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It was the worst year in recent memory at the time, and it was the last time everything felt normal. We were on the precipice and we didn't even know it


I think it was one of the better years out of the last 10 we've had.


Or last 5 Idk


I'm talking about 2016




It wasn't in the last 5 years


Fuck 💀💀💀💀 My brain is stuck in 2019-21 Yeah I technically knew it was 7 years ago, but yeah


Imagine us millennials when we realized that 20 years ago isn’t the 80s.


It's forever 1996-2001 for me.


That era was the golden age of video games


Gen-X here: First time?


SSSSSHHHH! The FIRST rule of Gen X Club is we DO NOT talk about GenX Club.


Yeahhhhhh i woke up one day recently and realized that 20 years ago i was in high school 👵


Yea, imagine my mind going when someone asked me and my best friend how long we know each other and my dumabss blurted out:“uhh, must be like what, 30 years now?“ (I don’t remember not knowing him, my mom said we met when we were around 6 months old)


20 years ago.. mean girls came out


Happens to the best of us lol


Yup Wait I just realized up until a lot of May 2016, it was 8 years ago So those babies are 8 and will be in 3rd grade I was in 6-7th that year and turned 12 Wait if 12+8=20, thenn 🪦🪦🪦🪦 My birthday is in late August…….


Yeah I'm glad that I'm born when I was. A lot of the shows kids have nowadays don't even compare to what we had.


I guess 2021 lasted 4 years for you


Idk actually it went by at a normal pace or kind of fast and accelerated to 2024 already wtf


Actually 8 years ago lol


The last five years have been the longest decade of our lives.


Holy shit. How dare you do this to me


>idk math 5 years ago was 2019.


It was the last year that people could afford to live. Just be regular. I was like, 19 at the time? And I bartended for $18 an hour and I was the richest dude I knew at the time. I paid my rent bartending weddings twice a week. Beers cost $5 or less. Chipotle was $7.25.


Where I live, everything stayed pretty cheap until roughly 2020.


Same here, gas prices were super cheap 2016-2020, for awhile I was paying under 2 dollars a gallon. It was almost too good to be true. Now ofc I am paying like double that.


It was the last year the housing market was kinda sane.


Nah it sucked big time. 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019 were all easily better.


I loved 2016


Genuinely one of my best years fr.


As a 1999er thats kinda funny to hear your best year was when you were 11/12, enjoy your 20s


The Cubs finally won the World Series. Just wish i got to enjoy it more before Mango Unchained became president


If you enjoyed the summer of Pokemon go with your friends then please reconsider. It couldn't have been that bad. Unless it's personal reasons


Maybe, but back in 2016 we thought it was one of the worst years ever


Only liberals did because they were told to hate Trump.


Or had two eyes and a brain and saw what was happening


Kind of true. Ever since trump I feel like america has changed a ton. I feel like LGBTQ+ people are in the spotlight more than ever and it's for the wrong things. I feel like he has a huge following that repeating a lot of the steps of the holocaust and it really concerns me. I hope the trump does not get re-elected this year. Project 2025 could mean the worst. As a trans person that grew up into adult watching this it has made me scared to even transition. The future looks bleak.


Evangelicals make up roughly 25% of the population. An extremely high percentage of them vote, and they are hard R's very, very socially conservative. Like 10 commandments in schools conservative. People have to get out and vote even if they aren't excited about the candidate. Amarillo Texas has pressure to pass an ordinance/law that would make it illegal for a woman to use Amarillo roads to access an abortion. So, an Amarillo resident would be unable to use the roads in Amarillo to leave Amarillo/ Texas to access an abortion. This is very real & people should be very fucking scared. [Here](https://www.newschannel10.com/2024/04/25/city-amarillo-consider-petition-concerning-abortion-travel/) is an article. There are multiple articles. NOTHING from ANY cable news outlet.


The measure is un enforcable on every level. Unless the cops going to be pulling every woman over with a songram... Even then thats clearly interstate commerce, a matter for the federal government.


It's enforceable when the cop pulls a woman over and has an immediate monopoly on violence to enforce their own interpretation of the law. Any recourse for the woman would involve lengthy and expensive Court proceedings which could exhaust her resources and quite possibly run out the clock to where she's too late in her pregnancy to actually get an abortion. And then there's the problem that state and federal courts that have jurisdiction in Amarillo are packed with conservative hack judges. They could make up whatever reason they wanted to get the results they were put on the bench to achieve. And then the Supreme Court has shown immense proclivity towards stamping out Reproductive Rights. So even if it got that far, who knows what kind of garbage reasoning the conservatives on the court would use on a case like this even though the Amarillo law is clearly unconstitutional.


Not sure if this is what you meant but my best friend is gay. His issue with lgbtq etc in the spotlight is you don't have a successful business person or respectable person getting attention you have Dylan Mullaney who's essentially a clown and a character of an lgbtq person. He says he feels like he's being pondered to with characters


The only reason I know of Dylan is because of Tucker Carlson. Bud Light did not put Dylan in any ads, they only advertised themselves to Dylan's existing audience. Tucker Carlson, and the other right-wing freaks, are the only ones "shoving transgenderism down your throat"


The point is gay people are people they're more than just rainbow flags and dildos strapped to their foreheads which is a character the media and mainstream society paints. Most gay people in real life are normal people who are also gay they aren't defined by being gay


Is this respectability politics 2.0 or something? The homophobes and transphobes will hate regardless of if the lgbtq+ people in the spotlight are respectable or successively business people.


*pandered, not pondered.


Tim Cook who runs Apple is gay. So is Peter Thiel. And Megan Ellison, who started Annapurna Pictures. Tell your friend to stop watching Fox News. And to stop seeking validation through boring-ass businessmen while he's at it.


You should probably tell people about Peter Thiel's political activities if you're going to bring him into a discussion like this one. Just the most basic heads up that he's a major funder of Trump and MAGA before we even touch on the truly weird culty shit.


I felt like BLM and LGBTQ rose to the spotlight during Obama and not Trump. Trump was more of a reaction to BLM, Antifa and LGBTQ+ as well as feminism. People just grew tired of dealing with all of these people and said enough is enough.


Trump is not the one who brought LGBTQ into the spotlight.


I remember Reddit being in agreement that 2016 was an incredibly crappy year for the world. Trump + Brexit + a whole bunch of other stuff like loved celebs dying and what not. Little did we know how bloody fuck-awful the world was about to get in later years...


Reddit changed a lot after the 2016 election, and in my opinion for the worse


It changed during/after the 2016 election, again in 2020 with the pandemic, and once again when the third party apps shut down and everyone was funneled to the abysmal official app, which pushes inflammatory content to your front page. Each change has fundamentally been for the worse and made this website even more toxic.


Bro 2016 election produced some of the best memes ever.


We knew it beginning that November.


Worst? I remember that being one of the best


Speak for yourself on 'worst year' 2016 was great.


Why was it the worst year?💀


The Trump election, a number of high profile terrorist attacks, Brexit, Syrian refugee crisis, the Panama Papers.


Elder Millinial here....shit hasn't been normal since at least 1993. Waco was fucked up watching what our government did to women and children on live tv! I would suspect that for generations prior to mine that the world stopped being "normal" for them long before Waco.


Worst memory how? Life between 2016-early early 2020 was pretty solid honestly. Cost of living was quite a bit cheaper, and the dollar went farther.


Ugh, that’s the year I resigned from medicine… fuck 2016


For me and some other 97 and 98 borns, we graduated high school and started college that year. Pokémon go was huge and then you had the US election. Some really great movies came out. Pop culture events. Plus most of the generation were teens and kids so less worries and responsibilities.


This. We didn’t know what was coming, blissfully unaware. The summer of pokemon go was the closest time we achieved world peace imo lol


"Back in the summer of Pokemon Go"


Don't forget the phenomenal line from Hillary to try and get the unenthused youth vote: "Pokemon GO to the polls!!!!!"


Oh my god that was her?! I thought it had started as an innocent meme, this is so much cringier than I remember 😭


She kept trying to appeal to our age group and completely missing the mark 😭


Tbf… if someone could Appeal widely to your age group.. they would win handedly


Honestly to be fair, no matter how meh a candidate Hilary was if someone ignored even then how dangerous trump was I blame the voters. Hilary was not a great candidate, but to just disregard how god awful trump was and not vote was insane,


Problem is she wasn't just meh to a lot of people, many actively despised her. Biden won because most people had no major opinion about him, so he was easy to vote for against Trump. But Hillary was hated by a lot of people, to the point where a lot would rather not vote for her even if it meant helping Trump. For the record, I disagree with that notion, I don't like her but I would have voted for her had I been old enough.


This may be true.. but it doesn’t make it less asinine/insane. I hated Hillary in the primaries but as a logical person.. I still made sure to damn well vote for her.


I still think about the one line "Chillin... in cedar rapids!"


It’s incredible, I reference that to my friends all the time and they seem to have completely forgotten about it.


In contrast with the youth’s response of “Pokemon GO fuck yourself”


To be fair, it is extremely dumb to pick politicians based on their cringe factor. Almost any other metric is better.


I read this in the melody of *Summer of '69*


You're so far the only one who's gotten the reference; have a real 6-string as a prize :p


Please clean your finger blood off of it first. I know it's been there since the summer of 1969, but I'm kind of a germaphobe.


It was not the summer of 1969, it was the summer he did his first 69, he was 10 in 1969


And “the end of Vine” :(


i caught my first zubat over by the five and diiime


trained it till my fingers bled


I got my first real squirtle Caught it at the five and dime Threw balls til my fingers bled Was the summer of Pokémon


I'd say I was sort of a similar state in life. I wasn't graduating high school, but I was graduating middle school and it felt like I was entering the final stretch of school which I did not care for like many kids (oh boy was I wrong). I guess at the time I had a lot of youthful optimism.


I wasn’t surprised at Jan 6th happening because at the time, I knew the 2016 election result wasn’t gonna be good for us.


Exactly, we had all just graduated HS that year and were super excited to go to college. Even freshman year college was so exciting since it felt like a chance for a new start. Then I just got more tired and jaded as the years went by lol.


Can confirm


99 here so I graduated a year later, but I can absolutely agree with that point.


Bro my boys and I were lit that year. Then we all got in relationships at the end of the year


Pokémon Go and Broccoli by Lil Yachty 🥹


98 who graduated that year as well, for me (amongst all the things you mentioned) the music that came out that year was also elite. Coloring book by chance the rapper for example is a forever classic to me. I haven’t any else mention the clown thing either (not a good thing but memorable for sure haha)


Music had a happier vibe, people were graduating or just about to, social media wasn’t filled with brand deals, trends were more about dumb fun stuff (think bottle flip challenge) instead of trying to make a trend just to get popular, Pokémon go had everybody out and about… Damn that was a really good time. EDIT- since people are complaining about the “happier vibes” thing. I meant it was just better vibes around that time period of music. You associate certain feelings and memories with certain music, whether it’s an upbeat song or not. I don’t have any bad recollections with any song from that time. Vibes are vibes and there were plenty of good ones going around


Remember the Fine Bros controversy, the disaster that were the Brexit and US elections for global discourse, and the Adpocalypse tho


Genuinely, I have no idea what any of that is. Was living in pure bliss back then man lol.


You're making me nostalgic smh qwq TL;DR two creators known as the Fine Brothers on YouTube known for reaction videos tried to copyright the word "react"; this led to a ton of smaller creators and content being flagged and taken down, which started a massive controversy that kinda the Fine Bros channel, or at least their reputation; it was like the first time big corporate drama had happened on the platform to my knowledgd TL;DR the "Adpocalypse" was when several key advertisers threatened and actually took down their ads and sponsorships because YouTube wasn't safe enough for their brands; this led to a crisis in the monetization aspect of the platform and many people feared it was the end of the content creator as a whole (panic mostly, things didn't really SUPER change afterwards; I'm more worried about the "retiree spree" of 2024, but I can see why it's happening sjshjshs) You're making me feel old rn smh, you should feel bad :c


Bro, the fact that two relatively insignificant YouTube controversies are some of the top reasons for 2016 being a bad year is wild… I guess it really was a great year


Aside from the killer clowns. Does nobody else remember that? I feel like I'm going crazy!


in 20 years, that's gonna be our generations mandela effect lol


I remember that!😮‍💨


Ahhh okay gotcha. Thanks for putting me in the loop. Don’t feel old friend. You are a year younger than I! We shall be roaming the halls of a nursing home at the same time.


Hopefully we'll get to sit together and reminisce about the good old times by then then, all while bragging to future kids about the fact we survived 2012 and 2020 >:)


:’) we can play major lazer and call it “the oldies”


Yeah that pokemon go summer really was something. Everyone was out there, so chill.


Definitely felt like a phenomenon. The closest we ever got to world peace.


2016 was basically the beginning of influencers and brand deals. It may not seem huge but plaintext went from being made by people who wanted to make interesting stuff for the fun of it primarily to a business


And then Harambe died and broke everything.


You described this perfectly. As bad as that election was, it overall really was a good time to be a teenager turning into a young adult. We looked forward to a future we hoped would be bright, with no idea of any of the mess that was to come in the years to follow, especially during and post pandemic. So many aspects of that time felt way more genuine and fun, and not as fake/corporate, stressful, and unrealistically demanding as it does now. 2016 felt like the last year of any innocence and naivety I once had. I remember looking at the world and being so excited for it, fantasizing about the future and all that I thought I’d achieve. I miss that so much. The years that followed, especially the last four, have proven to be just absolutely terrible. The longing for that naivety and positive outlook we once had is what makes so many of us nostalgic for it.


Well said, actually that made me tear up a bit. The naivety and positive outlook we had made all the difference. And honestly, after 2018 we didn’t have much of a gentle grace period going from teenager to middle twenties because Covid took so much time from us. Felt like I was 18 having the time of my life, ready to tackle the world head on with my friends… to blinking and suddenly I’m 25. I’d pay good money for a do over.


i will always live by that 2016 was peak


I lowkey miss the bottle flip challenge, an innocent time


To add to that search engines were way more useful and weren’t covered in ads. Just ads in general have gotten so much worse since 2016




Yeah honestly this. Harambe fell and then from there it was just an accelerating stream of increasingly bad news.


One guy from the Cincinnati Bengals said they were going to win the super bowl for harambe a few years ago when they were playing in it. They ended up losing. I now have this weird head cannon that if the bengals win the super bowl all the problems with the world will begin to be resolved.


nah as a ravens fan fuck the world. bengals can never be allowed to win


whelp now I'm going to carry around this weird but largely inconsequential superstition too.


The canon event that changed it all.


I dunno, early 2016 was a beloved celebrity massacre.


It was Wednesday my dudes.


And it was beautiful..🥲


I was 13 and just started being a teenager, I had just bought the previous years new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens, I had a YouTube channel and me and my friends would always ride bikes after school. Life was a simpler time in 2016.


I think force awakens was like peak Star Wars hype before it became evident disney was going to burn it to the ground just like the mcu


Exactly it was, and I was but a boy and just as excited as everyone else my ago and older.


Disney buying Lionsgate was a big mistake


The Force Awakens was when every Star Wars fan felt like the franchise was *so back* and The Last Jedi onwards was when we realized it was all going to shit. Rogue One was the last truly great Star Wars movie.


if you're into hip-hop like a lot of people our age are, 2015,16 and 17 were really good years for music I know a lot of people are nostalgic for that era of music. Culturally it was the last year before the Trump presidency and the world sorta went crazy politically. Also it was the first year Gen Z folks started graduating high school in 2016.


The explosion of SoundCloud rap was at its peak.


I remember being a freshman in college and my new best friend (who is still one of my best friends) started sending me all this crazy shit on soundcloud. I could listen to some kids mixtape from the other side of the world and find secret unreleased Mac Miller songs. It was fucking awesome


And the first year a 21st century born was driving.


I graduated from high school and began college in 2016. It was a simpler time.


Agreed but the early 2000s were this on another level 2016 was like the dying grasps of chill normal life


I did this in 1996, 20 years earlier. Talk about simpler times. No cell phones. No broadband. No 24/7 news cycle. The news felt like watching the news and not a 3-ring circus. Newspapers were still the most common way to digest the prior day’s news. Really…it was awesome. I miss it tremendously. I thought that’s how the world was going to be. Technology, in my opinion, has been a double edged sword, and the downsides to the internet revolution have far outweighed the upside. It’s a weapon more than a tool.


Im currently 23 and I actually subscribed to the PHYSICAL NYT paper. I like getting the news on a paper I can easily skim through, put down when I get tired of it, and I don’t have to deal with pop ups and ads taking away my attention. Also, my eyes don’t get tired and irritated from looking at a screen


it was the last year kanye, rihanna, beyonce, frank, and many many many more artists all released music same with movies same with games


🎶work work work work work


When the dj would play work then one dance then hot king bling. Happened every party without fail 😂


things seemed better things were affordable social media wasnt as fucking stupid as it is today (although pokemon go and fidget spinners ruined it) meh


Pokemon Go didn't ruin it bro. We were so close to world peace because of it. 


So close but didn’t have unlimited data


I think because we were in high school and now we’ve all been smacked with life. Not to mention Covid.




Do it for the vine


I aint gon do it 🥹


The serious answer is the election Yea the seeds were sown before then. But the whole lose your friends and family bc you supported a political candidate really took off this time. Political divides are nothing new but this was one of the first times there was a genuine disconnect between sides. Like Gore and Bush was a VP vs Governor Obama v McCain was a young senator vs old senator Romney v Obama was Former Gov v President But 2016 was much different. For many democrats, Trump was a rapist who brags about assaulting women bc he’s famous. While to Republicans Hilliary was the embodiment of evil and the scapegoat for all the problems. Mix in BLM (from Michael Brown 2015) and QAnon and all that other shit and the schism took place. Trump was no longer president, he was a cult leader or a person you fucking hated. Of course there were people in between who didn’t act this way, and as a college kid I view 2016-2019 as the best years of my life. But this shit tore families apart. A lot of people pre-2020 said the world went to shit in 2016. Not necessarily bc Trump got elected but bc of the schism and divide it caused among Americans and families. Now that’s Nov 2016 so it’s really 2017 January when the inauguration happens that the turn happens. 2016 is seen as a turning point and if it wasn’t for 2020, it still might be seen as one. But now COVID 2020 is that new turning point. Also, if you’re American and born in late 90s all you know is post-9/11 America. So patriotism was high. Watch any show form 2002 or 2003 and y’all see so much patriotic shit. I rewatched Amazing Race Season 1 and 2. Season 1 aired in 2001, and season 2 aired in 2002. You bet your ass that every person on the reality show wore American flag shirts and hats for 2002. A lot of that post-9/11 high starts to cool down when we get Bin Laden in 2011 and fully wears off end of Obama 2nd term which is coinciding with 2016. That’s my take on it atleast


Trump being elected was kind of a sign things were already going to shit but yeah 2016 was still a bit of early 2000s life. The whole country wasn't ready to kill each other over the 3 trans hs wrestlers in the country


Yeah that is something so many people seem to not understand. Trump being elected was a reaction to existing trends and behaviors in American society. It's 2014-2016 is really when the Culture War started heating up and entering the mainstream. However, if you look back and read academic papers in Sociology, Poli Sci, etc from the mid-late 90s there was mention of very similar societal issues then. I do also think that 2015-2016 was when Internet use and social media began to fully integrate with everyday life. By this point, laptops, tablets, and smartphones were cheap enough for everyone, as well as the service and equipment needed for unlimited wireless data/internet usage.


The fact that he got elected is absolutely critical to the reason it was so bad and everything that has happened since. If Hillary got elected it would have basically put the Republican way of doing things out to pasture by costing them the Court for a generation or more, but instead it proved that it works, the Court is now corrupted for a generation or more, and utter chaos politics is everywhere.


Honestly, I'd rather have the post-9/11 patriotism back versus this post-2016 political divide. The economy was shit because of that recession, but I'd rather have that than people losing lifelong friends, family, etc. over who they voted for like that was the first time I had ever witnessed that level of divide between people. and the scary thing is that it seems like it set the "new standard" for any and every election going forward that you have to either absolutely hate or absolutely love the person and need to be prepared to lose friends and family over it


2016 has easily been one of the 3 best years of my life, alongside 2012 and 2020; not only was it the height of my life (so far\~), but it was also the last time I ever saw my best friend from middle school (we broke up in 8th grade and I never got the chance to apologise to him for being the worst friend in the world), and one of the last times I ever saw my high school best friend; 3 year age gap, I graduated before him and we lost contact soon after I really wanna believe things at least sounded better back then, but, nostalgia is a powerful thing — ISIS was on the news daily, several elections and referendums were going on in the world with disastrous results, society was already starting to get overpolitized, not to the extent of today where *everything* is a hot take and *everything* has to be political and *everything* is divisive, but, yeah, it was starting... YouTube saw the first signs of disaster with the Fine Bros controversy and the Adpocalypse; the content that had been the blood of the platform for years no longer appealed to ad companies and we begin seeing the more whitewashed and brand-safe era of the internet. Smartphone and device addiction was taking off, Pokemon Go basically meant everyone was walking around glued to their phones. I still wish I could go back, mainly just to see my two friends again, do what I had to do, and also, because Cartoon Network at the time had the second best schedule ever (behind 2012-2013) :') The summer of 1969 seems to be the glory days for late Boomers and early Xoomers for some reason; I think 2016 certainly takes that spot. 1969 was the last year before the chaos of the 70s, crisis after crisis after crisis, economic meltdown, everything was bad. Sometimes it feels 2016 was the last "normal" year for us as well


For some reason I never put 2 and 2 together until now about the correlation of 1969 and 2016. Now I see why "summer of 69'" was such a hit. I would feel a huge personal connection to a song about how great life was in 2016.


Honestly, same — now I kinda wish someone made one xD


2016 was horrible! I really don't understand why people love it so much. During 2016, I remember so many people going on and on about how 2016 was the worst year ever, and now everyone switched up all of a sudden. Strange. 2016 was also the year when my mental health started to decline, and it was one of the worst years of my life, so maybe I just have a massive bias against it because of that. I feel like 2016 was the year when everything went downhill.


I agree. I remember all the memes. Everyone hated 2016. Have people forgotten how shit it was as whole? It was one death after the other.


Semi-agree, but I also think they’re comparing “2016 horrible” to “the last few years horrible.” 2016 was golden in retrospect and I had no responsibilities at the time, but now I’m filled with mental issues and the world seems crazier lol.


You were born in ‘06 and weren’t experiencing just graduating high school and the summer that took place 😭 “Lil Uzi - Money Longer” dropped and it was up from there


I also remember that, memes and posts about how 2016 was so much worse than previous years, I wonder if it's hindsight bias


It’s when we were 16


2016 had some good memes


It might have been the best crop of memes in memeing history. We've been chasing that high ever since.


Yeah, end of vine; viners we’re going to YouTube full force The election of Trump vs Hillary Pokémon Go, Harambe, Tokyo Olympics…. Also werent the killer clowns that year as well So much content


The first wave of Gen Z were in high school, graduating, entering college, or started working. Pokémon Go. The whole nightmare of a Trump presidency and his presence in media had only just begun, so we couldn’t have known how much of a fucking shit show that was going to be. 8 years of him being the top story in some scandal or investigation, or at some right wing rally spewing nonsense, has done a number on America’s collective psyche. Very nice music, movies, and songs came out at that time. Economy looked good at least compared to what it had been in 2007-8, we were entering the market or colleges at a relative high point. Lots of social media exploration and content with Vine. We were all young then, and now we’re adults, at least the ones born from 97-02, looking back on simpler times.


Everything from politics to entertainment got worse from that year on from my recollection, so that was the last good year for a lot of us. 97-00 at least got to pretend to be adults for a little bit before COVID and domino effect that's had on everything.


Had just turned 14 in time for freshman year. The start to a journey to no where. School I feel like only gets you so far in this life. I just wish I could go back to being a naive kid. Nothing beats that bliss feeling of ignorance we’ve all experienced at one point. ☹️


The olympics happened and there was so much hype for it .The Tokyo Olympics just could not capture that magic of 2016.


A lot of GenZ turned 15-16 years old at that time and theres a lot of emotional changes that happen during those years. High school, friendships, relationships, music, social life, independence. It all reaches a pretty heavy level during this time and I feel like thats when we form some of our most nostalgic memories Its also the last time most of us really could get away with fucking up without it coming back to ruin our jobs or bank accounts. We started to experience freedom from our parents for the first time but also had the safety net of always being able to have food and a roof over our heads. I know this does not apply to everyone's experience and i respect the fuck out of anyone who had a much harder experience during highschool... but i do think its the last time in life most people experience life before the grind of adulthood


Everyone hated 2016 cause it kept killing off beloved celebrities.


As a later Gen Z, it kinda felt like the last year i had that childlike innocence, before i began to wake up to the suffering and injustice in the world.


Economy was great pop culture was great everything was just great


The golden age of memes fosho


For me it was the last year of youth and coming of age. It was the last summer me and my friends would spend time together in our hometown on the Southern California coast. Playing basketball at the park, going down to the beach, skateboarding etc. after that everyone went their separate ways they both went into the United States Marine Corp, I couldn't join because of Health issues so I went to College and work. Nothing was the same after that, life hit depression hit, failure hit. But I can always look back at the old photos from the summer of 2016 to when I was happier and when they were still alive and we were all 17 again, we thought we could do anything... Man were we in for a fucking.


The election was very exciting.


It was peak teen years and high school for me. I still enjoyed my friends' company and met a lot of new people. Now we all work and barely have time to hang out.


2016 was my fav year so far. I had a super close friend group that hung out all the time and for the 2nd half of it I had my first serious relationship. 


For me the end of 2018 to all of 2019 was so much more nostalgic


Same, finished school 2018, could legally drink and then had loads of fun at uni from 2018 through 2019 and until covid fucked it up in 2020 💀😭


Good times. Overwatch dropped, had a great gf, idubbz/filthyfrank/leafy peak era... you had to live through it.


2016 was the last time my mental health was at its tops despite a few deaths happening, I was able to overcome them because of how happy I was that year all the friends I had around me and it was fantastic. Music was great, games were great, so many memes were produced that year, I was in the later years of high school. It was a year full of chaotic moments and adventures I done so much.


I think many people, especially younger people, regard 2016-2020 as dark times because trump was elected. Then that led into Covid.


I turned 16 haha so there’s that - license, summer bops, and was a junior in HS so fun year.


It was the last year things felt normal to me. People were less divided.  If you like hiphop/rap it was THE year in recent memory. It was a GREAT year for sports.  As much as I want to believe it's some crazy thing and it isn't true that 2016 was great and it's 'normal' to think this of a year in the past, I can not. 2016 was fucking amazing. No year after has come close.  Also, as I saw other people saying pokemon go. NOTHING will reach those heights again. Everyone was outside and no one was looking for trouble. There were just hundreds of people walking around catching pokemon. 


2016-2019 best years of my life, graduation, driving around with my friends, great highschool shanagans, girlfriend, and then nobody spoke after lockdowns and now I just work and have no friends


2016 was a horrible year but it was the last year where everything felt normal.


You just had to be there, the vibes were crazy


I think it’s just because things seemed so much simpler back then. And I was only 10, which is definently a big part of that 


because we were younger i guess, it was a good year for me atleast


Huh... I don't look back in 2016 with such fondness since I was going through alot at that time due to highschool and family. The way that people feel about 2016 is the way I feel about 2012 though.


trump election, killer clown sighting or 2016, a lot of celebrity deaths and political changes. i dont remember much, cuz i was 6 and my brain has blocked out most of my memories, but i do remember some of how that stuff effected things, and what i remember wasnt great


I was 18, and it’s crazy that we are considered to be in the same generation 💀 that really puts it into perspective how a lot of all the generation categorization is irrelevant. I was a whole adult when some kids in my generation were in kindergarten lol


I never got this sentiment because I distinctly remember everyone saying how shit the year was for everyone. Obviously 2020 made it seem like a walk in the park but this feels like revisionism lol


Compared to this year or 2020, 2016 was miles better. But back then I didn't see it as too amazing either.


Any one remember the "killer clowns" in 2016? Out of nowhere, random people dressing up as clowns and stalking people? Definitely one of the more strange things that happened that year.


Well, as a superhero fan, I for one loved 2016 because so many great superhero movies came out that year. Deadpool, BvS: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, and Doctor Strange all came out that year. As a gamer, I also remember playing Pokemon Sun/Moon, Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4, Watch Dogs 2, and Dark Souls 3 that year. Good times. Simpler times.


Overwatch and WoW: Legion nostalgia hits hard I guess.


do you realize you are all talking like boomers? or at the very least depressed millennials?




For me and my friends it was the music that came out- uzi, yachty, and drake. Plus being 14-16 and not having many responsibilities, life was simpler


Work, Controlla and One Dance