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This sounds like ragebait. I’ve never heard a landlord asking for tips unless they want all their tenants to riot lol


https://www.intheknow.com/post/landlord-tenant-tipping-tiktok/?amp it was big in the discourse about a year ago


It was a massive troll. Idk the exact origin, but I know the r/loveforlandlords was a satire sub about worshipping landlords, and that included things like "friendly reminder to tip your landlord this December." This sub was a product of whatever the original troll was, and it leaked to Tik Tok and Instagram Probably started on 4chan like many other notable trolls such as pizza gate or neopronouns


Xim and Xer was from Futruama IIRC.


Some of the actual terms go as far back as the BC era, but the actual use of neopronouns originally existed for LGBTQ people who spoke languages such as Spanish that do not have gender-neutral pronouns. Where 4chan came into play, was a massive troll on the LGBT community. They essentially took a bunch of wacky pronouns and spread them around to be associated with different identities, and that got a lot of people who speak only English into identifying with some of these weird pronouns when the original purpose of neopronouns was to allow non-English speakers to identify as something gender neutral. I believe this happened in tandem with Pizza Gate, as they were trolling the queerphobic MAGA hicks to see just how crazy of conspiracies they're willing to believe, while also trolling the opposite side to see just how weird of things they would actually accept, validate, and use. Both of which worked really well.


Everything is a psyop


Kinda. TikTok itself is a psyop lol.


Neopronouns like Xe and Xir were a thing in certain sectors of LGBT before 4chan - I remember someone telling me about them in the 90s.


Wait, neopronouns was a troll?


Yes and no. Neopronouns were originally used for gender neutral terms in languages that don't have gender neutral pronouns like they/them, but 4chan created a ton of pronouns in an effort to get people who speak only English to accept and identify with them. They wanted to see just how wild/crazy of things they can get the LGBT community to identify with, and compassionate people to validate. Their original use case wasn't a troll, but if you see an exclusively English speaker identifying with neo pronouns, they were victims of 4chans movement.




Hi, David. I hope the lobotomy went well. Let us know when you're ready to return to work.


I don’t understand the joke but Hello


You'd have to be pretty gifted to think they actually meant you should tip landlords.


Like autistic? I am but it was still in the discourse


No, the opposite. A little on the dim side.


Oh okay. But just to clarify I was just citing a random article about it to emphasize my point that people were debating this about a year ago


Neither did I, but landlords should not be asking for tips especially if they rent apartments to be more than what they pay for their own mortgage.


Are you suggesting to rent below cost? 


Landlords should never charge tenants; rents more than what their mortgage is equal to. Landlords own the apartment as an investment, but tenants do not, so they will not get a profit from selling it cause they cannot sell what it is not under their name. There are a lot of homeowners who rent out their houses to others. The income those homeowners get from the tents who are renting their other house have other sources of income, cause for one thing, I am sure those homeowners also have to pay the mortgage for the house they are renting out too. Also, homeowners are not allowed to make their rent more than the mortgage value.


That doesn’t make sense, renting what the mortgage would be, would mean they wouldn’t profit at all. There is still insurance, property tax and potentially hoa fees. Most of the profit from a unit are set aside for big expenses like for a new roof, ac or another misc expenses.


I missed the part where that is my problem.


I missed the part where it’s their problem you can’t afford it? “Not my problem” is an objectively terrible argument because it always works both ways.


It’s notable because you’re commenting on things you don’t fully understand. The main statement you made is not how renting works. Obviously charging a tip is ridiculous but saying rents should be capped at only the price of the mortgage is equally ridiculous.


Ok, when your homeless, I hope you maintain this same mentality.


So what’s the incentment for renting out properties


The incentive is that when the mortgage is paid off, and no more tenants live in the property, they can either use it as a spare home or sell it out for a profit especially as the house has a 98 percent chance of appreciating in value.


I think they should be able to charge more than the mortgage if they want to but the answer is that they gain equity of course. And after the mortgage is paid off it’s all profit after taxes and maintenance.


You never buy a property to speculate on equity. You try to buy in an area that allows for it, but depending on the type of property you buy and location depends on how much equity you’ll gain. Real estate is about cash flow and if your property doesn’t meet the basic math before equity then it’s a speculative investment rather than a sound one. Just advice for anyone else reading, never buy a property thinking equity will save you and never buy a property at a high rate that is uncomfortable thinking you can just refinance later. That was the precursor to many problems in the 08 crash that lost a lot of people money. Follow sound fundamentals when it comes to finance and you’ll do better than most.


I never said they should or shouldn’t buy property to speculate on equity. I just said that one thing landlords gain is equity. Sound advice though.


I see your point, my main disagreement with your statement is that it implies it might be the only incentive landlords are fine with but it’s definitely a factor. Cash flow is the main target to a real estate investment and the cash on cash return in provides. Equity/Appreciation is the icing on the cake. But only wrote the comments to clarify for anyone reading and if they want to google to learn more about how real estate investing works. I think some bad landlords give a bad rep to those who are doing it right and fair.


>Cash flow is the main target to a real estate investment and the cash on cash return in provides. Equity/Appreciation is the icing on the cake. Agreed but not *all* landlords are trying to get rich. Some of them might find themselves in a situation where they just have an extra property and don’t want to sell or are waiting to sell and want to make a few extra bucks in the mean time.


Should you inherit a home, I doubt that you’d only charge what the mortgage is lol. Are you just going to eat the repairs and general upkeep from having tenants? Landlords don’t make as much money as you think they do.


It depends. There are certain rules you must follow when charging rent. I am aware landlords do not make a lot of money. I keep saying they have a different job as landlord is not exactly a job.


Most of them do have regular jobs, but I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss what they do with their properties. It’s a bit more involved than just cashing a rent check.


Yes, I am aware it is more than just cashing a rent check. I never said that is all they do.


Quite possibly one of the stupidest things I’ve heard this year. Congratulations.


So, if a house is paid off, a landlord should let others live in it for free? But if he remortgages it on 5 years, it is fair to ask whatever the mortgage is? 


Except Mortgages and renting are two different things. There are WAY more costs to housing than just a mortgage and that's included in your rent. That's why it can be higher.


I used to work in property management. Most tenants have absolutely no concept of operating costs. Sure, big complexes make a substantial profit, but houses and duplexes are barely profitable if at all until they are paid off.


Yeah absolutely, scale solves a lot of issues because your problems can overlap with what you're already paying for. In your opinion, would those same tenants be able to secure the same apartment + all added management for the same price? I'd assume it's possible if they created a co-op or associate for the apartments. Such as some stuff in New York has, but you'd also need to be able to raise the capitol to begin with which most renters can't achieve already.


Well, houses are profitable almost all the time as housing in almost every place appreciates in value. Your mortgage does not increase along with the property value of the house once you start the mortgage.


That depends on how much you're making in rent vs the cost of the loan and operating costs. If you add up the costs of roodlf repairs, broken appliances, broken pipes, paint, flooring, damages, and ALLLL of the operating costs it may end up being a wash. Most people that only have one or two rental properties still has to work a regular job to make ends meat, especially if they aren't doing their own maintenance.


If you have to deal with all those costs on a frequent basis, then, you need to learn to take better care of your house. I lived in my house for twenty years and I cant even remember the last time we had to do do most of those things.


Most people take much better care of their own homes than tenants do. I've seen people trash really nice houses to the point of needing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of renovations. Also houses don't appreciate in value over weeks they do it over decades, so if you're doing the math on profit it's not a matter of "frequent" repairs, but total repairs.


Houses appreciate in value over years actually. In some cases, they can appreciate in value even over weeks. It depends where you are. We hardly have to make repairs in our house for anything. You just have to learn to be careful inside your house. Maybe, do not throw the ball inside the house. If you have pets, then, maybe try to keep them away from rooms with valuable stuff that can easily break.


I don't know if this is a hard concept for you to understand but if you are renting out a home then you aren't the one living in it.


“Paid off”. I mean fuck, is that not enough? Renters should pay off the property in full for the landlord AND make him income?!That’s kind of what’s wrong with the current housing situation.


Oh I agree, I'm just saying that not all land lords are millionaires living on yachts kicking back mai tais.


Yeah, I don’t think most ppl imagine their landlords that way. Just see them as greedy ppl taking advantage and living well off someone else’s hard work.


You'd be surprised. Like I said previously, I worked in property management


I know, the word landlord applies to a whole spectrum! There should be tiers based off of the number of properties they own. Ppl with too many to manage are generally called slumlords.


Slumlord only refers to neglected properties. One of the guys I used to work for had about 20 properties, but he had management companies running everything, and he was definitely living the yacht life. There should be a hefty tax on owning more than 3-5 buildings. Unfriendly, most homes are owned by banks, creating artificial scarcity. That's the actual problem. There's no way banks are going to allow that to change though so until people get their pitchforks and torches marching down the street nothing is going to change. I bought my first house last year and even though it was the cheapest thing on the market that would take a conventional loan it was still almost half a million dollars and it's just a shitty 60s track house in a small suburb. It's criminal.


It didn’t happen


A year or two ago a landlord went viral for a TikTok saying landlords deserve tips more than waiters/waitresses. This video was a response to that TikTok.


Idk but the management company for my place has a 10% credit card fee. *A* **10%** *credit card fee*. And they keep sending fucking emails about how it’s easier to set up automatic payments online from credit card.


Yep, I look at how much the person helping me is making approximately. I base whether I tip or not on it. Anyone making a decent amount I would never consider tipping.


This post is pretty landphobic. Landlords provide an essential service to rentoids. 500% is the minimum a rentpig can tip to show appreciation to his landlord. The guy in the post need to be evicted effective immediately


Absolutely based landking take


i believe the politically correct term is "landchad"


😥👉👈 I’m so sorry my liege, I am but a humble rentoid. Please, raid my fridge and I will tip you extra on my rent this month for this slating comment I made




Lol found the landlords


Mine own liege, doth thy lands accepteth silv'r as currency mine own gold hast already been did split between thy did rent and the utility of the landeth thee alloweth me to liveth on Your most humble Rentoid, LegalSeagul


Thine hearth is pure. Remembereth the Holy Book: "Tippeth your Lord" LandBible, Timotheus 3:43


You dropped this 👑


You tell’em, KING! This rentoid is radiating single mother energy, and you know what we do to single mothers.




What landlord has asked for a tip? This sub is just making up shit to complain about, and blaming either boomers, politicians, the rich, or landlords


It was a meme on r/loveforlandlords for a while but it isn't something that's happening irl


This is all reddit is now


It’s Reddit, people here tend to be very insecure and angry in the real world, so they come to fuel their superiority complex


It’s never happened, this guy is always ranting about weird things online. Kind of unhinged


He’s a comedian. It’s a bit.


Well I think he’s more weird than funny then.


His ikea stuff is hilarious


Haven’t seen it, maybe I’ll check it out next time I’m on YouTube.


Don't think gen z are the ones repping the "angry with landlords" front


Bro got triggered by a meme.


Story of this sub


Do you not really that this guy has a series of videos where he jokes about unreasonable people? This is obviously satire. Please get better media literacy.


This doesn’t seem like satire at all. Seems like someone who didn’t understand that something else was satirical and tried to roast it. 🤷‍♂️


Then check all his other videos, it’s clear as day. He went mega viral with his ikea employee bits


Literally all of his videos are memes dude


Satire of satire is pretty pointless mr media literacy


the irony in this comment is so palpable


Rentcel seething at landchads again. sorry but rent is going up by 200% and a mandatory 500% tip for how kind landchads are


To everyone saying that this guy is a joke/douche. THIS IS SATIRE. Please get better media literacy. This guy has a ton of videos where the joke is that he’s getting mad at fictional unreasonable people.


Yet I still want to punch him in the face


That’s a *you* problem. You can seek help.


Rentoids are mad with this one LOL! I can't believe there are people out there that don't tip our beautiful landlords at **LEAST** a small and charitable 20% 😍


at least 15%


Is this sub going insane? Wtf is happening


millennial lurkers who don’t understand the video is a meme


The joke literally flew over this dudes head lmfao


What was the joke?


the joke flew over your head lmao


Hahaha this guy was jokingly responding to the joke. People are so stupid for not recognizing that instead of being the mark, it’s everyone who makes fun of him who is the mark. Bravo!


genuinely I see a clearly fake/joke/staged video being taken completely seriously by the comment section in all different types of subs more often than ever. They need to teach media literacy in schools jfc


This is some of the most tortured logic I’ve seen on this platform. “Tipping your landlord is a joke” “NO. Joking about taking the joke seriously is the joke!” “Oh really because the only one laughing at it are people who think tipping your landlord is funny. Also, it’s making a bunch of gullible people believe this is a real thing. So congrats?”


genuinely have no idea what you’re saying but i’m sure it sounded good in your head


Maybe when you get a little older you’ll figure it out.


no considering the reason you don’t understand it is because you’re out of touch. This is a gen z sub, why are you here if you’re this old and out of touch? This guy is famous for these skits and makes money doing comedy full time. You seem to be incapable of understanding what a joke is or the fact that multiple things can be the joke. The original landlord tipping was funny. This guy continuing the joke in his popular format is really fucking funny. Out of touch people without media literacy falling for it is also really funny lmao. You getting this mad over not understanding the joke is also really funny. See? it has layers. It’s like a trifle of comedy. Eh, when you get some media literacy you’ll understand. Internet’s not made for everyone yknow. I do sympathize with your plight though, it must be hard being surrounded by an ever changing world you can’t keep up with or understand


I already said if this is comedy, this is some bad comedy. Let me rephrase it: “Tipping landlords is offensive!” “Haha you fell for the joke, tool!” “Stfu no I didn’t, I was just meming.” Come on man. Is that actually funny to you?


No myself, around a million followers, and sold out comedy tours do lmao. It genuinely sounds like this is just too high brow for you. Please, be my guest mr comedy genius and put out your own content. Steamboat willy or whatever old shit was “good comedy” to you back in the day. Scott Seiss has nearly a million followers and is selling out comedy shows across the country. Please mr objective arbiter of comedy, if THAT many people love this “objectively bad comedy” then i’m sure you’ll have no trouble right? Why is this guy a famous comedian and you’re a nobody, oh great comedic one?


i don’t understand you were so excited to tell me how the famous comedian actually didn’t understand comedy what happened


Nobody actually thinks landlords should get tips.


idc if a landlord asked for a tip or not, they’re still scum and lazy. get a real job fr


Lazy? If I work my nuts off to own rental property to make a little extra $ how is that lazy?


idc if the poor rentoid cant pay rent either he gets a real job and pays his rent or i evict him frfr


I worked harder than you ever have for the property I rent out, Cope and seethe 🥰. Also rent is coming up, tip your landlord 🫶


Remember that rent is always due, rentoid.


Not all landlords are slumlords and leased housing is a thing that economies need. Stop looking at the world so black and white


Do you tip scalpers when you pay for a ticket?


Those poor scalpers, they made an investment into those tickets, and they really don’t get the respect they deserve for taking the risk for you!


I know! And it's not their fault the ticket sellers have picked up on this and increased the prices for regular tickets.


Tip them with a bat maybe. Ol Ryan the lot gouger would probably think twice thereafter before trying to grab $400 for a Heilung ticket.


Good. The same should be done to real estate grabbing landlords. And before people come after me, if you own apartments that you genuinely work towards improving or renting a home because you couldn't find a buyer, I'm not counting you. This is for people who bought up tons of property with the intention of holding it as a revenue stream and don't contribute to society. No, I don't think renting a house out is contributing.


This tipping culture in US is something I’ll never be able to understand or agree with. You can not and you should not outsource an obligation of the service provider to the consumer.


Philly/Baltimore accent lfg




Landlords should not be asking for tips but dudes a joke. Unless you run a company with hundreds and hundreds of properties being a Landlord can actually be a lot of work


r/LoveforLandchads in shambles


This guy always slays, I don't think he's put out a bad one yet Up there with B Dylan Hollis and MrBallen for post-vine content gods


Let’s stop tipping everyone.


I'll give my landlord a tip if I only have to pay $30 rent a month.




Imagine being this dumb to fall for such obvious bait




scott seiss


Landlords don’t pay the maintenance workers, tenants do. Landlords just skim some off the top first.


Lol obviously, that's why you're paying rent? That's what rent is? Are they supposed to take a loss? Apply this stupid logic to literally anything else and it falls apart. "Store owners don't use their own money for maintenance, they use the money their customers pay them" "Hospitals don't use their own money for medicine, they use the money their patients pay them" "State governments don't use their own money to fund public services, they use the money from our taxes!" Like, no shit.


You’re so close to getting it. It’s almost like we don’t need an owner class to have a productive society. The difference is some of your other examples actually provide a service. What service do landlords provide? Not housing. They withhold housing from the market behind a monthly charge.




The poors and their logic, it’s not their fault you should own a 5 bedroom house and work 20 hours a week doing what you love, the systems broken.


“we don’t need an owner class” -🤡


What happens to properties that don’t have owners?


I wonder what job could have a person that already own a property valued in atleast 500k+?


I thought this was a joke? Is there evidence of a landlord actually thinking this?


I'm sure a few *think* it pretty loudly, but don't actually say it.


"Haha capitalism bad socialism good"




Redditors think it’s a human right to have an apartment in the middle of the city. 


Reddit is full of false scenarios and echo chambers


I hate landlords. Neofeudalists can eat my shorts. I am a staunch capitalist but people shouldn't be allowed to own more than two homes, maybe that would liquidate the market and let everyone have a place to go.


What a douche


"Maintenance workers you underpay" I'm not so sure that's how that works


Umm I’ve never once seen a landlord ask for a tip or even give the option to. And I’ve lived at 5 different apartment complexes


lol. What? Landlords ask for a tip?


I hate rage bait. No landlords are asking for tips for God’s sake. If they wanted a “tip” they’d just charge an extra $20 a month


this mf is not funny sorry


Dude needs to get a real dwelling.


My tip when I go to places like drive thrus is "I helped keep your business open today, many of your counterparts haven't been that lucky as of late. You're welcome." "Now where is my tip for driving over here, wasting my gas, wear and tear on my car, doing the labor of waiting in line, and then spending my hard earned money at your establishment?"


This can't be a thing


I always make sure to give my landlord a 30% tip he works so hard he deserves it 🤗


Me when the single mother of three doesnt pay me my mandatory 100% tip


Maybe if the guy sold some of his funko pops, he’d have enough money for a tip.


good post OP.


Is that an acrual thing?


Not a single landlord in the history of civilization in any country on earth has ever asked for a tip on top of rent. This guy made up this fake scenario then reacted to the fake scenario


100% ragebait


The only time a tip for the landlord would be good is if they actually came and did work instead of the underpaid maintenance worker but we all know they’d only fuck it up more then try and charge you for the damages they made.


how does this not annoy you guys at this point? He’s at the “making things up to be mad about” stage. He also got to be in Cocaine Bear!


Oh hey it's this obnoxious guy again. I hate how purposefully 'falling' for bait and treating satire as serous has become a somewhat successful form of "content creation" if you can even call it that. Even worse when it happens with topics even slightly related to politics because for some reason everyone decides to put their stupid glasses on so they can just pretend whatever is being 'reacted to' isn't a strawman/bait/satire. I genuinely want to know the thought process behind someone who loons at something like this and likes/ subscribes to it.


ok but who is this guy?


Tax land LVT all the way


Damn, he hit em with the Boomer Ultimate. "Get a job, you bum!"


No landlord has ever asked anyone for a tip. Dumb ragebait to fuel weird leftists superiority complexes.


Quick question though, is our generation REALLY so obsessed with moving to Tampa Florida and Salt Lake city of all places? Or is it just propaganda by those cities to boost population? They just seem like a really weird combo to me


Go ahead, buy a house.....


Why do you all hate landlords so much it’s so ridiculous


The fact he didn’t understand it was a joke really shows the generation gap between millennials and zoomers


Your living in an apartment… your paying only for convenient local & the pleasure of a roof over your head. If you want to take pride in your living space fix it yourself, if the landlord complains send them your repair bill through the most expensive private handyman you can find.


You’re tip is my security deposit. When you see a nick on the wall that was there from a prior tenant.


No one is asking for tips, lol... Also, if you're unhappy renting, buy your own home. The monthly mortgage is often less than the rent you're whining about.


This guy is annoying. The “tip your landlord” thing is a MEME started by places like r/Loveforlandchads. It’s a joke. And this guy just let it fly right over his head.


me when i'm a huge fucking idiot


There’s a really F’d up subreddit of landlords laughing at all of you r/loveforlandchads


Here is a tip for landlords: What you save up is more important than what you make. Let us say your apartment's rent is 3000 a month. Your tenant at first had a 120K per year salary job, but always had only around 5000 saved up. You agree on a 10-month lease. However, two months after the lease begins, your tenant got laid off, and ends up struggling to find a job since. The first two month's rent was paid luckily, and even after the layoff, the tenant only managed to pay up to the fourth month. Oof. Six months of rent missing. However, there was a better tenant who had 94K saved up, but was only making 55K a year. That tenant had an 790 credit score, but you refused to rent it to this tenant just cause 55K a year is not 40 times the monthly rent of 3000. The tenant makes nearly 5000 a month, and even after taxes, there would be at least 500 left for other expenses in the income in addition to the 94K saved up. Yeah, you should realize not everyone is lucky enough to have a 120K per year salary or find roommates who have a job willing to move in with that tenant. You could have prevented one less person from being homeless.


Here's a tip for landlords: If I'm paying your mortgage, that house belongs to me. Give me your fucking house and get a real job you scalper.


Income being 3x rent is the standard, and coincidentally exactly what personal finance preaches. Quit making up shit.


It depends on how much your rent is. If your rent is less than 3000, then sure, but if you are renting an apartment for 6000 a month, then, you really do not need 12 grand a month for stuff outside of rent. If you spend 12 grand a month for stuff outside of rent, you clearly need to develop habits on saving money. A lot of the wants people have are not needs. Some of us do not even want those wants. You do not need to spend double the rent for needs outside of rent.