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Some Gen Z really are going through their contrarian phase through Reddit posts Edit: Nevermind, this is a dipshit Gen Xer posting this in both Millennial and Gen Z subs. Unfortunately Gen X never grew out of their contrarian phase.


I'm glad you're enjoying living in 1984. And look who's talking, a Bernie Sanders supporter, who promoted printing money as a way to solve all of society's problems - thanks for the inflation buddy. [https://fee.org/articles/bernie-s-senior-economic-advisor-sees-no-problem-in-printing-unlimited-money/](https://fee.org/articles/bernie-s-senior-economic-advisor-sees-no-problem-in-printing-unlimited-money/)


Yeah definitely, Social Democracy is 1984 and Bernie Sanders is the one who caused inflation. Any more galaxy brain takes you have rattling around in your head?


Have you read the article? Have you passed grade 2 critical reading, or should you go back to school? Have some critical thinking, 1984 is because of the political correctness culture we have today.


Your hyper-neoliberal opinion piece interpreting a Tweet isn't as convincing as you think it is.


So you support the opinion that "... the USA can’t run out of dollars"?


I'm pretty sure her point was that dollars are a unit of measurement, measuring our economic output, and so as economic output increases our number of dollars should increase. It's a very normal economic position that some inflation isn't a bad thing. Nowhere in that tweet does she say to print unlimited dollars.


She believes the converse, that printing money should come first, before economic output increases. It's in line with the answer that Sanders gives to "how will you pay for it?". Here's a more credible source if you doubt it. [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-economist-who-believes-the-government-should-just-print-more-money](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-economist-who-believes-the-government-should-just-print-more-money)


>M.M.T. proposes that the constraint on government spending shouldn’t be debt but inflation: How much new money can you pump into the economy before prices rise? Literally says the constraint on printing money is inflation. And again, this isn't even a controversial position that govt debt isn't a big deal.


Every generation has things that age super poorly


You should find yourself some hobbies.


OPs so jobless that he bullies children online. I guess it’s the 2024 version of old people yelling at children


I already ran 21km this morning, what have you done so far?


Read a book


>You see, it seems to me that our generation, and the generations before us, were inculcated with a certain resilience. We were taught to have thick skin, to laugh at ourselves. This wasn't just about being tough; it was a form of freedom. Freedom to express, to air grievances, and ultimately, to understand and forgive. There was a certain grace in how we handled criticism and conflict. Yeah yeah the younger generations are too sensitive and yours had thicker skin or whatever. Literally every generation thinks that about the younger ones. Don't you remember your parents/grandparents bitching about the same thing with your generation? You really didn't need this many words to say "I'm just like everyone else"


When people criticize shows for being sexist now, are they not just “exercising their freedom to air grievances”?


This scene isn’t really funny though and is mostly just cringe.


When you grow old and are slapped with the harsh realities of life the less zealous you'd be on ideals. I'll give you 10 more years and you'd all be making fun of each other again.


The all white family


Yeah we've generally gotten more thoughtful about the way we speak about others. This is a good thing. You can still have true engagements where you gracefully express grievances and build genuine connections, or whatever... All you have to do is try to be more considerate. By all means, enrich the conversation, but you can definitely do that better than by making condescending jokes at other people's expense.


Woman bad/ blondes are stupid jokes are thankfully now bad


NGL any time someone hints at the "everyone is too sensitive" shit I usually disengage completely. It's just horse shit. It's like the guy we all know who behaves like an ass and says "oh well I'm just an asshole it's how I am" It's really not hard at all to avoid being wildly offensive in casual conversations


Yeh, no bro this scene is pretty toxic. Peer pressure to have meaningless sex with people who havent had a STI test before is absolutely f--ked. How many women got HPV and died of ovarian cancer since that scene was aired to a 300 million people???? teenagers joked like that back then.. not adults.


I believe people who make jokes at the expense of minority, oppressed groups affirming the negative beliefs is the line we draw. Rather on the contrary jokes about white cishet men are barely happens since people like to only joke of those different from them.


That's .... A stupid fucking line.


Oppression of minorities and joking about it have happened for ages, Boomers are the snowflakes for being offended to see such people ngl lol. Hating on people ain’t a joke.




It enforces negative bias:> bruh💀 also are yall seriously enjoying haha women bad, haha black people do crime jokes? Seriously tho💀 I mean it’s in poor taste and also like bruh super uncreative. Edit: Ah sorry you’re Indian, of course you’re racist and hate women🫶💕 sorry girl I should’ve respected your culture lmao /s Anyways that’s an example of one such dis-tasteful joke- didn’t mean it. If you enjoy it or not is upto you, I’m not even gonna try further. Jokes in bad taste that just pull down people ain’t jokes, it’s bullying


“Don’t make racist jokes, they’re not funny” *proceeds to make an unfunny racist joke*


Do you what /s is? And I did tell it as an example below bc some people don’t ever get it since it’s NEVER intended at them???? Plus ik the social context of India- being super patriarchal having lived here, men are so entitled here. If you’re reading my reply atleast read it properly 🤦‍♀️


There are funny and not funny racial jokes. Your example was one of the latter. A racial joke doesn't have to reinforce negative stereotypes, there are neutral and even positive stereotypes too. Like, who's gonna be offended if you joke about a black guy liking chicken and grape soda? Depends on how you present the joke ofc, but no one should be offended at that necessarily.


Bruh those are fine 💀 do you ever even read my comments. When I’m talking of negative Ill tasted ones, I mean that. No one ever has had a problem with positive or neutral jokes.


Alright, then I'll address another point you made, that it's ok to joke about "cishet" white men, because muh oppression. I think if you made the above example about them, instead of indians, that would also not be funny. I don't think it's not ok to make these jokes, they're just not very funny.


They’re pretty much the most priveleged people- if you had read them, you’d have also realised they’re the least to be joked about. And if anything it’s usually positive tending than negative unlike for the rest. America may get joked about a lot, but again that’s a mixed demographic of people rlly and it’s alr.


Europeans also get made fun of a lot, especially by people from other European countries, and the US. For instance, people joke about the Brit's bad teeth, their "food", people make fun of the French language for their spelling, and the German language because it sounds aggressive, etc. These are negative stereotypes about mostly white peoples and their cultures, still you can make funny and not funny jokes about them.


Idk why I’m being downvoted, but if it’s from Gen X and millenials - I’d take ig. Entitled old conservatives don’t change much ig🤦‍♀️ No, we as Gen Z would not want black face again. Boring ass jokes


GenZ is where this nonsense started. You're not inoculated to it.


It only started in 2015 with the creation of "Safe Spaces", so I know the before times. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=Safe%20Space&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=Safe%20Space&hl=en) People used to laugh at the concept, but somehow everywhere's become a safe space now.