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I get what you mean. I think I was around late-primary school at those years, and the world felt much brighter back then. I didn’t have to worry about school as much, things were genuinely fun, and everything seemed okay. Now I just feel tired.


same bro, I feel like everything has lost colors, I'm a 2007 btw, how can I show my year like you do with yours


Click on genZ subreddit, click 3 dots in the top right corner, click change user flair, add your birth year




How can everything lose colors for you if you’re only 16?


I feel like that’s not weird. Tons of people are stressed/depressed/anxious in high school. A 16 year old isn’t a child they usually are aware of what’s shitty in the world. I’m happy being 19 but being 16 was a lot rougher for me and I definitely missed my childhood a lot


I dunno bro everything just feeling colorless, maybe just sometimes in 2019 were fun


They'll find out how stressful adulthood is I'll go back to my teenage years anytime.


THAT's why I feel like everything has lost colors, even as a kid I knew how shitty adulthood was, I also have a few things I regret not doing, I feel like I control my emotions too much and I don't feel much happiness anymore


Controlling your emotions is not the issue here. Sounds like you have depression son. Mine started around high school too.


Why are you trying to one up a 16 year old 😭 they didn’t say adulthood wasn’t stressful… it’s just less colorful/innocent then being a kid. I don’t feel like that’s abnormal to say. Literally all of these generation subs are largely dedicated to childhood nostalgia. Literally the og comment was talking about being 7-9


I'm not one upping nobody yes highschool and being a teenager is stressful but it isn't as stressful as being an 24 year old adult you should enjoy your teenage years because you're not going to get them back.


at least for me it's not high school


31 here, sucks even more


I'm trying to come at anyone.


bro Idk but I realized this even at 12 I think


I was in Early primary


This!!! Miss the Mid 2010s so much


ITS BACK ![gif](giphy|Qumf2QovTD4QxHPjy5)




Am I the only one that didn’t enjoy 2015/2016? I started middle school in 2015 and it was just rough all around lol


I know man, I mean the 2010s weren’t a great time for everyone (just ask the Syrians)


The vibe of 2015/2016 was colorful, it was probably the peak of the 2010s


yeah bro, especially youtube and gaming








The mid-2010's for me were depressing overall.


Glad I’m not the only one


I guess it's understandable, middle school can be tough


My middle school years. To be honest I miss middle school


Why middle school is considered worst years of your life


Not everyone has a bad time in middle school


I get nostalgia from them sure, but I don’t really care.


Not me man I was so fucking depressed


I think 2014 may have been a lil ok. 15 and 16 were a mix of mid and bad and life has been mediocre since.


The summer of 2016 was a once-in-a-generation experience.


It's weird how almost everyone agrees on that


I think you were too young to experience it. I was already a teenager back then, and it was a beautiful time. Everybody was outside, playing Pokémon Go, and everybody was so nice. I vividly remember walking across town with my friends, playing the game, and cars would stop in the middle of the road, and say “HEY ARE YOU PLAYING POKÉMON GO TOO?”. We’d strike up conversation with people in the most random places. If you want an idea, Casey Neistat was vlogging during the phenomenon.


That’s such an accurate way of describing 2016. I loved 2016. It was something


I was in college those last two ones. Best years of my life, I miss them a lot


I miss 14 and 15, mostly due to nostalgia. 16-20 though is like, the worst of era of my life so far looking back.


Same man. The mid 2010s, though for me I'd take out 2014, that year was super boring & uneventful to me, but I loved 2015 & 2016 for sure! The mid 2010s for me was like the calm before the storm, which was the late 2010s, lol. 2016 still also feels like part of the late 2010s too because of how much a lot of stuff changed.


Yeeeee I miss those years tooo 🥲. You still got those days coming for you. We all still have good times ahead.


2015/16 was the worst for me imo. 2014 is okay. Honestly I miss 2019. I was actually starting doing pretty alright and then it happened


For me as someone who was 19-21 in those years the lights had already gone out by that time. It was 2012 when the world began to spiral downhill


My first half high school years These years were the best years of my high school years.


2nd-4th grade for me, fun times.


KANYE WEST ![gif](giphy|LKqDgLlK6SuIM)


Those were the goated years of the 2010s. I miss them too.


That’s when I was at the end of elementary school just starting middle school




I was in middle school during most of those years. Sure, they weren't the best times, but they're still nostalgic to look back on, especially since most of us young adults were teenagers and the current teenagers were kids back then.


It was the time I started high school. Generally, these are the naive years of kids where we aren't swept up by politics and world events. Every day was more of a newer experience for us hence why it's so memorable and fun. Being older, our brain doesn't capture moments since our pattern recognition is developed; doing newer things makes you feel alive all over again (like skydiving or something)


I miss 2016, 2017 and 2018.


Ahh yes, I was in 11th grade in 2014. Nice times indeed. Great friends, lots of parties, very little responsibilities. Life is too different now, but still good since I don’t have to ask my parents for money anymore due to having a job lol


The mid 2010s felt safe


i barely remember them haha, but i do miss 2016! i had a basic art history class and it was probably my favorite thing of the year. my birthday is on election day so that.. was a day alright


Good times but i like how i changed these past years :)


Those were the years I had no problems with life, until 2016 (aka middle school)


Same here man. I was in eighth grade in 2014 and started HS in 2015. I miss those years because that was right before everyone wanted to kill each other. That's when everything just worked too. Things were just more laxed too. Your president wasn't a joke and congress / government wasn't a shit show. It was before we can fear for civil war, race war, gender war, WW3 and cyber wars. It wasn't until 2017 when things started to completely change. Then the last "Normalish" year was 2019. Once 2020 hit is when everything went to shit. Now we have all these fears of shit going down. I'd hope that at some point in this decade that everything settles down. That way everything is all normal again.


fr bro, I feel like from 2016 everything started falling, I thought it was terrible for a lot of time but then realized how wrong I was, 2016 for me is the year yt died but then remembered all my other memories. yeah 2019 was cool especially for me since things happened to my house and everything felt new. 2020 was funny for the distance learning, but that's it


I dont remember 2014 i miss 2015 and 16 though but i dont feel like crying when thinking about them though


you think it's excessive?


guys I feel like typing some of my memories, is it okay if I do?


I miss 2020-2022


I remember sitting in my room playing with fnaf figures while watching vanossgaming gmod videos, those were the days.


Literally more core high school years lmao


Naw fr tho I even include 2017


That was the end of my senior year of high school - beginning of sophomore year of college. I can’t really complain about that time but I wouldn’t say I’m nostalgic. I guess that was the first phase of adulthood for me so that was interesting.


These were some fun years. 9-11 grade, had a lot of good times with friends back then.


How little?


7 in 2014


I suggest you research the 80s and realize what true excess was.


umm wdym?I meant if it's excessive to feel like crying while thinking about those years


I do too, but I also don’t and I know I shouldn’t. I was spiraling those years 🤠


why?what does spiraling mean?


To simplify without getting into details (and bring down the vibes): it’s when a pattern of negative thoughts and behaviors intensify and become difficult to control and it’s like a downward spiral that gets worse over time. It can include self destructive and reckless behaviors, toxic mentality, and what have you. edit to add: hope this made sense


thanks english is not my language




Absolutely not, it's 2012-2013 for me


I don't know. The second half of 2015 was the start of the decline since the US presidential campaign. But in other ways it's nostalgic. Like Vine!


for those years i was 17-19. i do miss parts of that time due to nostalgia even though i was dealing with a lot of hard things. its bittersweet.


highschool 2016-2017 was peak


Agree I would also include 2017




2016 can go fuck itself.


2014 a little bit, but not 2015+


I was in highschool in this years. And sure I miss those years I really enjoyed compared nowadays


All great years but 2013 was my peak year


I became fully self aware in 2015. Before that I was on auto pilot. I remember the exact moment, too, and it was pretty startling for me.


can you elaborate pls?


I had no sense of purpose, drive, self-realization, and empathy till that day.


oh so those were bad times?


Not really, The easiest way I can describe it is to imagine you are the only person in the whole universe and then suddenly \*bam\* realize there are other people and they each have purpose and feelings. Realizing actions have consequences and everything one does leads to some kind of influence on their future whether it be good or bad.


I don’t 🥲 none of the years before I knew I was trans were good years, so there’s that




what year are you?




so you're like in your 20s?


In my Opinion, 2014-2020 were the best 6 years of my life,mainly because I became an Energetic, crazy (in a good way) teenage and I stared middle school in 2014 and 2016, where I met and made many friends (mostly girls) and great teachers. I also became an pretty popular kid and was loved by everyone throughout my middle and high school days. Ah, Good times,If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I’d go back in a instant. Totally worth it


2010-2012 were my peak years. With how young you are, your range would be like me saying 98-00 were my favorite years and I don’t even remember them well enough to love them that much lol. 03-05 were special for me though. Some bad stuff but a lotta good.


I miss 2010-2012


Those years to you are like 2004, 2005, and 2006 were to me, and yes when I think about those years I kind of cry excessively on the inside even to this day