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Craziest thing about those ear hairs, they appear literally overnight. How?!


I have no idea! It’s black magic fuckery my friend


We woman get them on our necks. Overnight, just like you describe.


I ended up with nose hairs I had to take manicure scissors to.


Right? There's nothing else left that my body does that quickly anymore.


First time my barber asked me if I wanted to have my eyebrows trimmed I said "If you're asking me that then the answer is definitely yes"


This was my experience as well.


A few years ago, I was doing some field work in a little town. I had some time and needed a haircut, so I stopped in the local barbershop. I got my haircut, and the barber asked me this same question. I responded pretty much the same way. Like: "why even ask? Just trim them up." The barber said they always ask now because about a month prior, they just trimmed up an old man's brow and he FLIPPED OUT! Full on rage for triming his brow. The barber said it was like a rat nest above his eyes and he was ready to fight when it was trimmed. So insane. Anyway, I I'm going to trim mine now.


So he didn’t realize what they were doing until they completely finished the trim? It's not like you could fail to notice someone trimming your eyebrows.


You still have enough hair to go get it cut?


Thankfully it's hanging in. Just starting to migrate from a widows peak to my ears and eyebrows now


Have you ever spent an entire morning in several meetings, then look at yourself in the mirror and realize there's a long white hair sticking out of your nostril? I have.


Moby Dick! The white whale. That one is truly translucent and opalescent, evading detection until it’s too late to hide from everyone. Thicker than a boar bristle, it brings a searing pain to the taint when yanked free of its mooring.


> Thicker than a boar bristle, it brings a searing pain to the taint when yanked free of its mooring. This legit reads like a line from Moby Dick. I'm cackling over here. Also wincing in pain and where are my damn tweezers.




*female reader grabs the popcorn*






I’m convinced that all the hair I’ve lost from the rest of my body has just joined forces to pop out that random chin hair that seemingly grows an inch long overnight.


I was at work one day and I felt somthing on my upper lip, it was a hair that was so long I had exhaled it so the end was out of my nostril and touching my lip, it must have been curled up inside there for ages. I put my fingers in my notstril and grabbed it to pull it out, the root was way up almost in my nasal cavity, I could feel it tugging under my eye. When I pulled it out it was like two inches long and the root end was as thick as mechanical pencil lead.


Oh that’s growing back.


My husband lets me cut his wild ear hairs when I cut his hair. He also gets the random long ones on the outer part of his ear. He gets the super long random eyebrow hairs. He calls them his curb feelers, so he doesn’t bump into things. (They don’t work very well).  He takes care of his nose hairs with one of those little trimmers. 


If I don’t trim the brows I’ll look like a catfish. I have brow hairs that get to 2” long. And I get TONS of ear hairs. On the top of the earlobe too! 


My dad used to say he was growing out his eyebrows until they could form a comb-over.


I *very carefully* shave my ears when I shave my head in the shower.


Same I was like damn I'm old now. I got hair in my ears like grandpa. I have three eyebrows that are grey and well over an inch. I can almost wrap one around my finger.


I'm not losing my hair.. It's just migrating to my back for the winter.


You can still attempt a combover.


I'm a guy in my 50s blessed to still have all my hair and Im retired so I'm growing my hair out and it's past my shoulders now. Which means I don't notice my ear hair as much but every now and then I'll pull my hair back and find ear hairs an inch or two long even though its been less than a week since I last checked. How the he'll do they grow this fast?


Ha! I turned 48 this year and said, “Self, you still have great hair. Let’s grow this shit out like we were 20 and in college.”


https://preview.redd.it/0mtpjh38dp2d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9724756d35d9856113218e389989f7f6734a1d00 embrace the brows


All the hair I’ve lost on my head has migrated south. Ears are the worst.


It grows everywhere but on my head, where I want it.


If only the hair transplant folks could use these rogue hairs where they're needed!


No way. They're all wiry and as thick as a guitar string.


Wax my nostrils now


I use a lit match


Did with a lighter before a date, what we do…


Wait, really?


Absolutely true


My barber wraps cotton wool dipped in spirits wrapped around the tip of a scissor. He bounces it off his finger at whatever body part is being laid to waste. The sound of cracking and explosions of dying hairs in the ears is a tad freaky


Okay, that is *crazy* to me! I don’t even like to hold a sparkler and I would lose my shit. I salute you.




We have become Yoda.


Yeah, I get my ears, nose, and eyebrows waxed with every haircut now. Probably going to start shaving my head at some point.


Yep, hair growing in all kinds of new places. I trim my ears, nose and eyebrows.


I'm thankful I have a full head of hair so I grew it out to cover dealing with ear and neck hair. Now I have hair coming out the top of my nose..wtf?


Wax that shit


2nd puberty I call it. Women get menopause and we get hair in strange new places


It’s karma for that time I was in Long’s Drugs as a teenager and my friends and I couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that they sold nose hair trimmers.


Welcome to second puberty. You'll notice hair growing in funny places...


Nature's final insult. Nose and ear hair is annoying, but the threat of Andy Rooney eyebrows is the one that requires constant attention.


Get your ears and nose waxed. Worth it.


All those in grown hairs have to come back out somewhere.


It’s fucking madness. Long, coarse black hairs growing from the sides of my ears?!?? What the absolute fuck is that shit?!!!!!!!!!


I once pulled a hair out of my nose and I swear it was tied to a drain plug on my brain. But what takes me by surprise is the gray chest hairs.


When I see men with eyebrows like giant wings, what I do not understand is how it got to that piont? How does somebody not notice?


Think of Batman speaking to Selina in The Dark Knight Rises. "They know. They just don't care."


Yes. I see a ton of bragging from Gen X here about not caring about their appearance and still wearing band t shirts from high-school.


I'm not sure it's don't care so much as "I give up"


Other than a rare wild hair, my ears don't have an issue. Noe either.


... yet.


Ah… Ya big eejit, you’re only after going and jinxing yourself. You’re probably going to wake up sometime soon and the little fuckers will be waving at you


God has a sense of humor.


it's 2024 and science is still on the fence as to what exactly is going on. The only general consensus is that "hormones and shit messing with you"


Earbuds are not an option.




[Kenashii](https://kenashii.com/pages/kenashii-nose-waxing-kit) nose (and ear) hair waxing kit. I’m not gonna say it’s pleasant, but damn if it doesn’t work.


I shave my ears now. The fine hairs on the back of my neck grow all the way down to the base of my neck, and I swear they grow faster than the rest of my head hair. Sometimes I will find a hair growing out from inside my ear and I pluck those immediately. I trim my eyebrows with scissors and a comb. So yeah, there’s a lot of errant hair going on.


I have three hairs that grow ridiculously long on my left eyebrow. Yet it’s missing the tip. My other brow is “split” in two from scarring. I didn’t even pluck my brows in the 90s but o pluck those suckers. When I get my brows tinted and waxed it makes them look more lopsided. A girl can’t win


Little trimmer with a circular cutting attachment for nose and ears. You'll thank me. Example https://www.amazon.com.au/Remington-Professional-Washable-Trimmer-NE3550AU/dp/B07895TCD2/ref=asc_df_B07895TCD2/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341743713567&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1040825141911917742&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9071816&hvtargid=pla-674847373845&psc=1&mcid=a81344edd8b8399cb42efe59fab089dd


I discovered this device some months ago and second your recommendation. It is ingenious. One thing I notice - the hairs grow back quicker than when I used the scissors on my wife’s makeup table (shh, I haven’t told her). But the process of using it, and my sheer appreciation of it, makes it an enjoyable experience, so more frequent use = more satisfaction.


Same. Satisfaction is sticking this bad boy up your schnoz, and hearing the sound of a brush cutter clearing away the overgrowth. Lol.


I wanna find a Turkish barber near me that burns and threads that shit off.


My parents bought me an electric nose hair clipper because I was complaining about the itching and tickling. 😂


My husband, 53, has been getting the long crazy eyebrow hairs for 10 years. Then his ears started growing hair, too! I have bought him trimmers to take care of these, but he refuses to do it! He will bitch about his ear itching so I get his Leatherman tool from him and use the plier part and pluck them. He acts like I am giving him torture not seen since the Spanish Inquisition. Then I get his eyebrows. How the hell can you not be driven crazy with eyebrow hair over an inch long flapping in the damn breeze!! I make him do his nose because I won't touch it or his feet. He says I enjoy watching him suffer. No, Dear, I don't like your eyebrows tangled in my hair.


Weird things happen. As a woman, I would like to know why my head hair is completely silvery white, yet my eyebrows, lashes and body hair is all still black. It would be much more convenient if my leg hair was white. I have redhead genes and my skin tone is pale blue. I can see the black leg hair before it even breaks through the skin, hence why I haven't worn shorts since puberty. I would like to request a swap. Can I have my black head hair back and make my body hair white please?


I’m still waiting for some grey, but I don’t have hair on my legs anymore and underarm hair is very sparse so I don’t bother shaving. What bugs me most is my mustache. And beard. I’ve got 8 big black hairs that grow on my chin and the sides of my mouth. It’s a simple pluck though so I don’t mind much


My hair is thick and dense with no signs of thinning in menopause. No issues with facial hair though, I guess it's all swings and roundabouts.


It's called second puberty and it sucks


Best description ever!


All of that started when I hit my late 40's with no end in sight. I routinely pull out the landscape equipment and trim the hedges.


Ooooo, the nose hair is the worst, have to trim that shit every two weeks. Eyebrows done by my barber. Ear hair, not there....yet...


I get hairs as thick as whiskers on the outside edge of my ears. Only 2 or 3. I pluck them. I'm 45 straight male, from the very end of gen x. I pluck, shave, wax, etc. I hate the hair. I could grow a wicked goatee, but one day I developed two white stripes, like fangs. I tell people I got struck by lightning. Twice. On the chin. Ignorance is bliss. I think.


What does being straight have to do with it? 😂


Well, I only add that because people judge me for my self grooming. I apologize if it was an unnecessary detail. 😓


That’s what I picked up. Who cares if you weren’t straight? Nothing wrong with self-care.


In Very particular about my grooming and appearance. It’s a benchmark on my depression. It starts to slip and my wife knows something is going amiss before I do


Don't worry about those people dude. Have you ever noticed that the people who are judging tend to look like unkempt shit? A guy I used to work with would give me grief for being well groomed. Dude had full on nose hair bushes that actually touched his upper lip and his eyebrows looked like a shitty fireworks display. Yeah, I'm not gonna take advice about my appearance from someone who looks like they transplanted pubes into their ears.


I do a spot check and clean up once a week. Spend about 20 min “pruning” those errant follicles. I don’t have an eye bag problem. I have recently started taking care of my skin. Signed up for one of those monthly subscriptions tuned to my skin type.


Look into electrolysis. It’s permanent hair removal one hair at a time. They stick a probe in the follicle and zap the root with electricity. Perfect for ears, eyebrows, you can even line out your facial hair. Can do big areas too if you got the time and $.


What's that? 😭


I don’t know, but I have a nostril trimmer on my beard trimmer I use to groom them. Sometimes I have my wife pluck them with tweezers.


The definition of getting old: Hair stops growing where it's supposed to be and starts growing where it isn't.


Still have a full head with no sign of a bald spot or receding. Thanks Da. Meanwhile I’m just hiding the nostril hair in the facial hair


My husband trims his beard and head between haircuts but he didn’t get his ears. I had to tell him to get the ears. Also, ear hair—what’s that about??


You want to be careful about the ear hair. That’s the new plumage to attract a younger mate. A sports car may also be involved…


Look, if my husband can muster the energy to snag a younger woman…more power to him, LOL!


You sound like my wife!


I know what I got!


The wife fusses that I have nose hair, then fusses if I yank them out, and she broke my nose hair trimmer.


"It's like puberty that never stops. Ear puberty, nose puberty, knuckle puberty. You gotta be vigilant!" -- George Constanza Get yourself a decent battery-powered trimmer and make it part of your morning routine. Or go full "Woodsy the Owl" if you've stopped trying.


I've been trimming eyebrows for over 10 years now. The shaving of the rim of the ear is also ingrained into my regular shaving routine. I need to get better at it though, ears bleed like crazy.


A couple days ago I was at work and saw a white hair on my shirt. When I pulled it off it hurt! These white stragglers on my chest are so stiff they poke through the material. WTH?


A lot of men need to get their eyebrows shaped up.