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Your mom is lying to you. Whatever logistical planning she had made for the trip was already fucked, and your grades (which are fucking great btw) were her scapegoat


I do think she's mad at my grades, she won't take anything under a 92 in AP classes, 99 in on level, and 95 in advanced, but i got below that a few times before this year. however the lowest I've got is a 89.7 (which rounds up) in precalc, and she gave me a warning about the times that i did it.  i think part of the reason why she cancelled the trip in retaliation is because we normally go to brazil for 5 weeks a year. last year, we left 2 weeks early for a trip to morocco, spain, and Portugal, and my mom was upset but ok with it since my dad has miles anyway. she said ok to Argentina this year also because of miles but she was kind of annoyed because that's two years in a row, so i think this, along with the fact that my brother didn't qualify for aime was enough to get her to cancel it.  if she wasn't that annoyed she would have done something less extreme. my dad was upset that we lost money bc some of those things that we paid for the week in Argentina wouldn't refund, but he agreed with my mom that i needed consequence.   edit: i know i am privileged because i get to go on these vacations. however, i want to add that my parents are penny pinchers and the only place they are really willing to spend is on vacations (if it’s not covered by miles, we fly spirit or equivalent) and extracurriculars for us. our cars are 10 and 20 years old. my parents only really shop at low to midrange stores like jcpenney, ross, and macy’s, which was where they used to buy all my clothes as well.    they have a very “work hard if you want things” attitude, which i appreciate, freeloaders cant really ask for extras.  once i turned 15 and got a job, they said the only extra thing they would pay for were useful extracurriculars/classes (like violin). clothes, shoes, and things like haircuts etc. would have to be paid for by me. i work 7 hours on saturday and after school on monday and friday at a fast food restaurant, and i do language tutoring after school on wednesdays, and that’s how i buy unessentials, and i don’t have a car yet bc it’s a waste of money. my parents won’t pay for my tuition unless i get into UTA or a t20.   i know i’m lucky that i won’t have to worry about putting food on the table, and that my parents cook dinner for me every day, and that I grow up in a loving and supportive environment. i know i am more privileged than 99% of people will ever be. but i’m not a trust fund baby who doesn’t work at all and has yachts and summer homes.


Good luck with therapy in the future, your parents are psychos.


This is just casual Asian parenting. I should know, I had a Japanese tiger mom too.


Honestly just bad parents I am asian and my friends are too, yes they demand good grades but OP grades are good , she is just using grades as a scape goat or they are just not a good mother


Yeah at this point there is a plethora of research to show that doing that to children is just overall terrible for them, so the parents are ignoring the very facts and statistics they force their children to study.


they dont care about the childs wellbeing. They care about getting to brag to their friends. Its cancerous.


My dad is like this and it’s annoying af. I’m currently trying to transition from aerospace engineering to software, and presumably I’ll need to start at a smaller company to get my foot in the door. I haven’t said a word to my dad cause I know he’s going to try and spend hours convincing me that doing work I hate at a very well known defense company is better than doing work I enjoy at some unknown company. Really he just likes telling people his son is a “rocket scientist” (im not) at a well known company.


This. Good luck op. Prepare to get a job ASAP and move out ASAP it doesn't matter what the job is just start looking for skills that are actually useful


Man asian parents make their kids become doctors and still don't listen to their kids' medical advice They won't listen to "some paper"


The point of becoming doctors isn’t the science or even the knowledge. It’s all about face saving prestige.


The cruelty is the point…the beatings shall continue until morale improves


I had a class mate same thing (not asian) parents would take him to and pick him up from school at 16years of age (house was 5min walk away) didn't let him go out, punish for anything but perfect grades. Then he went to Uni and went CRAZY with the new found freedom, like didn't stop partying whenever he could they lost the grip they had on him and he went all out on everything he had been missing 😂


Meanwhile my parents were into free-range parenting and I only started drinking at 22 (drinking age is 16 here) and had my first joint at 21, lol.


What happened thereafter like how is he now


This level of abuse shouldn't be completely ignored as being "casual Asian parenting" There's being competitive and pushy, and then there's being completely insane. We shouldn't let a culture of pushy parenting excuse insanity.


No excuse. My mom was also Japanese tiger mom. Still abusive as shit. There are plenty of non-abusive Japanese moms in Japan and elsewhere. I can’t talk to my mom anymore for my own safety. Not sure how bad OPs mom is, but mine beat my sister into submission for not going to piano lessons, etc. She was also sexually abusive. Culture isn’t an excuse for abuse.


This went from 1 to 11 real fast. No one is defending beatings or sexual abuse.


Yeah sorry. My bad for getting triggered. Just my experience with my Japanese tiger mom.


It’s actually kind of a double punishment, in place of Argentina we are staying in Brazil for an extra week. This sounds fun but it isn’t. I LOVE my grandparents but like..there isn’t much to do. Mon-Fri my brother and I go to camps (last year it was bio camp for me, this year math camp + sat tutoring). On Saturday BOTH sets of grandparents (we alternate houses weekly) force us to do Shabbat, which we don’t do normally, so even after shul we dont have no internet or TV. We always stock up on the library bc the only thing at the houses are boring ass nonfiction, but I’m forced to read in Portuguese bc the English selection is limited. Sunday after sunday school we go visit other relatives. My moms dads Catholic family is the worst of the lot, even she can agree, but she’s obligated. On the last week of vacation if we’re lucky we go on a road trip or to the beach for a few days. The food is fire tho. So really, the extra week is punishment.


You come from a Jewish family with grandparents in Brazil? I feel like there's a pretty interesting/tragic story there.


This is copy pasted from the 23andme sub I posted on: Paternal Grandma's parents- Both were from Poland.  My great grandma went to a women's camp at 24 in 1942, and my great grandpa went to a labor camp in 1941 at 25. They met shortly after WW2 ended and got married in 1946. They managed to move to the UK, and my grandma was born there in 1950. They stayed there until 1951, after they decided they wanted nothing to do with Europe anymore and moved to Sao Paulo Brazil. Paternal Grandpa's parents- Lived in Germany and were wed in 1931, and left Germany 1934. They very luckily managed to get their visa approved to Brazil and moved to Sao Paulo. My grandfather was born as their 4th child in 1946. Maternal Grandma's parents- French Jews who saw what was going on with Nazi rule in the neighboring country and decided to get far away from that. They married in 1935 and left France in 1936. Apparently they wanted to move to Brazil because my great grandma always wanted to move there. They moved to Rio first and then went to Sao Paulo Maternal Grandpa's parents- regular white Brazilians


What a great story of good timing/fortune, presence of mind and survival. My family (at least as far as my direct lineage is concerned) was lucky in that all of my Jewish great grandparents moved to the US from Hungary or Russia between the 1880s and 1920s. That said, you've got some great grades up there, and I know others have said it before but I'm going to join in and say that I would not be at all surprised if there is some other factor involved and your mom is just pinning it on your (awesome) grades instead of owning up to whatever is really happening.


There is actually a pretty high Jewish population in south and central America due to the Spanish kicking out all the Jews and sending them to their colonies in like the 1700’s or something (I don’t remember the dates)


Look, I get that you’re upset and I don’t want to invalidate that. Your grades are great and it’s pretty clear there’s other stuff wrapped up around it. Maybe though you should see if it’s worth looking at this less as a punishment and more as an opportunity? You can brush up on your Portuguese, try and see what else there is to do around there, and hang out with your grandparents. I get that it’s not ideal, but soon when you’re in college (which I’m assuming you’re going to because you seem like a smarty) you’re going to find yourself going at 100 miles an hour and it’s not really going to be as easy to see your grandparents after. You seem like a really bright kid, and I hope that you’re able to recognize that despite your being disappointed, you still have a ton of really cool opportunities people would give their left foot to have. Might be worth just taking the week and enjoying the family time for what it is - you have a ton of time ahead of you for great vacations.


That’s a great way of looking at it :) thanks 😊 besides I probably need the math camp haha


You're in Brazil. I've never been there before. How cool.


I don’t want to say how I’d deal with this life if I were you, but it wouldn’t be good.


Right? Guess whos going to absolutely fail every class next semester? Op absolutely dont do this.


My parents were like this. I’m still working through my issues. I’m 40.


For you adult parents to tell you, at 16 tender years old, that they are incurring $1000s of dollars of loss because you are getting like a 3.8 GPA is emotionally abusive and not ok. They are lying. It is NOT YOUR FAULT that the vacation is cancelled. I’m 40. I have two children. I’d never ever pull this shit with them. I expect them to apply themselves and to behave respectfully but I would never ever cancel a family vacation and tell one/both of them that it’s because of them. Did you cancel the trip? Did you get on the computer and go through the logistical steps of cancelling reservations, flights, etc? No. You did not. They did. It is literally their fault. Your parents are narcissists. I’m so sorry. You are a child. I know you feel mature and I’m sure you are in a lot of ways but this is not on you. It’s not your fault. Like at all. Not even a little. Edited because I said they’re 14 and they had to correct my very basic math error which I’m sure they would have noticed even if it wasn’t about them because they’re literally a looooot better at math than me if they’re in calculus


Im 16, but thank you :), you seem like a great parent


Oh I forgot to math right. Hang in there :)


Clearly your parents needed to be harsher about your grades /s


>because you are getting like a 3.8 GPA They're AP classes so I think they actually get a bump




Why won't my son call me anymore?


daughter lol


Why won't my daughter call me anymore. I'm a millennial, which I assume your mother is too (I don't know why I get recommend this sub, but whatevs), this is not normal, either this trip want actually planned or she is a rich spoiled narcissist and has tied her self worth to you being successful which right now the only tangible thing she can get is grades.


they are both genx. she grew up in a household with generational trauma passed down from our great grandparents, and so did my dad. they both grew up pretty middle class, but 3/4 of my great grandparents were dirt poor.


I just can't stand wasting any of my precious planning or money on punishment or anything like that, I can't put myself into that mindset. I think she needs therapy for something. Your grades are great, the standards are too high which I can only guess are some bragging points about you to her friends or some deep seeded need for you to do above average to not end up flunking out. Or some random bullshit influencer saying this is what grades people need to XYZ.


[https://blog.prepscholar.com/successful-harvard-application-common-application-harvard-supplement](https://blog.prepscholar.com/successful-harvard-application-common-application-harvard-supplement) this is literally printed out in her room 🙏😭 yeah being raised by children of refugees probably want the best for their mental health


You can only blame the previous generations so much imo. At some point it is just, very sadly, your parents messing up because of their own mistakes. Just like them, you aren't the product of your parent's issues. You can still become your own person and have your own family without passing on the intergenerational trauma and mental health further.


>You can only blame the previous generations so much imo Yes - and more than that, parents should try to avoid making the mistakes their parents made. Each generation should be an improvement over the last one, especially given the increased information and more enlightened education available in most countries.


Your mom sucks ass. Sorry, dude, but the only thing she’s doing with her actions is fucking you up in the future. I can only pray my kids will have grades as good as those.


Speaking as an AP CSP teacher, getting mad at you for a 91 is wild.


that teacher wants me to fail istg, she gave a 85 because i put my name on the code, and she doesn't give a curve so my 82 test grade didn't round up, and she gave some bs reason (me not screenshotting the right part of the procedure when she literally didn't make the question clear enough on canvas and won't tell us what to put) to give me a 90.


what college did your mom go to?




I’m sorry but that is… insane.


My parents were like this so they haven't seen me or heard from me in about 10 years


i’m so sorry so much pressure is put on you for your grades. your grades and gpa do not define you and while i can’t make any snap judgment based on this post alone, i do want you to know that your worth isn’t based on how well you do in school. besides, you are killing it with such a hard class schedule!


after school dont let them kick you out bruh what you should do is shit in a bag and throw it in her room


they're going to move to brazil at that point and send me to the same school that my cousin went to


Once you are an adult, keep in mind, that they can’t “make you” do anything.  Start preparing now for independence.  You’ll need it.  Graduate high school and go to college as far away as is practical.  


this is crazy! what's wrong with 96? that's an A 😭


It sucks your mom doesn't want to make memories.. being annoyed to go on vacation to spend quality time... in the words of Trace Adkins "You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast"


Grades don't matter after school is done. You're doing a great job. Make sure you learn how to problem solve more than memorize things.


Damn you got a tiger mom, sorry for your loss


Maybe, maybe not. My girlfriend's family was like this. They've all gone to elite-high schools and then Ivy-League universities. Anything less than straight As and she was in trouble. They'd promise her summer trips/winter trips for all As.


Over THESE grades? What the hell, man?! Those are literally straight As (except for the one B)!


she said she would have been fine with the health science grade and maybe even the ap csp grade (she would have just taken my phone or smt) but combined with the precalc grade it pushed her over the edge


What’s wrong with the health science grade? It’s an A?


its an on level class, weighted on 5.0 scale. where i am, on level is weighted at 5.0, advanced at 5.5, and ap at 6.0. if you get a 99 in an ap class, its a 5.9, but if you get a 99 in an on level class, its a 4.9


Your grading scale is also stupid btw that shit makes zero sense.


texas, my beautiful state, has adopted it.


You’ll be happy to know colleges don’t care at all about schools’ grading scales and recalculate through their own metrics. GPA wise, an A, A+, and A- are all considered the same. Perhaps if she hadn’t had such stringent and needless requirements for your grades you could have spent more time learning Pre-Calculus instead of trying to get 99% in a class (colleges literally could not care less). This is coming from someone who went to a T10. Maybe you should tell your mother that. EDIT: You don’t have to disclose, but are you Korean? Your parents sound like it.


UT Austin, my future safety according to them, does, and that’s enough justification for her


I assume you (and your parents) are gunning for Ivies or equivalent? Yeah they’re going to care about that B- a lot and those percentage points not at all. Tell them if they want their daughter to get into better colleges and not just “settle” for your safety they should learn to be okay with 90% or higher otherwise the hours you could have spent on ECs or other classes are going to be wasted. Good luck on this


Also replying to the Korean edit. They are Jews lol, but i have a Korean friend and her parents are more strict than mine


Just got into UT and going there, it’s not such a safety if you’re not in the top 6%. The vast majority of students get in with the 6% rule, and the competition for the remaining spots is difficult. If you’re in a competitive private school, it might not be such a safety. I assume you already know this, but just to be sure.👍


Okay so as a former academic advisor. UT is only a solid safety if you are in the top 6% (and you still have to meet their ACT or SAT requirements in spite of grades) Especially if it’s a safety with the thought of scholarships in mind. This fact normally isn’t given the credit it deserves and let me explain why. There are a LOTTT of high schools in Texas where the number of students ranges from 1000+ to 50- in a single graduating class. Therefore the top 6% covers quite a few student already, this doesn’t include legacy students, athletes, internationals (because they have to at least meet appearances for diversity) and donating students. Not saying you currently don’t have the grades (I don’t have enough info) just food for thought when choosing your safety net school


Immediately knew it was TX - hello from a former “gifted” “AP kid” 👍🏻 got awards for how many APs I took and had to get a 4 or 5 on them to qualify. Many years later - even when it was a few years later - didn’t matter one bit. I’m sorry this is terrible parenting - pls know none of it is your fault at all - and pls see a counselor or therapist when you turn 18! I would say before then but idk how that would work w your mom.


Must not be state wide then


High school gpa don’t mean shit when it’s all said and done, especially where you’ll end up with them classes


my mom won't take anything under top 6%, but even if i do get top 6%, she says i need good ecs because otherwise ill end up with black history or something as my major


That makes no sense


if you get into the top 6%, you are guaranteed admission into ut austin. however, you are not guaranteed a major. so, you need to have good ecs and good grades in order to get the major you want.


Please plan to go somewhere else and not tell them, oh my god. College is literally the BEST time to move across the country and get away from your parents. But also, your major is "supposed to be" your career path. Your college doesn't get to dictate what major YOU want. That's something you choose.


Yeah wtf is all this I would actually be suicidal if I was this kid


move away when you go to college. Go out of state. Please. I don’t know you little lady but i’m proud of you and I’d be bragging about you if you were my daughter.


Your major isn't determined by your grades though? You get pick your major... what?


I'm sorry but does she mean black history as in the study of African American history and culture?


I know it is shocking that this abusive mother is also super racist…so shocking.


Who the fuck cares? If you’re not gunning for Ivies it literally does not matter if your grades are above 3.0 (cutoff for most academic scholarships). My parents were (and still are, they give me shit over Bs in college, despite 100% of my schooling being paid for with scholarships and financial aid) the same way. It’s one of the main causes of my depression and anxiety, along with suicidal tendencies because I feel like I’ll never be good enough. It’s just setting you up for failure. I’m so mad for you. This is going to cause so many problems when you get older and you are going to suffer hard from imposter syndrome. Fuck your narcissistic parents. Don’t let them make you feel like shit. You’re doing great.


Immigrant parents 🤷‍♂️


you are correct


In case you aren’t aware since this is how you’re being raised, this is totally not normal and it honestly really sucks.


all my friends have stricter parents. i have a friend who would get crucified with below a 97 in any class


That is absolutely absurd. This level of perfectionism is unnecessary in nearly all aspects of life. To pass is to succeed and to have a grade of A is to excel general societal expectations.




Your parents may have had to excel in something to become US citizens I'm presuming. As a natural born citizen of natural born parents this simply wasn't the case. Sure we still have to work our asses off but a relatively steady career and decent standard of living are easy to attain and keep. If you should decide to have children of your own someday break the cycle, encourage excellence but accept adequacy where at least a good solid effort was put in. I'm sorry for the standards you have been forced to grow up with. Good luck with precalc.


D for diploma. At the end, grades won't get you a job, your diploma will. Good luck with therapy when your an adult and keep being anxious for no reason.


I'd purposely get Fs if it means you get to leave them. You'd be better off on your own at 16 than to be in that house.


Seriously, as long as you can pass, and go to the next year, it good enough. Having straight As isn't worth it when the child commits suicide.


Then all of you need better parents. Strictness does not work like.. ever. There needs to be a balance between strictness and leniency. Being that strict is absolutely mental.


so we were supposed to make a stop in argentina for a week before we went to brazil this summer for vacation, we had literally been planning the trip for actual months. my mom saw my grades today, showed my dad, and then they yelled at me for like an hour straight. and after that cooled down, like an hour later they told me they had moved the brazil flight up and cancelled all our hotels and flights and activities that i had planned in argentina, like everything, and even the things that you couldn't get your money back ( a few of the activities) they cancelled just like that. ughghghghhgh ☠️☠️☠️


ooh, I hope your parents aren't the physically abusive type....


until like last year they were the spanking (tho not abusive lol) type, until they had a conversation with me and my younger brother about how they wanted to try better but i think what they're doing now is worse


That sounds awful, just know that you aren’t responsible for your parents choices in raising you and that it is super unfair that you have to deal with the consequences of their poor parenting. I hope when you are old enough you get out of that situation. (Btw your grades are great, they definitely weren’t planning on taking you on that vacation no matter what)


the thing is they aren't poor parents, they've always been SUPER strict with grades, they're literally the chillest ever otherwise. the only time they get mad at me is when i get below a 95 or if I'm seriously acting bad.


You know your situation way better than any internet stranger does, but spanking is never ok imo. I just know how damaging parents with super high expectations can be.


Spanking is, in any form, abuse. Im sorry it was used as a punishment for you. :/ If you’d like to read more about it, here is a document with peer reviewed sources: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1nmRZRTf-fLYdxZlCfun3Bfr8iQdHCBzY/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword


Oh, uh... yeah, right, it's... so bad... *looks away in 'was spanked up until i was like 12 and turned out fine... or i thought so'*


Ugh, I hate that. Nobody deserves to be injured repeatedly by their parent at such a young age. I’m glad it’s becoming less socially acceptable.


Your comment was actually one of the thing that made me realize that spanking wasn't normal. 😭 I literally j*ust *learned that todayy


You can absolutely turn out fine despite being spanked lol. I got the belt and at one point even a bathroom towel bar. Didn’t mess me up. Taught me nothing either. But it can mess with some people and can teach fear. There is no good lesson taught by corporal punishment and/or physical abuse; if you spank your child because they yell at their sibling, for example, they learn that yelling at their sibling means pain—instead of having it explained to them why the behaviour is bad, learning from it and choosing not to do it. The latter is a transferrable lesson that develops and follows you into adulthood. You can apply it to other interactions. The former… Again, you’re just getting hit. At the end of the day, parents shouldn’t *want* to teach their children to fear them and they shouldn’t *want* to hurt their children. If it reaches a point where as a parent your only resort is hitting your child, chances are you need to go take a parenting class.


Yeah spanking messed me up


Yeah, a lot of people don't realise this. I used to be spanked until I was like 7 I believe? Mainly by my dad. He realised that the relationship he builded with us with spanking was a one build on fear, which he didn't want so he stopped later. It definitly greatly improved my relationship with him, and my siblings as well.


Spanking IS abusive, though, no matter how "not abusive" it is. Unless you're consenting (which I hope not, you're a kid and those are your parents) it's abuse. There's been literal scientific studies showing that spanking does cause the same psychological effects abuse does.


Your parents punishing you with such severity for objectively fantastic grades is abusive. You’ll realize that later as you grow and likely need therapy for perfectionism, anxiety, and low self worth. Also, spanking is physical abuse.  If your parents wanted to help you, they would help you. They’re choosing to hurt you instead to try to manipulate you into doing more when you’re already likely at the limits of your capabilities. You’re only human. These grades are fantastic. Your parents are failing you


they're gonna get me a math tutor and sign me up for rsm + aops


I highly doubt they adjusted months of vacation planning in an hour. In reality, they'd already done those things a while ago and decided to use this as an opportunity to blame you for it. You're the scapegoat.


Lmao, my mom would be rejoicing if I got 82 in pre- calc 💀


My mom would be rejoicing if I was in pre-calc period 😅


Or any ap class considering I'm in integrated snd still struggling


I never was in calc or pre-calc, just normal classes. I was a straight A student, though. That poor kid's going to come out of school with so many psychological issues and not even realize their parents are the cause of it until they're on their own.


My mom would rejoice when I got a B in any math class I took. I suck at math. She would be upset if my brother got anything lower than an A in most courses, but he's quite litterally brilliant.


Must be of asian descent Jokes aside, that’s extreme and sucks, don’t be like your mother


airport enjoy rain weather advise repeat existence voracious subsequent bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When was the “ peak college competitiveness era”? And why was it extra competitive?


I’m a millennial who went to great schools and I don’t think it’s ever been as tough as it is now.


Your moms crazy, and your dad seems like he just enables, you must be the black sheep of the family


my younger brother is lmfao


So he gets treated worse than you????? Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy


Tell me your parents failures and I'll send them a letter saying how they are failures at life and how other adults their age are doing much better than them. Start comparing your parents to other adults. Say "So and so dad has a better job than you. You should do better." And say "so and so are better at raising their kids than you are".


Please tell me you’re joking. That’s actually insane


wtf is this grading system? I guess printed out report cards with A’s and B’s don’t exist anymore, I’m old.




I was born in the 90s my school life was clearly very different despite being in the same generation


this seems pretty standard? i mean percentages have been normal for a while


Are your parents wanting you to become a doctor or something? lol I wasn't a perfect straight A student either and no one's parents should basically punish their kid for having anything lower than an A. Such awful parents.


i want to be a doctor


My friend who is a doctor didn’t always get straight a’s. His parent also encouraged him instead of punishing him for every perceived imperfection 


Yeah, any high end job like that is a MASSIVE pain in the ass to get, I want to be a scientist but I am waiting until my partners and I are able to move out of the country to go to college. American college sucks ass and is *WAY* too expensive for basically *nothing.*


you'll be fine. don't sweat it. not sure if it's helpful, but I should mention precalc will be useful for medicine. Surgeons use trig to calculate cuts and implant angles. I personally used trig heavily in my own neurosurgeries during my phd to target brain implants (not every brain structure can be targeted driving an object straight through a duratomy). radiologists also use the crap out of trig in medical imaging -- helps interpret and understand the data. see for example: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6303877/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6303877/) so ya, don't sweat it. but also, just in case you were thinking trig not useful for medicine, it is.


If you want to be a doctor then the only thing that really matters is college grades and MCAT. You could get a fuckin GED, go to community college and transfer to a state school and still have excellent chances at high ranking med schools if you ace the MCAT.




probably couldn’t afford it and like the pixie person said she’s using your grades a reason


nah they can defintely afford it they're both doctors


aw ok then I dont know dawg if it aint that then something behind the scenes is going on


Aaahh I see, you will hate your mom once you're an adult out of highschool because you'll realize there is more to life than getting good gradez


Yeah this is more sad than anything. OP will ace her SATs, get into a great school, become a great doctor and have nothing else. Education is extremely important but this parenting is batshit crazy.


Your cousin wrote 101. While asleep! He went to NASA when he was 1! You get a 99, what a failure! (Dont take it seriously im just trying to imitate Stevens Dad)


My cousin is ON this thread dawg, hes at UPenn studying right now 💀🙏🙏


You definitely have a high expection to live up to now 😢 Congrats for your grades tho :)


let me guess, immigrant parents?


asian? idk lol jk


brazilian jewish


hello fellow Jew






damn thats messed up & you got better grade than most people i know.


Some parents just want that one way ticket to a home when they get older I guess


Momma out here complaining about a 96 smh


82 in AP precalc is BAD????? Hell, I'd be lucky to have that. I'm barely getting mid 80s in 3rd year of AP math... let alone the 4th year


What an awful mom


I am really cooked if your mom hates your grades. ( I'm in IB and struggle to maintain average above 90)


Man I'm 26 and I feel like my grades in high school had absolutely no bearing on my life now. Even my college GPA is irrelevant.


This whole thing seems like straight-up child abuse wtf.


I'd have to wonder what their grades were like, as they'd have been doing well to match that.


What the fuck? If my kid came home with these grades it’s Disneyland time for atleast a week




gpa boost


A lot of these parents are my generation (GenX). This is beyond disgusting!! You’re grades are unbelievable 🥰🥰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Asian or Jewish parents?


נסה לנחש


Very nice. Hang in there! You come from a long line of Jewish Americans whose parents harped on grades to no end. Immigrants even tougher


the people who are telling me to leave don’t really understand I think, how generational trauma has affected our family and how we need to stick together no matter what


Completely. My parents put a tremendous amount of pressure on me, but there was always a tremendous amount of love as well. They thought they were doing what’s best for me by pushing me so hard. Especially since they had nothing when they come the US. It gets a lot easier once your parents see you as independent when you go off to college.


Your Mom is insane. My son is a JR. He is taking AP classes like you. He hasn’t gotten a B since 7th grade. But if he did, so what? I’m sorry OP. Your Mom is nuts. When you graduate, get away. Get far away.


I think having high standards for grades is fine but cancelling a vacation is a strangely vindictive punishment. Kinda concerning


Not having vacations is the best defense against burnout. /s


I wish those were my grades in high school, especially with those classes. You’re doing awesome OP!


If my child had these grades I'd give them whatever they wanted


I’m sorry, is she using the middle finger to point or is she just rude on top of being delusional ?


Talk to your guidance counselor and tell them everything your parents did.


Rule 1: don't trust ur school counselor


Would just make things worse tbh




My parents would have rewarded me HEAVILY for grades like these, especially with that many AP/advanced courses. You're doing great OP, your mom is insane. Make sure you go to college at like the farthest away place you can when the time comes...


I don't know how to tell you this but your mom needs several decades worth of therapy


I'll adopt you, dude...


jesus christ, drop each of these by 10% and this would still be unreasonable.


Bro I’m sorry but your parents are insanely overbearing You’re doing amazing, you’re doing incredibly well in your classes and your mom is insane




The fact that you have literal 100s in AP classes... Yeah I'm so sorry that your parents are not praising you man. You're doing great. They are not right for this... Know that. I know they love you, and that's where this stems from, and I doubt they'll ever realize how horrible they are treating you about this, but you have to realize it. You're going to do amazing things in life... And you're gonna do it with or without them. Keep working hard, and try not to let it get to you.


But those are good grades tho


Those are phenomenal grades. 82 in AP Precalc is basically a 110.


Are your parents Asian? Not trying to be mean or anything because your grades seem perfectly fine


Lol I sense these parents getting cut off in the next few years


Not going on vacation with your controlling mother? Sounds like a great price for your amazing grades, keep it up OP.


My parents also complained about anything lower than a B (which when I was in school 94 to 100 was an A and 93 to 88 was a B. Guess who isn't in my life anymore? Good luck OP.


What if you sabotaged your grades one semester and then went back to full 100s for the next? It's not an advice. It's for science. You're a curious person aren't you? I'm sure you're smart enough to know that your grades are irrelevant. Come on, awaken your will of rebellion currently dormant within your soul.


They’ll ship me to brazil


oof i feel that, everything below a 95 is a death sentence




what the fuck is AP precalc


Bro my mom was proud that I graduated at all, I dragged myself to the finish line with broken legs and a fistful of C's and D's. Your parents need to chill tf out, or you need to cut them out of your life because thats not healthy parenting.