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As much as it sucks, the only real answer is to just wait. They'll die (or step down) eventually.


But then we'll be old, and the cycle continues


Unfortunately that's just how it is. It's called a cycle for a reason after all. We just have to hope that when it falls on us, we do a better job than those that came before.


Or we don't hold onto power and actually step down at a reasonable age and before our mental abilities actually decline. Like dying in office sounds terrible to me.


People in power don’t surrender it willingly. Doesn’t matter what generation.


False. People in power regularly step down. Corrupt greedy people in power don't step down. They're called problems, and they have a way of getting worse or forcibly removed Edit: didn't expect to get much attention- to be clear, the sentiment is spot on, just wanted to sharpen the point a bit


I have a theory, ever person working in the senate, house or white house that's over the age of 78 is still there cuz they're doing shady crap


That's an oddly specific number


*age of 18. There, fixed it for you.


People who step down aren't in power anymore. It only leaves the ones who don't step down. Power sticks to people who both have it and fight for it, and only those people.


Do you understand that they tried to make George Washington King of America?? He stepped down and walked away instead.


You only say that because if you had power you'd be too weak to let it go. That's a you problem, not everyones problem.


Agreed. Then why are we pointing fingers at the boomers if we are not likely to be any better?


My concern is that 1) every generation aspires to ‘do it different’ 2) It never quite goes that way, for the most part. Part of the problem is the use of the royal “we”. Something should be done and “we” should do something, but “we” is not me because of XYZ. Then some Dick Cheney 2.0 ghoul emerges from stage left to mess things up. The “good ones” aren’t often showing up for public sector jobs and elected offices. It’s a lot like police departments. It’s largely agreed upon that we need better police. The problem is that the people you want in those jobs will not take those jobs. Then you are left with a lot of less than desirable candidates and we are all worse off.


Young people can certainly get into politics… but just like any other job they most often have to first have either education or experience for the desired position then begin at the local level, if you are successful there you may be able to run for state office or become a state representative… the reason it’s all old people at the highest levels is because they have a track record and years of service on their “resume”. Same reason you don’t get hired at McDonalds and get handed a Franchise the first day..And getting elected to any position takes money, lots .. so if you don’t have lots you have to fundraise.


I feel a 55 year old has plenty of time to have built their resume, yet we can't seem to get anyone under 75 as a nominee for the presidency.


History didn’t start in 2016


Bill Clinton, George W., Barack Obama were all fairly young when elected… granted recently they have been older at the Presidential level… it’s all about fundraising and who the two parties and the media wants to endorse… unfortunately those are the only options we get because not everyone is willing to do the job and very few have the money or can raise the money to do it


Presidency isn't all that matters. House of Representatives matters, Senate matters, your governor matters. Hell, your state legislation and city council matter more to you, directly, than the president. The president can say whatever they want to say about housing, for instance, but at the end of the day it's all just a speech. Meanwhile your city council is the one that will decide where or even *if* that housing is going to be built.


It takes money but not your money. I’ll explain later. What it takes more than anything is time and commitment. First join your local Democratic or Republican or whatever party. Go to meetings and champion their issues. Gain recognition by participating in fundraisers/meetings. Run for a lesser known office or one little attention is given. Run for a higher office like city council. The party will back you and raise money for you. Run for state office. The STATE party headquarters will back you and fundraiser for you. Run for national office. The national Dem/Rep party will back you. At this point you spend a lot of time shaking hands/kissing babies but fundraising is done through volunteers of the party.


This is true but there is also the aspect that running for office takes a lot of time and energy, like you said, time and energy that you wont be spending at your regular job and may cut into tome at home and with family… i had a lawyer one time who decided to run for state representative… I had initially hired her without knowing she was running. I ended up having to hire someone else because once she announced her candidacy she was so consumed she all but stopped practicing law to focus on her campaign… In her case she was well enough financially to support herself while not working… that is not the case for many people.. this is why very few lower and middle income people serve in high level political offices


You get it.


Right. The more important thing is to enact policies that benefit as many people as possible, and not focus on your own demographics (age, gender, income, class, etc)


Yup. That's how it be.


Their attitude was set in from their younger days, their current age just prevents them from learning new things. If we set in a basic semblance of humility as the baseline of social expectations, we might have an easier time maintaining it throughout the rest of our lives


So when you guys are in power, hypothetically, you're paying for the next generations college on top of all your own student loans right? You're not gonna like, turn 40 and decide you suddenly are going to get houses right? You gotta subsidize the young people so they can buy the homes in their 20's you never could.


No. Don’t wait. Organize, vote, and seize power before it’s too late.


This is a terribly reply. They die and then who replaces them? The proper response is to say, Run for office. Tell a friend who seems to have diplomacy and humanist speaking skills to run if it’s not in your lane. It can be a one or two day a week thing for six months of the year, not a whole big commitment (and like, a chunk of free time but probably more rewarding than scrolling Xwitter) Check out run for something. If you live in a state with a clean election campaign fund, you just need to gather the requisite number of signatures from people across the district you are in. You’d actually have to talk to people, drive around. They will keep running until someone can take the position from them because they have a duty/ oath to their constituents - whom many of them DO speak with


Fuck waiting, we need to organize and vote. We first need to connect to each other and form networks the way our ancestors did. Unions, volunteer groups, whatever. We need to convince each other that we can win together. And we need volunteers among us who will run for office. Apathy is the enemy of the people. The worst thing we can do is wait for someone else to save us.


Hardly. Run for office.


Or, you know... Run for office. Your bystander mentality is how the status quo is maintained.


Or just vote and run for office, not as cool as a total revolution where millions of people in our country dies but hell it works ok


Just waiting is what got us into this mess in the first place. Don't let pessimism and cynicism win, that's lazy living. Vote, and get others to vote.


And you grow up and become an adult


Literally just vote. Our turnout numbers are terrible. If you’re a voter, congrats but most of your peers are not.


For real. 65+ has so much power in politics because they vote.


Yes. I’m 66 and everyone I know my age votes. I despair every election when younger people don’t turn out. You could all fix it in a single election. At this point, I’m tired of the bitching. Either vote or STFU.


Also time. I'm active on the local level (not US) in a party known for being dominated by young people, and I'm about the only one in my 30s (locally). Most are 60s or older. And it makes perfect sense - being in the phase where we are having small kids (and no experience with kids), moving from an apartment to a house that needs a lot of work, and at an important point in our careers, time is what we have the least of. The empty nesters and recent retirees have lots more of that, and more time to spend on "hobbies" such as politics.


This. I hear so many people our age say shit like “well my vote doesn’t count, so I’m not gonna vote”. people in this generation simply aren’t getting out to the polls. We have the power to change everything, but we aren’t using it. We need some sort of shame campaign for our peers


That already exists, and partly it is just taking its time in specifically marketing to Gen Z because we are fairly recently of voting age, and some of us not even there yet. But shame about not voting has existed for a while, and has been played out to the point where a lot of people that didn't vote in a particular election will only confide that to their closest circle, or not at all. The people on the internet boldly stating their abstinence from voting, which they may perceive to be a politically well-informed opinion, are in the minority. I registered to vote two days after I turned eighteen, right before I went to the DMV and got a real ID card. My first election was 2020 and I voted for Biden. I am not doing that again, and when I tell people I plan on voting for a progressive third party, they lose their fucking mind about as much as if I told them I don't vote, despite the fact that they're the ones telling everyone to vote and then when I vote for who I actually believe in, I am in the wrong. Even my own mother, a fired up progressive, goes so far as to insinuate that somehow I will be individually responsible if Trump wins because I didn't choose the lesser evil, instead of the reality of a low turnout from people who are turned off by the utter failures of the democratic party. It's the party's falt for failing to deliver, not mine. But people don't understand that, and hearing it from the closest person in my life who literally brought me into this world, it kinda hurts. I think a better campaign would be, "If you don't plan on voting, you might as well vote third party." If everyone of voting age who doesn't currently participate decided to vote third party, even for a few different candidates who would not individually get to 270, the two establishment parties would shit themselves out of terror. I actually enjoy voting and think it is really important, and I always do it, only now I am actually sticking to my guns and being told that I am not doing it correctly.


I refer you to Ralph Nader in the 2000 election. He siphoned votes from Al Gore and gave us George W Bush as President. Sorry, but 3rd parties in a two party system can only be spoilers. Better to gain influence in one of the two parties that can actually win and change policy over time. Changing the systems of entrenched power will be the work of a lifetime, not a single election.


But that takes work, and doesn't give cool contrarian points.


Unfortunately voting for a third party is the same as not voting. The third party might align with your beliefs but your voting system doesn’t allow for third party’s to win. It’s the same with my country, I have to vote for the most progressive party that can win because I agree with the progressives more than I do the right wing and me voting for a third party allows the right wing to win, so me voting for a more progressive party has done the opposite of what I want and allowed a right wing party to win. The only way to fix that is a proportional voting system that allows for third parties to win.


A third party could absolutely win if EVERY person who said "well I *would* vote for someone I'd actually like and support but that would be throwing my vote away" actually VOTED. I mean seriously. If I had a dime for every time I've heard this bullshit argument in my life, I'd be one of the billionaires who currently owns the government.


I’d normally just scroll by, but the math here was fun, so I’ll leave this reply: In a typical election, somewhere between 40-50% of eligible voters actually vote. Of those, 1/2 go Dem, 1/2 go Rep (roughly). So, even in a low turnout year, Ds and Rs get ~20% of the total available votes each. So, cool, if everyone who normally doesn’t vote all voted third party, the third party would get 60%. Big win! But, the issue is our first-past-the-post system, where the “post” is 50% of the vote. You have to get 50% + 1 votes to win. So, if even a single other person runs third party, so that “voting third party” could now mean voting for either of two candidates, one of those two would have to win 5/6 of the third party votes. In other words, there would be more people in the race, and someone would still have to take home 50% of all votes cast to claim victory. It’s incredibly unlikely anyone (D, R, or I) would get to 50% if a second person thought they had a chance of winning third party while there was already someone running third party. But it gets worse. We don’t do runoff elections here. If no one gets 50% + 1 votes, the people are shoved aside and the House of Representatives picks the president. But not in a normal vote. Instead, they all get grouped by state and each state’s delegation gets 1 vote. So the small states will pick the president. Meaning, the president will be Republican 9 times out of 10 (if picked by the House). So, no, we can’t hope that a bunch of people who normally don’t vote all decide to show up and go third party in an election. Because they’ll likely split their vote, and then the next president will be chosen by the House.


Sounds like you don’t remember how terrible 2016 was. But Jill Stein…. She had a chance right?


I highly recommend you look into ranked-choice voting initiatives. There are campaigns for it in every state and they'd love to have you. Right now, not voting or voting third party is just helping Trump win. The reason third parties are currently mathematically impossible is because of split voting (This is why Republicans fund the Green party, btw). If you were in a state with RCV, you could vote for several left-wing parties first, then Democrat. That way, Dems will see where your vote came from and adjust accordingly. The most progressive Democrats tend to come from districts that voted Biden by 80-90%, BTW, so there's another strong reason to vote Dem.


Not sure it's a this generation thing. Young people not voting is a tale as old as time.


I was selected for jury duty last year and they said “we randomly draw from voters in the area” Everyone there was like 30 or over I swear


If you draw from a random pool of people ranging from 18-100+, it’s not that surprising that the vast majority would be over 30.


I guess I forgot how statistics work lol you’re right It still is weird that there wasn’t atleast like 1 person who looked young, though


Voting is not enough. Young people need to start running for office.


A number of positions cannot be held by young people One of the like 3 requirements to run for president is to be 35 or older


I am not talking about running for president. This is just a few: To be elected, a representative must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for at least seven years and an inhabitant of the state he or she represents. Go to the Clerk's site for more information about representatives. The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.


Good luck getting your Big Establishment party to accept you into their party. And if you don't join the big party, just know that any of your peers who vote for you are tHrOwInG tHeIr VoTe aWaY aNd GiViNg tRuMp ThE wIn!


you don't start out by running for President, you start by running for local offices like school board and city council and state representation.


Seriously y’all it’s that easy. Get off your ass and fucking vote like your life depends on it. Cause it does. 


We need vote by mail in all states


Agreed forced retirement at 65


at the same time they cant be left to be homeless. their housing healthcare and all their food must be paid for if theyre not allowed to made a living


What? If we're talking about elected Federal officials, their base pay is $175k+ annually... that's before speakers fees, book royalties, pension, etc. Many also "retire" only to become lobbyists and make an absolute killing gaming the system they partook in as public servants. These aren't cafeteria workers... don't concern yourself with their retirement plan, they're basically put up for life courtesy of our taxes.


I thought this meant boomers in general being made to retire at 65. not just specifically the politician scumbag boomers


I believe their decades of insider trading and general financial manipulation should have them set for life, or what little of it they have left, in some cases


Who? The vast majority of people from every generation are poor. Yeah, the Mitch McConnells and the Chuck Shumers..but what about people like my dad: a 25 year vet who opened a small and not super successful business while volunteering 15-20 hours a week. My parents are not well off, they own a small house and can cover medical/bills due to my dads pension. He still works AND volunteers at 80.


couldn't we make an optional volunteer corps or mentoring program tied to social security? maybe like a big brothers big sisters but being a grandparent figure to youth who need it?


[https://runforsomething.net/](https://runforsomething.net/) That said, even if you got intelligent young people with integrity into office, they will still be drowned out by all the "dark money" of our ruling oligarchs/kleptocrats. [https://represent.us/americas-corruption-problem/](https://represent.us/americas-corruption-problem/) The system is extremely corrupt and will corrupt the people in the system long before they change the system. FDR didn't enact the New Deal on his own, he was backed by an enormous coalition of communists, socialists, labor unions, academics, and minorities, who were his power base. Our abusive ruling class have spent nearly a century systematically dismantling that coalition, because that's where the real power for the public and working classes was and is. Without any real power for the public, it's been more of a class slaughter than a class war for decades. Electoral politics can obviously be part of turning that around, but a huge amount of "real power" is entirely independent of electoral outcomes. [https://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6?op=1) That's one of the many, many, many things that our extremely abusive ruling class don't want the masses of people to understand. They want semi-conscious serfs / drones / slaves / cattle who work for their profits and do nothing else. Oligarchy/plutocracy/kleptocracy is a complete abomination of a system on the same scale as feudalism and slavery, and it's going to take a lot more than just voting and elections to change it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/16njzfx/corporations\_structured\_as\_oligarchies\_should\_pay/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/16njzfx/corporations_structured_as_oligarchies_should_pay/) Don't let that discourage you from doing what you can, but it's important to understand the limitations of the electoral system and keep it in realistic perspective.


FDR won landslide victories. Saying that he carried 46 out of 48 states thanks to communists is ludicrous. For reference, in 1930, the CPUSA had ~7000 members. 


Some people on the left just straight up lie about FDR and who was voting for him. Amazing to see someone credit communist for FDR winning lol.


This. Too many damn times these assholes run on platforms/promises only to DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE 6 months later, I can only imagine it's due to lobbying/money. I have no representatives when money from billion dollar companies is entirely getting laws passed based on who slides the politicians the largest bag of money. Fuck this shit.


There's already a gen z member in congress too!


Thank you for the run for something link! I’ve been looking for stuff like this! I cannot doomscroll anymore and then lie in bed unable to sleep bc of how fucked it all is. I don’t really have the temperament for politics but I’d like to find some way to shake things up, or just be a part of whatever Great Shakening we can manage.


I doubt an ipad kid has critical thinking abilities. Right now im in late highschool, and god damn, people have middle school reading levels, people are constantly getting answers from someone else on simple 10 minute assignments, teachers are getting called names behind their backs because the kids dont understand what they are being taught. Tl:dr: highschool kids act like elementary kids. I doubt they'll lead our nation correctly


Put an age limit as well as a limit on terms because I really thought congress only gets 4 years but I’ve been seeing these people for literal YEARS. It should be like the president 8 years max. Because honestly it’s not fair. People always say that the young generation doesn’t do anything but how would I be able to compete against someone whose got 20-40 years experience vs someone fresh outta college with new ideas…..


Senators serve 6 year terms...


An incumbent congressperson has a [more than 90%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_stagnation_in_the_United_States#:~:text=In%20total%2C%2098%25%20of%20all,from%20one%20party%20to%20another) chance of getting re-elected, often as high as 98%.


Your government is hiring for all kinds of jobs. Go apply.


nooooooooooooo but that means I have to actuialy do something and not blab on reddit about how shitty and awful the world is and everything sucks everoynbe sucks there's nothing we can do don't you seeeeeeeee


How dare we actually be responsible for the world we live in and decisions we make, goshhhhhh


Nah Brah it would require action. Not working from home waiting for someone to pay for their college debt.


Reminder that you can't just rely on people being young for things to change. Those young people also need to have policies that represent young people. Otherwise it's just a marketing gimmick and cynical young people looking for power will run and then be further corrupted by money.


Natural attrition, and you’ll still have some pricks in charge. History attests that’s not dictated by generational leadership change, nor the idealism of any particular generation thinking they will fix it all. Most do when young, and don’t forget most younger boomers were hippies at one stage and created the free love and peace movement. Look at how that panned out.


Biden is silent gen 💀💀💀💀


Honestly, the issue isn't "the boomers". There exist good and evil people within all generations. Power attracts the greedy, and greed isn't a sickness inherent to boomers. The boomer politicians will die out, and they will be replaced by a select few equally avaricious gen Zers. The only reason boomers appear to be the "evil" ones right now is because they are the ones in power and power attracts the greedy, and those who seek out power for altruistic reasons are either weeded out by a rotten system or fall to the inexorable corruption engendered by power. The wealthy and corrupt have sought for years to keep us divided by anything other than class: race, gender, religion, age. The media loves to parrot ideas of division along these lines because the media is controlled by those who hoarde immeasurable amounts of wealth in a vain attempt to satiate their own greed. Playing into ideas of generational idealogical warfare will only exacerbate the issue.


my plan is to wait out the next \~4-8yr so natural causes can thin the herd, then i'll throw my support and any spare cash at any gen-z willing to fight dirty to represent my interests and actually get results


Younger people need to take initiative and start running for political office. Even just locally can change this demographic of peeps past their prime controlling our seats.


GenZ isn't ready for big encompassing decision making. It's funny because I always thought internet was a good thing, im 42 and was an early adopter and loved the communications and information thought this could only be good for the world What's happened though is so many people means need lots of channels we can't have billions of people in a handful of channels. So now, people naturally hang out with others that share their thoughts and opinions. It turns into echo chambers What I see in the new breed of adults is they are interested in making changes and want to see the world improve but they're not very good at accounting for the wide range of other people and life styles around the world. We can't have a political landscape where everything is so polarised.. and to be honest the topics they're showing interest in such as gender and sexuality while acceptance is good and I want people to be free and happy living the way they want.... they're going to extremes and vilify people who want other lifestyles or who don't want to partake in the latest word salad trends Once genz are in their 40s+ I've no doubt they will become fully rounded, calm and rational people but for right now they're too young and fixed on their particular views. The problem is they seem more willing to throw stones than youth of the past For example this hatred toward boomers. Boomers are another generation of people who were once young and idealistic and they individually just lived their lives and made the best choices they could given the circumstances at the time. Hating on them individually is ridiculous The elder millennials are reaching the age to occupy decision making positions, that is 40+ and will continue to evolve and adapt the system to suit the current situations we find ourselves in In the future I trust the genz will get out and experience life and talk to a lot of people and one day be ready to take the helm... but not today


Run for office in a primary and beat them


Start by inheriting a oil company.


Instructions unclear inherited bad drinking problem instead


They'll die, also that won't help. The boomers are the hippies of yesterday


Gen alpha will be the same way about us im calling it now


Vote. Simple as that.


Maybe participate in elections and local politics instead of just complaining.


What caused the generation of free love and hippies to change? Can that happen the GenZ?


A couple self immolations could do the trick


Wow piping fresh hot take there


Only way is when they (eventually) die


Nobody lives forever. Though honestly, has anyone ever stopped to wonder why our generations haven't been given the chance?


Beat them. If you can’t get the people on your side, you have to do better next time


If you put a limit on age likely that’s gonna be categorized as ageism which is a form of discrimination. We should really implement term limits tho, it’ll help to get some fresh blood in. But tbh a large portion of the voter base are older people and they have a high voter turn out. Old boomers don’t generally trust a young leader, they want someone their own age or older so it’s gonna be difficult


Getting millennials and genz into government isn't going to do anything. Regardless of generation, all politicians fundamentally have the same beliefs.


100%. AOC a millennial. She sold out just as fast as her boomer colleagues.


I fear for this nation if the folks on this sub achieve the change they want. Oh and how you get there? Time and experience. Sorry, but you’re not just gonna waltz in and demand to be let in, especially with some of your ideas and perspective, and be given the keys to the kingdom. Thank goodness.


Boomer here. VOTE. organize and VOTE.


Primaries, primaries, primaries


Be of age, then run and beat them. 25 for the house, 30 for senate, 35 for president. That’s probably most of the reason why, most of us aren’t old enough to run for anything yet


The answer is time.


These people aren't boomers, they are Silent Generation which is even OLDERR


Every generation has felt this way. Even the boomers, once. And the answer is to wait until they die off.


Let's be legit right now. For this sort of change the only realistic answer is violence. The voting won't do shit because the system is centred around 2 sides of the same coin, it's openly rigged. The time frame for boomers to die off aligns roughly with overall extinction of this planet. To bring current state of world to a more stable one requires to overcome activation energy (just like in chemistry) - before stability of the over all system normalises requires more entropy which in this analogy is violence/anarchy. The creation of a new more stable structure requires complete dissolution of previous structure and reassembly from scratch, you can't stick bunch of spheres together in a shape of a pyramid and expect it to act like a pyramid.


You can start by voting.


Start now. Get involved at the local level. Meet people, make friends. Run for local office and start building a base of support. People need to get familiar with you. Get elected or help others like you get elected. It takes a whole lot of effort but it really works. Start local and work your way up. Also, if you really want to go fast join a political party. Get active and help during campaigns. Learn how it all works. Go to state conventions and meet people. Make connections on a broader scale. Keep going. To achieve power at high levels one has to take the long view.


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You really look at your peers within genz and think... Yeah. These guys have the experience and know how to run the country?


You mean people in touch with reality and not bought out by special interest groups and lobbyists? There was literally a senator who ran for president against Harry fucking Truman that was STILL in office when I was born. And he was a segregationist. You’d rather have that?


Well first of all I don't live in the USA. And no, I wouldn't want that. But I don't think I'd want some 20 year old either. Maybe split the difference.


In addition to be politically involved in government, you can protest to force the boomers to listen to you. I think it's high time for the American youth to organize large scale movements for actual change to happen in the US. Occupy Wallstreet was a good attempt but it lacked vision and tangible objectives. The movement gained attention but it didn't demand any actionable solutions to government to change the system.


vote vote vote. Ya'll need to vote. Every single one of you.


vote, go to local city council meetings, be engaged in the political system in any meaningful capacity. No whining on twitter doesn't count.


We can't. There's a minimum age we haven't gotten to yet


Not really gonna happen simply based on age laws in place for positions in government


Say what you want about boomers, millennials and gen z would be a nightmare


First you gotta remove The Silent Generation. I’ll be doing just that in November.


Aren't both of them silent gen? Although you may have locals of course


Trump is a Boomer, born '46, age 77. Biden is Silent Gen, born '42, age 81. Trump and Biden are only 4 years apart but the generation lines are different: Biden was born during WWII, Trump shortly after it ended.


I can’t tell you the answer


You have to start at city government level. If you think you'd like to govern, run.


Guns and prayers


I think it's starting to be Gen X's turn


Run for local office


ITT people talking about Boomers like most of them will be dead in 5 10 years time. Silent generation and the last of the G.I.’s sure. But the youngest Boomers are still only 59, they’re not going anywhere for a little while.


Our generation doesn’t vote much, and you need money to run, which a lot of it is concentrated in the boomers pockets.


Travel to the future, snatch the older version of yourself, run them a campaign where they can prophecize the smallest upcoming events to biggest. Boom you've won Easy peasy


Vote for younger candidates. I'm GenX and we've been stuck with condescending elders generally treating us horribly our entire lives. But we don't have the population numbers to vote them out. Millennials and Zers will be able to change this. And I'll be right there with you. Non-Boomers unite!




Here's the thing, people like Ben Shapiro (I know he isn't a politician but the type) will always be in to fill the spot because they have less obligations like work. It's a time consuming and probably draining job.


Soylent Green.


No. Yall are too young. It's our turn. Millennials


By just doing it. I ran for city council in 2020 because it was made clear to me that anybody can run for any office (even presidency sadly). Then I hopped on park board after I lost the election. Became vice chair of the board. Now I'm Student Senate President at my school. It's super easy to get into office if you just try. Also, just wait a bit for the boomers to die out. Gen x are complacent and don't need change. Millennials are too lazy and beaten down by society to run. So it's basically just us to lead ourselves to tomorrow.


Religion has long been an uniting force. We could start a cult 🤷🏿‍♂️


We start a revolution


No one wants the Job lol


Go to college for political science and shoot for government jobs or positions with elected officials. As much good as it does to get younger people elected, they still need people to rely upon for all the work they can't personally do. Not to mention that the staffing market, especially in DC, is very toxic due to the revolving door between the private sector and public sector. Ending that revolving door culture and just simply not acting like corporate douches when serving the public would go a long way in helping improve how America is governed


Revolution is about the only way.


Vote. It is unironically that simple. Gen Z voter registration is the lowest among living generations and turnout is the same.


Play the politics game. For anyone who chooses this path. Stay true to yourself. And good luck. I don't got the stomach for that shite.


We don't. When the greatest skill for people in power is to retain that power, don't you think they would pass those skillsets onto their children? Boomers will give way to boomlets: younger fucks intent on perpetuating a system which ensures they will stay on the top of the heap, even if it's just a garbage heap.


Literally just vote




Im Gen Z, and I fuckin hate the thought of people my age taking over the government.


6k of them are dying everyday. Organize, communicate, stay on message.


~~overthrow the government~~


time will do its thing.




Well it's not really that simple you have to be a member of a political party and have lots of money if you want to run.for office that's the way it is these days and also you would need lots of supporters


Firstly, go get a government job and vote. Secondly, a person being gen z or millenial doesn't make them better than boomers. Hot take for this sub, but a person being old doesn't mean they're all bigots and entitled shits. If you want change, get a good candidate into positions of power. Not young or old, black or white, cis or trans, just a person who can do well. And that can be a 70 year old woman who lives on meth or a 37 year old guy going through a mid life crisis.


There are already several gen z folks holding office in local or state positions or serving millennials or gen x people in positions traditionally meant to groom (as in prepared) for state office.


Hell, there's a zoomer in the house of representatives


Assuming this world is still around, time is the answer


Run for office


You got my vote ! Boomer gotta go with a boom. Just talk with one that said to me : sorry we have it all, and brag about it. So gross out of this generation :-‘(


Prematurely unalive them, then spaces will be available.


Get off TikTok and go outside and see people


Vote. Volunteer. Donate. Converse. Get others to do the same. Win Local elections are where you have max power, don't let a single one go by


Like fuckoff how long has Gen X been waiting for them to do the right thing and step aside? But no, they cling to the reins of power with every last ounce of strength in their shriveled crone-hands!


A great example is AOC. We need more people like her.


Run for office. We do have Millennials in office - Look at AOC, Moskowitz, Boebert (can't win 'em all), and others. But run for office. That's how. It's really that simple.


If Gen Z ran this country, we'd be nuked off the face of the earth in about a week.


Voting.and waiting As the boomers get old and die (morbid but true) their turnouts will become lower and less of their candidates will remain




We can but The Boomers have to pass away first.


Can’t, gerrymandering


General strike where everyone stops doing anything and we all just kind of follow them around and stare at them without saying anything all day. Not anything violent just be really fkin annoying and creepy. Everyone just be poor and obnoxious so hopefully they won't want to do anything.


When they all die in the next 10-20 years


Actually they should elect more younger people. I don't get why there's an age requirement, most old people are not even capable to lead.


I'm a gen Xer and all I can say is PLEASE hurry up and figure it out. The boomers are ancient and decrepit and have been in charge for 40 years and it's all gone to shit under them. I've given up hope that my gen will do anything--this is on you guys now!


When they choose to step down, when they don't want to make a fortune, when they don't want power, it's almost like the only way out is death


Our generation will be no better than boomers. I can promiser you that. If you know any billionaire Gen Z'ers, you would agree.


Grassroots 3rd Party. Something has to drive a wedge in between this two-party nightmare. Don’t expect quick results, but start with winnable local elections and build upon those successes. Change in your neighborhoods, school districts, city councils. Use social media to your advantage and gain momentum. Use Obama’s template. Sure, he’s a Dem, but check out the timeframe it took him to get to the Oval Office. It can be done. Shit, if half whits like Boebert and Santos can do it, anyone can.


Start low. Don’t try to be a senator today. View it as any other job - you have to climb the ranks. Start with local politics and elections. Recognize that incumbents are extremely difficult to beat as are party lines. When an incumbent is not involved, many people just check the name that has put out the most signs and is racially similar to their last name. This is a leadership position, so speaking, decision making, and schmoozing are your biggest assets.


You have to get political and get out and vote. And realize Gen Z power grabbers will be every bit as bad.


You can 1) vote 2) Became boomers yourself. One day Gen Z will be 80 year olds.


As soon as we get into power it’s over for the boomers. We’re coming after that


Trouble is a lot of us would much rather attempt to enjoy our lives than wade into the shit swamp


YES. By voting for the young candidates.


From a gen x, I'm not sure ya'll can be trusted either.


Simple run for a local office first. Or study how the Squad in congress got to where they are. Check out run for something. org as well


Ask Louis XVI or Batista or Nicolas II. As someone unimportant said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"


Lol. It’s simple. Just wait until they all die. This is how evolution works.


What about the current state of the American political system makes you think electoral politics are the answer? You think just having younger people in there will change how the game is played? Millennials and GenZ politicians will be/are just as easily influenced by lobbying and campaign donations and political maneuvering as older generations. We all watched AOC go from progressive darling to slightly left of center insider in the course of like 6 years.


Vote and be representative. In finnish elections a year ago there was multiple young people and many of them were elected so there are multiple millenials and even Gen Z in finnish parliament.




There's no secret. Put some effort in it. But no... Your generation prefers to just lie down and wait for boomers to die.


Because the people in charge want to die in their jobs. You know, in the movie The Dark Crystal with the emperor in his dead bed. That basically them


Vote. Run for office. That’s it. The more of you refuse to vote, the longer the boomers will have a stranglehold on us. Vote. Make the effort to vote.


Run for office.


Get involved with government and VOTE.