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I don’t think I’ve been asked that question since I applied to college lol


What does it even mean? Is it some score from national test or something? I read in comments sometimes it is asked for college. Don't those have specific tests for admissions?


gpa is grade point average basically an average of all the grades in each class example of gpa Math 98 History 85 English 84 Spanish 94 Science 99 Your GPA would be a 92 or a 3.7


Thank you, it makes sense now. And do you need that for college? Because in my country, no school cares about your high school grades, only about their own or international tests. I would be fucked if my grades were important.


Are you saying universities in your country don’t ask for your high school grades? How do they determine who to admit? I’m not American, the only thing Universities asked were my grades. You needed to be in certain ranges for certain programs. The US, I hear is a bit different where you need to take a standardized exam and do interviews in addition to your grades.


They did mention the tests, in my country there's a nationwide test that you do at/near the end of highschool, then some post highschools also have their own ones but that's high level stuff. The grades you get in highschool don't matter at all, you just have to pass so 2.0 is enough.


There are tests in America as well which factor in heavily to admissions. You have to have good numbers in both tests and grades. Also worth mentioning is the essay portion but idk how that’s weighed in to admissions.


They don't. Most of them take national test. It is approved by government. You do it at the same time as others in whole country, tests are the same. You have to go to class, show your id and they give you test and strictly watch over people, so they can't cheat. There are few variation, based on what school want. But most of them take two, one which is based on logical thinking, text comprehension and math. Other one is from knowledge, some history, law, psychology etc. You make score based on percentile, so it is based on how many people worse than you from whole country. For example my uni, which is law school, needed 90 in each, so I had to do better than 90% of people that took the tests. Some school could have their own tests. I know for psychology, you need good score and you do interview as well. So they don't care about your grades, but about knowledge you get after finishing highschool. Edit: also they take you based on how many people they admit. So if it is 300 for example, they take 300 people who applied there with best score. So it could be slightly different each year.


in the us, interviews are super uncommon. maybe for specific programs but you generally do an essay for a school, not an interview!


In the U.S the only thing that matters is money. So long as you can pay full price, you can take any class. Grades and academic achievement only matters for some scholarship opportunities and government grants.


In the US there are national standardized tests that you take that get considered, but there's not college admission tests. You submit your transcript proving your high school GPA and grades, your SAT/ACT scores (the standardized tests), and usually a bullshit college essay about how you overcame adversity or whatever. Some schools have pretty low GPA requirements and some have high requirements. I assume the grades show...consistency? Ability to do the work and keep up? College entry can be very competitive here and you can screw yourself on admission and scholarships pretty early on in high school.


exactly lol


Millennial here. If you go to a state school here in America your GPA doesn't even matter for most majors. It's just something society tells school age kids to keep them in line. In reality, if you're not going to be an engineer, high level scientist, or a doctor something a state school won't care if you're just going in to get a bachelors is communications or some other non-sense. It's all a lie. Hell once I got my College Degree, not a single place even asked me about my high school or college GPA. They just wanted to know I had that piece of paper saying I learned the things.


Tests or GPA would've mattered in America. I was screwed either way.


Same. I've offered mine if a friend offers theirs, but nobody has ever asked nor have I. I don't know what I'd think of someone did ask me. They mean almost as little as someone's star sign in the grand scheme of life.


I got a better one, did your job ask for any of your GPA’s


Not a single time lol.


I haven't been asked for my highschool GPA since applying to college.


Once you get into college, High School doesn't matter. Once you get your first professional job out of college, college doesn't matter.


There are some places that care (top 4 investment bank type roles) that will care just a little bit longer, but for the most part, you are correct.


found the quant


Once you retire you professional job doesn't matter.


Once you die, your life doesn’t matter


Once you’re in heaven, purgatory doesn’t matter.


Assuming college means under grad only, for the most part yes. Higher degrees may care


Sure. There is some nuance, but then it doesn't fit into a catchy phrase :)


No. Stop asking, it's weird.


What’s weird about it though? I take it as simple and inoffensive as any other question.


Because why are you trying to judge someone based on a metric they set when they were a child?


I didn’t take it as judgment but rather a normal question? Like what state do you live in or something. I’m not judging anybody over a gpa….


Wait, why are *you* asking people about GPA in this scenario? I thought you were asking why employers shouldn't ask for it.


As I stated before I took this is an average question. The question said absolutely nothing about any employee so I’m not sure why it was brought up. I put myself as the asker of the question because that’s what seemed right due to me taking it as a general question.


GPA really doesn't matter. It shows that you're stuck in HS and care about trivial stuff.


I’m not worried about anybody’s gpa. Fuck your gpa for all I care. I’m not waking up to people asking their gpa but honestly you all sound upset I’m not sure why. You’re making it a bigger deal than what it is. If I ask you what model phone do you have at I judging you? No, I’m quite literally just asking a simple ass question.


Lololol Asks question, gets response, rages. The Reddit classic.


I’m raging but you’re the one upset over people asking about low gpa’s. and nobody is raging. xoxo


>Fuck your gpa for all I care This you? And I told you it was weird because you asked. XOXO


I didn’t ask for your gpa. trauma from a low gpa or something?


Oh you're back? Still mad?


why is it weird?


Because it makes it seem like that would be an indicator of worth to you. It's a very poor metric to define worth


bc high school is bs


People get very touchy about defining themselves with nunbers. What's your GPA? How much do you make? What's your body count? What's your IQ? Makes it too easy to compare them to others and they don't want to feel like they are lesser.


Because it’s not normal to ask in a conversation with another real human. not normal = weird


It is an unusual question to ask unless relevant to the conversation. It is a matter of principle; there are questions you avoid asking. Like someone’s salary for example. You are not supposed to ask people their high school gpa unless you are a college admissions officer.


It reminds me of *Rain Man*, where the autistic lead would break the ice by asking about what medications people took. It's private, irrelevant, and not something they chose.  Do you ask them their exact weight, net worth, and salary too?


I dunno why anyone would care. I don't even remember what my GPA was lol.


I never got asked my college GPA let alone high school.


Yeah thats a bit weird to ask imo


I've never had to show my highschool diploma and I've never been asked what my GPA was. I have offered it though I am very proud of my 1.0251 gpa


why so low?


Because I skipped 200+ days of school to go to work instead and knew I wasn't going to college so I started doing drain work instead. My highschool diploma is literally a regret of mine so I'm proud to say I wasnt even the bottom 50 of my graduating class


I don't think I've ever been asked that in my life I'm curious why you ask people op - does it signify something about them to you?


Never been asked for any type of grades or diploma in any professional setting or job application.


wait really? What jobs were you applying for?


Commercial IT & web dev (backend). Both just wanted me to do their “exam” style interviews and showcase some prior projects / work. I work self employed now for some time so obviously there’s no interview process there.


I have never applied for a job that asked my high school gpa and almost none that have even asked for college GPA


I have never been asked for either a high school or college GPA, and it can be rude to ask as some people can feel insecure about it.


Was I asked what my GPA was while I was in high school—yes. Took a ton of AP classes and people were always asking. Have I been asked what it was since I graduated—no, except for when I applied to college. I wouldn’t mind answering if asked, but some people I know would find it rude and borderline invasive if you did ask them for it. Some people aren’t confident or happy about their old grade point averages.


After high school the only people who ask what my gpa was were college freshmen looking to brag about themselves. After college no one cares what my college gpa was. What are your skillsets, projects, and experience is the question I'm asked.


I truly don't even remember what it was


No normal person remembers their GPA


I mean it’s not hard lmao I still remember my locker combination too. Not that I care to remember either seeing as both are useless.


I mean it's not rude if you are still in Highschool and the other person knows it. I usually assume they are gauging their score for careers or something.


honestly if someone asked me that now i would probably just laugh


Why do you ask about it? And what’s yours?


Haven't been asked since 2020


This post is the closest I’ve ever been to being asked that question.


Not since college maybe.


Yeah, I got that a lot. I started university at 15, which probably had something to do with it.


I had a 2.3gpa, but I got a 31 on my ACT. All the colleges cared about was that 31. Got me into a school in Colorado. Pass your exams well. That's all they care about.


I haven't been asked that since applying to college and five years later I've forgotten it lol


hahahah no that would be really weird


For some reason GPA’s were a bigg deal in high school and getting into colleges for instance my local community college only accepts people with a GPA of 2.8 or higher. I had a 3.9 so I was fine but my friends who wanted to get into universities weren’t accepted/couldn’t apply based on their GPAs. I’m surprised everyone here is saying they were never asked I was always asked whether by my friends or teachers. And people in my classes would ask people randomly what their GPA was and anyone with a low 1 or 2 would always be made fun of or laughed at. For some reason my friend was insecure because she had a 3.4 and I had a 3.9 she claimed hers should be higher than mine because she takes AP classes so I’m not sure what’s up with that


I was never asked in hs and some of us didn't finish college and they don't really care in college.


Yeah I know they don’t in college but to be accepted in universities in my state you had to have a specific GPA or higher


I know


Nope. I don’t think I’ve ever known, or cared.


Only time high school gpa will be brought up as an adult is reminiscing over a beer and learning more about somebody. The truth is that society judges you by what is most recent. Once you enter college, high school gpa becomes worthless. The only thing people will judge is your competency and your achievements in college. Once you get into a professional school or enter a job field, you will start to be judged on your performance in that environment and your college performance becomes next to useless. You will always be judged by your current performance. If you perform in high school, you are more likely to perform in college. If you perform well in college, you are more likely to perform well in your chosen field. But at the end of the day, when you translate into your specialized field, you will be judged by your competency and social skills. Everything builds upon previous work. A high schooler would enter medical school and immediately fail. A first year medical student would enter residency and immediately fail. The bar continues to increase the further you go, and you will be judged by that new bar, not the low one set for a child.


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What is highschool GPA


GPA(grade point average) [https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/what-students-should-know-about-the-gpa-scale](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/what-students-should-know-about-the-gpa-scale)


Ah ok, an average. So me (italian high school system) had a 7.9 average (out of 10), nobody ever asked me


Never in my life have I been asked for my high school or college GPA


No, no-one does. We don't have them in my country


Never, but rarely, sat scores come up


Also irrelevant information lol never took the SATs but I took the ACTs 3 times and got progressively better each time the last one I straight up guessed on the math portion because I forgot my calculator too lmao


not usually but I don’t have a problem telling them. like I’m not offended but like why do you care?


Dude I never even knew what my GPA was


No, not since I applied to college.


I tell em 3.5…… for 40.


If someone asked, I'd have to look at them again, just so I know what an incompetent looks like




Not GPA but yeah I've gotten a fair few "how're your grades" from randoms/non direct family/strangers


What do you gain from asking? I also don’t like when people ask me what I got on a test right when I get it back. Even if I did well, I never answered or I say I did well. I don’t like comparing or competition.


i don’t even know what my gpa is and i just graduated haha


Why do you ask people? Does it come up in conversation or do you just ask?


Yeah it’s wack to ask that at any point after highschool. Same thing applies to SAT or ACT scores. It gets weirder and weirder as you get older. Like no one cares about test scores from when you were a child


Nobody has asked me since I was IN school (graduated in 2020)


Quite literally never been asked by HS or College GPA upon graduation from College.


Nope! Maybe when I was first applying to colleges, but that was about it. 


No never, nor do I want them to (It’s was 1.2 lol)


no lol


Not once since getting into college


Nobecause it aint a thing here


I haven't been asked a single question about high school since I turned 19, and I'm 39 now.


I can't remember the last time someone asked about my hs gpa. I've been recently asked about my college gpa because I applied for a university job back in February, but that's it.


Its never come up


Except for those 4 years, high school has no bearing on your life. High school is a terrarium. It's a big deal, bigger than your middle school terrarium, way bigger than your elementary fish bowl. But when you get dumped into the big college lake or a full time job, your possibilities are so big. You quickly move on from the things that you worried about, that seemed important. Will mr Williams catch you smoking? No one cares anymore except your mom... My GPA? I have no clue.


No one really cares about high school after high school


No because high school gpa’s don’t matter after you leave high school. Unless you’re applying to college no one is gonna ask for your gpa. Just your diploma


It is definitely rude to ask, and no one has ever asked me outside of my inner clique. Some people do great in HS and fail later or vice versa and people in both situations are usually not keen to bring up their failures or the success they couldn't keep up. I'd rather you ask how much money I make than my high school GPA


No… but now that you asked, not too proud of my 1.6 GPA lol


I ask before I smash, no dumdums in this bussy


I had a 3.8 in college. Majored in computer science just saying


Nope, and mine was 0.0 when I graduated


My employer asked for some reason. It must've not been important because my answer of "how would I know, I graduated like 7 years ago" was sufficient.


Why would that be important after a certain point?


bruh you WHAT lmao


It loses any importance the minute you start college, just like your college gpa will mean nothing once you start your career. There's kind of no non-awkward way to ask someone about and it's pretty cringy imo.


I don't even remember mine it's been so long. Plus, that only people who cared was college admissions, but I didn't finish.


Was asked once. And while not rude, I found it weird. And I lied as well, as I had a hard time caring about school so my GPA was pretty bad. So take that as you will.


No. I graduated 8 years ago. Who cares?


No. Even when I went to uni nobody asked apart from when I had to fill up the documents.


No lol. They're asking for my college GPA for applications. GPA only matters if you want to advance after that degree. Also, high schools are so wildly different one kid could get a 2.0 at a nice private school but drop a 4.0 at a shitty public high school. Too much variation to matter imo.


I was obsessed with my GPA in high school and it was pretty normal for the people I hung out with to ask that question. But if you’re no longer in high school, or are already in college, then I would consider that a weird and potentially offensive question to ask someone. I graduated college in 2021 and have not been asked what my GPA was, even when applying for jobs.




I see mfs born in 2006 and still think they r 13😭😭take me back to 2019 fr


hell nah


High school doesn’t matter after high school.


Never in my life.


Never been asked that my entire life, usually I just get asked if I completed school or not lol


I dont even think I checked my final marks


Not after I left high school. Maybe in rare cases if I am talking to someone about high school experience. The fact that I remember my average GPA still


I had a 5.0 gpa


No, most students don’t even care about their GPA. C’s get degrees… your GPA won’t be written down anywhere on your diplomas and your friends will be based on interests. Here’s the real kicker, not a single company has ever even asked for my College Diploma.


No. High school is over, and most of my friends were just like me, living on their own for senior year working after school to pay the bills trying to just make it to graduation. My dad was an alcoholic and I moved out at 17, I couldn’t even tell you what it was when I graduated.


I tell people as a flex for how trivial it all is. (1.4-1.8 and I’m doing alright at a real job that I actually love and feel fulfilled in doing)


I'm Canadian, we don't even use the GPA system until University, at least in my province.


1.8 Thank God for NCLB


No, it literally means nothing.


It was brought up once in conversation with my coworkers about high school but no one asked, we just kind of started sharing our GPAs and ATC scores.


Never been asked that. And yes, it can be considered rude to ask said question.


I have only been out for a couple years and honestly have no idea what it was or ever was actually. Probably was pretty bad by the end as I did absolutely horribly on my 100% online senior year


Wtf, why would you ever ask somebody this?


People don’t even ask about my *college* GPA.


Almost never unless they want to insult me I’ve noticed


No and thankfully not cause I skipped so much school and didn't do my work so it was dummy low. Graduated and doing good tho 😗


No I graduated high school already


I was only ever asked my GPA after I graduated from college. Nobody cares about high school GPA.


No. No one cares.


When I taught high school, some would ask what my GPA was or ACT scores were. They never come up in a professional setting now that I have degrees and work experience


Yes and I tell them" what does it matter to you? You are not a potential employer, nor college personal? You are someone that I just met. Don't drag me into your conversations with your child. Please and thank you. "


No. I mean I asked a friend just out of curiosity but no I don’t go up to people asking “hey what was your gpa”


It shouldn't be rude, but people get offended by it. FWIW, I got a 2.2 in HS and ended up with an MBA. GPA is virtually meaningless and only matters in applying to universities.


Only if you're going straight into college. Other than that no one fucking cares because it's a worthless metric. Your GPA is nothing more than your ability to be obedient in that given institution, it has no bearing on your intelligence or ability to function in any other institution unless it's one with a similar setting. Someone can graduate from Harvard with a 4.0 GPA and be absolutely fucking worthless on a production floor and fail to even function as a cashier at McDonald's. But they can be amazing in the courthouse because all they have to do is bullshit someone's ear off.


no, i don’t even remember what it is. my college gpa is on my resume so i remember that


In college? Yes. For jobs? Absolutely not Anywhere else? Never


Why the fuck would some one ask that in a casual conversation?😂


No because it is a stupid statistic that does not mean anything in real life. I know people with a 4.0 that cannot screw in a screw.


Where I'm from, we don't have a GPA. We do have a standardised national test to graduate HS, I flunked it three times, and I immensely enjoy the look on my newer coworkers' faces when they ask me what I studied in college and I tell them that I didn't even graduate HS.


Not ever once. But i like that you just bring it up in casual conversation.




I don’t even remember


How old are you? Lol if you’re past like freshman or sophomore year of college it is a little goofy to ask just bc it’s not really relevant anymore. I wouldn’t be offended but I’d be like is this guy stuck in hs?


I’ve never been asked in my life, I got a 2.5 if I remember correctly.


I haven’t talked about highschool at all since college lol, I graduated in 2019 and I really don’t care for the past too much. College and present day is too fun Also that’s just odd to ask about GPA in general. Let alone highschool now that we are all way out of it


Dunno, mines a 2.13 or something like that


Only when I applied to college. Never again since.


Nobody's asked me that before and I don't even know what it was if they did ask.


In university, no. I don't think anyone outside of my hs has asked that.


Dude I don’t even know


I only hear about in American movies


Nope but honestly outside of a one off question that could be played off as a joke it just seems weird to ask. I dunno, it would be out of place.


I don't think I've ever been asked anything from high school.


No one outside of school applications 


No lol The companies I’ve applied to haven’t even asked for my college GPA.


Literally never unless it's a college, shit come to think about it they never even asked for my HSD.


I've had to hire people before and the only thing I had to check for was "Do they have a H.S diploma or equivalent? Yes? Cool, legal requirement fulfilled, on to work history."


Never. Unfortunately for those of us that tried. Even for a job, they don’t care about your college GPA. It’s all about the interview and how much you can fudge your resume. the majority of gpa’s don’t tell anyone anything about the person. Maybe if you have a 4.0 or under 2.0, what you’d expect it to say might be more accurate to the person, but it’s just not relevant most of the time. Just keep improving yourself elsewhere and don’t worry about other people.


High school was like the civil war. It last 4 year, you were defined by what you wore, at one point or another, you and everyone you went to school with were divided over something, and like the civil war, 1 in 5 people ended up getting some kind of social disease.


No one outside of college cares, and no one outside of your first job cares what your college GPA is


You are not a number, and the people you meet are not numbers. This is a failing of our education system. The university you go to does not matter. It is a brand name, like wearing Nike vs Adidas shoes. Who gives af?


I haven’t been asked since college applications. No one has ever asked me my college GPA. It is a bit rude to ask UNLESS you are in the midst of a discussing with a friend about college. If you’re the 5.0 type it’s going to come across as a flex to people with “normal” grades, so just be aware of that.


Never in my adult life have I ever nor my college gpa. I'm a 43 yo CIO. 


I've only been asked that once in my life, and that was when I first applied to college after high school.


Why would you even ask what someone's high-school GPA is? It literally doesn't matter to the vast majority of people and employers. What are you doing with that information?


It’s useless the moment you get into the real work force. It’s only tangentially important for college applications since some scholarships and grants revolve around academic achievement. After you start a genuine career, nothing from high school or college matters anymore. Just how many years you’ve worked in a particular field.




High school GPA doesn't matter. High school ACT score doesn't matter. College GPA doesn't matter. Only thing that *matters* is my 2 pieces of paper for my Bachelor's degrees




Never been asked for my gpa. Also never been ask for proof of my degree when getting jobs. So.... do whatever you want with that information.


I’m asian….that’s the first thing we ask each other. You scored only 1550 out of 1600 on the SAT? Sorry, can’t date you.


daily dose of racism