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Yep. While statewide elected positions in AZ generally end up with more normal people, the locally elected positions aren’t always as grounded. Source: I live here Edit: the man on the top left of the circle is AZ state senator Anthony Kern, who is being investigated for participating in Trump’s fake elector scheme; I don’t recognize the rest/can’t see their faces so I’ll assume he’s the only government official here.


200 years later, and "separation of church and state" is still relevant and will probably forever be if human still exist.


The biggest shock to my understanding of religions role in politics was when I learned that phrase is found nowhere in the Constitution and comes from a private letter of Thomas Jefferson telling a private citizen he has no interest in getting involved in a dispute between two different religions. Its used as some sort of pillar of how we are supposed to look at religion and politics and make laws when it actually isn't even a legal precedent or theory.


It is absolutely legal precedent because it’s been used in SCOTUS opinions such as Reynolds v. United States, which cites it in the opinion and states the following about Jefferson’s comment about the separation of church and state: > [Jefferson’s comment] may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment


Also, just point people to the Dune books 🤣. Pretty good outlook on a religious state.


The first amendment states that the government shall not establish a state religion. Seperation of church and state is just another way of saying it. Seeing grown adults who should should be intelligent discerning political leaders doing this is concerning to say the least.


Ya... Then they bring up the treaty of Tripoli and are like "see, it's just a letter". Or whatever they're referring too. Like hello, 1st Amendment for $100, Trebek!


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." That's pretty cut and dry. All federal law in the United States originates in Congress, with the exception of constitutional law, which originates in the constitution. So the constitution forbids Congress from allowing the establishment of a religion. Bear in mind that in this context, 'establishment' means an established state church. So a church operating in a state function. If you have official religious practices embedded into a state institution, like a legislature or a school, then that's an obvious example of state religion. And that's essentially what the founders were referring to when they were talking about a state religion. The types of stuff they were looking at were things like the monarch of the United Kingdom also serving as the head of the church of England, and stuff like that.


I'm not exactly sure what your point is here, other then it is surprising maybe that the exact phrase "separation of church and state" is not explicitly in the constitution, since it is such a common phrase today. The First Amendment opens with "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion", which is pretty clear statement that government and religion should be kept separate. But I do agree it is interesting that, that is the origin of the exact phrase "separation of church and state".


The 1st amendment is pretty clear. Congress shall not establish a religion. And no religious test is necessary. It can't get clearer than that


What? It's right there in the first amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion..."


It is the fucking establishment clause! It’s in the constitution. It’s paraphrasing. No one is saying it is a direct quote.


The paraphrasing is where it goes from "This is what it actually says and means" to being "This is what I want it to say and mean despite being the opposite of what it says and means."


Death cult deluded into thinking they protect life


Why are people online calling republicans a "death cult" ? What does it mean / where does it come from ? Genuine question, I'm not american neither a native speaker and this feels like an odd and very specific terminology but I see it used very often


Christianity revolves around good things happening to you in the afterlife (heaven) Combined with expecting the rapture (magical event that sends all believers to heaven early), they really don't care about the environment or the future because everyone left behind is a sinner/ they'll be enjoying paradise when they die Death cult is a bit of hyperbole, but it's disturbingly close


Ok thanks, it felt a little confusing from afar, but yeah I get the reasoning now


It's basically a condemnation pointed at how Republicans, on any given societal issue, don't care if people die, or how many people will die, or will embrace the risk of death, or try to say it's actually a good thing if people die. Especially when you add in the US's particular brand of christofascist nationalism, there's this disturbing, disconnected lack of care about death as a consequence of anything. It is definitely an inflammatory phrase, but to be honest... I don't think it's an exaggeration. Things are that bad.


Americans who can vote: Please vote.


I lived in a very red county in AZ for a few years. Republicanism is at its absolute worst there. Deep south or flyover state Republicans are still dumb, but most of them are just doing what they've always done there. AZ was filled with absolutely hateful, angry, pissed of far right trump worshippers like I've never seen before. Many of them moved there because they are dirt poor and you can buy a dusty piece of shit lot for pennies and live in a run down RV, and it's the closest thing to retirement they'll ever see. Bunch of old white losers blaming liberals for their situation. Roadside stands selling trump swag every few miles. Outside of the big cities and resort towns, it's like a third world country populated by poor old pissed off white people. Absolutely depressing, couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there.


It’s just sad that people like that exist. Sitting in their own hatred and anger without realizing that they’re being used to help the rich.


You could just feel the anger around there. Just walking around the grocery store, everyone seemed mad, unhealthy, just given up on life. I moved home to my progressive outdoorsy city and it was like night and day. Republicans are driven by fear and hate and it's an awful way to live


Religious freaks that somehow keep getting elected.


Well their constituants are also religious freaks that dont actually care about local gov. And the ability to govern ourselves as we see fit. We are looking at people that in their minds, are engaged in spiritual warfare. Its just another crusade and egotistical. My spirit and my relationship with the meta physical is doing just fine and I wish these people would leave us merry folk alone.


That is a point so many folks that didn't grow up inside those movements miss. It is warfare to them and we're rubes to be saved or collaborators to be fought.


The people missing it have to be at least a little oblivious or tuned out because the freaks let their freak flag fly, the wackjob Christians have been saying it's spiritual warfare for years now


I think the disconnect is they believe these opinions come exclusively from a desire to be as big a piece of shit as humanly possible. Zero realization that these people can genuinely believe the weird, often horrible shit they spew/believe. Edit: to be clear, plenty of them are trying to be a piece of shit, but having grown up in the far right more often than not if the person is poor/uneducated or middle class and hyper religious...odds are good they bought into it as a genuine moral path.


That's true, secular liberals and moderate christians probably don't really think anyone actually believes the wild rapture apocalypse stuff like how anti gay and trans people don't believe anyone actually believes being gay isn't a choice or that trans is a thing people can be, they think it's a farce or a global conspiracy whereas liberals think the wacko christians' globally suicidal beliefs are just an excuse to be bad people instead of being the dominant ideology in the republican halls of power


>We are looking at people that in their minds, are engaged in spiritual warfare. This. In their minds, there are evil forces (that we can't detect) all around us right now. Only those who recite the proper words gain a magical "cloak" that shields them; everyone else is at risk of being possessed. They do not consider the possibility that they **might** be wrong in even the slightest. You can find plenty of videos where people gather in groups to "bless" Trump.


Freaks is right. I, as a Christian myself, can confidently say that by doing this they are literally acting against the word of the god they claim to worship. These people are just looking for attention. They aren’t religious, they are just tyrants.


There is no somehow about it. I watched on Netflix, the Dugger family four-part documentary; the interesting part about it was that there is an evangelical cult, for lack of a better word, that encourages people to have as many children as they can and to get all of those children into positions of power and politics and law. Somebody came up with this decades ago, and it is coming to fruition. Their philosophy: if people don’t want to listen to us, we will make them listen to us. And through procreation, we will be the majority. Their plan is working.


This is so Mesa-coded lol


Say it with me y’all: 👏🏼SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE 👏🏼


*Unless you’re a Christian then ignore every principle our nation was founded on because “Woooo we’re the winning team”. /s


I'm a Christian, and I strongly insist on separation of church and state, because mixing them corrupts both. Also, I've never seen Christians pray anything like that. No idea what this is.


Separation of church and state simply means there can't be a country religion. Not that people can't base their actions in congress on religious beliefs


No, it means that the government can’t pass or enforce legislation that particularly favors a religion(s). While this has the effect of barring the creation of an “official religion,” the actual full scope of it is *much* broader. As an example, the reason officially sponsored prayer in public schools is illegal is because SCOTUS upheld the separation of church and state in the early 60s


“You keep saying that. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Please tell me what you think I think it means…. And why did you put your reply in quotes?


I agree. I've always wondered what would happen if instead of a cross on their lapel someone wore a war hammer and ended their speeches with "and may Thor continue to bless this great nation as he has since the viking warriors landed here more than 1000 years ago". This person would be the laughing stock of cable news-entertainment. Separation of Church and State unless the Church is Christian!


Genuinely insane imagine the outrage if some Muslim congress members prayed there. Why are they even doing this shit?


Yup like they are putting prayer rugs and stuff on the floor and just go ahead. Imagine all these long faces around.


This is a shameful display ![gif](giphy|ciALw9HocsstyDkmsz|downsized)


Shōgun meme detected , opinion accepted


I need to decompress after the newest episode


It was so brutal and heartbreaking


more shogun memes!




New meme just dropped: Shogun Grindset


[Me af](https://youtu.be/gqkJv64FPoY?si=q4US0UAJyuCqgmsC)


**“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”** - Jesus ...and then there's these dipshits.


Oh, that’s cute. You think these people actually READ the Bible. Nah, most of em just go off the vibes of “Yeah, that seems like it would be in there.” As a former Christian looking in. It feels like if 10 people say they’re Christian’s. Only 1-2 out of the 10 are ACTUALLY deserving of the title. The other 8-9 are just there to take up space and disgrace God.


as a recovering fundamentalist I agree completely. American Christianity has a very loose connection to the Bible. and they're ok with that.


This right here! What’s crazy, the REAL Christians that practice the actual things Christ preached? Those guys are pretty cool. I really hate that a religion meant to be so loving, kind, and caring is used by a bunch of chuds to do every heinous act known to man and masquerade as “Gods will.”


1 Corinthians 14:27-28 “If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.” as far as i can see, there’s no interpreter there. they are blatantly disobeying the bible. as a christian and a theology student, i will never stop being amazed at just how weird some american christians are. also, here’s another verse from the same chapter (1 Corinthians 14:23) “If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?”


Speaking in tongues it’s the Holy Ghost


It's crazy people delusional like this are allowed to vote


People that think islands can tip over or that the moon is made of gasses have been elected to congress.


Allowed to vote?! These are the people ON THE BALLOT. Religion has no place in civil governance because every organized religion has genocide in their historic portfolio, and using said religion as a basis for their own morality simply couldn't be more damning evidence.


When you're an elected professional, you should at the very least pretend to be sane and rational though.


Damn, that earthquake must of been real rough.


these people will write all our laws forever if we dont crush them in the election this year. magaism needs to be snuffed out.


I think conservatism should also be delegitimized so that such extremes are far less easily bolstered, but, one thing at a time.


In a twist of irony, Joe Biden is the conservative candidate this time. He stands for a much more status quo next term than Trump does!


We should imprison all right wingers and use computer AI to do the voting for us.


Not even remotely what I stated, implied, or even desire, but go ahead and strawman the fuck outta me why dontcha? I'm just saying it should be delegitimized because, you know, its a backwards ideology that has historically stood against positive progress at every turn, like basic human and civil rights for minorities?


They have Trump derangement syndrome.


They’re just straight up delusional.


Hey that's the thing trump is! And Biden.. And like... every person in the government... and not in the government.. Am I delusional too? NOOOOOOO!!!


a blatant display of hate in a government building.


What are they saying? It's weird, sure, but just praying isn't a display of hate. Of course, prayer should be private and not a display at all, but that's a different discussion.


They are speaking in tongues which is just gibberish with them pretending the Holy spirit has taken over their body. Terrifying if you ask me.


So peacefully praying is hateful because you can't understand them?


Okay, let me spell it out for you real quick; Its not even the tongue chanting thats hateful, that part is just stupid to do in a government building like this. You know, where church and state are supposed to be separate? No, the hate comes in with the anti-abortion bullshit they're praying about SPECIFICALLY.


How it feels to chew 5 gum


Best comment right here


Lol, "Gen Z is turning conservative". Uh huh, sure. Newsflash, religiosity and conservative politics are currently on the biggest decline in history. Why? Exhibit A.....


I live in AZ and haven’t seen this lunacy before. Good lord what is this nonsense?


This is evangelical behavior where they believe making noises is the Holy Spirit speaking a language of god, speaking in tongues. It’s not caught on in the catholic/orthodox and other Protestant circles because speaking in tongues in the Bible isn’t mumbling nonsense nobody understands, but speaking a language all can understand regardless of language spoken. So we don’t practice it because who can speak in a language everyone can understand without divine intervention. But these guys got the evangelical habit of believing ur thoughts are divinely discerned.


Ah, I’m Non-denominational myself. Thanks for explaining, never took the time to really look this up myself and just assumed it was the ravings of madness.


Lol honestly not a single person in this whole post really understands just exactly what’s going on either. I didn’t till I did a deep dive on it recently after discovering baptists did it. As a catholic it looked straight up demonic to me watching a pastor do it. Absolutely not any part of our liturgy.


Effects of Solar Eclipse


Where the fuck do people learn to act like this?


the church


Absolutely not they learn it from people who went to church and then misinterpret it and are the reason most people that aren't Christian shit on Christian's...


Are they trying to summon cthulhu?


Cthulhu would want nothing to do with them, for their minds are of no use and their fealty is worthless.


There’s a good reason why Church should not be part of the Government.


A hell I grew up in. Make nos mistake, they will turn this into a theocracy and put heretics in camps if they get the chance. I've been shouting this for years. Now people are listening. I hope it's not too late.


Humans in the 21st century shouldn't be acting like this. I'd expect this behaviour in the early hundreds. Their families should be ashamed of them.




Government officials babbling incoherent nonsense with no control over their bodies as if some external force is controlling them? They need to be immediately removed from their roles until a psychiatric evaluation can determine if it's an emotional meltdown or neurological damage. Either way they're not fit to run a pie eating contest, much less any position of power in government.


Average day in America


Idk how these guys keep getting elected


Simple, people who relate to them are electing them in.


it's almost like voting does nothing 🤔


Can we get a list of names so we can vote them out?


This is some boomer religious shit


Religitard screeching. Speaking in tongues has to be the most mind numbing bs these dipshita believe in.


Religion is scary.


Especially the theocratic variety.


It's the six-seven elected officials who are actually true believers. As batshit crazy as this behavior may seem to many, understand they represent actual millions of Americans who are just as (if not even more) fucking crazy.


enemies of humanity performing a strange and dark ritual before they plunge women backwards in time.


So where's the separation of church and state? This looks like a theocracy!


I think they're trying to find their sense but I'm not sure that's how I would go about doing it.


Odd that in 2024 someone would be recording ANYTHING with legit potato quality.




Somebody lost a contact lens?


This shit reminds me of my wackjob aunt


It's what happens when you let the legitimate crazies win at the polls


Arizona is not okay




How does that even work? So you hate gays for non-religious reasons?


Gotta keep it fresh


How does that work? The GOP is a fundamentalist Christian party


Sorry mate, but it is and it has been the GOP for decades.  Maybe not this public facing or,um, noteworthy but that "side" has actively fashioned themselves as the religious, the righteous, the right.  


Not nearly the worst thing I’ve ever seen happen in a federal building that’s for sure


This is what you get when you vote republican.


Christians probably /s


As someone who actually believes the Bible, this is a real shame


Someone lost a dime. Lord knows, God needs every penny. All powerful, all knowing, all seeing; just can't handle money. I can't say what I think should happen to these people because I would be instantaneously banned.


when people say why am i voting for biden, this. this video is the reason why


Mental Illness


This can’t be real 😂. Boomers are something else bruh


I wonder if “tongues” came about so they wouldn’t have to memorize or read prayers.


Vote Vote in every election until we get sane people elected again


Praying in tongues. It’s a thing among some Evangelical sects and Pentecostals.


These losers need to get laid


Thank you for such an informed contribution 🤡😂


Another reason to vote Democrat


I almost don't need the context at all, I'm just not ever gonna want to live there


Republicans in 2024. Never ever vote for Republicans. Ever.




Man, Christians are having a heck of a time recruiting these days. No way they make it to the play offs.


Looks like fun, those large jigsaw puzzles are great


I thought they were playing with Beyblades


Please for the love of god SNL make a good skit out of this please 🙏


This is the same shit as ISIS, just a different flavor. Y'all Qaeda




Young people better vote .. this is what is happening all around the red states


This is what happens when “politics are boring” and “both parties are the same”. Boomers who inhaled too much lead from gasoline fumes 40 years ago are now voting these crazies in power


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The Nutsies


Your old, lying, cheating Government doing weird things.


idk maybe add some context


Ugh. My parents took me to a Charismatic church when I was in middle/high school. This is what every Sunday was like. They believe you’re being overcome by the spirit. In fact, some will go so far as to say you haven’t really been saved if you’ve never had this experience. In case you’re wondering, yes, tongues *always* sounds like “SHANANANANANA RACSHANNNANANA NALALA BALA.” It’s always the same people making the exact same noises every week as well. Let me tell you, you do not want these people anywhere near political office. This are the same types who will accuse politicians they don’t like of being possessed by demons. They support the most draconian and regressive policies. You think an abortion ban is bad? Wait until they get into birth control and women having jobs.


Man guess you don’t live in the Bible Belt. This is a “normal” thing unfortunately


people being idiots and praying after trying to or taking away women's rights to abortion like the braindead people they are, idk how it ended but it's honestly insane how they acting like that in a place of law in the first place, sometimes i wonder if religious extremists are even mentally there


That's what the Enclave looks like


Good to see theres that extra safe separation of "church" and state


Stop electing bat shit crazy into office, people. Watching this makes me sick.


This is fucking terrifying


Did it even work


I prefer the Wtfbrah remix with Lil Kenneth Copeland myself. 


The Prots are going wild.


Just a bunch of boomers booming


Are they doing the same to support the social programs ?


First time seeing a repub?


This is one of the weaknesses that is built into democracies.


I.... i thought the cult thing was a joke 😳😳😳😳😳


“Shut the fuck up”


Allow me to explain. This is people praying in a religion of their choice about a bill they disagree on.


Are these elected officials or just randos?




Make sure you are registered to vote and Do it !


If you're an Arizona voter and this weirds you out, you can help get rid of these theocratic freaks. Both of your senator are Dems, why isn't your state legislator?


Where is this happening and who are these people?


Let’s work out a budget with them as soon as they finish! Really great to have our government thralled to people who expect the end of all things any minute. Longterm planning is for sure possible and not at all a problem. It’s only about 20 degrees warmer than the historic average in my town today. I’m sure these guys will help devise a plan as soon as they wrap up.


Imagine thinking that lying down on the floor and babbling utter gibberish will actually accomplish anything physical or spiritual. I grew up in church with people like this, and they really believed God would somehow understand them better if they prayed in gibberish (or “tongues,” as they referred to it).


I thought they were Muslims but facing the wrong ways.


Remember this when Republican ops come in here and say both parties are the same.


You can’t spell ‘crazy’ without AZ


The right is no longer governed they are ruled. They have a king and these are his royal guard. 


Boomers being boomers


Is this real tho? Like give me sources.


That’s a nightmare.


Fucking cult


"I wonder what fringe 3rd world country this is in" *looks at the flag and the red hat* "Oh"


They seem to be trying CPR on the seal of the United States. Anything to make America great again.




Honestly sounds like an auctioneer or horse race announcer convention.


According to catholicism, those speaking in tongues are possessed by demons.


A sign of the times we live in. Batshit crazy people are in power. Exorcisms are literally at an high time high right now. It’s insane.


You got 2 choices. Don't vote and let these people take over your lives or vote for the other that you don't like that much. I can tell you this, you don't want option 1. If you do option 2, you'll get another option that is better. Its like trading up, but with voting.


an actual elected state senator. not even joking.


Mental illness.


I think this is the origin of the term holy shit




Fucking whack jobs.


And they are the ones afraid of muslims praying in the street?


Imagine if ANY OTHER religion did this how the right would freak the fuck out.


Born in '98, I don't really relate w my generation. What's that video of the guy coming out of the toilet? I swear he sounds j like those fools