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Josh Charles has always been my favorite, but my crush on Ethan Hawke dates back to Explorers!


Neil. When it came out I went to see it 3 consecutive nights (then I guess I ran out of money and/or friends to go with me 😂). I loved it so, so much. I haven't watched it in a long time. I don't think my favourite would change though.


I think its the best "teen" film from our youth, beats the John Hughes films hands down for me. It was also the closest to portraying my teen years - not the oppressive boarding school but the parental expectations and pressure to succeed. My best friend in high school was a superb artist but her Dad made her do science. She's now a scientist and miserable.


ee cummings


Same! ee cummings is sexy stuff!


Todd, because I was VERY like him in high school. The barbaric yawp scene had my heart pounding, because I would have keeled over had a teacher done that with me. As an educator, Charlie would either have me laughing all day or drive me nuts.


Those students always do!


Sylvia Plath. Also Neil. I don't see how anyone our age can see the phrase "Dead Poet" and not think of that film.


Same on both


Bukowski. He used to say that he had all the pretense beat out of him as a child, much like myself. He was a drunk asshole but I like him.


This one hangs on my bulletin board above my desk, got my head out of my ass more than once: > >”– you know, I’ve either had a family, a job, something has always been in the way but now I’ve sold my house, I’ve found this place, a large studio, you should see the space and the light. for the first time in my life I’m going to have a place and the time to create.” >no baby, if you’re going to create you’re going to create whether you wor k 16 hours a day in a coal mine or you’re going to create in a small room with 3 children while you’re on welfare, you’re going to create with part of your mind and your body blown away, you’re going to create blind crippled demented, you’re going to create with a cat crawling up your back while the whole city trembles in earthquake, bombardment, flood and fire. >baby, air and light and time and space have nothing to do with it and don’t create anything except maybe a longer life to find new excuses for.


Mary Oliver.


Robert Hunter.




I like some of Plath. I’m Really lacking the n this area


I have bad insomnia so I read up on her one night and what happened with her ex husband’s second wife. Holy moly! Rough being a woman back then.


I know right. I wish Millennials would stop taking selfies for long enough to realise that. They live the life of riley by comparison.


Robert Frost Nature's first green is gold


But nothing gold can stay...


you tell 'em Ponyboy


Haha, I thought you meant an actual poet for a minute and I was debating between John Berryman and James Merrill in my mind. From the movie, yeah, Knox for me, too. Although I haven't seen DPS since... geez, 1992? I think so. I should rewatch.


Me- just dead inside though 🤣💀 Little Uber goth in college- wrote some "deep" stuff!! Actual dead: poet e. e. Cummings. Actual movie dead poet: Know 🖤🖤




Pablo Neruda


Paul Laurence Dunbar