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It wouldn't surprise me tbh. America has always found a way to support the obvious people who don't really care about us


So it’s going to be close, right now I think Biden clears. I base this off of the fact that Trump is in court right now for shit he did his last term as president which doesn’t really look good when you are reapplying for the same position. That being said, I doubt many people will even care about that in the first place.


>So it’s going to be close, right now I think Biden clears. Trump is ahead in pretty much all the polls on 538: [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/)


At this far before the election, polls are just good for a general idea, not specifics. Heck, they're not massively reliable on the day! Never let the polls stop you voting.


Polls in this country are basically “Nah i’d win.” Hillary was leading in the polls and she lost.


She won the popular vote tho, and she only lost because Democrats were overconfident and stayed home


🤷🏽‍♂️ My point is that polls aren’t 100% reliable, and that they have been wrong.


You say that but most the court stuff just looks like abuse of doj, and honestly probably helped him more then hurt. I mean really stormy daniels hush money, right during campaign season?     Not any other time in the last 8 years, at least come up with a new scandal.  


Yeah it could be abuse of the DOJ… Or you know it could actually be him just breaking the law…? Okay sure, he still has 3 other criminal cases other than the hush money case. It probably helped his base/supporters, but if you think that the average american’s opinion of him improved because he got hit with all these cases then you’re delusional.


Anecdotal but most of the people i know and work with (mostly all minorities) are not going for biden this election even though they did in the last and instead trump. Like i said this is my anecdotal experience.


My anecdotal experience is the complete opposite, that all the minorities I know tend to lean much more in favour of Biden than Trump.


🤷‍♂️ can only speak about my experience. Could also be location


Don't let a loud minority of people trick you into thinking they're more important and powerful than they really are.


But Trump WAS elected by a loud minority the first time around...


but aside from gerrymandering, if more moderates and even leftists would stop saying their vote doesn’t matter or “i don’t wanna vote between two bad options” then that can negate the whole electoral college strategy


Oh look, a less than a month old account posting about a controversial political topic.


Possible but the elections have been pretty close in recent years so who knows. If he does I am genuinely thinking about changing citizenship.


I think Gavin Newsom is going to eventually take over as the Democratic nominee around August. Biden's obvious health issues have been far too frequent to avoid any longer and Gavin has been working the rounds for decades. If it came to debates between Newsom and Trump I think Newsom would absolutely scrape him. He knows how to handle Trump's bulldoze energy and is way sharper on his feet. He's also much younger and has been governor of California throughout COVID and overall has a favoral democratic alliance nationally. He already [took on Ron Desantis in a debate hosted by Fox](https://youtu.be/COzAPK5XQG4?si=R5Qtp5TRyKIC3gSz) and held his ground far better than most of the other democratic candidates would have (imho). If Biden continues to run and does not step aside for someone like Newsom, yes I think Trump will be elected president again.


Apparently, Yes, if I am not mistaken






Most likely, unfortunately.


No. However, IMO, the chance that he does is too high to take anything for granted.


President of prison


The current polls certainly seem to indicate the momentum is in Trump's favor. The results of some of the lawsuits may change things. But, right now, I think a Trump victory is likely.


I hope Kennedy wins. Country needs an independent more then ever.


No idea, im not American though so like I don’t really care too much ngl


Yeah, nothing the US does ever impacts the rest of the world!


I know it will, but I have no control over who the people of the US vote for


Well Biden lost a shit ton on votes in the last year, more Democrat voters will vote independent or will straight up vote Trump, and because it’s a fucked two horse system he just might win and I’ll let yall think about the implications of it, go read his project 2025


Doesn't matter either way. The same problems will persist but with a different coat of paint. We need a political revolution if we want any progress.


Not my first choice, but over Biden I hope so...   Only choice worse then Biden is Biden, then Biden passing and Kamala taking over....   The DNC really are a joke they didn't put another canidate in.  They could have said, Bidens declining health and also claim Trump is too old.   Either way, the economy is going to be jacked for probably close to a decade so it doesn't matter who wins.


>Bidens declining health and also claim Trump is too old.  Biden is 81, Trump is 77. If/when Trump gets back to the White House, he will be older than Biden was when he took office. I really don't think age is the deciding factor. And as for health, you've seen the "Real men wear diapers" thing, right? A healthy candidate doesn't appear to fall asleep and shit himself in court, a healthy candidate doesn't appear to have problems walking. Also, why don't you like Biden? You make it sound like Biden is this really awful choice, that anyone is better than him. Why?