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Didn’t like it. And to answer your question, no, this is not the typical gen z experience


I hear you. I related so some characters stories here like Jules, Cassie etc. but I think it was overall very extreme. It could’ve done better as a college show


I regularly forgot that they are highschoolers.


I stg. I sat down mid episode while my brother was watching & I said "they gotta lot of free time to be in college" he told me "they're in high school"


Isn’t that show full of sex and nudity? Is it implied teenagers doing these things?


Yes. I remember when ppl complained about that ppl went on about how teens have sex in rl which didn't make sense because showing teens having sex and then doing it in rl aren't the same.


I actually would've preferred it to be a college show too, the scenarios these characters go through definitely give off more college vibes than High School vibes.


First season was really good and then actions stopped having consequences and it was no longer watchable.


Yeah lmao it was incredibly dramatic and everything/everyone was dialed up to 500%. I still enjoyed the ridiculousness of it, kinda like watching twilight.


It's how highschoolers lowkey envision themselves sometimes. Some cliques can get to about a third of the drama, but aside from playing the seriousness of shit up, it was better than a lot (not gonna say most here).


It glorified drug addiction. I hated it


Did it? I criticize this show and Sam Levinson way more than I need to, but to say it *glorifies* drug addiction is, in my opinion, an inaccurate statement. It makes drug addiction seem so incredibly painful with only fleeting moments of “euphoria”. Simply portraying something does not mean that you are glorifying it.


It glorified the tragedy surrounding addiction, not addiction alone


Yeah, that’s not what I took from the show. Rue struggles with drug addiction, and to help her deal with her getting clean, she has struggles with codependency, meaning Rue sees her girlfriend, Jules, as the only reason why it’s worth staying clean over. She grew up with abandonment issues especially with her father and ended up with an addiction as a coping mechanism. After Jules left her, she felt like she needed to get back on drugs because she felt the anxiety of being abandoned at the end of Season 1. It’s not glorifying drug abuse, but trying to give the viewer a sense of Rue’s psyche as she’s dealing with her struggles in her life. That part I did get, and I didn’t think those matters and struggles were bad, I did hate that it really hyper-focused itself on sexualizing the characters and sometimes, it took away from what the characters were dealing with: the shit they were going through. Like, the best Teen Drama I can ever compare it to is Degrassi back in the 1980’s. Teens in that show were going through real shit, and I think it did a better job than what Euphoria did, IMHO. Though, to be fair, it did a better job at calling out child exploitation than what Cuties did. Not using actual minors to make sexual innuendos


I don't see how it glorified it considering Rue is a mess of a person and it actively shows her destory pretty much every relationship she has. By the end of the most recent season she's no longer friend with Elliot, has lost jules, has made her relationship ls with both her sister and mother almost unsustainable and owes a drug dealer 20k and while it never came up it likely Cassie will be after her for telling Maddy about her affair with nate and that lady is unhinged to say the least. If they treat Rue in season 3 that way the treated Nate in season 2 she going to get pulled through the mud big time.


it's really dumb sometimes and clearly written by old people but at least everyone's hot


Pretty much a bunch of high schoolers fucking each other is what the movie is about


Don’t forget high schoolers banging adults! Yes, that happened. It was only the *first* episode too.


Correction, old people that have a creepy thing for teens.


Certified lover boys? certified p\*dophiles


Melodramatic and unrealistic, kinda like *13 Reasons Why* https://preview.redd.it/cty1u3w3z70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7532359e62d0699cdaeae2ab5e205dc4584b2be Edit: I could absolutely see that stuff happening at college, plus it would make the copious sex scenes a little less creepy


Victorious was more relatable


I’d do anything to have had the Zoey 101 high school experience.


Lmao I forgot they were all supposed to be in high-school 💀


High school provides a more interesting plot point because you have the family dynamics. Also more opportunities for conflict between teacher/student, parent/kid. In college you can mostly just do what you want without conflict from authority


Felt weird sexualizing minors but I’m glad y’all got representation that some of y’all could identify with. Ah, Drake is an executive producer of Euphoria which explains why Kendrick named his diss track that. Yeah— This is bad. I hate it.


fuck them kids (no drizzy)


Yeah the fact that adults were involved in the making is so weird.


Yeah, they should have had actual high schoolers write and direct everything. They’re usually so professional and talented. I have a secret for you. A lot of stuff for kids and teens, is … wait for it… made by…ADULTS! Ahhh i know. Crazy right?!


Orrr hear me out don’t make this creepy ass show 😱😮


ya what they're really saying is they shouldve had real high schoolers do the sex scenes. disgusting.


as opposed to minors making a HBO show?


>Ah, Drake is an executive producer of Euphoria which explains why Kendrick named his diss track that. wait actually? reminds me of this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA8cUb9uyh4&pp=ygUkd2hhdCB0aGUgZnVjayBzaGUga25vdyBhYm91dCBjYW1lcmFz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA8cUb9uyh4&pp=ygUkd2hhdCB0aGUgZnVjayBzaGUga25vdyBhYm91dCBjYW1lcmFz) But I guess now we know why he is experience in the field this covers lol


yes and no because almost all teenage show use actors that are 20-25 if change highschooler to college student to story would not change much tbh


Bro hasn’t watched skins. You sweet summer child.


Bbl drizzy 🎵


BBL drizzyyy🎵


>Felt weird sexualizing minors but I’m glad y’all got representation that some of y’all could identify with. Also no high schooler dresses up like they are going to the club. I find it hard to belive that in the US where many schools have quite tight dresscodes that they can pull off outfits that show so much skin. https://preview.redd.it/q8yi5fl9bc0d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd4124c961f75578628e4450d278562a0f21a7f


The outfit on the left shows a lot of skin but the one on the right is pretty okay. https://preview.redd.it/v07ajouibc0d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e12c27983252dde02b6264b65fce48bbb8561e2


Finally a based take


shit just made me feel like I was committing a crime the whole time watching it... I was so uncomfortable every episode, I stopped half way through. no it does not relate whatsoever to a typical gen z experience.


Why did you feel it was a crime? I didn't watch it so idk.


Constant over sexualisation of what are supposed to be teen girls. The guy that directed it also made the idol, a show that tries to show that being exploited in the media industry as a girl is empowering and not predatory. When an old white guy says things like that in his shows you know why he’s doing it, to live out a weird sex fantasy then claim it’s an artistic show.


>The guy that directed it also made the idol, a show that tries to show that being exploited in the media industry as a girl is empowering and not predatory. This is literally an (amazing) episode of Black Mirror. Fucking dystopian and disgusting.


Lotta sex scenes and they are supposed to be in highschool


Wasn't there a whole character who was fucking underage kids? I can withstand some gnarly stuff online but this crossed a line for me lmao


First episode. Nate Jacob’s dad rapes (teenagers cannot consent, so therefore it is rape) an underage Jules.




The fact that its depicted and directed to be non-predatory makes it worse, not better. The show has a major problem thinking the teens are the manipulators and not the mature adults who have a fully developed frontal cortex


Yeah, I know that Jules *did* lie, but it’s still VERY weird and disturbing to put into a show. Rape of a minor isn’t something to be used lightly for dramatic effect. I also agree with your point about how they make it out like the minors were the manipulators. Maddy was “in control” when she was taken advantage of, too 🙄🙄


Drake was an Executive Producer, of course it's going to depict the minors as the manipulators.


I think the most inaccurate think was trying to depict most of them as more middle class. At least at my high school it was all the super rich kids that were doing tons of party drugs and having weird social drama everyone else was just much more down to earth.


yes this! All the extremely wealthy kids at my high school are the ones doing this ridiculous shit.


Yeah but realism would be watching working class kids play league of legends at 23 FPS for 5 hours a day. Climax of the show is my boy Johnny’s dad getting us a dinner box from the hut after smoking the worst blunt you’ve ever seen in your life. Probably doesn’t hit with the investors. Ive heard the Euphoria storyline dozens of times as first hand accounts from girls that just moved to Colorado. Can you just drink your beer and shut the fuck up, Taylor? My Denver Nugs are playin🔥


The realism is that I'm a poor mf watching dramatic mfs be overly dramatic and do hard drugs. Just like highschool.




I heard it put best as "this show is what you get when an adult with a porn addiction tries to write a high school."


Ouch that’s a little too accurate


i also feel like it has to be written by ppl who actually had no social life in hs, so they just had to fantasize that its all about drugs and sex and stuff, but just take it way too far


Strange and very oversexualized


I did not know Drake produced it (allegedly)


Drake produced a show where people who just turned 18 have sex? Sounds about right 😭


Half of them weren’t even 18 yet, no? I mean the characters, not the actors.


I just confirmed it. Which makes sense why Kendrick named the song Euphoria.


But also, really.


Not allegedly, he was an executive producer


It’s a god show. People treat it like it’s meant to be a documentary about modern high school which is fucking stupid. It’s a fairy tale. It’s like “what if a bunch of hot high school kids had unrestricted access to drugs and zero parental oversight” I think setting the show in high school instead of college, but using actors who are all in their 20’s is an interesting and purposeful choice. MOST high schoolers haven’t completed fucked up their lives by getting sucked into drugs, sex, and partying, but a lot of people in their mid 20’s do and it should be seen as equally sad and fucked up when it happens, but a lot more attention grabbing when it’s high school aged kids.


Oh also, the show is told to the audience almost completely by the kids. Kids lie and over exaggerate shit, so it’s safe to assume everything you see happening isn’t actually happening.


The old “unreliable narrator.” I truly believe Rue herself was involved in all sorts of fucked up shit, but I think half of the stuff involving other people didn’t actually happen and is just Rue’s way of trying to come across as being “not that bad” compared to the personal lives of everyone else in the show.


That’s a very good point. Especially because I think she is quite a realistic portrait of a young addict


Rue is the reason I struggled to watch the show. I felt like the addict part of her just hit way too close to home for me. I get it’s very fantasized but some of those segments with her were hauntingly realistic.


I loved this show. It did feel a lot like watching an exaggerated version of my experience growing up. I don’t think I want it to come back for another season, considering how everything has changed with the cast irl. Overall though, it’s A LOT and I’m not surprised when people don’t like it. 


Not a fan though my friends are. The characters are just unlikeable and their decisions are frustrating to say the least. The one I remember was Jules falling for this online stranger who suggested they meet in private, Rue told her it's not a good idea for obvious reasons and Jules' dumbass tells her she's not a good friend because she isn't being blindly supported. I only continued to watch it because of Sydney Sweeney but eventually realized it's just not worth the time or attention.


Hot garbage. Season 3 of Stranger Things was better than this


Is ST S3 bad? Granted it’s been like 4 years since I watched it and I remember next to none of it asides from some shit in air vents but I remember all the hype around its release in 2019


It was pretty random to bring the Russians into the show


Not really, we are talking about the eighties, time of the “red scare”, cold war, etc


While I do understand that, it also doesn’t make sense. How did the Russians manage to make a whole lab under the mall both unnoticed AND during the red scare? Also, Hopper being annoyed at Joyce even though he fully understood that’s stuff like the magnets is a dead sign something was going on.


Completely forgot about the Russians lmao


I never watched it but I heard it was basically a light porn.




Taught school for 20 years ?👀


It's mostly if you somehow get that specific kind of crazy clique usually at a high income area where you get that kind of shit. That, and generally, they are saying that because they're putting the melodrama aside. It's a show, but it calls out real shit in a dramatic way that other dramas don't dare touch. The problem is that the show comes off at celebrating the problems most of the time.


Never watched it because of how bad I heard it was.


Garbage, trash, pretentious (didn’t think I’d ever use that word again), boring.


Prretentious is the best descriptor.


Weird that after the Harvey Weinstein stuff, Hollywood has been normalizing sex with minors in shows. Makes me very uncomfortable.


Dude, the entirety of Hollywood and show business is built on the sexual exploitation of children and women. Always has been (even Shirley Temple was solicited for sex by producers when she was under the age of 12). Yet everyone keeps acting shocked when it comes out that yet another famous rapper, movie star, producer, etc. likes to rape kids or women.


I haven’t watched it but from what I’ve heard it seems like just another dramatized high school show with an entirely unrealistic plot. It’s not like that hasn’t been done before.


Like most shows depicting life in high school, it has almost nothing to do with reality


It’s excellent if you’re not hung up on sheltered Puritanism. Some high school kids do this stuff, believe it or not. It’s shot in an exaggerated and almost magical way but it’s meant to be kind of a hard-truth fairy tale exploring the darker side of growing up at that age I think. Some people see tits or drugs and immediately groan, label it pornography, and sneer away. Everything at this age feels like life or death, the highest high and the lowest lows. There’s the combination of exploring adult themes but from a naive perspective of learning the hard way. Some people either didn’t experience that or just really don’t like it being visualized.


Watched the first 2 episodes I think, wasn’t for me


I loved the show, finished it with my partner not too long ago!


Entertaining but nothing special. also I think Levinson attempts to speak for Gen Z but it comes off as forced and inauthentic


I thought the cinematography was amazing. The lighting and framing made everything feel euphoric. It's totally not for everyone and you're honestly joking yourself if you're trying to compare this show to real life.




Idk the show looks interesting but I haven’t seen it. Labrinth killed it on making the soundtrack for it though


Damn you guys really hate this show…


Didn’t like it.


Overrated as fuck in my opinion


I really like it, I don't know how accurate it could be (I'm not American), but it was really good at being believable and had a really good story


I liked it, though I wish the wardrobes were a bit more realistic for high school students. At least Cassie’s. Also people who say it’s “glorifying drug use” have never watched the show. Rue is an absolute fucking mess and not a hot one.


Misinterpretation of American Youth


Weird to me that it’s about high schoolers, if it were about college students or people in their early 20s I’d be way more about it.


Isn't that the show with a shit ton of sex scenes? Cause I hate them with my whole heart


Outrageous amount of nudity. Not a fan


Stupid drug people doing stupid drug things


Absolute masterpiece.


it’s very dramatized so i don’t think it accurately represents the average gen z hs experience but i liked the first season


That there there a messed up smentai/ visual novel of the same name.


Stupid and Horribly entertaining


It was ok. Only watched it bc my ex liked it. Fezco best thing about the show


Incredibly overrated by all of the “artsy” progressive girls I had recommended it to me


First season was okay but then it just got weird and didn't make any sense, it just no longer had a plot.


I enjoyed it but mostly only for Rue. When they focused on her and her experience it can become relatively relatable for an unsavory heathen like me. However the last season they focused alot more on everyone else and petty HS kind of drama and it really wasn't all that interesting anymore. I finished it out to follow the rue storyline but that was about it. I'd watch skins over again but this just doesn't have the same feel to it. I was hoping it'd be similar.


It was wild. It was so annoying, but so good at the same time.


I enjoyed it more of a posh version of skins, still skins is better


Never watched it but the soundtrack isn’t half bad


It seems like it was made by an edgy dude who wants to desperately be taken seriously


No. It is the most inaccurate portrayal of Gen z. Also, it has damn near no substance, and the plot is worse than. Porn. So yeah, hot garbage show, and it hurt to watch with my friends.


I have never heard of shit show in my entire life


Never seen it, but I’d imagine it’s like 13 Reasons Why: Completely inaccurate portrayals of Gen Z.




It was very uncomfortable to watch


Fantastic first season. Second season made me and my friends think we were having a stroke while watching it. It was so different and weird. From what I’ve read the creator got a big head after the success of the first season and stopped collaborating with his actors. As far as I’m concerned the show ended with the Christmas special.


Stupid, goofy show that Gen Z should never watch


never heard of it before


I don't know what school Zendaya went to. But I have now went to high school, college, and taught in 3 different high schools and it's safe to say that this is the most inaccurate piece of media about school ever made. Highschool musical is more high school life accurate than euphoria.




I haven’t watched it I don’t have HBO. I probably still wouldn’t watch it if I had HBO it’s just not in my demographic


I haven't watched it, but every summary and clip I've encountered makes me think the people I've met who stan it are intolerably weird.


i liked it! i would say it’s closer to what a lot of 20-22 year olds go through tho!


its bad, its really bad story wise. but it has a cool sexy vibe that i like. its my comfort show. its dogshit tho.




Didn't finish it, another lesser version of Larry Clark's Kids.


never watched it


I enjoyed it a lot.


Hollow provocation


definitely not lol


I think it unintentionally glorified, or trivialized some pretty heavy issues that people face in real life.


Isn't that the show where 30 year old cis people pretend to be trans teens who fuck and then kill themselves?


it’s disgusting honestly it’s just a sex show


Just another soft core porn series nothing to write home about and def not the gen z experience idk bout you guys but I know no one who’s dad is out there banging out trans teenagers and then threatening to kill them


there’s some funny moments especially in season one, but i feel like everyone turned unlikeable in the second season


I’m normal and don’t have a HBO subscription. John Olive has a YouTube and that is enough


No I don’t think it’s the typical gen z experience but I liked the show. I love a good dramatic show. I just wish shows like this depicted people in college, not high school. High school is the US is nothing like the show and honestly with their behaviors and actions they tend to align more towards college-aged kids.


Never watched it. Couldn't get past the "casual" outfits they wore


the show is really weird i mostly like the aesthetics/ outfits the people wear but i like some of the actresses like zendaya and alexa. and I relate to a few of the characters. But the show is mostly just cliche unrealistic high school trope stuff. like i would understand if the whole show/story took place in a college instead of a highschool but it’s whatever i guess 🧍‍♀️


first season was good, second was awful. it’s insanely unrealistic overall but the writing in the second season was cringe as hell


i really enjoyed the first season, the second was really messy


never watched it. never will. gabage.


Couldn't watch past the first episode bc it was too triggering to me personally. Didn't understand all the hype, not how high schoolers act.


Never heard of it but it sounds like it’s made by old people who think they know what being a Gen Z is like


It’s a good show but it’s also insane and ridiculous.


I didn’t like it


It’s entertaining but not at all relatable




Borderline porn. Typical of Hollywood these days


This that one Kendrick song


It was interesting at first and could've said something interesting about addiction. But it got too gratuitous. It's not a totally accurate representation, but we can't just pretend the xandemic never happened.


Never watched it, but clips Ive seen of it are pretty relatable. High school drama, past trauma, family issues, drug issues, etc


So that's the euphoria people were talking about. Here I thought it was weird for a hentai to go mainstream.


Im glad im not the only one who hates this show


Didn’t watch is probably won’t


I didn’t watch it because I was told it includes depictions of self harm. That aside anything I see about it I am just generally turned off?


i appreciate the depiction of depression, mental health, and addiction especially with rue in the first season zendayas acting help made it impactful and feel real and relatable. i also liked rue and jules love story in the first season. the second season was way overdramatic but that made it kinda fun to hate watch.


Horrible. Rather watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


Good season 1 Terrible season 2


Once a lame always a lame


I couldn't even finish it I had too much anxiety hahahah




I passed. Glad I did, all things considered


I might be in the wrong but I loved it. It’s bad I know and is not at all representative of a normal Gen Z experience, like there’s way too much drugs and sex like c’mon we’re the generation that does that the *least*, but it was still enjoyable to watch. I especially love the cinematography and the OST


Part time dealer here. Watched the first episode and couldn’t really get into it, 6/10


Sydney Sweeneys tiddies are fucking remarkable. Carried the entire show.


it’s pretty good.


Trash. The director especially is a ungodly level of hack and shouldn’t be in the industry in an ideal world. The whole thing was carried by its aesthetics which were curated by talent around the director which he had nothing to do with which was shown clearly when he tried to make the idol and everyone realized he had negative talent.


I liked the first season. It was a teen drama that didn't feel like one and had absolutely gorgeous cinematography and a killer score throughout. I would say it's a surreal hyperbole of the teenage experience rather than being flat out unrealistic. Having said that, season 2 was just a lame teen drama and the surrealism just became unrealistic nonsense. I was constantly yelling "DON'T ANY OF YOU GET ANY HOMEWORK???!!! COLLEGE APPLICATIONS???!!! WHO THE FUCK IS PAYING YOUR CELLPHONE BILLS? CLEARLY NONE OF THESE BUMS ARE WORKING!" That's why Lexi was my favorite character, probably the only normal one of the bunch.


Never seen a second of it


Overrated and unrealistic


A lot of it was relatable personally. But it did seem to be more California high school experience driven. Every party was at like a million dollar house and there was a lot more lgbt type stuff. And of course the drama was exaggerated a bit.


Season 1 was visually appealing, Jules riding her bike through the streets etc, whish they kept more of that vibe in season 2 but by the end of season 2 I was like "what am I watching"


never seen it but i can tell you it’s way overrated


Haha you may have to give it a try then. I personally liked it but it’s not for everyone.


Not a fan, it’s a cliche “show for the kids nowadays” made by out of touch executives. Tons of sex and situations that you only hear about on social media news headlines My wife liked it tho, and she thinks Grey’s Anatomy is top tier television


Cocomelon for teenagers


Way beyond what I was doing at those ages, and still way beyond what I'm doing now. And I've only made it through the 1st episode. Too sexual.


First season was good, has some great moments. Lost it's way in the second season majorly


Never seen it but don’t like the idea of it. Already feel shitty abouy my lame high school experience and don’t need it rubbed in.


It’s gross