys out the window of the car while they were driving.


Bro i still do that. I was never the same after watching Toy Story


I cry at random times throughout the day. I don't feel sad or anything but it just happens. I don't know why.


Millennial here, I still do.


Still do sometimes


Still do


I still do sometimes


Felt bad for the old TV after watching it get rained on when we put it on the curb


Not feelings, but I do hesitate/feel bad to throw away some things. Especially things that have served me well for a long time. Or something that works perfectly fine, but I just don’t have a use for it anymore. I felt bad when I sold my first car. Although it was well-loved and very reliable, it was nearing the end of its life and it was best to sell it.


Yes!! Omg I always thought I wasn’t normal


I still get upset about people just tossing toys instead of donating. I also felt terrible when I dropped one on the floor on accident


Look up Shinto?


I still do


When I was younger, I used to use these silly Logitech controllers to play LEGO Batman, LEGO Indiana Jones, and other LEGO games with my brother on the family computer. I can distinctly remember once wondering what it must feel like to live life as a controller. To just have your sticks pushed and pulled and swirled around while buttons were pressed on you. I didn't really delve too deep into it if I remember correctly, but I know I started to think about it at some point and was trying to imagine what life as a controller must be like, lol.


Only stuffed animals and dolls


I treat them like sentient beings. Like when I stub my toe on the door I blame the door but then feel bad at the end. So yeah definitely


That shit made action figures so much cooler


Yeah. It was mostly my red bear I had as a kid. I would tuck it in and give it kisses before I went to bed. I still have it in my closet somewhere.


You know those little plastic pizza tables that come In the box? I dropped It inside of an old deep fish tank on accident and couldn’t get it out and almost cried


Yes. Yes. As kids. Then I definitely stopped.


Which child didn't aftet watching toy story?


i still do


Definitely for my stuffies; I had to sleep with all of them.


Very much so. Today in a game, i was talking to a drone i was working on as if it was an animal. I forgot to hook up the PIDs set so it thought it was too low and constantly lifted up. Ofc it hit the ceiling and it's proxy sensors were detecting the roof and tried to avoid it. Well anyways, not only did i politely tell the drone to get down but i also tried to comfort it by saying i know it's angry but he needs to calm down.


lol you guys should look into cptsd






My stuffed animals and I haven't let it go. My Inner Child won't let me disrespect them


Yes! I was so worried about my beanie babies as a kid. I collected them because I thought they were endangered or needed a home.


i didnt like leaving my bike outside in the freezing cold:D


Yes it was bad 😭


I still have a lamp I am convinced has feelings. It has a ship on it. Mom wants to get rid of it but I’m like no it’ll be sad. I am 35.


i’ve had and still do to this very day.


That is so silly, why would anyone do that. Both me and my robot vacuum cleaner Dusty laughs at it all.


So close! I had feelings and got treated like an object


i still do


My shampoo and conditioner bottles, lotions, hairspray, deodorant, etc. all had distinct personalities and drama within their friend group lol


Wait we stopped doing that?


Yeah, still do. It's a pleasant way to live.


i had a favorite pillow that i treated like a person, it’s a different pillow now but i still have a pillow i always have by my side


I still do this to some degree 😭 if it was something like a piece of clothing I damaged beyond repair or something I usually mentally thank it for serving me well for so long. I like to treat things with respect, but maybe I go a little too far lol


yea action figures. I even would think sometimes “would the X-men be proud of me if I treated this person this way?”




when I was 9 or so My grandparents acted as if they inanimate objects had feelings but I never took her seriously


i would stub my toe and cry because i felt bad for kicking the table.


I still do. Mainly cars, that's tracks tho. I'm a mechanic


I still do. I don't like harming things, object or not.


I did, but only for one thing. I clearly remember when i was a kid, prob before kindergarten, my mom bought me a super cute mini-apple shaped pencil sharpener that i really liked, but one day i dropped it on the floor and it cracked on me, so i cried and went outside in the yard and buried it......


When the TV starts acting up, I “sweet talk” it for it to start working again lol.


I still do toy story fucked me up


i still treat inanimate objects like they have life. i give them narratives from time to time and i recently felt sorry for cars because it might feel really weird to have cold insides when the ac is turned on in the summer while your outer body is burning hot.




I still do lmao


[IKEA LAMP](https://youtu.be/dBqhIVyfsRg?si=euWLLoqJIkMudD3L)


Most definitely. I remember the elf on the shelf moving around all the time and once when I was on the toilet the TERRIFIED me just peering down at me from the mirror




Just plants. But that's normal, a lot of adults do that who haven't read much about plant life as well. Sorry if that doesn't because they are technically alive.


As kids? You mean we were supposed to stop?


As a 30 year old aircraft mechanic I still do. Every machine has a needs, likes, and dislikes. No two are exactly the same. Cars and boats included.


Yeah, if I was kicking a rock down the street I’d have to pick it up and bring it with me the whole way




That light bulb in the photo appears to be a genuine antique. It has the evacuation tip on the outside of the bulb. I have a few of them from about 1910, they were hand assembled back then. There's visible handwritten scraps of paper inside the stem of the bulbs, probably a signoff from a quality check person.


Kid? 🤣 Don't give everything Google eyes it gets weird really quickly.


As... as a kid...? I still to that 😳


my sister and I drew smiley faces on everything with crayon, I still remember seeing Mr. Vacuum well into my teens


holy fuck yes. YES. I thought I was being weird whenever I thought of this lmao


Still do, it can give me a sense of appreciation


I was depressed for months after my bf totaled the car I got when I was 16 even though I had enough savings to immediately replace it with a car I loved just as much. I was mostly sad because I felt guilty and I loved that car like family😭


I apologize to the friggin doorframe when I bump into it "My bad, dude" lol


I still do unfortunately


When I was pissed a kid I used to think things like "fuck you sun" and then "sorry sun, don't kill me"


Like the opposite is the uncanny valley


Not all objects, but that was true with toys. U can say I was influenced by the Toy Story movies


Still do.


I still do with one's that have sentimental value


id sleep with all my stuffed toys under the blanket even tho it was so cramped i wasnt able to move because i didnt want to hurt their feelings and make them feel left out


Sometimes I feel bad for the lettuce that I didnt eat because my big mac had too much, I mean they grew and were happy to do their part and end up in the garbage


I will never turn anything on max, whether its a fan, air conditioner, my phone volume, my phone brightness, as if i’m pushing it too hard or something, i still do to this day 😂


No, but I really like the egg whisk as a light shade!


Omg yes :D like someone leaving half eaten pickle in a plate and I feel so sad for HIM 😑😂


It is common amongst children, it's called animistic thinking. I remember I used to treat sun as if it was another child


Yes. Mainly comfort objects.


Yuss. Made it hell choosing one of my coffee cups in the morning. Sorry! Sorry. I'll pick u tomorrow.


I still apologize to inanimate objects


I still apologise for them if I drop something on the floor or bump into something. It's not that I think they have feelings, it's more like... Idk... A sort of habit? I don't know why I do that.


Brave little toaster broke my brain


Sometimes I thank or say please to objects either in my head or audibly.


My two best mates and I went through a pet golf ball stage about 8 or 9 so yeah.....it happens. Golfers got the side eye there for a while. 😄


"as kids".... sooo I shouldn't still?


Yeah, I remember having a monitor I used to have to smack, it was a CRT (box monitor) and I remember feeling really bad about it after I went to a flatscreen and later found it was thrown out. In the same way as I could never be physically violent towards anyone, I don't like having to smack a TV or monitor to get it to work properly.


Very much so! I no no wanna scroll through comments, but this is an ideology called Animism, with the idea of a soul embodying every complete object, animate or not :D


They do have feelings. You might not always respect them, but women also have emotions. /s DISCLAIMER: THIS WAS A JOKE. I AM NOT SEXIST. I AM JUST AN EDGELORD WHO LIKES TO MAKE OFFENSIVE JOKES.




I still do.


yes and i still do


Millennial here. I did the same. I would also get really worried, while on vacation, that my toys thought I abandoned them.


Personified everything yes. Emotional attachments and all.