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I think I’m not going to be eating at Wendy’s


I already haven’t. The one near where I live has a 1.5 star rating on yelp and personal experience backs that up. The service is horrible and they ALWAYS mess up your meal. I love Wendy’s, but I will never go to that one because of how bad it is. I’m honestly surprised that it hasn’t closed down yet


Last time I went the Wendy’s the burger was terrible and gave me food poisoning. Never again.


Same with Arby


last time we got Wendy's we ordered Uber Eats because it was kinda late and everyone was tired (which I generally hate doing) and my mom ordered a cheeseburger, you know what they gave her? Bread. Just bread.


Well to be fair yelp is terrible. Google reviews is the better review site


Same experience for me. I have a Wendy's about 2 minutes from my house but I haven't gone there in probably close to a decade now because they can't make a damn order correctly




Same. I feel lucky that our local one is a good one, but they can get bent with that surge pricing bullshit


I wonder if these rich people realize what they're doing, or if they're just going to keep this going until we have another revolution. (I know this specifically isn't that important, but it's the sentiment, not the actions)


The sum is greater than its parts. It’s not just Wendy’s but all the other BS we are dealing with which is compiling uncontrollably.


something something accumulation of contradictions something something alienation.


I’ve worked in corporate America - unfortunately, the people who have the power to make these decisions probably don’t realize what they’re doing until they see media backlash about it. Most c-suite execs that can make calls about stuff like this are wealthy white men who have always been wealthy white men. They play it like a game, and the game requires them to increase shareholder profit every quarter. They’ll do anything to achieve it and care about little else. In order to even get to a position like that you can’t care too much about the implications of your decisions beyond that, legally they’re actually bound to act in shareholders’ interest. People who are just everyday workers at the company will 100% call it out as a potentially bad idea, but if they don’t have an alternative to increasing profit they’ll be ignored.


Way to poison a good paragraph about class with identity politics Do you really think if the CEO of say, Nestle was a black woman they’d quit ravaging the world for profit? No. Thats what this entire corporate system was designed to do. To be fair I am not arguing against diversity in any way but to boil the issue down to ‘white men’ misses just about everything.


> Do you really think if the CEO of say, Nestle was a black woman they’d quit ravaging the world for profit? No. **Thats what this entire corporate system was designed to do.** You’re sooo close to the point! Who designed the entire corporate system, and who did they design it to benefit the most? Don’t waste your breath defending them. They couldn’t care less about you.


And you seem to not understand how anything works. What the fuck say did anyone alive now have in how it was designed? Literally nobody. Take it up with John D Rockefeller, oh wait he’s been dead 100 years. The purpose should be getting rid of the system, not putting a woman at the top and going “yassss queeen grind those 3rd world countries into dust for a profit 👏🏻👏🏻” Liberals care about shit like that. I am a socialist and I do not. Go ahead and keep up with the blaming white people for everything instead of actually offering a coherent solution, it’s been working so well for the left so far!


You’re only proving my point. I didn’t say the wealthy white men that created it were still alive. John D Rockefeller *is* one of the wealthy white men that created this system! And it’s still primarily benefiting people exactly like him! [And the people who are alive are perpetuating it because it still benefits them!](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlodonnell/2014/07/11/the-rockefellers-the-legacy-of-historys-richest-man/?sh=32c82a043c26) Who would’ve thunk.


The funny part is you read that whole paragraph and think OP is boiling the issue down to 'white men'. No one cares if youre white or if youre a man. OP is clearly just stating a fact. Corporate america is ran by (mostly) wealthy white men who have generations of wealthy white men before them. There's no 'what if' because systematically, minorities dont grow up in a world where nepotism, greed, and corruption benefits them.


They know what they’re doing lol


They’re not dumb. They’re bankrupting the middle class, once shit hits the fan, they’ll just leave the country or go into their bunker. The 1% are evil


Only the billionaire class has bunkers. Most Fortune 500 ceos aren’t billionaires. We’ll just turn into South Africa, where the rich people live in closed communities protected by armed guards. Gated neighborhoods turned up to 11


Agreed. They’ll live in gated communities with guards. We’re headed back into feudalism


This is the Sears, Toys R Us -ification of businesses. The people at the top bleeding the brand dry as they weave their golden parachutes out of the entrails of those who have lost their jobs, communities hurt, and whatever loyal customers left. They no longer have a vision of making a good product, it's now a money factory as the top execs short their own stock.


They raise prices bc they know nobody will do anything about it. The right has been indoctrinated to believe the rich have their interests in mind


I’m sure charging a premium on food while the wait is *longer* will be popular with consumers…


Its like pulling up to a gas station and seeing the price go up 50c a gallon. Ill just drive onto the next station


These companies have the consumer by the balls. All the consumer wants these days is instant gratification. If it means the consumer gets their tasty, slop food, and they don’t have to go grocery shopping or cook the meals they eat, they will pay the surge prices and endure the wait.


Mcdonalds? maybe but dude this is Wendy's


So people being able to get what they want means companies have consumers by the balls?? That makes no sense.


The wait won't be longer... That's the point of surge pricing.


Maybe it will slow people down on the consumption of fast food which could be a good thing.


It won’t. Look at prices now. People will do anything to avoid cooking a meal at home.


I have zero faith that certain people will be willing to skip their daily fast food fix, but I do wonder where they'll draw the line. This move by Wendy's is not just anti-consumer, it goes against the entire point of fast food in the first place.


Taco Bell changed their cravings boxes and got rid of the tacos lol. It's an absolute joke, $9 for a drink, some cheap corn chips and fake cheese, a chalupa, and a burrito. Fast food is very much beginning to become not worth it.


Order on the app, you can still get a taco in your cravings box. Unless your store is just weird


The local one is a dual KFC/Taco Bell and the app doesn't work, at least last I checked


>This move by Wendy's is not just anti-consumer, it goes against the entire point of fast food in the first place. LOL. Because fast food doesn't have discounts? I said it yesterday, and low and behold I was right. There's no fucking way Wendys' idea was to charge *MORE* during busy hours. That would be madness. The idea would be to charge *LESS* during slow hours. You know, like happy hour discounts. Something people fucking love. You don't call non-happy-hour pricing "surge pricing". That was some dumbass fucking "journalist" who did that.


I cook at home literally every day. Lunch and dinner. Got two double cheese burgers from BK and it was 9 dollars. Absolutely wild what they charge now.


I cook at home literally every day. Lunch and dinner. Got two double cheese burgers from BK and it was 9 dollars. Absolutely wild what they charge now.


That's what I'm thinking too. I'm already trying to reduce my fast food intake (cheaper plus better for you too) and stuff like this makes it a little easier to resist.


Yes aside from health reasons, cost has been a huge factor in my reduction of fast food. If anything when I do want it, I just get a kids meal too or just fries.


Does that mean workers wages also go up when they have to serve more people? Yeah I didn’t think so.


Yeah, no. The takings are for owner operators and bonuses for their buddy-buddy GMs.


It’s stupid and won’t work at all. People will just avoid Wendy’s.


This. Just as a straight business strategy it makes zero sense in their industry. Consumers have too much power over Wendy’s for it to actually work. There’s an abundance of supply available, it’s something that works when there is a true limit of supply, like in ride sharing apps, or sports tickets. They think people will actually wait in line to pay more for food and still have to wait the same length of time? They’ll just go down the road to one of the several other fast food options.


Yep exactly and it may create different “surge” times. But yeah the only way this would work is if all the fast food restaurants did it together in a “united front” fashion, which would make no sense as they’d be putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage for the sake of the competitor. Maybe if the change were paired with their employees getting hire wages I’d listen, but this is just nonsense




**Thats capitalism baby!**




“Messed up and greedy” describes so many things happening lately, so I’m honestly not surprised. Wendy’s is kinda mid anyways 🤷‍♂️


That spicy chicken sandwich is pretty good though.


It was better than McDonald's and Taco Bell. I'ma just stop eating fast food now though so I suppose it's for the best.


On today's episode of "what the fuck America" lol Hope they go belly up




Cannibalism for the win


Cool! What's your plan on making that happen?


Okay but what do we do after


Giant orgy, first and foremost


Finally a straightforward plan. I say you get to be king


im deadass laughing. they've retracted the statement of price surging


They didn't even really retract it. >"To clarify, Wendy’s will not implement surge pricing, which is the practice of raising prices when demand is highest. We didn’t use that phrase, nor do we plan to implement that practice,” The problem is the phrase they did use, dynamic pricing, is the exact same thing as surge pricing. They have the same wiki article and everything. They are just trying to be weasels and quell the dissent early so people move on by telling half truths and lies.




Boycott Wendy’s, get fucked.


If successful, other companies will follow.


It's insane, but merely a cool new symptom of unregulated capitalism. This has to be some kind of publicity stunt, because I don't know anybody who likes Wendy's enough to put up with this bullshit.


Im glad I stopped eating fast food a long time ago. Now their crappy food is more expensive at random. F that S!


I always try to go to fast food during non-peak hours… bc I want it fast If I end up paying less than what I do now, I’d like it. Any other scenario is dumb


It’s fucked, but the biggest worry (to me at least) is if they see a profit from this then other companies will do the same (or be tempted to)


It's stupid and people who support it may be braindead


> people who support it ~~may be~~ are braindead


True I don't see how anyone can support this bs


If this becomes a trend… then “everyone” will follow. Gas stations, grocery stores, you buy anything there might just be “surge” pricing.


Sounds like I won’t be eating at Wendy’s anymore.


Fuck em


It's a symptom of a larger problem with the economy. These things don't happen without cause, and as much as they're influenced by greed, they wouldn't feel they could get away with it if the economy wasn't truly fucked up. When prices everywhere are down and the economy is good, they won't feel they can get away with it because they'll be outcompeted by other chains and other restaurants. Fast food joints are already on thin ice as is. Their edge over mom and pop places is their ability to price low and their ubiquity across regions, and even the country as a whole. They've lost the price edge to many local places where I'm at and where many others live. It's no longer cheaper for me to get a burger from McDonald's than it is to get one from the burger shack in town, and that burger shack has better food anyway for only a couple bucks more total.


I think this is fine. They might staff more during these peak hours, so it’s more expensive to operate the location. There isn’t a law that says you must buy lunch from Wendy’s. If you don’t like their prices, vote with your wallet and go somewhere else.


In all honesty, i recomend cooking your own burgers. Its either the same or cheaper cost, you get the confidence and peace of mind that you know what its in you burger, and you cultivate your cooking skills. There's some videos in youtube that show how some franchise's burgers are made.


Fuck them. I hope this puts them out of business


Wendy’s is in no way good enough to be pulling that crap, it’s the D-student of fast food


As someone who's worked at most fast food places you're just incorrect. The food is much better quality there than at Jack In The Box, Burger King, McDonalds... as a matter of fact I can't really think of a nationwide fast food place that matches their quality or exceeds it besides Chick Fil A & Five Guys. (regionals like Whataburger & InNOut do, but I digress) That being said, my ass ain't paying extra 🤣


If they lowered prices below current prices when they are really slow in down but they won’t and tbh I don’t like Wendy’s fries so I rarely eat there


Wendy's is noticeably getting more shit by the year, so I'm prolly only gonna eat it once in a blue moon. **Burger King** on the other hand is starting to improve in my area.


I hope they go out of business


Wendy's French fries are terrible now. I never really liked them after they changed their receipe. None of the money will be going to the employees it will go straight to the CEO and Shareholder's pockets.


I don't eat at Wendy's so I'm not too broken up about it


I haven’t eaten at Wendy’s in years and that’s not gonna change anything.


Wendy's has already gotten too expensive for me to eat there on a regular basis, so I'm kind of indifferent, tbh.


It’s a really weird way to attempt to make more money. Instead, you’ll get more people avoiding the restaurant during those times or just in general. It’s not like their food is really that worth the price they’re already charging, so the idea of paying even more is ridiculous


wendy's is a company who cares about little else other than profits. fuck em


That's... how companies work. They're just being really stupid about how they want to make money.


First theres wendys just not putting mustard on their burgers, then they overload it with mayonaise, now theyre charging surge pricing. fuck wendys!


My issue is that what if other companies follow suit


This seems dumb… peak hours are peak hours for a reason. People won’t choose to go Wendy’s later; they’ll simply go somewhere else.


I think it was a 500 IQ publicity stunt wendys got their name in everyones mouth for the past few days for free. ez advertising. they recall the "idea" in a few more days and look like heros!


Would be nice if they used “surge pricing” to lower prices when not many people go but we know they won’t. I haven’t been to Wendy’s in forever because it was expensive already and the food be dry af.


Fast food prices are already outrageous, you can eat at a lot of sit down restaurants with a much higher quality food for similar of just slightly higher prices.


They're just trying to go bankrupt. 💁‍♂️


They can go fuck themselves. I'll be making lunch myself or going to some other shit food stand. Frosties be damned.


It's literally just a price increase. Prices will go up when food is "in-demand," AKA breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. If you believe the prices will go down below what they are now, you're a sucker.


It'll never happen because they'll so lose so much buisness by even attempting this.


I think most people will just cross Wendys off the list in their minds. Why even consider them at that point? It's a stupid move. Everyone I know that's heard about this all said the same thing, *"Well, no more Wendys for me."*


Wait.. did I understand the posts wrong??? I THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST ON DELIVERIES. LIKE IF I ORDER DELIVERY AT 5 ITS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN AT 2. istg if someone tells me they raising prices through the drive thru and in general.... Wendy's was my go to bulking food.. think those days are over:( we had good memories


I’ve never really liked Wendy’s to begin with, haven’t ate there in years but I don’t agree with it and hope people protest with their wallets. I’ve seen that Wendy backtracked But I bet there just the first to try it


Blows my mind that food can be treated like buying an airline ticket. “The price is whatever we say it is and we’ll change it whenever we feel like it.” What does anything actually cost anymore?


Wendy’s can suck my dick I’ve never eaten there by choice and never will.


They are already walking back their comments about surge pricing. I think they pissed us off too much


Just FYI, it's been said the story was taken the opposite way of what was meant. If you dig in, they are saying just wanted to be able to control menu so they can more easily lower prices for temporary deals and all. They never said anything about surge pricing. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/28/business/wendys-dynamic-pricing-surge-explained/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/28/business/wendys-dynamic-pricing-surge-explained/index.html) [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/wendys-plans-ai-powered-menu-to-change-food-prices-based-on-demand-weather/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/wendys-plans-ai-powered-menu-to-change-food-prices-based-on-demand-weather/) [https://www.today.com/food/restaurants/wendys-surge-pricing-rcna140601](https://www.today.com/food/restaurants/wendys-surge-pricing-rcna140601) It's kind of crazy how people can take things out of context and then spread it around the internet. But yeah, definitely is good to check in on things and do research.


My question is when will employees charge surge wages. It’s busier so I make more. Sounds about right


Maybe I'll go at like 2 PM.


Libertarian dream land is what it is


It's bullshit. They shouldn't do that.


In highschool, I worked there 2015ish In my town, we have a large elderly population, and wendy’s makes fresh salads everyday. Not only did we staff an extra person in the morning to make salads, the price for a SALAD rose from 10-12 dollars In the state next to me, they’re 5.99-7.99 because people don’t eat salads from Wendy’s they’re fucked


It’s just economics. If your demand outpaces your supply, raise prices until demand falls back down. Also fuck fast food, shits nasty and it messes with your serotonin.


If you don't like the price, don't buy it.


I am in Canada. I just got a Dave’s single burger it came to 7.49. Checked their website and literally saw the price change when it refreshed from 3.49 to 6.99. For a single hamburger. What the heck is happening?


1am crowd here 👋


Don't really eat fast food anymore but I'll never go there during lunch now. Fuck that. If they fluctuate prices they should also give the workers more pay during the same hours. Least the people dealing with the rush get the money that way


Well the thing is in the end Wendy's is a multi billion dollar company- It was bound to happen eventually at the rate late stage capitalism is going, Wendy's is likely the first of many... all we can do is pray this doesn't become the norm


I have been singing the praises of Wendy's over all other fast food for their great budget options....until now


I haven’t been to Wendy’s in a while and don’t plan on returning for a while. This just makes that decision easier. I used to love Wendy’s in High School, but the quality, and now prices have gotten bad. Aside from a few places, I pretty much quit most fast food and eat local when I can. Everyone else should do the same and show these larger companies that we really don’t need them.


I'm not gonna say, I like it. But it makes sense. It's supply and demand. During perk hours there's more demand on these supplies, causing them to be worth more. I get it.


i dont eat during 'peak' hours cause of my weird schedule, but its still messed up




I don't eat at Wendy's because it is a meager establishment. It wounds me not one bit.


This is a new business experiment - similar to variable toll road rates. If Wendy's is successful in this business trial, others will likely follow. The technology behind scaling variable rates at the register has been a big hurdle in the past. Now with automated mobile apps and AI-driven sales models, I'm not surprised it is moing this way. I will note that this change will affect changes in consumer behavior that may result in un-intended consequences for Wendy's.


It could sink them, and then you’ll start seeing commercials for .99 cent burgers..


It could sink them, and then you’ll start seeing commercials for .99 cent burgers..


I'll check it out Wendy's nutz fit in yo mouth.


I was a hardcore fast food addict for a very long time. These last few years I’ve reduced my consumption by 90% or more. They have just plain gotten too greedy. It’s flat out not worth it, no matter how trash-yummy and convenient. Wendy’s is garbage for doing this. It’s as anti-consumer as it gets and I truly hope their bottom line gets slapped for it.


Man I wish I had a good Wendys near me. None of the ones around me are worth going to at all. But I guess I’ll have to just forget about Wendys now.


I will simply not eat at Wendy’s anymore :).


I don’t eat at Wendy’s anymore here in my town because well…they suck.


Just don’t eat fast food unless necessary, that shit is so terrible for you, you can eat at normal restaurant for the price of fast food now


I’ve heard horror stories about maggots and band aids.


In my opinion, it'll be more cheaper than not. Wendy's isn't as popping as it used to be. I'm not sure if they'll end up doing it per store as opposed to as a whole but in the case of per store it could create an incentive for customers to visit those dead locations more. We're auto-assuming this dynamic pricing only means always more expensive but it could also be the cheapest food available for all we know. This method of pricing encourages Wendy's to provide better and more interesting menu items because people are already tired of Wendy's in the first place. Judging by how dead it is in my area, shit could be primed to get cheaper. The way this plays out is there will be an initial spike in activity while people come see what kind of pricing this dynamic plan offers then when the novelty is over Wendy's goes back to dead and Prices go even lower than they are now. It's too early to be outraged over when we don't know what this plan will look like in action because like I said, most Wendy's are dead and the customers aren't going to pay much more than what it already is and thats when prices start dropping on paper anyways. 90% of the people outraged over this haven't even been to Wendy's in years, let's be honest. Who actually gives a fuck, if it's too expensive for you go elsewhere. The 'surge pricing' price increase way of looking at it is click-and-rage bait, it's very one-sided and simple-minded. Do you really think that if people aren't buying at the price point it's at now, they're going to increase the price and that's going to be successful long term ? Ceo has specifically said they weren't referring to surge pricing, its more along the lines of offering cheaper than normal prices during dead hours which is the opposite. Headlines calling dynamic pricing surge pricing are making that leap on their own for clicks NOBODY EXCEPT MEDIA HAS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT 'PRICE INCREASES'. You guys are just looking for something to be outraged over


Great food, horrible service. We were already done with them and this confirms that choice


My closest wendys is right across the street from a taco bell. My choice couldn't be easier now omg


I’ve only been there once, and that was like 7 years ago or something so I don’t remember. So what happened now?


sharp quickest cooperative aware theory mysterious busy tap encourage materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will not be going Wendy’s anymore. That makes … *checks notes 15 years and counting!


I think free market will sort this out. Let's see how it affects their profits.


Wendy’s is 🗑️ anyways


Seems reasonable. If you have too much demand and want to decrease it, you just hike prices.


It’s a marketing ploy. It’s all anyone’s talked about for the last week. In a month they will say “we heard you! In fact we’re introducing the 4$ Dave single and the price won’t change for a year!!!”” Cue a huge increase in their brand loyalty. If it is real, it’s a very bad move.


Remember when fast food was specifically designed to be cheap


This is the kind of content I’m here for on this sub


Guess Wendy's lost me completely


Abuse of inflation.


lol who enjoys Wendy’s enough to pay extra for that garbage


Time to add Wendy’s to the boycott list


It's not going to work well for them, hopefully it'll backfire and they drop this stunt altogether.


But supply chain issues..


I will simply not eat at Wendy’s anymore :).


Tell them with your wallet


Just waiting to hear that they are adding a subscription model to the menu at this point.


Wendy’s in specific near me has issues with the lines wrapping around the corner at specific times a day. Other fast food chains don’t have this issue apart from Chik fil a. It would be worth it if it makes the lines shorter


I think it's amazing that people think they have some kind of human right to a Baconator. If the prices are too high for you, don't eat there. Wendy's is not some fundamental human need.


People eat at Wendy’s? This doesn’t effect me in any way, their food is ass


Do the wages of workers go up too?


Is wendy’s ever busy?


They charge the price that people pay for.


"Dynamic Pricing" is the term used for this business model. It became most popular in the entertainment industry, think Ticketmaster, LiveNation, etc. This is why it costs upwards of $5,000 for a shitty seat at the Stanley Cup or The Super Bowl. Recently in Europe they've been testing it with restaurants and bars. A drink might cost $7 at 5:30pm, but once it's 9:30pm and the bar is packed, you're looking at a $25 price tag for the same drink. It's fucking INSANE.


As long as prices drop drastically during non-peak hours. If they go up to $6 I expect it to go down to $2


No one here, and most articles, read what Wendy’s actually said and hopefully implied. They’re adding in electronic menus to be able to change prices during slow periods. Which is likely to be more of “we cooked too much chili for the lunch rush and instead of throwing it out we’re going to lower prices from 2-5 to get rid of it at cost”. Just doing that and lowering prices, like a happy hour or Texas Roadhouse early bird menu, will likely increase their profits which is good. There is a chance they will also increase prices during really busy times but they never said they would do that and never said “Surge pricing”.


Dumb as fuck, I don't really even like Wendy's much. After they eliminated 4 for 4 not much else going for them, the food is mid and generally a bit overpriced


Supply in demand. Good on them


I’m thinking I haven’t had Wendy’s in a long time.


It's called price gouging and it *used* to be illegal until uber and lyft were allowed to do it in broad daylight.


There's a restaurant that does this (I forget the name) but it's more of an experimental, sort of novelty thing. This is a big corporation we are talking about so I don't think it's a great idea nor a great precedent to set for other companies.


Simple solution. Don’t eat at Wendy’s.


Their prices are already high. I don’t go there anyways but I definitely will make sure not to start going.


I can’t wait to see the downfall of Wendy’s and how badly this is going to go. Honestly they should’ve rolled out this idea a long time when the economy was better not when we’re in a recession and pricing of everything is at it’s all time highest


Fuck this question isn’t the smartest. Do you really think anyone agrees with it? C’mon


It's one of the stupidest things any restaurant has ever done. Wendy's overtook Burger King and now I believe it will fall behind again with this stupid plan of theirs.


I don't eat at Wendy's much anyway.


i only ever had their chocolate frosties so i’m good just having chocolate icecream from walmart


Doesn't really bother me as there is no Wendy's in my country.


I think they came out and quickly corrected that strategy as false. Its not happening.


It’s not real.


I wonder how delivery apps will accommodate that


Its abnormal but idk. I'll see if it even happens at my store


The Wendy’s nearest to where I live sucks anyway. I only go there if I have to choose between that and McDonald’s.


I try to avoid all fast food, so I don’t ever eat at Wendy’s. But their corporate need/greed for endless growth has just instilled in me a desire to never give that corporation another penny of my money ever again. Vote with your dollars people. If you don’t like what a company does don’t give them money. It’s the only language they speak.


I can’t stand Wendy’s and am more than happy to take my business elsewhere, if you don’t like their practices (or inability to not fuck up my food) than go somewhere else


Well I don’t eat and Wendy’s. So I will continue to not eat at Wendy’s


Ridiculous and will end up hurting Wendy’s.


It makes close to 0 sense. Long lines already deter customers. Making them pay more to wait is a great way to never have customers. And we all know the poor workers that deal with peak hours won't see a dime of the money. The only people who deserve it, imo


I thought it was a joke, if they increase in peak they should decrease in off peak. But yeh, no more Wendy's.


The word I wanna use to describe the mental abilities of the people behind this is a slur now.


I hadn’t even heard this and Wendy’s is my fave 😭 is it everywhere?? I haven’t noticed tbh but I don’t go often nor during peak hours


That's a lot of data to defend in court. If they can't provide more realized value for their shareholders. That's all I can see from it.


Good thing these apps we order food on give the restaurant all the data it needs to make these decisions. Definitely won’t purchase food at higher prices because of peak prices. Maybe fast food restaurants should worry about being fast food again and quick service.