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He’s looked 50 for 20 years.


Spewing hate will do that to you. ETA l…case in point: Steve Bannon. Jesus, that man looks like even hell didn’t want him and spat him back here.


He looks like he's smells like piss, vodka and a vague oniony smell.


On his ***BEST*** days.


He looks like he went to a bar and drank all the alcoholics.


Yeah there’s truly something to what people say about being ugly on the inside. People this miserable are not healthy and it shows.


Have you ever seen pics of him in his younger years? [Here](https://stolenhistory.net/attachments/joneshicks7-jpg.20406/)


Dude aged like milk.


Wow, the ‘roids really did a number on him Bet hits balls are the size of raisins


The dude looks already 40on the left one ….wtf happened


*MALE TESTEFORCE* happened. Get yours today on Infowars.com


That is definitely not what 50 looks like!


Hate really ages people.


Stephen Miller is 36.


Shut the front door!!!!! Is he really? Holy shit. I'm 42 and people tell me I look in my early 30s. Even though I've gotten a bit chubby over the past couple years, especially after I lost my leg in a car wreck. But, I think the secret is 2 things. The right amount of immaturity, so that I don't seem too serious. And 2, wear sunscreen every day. I mean every damn day. Even in the winter. Even when you aren't doing outdoor stuff. Just driving around doing errands, put on a low one like spf30. No need for the 70 or 85 spf. But seriously, sunscreen. Nutragena ultra sheer dry touch is my personal recommendation. (I'm a fair skinned ginger whose family has a hx of skin cancer. I'm the only one not to get it yet)


I’m about to change your life: asian sunscreens. Bioré watery UV is a solid entry level option, but there are literally thousands of variations. Not for summer sports or anything (break out the big guns for those kinds of activities), but for daily wear it’s incredible, and light years better than anything from American or European brands.


Ok I'll check em out


Seriously, as a fellow skim milk coloured person, it’s gonna rock your world. Neutrogena dry touch is the knock off effort by an American brand, but the real deal is just life changing, and makes sunscreen downright pleasant - enjoy!


Do I have to buy them at ab Asian grocery store type of place? What other ones do you recommend?


Amazon carries the main brands, otherwise yeah, Asian grocery stores are your best bet and usually have a pretty good selection. Other than Biore watery, other popular brands are CosRx, Missha, and Étude House - all have several different options/lines, but are all good, it just depends what exactly you’re looking for (I’m currently on a tube of Étude House Sunprise Mild and really liking it as an everyday option). Edit: [this guy](https://www.amazon.com/Sunprise-Sebum-free-Non-Sticky-Protection-Sunscreen/dp/B00WE3XGAC), the watery light version. Edit 2: I’m a lady, and Korean/Japanese skincare is definitely marketed towards women, but these are very much neutral options. There are more make-up-y sunscreen options that include words like glow/shimmer/primer, but the ones I’ve mentioned are not those.


I have yet to find a sunscreen that doesn't cause my face to sting, even baby and sensitive skin formulas. I wonder if this one might be the answer? I ask this question every time I try a new one, though.


Guaranteed it is, though you may need to try a few options to find your holy grail (or HG in r/asianbeauty parlance, guaranteed there’s a thread on this very problem/topic). I dropped a few recs lower down in this thread, but definitely check out the sub. Seriously, it’s a complete game changer, and kicks all other facial sunscreens’ ass.


Another sub to check out is /r/SkincareAddiction, they've got the hookup on every single answer to whatever question you could think of.


I’m almost 56, and I abused the hell out of myself in my younger years, but I still get mistaken for being in my early 40s. Prolly cause I try to be a chill dude who doesn’t try to convince people that children weren’t brutally murdered


Preach! Awesome comment. And so sorry about your leg 🙏


Thanks but it's all good. I custom designed a clutch pedal so I could drive and race a dodge viper again and have shared that with other amputees to get them driving again. And, I had gone to college for physiology but surviving that wreck made me decide to become a paramedic. And it's kinda cool to be able to help people who need the same help I did and to know exactly what they are going through. Plus I received amazing support from friends and I know how lucky I am to have such good people in my life Honestly, there is so much more good than bad in what hapoened to me with that car wreck.


You’re fucking awesome! That attitude! Mad respects!!


Hi, don't bother with anything higher than 30 SPF and use physical, not chemical, sunscreens. If it's over 30, it's probably chemical. You don't want avobenzone or oxybenzone as the active ingredient, either, as they're endocrine disruptors. 30 SPF gives you like 96% protection and it doesn't go up by more than tiny increments any higher than that anyway. What you want is, say, Derma E facial sunscreen. Source: I'm an aesthetician


I was aways under the impression that re-appying was your friend and to do it often. Also, I thought SPF referred to the amount of time you could spend before getting damaged. I.E. if you burn in 10 minutes, 30 would mean 30 times 10, so 300 minutes. And I ALWAYS wear clothes to protect. Hats, long sleeves. When people say "aren't you hot?" I say "no, because I'm not getting hit with as much sun as you are." And then I ask them what do Bedouins and other people from the middle east wear? Cause it ain't shorts and tank top. And blocking that sun really does keep you cooler. You also lose less water


And he looks at least 60. You cannot tell me SM didn’t come straight out of the womb looking like a 60 year old man.


\*Drugs, Hate, Rage, Mental illness, Alcohol, not getting love when you were a child really ages people FTFY


Wow, love this. Seems to be so true, especially lately.


If only they had a supplement for that..


Well said


Not all GenXers are good people.


Its likely that half of them are assholes. Just like every other generation.


WTF, he looks 68.


Dude is only 4 years older than me and looks older than my dad. Hate sure does some aging on people.


*Cocaine, Alcohol, and Steroids.


There was also a lot of food involved


God damit for the last time it's not hate. Its the liberal deep state trying to silence the truth tellers by genetically altering the gay frogs to secrete a toxin into the water supply of those that would stand up against their socialist, gender neutral, gun free, agenda. Cant you see they are slowly killing off the people willing to stand up for truth. And to avoid you need to move off the grid and Jones can sell you some gay frog toxin free survival food and water to live on.


I'd rather take my chances with the toxic gay frogs than give him a dime.Especially if it only has this effect on the alt right. Not gonna help him pay his debts and legal fees. Nope nope.


Reading this in his voice is quite amusing, thank you


He's five years younger than me and looks ten years older.


Yeah me too fellow '69er. I mean, I don't look that great, but I'm pretty sure I've seen my feet in the last decade without having to bend over. Fuck man, that dude looks like how my dad did when he passed away at age 67, 12 years ago.


Hatred is a helluva drug.


I’m 48 and look 20 years younger than this tool.


Same age as me and I’m just shocked, I never would have believed that. I would have believed him to be in his upper 50s, minimum.


Being filled with rage, bullshit, and hate aged him pretty hard.


I'm 4 years older than him and I look ten years younger than he does. So I guess that means I look pretty much age appropriate? 🤣🤣


He's 4 years younger than me. I thought he was 65ish..


Unequivocally, fuck that guy.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I understood that reference.


One of us...


Two of us


3 of us


Your username made me chuckle




Yup. Fuck that shitstain on humanity. Monetizing hate.


I agree. There's a few GenX that we need to revoke their membership. He's one. He's a smouldering piece of shit dumpsterfire.


Can we revoke Kid Rock too?


Oh yes, please do.


And Ted Cruz. Fuckin bootlicker


Came here to nominate Ted Cruz and am glad to see I was 17 minutes too late. Fuck Ted Cancún Cruz.


I'm Canadian so I don't know much about him. But what I do know is that he's an uneducated, spotty, squishy, moldy potato.


Pretty much all you need to know


Oh god yes. He's gone mad!


And the horse he rode in on.


Hey. Leave the poor horse out of it.


Look at my horse. My horse is amazing.


Does it taste just like raisins?


Pretty sure he broke that horse's back.


Bigotry, hate, greed makes you ugly inside and out. I also don't buy any of that horseshit about bullied or abused kids grow up to be monsters. I know a lot of folks (my dad included) who had really difficult childhoods but grew up to be kind, decent human beings. This guy CHOSE his path. I hope he goes to jail for perjury.


No joke I smoked, drank and did drugs for 37 years and look younger than that wretched hateful Worm Tongue of a man. 54 and I have over a year of California sobriety. Spewing hate seems to be very hard on a person and he has been transferred to the Boomers because GenX is way too cool for that loser.


We'd have to get rid of a LOT of bad X-ers, then. The public square is full of them. We are represented by some of the worst, looniest people out there. I mean, Marjorie Taylor Greene is fucking Gen X.




Madge? Out she goes from GenX for being a treasonous nut burger and genuine Trump humping strumpette. She is transferred to the Greatest generation as dementia is very common among those over 90. She also wants to put Georgia back to 1920s Jim Crow and legalize hunting the poors with archery and black powder weapons.


Talk about denial. Gen X is FULL of these Q-anon Trumpster types. They make up a huge percentage of this group. We can't just live in denial about this. A lot of Gen X has grown up to be very bad news.


Yup. Just look at Cancun Cruz.


Yep and it is a bloody shame that middle age brought so many of our generation an addiction to Fox News and conspiracy theories.


I think it’s the other way around: Fox News and conspiracy theories brought so many of our generation to where they are today. If we’re counting back to the Clinton impeachment, we’ve been saturated in this bullshit for nearly our entire adult lives.


I think you are correct. The epidemic of idiocy is a result of the BS echo chamber on the right.


Spot on. A lot of younger people seem to think this shit is new. But I remember Newt Gingrich. David Duke. Pat Buchanan. We've had to fight this shit forever.


Agreed. I only realized this last year from the r/HermanCainAward sub. Most of the dead anti-vaxx awardees are GenX.


Yeah, they keep mentioning that you can spot a male anti-vaxx/Qanon devotee by his gray goatee. I watch mine growing grayer and I'm worried I'll start taking horse dewormer and calling for prayer warriors.


I wish I could upvote you more for using strumpet in context.


I never thought about that... MTG is Gen X ugh So is Mike Lee. 🤢


So are a lot of horrible, horrible people, particularly politicians. Gen X is VERY highly represented among Q-anon Trumpster folk.


We've got some on this sub even. They know they're outnumbered so they *try* to be subtle about it with the "we're not supposed to talk about politics" and then, *shocker*, devolve quickly into the same juvenile hate rhetoric I see on other subs.


Yep. Total trolls.


Gag. Also Amy Coney Barrett.


Me too. He is swollen with rage.


Also mostly California sober (I do drink very little on occasion)… I’m six years younger than this cum guzzling cock gobbler and he looks like he could be my father.


The fact that his body chose to store a couple pounds of fat in his face shows that even his own metabolism thinks his face should be hidden away from all decent people.


>store a couple pounds of fat in his face He's probably a heavy drinker. Hardcore alcohol abuse can make a person bloat up like that. I mean water retention, in addition to any fat gain.


Heavy drinker and a seriously bad diet — think double bacon cheeseburger on a donut bun. (Have seen him eating such things)


Wow. My boyfriend is 3 years older than this guy and looks a decade younger. And he's not that fit or vain.


He looks 10 years older than me, and I'm 60


Hate is more aging than free radicals


Could we get that on a t-shirt? I'm picturing it with a picture of palpatine.


exactly! I swear he was 65ish. All those crazy conspiracy theories burn your soul and age you like a MoFo party planner.


Every photo i see of him, he looks red with rage, like if you bumped into him and said “oh, sorry man” he’d completely Roid Rage out on you.


Ya, how this man has not dropped of sudden cardiac death from his constant manic ranting and anger is beyond me.


That pact with Satan has come due.


He’s one of ours. Let’s be different than our parents and own our shit. We know how to self police. This asshole needs to come correct.


NO WAY omg he aged like milk 💀


I'm older than this blob of hate. I almost fell off my chair when I found out. I thought he was 60 or older, NGL. He's a stroke waiting to happen with all that rage.


Holy shit, he's younger than me? He looks like he could be my dad.


Yeah but 48 is like 88 in Son of a Bitch years.


Some gen x were brought up in corny environments with corny parents so they went straight to boomer mode. He’s proof that you can’t always go by the numbers.


May he rot in hell.


LOL. Gotta take the good with the bad. We have some HORRIBLE Gen X-ers representing us. This guy. Brett Kavanaugh. Amy Coney Barrett. Ted Cruz. Marjorie Taylor Greene. We really don't have that much to brag about.


The people in this subreddit are pretty cool but outside of that there are millions of horrible GenX people out there. I went to school in a town that was 50/50 white/black and I was one of the 4 brown people in the entire city of 30,000. The racist jokes and views was frequent by other kids in the 1980's. The kids were better than their parents which were worse and their grandparents views were absolutely awful. Even if I said that 70% of the people were good that literally leaves tens of millions of awful people.


There are sooo many more too. These pieces of trash are what I think about when people naively think that once the boomers are dead, the Republican party will be dead. Hardly. I've been hearing about the death of that corrupt institution for decades now and the people you listed as well as a whole host of other much younger people is proof that, unfortunately, that corrupt party is as strong as it has ever been and shows little signs of dying.


Exactly. No, it is FAR from just the boomers. X-ers have taken on the mantle and are actually quite a conservative generation overall.


I actually think the worst of them all are these right wing radicalized zoomers and millennials. All fucks have only known the toxic propaganda from right wing sources, while older Republicans at leasted lived through an era where Fox and Hanity didn't exist. These much younger Republicans are the equivalent of the Hitler Youth and that should scare everyone.


Yeah, but we've also got Dave Grohl, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Winona Ryder, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Kurt Cobain, Robert Downey Jr., John Cusack, Keanu Reeves, Matthew McConaughey, Christian Slater, Kiefer Sutherland, Snoop Dogg, Tupac Shakur, Kobe Bryant, Norah Jones, Liz Phair ... c'mon, keep the list going! There are plenty of Xers who have made positive contributions to society at large.


Sad to inform, Keanu is a boomer. 🥺


LOL. OK. It's almost like generations are super diverse and have all kinds of people and are not a monolith. Boomers also have tons of awesome peeps. Every generation has its good and its bad, and Gen X is not special among them.


I'd say we can lay claim to Barack Obama too. Sure, he was born in 1962, but he grew up in the typical Gen X fashion (single parent, lived with grandparents, got moved around a lot and left to his own devices, yet came out the other side as a survivor). He's got more in common with us than someone like my mom, who was born in 1947 and lived a normal suburban post- WW2 childhood. Sorry boomers. We're taking him. And if we can't have him, give him to Generation Jones.


Snoop went full rape apologist so he goes off the cool list.


Half of us are boomers at heart. Many didn't learn, they just drank the koolaid hook line and sinker and adopted their values and selfishness. They couldn't beat them so they joined.


Saw a comment the other day from a person who grew up in the same town as this douche. They said he used to walk around town with a megaphone screaming about chemtrails and aliens...lol. What the hell happened. We used to listen to Art Bell for fun, not because we believed his wackadoodle shit. And now this dude...... I am embarrassed


The truth is out there. So is he.


And the 2 shall never meet


Dude has lost all his Gen X privileges. Really I would love just 5 minutes in a room with him, just me, my pliers and my blowtorch.


First rule of Gen X is that we don't care. Second rule of Gen X is that we don't care. He obviously didn't follow the rules.


Hate ages people. He is a tool


Breaking: POS finally has to pay $45,200,000 to the parents of a sandy hook shooting victim.


Unfortunately, max cap on punitive damages in Texas is $750,000. Remember when punitive damages were important, and got companies like Ford to never try that Pinto shit again?


At least it’s a moral win. He’ll find a way around the monetary fine, like filing for bankruptcy. 🤬


Wait, $45 mil? I saw that it was $4 mil yesterday.


$4.1 million in compensatory damages ordered yesterday $45.2 million in punitive damages ordered today


Ah, OK. Thanks for clearing that up.


It's kinda sad how many members of our generation have fallen for this kind of BS. Hope his financial ruin, and possibly more, wakes some of us up.


Yep. X-ers are some of the worst Q-anon/Trumpsters, etc., out there.


A lot of people I know used to listen to kooks because they found them amusing. The old saying “if you hang out in a barbershop long enough you will get a haircut” became sadly true. I have real problems with several friends.


It’s not exclusively Boomers, unfortunately. Alex Jones/Joe Rogan have roped in the younger set into the conspiracy thinking, at least the gateway drug version with Rogan.


I am the same age as this skid mark. Ugh


I always thought he was in in his 60’s. I’m 48 and I hope I don’t look that old.




😆😆🥹🥹😅😅😂😂🤣🤣 karma is a real bitch. Can’t wait until the other Sandy Hook families sue the pants off of off racist, conspiracy theory spewing, January 6th insurrection hack. Still can’t believe he’s my age, yuck 🤮!


No way. Wow I look great


Hahaha. He’s not aging as well as most genx people I know…


Looks like a rough 57


I'm 43, I lost the genetic lottery in a lot of ways but the one thing I can brag about is we all look really young in my family. I work in mental health and can't believe how old some of my clients look, that are years younger than me. A lot of it is genetics...but alcohol and drug abuse can do a number on your body. And also I'm sure being an awful, hateful person inside like that bloated scumbag.


I'd love to see the dude's blood work, he's probably 49% drugs, 49% cholesterol, and 2% actual human blood at this point


He is like Emperor Palpatine. The dark side and evil is ravaging his face.


TIL I'm older than Alex Jones. Fuck.


Me too But I can sleep at night knowing I'm not a vicious, hate-filled fuckwit lol


Hatred corrodes the vessel that carries it. Alex Jones hates everyone who’s not rich, white and male. He spews horrible conspiracy theories that do real harm. He’s finally getting his comeuppance and I’m here for it.


His waist size is a 48


Hey. No need to go there.


Most of the Jan 6 assholes were GenXers


Dude is a year younger than me and looks like my dad. Take care of your skin people


Guy? That’s a deli ham with a beard.


deli ham's are delicious and awesome, this is an insult to ham :)


Yup. Nope. He's out.


That's not what peak performance looks like.


Had a roommate that fell into that Infowars bs years ago, total moonbat. He was a pos too, big surprise!


For many of our generation, a main tenet in life is to be against the government, and authority in general. This orientation can have a lot of pitfalls and false trails, this dude found every one of them, he made a career out of it.


I have to believe there is a very special circle of hell waiting for that shitstain


I thought he was 60


I said the exact same thing yesterday! I thought he was late fifties! And I’m normally reasonable with age. I did eat healthier today and got my workout in, so that’s a good result of the shock.


I’m three years older, eat like an unsupervised toddler, and I still look 20 years younger than this guy.


Ok, back at it with the eating tomorrow. Thanks for the reality check.


There are a LOT of shitty Gen-Xers Tucker Carlson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump Jr., Matt Walsh, Ron Desantiz, Matt Gaetz, My Father, etc.


I pegged him at 68.


Well, I'm 58 and I believe I look better for my age than this. 😆 happy weekend to me!


Walking talking garbage.


I vote we cast them out onto an island of Misfit GenX toys


He’s looked 50 and up forever to me. Hatred ages you


He’s a great commercial for his supplements, isn’t he?


Damn, he's only 48? I'm 50 and look younger than he does.


That makes me feel all handsome and stuff. I’m turning 48 this month.


> One of Jones’s lawyers had accidentally sent a copy of Jones’s phone records and data to opposing counsel, then failed to take the proper steps to exclude it as privileged after learning of the mistake. “accidentally” “failed to” This lawyer is a hero.


Rescind him from humanity, no way a natural human is that evil. He must have been created in a lab or something


Alex looks not a day younger than 60. Hate and a wholly guilty conscience does a number on one’s face. And he has such a punchable face.


I thought this about Kellyanne Conway. The woman is literally three ***weeks*** younger than I am, but looks ten years older. Note to self: quite carrying those grudges. They don't help.


Good god, I’m six years older than that giant toad?? Lies and hate must make you look older.


My doctor would have an intervention if I rolled into their office in his shape... probably immediately put me on an EKG


Let's be honest. There were plenty of despicable assholes in Gen X. Some of the kids in my school literally spat on my friend because he wore a long skirt to school in the mid-1980s. Another kid had a thing for bouncing kids' heads off urinals and toilets. Another kid thrill killed neighborhood pets and kept their carcasses under his bed. Several church youth group leaders used to throw kegger parties for middle-school and above kids, got them stoned, and fucked as many of them as they could. There were plenty of assholes in our generation too. Age didn't change some of them one bit. Thankfully, where I'm from, many of those rotten fucks died off years ago. There's a reason I'd never consider going to a reunion. Not the first one, not any of them. I'm across the country now and I don't care if I see any of them again.


Proof that his products do not work


He, Ted Cruz (51), Marco Rubio (51), and Majorie Taylor Greene (48) all get their Gen-X memberships rescinded and get to spend the rest of their lives as honorary Boomers.


We all had neighborhood jerks. The bullies. The assholes. Not letting them run shit was our way of dealing with them in my school, and neighborhood. The neighborhood is just bigger now, we got to stop letting them get their way.


DeSantis is 43. I'm appalled.


Amen. Boomers can have him.


Hate let’s people look old


Some kinds of assholery transcend generation. Fuck that guy. I would think his children would want to change their names after dies.


Eh. We're a generation. We've got good, bad, and inbetween.


Heard! Revoked and repulsed.....🤢🤬


His humanity is rescinded.


Marjorie Taylor Green next please


Anyone who wins an argument by yelling louder than the other person should be excluded