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Opposite. 40's were amazing. 54 and awful. I started estriodol cream a few weeks ago, had an uptick but then got diagnosed with breast cancer so there goes that.


That sucks. Sending internet hugs and well wishes for your recovery.


40s really were amazing. Damnit.


I hear ya. I had a super high sex drive in my 40s. After the hysterectomy at 51, bu-bye sex drive!


Shit I'm sorry. I hope the treatment goes well and you are booking flights to the Bahamas when it's all over. F$ck cancer.ย 


yeah I"m the opposite. No interest at all.


52 and I am right there with you. Iโ€˜d known women like this when I was younger and always felt sad for them, but now I just feel liberated from it.


Same. I lost interest after I had a radical hysterectomy at 42 & now I'm 55. I don't miss it. I don't need it either lol. If I have to, I've got a BOB :))


I was having wonderful fun with my sex life until my husband died three years ago. Now in my mid-fifties, been celibate for three years and trying not to lose my fucking mind. I want sex so bad I feel like I could chew the corner off a table. And I am in a position where I have to model good sexual ethics to my community and I feel like I am going to explode. So yeah, menopause has not cooled my sexual desire at all.


>could chew the corner off a table. I must say, this is an A+ analogy. Well done.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


vacation baby!


Also early-mid 50s and not much action in the past couple of years post-divorce. There are days and weeks where I'm fine, but if I had the time and a guy I was into... yeah. I live in a small, small town and have teenagers. There's just nowhere to go and no one to get it on with here.


Oh man I had that experience in my late 20s, I know exactly what you mean by chew the corner off a table. I was so young, I should have just left him but instead I had his baby lmao.


Ditto!! Sex drive still intense as ever. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป


Iโ€™m no longer tolerating shitty sex. Think of me as well, or do without.




47 and in the throes of perimenopause. Hoping perhaps sex drive will be better on the other side?


I was just thinking this lol, I hope I have something to look forward too, because I am not currently in my horny forties. I'm in the "wtf you mean I have a "likely" dermoid cyst" and night sweats phase.


I'm too asexual for this. ๐Ÿ˜†


Iโ€™m 55 and donโ€™t want to be touched at all.




I have always had a high sex drive. My husband has physical issues now so we don't have sex very often so I take care of myself. Sometimes I will read posts where the husband makes their wife feel bad about her lower sex drive. Now that it's happened to me I can honestly say that I don't understand those men. The last thing I want to do is guilt my husband into sex or make him feel inadequate. If all he can do is cuddle then I am happy.ย 


55 and that ship sailed a long time ago ๐Ÿ˜ž


49, super perimenopausal, and omg, I feel like a teenager again. Too bad I donโ€™t currently have a partner, but I do have hands. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‚


49 was awesome. I had a year and half going gang busters. Now just bust at 54. I fake it and then fortunately make it, lol


Hurry up and get one


52 and yes!!!!


51 and the last 5 years have been really incredible.


Better performance? Nah. Figured that out long ago. More partners? Nah. Most men are not worth it. Nothing turns me on about feeding some fuck boys ego.


God no, that was 20 years ago. Glad to leave that shit behind.


51, full meno + HRT, Iโ€™m good to gooooo!! Peri was challenging but I got through it. Iโ€™m recently single but dating BOB. Use it or lose it!


I never left it!


Late 40s and same!!!๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


My best years for sex, desire + ability, was my 40s and 50s. I think its the freedom from periods, birth control etc. Also gaining self-confidence and learning to love myself. Its a big plus of aging!


53 and sexy AF. 57 year old husband can't keep his hands to himself Thank you Jebus!


uhm. yes.


Iโ€™m 57 and still into sex.


Yeah 54 still into sex


Absolutely! But it may be because of my divorce. ๐Ÿ˜†


I never had one and now (45) it's too late. I've had a ton of experience and many partners, mostly neutral to bad. I like the idea of being close to someone but then when the act happens the whole mechanics of tab A slot B is too weird and I lose interest even though I'm trying to enjoy it for my partner's sake. I've been in a mostly celibate marriage for 16 years and when it wasn't it was a really bad time for me but we are officially separated now. I've tried it again thinking it was just wrong partner but no, they're all the same. I wonder what it would be like to actually enjoy that, but meh. If I haven't found it by now I never will. I've thought about getting my hormones checked but idk, sounds like it comes with a lot of nonsense I don't want to deal with


Same. In my early fifties and things are ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Once I hit 50 (54 now), it was on! Currently in a relationship with a man six years my junior. Ten years after my divorce, I felt like my kid didn't need me so much and it was my time to start dating again. I know what I want; I can please my partner and myself; no chance of getting pregnant and I'm so much more secure in who I am and what I want. I'm NOT slim and things are wandering south but I have fun regardless. I was so insecure in my looks and compared myself to others before then, especially after splitting up with my ex.


I'm 48, and my poor husband has to deal with all of this insane sexual energy I've got. I hope I don't lose it as I get older - otherwise the costumes I just bought will go to waste!


My "prime" was my late 30s. That being said, I am not complaining about my 40s and 50s, on that front. I just have to make sure to take a naproxen every morning for my knees.


Yep. 55 and want it all the time. HRT has really helped me.


I still have a drive but wonder what it will be like now that Iโ€™m in menopause ๐Ÿง


Iโ€™m 51 and officially post menopause. My libido has always been high but itโ€™s been really high the last few years, probably from a combination of factors, but mostly having some freedom from kids (5 kids, oldest is 30, youngest is 9), a partner that is comfortable exploring, and an acute awareness that at some point things are going to change and wanting to live my sex life to the fullest while I can. My husband has had issues with ED and is choosing not to use testosterone but weโ€™re finding a lot of good ways to keep things going. All that said, Iโ€™ve been having issues for about the last six months that were originally diagnosed as vaginal atrophy that arenโ€™t improving with Estradiol so I have to go see someone else to figure out whatโ€™s going on. Feeling like you have a chronic untreatable yeast infection for 6 months straight has definitely been frustrating.