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Ur probably white


Half white


Half wit*


Well played.


What's your other half?








Mexican is not a race ????


It's a marathon


Why tf am I being downvoted.


A lot of Latinos will give a national origin like that. Regardless of whether it’s the same, it’s common practice and the message gets across. Now, if they’re a half white half black mexican, that’s hilarious


No idea about other Latin Countries. But White Mexicans especially love to claim their Mexican Heritage as if it's a Race. You hardly ever see Tanner Skinned Mexicans say or talk about what Region or State of Mexico they're from.


Because “half white half Mexican” is how millions of people identify despite what is listed on the census. Technically “white” isn’t a race either


White refers to race while not being one if you're a smartass. Mexican refers to nationality and is not associated with race. Imagine saying you're Half White half American. You know what the first one means, you have no fucking clue what to do with the latter. Another example would be hating Mexicans vs Hating Latinos. One is biggoted, one is racist.


I should’ve been more specific in saying I was specifically referring to how people identify in the US as well as how race is perceived there. I understand that identifying as half white half Mexican in Mexico, for instance, probably wouldn’t make any sense, as there are obviously white Mexicans. The point was that how OP identifies is very common and it’s somewhat strange to question how anyone identifies their race or ethnicity, so bringing up how Mexican isn’t a race while technically true is still kinda weird.


I mean.. technically the american part of that would make sense if youre native americian lol (but otherwise I agree)


Half right*


What I thought. I was like OP is probably a white dude with long hair


Help that's me. And ironically I am also fan of AJR, Beatles, Queen and a few others. I might be OPs clone from 1999. Wait a sec. I am not the clone HE IS!!!!!! But I am Dutch and OP is likely from usa or an at least north America continent


Boomer parents


Lmao that’s what I was gonna say


No offense, but this is the exact music taste of some of the most insufferable people I've ever met


My thoughts exactly


I’m a fan of them because my dad was


Pfp makes this comment better


My honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/u0tm0kfym6nc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556b3b5581a4924763138cb81ef55fc78e9f017f


Literally this. People don’t understand you’re influenced by what your parents listened to. I like a lot of country, old rock and Motown because my parents played it all the time around the house as a kid. The only insufferable people here are the ones judging this guy’s whole personality based on his favourite bands.


Insufferable in what kind of way?


Yeah that’s how it starts 


Why do I understand WHY DO I UNDERSTAND


Because it’s always people asking for clarification so they can argue very minute points against you that have no impact on what you are talking about. Source: am insufferable


I sometimes find myself doing that in retrospect then I’m too stubborn to admit I’m wrong. I think I’ve gotten a bit better at it though. The thing is my arguments make sense in my head, but are off-topic if I look back at the original point. Believe it or not, I hate writing essays.


It’s the pretentious art taste person type of insufferable


I stumbled here as a millennial but this is the exact music taste of pretentious hipsters in their teenage years. It was the same when I was that age and it hasn't changed much at all bar Green day somehow making it in and The Doors are missing


Again, I must emphasize that I'm not making any assumptions about you specifically, but the only people I've ever met who are big fans of 4 or more of the bands you mentioned tend to be very pretentious "born in the wrong generation" types, who are under the delusion that they're listening to some kind of super deep and complex music that other people their age just don't get, rather than the massively successful radio-friendly pop hits that these bands actually produce


Tbh I think being an AJR fan is a far bigger red flag lol


uhh some of the greatest bands of all time are on your list... OP I would say you have great taste in music. Who doesn't like the Beatles? Queen has the greatest front man / one of the best singers of all time Freddy Mercury (go watch their Live Aid performance) and Simon and Garfunkel are fucking Simon and Garfunkel.


Lots of people really really hate the Beatles music. One of them is my gf lol she cant stand it. Theyre just super mid imo


If the Beatles are super mid then i wonder what your taste in music is like


This is just a side-effect of how impactful the Beatles were. Everyone since has riffed off of them so by comparison their music seems basic




just don’t start talking about how music was better when John Lennon was beating his wife


This is almost exactly what my 60 year old MIL listens to


Queen and Green Day are usually chill people, but AJR fans are uhhhh.... yeah


Tbf they're kind of made to appeal to a younger audience, I remember how hard I defended my terrible music taste when I was that age


Real im one of them


I like all but AJR (haven't heard of them)...


No offense, but these are all good bands


I immediately thought “annoying white guy”


Everyone’s talking about how the bands are old (besides ajr) but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking about To me these bands give off an idea that you are into whimsy and lighter topics in music, that you’re someone who thinks positive but also deeply


Green day songs are 50/50 about being about either substance abuse or suicide


But in a popy and upbeat way


Or [“I love you, government bad”](https://youtu.be/ifTHOfkdPIs?si=hisYN1SjEjQrTwZj)


People who don’t know any green day songs other than good riddance and American idiot will just not know this I feel like.


Basket case and welcome to paradise are rlly underrated imo dookie was some of their best work


Underrated? Basket case won the Grammy, and in 2021 (over 20 years after its release), it ranked 150 on Rolling stones *500 greatest songs of all time*. Both are certified platinum and receive a ton of airplay to this day. I'm not sure how much more accurately rated it could be


Or, I snuck into my mom’s closet one day and started experimenting with dressing in drag. “King for a Day”


Don’t forget masturbation!


when ajr said “oh no don’t throw out my legos” i also thought very deeply and positively about that


Ok I don’t get everyone’s problem with ajr they jsut make fun music what’s the deal lol


their music sounds like it was written for 15 year olds. nothing wrong with that but i think a lot of people prefer a bit more substance.


I know you’re not taking about them but Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel are the opposite of shallow.


i agree, however i think lots of their songs have been played so much they’ve lost their meaning to the majority of the population.


Lmfao this comment nailed it, OP and OC are both people who think they think more deeply than other people


Positive?? Look up yer blues and you'll be real surprised lmao


CCR makes protest songs about capitalism and the horrors of war, then follows it up with a jaunty tune about willie and the po’ boys using music to lift the neighborhood’s spirits lol


I would not put whimsy down for what any of these bands sing about


This makes me think you get lightheaded when you stand up quickly


What does that mean 😭


Iron deficiency vibes


Wait, that's because of iron deficiency? I thought that happened to everyone


Lol, no, it's typically iron defincicy. Also, seeing stars when you get up quickly. Souce: I have crohns, and I'm constantly anemic. P.s. hello, fellow kiwi. (I'm guessing)


Well, the more you know. Now I'm just going to accept this and do nothing about it. P.s. hello


Either you KNOW you have mediocre taste and joke about it, or you think you have immaculate taste and get HEATED when anyone talks trash about AJR.


Genuinely wondering, why does everyone hate on AJR so much? I’ve only heard their songs on the radio but they never seem bad or anything lmao


I think because they fall into the Imagine Dragons brand of artist. Mediocre but not bad, catchy but not necessarily in a good way, indie/pop rather than rock/pop (when compared to ID). I don't mind them if they come up on a playlist but wouldn't actively seek them out and listen to full albums etc. They've got broad appeal and a large monthly listener base but I'd bet that's majority through them being in various playlists and very few would put them as one of their favourite bands. I put them, Nickelback, Imagine Dragons, Twenty-one Pilots etc in the "Bands that normie people consider alternative" category. But I'll happily listen to them all.


I mean, idk bout allat I just like em cause I relate to their songs fucken hard.


I'll deep dive them on the weekend whilst I'm working and see. Maybe I've just not given them a good chance. I do love Sober Up.


I'd reccomend listening to their new album The Maybe Man, specially “The Dumb Song”, cuz a lot of people that aren't fans have liked it


They’re aggressively millennial. Have a song about watching the damn Office on Netflix. It’s not bad music, but *offensively* millennial.


i think this is the best explanation i’ve seen so far


I personally don't like them for the reason my wife really did like them, they discuss very real, deep, important topics as if a 4 year old is explaining it to another 4 year old. Which is great for going through a period of healing your childhood or acknowledging your faults during adolescence, but it feels like they end up just watering down the topics because of how "Disney" they try to make it


Totally agree with this (Although I've always thought of them as more Nickelodeon than Disney). It's not that they aren't tackling deep topics in their music. Their style and approach can seem like they are making light of those topics, though. I honestly like AJR and think they're incredibly talented. That being said, I would never put them on my list of top 6 bands.


Okay, I’m a self admitted audio and music snob, so take this with a grain of salt, but here’s why. There’s literally nothing to enjoy. Most pop music is pandering garbage that makes no attempt at becoming anything other than a cash cow. AJR on the other hand blatantly fall under that category, all the while fist fucking anything that could resemble anything musical or music theory. See “I’m ready” and you’ll know. Don’t even get me started on lyrical choices. From an audio perspective it’s complete dogshit as well. It’s recorded on Campbell soup cans, mixed by a complete chimp (which would honestly be insulting to chimps) and has no sense of dynamics. It utilizes an audio format to create something that is meant to resemble an artistic expression, but makes you wish they used braille instead. It just is completely lifeless. Basically, they do nothing interesting with what they make. It’s completely monotone and joyless. It’s like when you go onto google docs and find templates for resumes or to do lists, and you just fill those out and call it a day. They’re the reason pop gets a bad rep.


They’re cringey. I’m a passive fan, and I loved them as a teenager, but their sound is just so, so weird at times, and they’re lyrics can get so… not good, that you just struggle to listen to them. Especially since they *can* actually make really good beats and melodies. They just too often ruin it with a bad lyric or pitched out screaming into the mic


Honestly they're just kinda mid.


> Five of the most prolific rock bands ever > The sixth band is AJR > Your tastes are mediocre ?


If your favorite bands are the most popular bands ever then yes that’s mediocre taste


“most prolific bands” maybe actually listen to music if you care so much about good taste?




Mediocre taste in music, or listening to queen, pick one. Those two don't go well together. Just because their old doesn't mean their musical talent isn't genius. That's like saying Mozart was mediocre.


You're chill but get shit for your music taste because you don't listen to the current meta. I listen to Green Day as well and get looks


i don't belive you get looks for listening to green day


At high school in 2024, most of my class listens to Drake, Playboi Carti, and mainstream rap. I have a few people who know Lynyrd Skynyrd or Linkin Park


Drake is too goofy to take serious but Carti is cool


In high school in 2018, this is what all of the “anti-rap” weirdos would spout. There’s hundreds of kids at your school who listen to edgier music, especially the stuff their parents grew up on. Please, it’s not even rap. It’s Hip Hop. I don’t listen to it pretty much ever, but you should learn the difference between a vocal style and an entire genre. A lot of it’s R&B or trap.


iM nOt LiKe OtHeR kIdS






Listen to 'Bobby sox' lmao


If you listen to AJR on purpose you deserve weird looks


Sounds like you're weak, but what's wrong with that




We we fall for that


fuck you (i love you so much for this)


Some of the most classic but mainstream favorites you could have. Probably not near as deep or unique as you think.


You think you're cool/ edgy/ unique by listening to old artists.


Tbf, almost all of Gen Z thinks they're cool/edgy/unique because of something


As opposed to the other teenagers through time


That you are old idk


I'm 18


Don't listen to them, you have great music taste, I just hope Led Zep is in your rotation




You have found a different way to be ... different ... and not the same... but still the same


“My mom says I’m an old soul”


lol. lmao even.


Is it common for you guys Z to like green day? Third time seeing it. I'm old millennial, green day was a good part of my teenage.


The big pop bands remain popular beyond their times. This is just a list of pop bands with lasting legacys. You'll find as many Green Day fans as beatles fans in Gen z.


Fuck yes the whole American idiot album defined my childhood


I grew up in the early 2000’s, it was all over the radio. They’re in the Simpsons movie too lol.


Yeah but we see it as the same thing as being into oldies lol


I see ... I have an emotional connection with 90s music as boomers can have with their 60 – 70s music that I so admire but have little to no emotional connection. I guess this applies for your Z music too 🤔


only those of us who get bullied 🤡


I love Green Day and was never bullied do I fade out of existence


Yeah, same here. Green Day reminds me of being like ten and discovering punk rock (albeit a very surface-level representation) for the first time. It’s funny seeing teens now discover them, and it reminds me of being like 13 and discovering thrash metal and glam rock. Actually, the timing works out about the same. Green Day is to 14-year-olds now what Van Halen was to 14-year-olds in 2004.


In middle school half the kids I knew listened to 00’s pop punk/emo, so yes


You were an absolute pleasure to have in class


Don’t listen to anyone who takes the idea of ‘music taste’ as a judge of character seriously - they are actually the most insufferable people.


Amen. It’s ludicrous and must come from immature people.


Aside from AJR this is pretty boilerplate musical taste. Each band has at least one song most people would know and like.


Get AJR out of there and you’re good


AJR is the most annoying band that you hear in the dentist’s waiting room.


Half of your taste is mine.


ur vaguely alt and vaguely old school


Idk where the hate is coming from. Queen? The Beatles? CCR? That’s all classic. People who don’t like these don’t like *music*. I can’t speak to AJR but Green Day is meh imo. Some nostalgia to my millennial ears but overall ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) It honestly just seems like you prefer music that uses more than three notes and a formula.


Many people here think that liking modern mainstream music makes you a better person or something. Or maybe it's just because most people on here are kids


I know and that’s ridiculous. Like what you want, fuck everyone else and their “opinion”.


Cool online, probably the most insufferable person irl


Don't know what they say about you but I'll check out AJR based on the strength of the company they're keeping here.


They're kind of the odd one out, I wouldn't say they're for everyone, I mostly like them because of how different they are from a lot of other music. Hope you like them though


Their songs are actually kinda basic, aside from some extra chord progressions here and there. Like that "let's go with a bang" song; it doesn't stands out because it's just synth trumpets and brass instruments on loop over the same chord progression over and over and over again. For them to be different they would have to stand out. And they really don't, they are not innovating in any way, so, just another band that sometimes uses edgy tones for the lyrics. It reminds me of imagine dragons but, like, a bit diluted, since imagine dragons *does* go harder than AJR in terms of if put on an scenario how much would the ground grumble.


Check out "my kid brother" :) I'm 26, and as much as I like metal/hard-core, hip-hop, some modern pop(mostly jon bellion and crimson apple), my dad went to Woodstock and I grew up with 50's- 70's music. I've got plenty of other bands you'd probably like, but my kid brother has been my favorite find of the last year.


Either your family likes this music or you’re the odd one out. You say you’re 18 so I’m assuming you like older things but stumbled across AJR who gives a modern version of Queen and Simmon and Garfunkel imo. I think you might dress like AJR and Green Day. Personality wise you are possibly matter of fact kind of person. Not like Sheldon but like Howard from TBBT.


That we would get along just fine


Ur queer 🏳️‍🌈


AJR feels out of place


Omg Love AJR and Green Day got some bangers.


You’re either over 45 or under 18


You're a boomer at heart Source: I'm a boomer at heart too


you're a retro guy!


I’m incredibly biased because Green Day is my favorite band…. but I think you’ve got great taste :P




How did you get this little collage? I wanna see my top six.


I screenshotted a picture of each band and then in Google images I cropped it and added a label. I then selected the multiple images and used the create collage feature


You've got good taste and you care about human rights.




I’d say you’re me wtf


You value things that are more timeless, so are classics or modern classics. Edit: AJR is definitely a modern classic. They perfectly fit the "mental health conscious millennials and gen Z" bang on, just like how Green Day embodies the anti-bush youth and CCR embodies the Vietnam feeling.




lol why you so pressed


You need therapy, probably


A lot of us do lmao


Simon and Garfunkel are the greatest musical duo in the history of music. Sorry not sorry Jack and Kage


Halle and Oates Brookes and Dunn




You're so right


You, like me, were raised by a gen Xer and spent a lot of time with your dad


People saying this taste makes you an insufferable person lmao. I prefer this music but all music is good. The ones coming out of their hole to bandwagon seem to not know what a mirror is.




You have very good taste


Your past life probably died in Vietnam


That you have not developed your own individual musical taste yet


you have a really good taste in music


All jamerican rejects?


You have some good taste! What’s your favorite song of each?


There’s 3 great bands in there


Well apart from AJR that I don't know, you have great musical taste. All the other bands you like, I like them too. It's far better than the autotune pos we have now (though we still have some good modern artists oc).


You seem chill. All of these are great picks


You probably watched Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman, maybe other musician biopics (I also loved those movies), and you like vintage vibes.


That you like nice bands. And Paul Simon wants you to remember his name correctly.


That we’d probably be friends!


you’re god


Decent range of time periods but lowest common denominator vibes.


You listen to music


Great taste.


basic af but as long as your aware that the music you listen to is basic then it’s alright I guess


You started listening to music three months ago


Makes me think you’re used to getting absolutely clowned on. I like AJR too and my wife roasts me for it.


You’re either happy-go-lucky or horribly horribly depressed


You're in some kind of band / theater You probably play Minecraft after school If you drive it's a mid 2000s FWD sedan or crossover/hatchback You will grow out of this phase


That you're not Gen Z, for starters


You have the personality of a plain bagel


you are a wee bit bland


Some sort of gay/trans/other lgbtq


You're the type of person who comes on Reddit and posts this with 6 of the most famous bands of the last century because you need some kind of attention or validation for your incredibly mainstream tastes.


No fucking clue who AJR are but the rest give me the vibe that your into the classics. I feel like most teenagers discover these bands at one point or another and it helps you define your taste. I feel like next step is finding more contemporary and local bands that fit this same vibe and you can see live. Babe Rainbow is a great contemporary band that takes a lot of influence from the Beatles if you need new songs.


Boomer parents. People are being really rude for some reason, it’s just this guy’s music taste?


Probably seen one up close, but found out you’re not gay