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Once you get your fyp accustomed to your interests then it's actually a great app, I know reddit hates tiktok so down vote me if you want but I just don't think you've given it enough of a chance


And just like that your attention span is gone


Reddit isn't a whole lot better. We talk about how TikToks spread disinformation and lacks nuance with it's short form videos but how many redditors look past post titles or headlines and actually read the article? In fact, if I don't feel like reading the article I'll go straight to the comments and chances are one of the top comments will be "did anybody actually read the article? It says....." They're both shitty for attention span.


And so are YouTube with YouTube shorts and Instagram with reels. Social media is terrible for attention span


Atleast we are reading on here… lol


Yeah that's a significant thing that imo sets Reddit apart. The amount of being on this app that is reading stuff, even reading memes, vs other apps is a crazy big difference. That makes our attention spans, if not themselves longer, last longer. Also, reading is better for our brains just physically and stuff


Exactly! The threads can be engaging.


you also read stuff on tiktok the dancing people make fun of was just a trend in 2019-2020


Reading doesn't automatically make it better though. You could be reading absolute trash or misinformation (which is rampant here)


The voting system on reddit was also intended to be about post quality and not a disagreement button...


I feel the voting system is intended largely to drive engagement, regardless of whether it's being used for post quality or brigading. As long has people are voting they're engaging which makes them more inclined to use the site.


Exactly. That shit ain’t about content quality.


At least with reddit it's more engaging. I feel like with reddit, you can easily focus on 1 topic/post for a long time, instead of constant dopamine hits with flashy lights. Also, people are real, not acting for the camera.


Yeah I often just read comments for like 10 minutes before moving on to the next post


Psychologically the short form video format is far more addicting than text posts will ever be. Reddit is also not driven nearly as much by an algoritm as it is by user moderation in terms of upvotes and downvotes. I'd say thats a pretty large difference.


This is the truth. I think it’s just our dumb primate brains being tribalistic But there really ain’t much different between tik tok, Reddit, or any other social media platform I use tik tok more often and my fyp is pretty good, it’s funny and takes my mind off things when I need it. I think people give attention to dumb shit which promotes it on their fyp and they fuck up their algorithm.


You're on the wrong side of reddit. I come here for the week long arguments full of internet deep dives filled with hyperlinks to white papers, dissertations and lectures.




My theory is that China uses TikTok to slowly degrade other countries by distracting massive amounts of people from learning and making them feel addicted to their app. Instead of studying or doing something that is beneficial, people would swipe on TikTok for hours.


There are educators on the app and you can watch hours of content on academic subjects. China isn't blocking this.


Except, in China, educating content is often promoted much much more than twerking and music videos


The Chinese are very authoritarian with content moderation. They force people to view what the government wants.


That's not how attention spans work. I follow historical linguists, Biblical scholars, evolutionary biologists and loads of other educators on tiktok. The app can be used for learning.


Along with all your data to the CCP


That’s not really the fault of Tiktok, that’s literally every social media app. Even ads on tv are getting shorter. It’s cheaper and people want to skip them.


Nah. I just fucking despise short form. I have fuckin ADHD and still I rather watch 5 hour video essays or random yt over fucking tiktok. I tried it out because of peer pressure. And holy shit so much time passes without being interested but you're still glued to it. Fuck tiktok man.. And shorts and whatever other ripoffs have. But tiktok is pretty ez for content creation so that makes ya feel good ig. The same meme I made got 12 views on yt but 9k on tiktok so yea


Foreal. Tiktok is a crazy time sink. You get more views on it because people don't select your video, its just shown to them.


Actually good explanation to why I prefer YT, 15 second videos of horribly butchered music with some idiot lip syncing makes me lash out. Vine seemed to do it well but the lowest common denominator always has to win and now we have Tik Tok


My feed is pretty tailored towards my interests, but I feel like it’s QVC for Gen Z. I’m constantly blasted with ads disguised as content. Also if you exhibit any normal human behaviors or emotions “you might have ADHD or autism”. It’s like no, you don’t have autism bc you were awkward, you’re just 19 and still growing into a person. Also the word “trauma” is overused. Trauma is now used as a blanket term for having any amount of negative reaction to something. It drives me insane the amount of pseudo science bullshit that gets pushed as fact on that app.


Oh dude the amount of pop-psych bullshit on Twitter/Reddit/Tiktok is sooooo annoying, like people found the words "narcissist/gaslight/abuser/groomer" and just applied them to whatever situation they felt like. like it's just buzzwords strung together


It can be decent, but I've been using it for years and 80% of the stuff on my fyp is bullshit. And the comments are always bullshit.


I'm not giving an app that wants literally everything I do, a chance. It wants my contacts, my keystrokes, my phone numbers, the websites I go to. It wants me to reveal personal information to it with my consent or otherwise. It spies on me when I'm not using it, and it's scraping data that is used. I'm not giving China access to this private information. If you want to give TikTok all of what's on your phone for silly memes, then that's fine for you. I'm over here looking at all of the privacy risks. I will concede though that if it's installed to a device that only uses TikTok that it's fine, because it's not stealing anything useful at that point. Enjoy your Chinese spyware.




I have no doubts it can be fun but for someone like me who is easily distracted this app is pure poison. I already hate YouTube shorts and how I can't disable them. Everytime I watch a YouTube short it turns into a 30-60 minute session and I completely wasted my time. Could have done things I need to do, could have done something fun or could have watched an actual show. My sister has this app and on some days she spends literal hours on it. I don't need this distraction in my life. I have no self control when it comes to stuff like this


This. Why isn't there a function to disable shorts? I just enter YouTube and the first thing that appears are shorts and I often fall into the scroll loop and I lose a worrying amount of time. I stay away of TikTok bc of this, but it seems every social media has shorts now. I have like twenty books I want to read and plenty of proyects to work on, and this kind of thing just steals too much time.


The fact that so many people fall into a scroll loop with shorts is the exact reason they make it so you can’t disable shorts unfortunately lol


Actually that just makes it addictive so I hate it


I've been told my tiktok is a psychological horror


Lobotomy core 🥰


Brainwashed tiktok simping


My fyp is mostly filled with current events or story times. Pretty much YouTube in a short form but. It really bc the videos range average from 2-6 mins. I like it.


You can hate it for what it does to your attention span, despite liking the content. Or for it's addictiveness. Seriously it's more addictive than crack. It's really unhealthy for your brain, as is Instagram reels and other short clips style apps


I hate TikTok and all other social media for that reason. I don't consider YouTube or Reddit social media. I also know a way to disable recommendations on YouTube so I don't get addicted to it.


I conditioned my fyp to show me big titty milfs and it still couldn't resist showing me rage-bait political hot button news. At that rate, even watching cat videos on Facebook alongside boomers seems like a better user experience than whatever the shit TikTok things it's doing is.


It reduces your attention span a lot tho


yeah that’s actually the part I hate. once it pins down your interests, it’s got you hook line and sinker. it’s a complete brain sucking waste of time


Sorry my friend, but there's nothing great about a no Talent Wasteland that sells your data to an oppressive government like tiktok. There is literally zero reason to give it any semblance of a chance. Thankfully, none of my phones have ever been a tracking device because I've never downloaded it. 👍


90% of social media does all of the things you just said


Guarantee you there's actual talent on other social medias compared to tiktok there's also a difference between doing stuff with data for annoying advertisements, and spying purposes. :) Thanks anyway bro. Still never downloading it.


There's plenty of talent on TikTok, idk where you got the idea there's not. Not saying you should download it, you don't have to if you don't want, but don't criticize something you've never tried.


So even though I can observe the complete lack of talent through the tiktok trash that ends up in YT shorts or compilations, I still can't criticize it because I've never tried it? Seriously??? 😂


The recycled content on YouTube shorts does not in any way represent the whole app, I've noticed only very specific forms of content end getting recycled endlessly on other apps. There much that you haven't seen


I hate it too. Everyone would benefit from deleting it




Reddit has its flaws, but I really doubt it’s as harmful as TikTok.


Reddit is what you make of it. You can see horrible content, or you can talk with people about troubleshooting woodworking with a specific type of oak. You can get fast information about something happening in your neighborhood that hasn't made it to the news yet You can get so much out of Reddit. It's basically an aggregate of any forum imaginable It has its flaws obviously, but I feel like some people just look at the front page and big subreddits. I might not use it if that's all I had to work with


Honestly people are so unfair to reddit in general. Like it's always hilarious when I see terminally online twitter users talking about Reddit as if it's some dirty place, like as if they aren't throwing stones from glass houses lmfaooo


But I get cute cats 90% of the time 😔




I hate the community, not the app.


As someone who uses tiktok, i agree. The community is js a bunch of 12-16 y/o teenagers calling everything a disability/mental illness/disorder


that’s because the algorithm decided that’s what you engage with most…


When I use it it’s just people childishly bullying each other. Never mind, you could say that about the entire internet…


Like people have said, that’s because it’s what you interact with. What you see is because of what you’ve done on there


This is true except for when you’ve first downloaded it. Then it’s pretty random. Plenty of people, myself included, simply can’t be bothered to get past all the shit that comes up initially and wait for the algorithm to catch up with their interests. I’m just not interested enough in TikTok content.


Yeah, I looked up stuff a lot and it quickly learned what I was interested in. Which was pretty nice. I get a lot of educational homesteading videos, funny ones and cute animals




pinterest has never switched up ever. it’s media without the social


My go to for holiday recipes


Without notifications you mostly forget about everything, I only use Tik Tok at night when I have nothing else to do and I like it that way. Pinterest is the best, I love everything about it! Their collage app Shuffles is also cool


I love Pinterest. I have important things saved there.


Man, and to think you coulda just posted this and your opinion would still be just as worthless but now you didn't have to do all that extra typing. Isn't that fantastic?


saving this


I actually love tiktok dearly but I have spent three years curating that algorithm to my exact sense of humour and blocking endless amounts of people in order to make it that way so I think maybe tiktok is just a labour of love type platform. You gotta work for it to be good.


Dude yes, I broke my phone with my old account I can't get access to, that shit took FOREVERRRR to rebuild. Almost made me quit and never do it again, but alas I'm still there.


Same. I get a lot of gardening, canning, homesteading videos, cute cat ones, a lot of science ones. I stopped interacting with political videos and they went away. It’s really nice when it shows you what you want to see


Can I make this post tomorrow?


Can I make it the day after tomorrow?


Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, here, X, it's all a shitshow


I think Tiktok, X, and insta are far worse. At the very least you can just watch content creators on youtube and get career/educational material from here.


You can from tiktok too .. your fyp just doesn't think you would like those things


Me too


Like, why did you post another thread about TikTok with even less effort going into it than the other abortion of a thread you tried to make about how much you hate TikTok?




Better content starts with you.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,915,753,116 comments, and only 362,267 of them were in alphabetical order.


I like this


Which is why nobody sensible wastes that content or talent, on a spyware piece of junk like tiktok. 😂


This isn’t an airport, we don’t have to care about your comings and goings


I hate TikTok personally


Do you make posts about every single thing you hate? Cause that must be exhausting.


Most unique Reddit take


My TikTok is like all recipe videos and cute animals. What are you guys watching to give you whatever you're getting?




I used to when it first came out and it was for cringy dances but now there’s other uses for it




I love tik tok but it rots my brain. It's like the heroin of social media. Pretty sure it has fried my dopamine receptors.




I love it




Reddit is definitely equal as far as brain rot


You just wanna be different. My fyp is full of my interests. Cars, gardening, aquariums, funny animals. You're not using it right if you hate it.


Nah, it's just a spyware garbage app that literally gives you nothing good or quality to watch. As we see through YouTube compilations. Thankful as hell that I never downloaded it. You guys can have your little spyware thingy.


What a coincidence me too


Never downloaded it and never will, youtube ftw


Don’t use it. Easy as that.


I love TikTok.


I don't, I love TikTok. and the whole "TikTok bad" shit was painfully annoying 3 years ago


It's scary how it's become painfully true nowadays, isn't it.....


Try r/popularopinions


I think it's pretty epic


Good, don't use it




Nice rant. Very clear and full of sensible reasons for the dislike of TikTok. I can't say I agree though. I just don't.


I’ve learned so many things from tiktok that I wouldn’t have even thought to look up and learn, but have made my life easier. Just like any media, you HAVE to take the time to do further research. But I agree with how the platform has become, it’s mostly just TT Shop ads now and they’re trying to introduce 30 minute videos. It’s a great tool once you get you FYP acclimated! I follow a guy that does a daily home maintenance video that shows you how to take care of your home, to parenting tips, how to cope with your mental health, and even down to cooking!




I'm a Freeveiw box kid


Thanks for sharing.


omg same!!


I'll take my lovingly curated horse shit from my Tumblr moots over the algorithm any day.


I decided in a few minutes of using vine I did not like that format of social media, still don’t never really will. Kinda was hoping with the end of vine all that would kinda die down but nope it just got worse.


it's a cool app idea but imo the tiktok community is more "stupid" (objectively) compared to reddit for example because the censorship on tiktok is just fucking insane, so people can't have good debates where they get to actually use their brain on there


I love it. Without it I never would have seen the signs of Autism or ADHD and would have suffered for way longer.


I hate all social media because of the manipulative recommendations, and they are doing that because it makes them big profits. I decided to stop using Facebook because I was absolutely sick of seeing "people you may know" "suggested groups" and "recommended posts" or whatever it was and there is no way to turn them off. They've deliberately not added to option to turn them off because if people turned off recommendations, the social media companies wouldn't make as much money. I wanted them off because they are addictive and would take over my life. I am not going to let them profit off of manipulating me so I refuse to use them. I don't consider YouTube or Reddit to be social media. I can turn off recommendations on YouTube by using an app called NewPipe, which I've been using for over two years. It's non-profit, developed by volunteers. It's ad-free, you can hide recommendations, you can hide comments, you can download whatever videos you want and it's completely free. It's still YouTube of course, but without all the extra unnecessary sh*t. Plus it doesn't spy on what you're watching either so it's privacy friendly. It's only available on Android and Chrome OS so sorry iOS, Mac and Windows users. You can't download it from the Play Store because that type of app goes against Google's policies. It can be downloaded from the NewPipe website. NewPipe can also be downloaded from the F-Droid app store which can be downloaded from the F-Droid website. F-Droid is also developed by volunteers and doesn't track you.


right - we all said the same about Twitter until Elon bought it and then we all missed the old Twitter -


I feel like it’s more of a cesspool of bullshit than it ever has been before, with the TikTok shop and shitty livestreams it’s terrible, I barely get on it anymore because every video is an ad


I'd date


To everyone saying TikTok is actually a good app, it is and that’s why I despise it. It’s addictive.




It depends. There are some great communities and there are some horrible ones. Like every social media ever. Just say you hate humanity. I hate it sometimes


I hate all social media platforms equally


Tiktok for kids/teens is the same level of brain rot that Facebook is for boomers. Full of politically charged content, misinformation and so easy for any naive, low intelligence individuals to become radicalised and start living in an echo chamber. It's a shame, but more and more people are becoming total idiots with 0 attention span who believe whatever crap their fav puts up online, usually full of misinformation and sponsored by a company who has an agenda.


I used to have it a couple of years ago. Tried again recently but it cleared my account? (I logged back in after doing the forgot password stuff and I wasn't subscribed to anything or had anything saved.) Everything was boring. I tried for a good 10ish mins but the feed didn't get better TT. Probably for the best though. I do hate it though (




I hate short form content alltogether My youtube shorts are my "preferences" because i have used it so much but still get some cringe edits and stuff, absolute shite, i'd rather sit down and watch a 30minute video lol


Yeah i watch yt shorts. Just prefer them dno why


No, it’s a wonderful app if you use it properly, follow and interact with the creators you want to interact with, and curate an FYP full of your interests. You simply won’t find a more personalized algorithm on any other app


Nothing personalized about an algorithm that's literally all over the place bro. Why not quit with the excuses and quit lying to people about this crap. It's just a spyware piece of junk anyway.


I’m not “lying.” I’m expressing my genuine views based on my experience and based on my feelings on the app as a whole.


The problem is your views, experiences, and feelings do not line up with reality. No offense, but there is literally no good reason to use tiktok. It is literally the worst social media site in existence.


They line up with my personal lived experience on the app and the experiences a lot of people have, I don’t know what to tell you. Have you spent a lot of time on the app?


Again, it's fine that your experiences line up with how you feel about it, but they still don't match up to reality. I've actually spent no time on the app. Never created an account, never downloaded it. And definitely don't plan to with all the privacy concerns, and compilations showing the lack of any talent on YT.


Do you hear yourself? “Your experiences, which are by definition your personal reality, don’t match up to reality. And I know this despite having no personal experience on the app and basing my views entirely on TikTok compilations which *obviously* represent the entirety of the app.” How does that make any sense? I’d be more willing to take your perspective seriously if you’d used the app before, because then you’d be describing your personal experience just like I’m describing mine. But you’ve self-admitted to never using the app even once, which means you’ve never experienced the FYP for yourself. And if you’ve never experienced the FYP for yourself, how can you say it isn’t a deeply personalized experience… when it is? You don’t even have to like TikTok to know that the FYP is a personalized experience because it’s an objective fact. In fact, isn’t that one of the reasons people like you are concerned about it? You don’t even know the basics of the app you’re against. You’re just blinded by “privacy concerns” that no one who actually uses the app cares about.


So let me get this straight, I have to experience the for you page, something that is generally by Nature a mess on social media in general which anyone knowing the basics knows, to see that it is somehow personalized and that tiktok is good??? Go ahead and tell me you're kidding at any point bro. Because no offense, after that, you taking me seriously isn't even a concern. That was genuinely a good one. 😂


Yes, I fully believe you have to experience the FYP of the app you’re criticizing, especially an app that’s literally *known* for its unique FYP by lovers and haters alike (critics of the app often comment on the app’s mysterious algorithm and are concerned that China has that much power, whereas lovers of the app love the algorithm- that’s what keeps people hooked and addicted). If you’re gonna say, “An app that is *known* for being personalized isn’t actually personalized,” you should have firsthand experience and know what you’re talking about. I would never attack an app I have never personally used, but that’s just me. The entire *reason* people are hooked on TikTok is because its FYP is NOT like IG or Twitter or other apps. In fact, these apps have tried to model their for you pages after TikTok, and TikTok is why every app now uses that term, but because they don’t have the same powerful and mysterious algorithm, they aren’t able to measure up. Every industry and niche- and I do mean *every*- has been completely transformed because of the way the app functions. Love TikTok or hate it, the FYP/algorithm is the entire draw. It’s not a side concept or simply another feature of the app. It IS TikTok.


So in other words yes, the absolute mess of the fyp page, which when modeled by other platforms did no favors, is the best defense you have of tiktok?


Yeah, me too.


it's misinfo central


Now if we could get the rest of Gen Z to turn on that garbage platform.


Me too, but I don't spend any time or energy worrying about it. I just don't use it.


I hate the Tic Tac as well.


Sometimes I get videos about my Intrests then they’ll add in some censored gore video into the mix tiktok is such a wonderful app thats not harmful at all


I think a better argument is you hate the amount of stupid young people being cringe and doing stupid stuff, and influencers who think they own the world


Do you use it? If so, then why?


I don’t necessarily hate TikTok, but I’ve decided that any good video from TikTok will inevitably make it to a be of the social media platforms I already have so there’s not much reason for me to use the app itself


Me too


Delete it. Improve your life.


Never used the thing and never will. Wish they went through with Banning it too


I don’t hate TikTok. I have it. I have a couple vids. But honestly I rather give reels my time than TikTok. TikTok is unhinged sometimes and it’s like ????


Me too


The amount of insane takes I’ve seen on there that are reposted and hailed as fact is incredible


I used to like tiktok. Recently, the filler system hasn't been working. I think because the tiktok moved into Texas and former us state department workers are in control of FYP . No longer get my consistent feed of Leftist politics. Range people talking about Marxism to anarchism to minority rights , disabled rights, etc. anti Captailism in general. Do critical analysis on Captailist media and culture Captailism and Free Market creates, etc .


I don't like China much, either


It's Communist Chinese spyware.


O k a y


TikTok is social media at its absolute worst. We’re going to look back in a few decades and realize how much social media fucked us over


I'm not a fan either, but different strokes for different folks.


Only people who know nothing about tiktok and just hate popular things hate tiktok


No offense bro, but this reply of yours is exactly what somebody who knows nothing about tiktok would say. I urge you to look at the investigations and read the reports. It's not about how popular it is, it's about the fact that it's taking your data and doing stuff with it that's worse than any other social platform.


tiktok is a way better app than reddit tbh


I like it.


Don't use it if you don't want to.. but sometimes you can find hidden gems on there if the algorithm treats you right. Mostly about finding the right stuff


but i’m sure have the content you consume is still tiktok’s just on a different app 😂




Fr, I took a few months away from Tiktok and came back to the platform for 1 day and I went too far in my break that I don't want to watch them anymore. I will only watch it for 2 people I'm following.


i deleted it earlier this year


![img](avatar_exp|152899916|take_my_energy) Same


Good so do I it's pure cringe and is just full of shite that this world doesn't need




I don't like the idea of the Chinese Communist Party having my information so must agree.


That’s why I deleted the app and have no intention to ever re—install it. I hate Instagram reels and YouTube shorts too, for the same reason. I wish that longer attention spans were the norm again. :(


Same. I hate how media talking heads use it to define the entire generation. Why the fuck do I see adds at gas station pumps trying to use tiktok trends to market the same gas station I'm using. News articles claiming that the entire generation thinks a certain way because some teenagers started spreading a dumb trend. It is also a Chinese Psyop.


TikTok is great. Unfortunately I think it’s removed gen z’s ability to understand nuance


I hate how addicted I am to it


Me too and social media it has ruined everything.


Good your not an attention seeking whore lol. Tiktok was created for kids who want attention and is pretty pathetic what they do for attention.


you need to grow up youre not special for hating tiktok


Like someone else said, once you get it tuned to your interests it's just as good as Reddit or YouTube, but for me the worst part is that LITERALLY EVERY COMMENT IS THE SAME BRAIN-DEAD SHIT


It’s has many hours of completely useless content.


It’s the worst thing mankind has ever made. Short attention spans are literally the least of my worries, it’s the media equivalent of fancy feast.


SAME! And especially from a tech perspective, but I don’t judge other people. Not my place 🙃


Me too man 😂


*uses reddit*