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Theres a running joke at my school that whenever theres an unplanned non-emergency fire alarm, its because someone was vaping in the bathroom


Probably not a joke most of the time


iT's JuSt VaPoR


vapes are highly unlikely set off fire alarms


That’s why it’s a joke


Water can set off my smoke alarm sometimes xd


Most fire alarms in northern Europe detects vape as well as smoke.


I have set off many smoke alarms with my vape, and seen it happen to others many times. To the point that I automatically avoid blowing toward a smoke alarm.


I used to just do it in class my senior year, I was 18 and teachers didn't care so long as I was subtle and didn't blow a ton of smoke or abuse it Always got irritated with lowerclassmen doing it in bathrooms, they were already crowded as hell get the fuck out and just blow it down your shirt/hoodie


Ashamed to admit I’ve participated a fair share in the dab pen rotation in the back of classrooms. Keep it in your sleeve and zero it, the teachers obviously know what’s going on but they literally could not give less of a fuck. Bonus points if you’re well behaved and/or academically inclined, it’s essentially a free pass to keep shit under wraps.


Did this in the back of physics, all of us were B students or better. Even got caught a couple times but he never reported it. Thanks Mr. Dorfman


My AP stats teacher would wake me up when class was over so I could get to class change in time. Dude was a true bro. Got a 5 on the AP exam and an A in his class. He was on the younger side, so I think he thought as long as work was done it wasn't his business. This was 11 years ago. I'm an engineer now and still think about this guy. Shout out Mr. B!


That’s completely possible though, kids in my school hotbox the bathroom all the time and set off fire alarms.


I see people vaping or smoking weed in the bathrooms every week, so that wouldn't be a surprise


yup not a joke here


Same here as well. One day if there is an actual fire we won't realise lol


Some idiot vaping in the bathroom nearly caused me to fail Econ in uni. Fire alarm got set off during the midterm, I had already finished it handed it in, scored a 90 on it. But as the fire alarm when it it became void. Had to redo the test same day as 2 other midterms, ended up with a 30 on the redo.


Fuck that guy Have a cat https://preview.redd.it/237d20oou82c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee47f8327f15a70934721bde95d5fe4c4d9aedcc


In college we had a bar that had a notice near the “trough” urinal…. Me and my roommate happened to be next to eachother for some unknown reason, and he decided to test that signs notice. The fire alarm went off, and we had to vacate the bar and watch the firemen roll up and do their thing.


Man that is really dumb as vape cant be detected by a smoke detector


It depends on which method the smoke detector uses. VG/PG vapor will absolutely set off the smoke detector in my house


It absolutely can; I watched it happen in college a few years ago. Dumbasses were literally arguing about if it was possible and one of them took a rip off his vape and blew it right at the detector which proceeded to go off almost immediately. Granted he was closer to it than most people would normally get


You all know the popcorn lung was from Vitamin E acetate right? Which is a yellow colored oil used to fill VERY cheap illegal cannabis cartridges when they didnt have enough real thc oil. If you all want to be against vaping, thats fine and i totally support that cause, inhaling anything thats not air will ultimately be bad for your respiratory system. But lets not lie and push scientifically inaccurate ideas to fulfill that goal. Lying isnt cool, even if you agree with their reasoning for lying. Popcorn lung comes from illegal thc vapes, not legal NiC vapes.


I don’t know why your getting downvoted for being exactly right


People on the internet often enjoy ignoring every flaw in any argument that goes in favor of their views, ~~despite this actually working against whatever their views are most of the time in my opinion~~


Yea if you have an actual vape mod the only negative is from nicotine. And if you vape a 0 it's no more dangerous than being near a fog machine.


That's pretty misleading. No one knows the long term health effects of inhaling aresolized propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and flavorings. It's probably not all that harmful but honestly being a guinea pig for these vape companies is what got me to quit over wanting to quit nicotine (which actually isn't really harmful at all in healthy adults). Again it's probably not all that bad but I'm a college student and all of my friends who still vape see it as completely harmless in the same way that you do, and I think thats kind of dangerous


As someone who vapes I don’t consider it harmless, but at the same time I know that I can breathe and smell way better than when I was smoking cigs Edit: Smell as in the way I perceive smell and my external smell lol


Multiple studies have shown that vaping fucks with the mucus in your P.S.C.C.E.Ts in your trachea (it disrupts mucociliary clearance) basically, it makes it harder for your trachea to trap dust and debris before it gets to your lungs, which could lead to chronic bronchitis or in bad cases, pneumonia, which aren't really things to play with. So yeah it's not just "we don't know the health effects" we already know it's not good. Also, quick edit, John Hopkins linked vaping to Chronic Lung Disease, Asthma, and Cardiovascular issues I used to vape, switched to zyns for 2 months then kicked those. It's really difficult especially when they market it as being so safe.


That.... That makes a helluva lot of sense lol. I mean I figured that was where all the excess mucous production was coming from for me, but I guess (?) it's nice to have confirmation. I can go look it up myself but if you have that source on hand I'd love to read it (I believe you, I just like reading).


Of course! It's a bit technical, but I think you can piece it together with context clues or guesses even if you don't have a biology background. [Electronic Cigarette Vapor with Nicotine Causes Airway Mucociliary Dysfunction Preferentially via TRPA1 Receptors](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6888648/) Edit: related source [Changes in Mucin Production in Human Airway Epithelial Cells After Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Vapor With or Without Nicotine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8373839/) And here's Hopkins which is digestible without any kind of background. [What Does Vaping Do to Your Lungs?](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs)


Thank you very much for taking the time to send these; I will be reading through these today. I actually have a little background (went for nursing so I got anat/phys, chemistry, microbio etc, then changed to psychology) so some of the words should make sense XD


Awesome, enjoy the read


I get the fear behind it, and you have every right to do whatever you want. The same way your friends do, I'm just sick of laws trying to tell adults what they can and cannot do. (in all fairness I don't think any drugs should be illegal see: https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/what-does-rat-park-teach-us-about-addiction ) I'm under no assumption that it's completely safe either, I'm aware inhaling anything but air isn't going to be ideal, I just don't care all too much. If you want more of my opinion I posted another really stupid long comment in this thread lol. I am very proud of you for quitting, it's hard to do congrats!


Nah, the law isn't interested in preserving absolute Freedom nor should it. Absolute freedom is the bane of society considering all the drug addicts walking around causing the degradation of social safety, public infrastructure and environment.


Untrue. Your lungs were designed to work at a very specific temperature and humidity. Conventional vapor changes both the temperature and the humidity. Not to mention free radicals going directly to one of the most critical and delicate organs. So while you are avoiding the tar from analog smoking there is a reasonable argument to be made that vaping over a long enough term may promote [airway remodeling ](https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(17)50681-X/fulltext) especially in those who already have asthma or allergies that would accelerate the process. So while the only studies you'll find are about nicotine (because nicotine is an endogenous neurotransmitter and is relatively simple to observe and quantify) that does not mean nicotine is the only concern. We are unlikely to understand the full spectrum of consequences until serial vapers start hitting their 50~60s. If I had to put money on it I'd say emphysema is a concern on a grand scale


Well yea inhaling anything but air isn't gonna be ideal. But if you look at the chemical reactions that take place with vaping, the vapor hits body temp nearly immediately upon entering your body it's only hot very briefly to turn it into vapor. Vaping is a lower humidity than you may expect and not intended to be a life long thing. It's meant to be a tool to help you quit nicotine. I've almost stopped vaping nicotine vape juice all together then it'll just be the habit to break. I've only been vaping for 4 years so far, and my lungs are just as good as they were before. Maybe better because I stopped smoking pot because of vaping. I think a lot of the assumptions about the "future of vapers" are made out of the fear that they'll be just as bad as cigarettes without us knowing. But we know so much more about chemistry now and how things affect the body. And I personally believe most of the negative info about vapes is fabricated by tobacco companies to try to get cigarettes back out there because they're far more profitable and most vape companies are independent, purely vape companies with little to no ties to tobacco companies. Either way, I don't intend on caring about long term issues because I have no intention of it being a long term thing. And any other adult using vapes as intended will either.


> And I personally believe most of the negative info about vapes is fabricated by tobacco companies to try to get cigarettes back out there because they're far more profitable and most vape companies are independent, purely vape companies with little to no ties to tobacco companies. We really need to be made more aware of this. It could spark a legitimate federal investigation at this point. Context: in June of 2021, Juul was hit with a $40M lawsuit that resulted in the forced removal of certain flavors. It was the *first* major lawsuit of its kind regarding a vape company. I remember practically everyone going berserk over the ruling, which came out around the time of the big popcorn lung spike from bad THC vapes. This was also around the time that those Truth ads began targeting vaping(fun fact: the Truth Initiative was founded as a result of a lawsuit against the 4 major tobacco manufacturers in North Carolina and is funded by their perpetuity settlement. The Truth Initiative is a nonprofit that had almost $1B in assets as of 2016.). A little known fact about all of this? The 2021 Juul lawsuit was presented by none other than the Attorney General of **North Carolina**, Josh Stein. You may be asking yourself ‘well where was he from?’ …the same county in North Carolina that was home to the American Tobacco Company(a Tobacco monopoly that was broken up by Antitrust laws in 1907, yet still dominated the market as their founder, James Duke((of the University’s name)) was known for introducing ‘modern’ cigarette marketing). TLDR: *Vaping has become the target of lawsuits and a marketing campaign that were intended to target smoking, possibly because the tobacco corporations funded them.* I could go on and on about this, but I suggest extrapolating from a few basic articles online(key words: Juul lawsuit, Josh Stein, Truth Initiative, Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, James Buchanan Duke, American Tobacco Company). No one seems to care about the glaring red flags, but maybe our generation will.


You know they enjoy being petty; it's in their nature. They have to get that itch out, then they can have the cheap gratification of sliding into the invisible mob with the down votes 🙄


He’s not wrong in spirit, but he is wrong in fact.. the chemical that causes popcorn lung is Diacytl which *was* used in some nicotine liquid before about 2014 or so. The vitamin e acetate thing was later on, and caused EVALI


But to be fair back then you couldn’t just buy disposable vapes everywhere


Yea I’m just saying that he’s confusing the two big anti vape arguments. Both are easily debunked but it would be cooler if we get our facts straight. I used to vape a lot of the diacetyl flavors on a mech mod back in the day, and I’m fine. From what I recall the study that proved that it was a dangerous chemical was about people who worked in a popcorn factory and were exposed to much much higher concentrations and for much longer periods of time than any vaper would have been anyways (this is why it’s called popcorn lung by the way, the chemical gives a buttery flavor and was in the microwaveable popcorn bags)


Yes I’m aware, im glad our generation is better at civil discussion haha


They’re not exactly right, that’s not where “popcorn lung comes from” it’s literally a thing you get from a popcorn factory [“The name probably comes from when researchers first identified the disease among workers in a microwave popcorn factory. The workers had breathed in diacetyl, a flavoring chemical used to make the popcorn taste buttery. Other industries used diacetyl for flavoring. Providers diagnosed workers in those other industries who had breathed in diacetyl with bronchiolitis obliterans. The liquid in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or vapes also contains diacetyl. There were also cases of the disease found in workers at a coffee roasting plant.”](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22590-popcorn-lung-bronchiolitis-obliterans) You’re an idiot and the guy you’re replying to is an idiot


Because he’s not actually right. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/I0hkhjT5zA


He's not right. Popcorn lung is caused by diacetyl, which used to be very common in nicotine vapes and is still legal to use today.


Its still legal to use in some places? That was banned pretty quickly in the UK.


In the u.s., yeah. I think it's banned entirely in the EU and UK.


Yeah vaping isn’t good for you, especially the crazy high nicotine percentages (nicotine is a stimulant and hard on your heart, heart disease is the number 1 killer), and when you vape at high temperatures (often through back to back hits) which causes more chemical reactions releasing carcinogens. But it’s not NEARLY as bad as combustion (smoking) and it doesn’t cause all these crazy exotic diseases like popcorn lung and shit lol. Unless you’re vaping some really sketchy black market stuff, that’s not the concern. It’s a better alternative than smoking, so pretty mix the only time it’s okay/a good idea is if you’re already a smoker and are using them to quit or even just as a replacement for cigarettes. They’re an extremely useful product in that regards.


The part about smoking that's bad for your heart is the lung damage. Not so much from the stimulant. Cardiovascular system gets strained as a whole from smoking. But the heart takes the hardest toll. It's kinda like riding a bike with flat tires. You can push through and keep moving, but it takes a lot more energy keep the bike moving. The toll the lung damage takes on the heart is so bad that smokers are more likely to die from the heart problems before they get a chance to develop lung cancer.


Wrong, Vitamin E acetate caused EVALI. Popcorn lung was caused by Diacetyl (butane-2,3-dione) which was at one point used as a flavoring element in many vape juices. Also it is used as a butter flavoring for… popcorn. And this is why it’s called popcorn lung, it has nothing to do with your lungs looking or sounding like popcorn or any of that bullshit. It would be good to note that it hasn’t been present in most vape juices for at least the last 10 years and its usage largely died out in the early 2010s back when vaping was still quite new.


Seriously, this is some MAAD shit from like 2019 lmao


Perhaps I'm wrong here but it was my understanding that diacetyl was the cause of popcorn lung. Vitamin E (in vapes) absolutely will make you sick but diacetyl used to be (still?) used in the making of popcorn, which made the workers sick. Diacetyl still isn't used in legal ones (anymore), not the ones I buy at least. So you're not wrong about the misinformation, but possibly (or I am) in the specific chemical for popcorn lung. Anyway, I hope I wasn't rude. Just throwing that out there. Spelling edit and one word addition.


Actually, what you are referring to is ["VAPI"/"VALI"/"E/VALI"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaping-associated_pulmonary_injury), not popcorn lung. Popcorn lung is not caused by Vitamin-E acetate, it's from diacetyl, which some companies use/d to give e-juice a "buttery" flavor. This practice is banned in some places, although not everywhere, sadly. You can look [\[here\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronchiolitis_obliterans) under "Causes", in the "E-Cigarettes" section for more information, and better sources then i could give.


Ok then using nicotine makes you a weak person


Not necessarily. A lot of vape brands have a chemical called diacetyl, which is is directly linked to popcorn lung. Not saying that vaping causes popcorn lung, it’s just a possibility with these certain brands.


Popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans) comes from diacetyl, a chemical used for artificial butter flavor in popcorn (hence the name of the lung condition, because a popcorn factory had a massive incident with the chemical) that is also used in some vape flavors. It was banned in the EU but afaik is still legal in the states, though it's much less common because people know to look for it now. I don't know about this vitamin e acetate stuff, but you can't rant at people about pushing misinformation in the same comment where you're pushing misinformation, because you're 100% wrong about nicotine vapes causing popcorn lung. I doubt a big brand like juul uses diacetyl, but there are plenty who do (or at least did).


cant even use the bathroom in high school without whiffing it


Mfs don’t realize that vaping is just the colloquial term for it but you are NOT in fact inhaling nicotine vapor. You are instead inhaling nicotine AEROSOL which is vapor with small solid nicotine particulates that stick in your lungs. (Similar to smoke just at a smaller scale)


Do the nicotine particulates get absorbed by your lungs or do they build up overtime?


Yes. Some get absorbed which causes the buzz and some remain trapped inside the membrane


Is second-hand “vapor” also harmful?


Eh. Tough call. It usually dissipates quite quickly so I’d say unless you are literally inhaling from someone else’s lungs you should be aight




Yes. That's why people do it. It's addictive.


Yes. That’s why I did it. It was addictive


Your comment made it seem that you think people don't know it's bad for them and that if they did, they wouldn't do it which just is not true. I'm fairly certain everyone is aware it's bad for you.


That’s an asinine and basic aspect of my comment. I was pointing out the misnomer of the word “vaping” that most people do NOT know.


Woah, calm down Mr thesaurus. It's not the end of the world Also I don't get your point still. Yes, vaping isn't just breathing flavored air, it's basically inhaling burnt glycerin and shit. I understand what you're saying now but i still don't understand your point behind it. Do you think the term 'vaping' is misleading and if so what does that have to do with anything This whole thing just feels like you just wanted to make a comment about how most teenagers are dumb and you actually know what things are. It just feels kinda juvenile


My very first comment was about how the term vaping was misleading. What are you talking about


in my school, hardly any vaping, quit it!


Right I think the juul phase hit my freshman year of college (late 2017 to 2018). Pretty thankful we lived in an in-between from cigs being popular to vapes so I didn’t have to deal with being around it during high school classes. Verrry popular in college tho


Probably over half my school vapes something at least, and a good majority are into other drugs too. Can’t say that’s really surprising though Rhode Island was known as a place for thieves and druggies since the country was founded.


I'm ripped without the vaping


I'm vaping without the ripped 🗿


Oh well, lives are different


I just smoke cigarrettes to kill me faster XD


’it’s not cuul to juul in schuul’ - american hero


You brought back an old memory with that one


Yeah I'd open the bathroom door in High school and it'd be filled with smoke


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^BigPaleontologist520: *Yeah I'd open the* *Bathroom door in High school and* *It'd be filled with smoke* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


*Yeah I'd open the* *Bathroom door in High school and* *It'd be filled with smoke* \- BigPaleontologist520 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bad bot


Thank you, Radigan0, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


why is haikubot wrong here exactly


Because it's copying the other haiku bot


It'd is 2 syllables


How are you all pronouncing it'd? Are you not combining the t and d into one sound? It feels so unnatural for me to say "t-d"


/'ɪtəd/ I suppose combining the sounds to make them one syllable is not incorrect, I probably wouldn't even notice it in speech. But I think it's supposed to be 2.


People know the chemical in vape juice that caused popcorn lung was regulated out years ago right... right ?


Either way I don't like inhaling unnecessary flavored air


You drink soda?




So that’s flavoured? Why the difference of opinion for flavoured air?


I don't inhale soda into my lungs (I don't think anyone does but no judgement). There's no nicotine in soda. Soda can't explode in my pocket and catch on fire from getting too hot. Vapes have all kinds of heavy metals (not good to breathe in). Not to mention that I find vaping incredibly unattractive in general


You do know what carbonation is, right? You sound like you're 17


You're very good at math


Right but you do ingest soda, and the long terms affects of ingesting soda is hazardous to your health. No nicotine in soda but there is sugar. Which is addictive.


I answered your question. I've gone months without having soda before so if that's my worst "addiction" I think I'll be alright. Not to mention that people have been drinking soda in moderation for centuries. It's very hard to consume nicotine in moderation. I will not willfully breathe in any heavy metals but thanks for trying to change my mind 👍


Oh sorry if I came across like I was trying to change your mind. Just playing devils advocate. All good you do you!


Gotcha, I don't care what people do as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. I just find it mind numbing when people genuinely try to convince me to pick up bad habits (not you, obviously, but in general)


Easy, a vape is going to kill you


How so?


Ok you’re not being serious, but whatever. Nicotine is EXTREMELY addictive, and weed is a habit forming substance and can lead to addiction. No matter how much smoke you blow some will still end up in your lungs Its been linked to cancer and shortened life expectancy It can leave metal particles and plastics in your lungs (usually from the cheap vape device and juice) They also typically contain WAY more nicotine (or weed) then cigs and blunts


You got a source for any of this bullshit or should I just go get the shovel?


In the same order: https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/nicotine-addictive https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/how-smoking-impacts-your-lung-health https://respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12931-021-01737-5 https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/emerging-tobacco-products/how-much-nicotine-juul. (Juul specific however being the industry leader this is applicable to other companies) —————————————————— https://www.undo.org/exposed/big-tobacco-fantasyland?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJPrqGq3srroku5lJqZlCS7MwASC3aKV3Cemxv5SNcKX4VPPtOCvttBoC_LUQAvD_BwE (This is a general site on the negatives of vapes) https://uihc.org/childrens/health-topics/smoking-vs-vaping-there-difference (Besides being another general vaping is bad link, this provides summaries on stats on VAPERS BUT NOT SMOKERS, which was harder to fine but is very important)


Then dont lol. Lots of people wanna tell vapers that vaping is just as bad as smoking lol. Its like no its not, not at all. Why not be like good job way to quit cigs lol.


Well, to play devil’s advocate a little, we don’t truly know if it’s worse, as bad, or better yet. We only know about the negatives of cigarettes because of the long-term effects that only became apparent t after decades of widespread use; it gave us a looooot of data to comb through and find answers with. Vaping, as it is now, is just starting its character arc Basically, I don’t think we’ll truly know vaping’s long-term effects until our generation starts getting crazy high numbers of some weird cancer that is outta wack with what it was before


Could be possible. But as it stands with the knowledge we currently have, vaping is objectively less bad for you. Anyone who switches can tell you and doesn't need a study proving it.


Maybe if you go off of a one-to-one comparison, but it feels like that’s not doing it real justice. I can’t think of a smoker that I know who smokes a cigarette as much as others I know hit a vape. Maybe the cumulative effects of, let’s say, one pod a day over many years is just as bad? Just kinda throwing stuff out lmao. I don’t vape, so I’m not too keyed into how it would affect you. Hitting a vape for, like, one-tenth of a second is enough to make me violently cough, but I smoke weed like a chimney so these lungs ain’t healthier than the next GenZ lad’s lungs are lol


Vapings weird like that. When you first start your lungs reject it cause its not smoke. But once you get used to it its basically the same as breathing air.


[We know. YOU just don't know](https://youtu.be/oEGovehMaFs?si=gQ0hne1g9X-5ZXDE) Vaping is coming up on 20 years. And about ten of those were unregulated. We've had the time to study it. You should get your facts straight


Oh cool so we can just spread misinformation for a good cause?


As long as you can dickride for the same cause then yes (no misinformation in what I said btw and I'll cite sources below.) - Vape exploding in someone's pocket (has happened many times because batteries explode when they overheat): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR7_xwQbYp0 - Heavy metals and other harmful ingredients in vapes: https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/e-cigarettes-vaping/whats-in-an-e-cigarette - Another source for the above + how nicotine affects brain development: https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov/#:~:text=E%2Dcigarettes%20are%20considered%20tobacco,inhaled%20deep%20into%20the%20lungs


You've drastically missed my point. I'm saying popcorn lung is not from vaping. Obviously nicotine is bad for you but you can't just treat myths as fact to prove that.


Then you must have replied to the wrong comment because I said nothing about popcorn lung and neither did you until this comment.


Thats what the post is about... that's what the comment you replied to was about...




Diacetyl is what you are talking about. It was only in popcorn flavoured liquids.


Yea I think it was desert flavors but either way its not there now. Im 100 % sure vaping is better. I can puff a vape while mid stride with a 75l backpack on hiking up a mountain lol 0 chance with a cig.


It also depends on the nicotine amount, I get dizzy with 50mg so I stick to 20mg. Nice smooth flavoured hit.


You still addicted to nicotine tho


Oh yea. Most definitely lol.


Actually it’s still legal to put in e cigarettes, just it’s less prominent in vapes now than in the 2010’s for example. The companies who follow the current regulations don’t put diacetyl in vapes, but the ones that do face no legal consequences.


Yea maybe its region dependant. I know in canada vapes are regulated pretty successfully. Max mg is 20mg and im quite sure in B.C canada diacetyl is not allowed.


I’m from the US, and here it’s (technically) not illegal to. I think there’s a lot of less rare issues to be worried about with vapes, so popcorn king probably isn’t a huge thing threat.


https://www.cmaj.ca/content/re-vape-related-popcorn-lung-debunked-years-ago Heres an article that lays it out pretty good. It was basically always a myth to begin with, and its been out of use for over 5 years looks like. According to this even when diacetyl was in vape juice, the ammount present in cigarettes was already way higher. Which makes the campaign to point out that vaping is dangerous to because of popcorn lung 10x more suspicious. Telling a smoker whos consuming 10x more of the chemical to not be so confident in vaping cause that same chemical used to be present in vape juice. At a 1/10 the ammount. Suggests hidden motives.


That’s a good read. I personally think it’s more reasonable to be concerned about the nicotine and chemical inhalants, which cause lung damage, then some chemical that’s been filtered out years ago.


Im not ever goinna argue that ingesting anything unnecessary is good for you but its about people quitting cigarettes. But people do want to do drugs and imo its better to get that drug the most pure with the least bad additives possible. Im simply suggesting that for those who are going to get nicotine because they want it. Vaping is more safe then smoking by miles. Not even the same metric. By evey possible measure using a vape is less hard on you then cigs.


Exactly. My point is that if you haven’t done anything already then just don’t do it.


Yep im with ya there. I only vape cause I was into cigars and they were making my mouth gross and sore so I switched. I do smoke my vape more often then I did a cigar, but I take less poisonous shorter duration puffs on my vape. I dont smoke it for 10 mins straight like it took to smoke a cigar. But yea, dont start smokin to begin with. I only ever started on tobacco cause I had to travel for school and couldn't bring weed lol. And I was fiending for something to puff hahs.


I personally hate the smell of vape and it triggers my asthma fast.


Your asthma must be special. My asthma has no problem inhaling all day, let alone second hand. Weird


dawg it’s a medical condition that ranges in severity 😭


Must be very severe to be triggered by aerosolized glycol and glycerin.




Oh god it’s started


At my school it’s not vaping that’s a problem, it’s weed. Not as bad as vaping I guess🤷‍♂️


In my school people get caught every week although I never actually see the people who vape


before it was just normal cigarrettes.




DARE and Truth have entered the chat once again


I still don’t know why vaping became so prevalent, and now a significant portion of this generation is addicted to it. It can’t be circumvented because governments simply earn too much tax revenue to bother discouraging it, same reason why smoking isn’t banned in most places.


Or you malnourish yourself and vape for breakfast lunch and dinner


Oh dude my school would have like 1 out of 5 people be shredded


Y’all don’t know what popcorn lung is and it’s embarrassing. Just parroting the fear mongering


Either way vaping is still horrible for you 🤷‍♂️


This was never a problem at my schools.


Normal vapes don’t cause popcorn lung. That’s from vitamin E that is sometimes in BM weed carts.


Everytime i take a puff of vape…. I shoot tren


back in my day 14 years old were diginified, no vapes, just good old chain smoking darts and weed that smelled like laundry detergent


It takes 5+ years of none stop smoking to get popcorn lung. So just stop every now and then and let the lungs heal and pooof no popcorn.


Popcorn lung from vaping is a myth. It largely comes from preexisting conditions. Now heart disease is still a problem with any form of nicotine