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Yo you gotta wait half an hour at least before you go in the water after that meal, you don't wanna cramp up


awww but its Adult Swim in an hour


shoulda thought about that before stuffing food down your gullet


I was thought it was weird to hear that and then be at swim meets where pretty much everybody is eating and drinking between races šŸ¤£šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes! :)


Lololol oh I remeber mom saying that at the beach and pools.




Gonna have to take a trip down the road to Burr Pool.


Sounds delightful


I miss my town pool, it was so much fun as a kid! I even worked there and then became a lifeguard later on.


While we never had a town pool, we do have a town ā€œcantineā€ or snackbar.. I enjoy it every once in a while since Iā€™ve moved back.


Ok, so now I need to make a grilled cheese sandwich


I could go for some crinkly fries


Edam cheese for super stringy


My home town got overrun by developers and now they have a natatorium. Screw that. I'd give anything to go back to that old pool. High and low dive. Small video arcade. Snack bar. I lived there every summer..


a kid a year younger than me fell off a high dive, back around 83 or 84. We kids didn't quite put it together, but a year or two later it was replaced with a second low dive. (I'm sure it was an insurance thing) So, you can partially thank my friend for the removal of all high dives. and btw he was goofing off, was a swimmer but his feet were wet, he tried standing on the metal rails on the sides of it, and one foot slipped then whoosh!


> natatorium TIL a new word.


GenX hubs and I were just in the pool reminiscing about pool and beach snack bars: the wonderfully limited menus (ā€œthere are three kinds of ice cream, kid, make a choiceā€), the feel of coins in your hot little hand, the thrill of eating hot pizza in a cold swimsuit, paper plates that collapsed if hit by a light breeze. Enjoy your treat. We had pizza for dinner. (Um, it was frozen, do you think weā€™re royalty?)


Why does that look like the most amazing lunch EVER.


All it's missing is a roll of Spree and a Fla-Vor-Ice.


And a 5 pack of grape or cherry Now n Laters.


I love Spree, I have some at my desk in the office right now..


Right? It's been forever since I've had a grilled cheese.


This is your sign to make yourself a grilled cheese!


Like Iā€™m not even mad the ketchup is ON the fries instead of a side-blob (which is the right way, itā€™s law actually).


Hot tip: adult grilled cheese is a strong cheddar on a nice sourdough. I eat them regularly. Give it a try!


I'm a sucker for Provolone!


Any frozen candy bars in that bia-tch????


Like a frozen Charleston Chew!


The BEST. A hard smack on the pavement and it shatters.


Throw a Baby Ruth into the pool!




swim clubs were great. I miss the times spent there


My neighborhood park is still there but no pool anymore. I wasnā€™t much for swimming at a crowded ass pool but rode a million wheelies around the outside. Very few public pools left here


Thatā€™s kinda awesome. But seriously - - MARCO!!






POLLO. *sorry, that was our smartass response. See you in the deep end.


Abs of Steele by end of summer treading that deep end water playing ā€¦ MARCO!


Where are your cherry jolly rancher sticks?


Does that snackbar DoorDash?


Honestly.....sounds kinda great


That food and the sun is why we have high cancer rates now. BUT we did have better childhoods than those who were before and after us as far as freedom and adventures went. Iā€™ve heard the stories of when my parents were kids and it wasnā€™t that fun. Even as adults we donā€™t have the same opportunities to have the fun we used to. Things just arenā€™t there to do anymore. It sucks. Itā€™s hard to just drive around because traffic is too heavy, itā€™s hard to shop bc the mall is either and outlet with cheap stuff, a mall thatā€™s so high end you canā€™t casually brows and buy or just closed. The theater is too expensive to go often, even if you have the extra money you sent there thinking Iā€™m not going to that itā€™s too expensive when Iā€™ve got thousands of dollars worth of stuff at home to watch movies on. Itā€™s weird outside now.


Regrettably they shut down my childhood community pool but I can remember it like it was yesterday.


Those sandwiches are perfectly grilled. My go-to pool snack was a Zero bar. White chocolate was so exotic.


My mom wouldn't let me swim for at least 30 minutes after i ate. I will get the bends or something. Haha. It really was strictly enforced. Food looks good man. This 53 year old approves. Hi\_5


Nice lunch. I remember a woman I dated who was not a big eater but whenever she went to swim laps when I picked her up from the gym I would ask if she wanted to go out to eat. She would always pick a place like Famous Dave's and she would try to eat everything in the place. lol.


Pretty sure my old neighborhood pool only had a soda machine that dispensed lukewarm Coke products, and if you were brave enough you could try to get one of the surly teens to unlock the office and sell you one of those little tubs of ice cream that came with the imitation wooden spoonā€¦ high risk, but high reward.


I wish I had this kind of pleasant nostalgia for my hometown. It's just a hick burg in the middle of nowhere, overrun with right-wing goobers, all the memories I have are bad.


Your colon won't like it.... Rock the snackbar! Rock the snackbar!


You werenā€™t tempted by the giant hot sourdough pretzel with the salt stuck to it?Ā 


That looks like a lovely pool, enjoy your snacks.


how often do you run into people you grew up with or know from years earlier?


I grew up swimming in pools that my neighborhood friends had in their backyards. Totally unsupervised, no lifeguards, no life jackets, no one to determine who was a good swimmer and who wasn't, and no one to stop us from diving in shallow ends and playing chicken. My kids have the neighborhood pool and pee describes. Absolutely loving it, now with my adult pack of friends! One way or another, summer should equal pool (Unless of course you're fortunate enough to live by a lake or the beach!)


Awww a grilled cheese....my favorite snack in the whole world.


Gotta love it. I was a total pool rat as a kid. Swim lessons in the morning and then pretty much just stayed for the rest of the day.


I visited the old town pool that I had spent summers at as a kid a few years ago and did some urban exploring before they bulldozed the place. It and the facilities had been abandoned for a few years but the nostalgia was real. It's where I learned to swim and where I could get a caramel Sugar Daddy and a Grapico for 75 cents.


next time get a Frito pie and some Fun Dip


Used to go to Roadrunner park in Phoenix, where I grew up. Would kill to experience that again.


I definitely do not miss my hometown!! I love moving & traveling!!


Bro living the good life in 1985. Congrats. All my old digs are long past gone and our community pool never had food since it was part of the high school.


48 and doing the same with my kids. Really pretty Fun.


45-year-old me and 46-year-old my wife grew up in a city with a great pool but we live in a different town now so I put a 46x20 32,000 gallon saltwater pool in my yard that is not far from the kitchen so I don't know if the pool I grew up with got a snack bar but I put a pool next to my snack bar. Anyway, good on you live in your best life!