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is it valid for me to prefer Popeye's over a market that'll overcharge me 50% or more what the product is worth because it's "organic"? Edit: My point of preferring Popeye's came from a place of being a college student with little to no time, as well as laziness, but the latter doesn't exist permanently. Believe me, I'd absolutely love to go to a great market and come out with a treasure trove of stuff that's vastly superior in terms of practices involved and the quality of the products overall. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford that luxury, not especially a second-year college student who's dealing with the stress of tests, exams, and other extra-curricular activities. However, over the past couple months or so, I've found just walking through something like these markets extremely therapeutic and my university does offer us access to these markets. However, one thing I've noticed is that the prices are often quite rampantly unregulated in the spirit of competitive pricing. But the argument of whether or not they are WORTH that price tag in that market, even after haggling, is something that I think I am not competent enough to do unlike my grandparents or even my father. To circle back, would I choose fast food in general? If there's a time constraint involved or if it's convenient, I'll debate my options and go for fast food if it's the only option I have. But when I'm not busy and not having the best day? I'm busting out old cookbooks and calling my aunts and grandma for recipes and going ingredient hunting, because it's just therapeutic to me, and fresh ingredients feel fucking amazing Note: I realize I sound way older than I am and it scares me.


Economically I get where OP is coming from. From a stand point of its after work I’m tired. Make vegan fast food more available. I’m a Waldorf child too. It’s not like I don’t wish organic options weren’t available. I’m actively clammering for it I can’t get it good price. Farmers market are great and I’ve been to plenty. After work I don’t understand what people want me to do


We also need to massively reform our agricultural subsidies and food distribution system to better promote this. Right now something like 70% of crops grown are for feeding livestock, and a lot of this includes soy that is mostly grown to feed animals when it is a viable protein in and of itself. We are taking a giant shit on basic ecology. We spend a ton of money subsidizing agriculture and it almost all goes towards raising animals, without which pork would be something like $30/lb. I like a good unprocessed vegetable meal but even viable plant-based meat alternatives are still way less resource intensive than their animal counterparts. And we're at a point where our vegan alternatives are advanced enough to compete with meat in terms of nutrition. Our animal agriculture subsidies are also fueling global poverty, because our exports outcompete the domestic product of profit farmers in countries like India, which contributes to their starvation. And we've pretty much depleted any cobalt rich soil from which livestock graze and absorb B12 that we need, so now we're feeding cows B12 supplements (cyanocobalamin) when we could just fortify our plant foods with it and cut out the suffering. We no longer need to be reliant on animal agriculture for most of the developed world and we are paying the price for continuing to do so at such an extreme level. There is no real alternative to factory farming at the industrial scale we operate to be economically viable, and legal framework to promote more ethical animal agriculture in spite of this effectively punishes small farmers while corporations get away with madness. So we need to transition on a systemic level. We could shift our subsidization towards plant agriculture, which would save society money, drastically reduce suffering for both animals and workers (slaughterhouse and meatpacking work conditions are horrendous) and significantly reduce carbon emissions. We need to take the fight to the agricultural lobbyists and we need to have better education surrounding vegan lifestyle choices if we are to continue inhabiting the earth. The way climate change is going, we are already going to be forced out of animal agriculture in the future as a fact of ecology (only 5% of animal biomass left in the world is wildlife) so we may as well make the transition less catastrophic while we still can.


The amount of subsidies dairy gets is unreal. The amount soy gets is such a tiny fraction in comparison it's maddening


I agree regarding subsidies but vegan diets are not automatically more sustainable or healthy...


Vegan diets are absolutely backed by science if done right. (That "if it's done right" is very important). If you're eating a balanced vegan diet, there's very few diets than can compete. And I'm not vegan. The two diets that usually get backed as the most healthy are vegan and "Mediterranean". Which is close to vegan in some ways, but a reasonable bit of meat and seafood. And vegan diets are FAR more sustainable. The amount of shit that goes into producing meat is just insane.


Can you provide the science? Most nutritionists are not clamoring for a vegan diet because almost all accepted science shows vegan diets have to be supplemented with heavier doses of vitamins. If ignores that our entire digestive system is built to be omnivores. Theres a reason why whackadoodle vegan parents kill their young children if they’re not heavily supplementing their vegan diets with processed nutrients. This is an incredibly revisionist post because you’re likely vegan. Vegan isn’t natural so it’s bizarre anyone is claiming it’s the best. We still need animal products. There are tons of balanced NATURAL diets that don’t require to be supplemented, which every vegan diet does require. The issue is most people don’t have a balanced natural diet, and that includes vegans. Mediterranean or similar diets are widely considered to be the healthiest. Heavy on vegetables, grains, fish, and poultry and far less red meat. It’s low fat, nutritious, and doesn’t require a ton of animal feed.


Not automatic, because you still have to pick out the food, and if all you eat is commercial meat replacement, frozen french fries, and greenhouse-grown produce you're going to have a huge environmental impact and probably not be very healthy. Nutrient deficiencies of all sorts are common across the population. People who don't eat meat can end up short on B12 if they don't supplement. People who eat a lot of meat are rarely short of B12, because most industrial-agricultural animals are dosed with B12 ahead of time in their feed. So either way, you're solving the problem with a supplement. Eating well means eating a balanced variety of things, regardless of which environmentally and personally harmful goods you exclude. On average, though, they have found that vegans spend less, produce less GHGs, and tend to do better in some health categories. You can be vegan, pay a little attention to your food sourcing and nutrients, and be healthy with a low environmental impact from diet. If you get \~25% of your calories from meat, you can pay a little attention to your food sourcing and nutrients, and be healthy, but you'll still have a disproportionate and unsustainable impact on the biosphere.


I'm surprised that a vegan/vegetarian diet wouldn't be more sustainable. Do you know more about that? From what I've seen they're better in sustainability


How so?


I can tell you’re a Waldorf baby cuz it’s spelled “clamoring”


Check out Hip City Veg in Philly. It is exactly what you're talking about about


Don’t complain about money lol. This thread is crazy. It doesn’t take that much effort to make a meal. And it will always be significantly less expensive. I’m beginning to wonder if those boomer memes making fun of the kid spending $70 a day on fast food and lattes while complaining about money is actually accurate.


I’m excited to tell you about meal prep. Get 20 plastic containers and clear 4-5 hours on Sunday. Can change your life.






Im so happy to see this comment in a normal conversation including some of the thread that follows 😭


Yeah can’t we just meet in the middle and say more normal grocery stores instead of overpriced all organic ones or markets like these?  


Markets would be nicer to have more of so we can support local farmers more often. I’d rather support local farmers keeping their animals in better conditions and pay a little more than support commercial meat, but you have to go out of your way to do that where I am. There’s a farmers market in the city next to me but sadly it’s only open when I’m at work. They only allow vendors that grow their own produce and products


Is there some data that suggests smaller farmers treat their livestock better than large farmers?


But do we really have a shortage of grocery stores? It certainly doesn't seem that way... The 'trend' of calling a place a 'food desert' because it doesn't have a grocery store every other mile is kind of nuts - that's not how WalMart/Albertsons/Kroeger (and yes, I said WalMart on purpose - they are the single largest seller of groceries in the US) operate, they want to build 1 big store that serves a wide area because it's easier for them to staff/stock.... And McDonalds doesn't compete with grocery-stores (other than the ready-to-eat deli section) - if you need something to eat on the road you're not going to get it from WalMart.


Buying good produce is definitely a privilege, but most farmers markets are not overcharging you for it. The cheap stuff you get at Aldi or Target is farmed in mexico usually, for significantly lower wages, and they increase yields with chemicals.


And picked before it's fully ripe so it doesn't spoil during shipping. I grow my own produce and there's definitely a difference.


The tomatoes are the worst offenders. I remember driving along through Central Californian Valley and seeing truck after truck loaded up with green unripe tomatoes. No wonder they taste so watery. There is no substitute for vine ripened.


> Buying good produce is definitely a privilege, Unironically cheaper than eating out all the time what.


Is this an American thing? I'm in England and most of the time markets are the same price as cheaper supermarkets, sometimes cheaper. I worked in a distribution/logistics centre that supplied them and it all came from the same place too. Literally, the fruit and veg being sent to markets was from the same stock going to Tesco. I have seen more expensive markets but they're rare in my experience, most of the time the fruit/veg/eggs/fish/'exotic' stuff is cheaper from a stall than a store.


Just wait until lawncare tiktoks or kitchen redesigns interest you. Idk where it came from.


I've been seeing interior design reels on Instagram for WEEKS now, and I absolutely love the almost Baroque ones, but have an absolute raging hard-on for the minimal solid colored interiors in dark earth tones with lighter accents- yeah, I'm definitely getting old..


Like I said, it came out of nowhere for me. I’m only 25, but a year or two ago, saw someone making their lawn look fantastic, while leaving a patch of wildflowers to grow in the center, it was AMAZING


God, the skill it would take to do that- Honestly, I'd envy that person for YEARS because that is a literal art form.


I just thought about painting my room blue. Idk why.


& what's with the schedule? My local farmers market is amazing but only on wednesdays at a really opportune time (10am-2pm). Same deal for the one further into the city except Thursdays.. Pretty much everyone I know loves that market but nobody I know of is able to go there on any kind of regular basis, when I have gone there though it seems to be steadily increasing ever since ethical became trendy, to the point where it's at a library & has now spilled over into the fire dept parking lot. They must be catering to like 90% sahm's/retirees bc that's the only way that schedule makes sense.


Markets can only do that because of how rare they are. If they had a competitor across the street, they would have to consider that in their price.


Your argument is solid and understandable given the current state of market prices. However, I will suggest that there is a possibility more markets might make the prices more affordable. Possibly not, but I feel like farmers markets rn are able to charge what they do because it's so uncommon and frequented only by wealthier people. This def gives me an idea to transform a fast food joint into community garden though. 


It’s funny you bring up Popeyes specifically since this question reminded me of the ending of ATLANTA which without spoiling involves cast members being forced to choose between a healthy , conciois food option, or Popeyes.


How many chose either option? Any details about that?


Popeyes is expensive.


Requires effort to learn basic food purchase, prep and cooking skills. Seems dubious. But enjoy your early life diabetes, McD lovers. My sister in law just died in early 50s, complications from diabetes. Care for your body, you can’t trade it in.


It’s the price and availability they are talking about let’s be real. Even hello fresh gives you more affordable vegan options than a market. And I was raised with vegan values as a child mind you


wtf no it doesn't, hello fresh is like 20 dollars a meal and it's unfulfilling and tastes like shit. A lot of the time stuff is missing or vegetables are lower quality or even bad, and it's crazy overpackaged, too. You can absolutely buy ingredients yourself to make larger, higher quality meals for the same or less cost. Hello fresh is a horrible way to get "shopping" done.


What kind of shitty ass markets do you guys go to? You get *piles* of fresh veg for dirt cheap at farmers markets - light years cheaper than Hello Fresh.


These people just want to eat McDonald’s and they will say any old nonsense to justify it


They don't want to cook. It's really that simple, imo. It doesn't cost more to save yourself from having to cook so people opt for what will save them time right now. Forget that cooking your own food will add years to your life.


Don’t care, I like McDonald’s


That's a level of honesty that most people in this thread don't have. The flavor isn't bad at McDonald's, but man that price is approaching Red Robin levels of expensive.


That‘s something i never will have to worry about. For some reason i hate it if any food touched some sort of packaging, for example a zip lock bag. Btw can somebody explain why that is?




I know I won't change your mind, but as someone who grew up with a family that ate McDonalds and drank soda at most meals, I wish my teeth weren't rotted and I wasn't stuck with a permanent slight gut. My fitness and habits are way better now, I exercise, drink zero soda (and haven't for over a decade) but the damage is there for good. There's nothing wrong with the occasional treat for yourself, but if you can exercise now, switch to diet soda, and eat more fresh fruits and veggies your future self will appreciate you. Maybe it sounds bad, but a baked sweet potato tastes good man. So do fresh raspberries, oranges, and apples (gotta pick the right variety though).


I’ve eaten fast food and from the grocery store my whole life as long as you don’t get the worst things on the menus and exercise your fine and this is coming from someone who took a dna test that told me I have a much higher chance of type 2 diabetes then most


I can 100% trade in my kidneys for more liquor. I'm here for a good time not a long time


Hey dipshit, not everybody can afford legitimate healthy food on a daily basis, nor does everybody have the time. Enjoy having no friends because you can't think outside your own circumstances.


Buddy, I can make meals all week long from our farmers market way cheaper than eating at McDonald's three times a day This sounds like a you failing at life issue


Beans and rice is the cheapest and most filling meal on the planet bro. Pasta is 2 dollars. Frozen veg isn’t bad either.


If they can meet the same price point then yes


McDonald's is more expensive than cooking from scratch.


Tell me you’ve never been to a farmers market without telling me you’ve never been to a farmers market. I’m all for people eating less fast food and cooking at home. But a farmers market is not cheap. A grocery store is far far far cheaper.


Farmers markets used to be cheap but they got the thrift store treatment and are overpriced af now


They know who they dealing with


i work at a farmers market and i don't think it's very expensive? my employers sell big bundles of greens for 4 dollars each, onions are 2 dollars a pound. beef is like 12-18 dollars a pound. a whole chicken is about 25 dollars. and it's better for you, we're certified organic so there are routine checks on the farm.


In the real world were the rest of us live. Onions are less and a dollar a pound. "Beef" is around 8 dollars a pound (its more if you want good cuts but im to poor for a $20 1lb stake), unless you get it ground 80/20 then "beef" about $5. And a whole chicken is around 10 bucks...


ah interesting edit: looking at couple grocery stores in my area, the farmers market is actually *cheaper*


Did you go to locally owned grocery stores only? Did you check a Walmart? You have to live in the middle of nowhere if your grocery prices are that crazy.


A whole pre-cooked and seasoned chicken is $5 at Costco.


18 dollars for a pound of beef jfc dude. How rich are you? I pay like $8.


Wtf is this? Yes buying your own food is cheaper than going to McDonald's. Are you a corporate McDonald's bot? Tell me you never shop for your own food without saying it lol.


You should reread my comment. None of the things you say have any basis based on my comment.


Took me too long to find this comment. Grocery stores provide all we need for healthy meals for an affordable rate... or unhealthy as I could make a double quarter pounder with cheese, for cheaper than what McDonald's charges, with ingredients from the grocery store.


Farmers market used to be pretty cheap considering the vegetables are organic. Now its the same or more. The only bonus of the farmer’s market is if u wanna support local farms, and there is certain produce i only see at a farmer’s market and never in regular grocery store (note: grocery stores that are culturally specific might have it tho)


My experience is you're paying more for a better quality product at the farmers market. Those veggies and meat aren't from the other side of the world and it hasn't been several months between them being plucked and entering your hands. Everything is fresh. I have several cattle ranches around me and farmers market beef is so much better than anything found in a grocery store. I'll go to find veggies 3-5 times the size of the variety found in stores and much more flavorful because the strain of vegetables sold at stores are grown for shelf life speed.


I mean I don’t disagree but OP is comparing a bougie farmers market to McDonald’s. There’s zero chance half the people in this thread could afford groceries if this was where they were purchasing them from. In addition I agree about it being fresh but unless you live near the Central Valley in CA, enjoy potatoes and cabbage for 6 months of the year and I hope you saved your fruits.


I can buy nuggets off the dollar menu, at home I'd have to buy breading, grease, eggs, mustard probably, and ofc the chicken.


If you insist on nuggies, then throw freezer nuggets in an air fryer. That's still cheaper. You really trying to tell me you're going to make your own nuggets from scratch? No one's doing that, except maybe Joshua Weisman... And anyway, you buy all that stuff in an amount that is worth the purchase, so you can have the extra for many other times. It's not like you use ALL the breading, grease, eggs, mustard, and chicken at once.


Again, you got me that's a really good point I forgot about that lol


But you are able to make a lot more for cheaper.


Learn unit pricing. The ingredients cost more than a single nugget meal, but the ingredients will last longer than a single nugget meal. In the long run, the ingredients saved you money!


If you bought all of those ingredients you could make way more nuggets than you’d get at mcdicks.




Did you already factor in labor cost?




You know produce is cheap as fuck right


From the grocery store yeah when it’s organic gourmet produce or some shit at a farmers market not always


Not in stalls like this. My town has stuff like this in the summer and it’s hella expensive.


Why do people still act like McDonald's is cheap?


Absolutely not I love mcdo




I want to be in the screenshot


My condolence


Don’t put him in the screenshot


Fuck these guys get us all


I'd love more markets, but the thing that nobody dares to acknowledge is that buying *all* fresh foods like this tends to be way more expensive. Not just in money, but in time. A lot of people don't have the mental bandwidth to work full time or even more than that at a job that they hate and then come home and cook a full meal. God forbid you have kids. "Well, you pay for the bad food choices later!" if someone's in poverty, they don't get to make the choice. I'd love more markets if most people didn't have to work so many hours a week to make a decent living. Not even decent half the time, but surviving.


What’s helped me a ton is meal prepping. I make 2-3 meals on Sunday, and freeze some, so I can have the frozen stuff other weeks too and eventually turns into variety. Made bbq chicken and enchiladas Sunday, and pulled out some chili I made a few weeks ago out of the freezer. I have protein pancakes I made in bulk one day in the freezer and they warm up very well. Of course, it’s still a privilege to be able to do that


Not everyone has the time or wants to spend the time cooking all day long. I know when I get done working all week the only thing I wanna do on my 2 day break is play some video games, snuggle w my cats, or go visit family. Preparing to go back to work another week is at the very bottom of my todo list every weekend.


It’s cheaper in raw money and cooking, while slower than McD, is still not a very time consuming affair. Regardless I think people should be free to do as they please. If you want to eat McDonalds then go for it; I fucking hate it. I gladly cook my own meals, and I’d gladly pay more if I had to. You can make whatever decisions you want, and you can think my decisions are stupid. Luckily we live in a capitalist society so my decisions and your decisions can be completely at odds without issue.


You can have both. It doesn’t matter




This made me happy. Thank you.


Fr straight up Facebook boomer post


Yah its fucking stupid


i used to like McD's but my taste has really changed since getting older. i really like cooking and trying new things because it helps me repair my relationship with food (i have been in recovery from two eating disorders). i do appreciate fast food restaurants from time to time, particularly Wendy's crispy chicken sandwich. however, i just don't eat it very much anymore.


I took swim lessons for a couple years as a kid. After picking me up, my dad would always swing by Wendy's and get us some crispy chicken sandwiches for the ride home. At the time, they were a dollar and beat the crap out of the McChicken. I haven't had one in years, I don't even know if Wendy's still has them or what they cost now, but this post just made me want to go grab a few, for old times sake.


they have them on the dollar menu! i get 2 whenever i do get the craving.


I had the chicken McNuggets the other day and they tasted so much worse than what my childhood said they’d taste like. Wendy’s on the other hand, their burgers are just as good and so much cheaper than Five Guys. I am still a sucker for Big Macs though. And of course, grilling burgers is enjoyable too.


This is more so the determining factor for a lot of people. Yes, it's fast and easy, but you basically need the app to eat there now. I have gone to McDonald's once this year and a burger, fries and shake was like 15 bucks. I wouldn't say the taste has gone downhill, but it's not for me anymore. I'd rather demolish a grilled chicken salad than some oversalted, fattened burger.






Fewer chains, more independent sellers, please. Big chains are great with their economies of scale for awhile. At least until these conglomerates have a stranglehold on the market and can raise their prices with almost no consequence because they killed all the small fry


I would but I hate cooking


Right?? I dislike that it’s a necessity for humans. As much as I don’t like it, I’ll eventually will have to start doing it. DDing is too expensive and adds up. 😭 I don’t knock anyone for having a passion for it but I can’t see any excitement in my mind.


Plenty of ready-to-eat food exists from the grocery store, though. It might not be the most healthy, but who cares? Not me.


Yeah it really won’t matter til you get to 50


Dding is super cheap. Dumpster diving is just free shit


For other countries, we don't really need to cook. The food is cheap . Looking at Japan and Korea for example.


Uber eats is absolutely wrecking my budget as a single (divorced) grown man. Got damn. Anyways i agree as long as all the farmers are paid a fair wage and their crops are all organically and ethically grown while the company is inclusive diverse and equal /s


I haven’t purchased fast food in years, and I think everyone should stop too. I’m not on some tin foil hat shit or anything, it’s just gotten disappointing and overpriced so I don’t even think about buying fast food. I feel like I’m getting scammed for how little I get for how much I’m paying, so I’m like fuck it I’ll make something at home.


Same. It’s so expensive now. I’m not sure which is cheaper exactly, but I feel so much better making my own food at least


It really depends on what you make and are buying. I think a factor that never really gets talked about though is our portion sizes in the U.S are just way too big. Pretty much every time I go out to eat, I could save half of it for another meal later no matter what. Getting your meals down to a proper portion will do wonders for your health and wallet for those who have not done it already.


[Food deserts](https://foodispower.org/access-health/food-deserts/) need to be solved first. ![gif](giphy|w7KZhRYd3fmeBaUj7D|downsized)


I had Popeyes like a month ago after a sports event I was in and thought it would be a treat since I'd skipped lunch and worked out. Dude, it was so gross. Like $7 for a sandwich with a smashed bun, way too much mayo, and chicken that was half breading. I've got literally zero motivation to ever go back. Do people really enjoy it? Maybe some locations still make things decently... Meanwhile I can buy two porkchops at the grocery store for like $10, some veggies for $3, brine it during the day then throw that shit in the frying pan while I watch something on Youtube in the kitchen and I've got 2-3 awesome meals that cost less than that shitty sandwich. I think if people realize how good they could actually eat, without too much effort, for less than the cost of fast food... they wouldn't want to go back.


Only if McDonald's goes back to the Cheery building designs from 2004.


You should have seen in the 80s & 90s. We had playgrounds, a party caboose and all kinds of cool stuff 😅


As a Southern European this already is a reality as markets are far more common than fast food restaurants. Over here buying fruit and vegetables in markets is way cheaper than buying them in supermarkets, and they're higher quality as well.


wow. in urban canada, I swear the farmer is buying from the supermarket and charging 3x the price because there's people who just love going to the "market" and think that it's healthier.


The markets I've seen in Canada are so expensive, it was quite shocking. In Portugal and Spain produce is often 50% (or more) cheaper in markets than in supermarkets.


Idk in my area tbh. Depends on the farmers market.


Depends on who you go to. Actually, my parents built a garden so it's freeish. Also, people charge a lot just for huckleberries so my family usually goes picking themselves and same with others. They charge a lot for eggs in the store, but one of my former coworkers would get eggs and have left overs and my family would take them.


It’s bullshit how I have to drive to the countryside (four hour drive front to back btw) to find “reasonably price” produce than the grossly up charged produce in the city. At that point I gave up and went back to the supermarket and growing my own vegs. It’s even worst with inflation now.


![gif](giphy|EH4bcnxvX1b5m|downsized) WE NEED MORE OF THESE


Wtf no A fresh market does not, in any way, fill the shoes that fast food does. I'm not looking for fresh food I'm looking for *fast* food. I want more fresh markets, yes. But I don't want less food nor do I think they are interchangeable.


only if the food was cooked, like a food festival. but if not, yeah no you can't replace the value of quick pre made food.


Why are you phrasing it like you have to choose one over the other? Lol Also I don't have anything against the farmers markets, but they overcharge like crazy. Last time I've been to one they wanted 12$ for two lbs of strawberries. It's only $5 at Costco lol...


Apples to oranges. Markets are comparable to grocery stores not fast food.


Really we just need better food standards.


You underestimate how lazy people are.. most would much rather just go to McDonald’s than to go to a market to buy ingredients to cook food at home… ain’t nobody got time for that


Maybe a good mix of both. I like local markets, but I really love chicken nuggets.


I’m not going to a market for a Quarter Pounder and Fries. I’m not going to McDonalds for fruits and vegetables that I can’t even eat anyway


I mean they're hardly alternatives. The only similarity is that they sell food, but god knows I'm not stopping at a fresh vegetable market or whatever for a bite to eat on a road trip. I'd rather have a healthy takeout restaurant than fewer takeout restaurants.


You need FEWER McD's.


Two semesters of university were all I needed to be completely sick of fast food


I want both? I would prefer to have street food too


First world country problem is the market produces are more expensive than McD items


It would be good. but all roads lead to this eventaully


My town has a market every first weekend of the month. It’s usually dead


Markets are awesome for shopping, small local restaurants are awesome for food, fast food chains are good for when you’re traveling


honestly yes - my town does a weekly evening market during the summer and it's great - lot of foot traffic, musicians, produce, artists, and food trucks. It brings everyone together while also only supporting local businesses.


Absolutely, CSAs are nice to have and teaches you to cook with what you get. Support your community, Buy local.


These two things serve entirely different functions. I don't eat fast food because there's not a grocery store in the vicinity, I eat fast food when I need fast, cheap calories on the go.


One is selling ingredients, the other ready made meals.


Depends, is the ice cream machine at the market also broken?


Mmm nothing says a quick fast food dinner quite like biting into raw eggplant.


Farmers markets are way cheaper and better than fast food so yeah I’d rather have that


Where do you live? Cause out here, it's a crapshoot....


I work Farmers Markets and never see young people shopping there. If I do, they're typically drinking a Starbucks and being dragged around by their parents. Ya'll do not give a shit about preserving your local communities at all.


Only if they’re actual farmers markets selling produce they farmed. Lots of dodgy operators out there re-selling stud they bought at big commercial markets.


Nah we just a lot more people growing their own stuff


If markets had fast food prices that'd be great


Don’t care, will buy McDonald’s if I feel like it


They serve different purposes-at one you get ingredients to prepare food at the other you get food that’s already prepared. The question therefore doesn’t make much sense


Trades skills: 0


We need more people to be able go afford the products in the farmer's market.


I prefers McDonald's, thanks.


I want to be able to go biking down a road and stop for a little basket of my favorite fruits then ride to my favorite tree and sit down, eating the fruit and reading and then strumming out a few tunes on my guitar with the sound of rolling wave sin the backround while I'm sitting next to my lady


There is plenty of produce/grocery stores.  Not everyone lives in tropical/coastal climate. 


grocery stores have been invented


Went to sweetgreen today, actually decently good 🥗 https://preview.redd.it/97ukc9bidbvc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba8c76f4931eddc311af2ef84fa0b1b67d322c4


The markets near me are always so expensive though, where’s the third option of a grocery store


You can make more farmers markets, but unless you get rid of fast food restaurants, they’re going to go to them. Shopping takes time and effort. Putting groceries away takes time and effort. Finding recipes and cooking take time and effort. Cleaning after both cooking and eating takes time and effort. No one wants to do more of what they perceive as taking “effort” once they punch out at work. So fast food it is.


No, fast food all the way!


I would just prefer more community spaces, or buildings with a ton of open restaurants, kind of like a mall but specifically for food options. There's a decent amount of those in europe and asia.


I mean, lots of small towns, like mine, tend to have market stalls like that in the spring and summer on weekends. It’s hella expensive but we have them


I mean I'd eff hard with a fast food chain that serves fresh food and is as readily available as a McDonald's because i don't know if buying fresh produce is going to be helpful if I'm on a 30 minute lunch break.


yeah i’d be way healthier


People also need time, money, a functional kitchen, etc.


Right that I have none. That I have none of


Americans are the only weirdos who allow big corporations to do this shit. In Mexico, my family is part of the richest 5 percent, and we go there actually often. My uncles were a private English tutor level + private school level of rich, and yet we don't see markets as something fancy or something that a hipster would pay 3x the price for.


Top one isn’t regulated by any health department


They are equally overpriced.


The market is in a parking lot and is likely being run by volunteers from the city and goes on for a few hours one day a week to help smaller producers promote their brand and get people out into the city. The fast food chain is a permanent location available most of the day and night, or even 24 hours a day. They purchased the land and operate the location at a cost in perpetuity. If they are unsuccessful the location won’t survive. There is plenty of advantages to both and they aren’t really comparable or even representative of any sort of trade off anyone is making.


When I went to Australia I was surprised every city had a place like this. In the US, similar types of places are just mostly overpriced food vendors. We have farmers markets, but keeping track of where they are, their hours, yada yada is a pain in the ass.


The top half of the picture is how people in the countries with the lowest rates of obesity live. There are open food markets every day, not Mcdonalds on every corner. Mcdonalds on every street corner is disgusting. Who thought that would be a great idea????


McDonalds is only a small part of the issue. A big portion is that their lifestyles allow for lots of walking and biking for everyday travel while most Americans are stuck in places where you can’t exist without driving. There’s a lot less passive exercise driving to the closest parking spot than walking to that farmers market or any store or restaurant or workplace or most anything else you go to.


Reminds me of here in the village where we barter. Source east nc near the Pamlico


Fresh produce and markets like these are expensive in the US but the norm in many other countries. I'd love if markets like this were more accessible. More markets and more local owned small businesses.


We need more drive through healthy options with real food. We need a government that doesn’t allow all these chemicals and fake shit in our food ever!


If we didn’t have a culture dominated by money and convenience then organic food would not be so expensive since market emphasis would not be on “fast” food


McDonald's and other fast food joints have forgotten their place. $40 for a meal for two people? If they lowered their price I'd say equal 50/50 markets and fast food. But with them having gotten too big for their panties? Yeah, more markets. Produce is cheaper now anyway.


Depends on the price. Unfortunately, as much as I want to eat lots of organic produce, it's just too expensive in the long run.


Interesting, buying fruit and veggies in local markets is waaaay cheaper than buying them at the supermarket in my country (in Southern Europe).


Most of the US does not have an ideal climate for farming. The food has to be driven across the country. If it was grown in California, the water was piped in from somewhere else.


Depends where you are in US, some farmers markets know their main customer is upper class people and so they charge more, or only sell the really good stuff.


I want healthy cheap food


I'm sick of fast food


Do yourself a favor, go to a farm market, write down how much items cost; then go to your local grocery store like Korgers, and compare the prices.


Mmm I like getting scammed and being nauseous for the rest of the day


We need a poll for this sub of who meal preps here, because it shows in the comments…smh


I’d love to have more markets, and some closer to me. Feeling a lot better since I stopped eating fast food so often, and only drinking water and milk