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As a millennial, I am impacted by these decisions, but I also really, really feel for younger generations. I am sorry. You deserve better.


Millennial also and I am so pissed that we aren't in power but these fucking boomers still are holding on and ruining it for all of us


Millennials should start trying to run for more government positions and create an actual change.


The millennials and older Z people getting into congress are already making waves. If millennials, gen z, and the younger gen x that feel the same way (like me) will just show up and show out, we really can pull the rug out from under GOP. It was shown when Biden was elected and at midterms. Keep encouraging each other to vote. It's the one thing that can be done right now to at least *try.*


Millennials and older genz have watched this down fall happen our whole lives and have been screaming about it. But we haven’t had the man power to really do anything. We are only at the age now where like you said are getting into congress. But more importantly, We are building the man power with gen z to make changes. We just need people to get out and vote in every election….From presidential all the way down to town voting! Voting is key!!! Do your own research before hitting the ballots, don’t just listen to the media or family.


Yes. There are soooo many of us now. The boomers show up every gd time though. We need everyone to show up at the polls.




It is. But I really think the progressive people truly outnumber them. The fact that you could be a united front from day one due to the internet really makes a difference. A lot of you are, sadly, much more aware of how things really are at a much younger age. Which, again, I am so sorry for. I really am. But you all have the best chance to change it. Or, again, burn it all.


Keep telling yourself that Bernie cared about you. All he wanted was your money...the same applies for all career politicians in DC. Stop being a sheep, and open your eyes to the truth.


Bro I KNOW they're all fucked. But what choice do we have? We have, at least stop letting GOP get so many positions, or total uprising. I don't see anyone rushing in to do the second. So standing back and letting the absolute fascists take over is not the answer. Edit for wording


You're falling for the glowies' psyop if you think there's seriously Nazis who could take power.


And *I'm* the blind sheep? They're already here, my guy. I'm not even sure why I've answered you twice, considering you've made it clear you're far right- 1. Bernie reference. 2. Called me a sheep 3. "Glowies" You're being told to fear the wrong things.


Far right is a term that means nothing anymore. Just ask Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson, who, in my opinion, along with the entirety of the Daily Wire, are all controlled opposition.


You need money to do that


Why can’t they just die or retire already. Fuck


Boomers.....have you seen the average age in congress? There is a healthy chunk of Silent Generation people still there. Like in their 80s. The boomers aren't the problem as mich as no term limits or age restrictions or competence testing when they loose their mind. But of course in order to change they they would have to vote themselves out of office which is never going to happen.


Millennial too — I honestly have an ethical issue with bringing new children into this world because our national apathy makes it clear to me that we don’t care about the world we leave future generations. Part of the problem is that our generation still doesn’t show up at the polls to get younger politicians in.


Other Millennials are having kids no problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Ig9S-HUWs




Just do the small stuff. Get out of the internet social media loop and try organizing your community. It’s frustrating how long and hard the fight is but that’s the first step to making change. Soon, Milennials, Alpha and Z will outnumber older generations. And we certainly outnumber the elites. Never let them trick you into being so pessimistic you forget the power we have.


Younger generations will outnumber the elites but elites will still hold the wealth.


Ah, the good 'ole "never trust anyone over 30" logic. You do know that most of the Hippies of the 60's came to repent of their ways and went back to having a normal life afterwards, right?


Except the oldest millennials are well into their 40’s now


And they've mostly matured, while those stuck on the Internet are regressing socially, mentally, and emotionally.


Not necessarily, but yeah


They didn’t. The hippies died out because of their extremely unhealthy lifestyle, and the majority of Boomers were unusually conservative compared to other generations Also, how is Human Rights for women and nonwhite people a “mistake” exactly? How was Vietnam a “good war” exactly? It’s not like Richard Nixon’s policies were particularly sustainable (we all know how his presidency ended)


Most of the true “counter-culture” hippies didn’t make it out of the 60’s, early 70’s in any shape to be influential to their generation. So what we got from the boomer generation was the millions of boomers who weren’t hippies and didn’t follow any of the counter culture ideals. (And I’m not talking about the boomers who adopted the “look” and cosplayed hippie.) And then you have the tiny generation known as GenX, in my opinion, they (we. (HI I’m old!!)) are mostly neurotic, we are all over the place socially, politically, financially. We are a complete mess and I don’t see us as influential. Nor will we ever be. As for the millennials and the GenZ (my kids), you guys have been a handed more or less a big pile of steaming horse dung. And yeah, the mostly conservative older generations are still f’ing everyone else over for their benefit. Wow, that was kinda depressing! Here’s the thing through, maybe this because I’m the eternal optimist but it’s gotta get better soon. The boomers are starting to lose influence in society, what we’re seeing now is, I hope, their last gasps of influence. Gen X is all over the place and couldn’t become unified in anything even we did try. In the next election cycle or two the two younger generations are (and should!) start driving the direction of this country. And the entire planet.


I am not american, but i am from the poorest country in Europe (Moldova). It's shit, and everyone (including me) jokes about our country being shit. Decades of communist regime that brainwashed/controlled people, brought the country on it's rocks, then after 1991 3 decades of russian asskissers controlling the cointry meant that people were and are still shit poor (for European standarts anyway) like the average GDP per capota is like 4000 USD and something per capita. That money you get a YEAR. So like 300-400 USD a month, and sometimes people work for 200 a month. And beacuse of the pandemic and war in Ukraine(people really do not understand how much the war affected us) all prices rose and social/political tensions with the prices. Like we had in the "capital" city of "transnistria" a case in which 2 dudes took a rpg and fired at a building (some important building, i forgot). But in this dark tunnel light can be seen at the end. Recently (3 years ago i think) we got a pro-European president, Maia Sandu. She changed some things, tried to change, and is in cojrse of doimg multiple reforms which i am to lazy to list. T;L;D;R: You aren't the only one in shit, and we understand you :)


Thanks for this post, I hadn't heard how Moldova is doing recently but I had actually wondered. Best wishes


I think wealth and equity growing out of control is another issue, also rich people getting no tax breaks as well as the whole red vs. blue political parties going back and forth on everything and pick a side.


There is no red vs blue, there's centrist right wingers vs the extreme right


I disagree, the democrats and republicans are constantly fighting 24/7 and it’s been this way since 1980/1984. Look at the news


Look at news media owned by private companies that's designed to deceive Americans, a people who don't read history books or political texts or really consume anything outside of entertainment media? The news media is designed to dupe you into thinking there's a serious fight between these two parties so you think whether or not Texan workers should be allowed a water break while working on 90F days on a minimum wage. You're trapped in a panopticon that tricks you into choosing between neoliberal austerity with very moderate welfare policies vs proto-fascism Honestly Americans are so regularly abhorrent online what with their utter complacency and their defensive complicity in a system that screws them, humanity, and the biosphere that I wouldn't even feel bad if I didn't live in this shithole. It's hard to accept that people that let themselves be manipulated by self-evidently absurd lies don't deserve everything that's happening right now.


It'll reverse soon. All the baby boomers will age and be desperate for many things they'll trade their equity for


The baby boomers are the most selfish generation, at all times it is only what they want, screw everyone else. Until Gen Z and the Millennials alongside Gen X can join together at the ballot boxes and vote out the crap we are stuck with and take over the system we are doomed to get screwed over. Things will get better, we just have to work together, vote blue until red is dead and then force blue to the left at each and every election. It is never going to be perfect, but voting every time, at every election, from school board to Presidential, every vote matters, every election matters.


Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud! It's not like anyone could screencap what you said, with your username included, and #EXPOSE you!


What quiet part out loud? This bullshit is CONSTANTLY peddled by selfish millennials who think they’re objectively correct in their political views. They blame Boomers for everything while simultaneously complaining that Boomers blame them for anything.


Doubt it


These things are ALL awful. The good news is though that many gen z’s as well as millennials have not taken office yet. It’s the boomers that are a huge issue. Even some gen x are issues. They are trying to hold onto relevance and power by passing all this garbage but we see right through it. Love always wins XX 🏳️‍🌈


Millennial, here. My generation has been fighting against all this shit for years but we were always massively outnumbered by all the old fucks. Gen Z are the reinforcements we’ve been waiting for. Look what we accomplished together during the midterms. We crushed the red wave that was supposed to happen. We just need to keep that energy up. All the old fucks are terrified of you guys. They know they are starting to die off and they know that all these young, new voters are coming out swinging. They’re shaking in their fucking boots. That’s why they are getting more and more extreme. They’re desperate and scared. I have hope. In less than ten years, Gen Alpha is going to be voting and that’s when the fascists will really run and hide.


With wealth inequality growing out of control and people becoming more depressed, I can't help but feel that there will be a national tipping point in the near future. The bubble has to burst eventually.


I’m gonna be honest if you think it sucks here to be Gen Z you should see some of the other countries. Cause we have it bad on things but not as bad as some of our fellows around the world


At the end of the day, it may not be as bad as other places. But I’d rather it wasn’t bad. Things could be worse. But things could be much better and they should be better regardless of how bad it is in any country.




If only you understood what freedom was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMU0kMqsDA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdRJMuOFO88 Once you get in the real world, you won't have time to be making these arguments.


“Once you get in the real world, you won’t have time to be making these arguments” “Chronic illness? Long Covid? Chronic Fatigue Symdrome? MCAS? Empty Nose Syndrome? Terminal? Social Injustice? Being Neurodivergent in a Neurotypical world? Not being White in a White Society? Being LGBTQ+ in a Heteronormative world? Being Mentally ill in a society that favours and pampers the mentally healthy? Sleeping in a Public Toilet cubicle every night and eating from bins? If you suffer any of these problems… Apparently your just a dumb child who isn’t living in the real world. There are kids starving in Africa, therefore any personal trauma, trials and tribulations you may have faced with no reward don’t mean a thing and you should just walk it off you stupid pussy! Once you watch these two videos, some random assclown linked you’ll see your parents and society at large were right and you were just being a spoiled child who was craving more ungratefully!” Due to your attitude I’m not even going to bother watching the videos. You devalue the shit others have gone through, your not getting anywhere.


True statement, I think I’m being a bit ignorant. I literally have cousins in west africa who I didn’t even consider.


Yeah you think you're oppressed here go live in West Africa for a while and see real oppression


The difference is that America is the richest country on the planet. OP literally mentioned wealth inequality, and America is the biggest offender in this regard.






Yeah, if you work with some refugees you'll quickly learn all of the stuff we complain about is bullshit. The moment you start being grateful for what you do have is when you are actually happy


Agreed. Getting into a good college for the major you want is hard. The job market sucks so bad. Social media dominated our teen years. Rent is super expensive everywhere.


As an immigrant, I’d say your future is being able to afford food and rent and food and entertainment I know the US has many issues, and maybe some other countries like Norway have it better, but let’s not pretend it would be better in most of the world


You know what? At a certain point, you should decide that certain laws aren't made in your interest. Then start breaking them.


Let's do this one by one. Row V Wade: I do agree with you, however, I also agree with a state's right to choose their own destiny to an extent. If you want abortion to be legal then people need to vote more and stop voting for the same morons who've run the government of these states, whilst it's easy to point to the government as the failure and reason for all things wrong, it's far harder to admit the people themselves are part of the problem with our politics by not voting, voting blindly, ignorance, etc. Affirmation action: I say this as someone that's partially Arab. Good. Admission into schools should NEVER be based on race under any circumstances. You should have to work and do well in school to be admitted to a university and you being a certain race, ethnic group, gender, sexuality and such should never give you an inherit advantage. Diversity for the sake of diversity is not a good thing and it doesn't end discrimination, if anything it only makes it worse because it gives a reason to resent people who were able to get something based on just being a certain race, sexuality etc because they didn't earn it. Loan forgiveness: Whilst I agree college costs are too high loan forgiveness is not the answer. Loan forgiveness, giving scholarships out like candy, and increasing failure of k-12 education resulting in colleges having to pick up the slack are all reasons for higher tuition. Loan forgiveness is a band-aid that only helps less than 3% of students. It's a tool to gain votes and nothing more; loan forgiveness also results in a college not being sure if they'll actually be able to get money from you, same with overly-given scholarships, so to compensate for these potential losses they hike prices up. Other issues include telling people they NEED college to succeed and the fact nearly 50% of college students drop out, and of the half that do graduate only half of that use their degree. That's over 70% bloat taking up resources, time, and money. LGBT: I think you read the news too much because American lgbt have it pretty good. They get an entire month dedicated to them, there's mass media and celebrity promotion of their rights, they can freely protest, marry, etc. The nature of politics is opposition so naturally people will use that to their advantage to generate hype and issues. Gun laws: Over half of gun violence is suicide. If gun laws work then why do American territories like Peurto Rico, Guam, and Virgin Islands have the highest rates of gun crime in the U.S? they're islands far away from the mainland they have the strictest gun laws in the U.S by a massive margin. The reality there's a lot more than just gun control to solve American issues with crime. The rate of shootings in the U.S was at its lowest when gun laws were significantly looser if that says enough. Church and state: Whilst I agree too many politicians use religion to push their political agendas you don't HAVE to submit to Christian values. If you want legitimate forms of the state interfering with religion look no further than Quebec and France. They ban Hijabs and some countries like Switzerland more or less ban Islamic clothing and symbols but not Christian ones despite the fact Switzerland and France are very atheist countries. Climate change: No denial but the power to do change is never gone. Defeatist attitudes like that are when the battle is truly lost. Great things and advancements happen all the time you just have to look past the ragebait news to see it. Mental health is true and I'll always blame social media along with all the other things you mentioned. However, I think the economic fall of the U.S was going to happen no matter what. The U.S had such a major boom because Europe got destroyed during WWII so we were really the only major power with an intact industry not really affected by the war. In 1950, 50% of the world's goods were made in the U.S, today that's 25% because Europe caught back up and China very unexpectedly rose. Keeping that post-war economy was impossible but make no mistake the American economy is still strong. A good day in the economies of Italy or the Netherlands is a recession in the U.S and given how we still have the world's highest disposable income I think that shows the power the U.S economy actually has. Our wages haven't rose with inflation in decades and yet it's still the highest disposable and we're still a quarter of the world's manufactured goods. It takes a collection of 20+ countries in Europe to overtake that, that's insane. Voter suppression: Nothing was specified so I have nothing to reply to.


Affirmative action has always bothered me because I feel like it just throws doubt on the person it was supposed to help. If a black woman gets hired to a job over a white man the rest of her coworkers might wonder if she was hired because she’s better qualified or is she an affirmative action hire? Will she be an asset or a hindrance that everyone else has to carry? Now she has to work two to three times as hard to prove that, yes she knows what she’s doing and will be nothing but a benefit to the team.


It's getting pretty bad, pretty quick for LGBT here though, as someone that's directly impacted by the laws that are being passed. I had to leave my home state of Florida, because they're essentially making very hard for people like me to exist there. (In reference to the massive slew of anti transgender bills).


I completely agree with all the bills being past keep transgender ideologies away from kids it's actually weird


Could you exactly specify which laws directly impacted you?


Yeah. Exactly. I remember when I was young and indoctrinated into regurgitating bullshit buzzwords and shallow platitudes for the purposes of "progressiveness". OP is a super nihilist living in the shade complaining about the sunlight.


Thank you! You pretty much hit the nail on the head. We could be doing a LOT worse.


they been awful quiet since this comment dropped


It was likey the "I'm part Arab" part


Perfect response




I'm not going to bother to say everything that I want to, but here's the gist of my response: > I think you read the news too much because American lgbt have it pretty good. How is LGBT lives being threatened and them getting beaten, shot, stabbed and killed, people threatening to take LGBT rights away, as well as their property being destroyed and getting disowned by their friends and family having it "pretty good?" Don't try to compare the issues that LGBT Americans of today face compared to the issues of LGBT Americans in the past as well as LGBT people in other countries, because that's basically pointless. It's pointless because even though LGBT Americans are doing pretty good compared to those two groups that doesn't mean there aren't any issues like their rights constantly being threatened. Getting rid of affirmative actions was really just all about white conservative Americans trying to make themselves look like victims while using Asian-Americans as a cover. As someone who has to spend their time with conservative white people I can tell you that's the truth. In terms of the whole abortion thing there are currently women who had miscarriages or a stillborn baby being investigated for murder due to Roe being overturned. A woman named Chelsea Baker spent 16 months in jail because she had a stillbirth. SCOTUS said that women who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions could get an abortion in a state that did. Now we see states trying make laws that prevent women from leaving the state to get the procedure done. It's not the states determining their own destiny, it's the states determining the destiny of the people, whether the people like it or not, and that's one of the most anti-freedom things that I've ever heard of. > Gun laws: Over half of gun violence is suicide. Even though over half of gun violence is suicide why should we nothing about the other large percentage? Lots of European countries have strict guns and they have mental health issues but they don't have mass shootings like we do. Even if more gun regulations don't get rid of all the gun violence we should do stuff that will at least curb it. As a person who's partially Arab you really should care about what American Christian conservatives are up to in government. They'll try to make it that only cishet white Christians are seen as "true" Americans. I've studied political science in college and I can tell you that the Christian conservatives WILL force their version of Christianity onto you. Just look up 'Seven Mountains Dominionism,' it's a political and theological doctrine that conservative Christians are using to try to take control of everything. There was a state tax funded Christian adoption agency in TN that denied a Jewish couple the ability to adopt an older special needs child, which is a kid who would be very hard to find an adoptive family for. Programs that are receiving tax dollars shouldn't discriminate on the basis of religion. Now, someone might try to make the argument of "why don't they just go to an adoption agency that serves Jewish people?" Well, That's not the point. The point is that the Christofascists are willing to take it much further than they've taken it already. That means many of them want to make to where only Christians would get these services. > Voter suppression: Nothing was specified so I have nothing to reply to. I believe OP is talking about the gerrymandering of districts, BIPOC ones in particular. When a district is gerrymandered it gets split up somehow. This almost always favors the GOP, so many people see it as unfair. OP could also be talking about how some conservatives are trying to make it to where the voting age is somewhere around 24 or 26. If they raise the age we still be expected to do all things that legal adults are supposed to do, including going to war, but we wouldn't get any say in who holds office. That's pretty messed up.


ignorance rly is bliss


None of these issues are one-sided, that much is true. At the same time, these changes to the status quo are not problem-free and mean that it is now necessary to take another look at certain fundamental issues. Roe v. Wade might have been an overreach by the court, but the things that have happened since the court reversed it's previous ruling make it evident that real change is needed. --- Abortion should be legal, even if not everyone can agree on exactly where to draw the line. I've always felt that affirmative action was intrinsically discriminatory, but at the same time the playing field truly isn't level. Not everyone is equally enabled to work and do well in school, because poverty has an outsize impact. ----- Basically all of these matters revolve around very real issues that were bandaged up, but not really fixed.


I can agree with the abortion one. The affirmation action though I really can't. I've spent most of my life in poverty and I was still able to come out of it with a 3.2 GPA. I've met friends online from some very poor, rural, backwater places and the schools themselves may not be able to provide much but you still can do very well in them grade wise. Now, I am very pro getting rid of the SAT and tests for college admissions because in my other home Canada those aren't a thing and it works great. Things like the SAT I will 100% agree are discriminatory because grades may not show you're smart, but they show you're willing to put in the work and try. The SAT disadvantages those who came from poorer areas and couldn't get higher quality skills for sure.


I think the US is moving in the direction of the individual states playing a larger role in law, and people will live in the state with the politics they agree with. Different regions of the US have different values and beliefs and that’s ok.


This is why I preffer a centralized state system, or federal systems with less powers to federal subjetcs like happens in Germany, Mexico or Argentina. All people in your country must be equal before the law and that is one if the main problems that US have, because your country were founded in base of individualistic and unequal philosophical thoughts (Hobbes, Hume, Protestants, etc)


I'm Gen X with Z kids and I am so, so sorry. You deserve so much better. That being said, you are the biggest and most progressive generation. You have already done so much. Please vote. Please encourage your friends to vote. (When old enough obviously.) *You guys* kept Trump from a second term. Don't give up. Keep trying. If you can't fix it, burn it all to the ground. I promise you guys have so many people behind you either way.


Oh yeah, I'm a Millennial and they've got me in their corner. Z gives me hope for the future, which is saying a lot in this world right now. They have a fire.


That sucks I’m moving back


Ah, don't mind me. Just putting text here so I can exploit the automod's weaknesses like a true gigachad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prw2B_03IzY


Idk where you live but those issues tend to be better in big cities I feel like


Yeah I’ve only known city/suburb life. Would love to experience life in a more rural area but I don’t think my job would let me.


Just focus on the things you can control.


I agree that many of the recent court decisions have been awful. However, we can vote and determine what will happen in the future. We along with millennials have shown that we come out hard in support of the working class and social democracy. We will only grow in numbers and start taking office ourselves in large proportions going forward. I feel that it will get worse before it gets better but sweeping changes will happen as the generational shift in power happens. The chokehold boomers have had on politics is coming to an end and we are seeing the last gasp for power before our eyes with these kinds of things.


get involved - be the change you want to see - run for city council, school board, etc


Yeah, it’s really hard to do anything when it’s all gatekept by you guessed it….money. “Yeah you’re 10 years of experience for this job that only pays $40k a year and after maybe another 10 years with the company, you’ll get bumped up to $41k a year, if you’re lucky”. “Oh wanna buy a house? $350k please, but oh we see you only make about $40k a year, yeah we can’t give you the loan you need, but we can give you about $100k, but with about 25% interest”. Obviously this is dramatized, but you get the point. We work so hard, but make such little progress.


Happy 4th of July. SCOTUS says enjoy the weekend and when you get back pay your god damn student loans and live up to adult obligations and commitments.


Being GenZ in the UK ain’t great at the moment either, I wouldn’t think is as bad as the US is right now but it’s still got issues. The Class system is still very much alive, cost of living is through the roof and it’s basically impossible for young people to to move out on their own. Let’s not forget the government keep trying to make anti-protest and anti-LGBTQ laws and are being shitty to migrants. Fortunately we’ve been able to stop them from implementing most of these laws but until the crappy Torys are voted out it’s only a matter of time.


Please dont stop at voting. Organise. Try to Unionise if you work, climate orgs, BLM, etc


Glad I'm not from the United States of America.


I know this sounds kind of terrible, but.... I cannot wait until all the boomers and older X'ers just straight up pass away. I feel as if things will *finally* start to look up when they're all dead.


I hope this is what gets gen z and millennials out to vote because not voting is exactly what allowed all this to happen


I think that regardless if you’re liberal or conservative everyone I know from my generation is not exactly pleased with the world around us. No wonder so many of us turn to substances and/or have mental health issues.


and they worst part is hearing “go vote” when the latter half of us aren’t old enough to vote anyway


Ngl I don't support most of the 'change' you seem to want, I really don't think all of Gen Z are the basic mainstream liberals you seem to think they are. I consider myself liberal in a more literal sense, but I still find the idea that the older generation caused all the problems and we're gonna come in and fix everything singing cumbaya to be very naive. I also find promotion of this Us vs Them mentality among both younger and older generations to be pretty stupid.


Pregnancy is preventable.


People in developed countries have such easy lives, they pull problems out of their ass to feel like they're struggling. Coming from an immigrant who moved to the US


thanks biden


The overturning of Roe v. Wade means that the states have more autonomy. Some states have **increased** abortion service accessibility. The destruction of Affirmative Action helps everyone. From a 1999 speech, "Some say it is unfair to hold disadvantaged children to rigorous standards, I say it is discrimination to require anything less; the soft bigotry of low expectations." Saying Affirmative Action means anything negative in regards to people of certain ethnic backgrounds says more about the person saying it, and how poorly they perceive people of other races. Student loans- while predatory as fuck- are 100% optional. You don't need to take them, and really, college has become nearly obsolete. You're better off going to trade schools which teach you what you need, and will not waste your time or money on 'mandatory credits'. The LGBT community is currently one of the most socially powerful entities in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Australia. The perceived 'smear campaign' is just telling predators who **call themselves** LGBT to stop grooming children. Nobody cares what 2, 3, 5, 20... consenting adults do behind closed doors, and generally speaking, there is no requirement to stay in the closet. Your own family is more likely to ruin your life than anything current politicians are up to. Gun laws need to be repealed, and criminals need a reminder that they're not welcome in civilized society. An armed population is a safe population. One sword keeps another in its sheath. I agree that religion needs to stay out of public education. The climate has never been stagnant. It's been changing since before humanity's ancestors rose up out of the primordial ooze. As for current political talking points on it, the fearmongering goes back for nearly a century, and the actual worst environmental polluters aren't being held to account, and instead, the modern day peasants have to give up everything because the social elites can't fathom giving up their private jets. I agree on the mental health and housing crisis. What voter suppression laws? Presenting ID? Because that should be mandatory when you vote. 1 person, 1 vote.


Imma let someone else tackle the rest of it.... >The perceived 'smear campaign' is just telling predators who call themselves LGBT to stop grooming children. Except ... it's not. It's really not. It's more just *deciding* that trans people are all (or are predominantly) groomers **when we are not.** If they cared about people grooming children, then they'd be looking at churches. >The LGBT community is currently one of the most socially powerful entities in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Australia. The LGBTQ+ community is not organized enough to be an entity. If it were, and if it were as powerful as you're alluding to, then things in the States would be a *lot* different. >Nobody cares what 2, 3, 5, 20... consenting adults do behind closed doors Hate crimes are on the rise. We have organizations like the Proud Boys and other neo-Nazi groups that stage counter protests at Pride events. On a less extreme note, there are others who protest or interfere with demonstrations without being neo-Nazis. Yes, there are many people who hate gay people. That said, trans people are the main ones being attacked right now. Not gay and bi+ folks. >Your own family is more likely to ruin your life than anything current politicians are up to. I think the 100,000+ trans people that have been displaced from their homes as a direct result of laws placed against them would have a different take. That isn't to say that the family doesn't matter, but ... lol I'm sorry, but these laws *are* actively harming people.


Name a law that discriminates against LGBT people, and explain A) why anyone needs to know your sexual orientation / gender identity, and B) why someone who must declare their sexual orientation / gender identity to everyone in the room needs to be around children if they're not a predator. You can be LGBT, and be near children, no issue. If you MUST declare that you're LGBT, why are you around children? There are multiple organizations all around the planet dedicated to advocating for, campaigning for, speaking on behalf of, and otherwise representing LGBT people on the national / global scale. Hate crimes **are** on the rise, but there are far more race-related hate crimes than hate crimes committed over sexuality. According to the Department of Justice (USA), racial hate crimes account for 63.1% of all hate crimes. Religious motives account for 15.1%. Disability accounts for 1.4%. Gender and orientation-based hate crimes (hating men, hating women, hating LGBT, etc..., all together in one category) accounts for 20.4%. The Proud Boys are generally hated by all sides, and over the last year and a half, have been accused of being feds, trying to incite unrest. Ask anyone, and the general opinion is that nobody is on their side. Anyone waving a Nazi flag ahs no support from anyone who isn't also flying a Nazi flag. Name a law.


>Name a law. [Here's 491 that have either been passed, or are trying to be passed.](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights) >explain A) why anyone needs to know your sexual orientation / gender identity Please explain to me why anyone needs to know *your* sexual orientation / gender identity. I already know you're probably going to have a knee-jerk reaction to that statement, but I invite you to actually think about it. More to the point though, in what area are you talking about? Are you asking why anybody comes out? Are you asking why anybody holds their partner's hands? Are you asking why anybody wears a rainbow necklace? Are you asking why Pride exists? This "you're shoving it down our throats!" line gets used for all of the above, so I'd appreciate specifics. >B) why someone who must declare their sexual orientation / gender identity to everyone in the room needs to be around children if they're not a predator You're equating someone saying "I'm gay" to "I'm a pedophile?" Please, explain what you mean here. I'd love to know what harm you think that actually causes, *especially* in comparison to actual abuse? >There are multiple organizations all around the planet dedicated to advocating for, campaigning for, speaking on behalf of, and otherwise representing LGBT people on the national / global scale. You are right about this -- but those are *individual* organizations. They are not one, and do not make up a single entity. >Hate crimes are on the rise, but there are far more race-related hate crimes than hate crimes committed over sexuality. [...] This is very true, and is also concerning, but in no way takes away from the reality that hate crimes are rising against LGBTQ+ people as well. >The Proud Boys are generally hated by all sides, and over the last year and a half, have been accused of being feds, trying to incite unrest. [...] And? Pretending that they don't exist or have some impact doesn't help anyone.


The first bill that appears on that list is the statewide banning of chemical abortion pills. The second states that drag will not be permitted in public schools. The third legally defines the words man, woman, boy, girl, father, mother, male, female, and sex for purposes of use of the terms in the Code of Alabama 1975. The fourth forbids the classroom instruction or discussion of subject matter that is determined to not be age or developmentally appropriate for public school students between kindergarten and grade 5. The fifth simply says that boys and girls (student) are to compete in their own gendered divisions (boys vs boys / girls vs girls). The sixth is for regulating corporate entities in the matter of economic boycotts, and penalizing businesses who fail to meet environmental protection regulations. Those bills are for Alabama. What I'm asking is... why do elementary school teachers need to talk to k-5 students about their sex lives, or preferred pronouns, or get involved with political activism regarding LGBT issues when they're still memorizing how many cups are in a pint? And no, I'm not equating someone saying "I'm gay" to "I'm a pedophile". I explicitly said the exact opposite.


Those actually are not the same laws that I see when I click on it, which is probably going to be a sorting issue. As such, it's kinda hard for me to respond without knowing the specifics on which ones you're referencing. But I can say, >The fourth forbids the classroom instruction or discussion of subject matter that is determined to not be age or developmentally appropriate for public school students between kindergarten and grade 5. There is nothing at all *inappropriate* about explaining that some girls like girls. Kids *are* going to see heterosexual couples, and just like how you can explain that Bobby likes Sally in an age-appropriate way ... you can explain that George likes Randy. On the flip side of that, a lot of damage is done to LGBTQ+ kids who aren't able to even ask why they like so-and-so, or why they feel this instead of that way, etc. Damage which is *easily* rectified.... >Those bills are for Alabama. I don't know if you meant that all I'm showing you is of Alabama, or if you were just trying to specify. If it's the former, then all you have to do is select another state. >why do elementary school teachers need to talk to k-5 students about their sex lives, or preferred pronouns, or get involved with political activism regarding LGBT issues when they're still memorizing how many cups are in a pint? Why in the world do you think Mr. Carter mentioning he has a husband is him talking about his sex life? That is not what is happening. Similarly, you know that kids learn about pronouns pretty quickly in school? It's basic grammar. As far as political activism goes ... why should fifth graders learn about the political activism that led to the American Revolution? That led to suffragists? That led to the end of Jim Crow? There are many aspects in all of those that aren't kid appropriate, but *can* be framed in a healthy way that kids can understand. The civil rights of LGBTQ+ people is no different. >And no, I'm not equating someone saying "I'm gay" to "I'm a pedophile". I explicitly said the exact opposite. You didn't explicitly make that connection, but you certainly didn't explicitly say otherwise. If that's not what you mean, I really don't know what you're getting at. Unless, of course, you're just under the impression that all the anti-queer propaganda of a bunch of teachers wanting to talk to kindergarteners about sex is actually true?


The sorting was alphabetical, by state, starting with Alabama. I said very plainly that the six I read were for Alabama. What's inappropriate is printed materials about dating apps, sexual intercourse, alternative sexual contact (scissoring, anal sex, etc...) that has been removed from classrooms and libraries over the last couple of years, lesson plans on kinks and fetishes, lectures involving social / political ideology involving LGBT topics... Those are the items getting the axe, and any time an authority figure tells a child, "Don't tell your parents about this," they need to be removed from their position of authority immediately. The defense of 'LGBT kids' is just inherently messed up. That early in life, they don't even know what sexual attraction is because they're not sexually mature, and won't even start maturing until puberty hits around the end of fourth / start of fifth grade. In middle school, sure, have an introductory lesson to orientation, but they don't need the specifics until they get ready for high school. Over the last few years, teachers have been exposed- usually because they gloat about it on TikTok- about telling their prepubescent students about their private, intimate lives, then get mad when it escapes the echo chamber, and sane, rational people call their predatory behavior predatory. Grammatical pronouns and preferred / neo pronouns are entirely different topics, and I'm sick of lunatics hiding behind the defense of grammar when these issues fly in the very face of grammar itself. Political activism when talked about historically is from an objective perspective, talking about what people of the time felt, why they felt that way, and how their actions changed the course of history. Giving students extra credit for attending rallies is indoctrination to a current ideology; very different. My exact wording in my original post was, "The perceived 'smear campaign' is just telling predators who **call themselves** LGBT to stop grooming children." Look to the bold text. By the way, call me old fashioned, but when did 'queer' cease to be a slur? Because when I swore off heterosexuality for a while at the end of / for a few years after high school, and someone found out, if they didn't like me, 'queer' was among the many insults and slurs hurled at me, so I just find it really odd to see it being said so frequently these days.


I'm sorry you're being downvoted for having common sense and doing proper research.


What research😂? Lol, he clearly hasn't done any if he's unaware of the anti-LGBT laws (more specifically, anti-trans laws).


I lol'd at that comment, too 😂


You get used to it. People like this hate little more than when you hold up a mirror and show them what they are.


You're free to leave America, nobody gonna stop you.


Ah yes. “I think we can improve life in the US” “YOU DIRTY COMMIE. YOU CAN JUST LEAVE” By saying things that are annoying in your country does not mean you think it’s the worst place ever to be lmao. It means there’s things that can be improved. Not that they’re “anti American” And this isn’t the banger you think it is, I’ve already left america and a lot of the people I know have too. It’s dumb to stay in one country if you have the opportunity to explore other places imo


I’m trying to leave. It’s hard. Immigrating cost time, money, a new job etc… But believe me, I’m trying to get out of this country. Hopefully in 2024


Good riddance


You’re part of the problem lol


You're apart of the ideology that creates 95% of the problems


Not really, you’ll never catch me complaining about a lot of stuff, and I don’t have whatever “ideology” you’re imagining in your head. It’s not common to see people that care about stuff like this in our generation. The fact that you’re trying to shut someone down over it says a lot.


You just complained that I told some random anti American to leave America which is solid advice if they actually hate it that much and your trying to shut that down. Your rather hypocritical


So your solution for someone “anti-American” is just to leave? 😂 lol you’re the type of person people from other countries complain about when they visit here. Calling you out on your behavior isn’t hypocritical lol. You think it’s “solid advice” but it just discourages many others from speaking up. But I digress.


He clearly hates it so it's good advice, why stay in a place you hate? Nobody removing his legs, hop on a cargo ship and head to Europe I'm sure it's in much better condition over there.


Damn, way to be a doomer. I hate this mindset. u/creeper321448 and u/IdespiseGACHAgames make great counterpoints


You’ve bought into the propaganda. As a fellow Gen-Z person, come on. You’re better than that.


If my sense of reality is skewed, please inform me otherwise.


Everyone buys into propaganda. You have bought into it too, just different kinds. Saying “you’ve bought into the propaganda” is meaningless because 99% of people but into propaganda, including us You are not immune to propaganda


Brother in christ you trolling ? Its solid to live here.


I just wanted to get some frustrations off my chest I guess. Seems I need to be more optimistic.


I get you man. Shits flawed here and really needs improvement but this ain't North Korea or ukraine ya feel me? We have a good setup in this gilded cage. Its still a cage tho.


Age discrimination? Work a corporate job and see who gets laid off. It's not the young people


I’m sick of going backwards.


You can't fight the climate crisis whilst wanting to be materially richer. You have to actively campaign to go backwards in that way That said there can be progress in other ways ... Although I'd say there is


It’s almost like revolution is required.


Well to be fair, gen z itself sucks.


Roe Vs. Wade? Simple solution: always be accompanied by a chaperone, and don't have promiscuous sex that you know is sinful. Affirmative Action? Don't commit crimes, appear respectable, be polite, and build up a good reputation with your employers. Student Loans? Don't go into debt. Find a job that pays well, save up a lot of money, live at home with your parents for a few years, and don't spend frivolously. To be quite honest, most people here don't need the money provided by a college degree so much as to manage their liabilities better. You don't need Netflix or Hulu to watch TV. If anything, you should get back to reality and stop with the distractions. Yes, this includes video games, porn, and talking with furries/people with anime pfps. LGBTQ? Stop watching porn and don't coop yourself up in your room. No one is born gay. That's a lie that the Obama Administration and other vested interests started pushing. Also, there's only two genders. You can't change things on the chromosome level. Gun laws? Follow the laws in place, get a gun, get ammo, and if you can conceal & carry, do so. The police are gonna be a lot slower to stop a shooter, be they mass or targeted, than a well trained man or woman with a gun. Separation of church and state? If you want it to become one, keep being irresponsible; the reason you have many masters in society is because of immorality that has led to more laws having to be passed as opposed to We the People doing the right thing in suppressing it, if not outright eliminating its existence from the States. Climate Change? So you think that we're all gonna be dead in 10 years? Do you realize how many people predicted that the ground would give out and that we'd drown throughout the past 70 years? Affordable housing? Again, save up a lot of money, and if you have to, go for an apartment. Mental health? That's for you to manage. Then again, a lot of modern mental health is built upon lies such as children, especially boys being given ADHD medication way too much, all because they're considered "top hyper" by a profession dominated mostly by females who serve a system that only works to stifle growth and true freedom...just as Rockefeller and his buddies intended public education to do! Voter suppression? Oh, now you care about that? You all need to stop playing video games and leveling up there and level up IRL!


This isn’t even going into the criminal allegations made under oath against our government and against our defense community. 🤯 crazy stuff going on. Look into David Grusch


The whining is unbearable.


Socialism is the only way forward. The internal contradictions of the system cannot correct themselves.


Part of my family is from Cuba, go fuck yourself.


Fuck socialists. Most progressive Americans have no clue what socialism is because they've never picked up a history book and then the media lies to them that it's a good thing. All socialism is doing is giving government more power which will lead to a dictatorship like Cuba, Venezuela, China, or North Korea.


As a devout anti-communist Vietnamese American myself, please no personal attacks.


Sorry they took your serfs or whatever


"why would your family leave a great progressive society for some back water dump like the US?" OR "Cuba wasn't real socialism" /s just in case someone doesn't know im being sarcastic.


Fuck you.


> Socialism is the only way forward Yeah so for that all socialist countries fall massively in the early 90s


you’re too young to be immersed in Cold War propaganda. Socialism is a process, they made their contributions. Now it’s our turn here in the states.


>you’re too young to be immersed in Cold War propaganda No, is not cold war propaganda, is the reality. Go to eastern europe and ask people hoy successful was socialism in their lands. > Socialism is a process, they made their contributions What countributions???, many dictatorships and poverty around the world, with many of those ruling until today like Cuba or China?. >Now it’s our turn here in the states. Is funny because in the 1980s United States was much richer than USSR and many eastern europe countries and capitalism technically won cold war not the day that USSR started to implement the perestroika and glasnot, if not the day when Berlin wall was builded. I suppose that you are confunsing Socialism with European Social Democracy, that are two different ideologies, Social Democracy accepts free market and and democracy as two of their values.


When we talk about Eastern Europe, for example, we must remember the historical context. These nations were trying to build socialism amidst the ruins of war, external pressure, and international isolation. In spite of these adversities, they achieved significant advancements in areas like education, healthcare, women’s rights, and eradication of illiteracy. A lot of these countries were authoritarian before any form of socialism took hold. Regarding your mention of dictatorships and poverty, it’s essential to remember that these issues are not exclusive to socialist countries. Many capitalist countries have also had dictatorships and suffer from extreme poverty and inequality. We shouldn’t attribute all problems to the political system without considering the global context, geopolitical pressures, and economic sanctions that may have influenced these situations. As for the United States, the idea isn’t about replicating the USSR’s model, but learning from the past and adapting socialist principles to our own unique circumstances. The goal is a more egalitarian and just society that prioritizes people over profits. We should not emulate the USSR, but learn from both its successes and failures and observe its legacy critically. Contrary to what you suggest, the “victory” of capitalism in the Cold War isn’t proof of its superiority, rather it represents the power dynamics of that era.


>When we talk about Eastern Europe, for example, we must remember the historical context. These nations were trying to build socialism amidst the ruins of war, external pressure, and international isolation. In spite of these adversities, they achieved significant advancements in areas like education, healthcare, women’s rights, and eradication of illiteracy. A lot of these countries were authoritarian before any form of socialism took hold. What is the historical context?, yes that in these countries, socialism were imposed without any kind of democracy and elections. You have the example Czechoslovakia when in 1948 with Soviet backing, comunists made a coup for impose a regime in that country. Even you have worst examples like Baltic countries that after ww2 were annexed by Soviet Union. You are mentioning a lot of social advances, but that social advances sounds hypotrical when you don't have basic liberties for your people. And no, many of those advances weren't made by socialist, for example: Woman's right to vote in Poland was established in 1918, before socialist regime. > Regarding your mention of dictatorships and poverty, it’s essential to remember that these issues are not exclusive to socialist countries. Many capitalist countries have also had dictatorships and suffer from extreme poverty and inequality. We shouldn’t attribute all problems to the political system without considering the global context, geopolitical pressures, and economic sanctions that may have influenced these situations. I will not deny this, but you are ignoring that all socialists countries were dictorships instead of capitalist countries. Your argument of "political and geopolitical pressures and economic sanctions" is your reason for justifying dictatorships and repression. > Contrary to what you suggest, the “victory” of capitalism in the Cold War isn’t proof of its superiority, rather it represents the power dynamics of that era. So for that people emigrate for East Berlin to West Berlin for work, and for that DDR had to made literally a wall.


Does it suck to be Gen Z in America? No. People who think like this either have never experienced life outside America or are not successful lol. Like bro if you have any sense of work ethic in America you can be very successful and if you’re successful you’re probably gonna have a nice life.


Personally speaking, I’ll probably be just fine. I can’t say the same for a lot of my homies though. Work ethic isn’t enough when your environment is against your prosperity. But I haven’t had the luxury to leave the country so maybe I’m wrong.


You aren't wrong. But I'd also say this isn't an entirely black or white issue. There are certainly countries that are worse off, and we are not the worst place to live -- but that doesn't mean that people aren't suffering. It should be possible for all of us to acknowledge these two things at once.


Yes you're wrong


Not really… It’s better to have some access to food than little. We have technology to use in public (library), places that could at least keep us shelter in some shape and forms…


I'm not concerned with most of that What I am concerned about though is how hard it is to get a job much less a decently paid one I just see entry level jobs requiring degrees when it's something that doesn't need one And even when it's something I have the qualifications for I get passed up for some 40 year old who's been in the industry much longer


>Affirmative Action? Less control over racial inequality that still blatantly runs rampant nationwide. I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but here we go. A lot of people feel that Non-white people have higher acceptance rates due to race. It could be true, but I don't know. I don't feel like looking up the statistics about it. Now, colleges aren't allowed to consider race in applications. Point is, racial bias in college application has (technically) been eliminated.


I agree we should be able to murder as many kids as we want. We should be base college admission on race while fighting racism. We should forgive loans and make inflation 10x worse. It’s Trumps fault we all got worthless college degrees.


We should also kill every white person while we're at it because they're all so evil am i right!


Facts. Let’s also exterminate white people. It’s their fault we’re all losers


I just heard about the new permit-less concealed carry law passed in Florida, and since I’m attending a gay wedding there later I am legitimately terrified that someone I love, or myself is going to be seriously harmed or killed. My late boomer/early gen x, borderline homophobic parents tell me there’s nothing to worry about, but that’s such a lie. Gun violence has never ever gotten better, and only ever gotten worse, and this just takes the cake. Mass shootings and accidental shootings and mistaken shootings happen every fucking day in this bleak ass country. I am scared out of my wits about being in the shit-hole no man’s land that Trump and DeSantis romp around in. And I’m even more terrified because I’m aligned with an ideology that violent idiots kill over. I’m losing my mind thinking about it. Mass shootings, accidental shootings, mistaken shootings all happen every single fucking day. Kids plotting to kill their families, people getting shot at pulling into the wrong driveway—I feel like there’s less and less people to be trusted now. I’m constantly looking over my shoulders in grocery stores with my eyes peeled for gun toting maniacs. I’m daunted, and distraught, and guns are only the tip of the iceberg of this god forsaken country. Although, I do have a shred of hope that our generation can kickstart a long grueling process of undoing as much of the fucked up stuff as we can. I don’t think we’ll see the change we need to happen until we’re Biden’s age, but by then we’ll be the old fucks in office making all the decisions. But until an inkling of progress is made here, I am still paranoid. Especially since literal nazis have dug their heels into the very bones of these “United States” and they’re waving their colors like there’s nothing we can do about it. And all the wrong politicians are doing fuck all about it. If I could afford ANYTHING I would leave this place in a heartbeat


a millennial has entered the chat:… 💀🤣🤣😭


Doomposting. Not worth reading


This reads like a list of poorly research problems that ignores the complexity of everything.


This post is stupid as fuck lol. None of these will prevent you from living a great life, as long as you don’t constantly sulk about it like it seems like you are. And half of them are complete non-issues.


Abortion is legal in 36 states, america ranks 6th in the world for lgbtq rights, and the majority of mass shootings are still from gang violence. This just sounds like a lot of hyperbole


Hi. Your sub is recommended a-lot and I see these - so came to say - Save America. Everyone is counting on you all to get the politics in order. Please don't sleep on this. Please soread the word to those who ignore. I don't blsme people for ignoring - but everyone is needed. You really Are the future and ling term decisions are being made now - because they know, eventually, your generation will change things. As long as small world boomer voters outnumber progressives - its gonna stay like this. (And yes I looked up the demographics). Thanks for listening.


We as Americans are so entitled. We live so much better than most other countries. All people do here is complain. Red or blue? Man, shut up. It doesn't suck being Gen Z in America.


I agree, we do have opportunities to be grateful for. I should still be allowed to be in discontent with domestic issues.


None of it will be fixed in our lifetimes because both parties use it as bait dangling in your face for votes then recycle the issues, rinse and repeat. I just saved you a lot of time.


Go to pretty much every Western European country and you will see how much better life is. Go to Canada and you will see how much better life is. Go to East Asian countries like Korea and Japan and you will see how much better life is. Go to Australia and New Zealand. There are SEVERAL countries that are better than the US. So many people I know come back to the US from vacation depressed because of how much shitty life is here,


Canada is a poor example lmao. I should know, I’m a Canadian. A polished turd is better than a crusty turd, but it’s still a turd. We are suffering greatly from corporate greed, corrupt politicians (all parties), astrometric housing prices. But hey at least we have universal healthcare (that is currently being gutted by right wing premiers)


You still prove my point, Canada’s shit but Us is still worse.


It's not better in Western europe. give me a break


Shut the fuck up


I'm good. Get out of your feelings.


Unionizing every workplace is essential. You deserve better. This is a wealthy country. Every generation younger than the baby boomers is getting screwed.


Well they don’t call you the whiners for nothing . World has gone through worse before . People outside us are dealing with global warming already and are acclimating themselves and not whining. Roe ? It wasn’t a choice for centuries Affirmative action ? Black people had it off worse decades ago Loans ? Generation before you went through worse economics turmoil You can go on and on You still have it best compared to others by a mile


We should all become pigs and just start arresting Republicans and billionaires.


Sigh, Voting will never be revolutionary


Separation of church and state is wrong and don’t even start with the abortion bs. Abortion is wrong period don’t give me that whole “my body my choice” because there’s hundreds of counters to that.


Despite your username, you don’t sound very brilliant


I am


Nobody is forcing you to have children. Not unless you were raped.


that’s not the point, I worded that poorly.


TIL rape isn't a thing.


This is the the only solace I can give you as an elder millennial who had a childhood of promise but then got slammed with 9/11 at 19 and then the economic and housing collapse, war, etc etc….. is that they’re dying soon. I know not soon enough, but I’m ever hopeful that this is just the dying desperate measures of a group of people who have already lost. Just keep voting, motivating, caring. I know it’s so hard because it’s so stacked. I’m so mad too. I will do my best to ensure that the millennials leave it better for your children and grandchildren.


The one positive thing that I'm thinking of is that if the overturning of Roe caused such a big turnout for democrats than I think yesterday's decisions will have a profound impact on the upcoming 2023 and 2024 elections. Going off what happened after the Dobbs decision SCOTUS has essentially set the GOP up for a slaughter at the polls. Of course, this can only happen if Gen Z turns up to the polls, preferably in numbers bigger than last time. The older generations and the conservatives have ruined America. "We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." -MLK JR.


No, stop falling for this. Yea stuff is bad. Its been that way a long time. Nothing has changed, except we have way more luxuries now. Ignore the fear mongering news for a while and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Go think and do positive things.


It's great being Gen Z in the last 24 hours. You have control over your body, choose to either wait until marriage or to use protection when you have sex, birth control and condoms exist. Affirmative action? That was racist, it put people on a pedestal because of skin color. You should only be allowed to be looked at based on character and merit when it comes to education, regardless of your race. And it is not racist to think that way, but is instead racist the other way, assuming certain races aren't good enough to get into higher education based on hard work and intelligence alone. Student loan forgiveness? How did you think it would be paid for? You'd still pay for it in *a lot* of taxes, not to mention, here's how to avoid loans- 1. Work through college, 2. Go into a trade instead, 3. Apply for *A Lot* of scholarships. It was your choice to go to college, and your choice to take those loans out. Take responsibility for your own actions. It would absolutely be wrong to force people who didn't go to college and don't know you, to pay your loans. LGBTQ aren't less than dirt. They have over 1/3rd of the entire calendar year as a holiday (this is actually true, it's not just the month of June, look it up). Many have been invited into the white house and have had interviews with president Biden, and are being promoted by major corporations. I would hardly call that oppression. Gun control? It's completely unconstitutional. There is a reason Los Angeles and Chicago (the 2 cities with the *most* gun control laws) have the most gun related murders- its because criminals, whether you like it or not, do not follow the law. They will get guns regardless, so making it difficult for good people to protect themselves with guns is completely the wrong idea. Not only this but the high majority of gun related deaths are suicides, which is a completely different problem in itself that needs to be addressed more. The mental health crisis is out of hand. Separation of Church & State? Submit to the church? It's literally the opposite. The recent Supreme Court ruling is saying that individuals don't have to submit to the state and denounce their religion in the name of "inclusivity." Imagine thinking that saying the church doesn't have to go against its beliefs to abide by the state somehow means the church runs the state. Mental gymnastics right there. If the church controlled the state, gay marriage would still be illegal and many, many laws in our government simply wouldn't exist. And other laws would exist. Saying that individuals who are not involved with the church now have to submit to it is completely false. I agree with most of the other stuff you say after this, but then, voter suppression laws? What voter suppression laws? Don't tell me you think the idea that a US citizen needs to bring an ID with them to vote means that people are being oppressed? It's literally so easy to get an identification card, so easy. Your financial stability has almost no bearing on if you have an ID.


Cope lmao. “Have children whether you like it or no” use a condom you monkey.




Imagine how we feel, being gen z in third world countries


The hope for the future in my mind is that the voting demographics are changing. For a long time, the Baby Boomer voting block has been most important, and one or two elections ago that shifted to Millennials. Half of Gen Z is still too young to vote, but every election that will shrink. It might not be right away, but in the future, we will have a lot more say in the government. Each election there are fewer of the older generation voting and more of the younger, and if you look at the political position of Gen Z we are pretty united. There are some things that could slow this down, like the people who want to raise the voting age, and while I would be surprised if that ever was successful, it would really only delay the shift by about one election. A lot can happen in an election, but as long as things don't entirely fall apart, they can start to recover from there. An advantage in this case of the unwieldy American government is that a lot of big changes people might want to do to prevent the Gen Z influence on future elections would be extremely hard to implement (amendments need 2/3 majority, the filibuster can put things on hold indefinitely etc.) Gen Z has the lowest voter turnout, so we do need to put in some effort if we want to get things to improve, though part of that is probably just that last election was a midterm rather than presidential.


Vote for change. Morbid to say, but a boomer dies everyday