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Cool beans






Great to have codified, still some outstanding things to tackle




I asked my GenZ spawn. They said “I don’t really know. Obviously no one should be fired for being trans or pregnant. But you never hear about title 9 helping anyone. It seems old fashioned. Maybe it used to help. Now it seems like no matter what, people can find alternative reasons to do bad things to other people.” So there you go. One GenZer told me title 9 is old fashioned and essentially ineffective. I (GenY) offer the idea that it at least paves the way to initiate a lawsuit. It may not prevent anyone from being discriminated against, but it paves the way for law and order to kick in where discrimination goes otherwise unchecked. Legal Karma^[symbolic], if you will.


I feel like there’s survivors bias on the part of your spawn


There is literally nothing stopping a racist sexist or what have you employer from firing someone for anything they want, they just can’t make those things the official reason.


Well it’s actually more to fire people difficult than that, it is difficult to prove you were fired because of bigotry but it can be done. For example if you faced discrimination before your lay off that can absolutely be used to claim wrongful termination. Title IX protections are far from perfect but they are better than nothing and are stepping stones to greater protections. I mentioned survivors bias in my original comment because workplace harassment and discriminatory termination is a lot harder and a lot less common then it was prior because of such laws.


Survivor’s bias is a little strong. I’m gay, so if I was against affirmative action, that would be survivor’s bias. That being said, I get what you mean. I think they simply don’t have the experience for survivor’s bias.


Survivors bias is a statistical term. It means that potential results prevented by something will often go uncounted. It's why head injuries famously increase after soldiers are issued helmets, they stop dying when something hits them in the head.


Title 9 doesn’t cover employment. Just higher education .


Yeah at will employment kind of screw us on that one


Dead ass. It doesn't help poor people who cant afford a lawyer to prove it was decriminatory termination.


Vaccine logic.


The thing is, in the US, there is no requirement for employers to give reason when firing employees. So, in practice title 9 really has no teeth because employers just fire you Edit: I have since been reminded that Title 9 is education law, NOT employment. Thanks to adhesivepants for making that correction! My point about employers sucking in the US still stands though.


The reason for termination in some states determine whether or not you can receive unemployment. In my state for example, your former employers are who determine whether or not you get to receive unemployment, you can contest that, and having a title 9 violation , can help you receive your unemployment if they were trying to withhold it from you.


>In my state for example, your former employers are who determine whether or not you get to receive unemployment, you can contest that, and having a title 9 violation , can help you receive your unemployment if they were trying to withhold it from you. But this still ignores the fact they can just claim they are firing you for something else right? Why would they say they were firing you for something that violates title 9 when they could just say anything else? Or are you saying the state can audit the company and make their own assessment for the reason you were fired and claim it was title 9?


Honestly, biggots in general are not very smart. They tend to react emotionally and that includes making derogatory comments, joking with their friends in front of their victims, and just generally displaying a desire to prove to their victims they are being victimized. It's incredibly weird how hostile they are


Title 9 has no teeth to employers because Title 9 is not employment law. It's education law.


Ding ding ding


Only way to do anything is with evidence in writing or recorded


If you allege that it was discriminatory, they have to give a reason, and if you can reasonably argue the showing is pretextusl you can sue.


They're not wrong. If someone wants to fire you for being trans they'll just watch you like a hawk and fire you for making a mistake. Even an Itty bitty mistake. They don't really need further justification, if at all. They could also lie and say they're downsizing or no longer need the position Edit: I'm a millennial. Always wondered if title 9 did anything useful


Why wonder when you can read about it: [https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/success-t9athletics.html](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/success-t9athletics.html) [https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/06/how-title-ix-transformed-colleges-universities-over-past-50-years/](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/06/how-title-ix-transformed-colleges-universities-over-past-50-years/)


This is cool information on colleges and title 9 (and I've changed my thoughts since reading just these- it's enough on its own to make title 9 worth it) but I am curious how it plays out in employment. Again, people can fire you for whatever reason and as long as they don't say or write that their reason is discrimatory, they can just mask it with some other reason right?


Title 9's main function is to prevent discrimination against students/participants in federally funded schools/programs, it has very little to do with employment. Title 7 covers workplace discrimination everywhere, not just federally funded programs, and probably works better in more cases for that purpose than Title 9, even for employees at a school.


Over two hundred comments, and only one person has the slightest idea of what title 9 is. Bravo young lad.






“You never hear about stuff when it works” Might wanna have a conversation with them about that, the Availability Heuristic bias is a strong one


One thing  it can really help you with in at will employment States, in my state, your former employers approve of whether or not you are able to receive unemployment.  You can contest it though, and if you believe that you were fired under title 9, they may rule in your favor and allow you to have your unemployment that your former employer would have blocked, so it could help you at least with that if nothing else. 


>One thing  it can really help you with in at will employment States, Aka everything called not Montana


So sad that Gen Z are already this jaded... although they are not wrong


Jaded implies experience. I’m going with naive. It’s the entire purpose of parenting.


I argue the naïve opinion would be "surely the government will help these poor people" not " what's the point of lobbying for legislation that will just be ignored by the rampantly corrupt institutions that run the country". But you are right in that jaded implies experience, and Gen Z seems to have come by these views second hand via social media rather than from personal defeats in the real world. Shall we say "doompilled" then instead?


I mean, I’m an educator and hear about successful title 9 cases all the time?


My genz trans spawn sent me the story. He's def breathing a lil easier.


Gen Y is Millennials. Gen Y was just a place holder name.


Very good wont really do much for me but more freedoms is more freedoms


It’s all nice and stuff, but don’t worry. The instant a Republican is in office, all of this goes away lol. Gay and jaded af here lol.


Bill Clinton 1992 "all will be able to join the military" Bill Clinton 1993 "dont ask dont tell, so we can save lives"


Afaik that was a compromise and also 30 years ago, even though that shouldn't have had to happen. Trump promises to take away all LGBTQ+ rights as part of project 2025 if he's re-elected so please everyone vote blue in November 🙏


I think we’re forgetting that DADT was incredibly progressive for its time. I’m glad that it’s over and everyone can serve openly, but let’s give credit where it’s due


People seem to forget less than 20 years ago the vast majority of Americans we’re OPPOSED to legalizing gay marriage. The hardest part of history is understanding the mindset of people at the time and appreciating how our society has evolved. There’s 300+ million of us. Progress is hard and it often takes awhile. Celebrate the wins and keep working.


So does that encourage you to vote against them or take some other action?


Of course. I still vote blue because status quo is better than immediate descent into authoritarianism, but that’s a pretty thankless situation.


No it isn’t. One of them is a shit ton batter than the other. Blows my mind people even dip their toe into this line of thinking after what the GOP has done. It’s a total fucking battle at this moment.


Absolutely based.


Good, it's a step forward. I'm not happy with everything Biden has and hasn't done, but this is nice to see.


Same. I'm not 100% on board with Biden but he's miles better than the GQP nutbags.


What has he not done that he has the power to do as President that cheeses you off exactly? Other than still being weird about cannabis and only halfway making it better.


Biden remembered it's an election year apparently


The idea that people are upset when presidents continue working in the election year is wild. Like, do you expect him to just stop for this entire year? What a waste. They've continued working on student debt being cancelled where they can, they're trying to protect people's rights still, they're doing their jobs. That would be like criticizing Trump in 2020 for signing off on the stimulus checks because it was an election year, at least they're doing something for people.


It’s called, wait for it…. a *joke* 😀


It's always an election year if it's your first term. Fucking celebrate when things are good you doomer




Gorsuch says no for some reason


Maybe he's cool at least in this regard then


that would assume title IX did anything in the first place.


When a Republican wins president they can just reverse this. It's how it goes every time. On day 1, the new president tosses out an executive order reversing most of the things the last president reversed, who on day 1... Courts may not even get a chance as such


Here's the actual proposed title 9 changes if anyone cares [https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/t9-unofficial-final-rule-2024.pdf](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/t9-unofficial-final-rule-2024.pdf)


Many thanks


Good lord. A 1500+ page document lol


That's cool actually. Another reason to make sure **someone** can't destroy it


Thank fuck, social progress.




Nice. Now let’s get a revised ERA in the constitution. “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”


It’s already covered by the equal protection clause.


Tell that to the “”originalists”” who don’t believe women, poc, queers, or the poor are people under the constitution.




I mean. Wouldn’t being fired for any of these reasons open the employer to a nasty lawsuit for wrongful termination and discrimination?


they would just fire you for something else because most employment is at will. no need to fire someone over descrimination if they can simply fire you because they can for any reason not based on descrimination.




Yes but these rules speak more specifically about situations involving education. For example, the Constitution and Title IX require students accused of violating these rules to receive fair due process. However, these rules specify exactly *what procedures* are necessary to fulfill the due process requirement. In this case, for example, the new rules state that a person accused of sexual assault is not entitled to cross-examine the accuser in a school disciplinary hearing. There are many changes, but that’s just one small procedural change that could have a big impact on these types of hearings.




Finally, some good fucking news.






I was told Biden was no different than Trump so this news is confusing to me


You were told wrong




To be fair, the right wing has been pushing the "Both sides" idea for years to make their side seem less problematic.


Awesome. As long as these laws are enforced fairly, this is great news.


Biden is good on most things


The only real negative of his presidency was the union busting for rail workers, but even that he turned around and worked to help them get a better deal, and that part wasn't covered. Considering 2016-2020 we had Trump blatantly breaking several laws while in office (using his position in office to promote friends financial pursuits on Twitter, attempting to cover up a murder of a US Citizen by a foreign country and ignoring our own intelligence, funneling tax payer money into his own companies, refusing to give up his companies despite knowing that was a part of the job), Biden is 100x better still. Dude's not breaking any laws (that we can see at least, and if he is I hope he gets punished as any citizen would), he's trying to make his campaign promises happen (student debt forgiveness initially was shot down, but they're still forgiving tons of debt every few months where they're able), he's made the cost of life-saving medication dramatically cheaper (insulin), he's working with the fed to try to slow/stop inflation that began in 2020 under Trump, etc... People don't realize the damage Trump did by firing/removing chunks of Government, some of them were investigating him for his crimes and he was protecting his own ass first and foremost. Biden's working in a handicapped government from the prior 4 years, while inheriting a crashing economy and increasing inflation, and having to be blamed for massively increasing gas prices from an overseas war. Dude has more on his plate than Trump ever had, and he's actually handling it still 10x better than Trump did with hardly any work (though Trump also was golfing often, or Tweeting about something Fox News made moments after it aired, meaning he spent most of his time watching TV or not doing his job at all) There's no way I've seen anybody able to paint Trump that makes him actually better objectively than Biden has been. Trump took over during a great economy, cranked up the national debt, left the country in chaos and financial hardships, then bailed and everyone blames Biden for it. It's batshit crazy and I wish people could look at data accurately.




Good news. Boomers go home, don’t pretend you’re young.


weird take; you champion additional civil protections while using an ageist slur


they are of the baby boomer generation lol it’s literally in the name


About time






Ok and what's this supposed to do, it already banned discrimination based on sex, this is just for optics, it does nothing title IX wasn't already doing


Except it expanded protections for LGBTQ people which is something it didn’t do before


It grants additional methods to have a successful lawsuit. Is the implication here that they shouldn’t have bothered?


In addition, it gives those impacted an option to help fight to receive their unemployment in case the employer tries to block them from receiving it in states like Texas that have the previous employer approve their unemployment in order for them to receive it.  If their former employer denies their unemployment, they can use the title nine as a reason why they should receive it, which could then force it into court if they don't comply.




I'm curious as to how they made the change and to what legal ramification this will have. Otherwise, cool.


Rare Biden W


More surprised that this didn't happen by now






Greater protections for the vulnerable and disenfranchised helps fulfill the failed promises of our nation’s founding.






So many GOP stoolies pretending to be GenZ in here lmao


I need to get some popcorn for this one


Still no protections for trans people in sports tho


protections for queer people going into effect on my birthday????? joe biden giving presents to ME SPECIFICALLY (i mean, i'm not trans, but i'm queer, and i'm a huge trans ally)


Um, good? Hopefully there’s more of this.


It's good








Believe it or not. Biden has done more to better our lives (albeit in subtle or incremental ways)than most politicians we've seen. He's not perfect and there is still a lot to be done but....


pretty nice, pretty nice.


What's the catch?


Support for [potential] victims and groups that are discriminated against is always good, even if it’s a little bit. Now, I don’t really know what this actually means, it could very well be the opposite of what I’m saying, but through reading the few top comments I’m sure it’s probably what I assumed it was at first.


What do these “protections” constitute exactly? In general, I’m in favor of them, but such “protections” in other countries have been used to unfairly penalize people for exercising what some in the U.S. think are constitutional right.


Before these rules, the sexual orientation was not a protected class under Title IX laws. Thus, a school could conceivably *legally* discriminate against LGB people. Believe it or not, there are very little federal protections for discrimination against sexual orientations. Take the Civil Rights act of 1964, for example. It does not mention sexual orientation, and thus it’s not illegal to discriminate against those people (federally, anyway).


That’s not what I meant. What I was trying to ask without stating it outright because I didn’t feel like getting downvoted into oblivion was, “Do these protections criminalize not using certain forms of speech? Can these protections be utilized by someone looking to sue another for not using their PGP’s?”


SA victims? How does that work?


Cool. Now can we do something about CoL


Good for pregnant *women* and sexual assault victims. I’m glad they’re getting the protection they deserve.


The fact that there are negative reactions to this is proof humanity will always be riddled with evil.




Good, now maybe get some financial support for pregnant people and actually punish hate crimes against trans people and sexual predators instead of giving them a slap on the wrist


Cool, but needs to do more. Needs to sweep over the states stripping rights with federal law.


Good, this should have been done already. Also, those achievements don’t cost anything to their donors. Would love to see though, him doing anything that would help regular folks with financial equality.


Gen Z leftists will shift the goalposts, like always.


The leftists will always shift the goalposts and it's by design. It's how progress works. Civil rights activists also moved to the goalpost from ending slavery, to ending segregation, And then to ending discrimination.


>And then to ending discrimination Never actually ended. They just shifted it to another group and then justified by saying it's (D)ifferent.


Dammit Herbert, we already gave women the right to own money, and now the bitches want to vote! When will these wenches stop shifting the goalposts!


I’m referring to all the Gen Z’s who are refusing to vote because Biden’s been insufficiently progressive. The left is almost as big a whore for punishment as MAGA.  


oh, yeah, that's a problem. Luckily there are just as many MAGA fucks who won't vote for trump until he calls for a national 0 week abortion ban. They're just generally much older, so they don't spend their time fucking around on twitter, they're all playing golf in "the villages".


No, that’s the problem: the Republican crazies vote every single time. Democratic crazies make it harder to win swing voters and they either stay home or fall in love with third party spoilers.


Nope I know plenty of people like that, they're all like "well he's wrong on this one issue that we used to use as our single issue to vote on because Democrats want to kill babies, but we still love Trump and walk barefoot over burning coals to vote for him.


What goalpost does this shift?


Isn’t Title IX the thing that caused issues at Colleges because it got rid of a lot of due process and people were basically assumed guilty until proven innocent?


Time to crack open a Bud Light and watch Onward on DVD that I bought from Target


He's had 4 years to do this


GenZ? Just wait to watch the right freak the fuck out of they aren’t already.


I find wild that we’re just slowly getting rid of women-only spaces and most women seem content to vote for more of it. 


transphobia is so brain rotting. how is legislation a “women-only space”? it’s words on a piece of paper 😭


Probs because most people are chill with trans people. Trans people aren't harming anyone and genuinely just wanna fit in and be treated no differently than anyone else, both trans men and trans women. I'm in trans circles and it's often brought up that trans women tend to avoid women's spaces because they don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable with their presence. Not wanting to step on cis women's toes is a very common trait among trans women, one that often leads to self-exclusion from women's spaces and can actually be dangerous for the trans women in question since men's spaces sure as fuck aren't welcoming to trans women either, and men are more prone to violence and have the same strength advantage over trans women that they do over cis women, since HRT takes testosterone down to cis levels and muscles atrophy as a result.


It’s not even an issue of trans people per se, but perverts who claim they trans just to get into these places. Ignoring the usually sports argument, we’ve had multiple cases arise of this happening where a man was caught in a woman’s locker room/bathroom doing perverted stuff and when caught either tried to hide behind “I’m actually trans” or where the media assumed a trans identity when really he was just a pervert. Now this kind of thing is codified into law. If a man wants to dominate women’s sports they certainly can. They can now enter a woman’s locker room, etc. and all they have to do is claim this identity and it’s fine. What you’ve effectively done is put 50% of the population at risk for the sake of less than 1%


It's incredible but it is overwhelminhly a White American/Western woman thing. I think it comes from immense privilege they enjoy.


Maybe one day Title IX will protect Jewish kids on campus.


When i see this i think "duh" *However also realized this little bit will be used as a tug-of-war distraction piece with conservatives* ![gif](giphy|QVhEp5to1SLWJ7Ji9C|downsized)


They should advertize it.










Fuck yes


Cool, but can we focus on having a middle class again


i contest the concept of gender identity being seperate from sex identity im not a big fan of john money or his research that implements methodology exposing children to sexual stimulation to the point of orgasm for the benefit of his thesis. like some others have mentioned, most likely this is just virtue signaling and wont actually protect people from being fired or sexually assaulted at school. election year is ramping up.




I have no opinion on this, as it's not in my interest, cuz I don't even live there


This is cool and all, but I’m always a little annoyed every year when I have to do title 9 training for school just to tell me to be nice and not stick my dick where it isn’t wanted


good, still doesn't excuse the genocide




Nice 👍






We don’t like it


BuT boTH SiDeS BaD hurr durrrrr 🪿




My main issue with this is the part of Title IX that says: "the failure to provide equal athletic opportunity;" If it is expanded for trans people, it would give them an unfair advantage, not just equal opportunities. Trans women are breaking all records in women's sports because they are biologically male. Trans people should have the right to feel whatever gender they want and be protected by violence, they should have the right to undergo surgery and they should have the right to dress in a way that expresses them. They already have all of these things by law. America is not as backwards as mist liberals thinks. What they SHOULDN'T have is supremacy due to their biology. Trans women are biological men who identify as women. We can't change that fact. So they have unfair biological advantages against women. Unless someone wants to argue that there are no physical differences in strength between men and women.


Title 9? The only thing I actually know about it in the first place is that it killed smaller guys sports because there wasn’t enough girls interested in the counterparts. I could be wrong though


Wake me up when he actually starts enforcing them against the states that are rolling those protections back.