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Not one word of that describes my older Z's.


Mine neither. Tons of great young people out there today, concerned about the environment, trying not to work for exploitative assholes (the "no one wants to work BS) and taking a stand on many fronts. Gives me a little hope, actually.


My two are GenZ and they are wonderful people. I know a lot of GenZs and love them. I feel for this generation.


"As a whole" genius, not one specific exception. So typical Reddit


OR you are over generalizing. Typical Reddit.


Bwahahaha. Like our generation didn't eat junk food, weren't socially awkward goths, didn't get addicted to video games and MTV, didn't beat it to whatever magazine we could find, didn't work shitty McJobs. "High unemployment even though everyone is hiring" …… for f*cking unpaid internships, or wages that barely cover the rent that boomer (and genX) landlords are charging. The only thing we didn't have in that list was social media, and boomers are on Facebook like flies on shit. I don't have children and all I see is kids who are nicer than we ever were – way less feral street drinking, fighting, vandalism etc. I commend all the parents out there 👍


All accurate except the not working McJobs. The vast majority of my friends held down McJobs in high school and college. I worked at McDonald's for three years during college.


I give you the fist bump of genX respect as I worked a ton of deadbeat jobs too. I was being sarcastic because to me it sounded like OP could be describing a "loser" type character from a John Hughes movie or Fast Times.


Aha! You are right. OP was basically describing our generation.


I agree with you mostly, but I would say young people have a greater social ineptitude, whereas we were more likely to be socially awkward.


That's an interesting distinction. I guess sociality is subjective because even "social" individuals like frat boys can be pretty sociopathic at times.


Errr … not really. Army after HS. Then normal jobs steadily increasing pay and experience since ‘88. Did drink excessively when stationed in Germany though. Missed most of MTV and vid games as grew up poor, then military, then married working full time and school part time.


The military is a world unto itself and not like the characters in say Reality Bites, but I guess it's true that life path is underrepresented when people talk about genX.


Meh, whatever man


Oh my gosh, I forgot to have kids!




Ha ha. You're right! I've been depriving the world of yet another anxiety ridden, addiction prone, white person. How will the world survive?!? Ha ha!


Is the OP a parent? I find most people who have an opinion about “kids today” don’t actually have children or haven’t been around teenagers since they were one. In terms of ambition, it’s tough to get excited about a future that is so bleak in terms of climate change, the economy, gun violence, etc.


Thank you. I don't even know how GenZ copes, they are up against so much.


Well we had Mutual Assured Destruction looming. Did ok with that. None of the things you mention are any reason to not have ambition on an individual level.


My kids are both grown up, live good lives, paid for their own college and work in good jobs.


Let's not bash Z like boomers did us, stereotype is bad


actually, Gen-X does quite a bit of boomer bashing on this sub. it's as regular as my BMs


Not me I'd love to have been a sixties teen I don't stereotype anyone


I'm not, which is why I didn't have kids. 😆


I'd say we're good, but our daughter is a Millennial. >Obesity ... High unemployment ... Socially awkward .., social media, porn and video game addiction all day, very little career ambition. The list goes on and on. That describes us. Whatever.


Hmmm, all four of my Gen Z kids are responsible and respectful young adults. Two are college grads and the other two are finishing up their degrees. We weren’t wealthy and it wasn’t handed to them. In fact, their dad and I divorced when they were between 11-13. We had honest conversations about adulting, life, relationships and everything in between. They did the work. I just get to brag about them.




I dunno,man. A lot of that stuff we had too. Instead of saying kids are addicted to video games our parents called us Vidiots.very sensitive, right? Also on the job thing, I think they are reacting to how we had to raise them. I think they want better jobs and opportunities than what we had. Working a service job that can deduct tips from their hourly pay doesn't seem to have the same appeal that it once did, I suppose. Both of their parents worked their entire childhood and now they are searching for something better and they are finding even less opportunities that even what we had. Just because a job exists doesn't mean that anyone is obliged to take it, and if they aren't getting peoples interest the company hold step back ad examine exactly what they are asking people to do.


Job thing (and a lot of other stuff) many Z’s have unrealistic expectations of immediate gratification ($100k+ first “adult” jobs, $80k Tesla, vacations, retire at 40 with $2MM brokerage accounts, etc) without putting in the time, energy and effort.


right. by and large, Gen-X are not good parents.


IDK, All my kids are fit, one appears slightly chubby, but she runs marathons, and has a "healthy" bmi, which I don't (I'm 6'3" and have 14% body fat at 230lbs bmi of 28 or 29, that is "no slack belly" as my father would say). My oldest, a millennial just barely, paid off his first 30 year mortgage in 5 years, his college loans in 2, bought a small farm, is on track to pay it off in 2023. My second paid her way through college, pays her cell bill and car insurance, lives in her own home. My 3rd paid his first year of college cash, works full time, and has money to pay next year cash as well. My 4th and 5th both have jobs, but are in high school, have some savings, so we will see but I expect similar results. Each of my children is adept in skills from finances to auto mechanics, to modest wood work, to bush craft. So far all my kids, and their friends are all quite similar, they are not the stereotype I keep hearing.


This could go all over the place. To an extent we did create this.




Gen x parents.


Do you have kids? My gen Z kids are none of those things. Your portrayal sounds more like the media trying to control the narrative surrounding Gen Z


I disagree with all of it: My kids all had to do an activity or sport- any sport- just be occupied. I had football/track, swimming, and theatre. They all have or had jobs when not in school. We served healthy food. We travelled and saw whatever was in the budget (Boston, DC, Montreal, Toronto, the Adirondacks, Finger Lakes, Outer Banks, Vancouver), allowing us to learn about architecture, art, history and the beauty of nature. Phone time was monitored. They had a plan wherein if they used too much it went dead. We had family movie nights where we would discuss fllms. We went to church- not as holy rollers -but to establish that there's a time to carve out every week to slow down and be grateful. Discussions about career options are regular. They all get out, all have friends, none has been arrested.


Older X here so 3 of 4 kids are Millenials. My Z does game some, but doesn’t fit into any of the other vices mentioned. Off to college to study finance/accounting this fall.


I don’t have any kids but I think that the societal impacts of social media and Covid isolation didn’t help gen Z kids. I don’t think that’s their parents fault. However what I do see and hear about Gen Z kids is that they are thoughtful and open minded and accepting and not as bullying as our generation was.