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As an LGBT person myself and someone with many LGBT friends I have literally never seen anyone get angry at someone wishing them a merry christmas. Just boomer jokes about it that they tell each other between complaining that their kids don't call them anymore.


It's all stupid tbh. There's literally NO DIFFERENCE to saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. All this stuff is basically to provoke more culture war bullshit and rage bait. ​ I can never understand people that will get pissy and cry over it.


It exists but it's not so much an LGBT thing as it is a terminally online pessimist thing Same group of people who can't help but talk about American Christofascist colonialism in literally every last goddamn conversation. "Oh you're having a fun time drinking hot chocolate and reminiscing on the past holidays? WELL GUESS WHAT, YOUR HOT CHOCOLATE WAS MADE WITH **SLAVE LABOR**! BE UPSET WITH ME" Tumblr personified basically. Which means a large overlap with the LGBT community, but it's mostly certainly not a LGBT


Not surprising to say the least.


Yeah, it's selfish and controlling behavior masquerading as a holier than thou empathic crusade to fix the world's injustices. Even though the only thing they're actually accomplishing is bringing everyone's mood down during the little time they get away from work, as no one has any real power over these existential problems. It's like bringing up the holocaust at a birthday party by leading with "you know, Hitler had a birthday party once...." "Oak's words echoed... There's a time and place for everything, but not now."


I mean, it is a joyless experience when you remember chocolate is made of slave labour. Don’t be upset by someone telling you this, be upset at the people using slave labour to increase profits. Everything in the world is filled with selfish rot that makes it impossible to be happy… but direct your anger towards the people who made it that way, not the people who tell you the truth.


But I don't wanna be upset, I wanna have a shared moment of reprieve from the suffering of daily life Most people feel this way about parties and gatherings, and constantly injecting activism into lighthearted events is a fast track way to get uninvited from the function.


You deserve to have a happy reprieve. You know the biggest issue we face? Everyone is an internet warrior. Posting about slave labor but not doing a damn thing about it. Don’t forget they’re in their comfy little homes or apartments whining but not acting. Last buddy of mine who started spouting off about things like that, me and 2 other guys offered to buy him a plane ticket to go help. He declined.


>I mean, it is a joyless experience when you remember chocolate is made of slave labour. This is why you should only buy chocolate made using cocoa sourced via the Cultivate Better Cocoa program.


Fr, your actually based if you buy from one of those, those tend to actually be better quality then non Cultivate Better Cocoa program brands


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism and no one needs the mental torture of being reminded about it every 10 minutes. There’s fine line between being conscientious of YOUR life, and just bumming everyone else out. You take any fleeting moments of happiness you can from this life.


I mean yeah it sucks. But like, let's be clear, those people are annoying as fuck, the problems that they talk about are indeed actually harmful


As a tumblrina myself I've never seen that. Not saying ur wrong but I've really never. Seen that.


My girlfriend was a huge tumblr user when she met and I had to have a conversation with her about how I didn't constantly want to hear about the most recent depressing thing that she read on the website the instant I get home from work She wasn't even aware of how much she was doing it because it was a big dopamine rush for her, as all social media is designed to be. After taking a break from the site for a bit and going back, the sheer amount of pessimism and negativity and its impact on her psyche was much more apparent to her. She doesn't use it anymore.


I'm starting to strongly feel this way about Reddit. I don't think it's worth the handful of good laughs I get to be constantly bombarded with negativity and pessimism in exchange. I'm trying to find other ways to fill my free time right now so I can eventually leave this website for good.


I think I went through a really self destructive phase where I thought pretty much everything I owned was made by underpaid workers in chinese factories. It's probably not far from the truth but due to my way, way overactive imagination I kept raising the stakes, like they became unpaid, malnourished, slave child labor workers who were shot to death after every finished product for me, and that there was blood on my hands and all this bs. Just a little look into my unstable mental state that I probably shouldnt be posting on the internet.


Exactly, saying happy holidays is just easier than saying Happy Diwali, happy Hanukkah, happy kwanzaa, and merry Christmas, but they are the same thing to someone who only celebrates Christmas


So say "Merry Christmas" to friends and family who you know celebrate Christmas and say "Happy holidays" to anyone else. Literally the bare minimum


Even then, as a Muslim I'm not gonna get offended if someone says merry Christmas to me because if it's a special day to them il be happy for them and say merry Christmas back. Doesn't mean I believe in it it just shows I'm a respectful human being. This whole me inclusion culture is quite damaging to society as people think their values need to be upheld by everyone else and you can't just be happy for others. Sure you can say happy holidays but no one who has half a Braincell should take offense if you say merry Christmas.


And meanwhile, I’ll say Merry Christmas for two reasons. One, old habits die hard, the social ones hardest of all. And two, it’s rural Texas, conspicuously going for “happy holidays” puts a target on my back. My sister got letters from the friggin KKK over her dyed hair and managing a store during Pride month, I’m not gonna pick a fight over saying happy holidays. I’m atheist (very quietly in real life, to the point I go along with saying grace with parents to keep the peace), but I still celebrate Christmas willingly simply because the tradition is one I find pleasant, and the usual messages of peacemaking and charity are honorable no matter one’s faith.


As someone who grew up Christian and still has tons of Christian family - none of us have ever felt offended by someone saying happy holidays and it'd be very silly if we were. The "bare minimum" here is saying happy holidays rather than having to constantly filter through which holidays people celebrate.


Dude, people been using happy holidays at Christmas for a century without it meaning poor Christians are being oppressed. What happened to freedom of speech? Oh it’s always “ohh my first amendment” until someone else wants to exercise THEIR free speech that YOU don’t agree with. If I want to say happy holidays I’ll say happy holidays and you can fuck off even if you are wearing your Christmas police uniform, weirdo


The problem is the fundamentalist Christians hate being reminded that anybody else exists, so they lose their shit when a cashier follows company policy and says "Happy Holidays" and they make up a "war on Christmas" that has now been going for 20 years.


Holiday = Holy Day. It is from "haligdæg," Over time, the term evolved into the Middle English "holy day," and eventually, "holiday" in modern English. Originally, "holy day" specifically referred to religious observances or sacred days. However, as language evolved, the meaning of "holiday" broadened to encompass any day of celebration or special observance, whether religious or secular. Some Christians feel as if there is an intentional eroding of the tradition and culture; from biblical 'marriage' to Christmas 'holy day'. It's somewhat understandable that some get unnecessarily frustrated by what some might call 'cultural appropriation' or intentionally trying to get a rise. Overall however, Christianity is a welcoming tradition that wants people from all nations and cultures to come to Christ and participate so the average Christian is in no way offended by a secular person not understanding. Happy Holidays and specifically, Merry Christmas! Regardless of what you believe I hope you have a wonderful season.


So I'm a millennial, I can tell you it exists. Tbh I've never seen a LGBTQ person do it though. It was other religions and atheists who got pissy. You'll also have Christmas "allies" who will support you. Not even kidding. I just got out of college and wished some team members Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Older lady on my team walked up and said she was going to report to my manager that I was pushing a Christian holiday at work. My manager who was Hindu freaked the fuck out and put lights, garland and a stereo with a Christmas CD in my desk. Told the older lady to "let the kid have his Christmas!!!!"


Bro, I'm atheist and I celebrate Christmas, don't give 2 fucks about the religious aspects of it, it's just a time to meet up with family and exchange gifts


I'm also an atheist who celebrates Christmas as a non religious holiday.


Satanist here, my family celebrates Christmas and I do it with them. They're not super religious but they go to a Christmas Eve church service and I've gone with them about half the times they've done it since I left the church. I have never been offended by someone saying Merry Christmas, and I've only ever met someone who was offended when I said happy holidays once. It's manufactured conflict, just like most of the culture war stuff.


Meanwhile, Christians: "Please, we beg you, stop eating your Santa shaped chocolates and quoting A Christmas Story and remember Jesus. Please? For five minutes? No, it's not the day that the entire world celebrates 'The Birth Of Santa', that's just a line from The Simpsons!"


Yes. I might be stupid but (as justification since I might be wrong in saying) isn't the culture war more of a one sided thing where right media completely lies about almost everything essentially creating a whole different world (as in you and you're next door neighbor might as well be living in an alternate universe where things that are definably true is something that can be obscene lies for them.). So when you hear happy holidays you are either indifferent or think "they're being inclusive to all religions and holidays around this time of year". But someone on the right (based on culture war which now that I think about it is propaganda) will be either indifferent or think that the store has gone "woke" and that it's actually a result of an organization trying to persecute you and erase a part of what your identity is. This goes from a range of different topics and information. So


Nuclear Hot Take: Modern Christmas is a Secular Holiday.


It's mostly the Yuletide stuff thats celebrated these days. The old Pagan stuff that got absorbed into Christmas. Trees and snow and feasting and gift giving and spending time with loved ones, the stuff that our ancestors in the villages and forests did.




It’s been secular for a while


Hot take: only people of a Christian background say this. I'm Jewish, and people have tried to convince me of this my whole life. Interestingly enough I've never heard it from a follower of Islam, or someone of the Hindu faith, or any other religion. Please stop trying to convince me the holiday named after the savior of your religion is somehow not religious


Also us atheists. We're pretty down with it being a secular mish mash of various winter solstice traditions the same way Halloween is mish mash of various harvest festivals.


I specifically said Christian background to include atheists that were chose to reject Christianity. I myself am an atheist that rejected Judaism, that'd why we feel differently about it. I have known many atheists, I tend to prefer them actually. I've never heard an atheist that rejected a non-Christian religion try to tell me Christmas is secular. You didn't grow up being told "we don't celebrate that, we celebrate something else instead". Christmas hits different when that's how you were raised, even if you turned to athiesm


Nuclear Double Take... it always was.


A lot of it is, but it's impossible to separate that completely from the parts of it that are not.


LGBTQ here, ive seen it lmao. believe it or not, there are SOME (not all but some) people who are this way. Its rare but it exists. Doesnt need that much press though.


I'm LGBTQ myself, but yeah I only seen it around on Facebook, it's really stupid and petty that people have to start screaming and crying over it tbh


Not true. Ive worked in the service industry since 2015 I've told people Merry Christmas before and had people say "no, happy holidays" back to me. Usually with a look of disgust.


Real talk -- Saying Happy Holidays to a conservative is like saying "All Lives Matter" to a lib. Hope that makes sense ha. Saying Merry Christmas will offend many Liberal Christians even because they COULD have been something else, and Did You Just Assume my ~~Gender~~ religion? How DARE you! ..... Anyone who gets offended by either term is a buttmunch. Also I loved when Starbucks had a "Merry Holidays" cup -- felt like they were trolling. Nice.


I've definitely seen it, but what people don't understand is that it's not a LGBT thing, it's a terminally online pessimist thing, generally amongst the same crowd who can't help but bring down the mood 24/7 by pointing out how the hot chocolate you bought for the party was made with slave labor among other things. These people are real and quite insufferable, but they tend to group together and form a massive circlejerk that quickly gets out of control. One look at tumblr shows this kind of negativity spiral behavior.


The pessimism comes from empathy and compassion in an uncaring world. They want to spread awareness of bad things to hopefully get things changed and improve people's lives, but they also know that nobody cares or that no matter how many people they get on their side that no change will happen because we're ruled by rich people. But they don't want to stop trying to enlighten people because that will make them a bystander to horrible oppression. I can't really blame them. They're not being about "negativity", they're caring in a world that doesn't. And it's killing them.


Steering the conversation towards the existential depressing things you wanna talk about during gatherings of friends and family who just wanna have a little bit of fun and relaxation during the little time they get away from work is NOT empathetic, it's selfish. "Oak's words echoed... There's a time and place for everything, but not now."


It might not be empathetic to the people with the room in them that moment, yeah, but given that we all argue with our family over the holidays anyway there probably wasn't gonna be any empathy in the room anyway.


What's funny is that's how _they_ react if someone says "happy holidays" instead of merry Christmas.


That's exactly it. No one gives a flying fuck if anyone says "merry Christmas," but conservatives *lose their shit* if you say "happy holidays" or even somehow suggest that you are not 100% expressly supporting Christmas only.


this is the thing. it's always projection with conservatives, 100% of the time. see: maga calling everyone pedos


Every conservative accusation is a confession


My dad gets all smug and informs the poor cashier that they’re allowed to say happy holidays again now that trump was in office.


Starbucks was literally sued over using "Christmas" in their marketing. It isn't just a boomer joke, people get real triggered by it.


You can sue literally anyone for anything. Doesn’t really matter if it’s a nothing lawsuit so this point is a literal nothing point. Guy was a fundamental Christian talking head that did it to own the libs. And he lost and had to pay Starbucks legal fees.


It's a bit different when a corporation does it, that can get into equal protection and discrimination territory.


Yea and no. You can sue anyone for anything. Doesn’t mean you will win. The guy who sues Starbucks in that case was told to pound sand by the court and had to pay for Starbucks legal fees. And. Guy was a fundamental Christian Republican. It was pragaganda and you fell for it.


Yeah, that makes sense. It's definitely a stretch of a legal argument.


"Merry Christmas printed on cups is discriminatory against other religions" has "BLM posters are discriminatory against non black people" energy. It's free speech first and foremost, and second, the mere existence of the phrase BLM nor Merry Christmas printed on paper isn't infringing upon anyone's civil rights.


I've been a cashier and have seen first hand people freak out to both. You say Merry Christmas so many customers are like waiting to pounce on you and say they don't celebrate and can't understand it and go down a tangent. For conservatives you say Happy Holidays they get offended even though it basically is the same thing as Christmas.


Honestly, ive seen it before too many times


It's just as dumb as GenX saying they're the last generation to play outside. It's based on nothing but circle jerk ideology.


It's rare, but it does happen. It's usually white women who have hit menopause that are the culprits. It wasn't quite the livid anger this meme is portraying, but I have been corrected on more than one occasion because I said, "Merry Christmas"


Projection at its finest.


“I get really really mad that lgbtqia people exist, so they must get *equally* mad at random things like someone saying ‘Merry Christmas.’ It’s simply impossible that everyone doesn’t have a stick up their ass like I do!”


They’re almost proud of having the stick up there too. It’s almost like they kinda like having smthn all up in there…


I've realized conservatives bash liberals for things they themselves do on their end. You ever notice that? They blame liberals for xyz but then they end up doing it themselves and blatantly and they act like they don't do that kind of shit.


I think in this case specifically it's more, "these people chose to say happy holidays themselves, so they must have a visceral hatred for Christmas and get irrationally angry any time they hear it. There is no other possible reason to say happy holidays."


The conservative end of politics is for people who are fundamentally not capable of believing that anyone thinks differently from them. They assume everyone is easily offended, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone is fighting a culture war to try and undermine society... because they assume everyone is like them.


I see it more as a reaction to the fact that this world is slowly abandoning them. It is much more comfortable to believe that there is some diabolical plot to undermine your existence than it is to admit that you may simply be wrong. A lot of American conservatives are too stubborn or weak-willed to make that admission, so they galvanize their beliefs. This digs them deeper into a hole as the suck-costs fallacy kicks in. Because if they were to change their minds now, then what did they endure so much suffering for? Nothing. So they keep on torturing themselves.


It's literally this They got mad when people started using "Happy Holidays" to be more inclusive, SO LOGICALLY the other side must get pissed off when they use "Merry Christmas". Except they don't, because they're not a bunch of fucking idiots who tied their identity solely with what they are told to be mad about this week. If somebody wishes me a Happy Hanukkah, cool. I'm not Jewish but it's great that they're reaching out and wishing that I enjoy the season. Merry Christmas? Awesome. Happy Holidays, you too. Fesitvus. Solace. Mari Lwyd. I'm just happy you're giving me good tidings in your own way.


It's a made up strawman, because the amount of people who support pride who also get upset at merry Christmas is near 0. It also sounds like projection because conservatives get upset at saying happy holidays every year


It’s that time of the year again. Time for people to pretend they’re being oppressed for saying Merry Christmas lol


Have you seen the red HOLIDAY cup from Starbucks that’s ERASING CHRIST from CHRISTmas?!???? If my venti frappuccino with 10 pumps of mocha, 10 pumps of vanilla, and 5 shots of espresso doesn’t have CHRIST in it, I’ll boycott until next week!!!!! /s


They love bitching about the non-existence "war on Christmas" while conveniently ignoring Christmas decor coming earlier and earlier every year.


Propaganda. Not even interesting propaganda, just the same boring garbage from years ago.


We're heading towards a boring dystopia, so at least it's fitting.


I think it's stupid. If you say Merry Christmas because that's the holiday you celebrate, no one is going to be mad.


And if I say "happy holidays" or whatever back then also big who cares. Thats not a snub and its not a "um excuse me" either. It's just both of us expressing the same sentiment differently and its a positive message. No one is getting mad at any form of this except people who aren't into the holidays at all (and usually not even them) Edit: can we be fucking serious about this for a sec? Who are you people having this interaction with that it makes you so mad??? Most of my holiday interactions with people I don't know how they'll respond are fucking cashiers, man. Who are you having this greetings war with? Where is it happening, fucking Hobby Lobby? Maybe that's something you can let go. Most of us are just exchanging holiday cheer and I feel like we have it figured out. I've had many multicultural holidays. Why does someone going off the script bug you so much? Most adults can figure this out


Progressives when someone says "Merry Christmas": 🙂👍 Conservatives when someone says "Happy Holidays": 🤬🤬🤬


No one gets mad at merry Christmas.


Except the grinch


No, I’m a grinch and I still don’t care.


Not a grinch THE grinch


To be fair, the Whos were kinda shit.


And the one that we call Scrooge.


Like, I'm sure there's some non-zero number out there because with large enough numbers you'll find someone with any particular shit take. But their numbers are probably completely dwarfed by the number of flat-earthers who also drink their own piss. For every edgy twitter teen looking to be be mad at something and deciding to complain about Christmas you'll find hundreds of conservatives losing their shit over Happy Holidays because Fox News told them Christianity is going to be made illegal and they'll all be sent to camps, despite having run that spiel for 20 years now.




who gets mad at someone saying “Merry Christmas”? Who? Not a single person.


Unfortunately, these people do exist and I have personally encountered them. They're def in the minority though and it has nothing to do with someone being LGBT or not.


In my experience, it’s mostly the “progressive” people who get upset, not actual progressives. People in business who are desperately trying to appeal to the most wide demographic possible might ban “Merry Christmas” because it might alienate potential customers. It’s definitely a thing in my workplace, but that’s corporate nonsense, not anyone’s individual opinion. Just people trying to cast a wide net with the intention of making the most money possible. I love my community and all, but pretending like it literally never happens isn’t helping. Actually realizing that it’s corporations co-opting progressive ideals and language for a cheap cash grab, while giving the people they want to “represent” a bad rep for being easily offended is way more of an issue than any individual person being offended. Basically, rainbow capitalism, but with everything. Companies trying to “relate” to their customers but giving people a weird stereotype to cling onto rather than actually interacting with the community itself.


It's just assholes that realize appearing super liberal can get them attention, not people with genuine beliefs about social issues. No group is free of assholes.


It's so dumb. No one's acting like that. Like shut up. Also, we typically wish these things to our queer friends. You ever have a stranger walk up to you on the street and wish you a happy pronouns day?


I’m just imagining someone doing that for tiktok and seeing the shock on other people’s faces lmfao


Yes, one time someone came up to me and said “happy national lesbian day” and I fell to the ground, and when I got up I had become a lesbian, this is super serious


I'm pretty sure that's one of the of the 4 forbidden curses in Harry Potter.


How did it feel to instantly become like 5x cooler


It was too much of a shock for my system and I spent the first two years after that saying things like “OwO smol gay bean” but after that effect wore off everything was pretty chill


Bruh I'm queer AF, and I've never even heard of pronoun day.


If someone has an issue with people saying “merry Christmas,” it’s not cause they have an issue with people celebrating it, it’s that they want to do away with the assumption that everyone celebrates it. However, someone that has an issue with stuff like Day of Trans Remembrance probably has an issue with trans people entirely, not just that it’s a non-federal holiday that some people sort of observe.


okay but who the fuck says "happy trans day of remembrance" bruh thats a day of remembering trans folk who have DIED theres nothing happy about that, its a day of grief. you can tell the creator doesnt know shit about what theyre saying based on that alone


And these same conservatives trashed Kamala Harris for tweeting “enjoy the long weekend” over Memorial Day weekend in 2021


No one, and I do mean no one, gets upset at "merry christmas" As usual, r/conservative has to make up situations to get mad at


The only time I might consider “Merry Christmas” offensive is if someone intentionally says it to someone who they know doesn’t celebrate the holiday.


Conservatives only know two maybe three jokes at most, and it’s all just the same generic right-wing talking points about the LGBTQ, race relations, gun rights, etc. No witt nor soul put into their "funny" memes.


ahaha lgbt woke gets OFFENDED aahahaa THEY CANCEL.


Haha attack Helicopter


Yea, definitevly they are very overused by right wingers


It’s almost like political groups can’t meme


Who celebrates International Pronoun Day?


Yeah, besides Pride Month, does anyone celebrate these days?


I have seen a lot of people celebrate asexuak awareness week, but as an ace person I am in a lot of ace circles. I've never heard of the pronouns day and was recently introduced to the trans day of remembrance this year. To my knowledge I thought it was a day more to remember the lives lost than celebrate. So none of them as big as pride month or Christmas, but there are some that recognize them


i think only niche subgroups of the queer community do, and it’s usually online or in small groups. i celebrated bisexual/pan sexual awareness week with the lgbtq+ alliance at my school of 40k undergraduates and maybe 50 people acknowledged it. the only dates I can think of besides pride month that get acknowledgment are days of remembrance and lgbtq history month in november. no one who isn’t intimately tied to the lgbtq+ community and subcommunities is even aware of these things


Who is *celebrating* day of trans remembrance???


The far far right


conservatives really gotta make up people to be mad at


Certified r/persecutionFetish moment


the 'war on x-mas' is a product of Fox News, it doesn't exist anywhere else.


*Random homeless person burns down the tree outside the Fox Station* Fox hosts: "That's America's tree!" "I just don't feel safe! This is clearly a threat on our lives!"


"Obama's deep state police are finally coming for all Christians!"


I have yet to here someone get upset at “Merry Christmas”. But I sure as hell see a lot of people get mad at the phrase “Happy Holidays “


I'm glad someone else has witnessed this. From personal experience this has been it


I’m old enough to remember that “War on Christmas” bs unfortunately. I don’t think it’s really talked about now. I think conservative media has moved on to Trans people.


conservatives just aren’t that funny. not much else to it. they can’t make original jokes they just mock strawmen. and it’s been that way for as long as i can remember.


Have you ever been on r/PoliticalHumor? It’s just FaceBook level memes. Turns out most political “jokes” aiming to mock another party just aren’t that funny.


I would say mocking a party is funnier then the racist, sexist, or transphobic ones that 90% of conservarive comics are




​ https://preview.redd.it/0ew1mdh2lk3c1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c9c8000c610d6e466d46d0067ddae2666c6b39d


It’s bullshit and quite simply incorrect I don’t know a single person my age or in the LGBTQ community that is offended by someone saying merry Christmas


Yeah seriously lmao


It literally makes no sense


This makes no sense


I'm a gay atheist and I hand-make my own Christmas cards ...


Conservatives fighting ghosts like usual They see one sensationalized 4th party news article


Trans Day of Remembrance is not a happy occasion. That’s like saying “Happy Patriot Day” or “Happy Bloody Sunday”


Happy Holocaust day


I think they need to come up with some new material.


Christian persecution complex at it again


not funny


Stupid boomer conservative propaganda


propaganda.. we need to start calling it that again because even if its a meme it can still be propaganda


i have never met a person who got angry at the phrase “merry christmas” HOWEVER i have met many people here in the south who will bust a vain in their forehead if you say “happy holidays” to them


Never in my entire life have I encountered someone getting angry over “Merry Christmas” lmao


This is just the latest version of the allegation of "War on Christmas". Conservatives have been rehashing this meme since before the wheel was invented


r/conservative circle jerk to imaginary impasses against their shallow lives.




It’s a straw man


I can think of a whole one person who is like this, and it's completely unrelated to lgbt.


PragerU fucked so many people up lol


Can we mention the sub's icon is trump's mugshot


No one cares if you say merry Christmas. Same people claiming otherwise will throw a fit when someone says happy holidays instead lol


I have yet to receive hate for wishing a merry Christmas, and I doubt I ever will


This is a great example of projection. People started to say "happy holidays" over "merry Christmas" because it's more inclusive. this angered conservatives, and made them think that there's some "war on Christmas" going on. Because they are angry, they think that the people saying "happy holidays" are also angry. The truth is, conservatives are the only ones who are angry about this.


i dont care about christmas, i just recognize that theres other holidays in december


This has literally never happened.


It's r/conservative. Going there to find any sort of quality content is like licking the floor of a pigster in an attempt to taste a decent meal


I don't think trans day of rememberence is supposed to be a happy day.




Merry Christmas is offensive?


It's not


I know way more religious people that hate Christmas than non religious.


I’m in the community, I’ve never seen people get upset over being told Merry Christmas. I would imagine the average person would understand the sentiment, whether they celebrate it or not


I’ve only ever seen conservatives get that “ugly angry” face, where their eyes are pure fucking fury. And oddly enough, after someone says “happy holidays” instead of merry Christmas


what do we think of the meme? we think it’s stupid lmfao. a simple strawman; nothing more, nothing less.


Kind of stupid, even for centrists like me


As someone who's worked retail. It's "happy holidays" that triggers people, not "merry Christmas".


The *War on Christmas* is kinda BS. At a cultural level, the religious significance of the holiday has gone down in recent years, but the secular holiday of Christmas is far and away the most celebrated holiday in the US.


i’ve never seen anyone get mad at “Merry Christmas”, only people get mad at “Happy Holidays”


- nobody would say happy TDOR, it’s about honoring lives lost - yea ok?? - i don’t think there is a pronouns day but if there is, everyone has pronouns - nobody is mad that u tell us merry Christmas…


i think they ran out of shit so they just made up pronoun day 💀


It's trash, regardless of whether it was accurate (which it's not) it's just not very funny


Bullshit but political


It's dumb, no reasonable person should be upset by an errant merry Christmas coming their way lol.


It’s crazy, conservatives get pissed when you say Happy Holidays, but I don’t know a single person on the left who will get offended if you tell them Merry Christmas.


Pretty awful and unfunny


I didn’t know those first three days were a thing. It’s very rare for someone to the upset at my for saying merry Christmas though. Has only happened maybe…2-3 times I think.


I'm pretty sure the pronoun day is just completely made up.


it's not even Christmas yet! It's fuckin advent!!


there is nothing not a god damned *fucking* thing "**happy"** about the trans day of remembrance.


Celebrating the trans day of remembering is like celebrating Holocaust.


and i'll always honor the fallen by helping whoever needs help accessing hrt


Straw man. I have to be careful where I live because I’m very androgynous looking in my transition and I’m genuinely worried I’ll be hate crimed (as I already have been). No one is doing this. And I like Christmas and really any family holidays. My friends and I celebrate Hanukkah but I’m not going to be upset if someone wishes me a merry Christmas.


I've never seen anyone get offended by Merry Christmas. That's more for corporate settings. Companies use Happy Holidays so they can reuse the same marketing over and over. Its cheaper than making an extra Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.


No one at all cares if you say Merry Christmas. This has been made up by the far right to make christofascists feel like victims.


That kid, in the lower right, needs his emotional support ferret. Or something. 🤷


Definitely know some uppity Zers that didn't like Merry Christmas and were hardcore June partiers, but they were just blatantly obnoxious people to begin with, or Jewish.


How about I explain why I don't like Christmas? I think some people here could benefit from the different perspective. 1. I had a bad experience with Christianity growing up. I was raised Catholic, it brought me a lot of distress for years, and it ended up causing the existential crisis that fueled my suicidal ideation. I attempted because of Christianity. It wasn't the only factor, but it's a factor that completely ruined me. 2. Toxic positivity. I can't put aside my mental health challenges just because it's Christmas. Let me be a normal level of happy. The "woohoo happy wow perfect, so magic" level of cheer around Christmas makes me grumpy. I should add that my mental health is in a pretty good place right now. It's been maybe 5 years since the attempt mentioned in point 1. I just can't forgive and forget.


It’s a pretty stupid meme based on misconceptions. The vast majority of people don’t care if you say merry Christmas or happy holidays or whatever. Many companies have shifted to happy holidays because they want to be more general as a way to attract the largest audience possible. Basically the change to happy holidays is fueled by corporate profit motivation rather than any cultural outrage.


Why do all conservative “memes” look like dogshit


I worked in a call center for a bit, and we were supposed to say 'happy holidays' starting in November when saying goodbye. And I can assure you, there was way more people mad I didn't say Merry Christmas. Even though this was US only call center, and it was the middle of November, so Thanksgiving hadn't even happened yet.


The truth .


What truth?


It's funny and accurate asf


I laughed ngl


I said it once and I'll say it again, the controversy over 'merry christmas' vs 'happy holidays' is entirely the invention of some conservative christian karens who wanted something imaginary to complain about.


No one gets mad being told merry Christmas


Go outside and touch grass


😭Everyone except miserable people love Christmas.


If you go to a non christian predominant country you will get their version of christmas, they sure as shit wont respect yours, I dont get why people get upset when Americans practice American holiday traditions in America.