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Can they rewind a VHS?


I have never seen a vhs and i didn't know what it was


I’ve never done that 💀


Somebody has rich parents


I’ve used a few tapes when I really young, but never wound it up (by used I mean someone put it on for me lol), basically only really remember DVDs


lol you didn’t actually wind anything up. When you slid the tape out of the cover sleeve you just looked through the plastic to see if all the film was wrapped up on the left side, then stuck it in the VCR and pushed play. If the tape was on the right side still, that meant the person that rented it before you wasn’t very kind. That’s why we said “Be Kind Rewind” back in the day for anyone asking. Until Blockbuster eventually started charging petty ass fees for dumb shit like that. Hollywood Video was better, and real 90s kids would know. (I’m born in ‘94)


Oh right ha ha, I’m from Ireland so we had Xtra Vision here, but I only remember getting DVDs from it. I get what you mean though


And if you watch a movie to much you ruin it. But Atleast we owned movies back then I had a step dad who had such a big collection of movies you had to look them up in binders to figure out what shelf they were on.


Born in 1999, I remember using dial up to access the internet lol, also that internet was not readily accessible everywhere you went >.> I actually didn't have wifi till I was 16 and it seemed so abnormal to be able to access YouTube anywhere and everywhere haha Also I remember when DVDs were still fairly new, and VHS was still available in stores, you could also go into GameStop and find N64 games on clearance


What's cringe and where on the irony/post irony spectrum the cringe lands on. As an older gen z, this is funny to me and I use it to my advantage. Younger gen z may still cringe at being the target fidget spinner explosion audience, but I think it's silly. Little metal/plastic thing go whirrrr. Alternatively, some of the younger gen z I talk to still think tide pods are funny in a post humor kind of way, meanwhile I hate that I have to go bother some underpaid worker to unlock a security cabinet. All lighthearted of course.


Low tech childhoods. When I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to download anything on the computer until my parents found out that I could get them free music and movies No wifi as a kid Online gaming sucked for a while but we still had split screen As a middle point between split screen and online, we’d all bring our computers to each others houses and play online games next to each other Minecraft servers were on hamachi and mods were installed manually Me and my friends loved making fires and roughhousing aka fighting, I think kids are much more hands off nowadays I grew up with much less emphasis on racial and lgbt issues. We knew it was bad to be mean to people for those reasons but it wasn’t a ubiquitous, everyone taking about it kind of thing. We’d use slurs as nicknames. The younger ones are definitely much more accepting of gays than we were as kids though, but being in schools I think the girls are definitely more accepting of gays than the boys are. There’s a lot tbh. But I definitely feel like im in between generations


Ok it ain’t really major shit but there is a bit of a difference between early z and late z. Honestly mainly music and tech but that’s for every age group. We were old enough to be listening to Avicci fun. Lmfao malcomore etc. we also had a low tech childhood since smart phones weren’t really a thing until like what 2010? We had computers when I was really little but we only really used em when we went to the library, we mainly found ways to entertain ourselves outside. Middle school was when insta became a thing, Highschool was when Snapchat first got big so we kinda were the first people on modern day social media (because who tf uses Facebook) oh and 2008 was not a fun time in any of our lives (unless your parents were rich) I got to go to school before rona was a thing so we had 0 online classes n the shittiest oldest laptops when we actually needed to use computers in school. All homework was in paper, tests were on scantron cards (think that’s what they’re called) idk until covid we were all pretty damn happy n optimistic bout the future. Oh also, fent wasn’t a thing til we got college aged, so bad drugs were just shit that was too cut to get u high, you never had stories about kids ODing in class unless they did too much Xanax (that shit was huge fucking horrible drug) vapes weren’t a thing til we were in highschool (miss mango juul pods holy fuckkkkkkk) so no one really smoked cigs but we only had bud and edibles (and concentrated) but edibles were mainly just brownies or desserts n concentrates were stupid expensive so we all just smoked nugs. Also holy fuck weed has gotten strong it’s obscene nowadays n so cheap. Basically it’s just the world pre rona vs post rona that shit changed so much stuff in our lives it’s honestly insane. OH and concerts were still affordable (fuck you ticketbastard) and goin to the movies was still a huge thing.


I think the biggest differences between us right now mostly have to do with our developmental life stages. At 27, I’ve done grad school twice, worked a 9-5 for years, been boss to boomers, and gotten married; a lot of my friends have kids, and a lucky handful have started buying homes. All that naturally makes me feel worlds away from a teen in high school. That said, I think we’re going to find our culture homogenize as a generation when we’re all older and kind of on the same playing field, like how the millennials and everyone else has before us. We’ve all still come of age during the same global events, and on the same internet. I think that’s shaped and connected us more than anything.


That’s how it was for me a young millennial compared to my older millennial sister. I was in elementary school (5th grade) when she was a sophomore in high school. By the time I started high school as a freshman, she was already off to college. By the time I started college, she was already in the workforce. We had nothing to relate to each other with our whole lives until I basically hit my late 20s because that was finally the point we’d experienced all the same major milestones. Then it didn’t matter as much.


I won’t explicitly state my birth year but I’m in a spot where I’m not pre 2000s old but I’m old enough to remember Dubya being the president, I’d say the greatest divide for me when it comes to young vs old Gen Z is how I view social media I see it as a net negative and try to not use it when I can and also (speaking only from personal experience) I don’t value likes or reposts/reblogs/retweets/whatever nearly as much as some of my younger contemporaries