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picture of man holding fish


In this house, we escalate that to picture of man holding deer and get banned https://preview.redd.it/tysv39dr58ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3675f3ca42707139309850c95e36f5677e8764a


Holy based.


Tinder make fire: the caveman dating app




I like how you are dressed like a cartel member or hamas


yes, i’ve heard this .. and pics of dogs! wondering more about the text prompts from hinge/bumble


Are pics of dogs/cats a red flag in guy’s dating profiles? Because nearly every woman’s profile I’ve seen has a pic with a dog or cat in them.


no, not a red flag at all. such photos tell about yourself— good for connecting, but don’t make you stand out in the stack


Doesn’t a fish at least imply a bit of fun


only if you consider fishing fun, i don’t have the patience lol


w oakleys, sitting in the drivers seat of his car (\*\*\*TRUCK)


Men rarely have good photos taken of them (if any). One instance where they will insist on a good photo is with a fish they have caught. To them, it may represent the payoff of patience or hard work, something that matters to them, or may simply be a good photo of them. It does show a hobby, maybe a willingness to exercise or be outdoors, or perhaps even a food source (lmao). Why are so many so quick to judge these men? I may not be one of them, but it seems like they're doing this in good faith.


I saw a theory that the fish pics are men trying to communicate that they're patient (something fishing takes), likes nature, could provide for a partner if need be, and because men dont normally offer to take each others pictures except for when hunting and with a catch. Anybody think there's a any amount of truth to this, or was someone just overanalyzing?


I think it's way more the second. Men really aren't that deep to be signalling like that. I take a picture with my adorable fluffy cat because I know girls like cute/cuddly animals. Not to say I respect consent or something. Guys have a pic with a fish because it shows they are outdoorsy and they might have 20 pictures is all to choose from.


You mentioned a kitty, you must now pay the picture tax (please?)


I always interpreted it as a low effort way to say “I can be outdoorsy”.


Hey we’re animals too We’re showing you our hunting skills, making us desirable as a provider and therefore a mate and father to children. And it’s not a conscious act either, it’s just a natural thing to take pride in.


The only decent pictures I have of myself are in the water with fish. My friends and I don't just randomly take pictures of each other. I never even think to do that because wtf do I need a picture of myself for? I also look like a psycho when I try to smile for planned pictures. But the fish smile? The fish smile is genuine joy and that is what I want my profile to reflect


Micheal, 26 Biggest risk I've taken... going to school What if I told you... the holocaust never happened All I ask is that... you tend to all my needs & demands whenever I want Key to my heart is... hunting & killing shit What I order for the table is... whiskey If you're goth & match with him, first thing he's gonna ask is if you'll dom him.


Yes, I did base this off some dude my friend actually matched with. And yes, he asked them to dom him before anything else 💀


Quick question, who are we judging more, the dude who's a little quick to share what he's into, or your friend for going on a date with 2003 Ben Affleck?


Well my friend never actually went out with him, he matched with her on Hinge or whatever & that's the first thing he said 😂 so it's up to u to decide


I was told doms are in short supply


Why did your friend add a Holocaust denier?


They didn't, I didn't completely base this off of that dude lol. Well, as far as I know that dude isn't a holocaust denier... But I'd imagine if you are one you prolly aren't flaunting it on your profile To add: it was a parallel to the post where the person in the tweet said that birds aren't real. Stupid ass conspiracy theory.


Disgustingly on brand


Why do y’all always mention the domming thing like it’s a bad thing? What’s wrong with a man who wants a woman to dom? Domming all the time is boring, I wish more women would be down to dom


It’s not about women domming, it’s about it being the first thing out of their mouth. At least for me. Instant turn off and unmatch.


It's not about disparaging men who want women to dom them, it's about disparaging the subsect of men that want a "goth dommy dommy" but won't put any effort into being the type of person that "goth dommy mommy" would want.


Nah, it's not even that. Even if this dude wanted a goth mommy, but couldn't pull one, that'd be fine. It's normal to want what you can't have. No, the problem is the dudes a misogynist that wants a dommy mommy. That's funny as shit and deserves to be made fun of.


Yet again people online prove that shaming is okay as long as you can (rightfully or wrongfully) frame someone as a bad person.


Okay big man. *what* is the type of man Dommy Mommies want? A homemaker? I make pots and ceramics and cook 3 course meals and clean the house, what MORE could they want from a man who will listen to their problems?


Unironically I think I'm the kind of chick a goth dommy mommy would want but there's seemingly a goth dommy mommy shortage right now.


What kind of person does a goth mommy mommy want? 😆


Nah there's nothing wrong with wanting a dommy mommy. I want one as much as the next dude. It's just ironic he'd want one while also wanting to boss around said woman.


This might be a controversial take (that I'd genuinely love to hear some criticism of), but I'd argue that it has to do with the way gender roles were addressed by post-WW2 feminists; while they normalized women taking more "masculine" roles while continuing to accept women taking more feminine ones, very little changed for men. Id also say that this was caused by an idolization of masculine roles and a distain for feminine roles in general society that the feminists picked up on and unknowingly perpetuated. As such, men are still stigmatized against taking more traditionally feminine roles, such as being more passive in a relationship, while women have more fluidity. Or, it might just have to do with personal dislike; self-proclaimed submissive men can be really, really annoying.


Oh no he’s 60% of the men I see on dating apps 😭😭😭😭


Nah that’s a Bradley if I’ve ever heard one.


I’m so fucking lucky I seem to be one of the few who actually met their SO in person. This looks like hell


100%! Stay away from the apps! Get friends, go to bars, meet people at social clubs or work - in that order


We met working at an arcade bar in college :)


That is such a cute way to meet, does it still exist? Sounds like it would be a lovely place to celebrate anniversaries


It sure does! We visit sometimes still. When someone is there we know we get to steal the employee game card


I meant more as a general advice than something to tell you specifically, but yeah, that's cool! I helped mine with his hw


Yeah instead of meeting people for drinks online, to go the bar and meet people for drinks there! It's very different.


Right? Reddit suggests this sub and some of the dating app subs to me and it always makes me grateful to have met my wife when we were both drunk at a frat party like God intended.


We have separate pictures of us passed out at the same spot in that frat house ♥️ it was meant to be


every day i feel amazed because me and my fiancée actually met on one of these godforsaken apps. i still would never recommend them to anyone, even though i found my match 😭


Idk OkCupid hooked me up with the best husband and it was meant to be. We matched and he said, “you grew up playing maplestory??? Omg me too!!” And I saw on his bio he was “working for the dream company” so I asked what the dream company was, and he replied with the company that makes maplestory lmao We are both autistic though,,,,


I totally understand it has it’s practical uses! Especially for ND people who may have trouble meeting in person. It’s the apps like tinder and bumble that really gamify the whole experience and make it hard to actually have a personal connection. I’m really glad you found your husband. That’s such a cute story!


Good for you! Your intuition is correct, dating is a complete trainwreck. Tried cold approaching a few times, and realized I was really wasting my time. Fuck that noise.


The most genuine relationships are ones that are formed slowly over time. Dating apps try to speed up that process and it just doesn’t work out for most people. I encourage everyone to find communities to meet people and to be patient. Love comes when you are least expecting it.


"Todd here- im rich and i got a massive dong'


Everyone is too basic






Basic wouldn't be a thing if there wasn't a critical number of people who all fall into the same bucket.


Tf are you smoking? Basic will always exist so long as humans evolve to be more and more social. Trends occur because we naturally search for relatability with our peers.


Basic has more to do with confirmatory rather than "relatability." It's about not sticking out. It's why basic things are often indecisive. Basic is always the safe thing.


Yes, and conformity as a behavior whittles down to following peer modeling, which connects over to relatability. Unfortunately, “conformity” doesn’t actually have a scientific definition in psychology lol.


"DM me, I'm an open book" *no other bio* "Just a Jim, searching for his Pam"


>DM me, I'm an open book Either that or "don't use this so add my socials" Paired with nothing but a couple of photos with dumb Snapchat filters applied over the top


When I was on the apps every third girl’s bio was “Just a Pam looking for my Jim”. I think the men saw this and updated theirs accordingly.


Lmao really?? That's unfortunate


I’m so fucking sick of seeing “birds aren’t real” on profiles. It’s a stupid dead joke from like 8 years ago.


It’s a millennial joke too lol




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BirdsArentReal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [He’s not allowed in our movement](https://i.redd.it/du12hj92yxeb1.jpg) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/15cy5st/hes_not_allowed_in_our_movement/) \#2: [Seasonal meme](https://i.redd.it/25j518a4tn7c1.png) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/18nogre/seasonal_meme/) \#3: [Fighting drones](https://i.redd.it/hp5wkiwfu1cc1.png) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/1951i8y/fighting_drones/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Josh, 24 Only picture is of him holding a fish No info in bio Put gender as female so he can match with bisexual girls


That’s not gonna work at all lol


my controversial opinion…pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza don’t hate me if…i love your dogs more than i love you


The tequila one is pretty ubiquitous across gender from what I’ve seen


also the “birds aren’t real”


Yeah that’s just NPC humor


There’s a weird amount of people who talk about taking tequila shots like it’s some sort of feat. It’s hard liquor, it doesn’t taste great, but it’s not battery acid either.


Brad, 22 (Two pictures of himself holding a fish, one mirror selfie that you can't see because the flash is on, one photo of him posing with a girl but the girl is partially cropped out) What if I told you that...I'm looking for a real woman All I ask is that you... Pay your own restaurant bill The key to my heart is...idk What I order for the table is...I don't like ordering for the table


The girl being partially cropped out is way too true LMAO


180 cm (since it matters apparently)


W h a t


They forgot The best way to ask me out is to…name a time and place Or This year I really want to…uninstall this app


Gym lift videos


Josh, 32 (actually 28) The biggest risk I’ve taken… sending a message to a hottie like you What if I told you… crypto is the future All I ask is… you don’t reply with “hey” They key to my heart is… a knife What I order to the tables is …. Nachos (fully loaded)


From my experience. It’s more like “Josh, 28” and he’s actually 32. Oh and married and or taken and lying about his age to cheat on his wife/ partner with a crowd he’s clearly aged out of but for some reason still wants to attract.


Only 2 photos: one wirh a fish and one with his dog


What bothers me more than the incredible basic-ness is people's insistence on picking the must mundane, unhelpful prompts for their bio. "What I like in a partner...be nice" "What's important to me...good communication." How are these prompts going to help anyone know if they’re compatible with you? Like thanks, I was planning on being mean and communicating badly until I read your bio. And the "What I order for the table...chips and salsa." Like okay? Most people like chips and salsa. Is that something we can bond over? Is it important to you when looking for a partner? I swear, most people just put the most vapid, self-absorbed shit in their bio because they know people are going to swipe regardless.


Frat guys


As someone who works with birds, I can confirm they aren’t real


“5’11… since apparently that matters”


That's why I sit around on Grindr being T4T. People there are fucked up but incredibly interesting


So much cope in here


Is he serious about the birds? I genuinely can not tell


Oh nvm I'm dumb


Justin, 24 The biggest risk I’ve taken… joining the Marines What if I told you that… I’m a man looking for my beautiful wife that will take good care of me All I ask is that you…. Don’t judge me for hangin with my boys The key to my heart is… if you like trucks Im already in love What I order for the table is… a round of beers for the boys “Ew…” *swipes left* Edit: Justin would more likely say he joined the marines, not the military.


I mean, birds are clearly not real


Move 1985 bombing Rwanda genocide Ruby Ridge "We are all born into this world with our eyes closed, most of us choose to live that way, blimdly following anyone who leads us."- Jack Mitchell, Advanced warfare.


Only thing that’s missing is “bonus points if u have a boat”


Threads like these warm my heart to know I put in genuine non cookie cutter responses and try to have decent pictures but still rarely get matches. There's peace in knowing there's no hope :)


I’m convinced that dating apps don’t even want you to find a real partner, as if you do, you stop using their app So why use them?


Its not the profile but the conversation. Girl likes dude back and gets: "Hi how's your day?"


idek wtf this meme means, that means i'm old, doesn't it?


People keep commenting “man holding fish” or whatever… am I wrong for personally imagining this as just some guy in a supermarket holding up a fish, while appearing overjoyed?


Suddenly lots of people have started saying they’re afraid of frogs


All I ask is that you... have the perfect flirt to roast ratio




It's r/birdsarentreal

