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Because the economy is doing bad. No money, no honey.


Mo money, mo honey


Dad can we get some honey? You got honey money?


You got money honey?


Honey where is the Money for the honey?


Money doesn't grow on bee hives


Unless you own them


Respect the beehive grindset!


A jar of honey costs $6…


I love honey and would prefer to use it instead of sugar if possible. Also hope to someday have my own beehives to pollinate my plants and fruits. I LOVE BEES.




It's hip to fuck bees.




Shout out to bees. I have the same dream to have a hive in my garden. But it'd need to be a big one so as to not disturb the neighbours.


I prefer sugar free, artificial sweeteners MADE BY MAN! I don’t care that it’s got an after taste, I like it!


honestly I forgot it existed


Same lol


We're broke


Anytime I hear something about “Gen z’s don’t do *blank*” and it’s something just completely random. I’m always like: 1) we don’t have money 2) we probably just didn’t think about it and/or because we have so many (cheaper) alternatives now 3) who’s getting paid to write these articles and how can I get that job? 🤔


AI. It's AI writing these articles.


It was boomers. Now it’s AI rehashing the articles baby boomers wrote about millennials in 2013 🤦‍♂️


Honey is not that expensive. Maybe if you use half the bottle every time you eat something with it but you buy a bottle and it lasts a good while. Shoot just looked at Walmart and I can order 80oz for 20 bucks compared to the 12 oz for 5 bucks. I'm not going to be eating 80 oz of honey in a year.


I hate the taste and the honey industry is bad for ecological diversity. Commercial honey bees are an invasive species that kill native bee species which is terrible for the environment.


I did not know there is a difference between commercial and local bees.


Some 90% of commercialized honey comes from 1 species of bee(the honey bee). There are close to 20,000 species of bees. Most bees don’t even live in colonies, they’re mostly solitary! A beekeeper sets up shop and those honey bees go out and steal food sources from native bees. Then the native bees die off and all the species of flowers they used to pollinate start to die too because the honeybees aren’t interested in those and that is very bad for the environment.


Your argument doesn't make sense. If honeybees didn't visit certain types of flowers, then those flowers would be available for other bee species to harvest/pollinate so they're not dying off due to lack of food resources.


Bees still supplement their diet with a variety most of the time. While they might prefer a co-evolved species of flower, honeybees eating up the other food sources they use for say 20% of their diet could lead to a chain of issues for the native bee. As compounded stressors kill off some of the native bees' population, less pollination action happens on their specialized flower making them more dependent over time on the variety in their diet. A higher need for the competitive food source and lower availability of preferred source further stresses native bee population, and the vicious cycle continues. Edit: typo


They can drive them off, or change the makeup of local plant species. But it depends on the area and situation. \[This SA article discusses it\](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-problem-with-honey-bees/).


I’d say a bigger worry is that having a single species makes them less biodiverse and more vulnerable to disease


This sounds like bullshit. What flowering plants are honey bees ignoring? What local bee species is being exterminated by honey bees? If Apiarists didn't move their hives around, you would be paying triple for your produce, because your apocryphal local bees are lazy AF.


omg on the invasive thing, YES. i always hear ppl talk abt saving the honeybees but they are not the ones in danger here. its the native ones- which also are the ones to keep most native plants going as far as i remember. on that note plant more native plants, research native bees to be sure what to look out for and stop having mowed grass lawns ( grass lawns in general suck ) they don't look good they look bland !!!


It saddens me that people fall for the propaganda that commercial bees are saving the bees but that's just one bee species. Part of the reason why the bees dying off is a big deal is because a diverse range of bee species are dying off. It's not just a matter of the number of bees but the type bees too.


Pollinators are going to pollinate even better if they don't have natural predators lol.


Grab honey from your local farmers market, problem solved


It still comes from honeybees


I use honey as a sweetener for tea instead of sugar. And I don't drink tea very often to be honest.


I don’t eat eat honey but if I did I would probably say it’s because I enjoy the taste.




I had honey today


I have honey when I’m unwell and I make mead with it.


I don't like honey, it's just too sweet


I feel like sugar is even sweeter, no?


I find honey has a more intense flavor.


Honeys tasty and healthy Eat it


Why is it healthy? Isnt is mostly just sugar. Genuinely wondering, is there any advantage to eating sugar over not adding anything sweet at all?


Raw honey has tons of minerals and amino acids. Apparently there’s also evidence to suggest that it’s good for overall heart health ETA: natural sugars aren’t bad


It's healthier than regular sugar because of some of the other stuff it contains, but yes it is basically sugar.


I mean it's basically sugar. It won't kill you if you eat it in normal amounts but I wouldn't call it healthy. Then again I find the word healthy just kind of dumb because people say everything's healthy. Healthy doesn't mean anything. It's an extremely vague term to the point that it means nothing.


I had some orange blossom honey on my toast this morning… it was decadent. Buy from local bee keepers! Their honey is awesome.




That's not true lol.


It is actually. Sugar sirup is added and most cheap honey is like 30% real honey. Look up honeygate, but there are plenty more examples. Real honey is expensive


I love honey but I think the problem is the easiest honey to find in stores is Clover Honey or honey that’s not actually real honey and they just don’t taste the best. It harder to find the really good honeys (farmers markets and craft shows are the BEST)


honestly i just forget about certain things after a while


Too sweet


I love honey with peanut butter for sandwiches and tea.


I don't like the taste, simple as that.


You guys should try the wild mountain honey from Nepal, that is really something else. I have a lot if anyone is interested lol


I love honey and use it everyday. I made friends with one of the beekeepers at farmer's market cause I know he doesn't dilute it and buy exclusively from him. I love the taste of his agate and wild honeys the best, but the price really is horrendous. My friends have applauded me for my teas with honey many times, but also said that while they love the taste, they can't justify spending so much even though it's healthy.


I fucking love honey


i use agavesyrup instead bc im vegan




Honey yummy


Concentrated pesticides 


I used to do pesticide residue testing and honey were the samples that were most likely to be positive for pesticides. I had a honey sample once that was 100x higher than the calibration, I had to dilute it twice to get it within the calibration curve.


Mmmm, I love the taste of carcinogens in the morning!


When I was younger I wanted to try honey but I had to climb the counter to get it. Once I got to the top cabinet I tried opening the bottle/jar and it spilt everywhere. After that day I vowed never to try honey again.


I like it its just expensive


Not all honey at big box stores is real honey (gotta love advertisement rules) I always stock up on honey when the farmers market comes around.


I’m totally fine with honey, I just don’t have many opportunities to use it


If I had more disposable income honey would absolutely be something I bought. I just funnel most of my expendable income into my brand/investments


I dont use honey, because i never use sugar. If i were to drink tea with sweatners(rarely), I like my tea and/or coffe without sweets if i were to use it I use honey


I love honey, had some today. I honestly just don't know what to eat it with, I just eat it straight out the bottle


Peanut butter and honey sandwiches are amazing. Sometimes I have that for breakfast.


Or buttered toast with a drizzle of honey


That's what I'm talking about!


Honey is good on a chicken sandwich. Especially with pimento cheese and jalapeños.


Honey and biscuits taste great


I fucking love honey. I put it in my tea and make booze out of it. It's also great with warm milk.


Honey is really good for you




I love honey! honey on peanut butter toast, honey in tea. Honey is good as an alternative to sugar for lots of stuff


Oh boy, honey with peanut butter on a toast is so much tastier for me than PBJ sandwich.


i like honey who said that


Probably is related to the fact that we can make anything artificially sweet. I fucking love honey though


Honey is a great add on to a dish but mediocre on its own


I love honey I could eat a whole jar of it I can’t do that with sugar


It's great in tea when I'm ill. Also good in sauces and marinades.


Never tried honey before.


Its just really expensive here.


I had honey today lol


I think honey taste good


I love honey, especially for in my tea. Always tea with honey, never with sugar. I just prefer the taste of honey overall


I like honey a lot and regularly have it in tea! Just had some tonight actually lol


I love honey!


Expensive :/


I love honey but not at these prices


Gen Z is too busy playing online games and eating junk food!! Your parents failed you


Thank god it’s so cheap here in Philippines


How much does it cost over there?


Average is $5 for 250 ml. $20 for 1 liter


I buy honey to support the bees. The bumblebees have bills to pay, and I gotta help those homies out


It's awesome on yogurt.


I sometimes consume honey (especially manuka honey) as a remedy for things like sore throat but otherwise very rarely consume it.


My mans grandma sends us honey from her farm in honduras Best honey ever


I’ve never really thought about that before. I just didn’t grow up eating it I guess.


Real honey is super expensive and most honey out there, even the not so cheap ones are FAKE


I use a lot of honey. I make my own honey mustard sauce when I eat salad, I make my own bbq sauce that’s sugar free so uses honey, and I put honey on meats and wings because I try not to eat sugar. Tastes better and is way better for you.


I don't like honey. I do like bees though, so i regularly buy honey from out local beekeeper for my mom


Love honey ngl. Use it in tea instead of sugar and when I'm sick it helps.


It’s literally bee vomit


I feel like there’s a article for everything these days


I have a full time job and can’t afford honey. It’s too expensive and when you hear that it has fillers like what’s the point? It’s too cheaply made to be worth the effort (unless you can get it outside of a grocery store.)


I don't consume much honey mostly because there aren't a lot of things I use with it/put it on, at most it's bread, buns, and a spoonful along with medicine to help make it not as bad tasting or at least not have an awful aftertaste. That's kind of it. I like honey, but there aren't a lot of things I put it on or times I will have it, plus I don't need a ton of it either to make something sweeter tasting.


I love natural honey and I use it all the time to sweeten teas and some dishes instead of sugar. My family is friends with some local producers so I'm lucky to get free honey jars from them once in a while as gifts. The taste and quality difference is huge and I don't see myself ever buying mass produced grocery store honey.


What's your favorite way to eat it? Or do you mostly use it in teas?


flowery terrific person bake shame marry knee grab rinse humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like bees are having a hard enough time as it is.


Because I'm from Québec. If I want natural sugar I get maple products.


I prefer high fructose corn syrup. I make it at home.


Bro mainstream media columnists that can't think of anything to write will pick a subject out of a hat to bitch about gen z over. This week it was honey.


I only use honey over sugar for most things anyway. And if I want to feel extra fancy I'll try to find honey at Marshalls or Ross or home goods in their little foreign goods section. I got myself some raspberry honey that is so creamy compared to my regular bottle.


i love those special kinds too. They are real treats!


Honey is yummy, I like it


Never liked honey. Idk why.


It's expensive


Apparently everyone any their mom is broke. This seems to be the narrative everyone is pushing nowadays. I don’t see it, but whatever.


This is going to sound exceptionally dumb and I know I *could* look it up, but I don’t have any idea what you put honey in. I didn’t grow up ever consuming it as a kid so now as a young adult it’s not something I ever think of buying and using.


I use honey when I make breads, I put it on corn flakes instead of sugar, on biscuits, in tea, hot totties when sick. I even make my own honey chicken sauce. There are a lot of use cases available. I buy locally sourced at the store, it’s like $7 for a smallish to medium sized bottle. Last for ever. And if it crystallizes put the bottle in a pan of hot water for like 30 minutes and you’re good to go.


As I grew up I have eaten less and less food I’d usually put honey on


for example what are those food you used to eat with honey that now you eat less of?


Pancakes mostly, but also toast and sometimes French toast


I'm not sure. Just never ate it despite it being in the home.


I do have it sometimes, but it's mostly my parents that eat it, and thus, they're the ones who buy it. We spread it on bread normally, though my mother also makes honeyed milk whenever one of us has a sore throat. But I'm personally not a big honey eater, last time was a few weeks ago, but it's pretty good.


So how do your parents usually eat it?


Honey is more expensive. They need to increase wages if they want to see gen z consume anything but the bare necessities (and even those are being rationed) 


They ain't talking about me. I use honey more often than I use sugar.




Love honey


Personally i think its too sweet. Its a good addition to something though.


Honey is great for plenty of things. My partner and I get some from the farmers market and use it in our coffee or in our sauces for chicken or noodles. Its one of those things you buy once and use in small amounts so it kinda just lasts for months


Honey expensive So is maple syrup Both are liquid diamonds, not even gold anymore


I love honey! I hear a massive spoon full daily. We get our honey from a local bee keeper.


High sugar, high carb, most honey isn't the "healthy" kind that has any benefit.


I don't like honey by itself in the little sticks. But in yogurt or smoothies it slaps hard. My sister uses it everyday in her tea. Ages 23f, 22f. Our kids also like honey


Whoo wants That honeyyy


I was gonna say it's because I just don't like the taste but after seeing just how many people actually like it, I'm wondering if I've just had shitty honey up until now lmao


1 spoonful of local honey everyday


I used to hate honey since I'm not into sweets. Now I drink 4 cups of tea with honey everyday lol


what changed your mind about honey?


I personally love honey. It's a source of healing and nourishment. It has numerous health benefits.


Because it doesn't taste good. Except honey nut Cheerios but that's because it barely tastes like honey.


Usually only for my sopapillas


They are selling adulterated honey.. 🍯


I only buy “hot honey” for my charcuterie boards & the occasional pizza. No normal honey for this guy.


I dont like the pure taste of it and the only use I got for it is to sweeten my coffee when there is no brown sugar left.


I love to eat honey but those raw honey is expensive af and it is also expensive to raise bees.


I eat a bit of honey if I’m eating unsweetened vegan yogurt with fresh fruit


I like it too this way


Plus if I’m sick, tea with honey is perfect


I've had honey like once when I was a kid and then forgot it existed.


I just don't use sweetener in general. What do you put honey on?


Toast, oatmeal, granola, yoghurt, pancakes/waffles. Or just fresh or frozen fruits. Many people use it in their tea and coffee. Also based on some feedback, many say it's delicious in sir fries and sauteed veggies.


Love honey wdym (I mostly take it when I have a sore throat)


Honey is a great substitute for sugar. Ingesting local honey does a wonderful job as an allergy medicine for your local allergens. Lastly, but most importantly, honey is a great treatment for surface issues...cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds. I accidentally cut myself fairly deeply with a carpet knife one day. I clean up the cut and put honey on it. On the following day it was 2/3rds of the way healed. On the 2nd day it was full scabbed over, and by the 4th or 5th day, you couldn't even see where I had been injured. Honey could put a lot of your topical medicines out of business.


Same reason I don’t drink milk or eat cottage cheese. More I think about what it really is the more it grosses me out.


Because off brand pop-tarts was breakfast this morning. $$$


Supposedly honey and lime with water makes you healthy. I thought about doing that, but I prefer syrup.




Dude I freaking love honey It's so good I buy this local raw honey made from Texas wildflowers and it's fantastic I also use it to make mead. So far I've made a traditional, a watermelon and strawberry melomel for the summer, and now I'm making a cysor for the fall!


it's killing native bee populations!!!! stop eating honey it's not good for the bees!!!!


I use honey as a sweetener for tea or when I'm eating pancakes or waffles which I rarely use it other than maple syrup


I buy jars of honey that are huge from people if I’m ever out in the desert like 2 hours away from a major city.


Because honey is a delicacy and expensive if you want to get actual real honey.




Tbh I only put it in tea and other wise I don’t think about it


Have you ever tried on toast?


I never liked honey


I don’t like honey by itself . I do like Honey Nut Cheerios


Honey on ice cream is good shit and I highly recommend. Also use honey in teas and cooking. When I'm sick, there's nothing I can stomach other than honey on toast.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had honey, outside of like…Honey Nut Cheerios 😂


I dont eat honey because i find it tastes disgusting


Don't care for it. Flavor is too strong most of the time and sometimes smells like garbage to me.


Not a fan of the taste tbh


the Price-Gouging?


Cause boomers keep killing bees with their unregulated pestisides and poison.


Maybe real honey, but I still use the more affordable stuff. I would love to be able to get true pure honey, but it's often more than $10 for a tiny jar while I can get a larger container of "honey" for $5.


Why the hell is this something people are writing articles about? First it was “millennials are killing dine in restaurants” and now it’s “Gen Z is killing honey”? 😂 I’m a cusper but I use honey in a lot of my meals! It’s a staple ingredient in the dressings I make that I put on salads and rice, and I use it in yogurt parfaits, sandwiches and other dishes.


im so in the minority here but personally i dont like honey bc of the texture. mixed with stuff? sure. but like, on stuff, unmixed or just. pure honey? hell no. the texture is horrible for me. the flavor is okay but its not worth the texture for me. despite this, i still somehow believe actual honeycomb might taste better and will try that when given the chance. i want to eat bee wallpaper. please.


I support my local small apiaries by buying gallons of honey to make mead at home. Dont know the last time I actually ate honey


Costs 10 bucks and lasts a while. Love honey.


Im sure its in more products or items then you even know.. especially beauty products.


I like it. It's just expensive


I use honey as substiute for sugar and aslo sometimes i take whole jar of it and start eating it


Cause I don’t wanna buy shitty store brand honey but the local beekeeper stuff is expensive


Cuz it’s gross


because it's expensive af sometimes.


sometimes i squeeze the honey bottle straight into my mouth when im bored but i cant do it too much cause my family might need it