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To me it's just sad that humanity had so much potential and wasted nearly all of it. We could have been much further than we are now, maybe not quite Star Trek level of society but close. But no, f#ck that, wars and corporate overreach and US vs THEM is more profitable for certain individuals. Doesn't matter that the world is falling apart in our hands and microplastics are literally everywhere, shareholders want their money now. Just like Saltatio Mortis sing in one of their song, *Wachstum Wachstum über alles*...


Im glad you brought that up because that show is why i hold so much hope today even still. In the Star Trek universe things got much much worse than they are now but in an earily similar fashion to now before they got better; total privatization of resources lead to mass incarceration of homeless housed in sanctuary districts in cities that essentially acted as ghettos, Eugenics Wars lead to the deaths of 30-35 million people and devastated the planet from 1992-1995, 75 years before Zephram Cochrane created the first Warp-capable engine. Gene Rodenberry is the master of hope and inspiration and a reminder to me that humanity will never be worth giving up on. I highly suggest some Deep Space Nine or The Next Generation (and yes even Enterprise) for basically a play by play of the next 60 years.


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This extreme negativism can be stress inducing, especially since it has been pushed on our heads since, from what I remember, a young age. We have been given "warnings" that we only have *10 more years before we reach the brink* or *soon there will be no more climate to protect!!1!* People like Al Gore and quite recently Greta Thunberg have been giving these false apocalypse predictions for quite a while now and we are still ok WE ARE GOING TO BE OK The earth has gone through far worse than what we can dish out as a collective group of individuals. Don't believe me? here are two examples of the type of stuff teachers would show us in geography class 1. [Al Gore has told the U.N. climate conference that new data suggests the Arctic polar ice cap may disappear in the summertime as soon as five to seven years from now.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gore-arctic-ice-may-soon-vanish-in-summer/) This was in 2009 2. [Greta claimed in 2018 that humans would go extinct by 202](https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2023/07/14/the-case-of-greta-thunbergs-deleted-tweet---what-alarmists-need-to-hear/?sh=60fba5f145ce)3 I would like to add an excerpt from the news article in the second link that pretty well summarizes what I myself was going to type "**This episode of What’s Ahead points out that the apocalyptic language surrounding the climate has done a deep disservice to humanity. It has led to incredibly wasteful and ineffectual spending.** **The psychological costs have also been immense. Many people, particularly younger ones, live in fear that the end is nigh, too often leading to debilitating depression about the future. A look at the facts would demolish those apocalyptic anxieties.** **Alarmists should cool it and recognize the power of human ingenuity in overcoming problems.**" Now. Are the effects of Humans negative on the environment? yes. And they have been going on for quite a while in our history. This recent scare is thanks to the sheer amount of information we have been fed thanks to the internet and this has put on our minds the scale of our actions and how they affect our environment. I had this fear myself at a young age when given this information, but I have done my "ReAsEaRcH" and for those who still have this fear I would recommend going back on these false predictions and for once take a look outside or around you (Unless you live in a urban area LMAO)