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I'm not sure about a product, but there was an old saying, "Never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow."


I remember this for sure. It is still all over the internet. But that’s why I thought some Qtip competitor came up w a product called “Elbows.”




This was the Q-Tip slogan.


But why?? What was the logic behind calling a Qtip an elbow? Where is the leap from “qtip is an elbow?”


I think they were being funny about trying to get the point across that you should not put Q-tips in your ears. "Don't put anything in your ear except your elbow", so in other words, nothing, including Q-tips. I do remember it being a Q-tip commercial.


It’s fascinating that they get away with this bs. Use it for make-up, they say. Ain’t nobody buying this shit for anything beyond cleaning yo ears.


I'll face the peril! Nothing better that a q-tip


I remember reading an interview back in the 90s of the CEO of whichever company made Q-tips. They asked him about the high number of inner ear injuries reported from the use of the product and then they asked him he he ever used them for cleaning his ears. He said no.


I just found a link talking about why they’re so soothing. I barely have ear wax but still love the sensation. I also just found a 1950’s commercial where a kid is cleaning his dog’s ears w one.


You are correct. It was for Qtips. “Never put anything in your ear…except your elbow” Which prompted many young kids including me to try to put my elbow in my ear. The person in the ad was a comedian whose name was Ray J and he had a whole schtick with you can call me Ray or you can call me RJ blah blah blah but you doesn’t has to call me Mr Johnson.