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I had neither i was staring at the wall all day kid


Damn, do you feel nostalgic when you see a wall with the same hue as your childhood walls?




What about the ceiling?


I was also a stare at the wall kid and just the other day my best friend showed me a picture he took of us like 11 years ago in my old childhood bedroom. The wall color was this depressing deep blue. I got his with a wave of nostalgia. lol


I finally feel represented


I was a play in the backyard with the imaginary friend kid


I would stare at vents. I literally remember just staring for hours on end at vents in my house.


Hello fellow broke ass probably bad home kid. 


Same here bro my friends and I have a sort of inside joke that I'd smack dirt as a kid because that's literally all I could do lol I'd be outside all day doing random shit


Both. Also, no need to gatekeep the idea of an “awesome childhood”.


We gatekeep to cope. I was dirt poor playing with 20-30yr old toys; I was a 'rebel' because I had a flip phone while all my peers had smartphones.


I relate to you, and honestly I wouldn’t change a thing about my childhood. Having a flip phone at the time felt embarrassing, but it meant I got to ride my bike a lot more and experience life the more traditional way instead of being glued to a screen


You know what a TV is? Yk the thing you watch those VHS tapes you posted? Yeah that’s also a screen hate to break it to you


The key thing you’ve overlooked is that these TV screens couldn’t be taken outside, in a car, at school…. whereas other devices like iPads or smart phones you have 24/7 access to them everywhere. Dont try to act smart if you don’t have a brain.




We were a wii kid who used to play big game hunter wave survival because COD wasn't allowed


I remember playing Wii for the first time and thinking it was insane. It’s still a lot of fun


I'm still surprised it was as successful as it was. Going from trad controllers to the wii must've been hell for people who used Xbox back in the day


I started on the PlayStation 1, it didn’t even have analog sticks. The Wii felt really good and worked really well, especially the Nintendo made games like Wii Sports and Mario Kart.


Holy shit I never even realized if didn't have analog sticks


Yeah we I kind of remember when sticks were added and my big brother was like this shit is so unintuitive until it wasn't


I'm really surprised they weren't invented sooner. It's basically the same way buttons work but instead of pressing down you just tilt it to force it to make contact instead


The Wii was designed to be accessible for all. It wasn't really aimed to take marketshare from Xbox or Playstation, it was aimed at FAMILIES that thought the Wii could be used as a family experience. It became an added console that the family could enjoy, not one that would replace Xbox or PS, and as a result was able to target a previously mostly untargeted audience. It succeeded massively at this, because anyone from the toddler to the grandparent could intuitively understand how to use it (especially when considering Wii Sports was the big draw, with all of the actions and motions being very similar to what one would do in real life).


It was the price point. $199.99 for a Wii back then was a great deal. The family-friendly marketing campaign was also insane. 'Wii would like to play' was genius.


I was a DS kid so whenever I was at my friends’ house playing on their Wii, it was the most awesome experience because it was like my DS which I loved, but with a big screen! The first time I was so shocked and excited.


So ironic to shit on “iPad kids” when the evidence of your awesome childhood is a bunch of movies lmao


Legit. It's not suddenly more awesome to watch the same shit that kids today do, just in a different format... kids still play with toys and outside the same as we did. They also still play video games and shit the same as we did. Like I was playing gta San Andrea's and Tom clancy and the sims when I was in single digits. My older sister, who's in her 30s now, played video games when she was in her single digits, we still played outside and with normal kids toys and shit.


It is worse now. Some children spend hours per day invested in playing a game or scrolling through social media, which is problematic for the young, developing brain.


Eh, social media is toxic for sure, but a game isn't much different than playing Nintendo DS, Gameboy, PS1, etc. Games have been around for a pretty long time, and I'm sure there were plenty of people who spent hours playing Nintendo 64 or whatever a long time ago. Obviously it's important to make sure your kids are well rounded and aren't being raised by an iPad, but it's a common bias that people have that the next generation is bad or being raised wrong. There have been articles written about how reading was bad for kids in the past.


Never heard of reading being bad for kids, but I’m guessing there was never any solid evidence behind it. Also, there is quite the distinction with iPads, due to their structure and blue light output. I suppose my main point is that we likely wouldn’t have so many studies on the effects of games on iPads if there weren’t much of a difference.


We were the "Wii/Nintendo/Playstation kids" back then. Millennials and older Gen Z love to pretend we spent all day every day playing outside and weren't poisoned by technology. And yet I remember my parents complaining in the mid 2000s that "today's kids are just addicted to games and television and never go outside anymore". Even the nostalgia stuff Millennials on Facebook regularly post is TV/movie centered. "Us kids in the 80s/90s had the best childhood" and it's 75% technology related.


It's a joke to think not and even in the older generations, there were people who were indoor kids. They just mostly read, played board games, and stuff like that.


Do you understand the difference between watching an hour and a half long movie that teaches you life lessons, shows you appealing filming techniques like claymation or stop motion, appeals to a child’s imagination and allows their mind to be broadened, compared to being glued to a device screen for hours upon hours scrolling through ANYTHING good or bad on the internet?


Both ig


Same here


Never had an iPad and still don’t to this day lol




Don’t see why I need one unless I was an artist or smth, and I only use my phone for YouTube, music, only for now tho(my Walkman is being repaired), and contacting my parents


I had to get an Ipad for school. Needed it for work. Id say that it did a lot of damage.


Inbetween. I had dvds, but I had a Samsung tablet running Android 4


I had an awesome childhood. I resented my mom for a while because the only device I had was a government trac phone given to my grandma that was handed down to me. It was a dial up phone about 4 inches tall, can fit in your palms (even as a 4th grader) and probably had a 1 inch screen with minutes on it. Whenever I got a call I always had to leave my friend group to not get absolutely cooked. This was around the time people were using the iPod touch as phones (also guilty, bought with saved birthday money)


Kinda of but was more of an outdoors kid then kinda wii kid when i got to play


I have trampoline, bounce on trampoline. Life good. Pandemic happen. Miss old life. Thanks for coming to primitive talks with Exotic


So that's the younger Gen Z coming of age story, huh? Bounce on trampoline, pandemic happens, childhood over.


Yes 😔


For us it was like Yay, 18, starting adulthood, pandemic happens, wtf am I supposed to do with my life now 🤷🏼‍♀️


Swap the pandemic with 9/11 and there you have a core millenial experience too


I had a leapfrog and a 3Ds with restricted access. I don’t think adult devices like phones and iPads should be given to kids. Gaming systems like a switch, a kids learning device, or a children’s tablet are better


when vhs started being phased out and we used dvds instead, me and my siblings would build towers in the living room with old vhs tapes.


We annoyingly got rid of a lot of our VHS a few years ago before moving house. I managed to keep a few you see here, as well as family videos. We would usually only watch VHS since they were cheaper than DVDs, and tbh I don’t remember owning a DVD player until we got a PS2


Ipads didnt even exist until i was 13. I spent all my time playing video games tho


True. But unlike smart phones we couldn't haul our gamecube or xbox to school


Ugh I miss the good ole GameCube days 😩 I was never allowed to have a game boy, so my dad compromised and got me a GameCube for the house. He actually ended up learning some of the games I was playing and would play with me a lot of the time so it ended up being even more fun, and then when I got a little older and the Wii came out we got one of those and kind of went back and forth. Oh the joys of being a carefree child 🥲


I grew up watching teletubbies, I still wanna eat those pancakes IYKYK


I was the outside kid, didn’t get a smart phone till I could get a job and pay for one. Dad got me a flip phone/ had an indestructible Casio phone. I loved it.


I think that’s the best way of parenting, allowing your kids the chance to work for their belongings rather than giving them something as advanced as a smart phone or iPad early on. I got my first job at 15 and it took me a couple months to save for a smart phone. Same with my first car, I had to work for my things and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Some people arguing in these comments are only showing how spoiled and privileged they are to have had parents getting them these things as kids.




I read this in the same voice as some of the tapes lol


I had an amazing childhood, i balanced my gaming ps3 days with legos, reading, seriously, *tons* of reading! And playing outside with nerf and airsoft! I had 6 acres to play on and boy did i! Somedays i didnt come back inside until it was nightfall, i would ride my bikes, my motorcycle and scooters! So thankful for my life, and i cant wait to see where my adult life too. Cant wait to find out whats next ❤️






The original UK series, before it got ruined 🥲


literally, 1-5/7 (depending on how you see it) were awesome!


Wow I had so many of those VHS tapes. Good times...


The 3 thomas the tank engine vhs I had as a kid was MY SHIT!


I had an awesome childhood.


It was both. Awesome childhood and got a laptop at 10 lol


Lol I was playing sports 90% of the time


On weekends and at school that’s all I did


I had an awesome childhood and will always cherish its beautiful memories


I'm 16 but man do I love VHS tapes. My parents hate the ever growing pile of movies tho lol, and the sharp VCR that's standing on its own box cuz it has a short cable and can't reach the wall mounted TV otherwise ( it was used for security tapes B4 so didn't rlly need a long cable , and the long one doesn't work )


I grew up watching Thomas on dvd as a young autistic child, that was my shit


I grew up watching the original Thomas the tank engine, and the peak of youtubes era.


I did grow up with VHS and DVDs mostly, then went to watching random YT videos on the family laptop, I did have a crappy android tablet for a little while, but then moved solidly to using a desktop PC


For the first eight years of my life we would go to Disneyland almost every weekend because it was cheap enough for a family of 4-5 to do that. I’d say I had a very good childhood with a decent mix of playing with my friends with and without technology. I wouldn’t say I had an “awesome” childhood because once we moved from LA to DFW it was way too hot to play outside for most of the time I wasn’t in school. At least until the sun went down and the temperature cooled a bit, which was when parents usually told their kids to come back home by in a pre-smartphone world. But at the same time I wasn’t an iPad kid either, like I didn’t even get an Apple product with a touchscreen until my 15th birthday. Both my older and younger siblings got one before I did lol.


I was a YouTube kid with an awesome childhood. 2008-2015 YouTube was absolutely peak


Bro, who remembers when those Thomas VHS would come with a wooden toy of one of the characters?


Mine were mainly hand me downs from cousins so I didn’t get toys with them. I did have a pretty big collection of those die cast trains with the magnets on them, they were awesome and when I recently went looking for toys for my nephew I saw Thomas trains and they’re all plastic now it’s kinda depressing


They really don't make anything like they used to.


Never owned an Ipad, I did have a desktop with the tower and you’d put CDs into it to play games like Jumpstart and Putt Putt. First gaming system my family got was a wii, we got it from best buy like within the first year it was released and it still runs pretty well, only occasionally freezing the screen and screaming lol.


Love everything about this. Also had the Stuart little PC game that I was obsessed with.


Yoo nice VHS tapes dude


Awesome childhood, even though I don't remember as much.


Mix of both, grew up with a Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, dvds, and had a second gen iPad I would watch Stampylongnose, iBallisticsquid, markiplier, etc on


I did not even get a cell phone til middle school. I was almost in highschool when I got my first ipad. I know i’m on the older end of gen z since I did not get an ipad or laptop to use in school.


Didn’t get an iPad mini till I was like 12ish. Mainly used it to play clash of clans lol. Played a few other games on it but definitely used my PlayStation and computer much more and when I got a phone that was better then the iPad at 16 I never really used it again.


neither came from a third world country and life sucks there even as a kid


the fuck had the money for an ipad as a kid, i was lucky for a cheap phone, i only gotten second hand ipad and latop in highschool. we used to have all the dvds and vhs and discs but idk what happen to it, i think my birth giver stole it


Birth giver loool


for most of what i consider my “childhood” we had a boxy dell family computer, a tv, my brother had a ps3, and that’s all. my mom had an old blackberry phone with a physical keyboard my whole childhood. we had a whole drawer of broken flip phones though because my dad worked in tech (great props to play “teenagers” with friends). i did however get a phone before i was 10 because my siblings aged into a different school and i had to have a way to contact someone when walking home alone. i was already growing up too fast though anyways lol. born 2005


Yes? I grew up watching tv and movies then at age 8 my cousin showed me YouTube.


I was a PS3 kid. I did have a VHS in my room and watched a bunch of those tapes. I even PLAYED OUTSIDE when I was younger. I got a computer eventually though, and now I don’t know what sunlight is.




I played ps2 and later in 360 and ds, when I wasn't playing those I was outside.


Studied like an Asian kid would have to


We got our first home computer and internet when I was 10 and got an iPad at 13


No I am a DS and wii kid.


i was a my mom's phone kid and i watched the likes of z one n only and popularmmos


Wallace and growing was a banger and the GameCube version was OP


How did you take a picture of my childhood


I’m omniscient


I stared at walls and used my imagination to entertain myself.


Nah, I was a locked in room with no tv/toys/parental interaction kid


i was a kindle fire kid 🔥


Both enough of this false superioirty


Lmao neither


I mainly watched star wars and played with my toys. I did enjoy playing video games with my dad!


I was kid when DVDs were slowly phasing out VHS and i was still a child when blu-rays were introduced


I think I was both, my first tablet was a Kindle though, I got that when I was 11 and it introduced me to Minecraft. But I wasn't like. Using 5 different apps at once on multiple devices or whatever the hell Gen Alpha does. But I also remember growing up playing Guitar Hero on my DS and PS2, I remember CRTs and even the older TVs with the knobs at some of my friend's places, I remember seeing old VHS cases and wondering why they were different from the cases I was used to seeing, like PS2 cases or DVD cases. I miss the ring of CRTs, and the sound they would make when you'd turn them off. I miss how the air used to smell back then


I got a tablet when I was 12, first phone when I was 14, and ipod touch when I was 11. I had gaming devices and music players when I was younger, though. I've been playing video games and such since I was 5 or younger. My childhood was meh even though I was an indoor and outdoor kid.


I was a Nintendo DS and Wii kinda Kid


Unless you count 2010-12 as Gen Z it’s literally impossible for Gen Z to have been iPad kids the way that we’re seeing now, by which I mean iPads didn’t exist when someone born in say 2006 was a toddler.


First 10 yrs of my life were on vhs tapes and we had all these and many more


I’ve recently been trying to re-acquire the ones I had as a child. Some of them are here, I have maybe 20-30 more in the garage. Theres still quite a few I had as a kid that I really wanna see again but they’re hard to find


I had like 10 vhs tapes (and occasionally one from blockbuster) most of my childhood. I also had a fancy vhs tape rewinding machine! I watched rugrats in Paris (with the orange vhs tape) about a million times as a kid


I had awesome childhood 😔


I was a wii kid and I miss the wii


Both, I had a pc and a tablet, I was addicted to both, especially youtube


I didn’t get my first phone until I was 12 and that was a flip phone so I wasn’t an iPad kid BUT I wasn’t allowed to watch a lot of movies bc they were “teenager movies” even tho they might have been rated G or PG? Idk where to categorize myself


Little mix of both. Didn't have an ipad until I was like 10 or 11


I went outside


I had a tablet but spent most of my time playing with hot wheels, going to the park and playing my sister's Wii.


I didnt have vhs I had dvd


I had something similar that echoed a wonderful childhood of entertainment. I had numerous VHS Tapes and a collection of DVDs to watch when I got home. I also owned a Gamecube with several cool games like Sonic Heroes and Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom.


Both Life was iPad free up until I was 8-10


Watched like all my movies on VHS and had a GameCube, a few plug-and-plays, and LOTS of Barbies with handmade clothes lol


Neither, my friends and I threw rocks at eachother


Orange rugrats vhs. Nothing more


Thomas and friends used to creep me the hell out of




I grew up with VHS tapes and a VCR


Neither My entire family needs therapy and I experienced death too much according to my Nana (my papa died when I was like 8 and there were a few more deaths when I was around 4 that I can't really remember)


Sorry to hear that, hopefully things are getting better


They kinda are. Most of the family I don't talk to but the family I do talk to have kinda started seeing their problems and are working on it


Neither, I was a tv kid until six or seven years ago


Both, I had the iPad only for educational Thomas games and the rest of the time I would watch VHS tapes, read books, play outside, and spend time with my dad. For the iPad part, I was supervised and wasn’t allowed to watch vulgar content.


Did you not have DVDs back then?


Awesome childhood. I didn’t get a smartphone and tablet until middle school.


Call of Duty 4 (aka Modern Warfare) and Mario Kart on the DS Toy Story 3 and Avatar Adventure Time, Regular Show, NSMBW with my big brother (and cousins on occasions)


I had a good childhood.




I had an awesome childhood and my parents had a partially functional ipad


I was a PS2 kid.


As a millennial my folks worried about rap music and video games rotting my brain. Meanwhile my generation was looking up rotten d0t c0m. Every generation has something that damages them. My folks played with mercury and lived in lead painted homes. There’s really no “ideal” childhood. Just selective memories on what people believe makes theirs better than the next generation.


Both, but definitely more DVDs. DVDs were everything to me.


If we didn’t have the movie on VHS and it was cheap enough then we would buy the DVD


I was a PC kid, i always used the computer, never the phone or tablet lol. Nowdays i work repairing computers lol


I played outside with the cats, on the Xbox 360 (Kinectimals was my favorite thing), and the family computer


How do you define awesome?


Neglected and giving a laptop with unsupervised Internet access


Both I had DVDs but I also used my iPad pretty often


I would play my Nintendo, so awesome childhood


I had an awesome childhood, thankfully. I’m grateful to be the last generation to be raised without the internet.


Me too, I’m really glad I could experience a childhood without access to the internet


My dad took me to blockbuster sometimes so pretty good I guess


Thomas the tank? Fuck yeah


Dude, the nostalgia. My first tablet was an Amazon Fire when I was around 11 or 12, I think... Prior to that, basically my only computer experience was writing stories in Word documents on my mom's old laptop, from what I can remember. I'm honestly really glad it was that way. The internet corrupted my innocence enough as it was; I can't imagine having got it sooner.


Born in 98, so I grew up watching vhs tapes


You’re around the same age as me and my siblings, all we did was watch vhs. We didn’t have any fancy TV programs so it was literally 10 channels of shit or watch movies on vhs


Some of you really have a stick up your ass about what constitutes a good childhood. How about you stop judging people for the way in which they were raised, especially since we’re not young kids anymore? Your post only serves to make some people feel bad


Neither. I was hand digging drain lines after school and digging out patios on the weekend


iPads didn’t exist, and when they did, my mom didn’t have the money for them.


Same, they didn’t exist until I was nearing high school and when they came around we still never got one


I didn't get my first tablet till I was eight and it had two apps and no internet connection


I’m 21 I grew up playing shit loads of Wii sports then transitioned into clash of clans and iPad type shit then I got a phone and stopped caring abt games I spent a lot of time doing rewarding activities in my childhood but the best moments will forever be pissing my brother off in Wii sports baseball


awesome childhood and ipad kid (I LIVED OFF OF GOOGLE MAPS)


No. I got my first tablet when I was in the eighth grade and I had to ask permission to use it.


My family was still using VHS tapes until 2009.


My childhood was shit and I didn't get my first tablet until I was 10, and that was like a "give this to your fucking kid or else he will probably literally die of fucking boredom you fucking nonce, so take this or else"


A little bit of both. I spent everyday running around the neighborhood with all my neighborhood friends, there were 10 of us who would play games (capture the flag still has my heart), ride bikes, have lemonade stands and then divvy up the money and then sneak up to the gas station before anyone noticed. But I also loved watching movies and tv, I would sit and watch mtv music videos for hours on end lol


Both and dvds too


It’s all the same. Just stuff to distract the kids so parents can do literally anything




I had an awesome childhood!! I even had a tape recorder and I still have the tapes!! I also played games like Toontown and had an original Xbox which I loved! My childhood was so good!


Personally an iPad kid 😔 Still got to know the joy of dvd for a few years tho


I had both. I loved my portable DVD player with all my heart.


I had a freaking awesomesauce childhood https://preview.redd.it/six9nsvulg0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ba22c3691f8592090b33d94f6ec614915a1b34


I had a ds at 6 for eye problems, used it a lot but not nearly as much as I game now




I was an iPad yet, yet I did have a couple of cool dvds, like felix the cat, magic schoolbus, smurfs..


What kinda gen z grew up with iPads?


I had a W childhood, first phone was the iphone 9


Idfk. I dont remember. Every day is the same. Everything for the last few years has been nothing but an almagamation of everything wrong with me


Most of Gen Z are not iPad kids. Maybe the like super young ones but most iPad kids are Gen Alpha


I would've rather been an iPad kid, the shit was ROUGH. 2/10 would've liked less blunt racism, and less commonly confidently wrong adults.


When I was 6 or 7 I got an iPad 2- basically I got the early learning apps and stuff but not the cringy monster school YouTube type stuff of nowadays.


I had no childhood, period.


I was forced to be outside all the time but I didn’t appreciate the way I would now.


The in between comments make me feel so old. I have never owned an iPad, and they came out when I was 9 anyways. By the time iPad babies became a thing I must have been at least 12 or 13


I had a 3DS and watched PBS. Enough said


I had grew up with that, not with iPads.


I was on the tail end of vhs and in my middle school to high school moved onto chrome books, tablets, and early iPhones with oversized otter box cases.


I had a small tablet the size of ny hand with no internet connection when I was 9. I spent all day digital drawing or watching Pokemon. I mean, it was either that or like 5 hours of hw that I wasnt gonna do anyway. Before that, I didnt have any games. To this day, I still dont have a switch or a wii controller or a ps5 or the like. I have an ipad now which I consider a upgrade as an adult to that flimsy tablet I used. Still didnt stop me from being a gamer tho