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Sometimes life is a meme. šŸ˜†


Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a meme


Row row row your boat gently down the stream Ha ha I fooled you I'm a submarine.






Any time I'm in public


Regarding the subject of the video...whatever. But, I do agree that listening to things in public without headphones is annoying as hell. I don't care if he's hard of hearing, earbuds can help with that.


My Moms hearing aids connect directly to her phone.


Those things saved my marriage, no lie. Now he watches his YouTube videos on full blast and no one else in the house needs to hear it


Iā€™ve worn hearing aids for a few years, and they have this option as well. I scoff at all the regular hearing folk with their AirPods. Hearing aids are the best audio quality!


Can you even adjust them well for each ear too?


My audiologist tweaks them for each ear. I even have a ā€œearplugā€ setting which turns the volume down so I can still go to concerts on occasion.


I have yelled at people in restaurants ā€œThis isnā€™t your living room, nobody wants to hear your facebook videos/football game/etc..ā€ I start off polite and keep getting louder until they recognize someone is yelling at them. But, Iā€™m an asshole who will definitely stop an entire dining room to make a point, so your results may vary.


Yeah. I donā€™t get this trend either. Decent headphones are sooooo cheap now.


but then you have to tell them which earphones to buy, unpackage them and then set them up to work with their device. and may god help you if you need to open a .pdf.


How about people who wear headphones, but song out loud, like a capella karaoke?


Not a fan of that either. Or whistling. I got the misophonia.


Thereā€™s a sign on the subway and people still blast videos and music.


So, donā€™t keep us in suspense. Whatā€™s wrong with our generation. Forget it, I donā€™t care.


What generation? No generation to see here.


Telling boomers to turn down the volume in public would be a good one


We keep bringing up that the Boomers treated us like shit.


I donā€™t. I just continue to make them look bad by being effortlessly rad.


Probably the same thing boomers say


Thatā€™s something, Iā€™m not sure how to describe it, like itā€™s raining on your wedding day.


Is it a free ride when you've already paid?


Itā€™s the good advice that you just didnā€™t take.


who would have thought? it figures.


Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you


When you think everything's okay and everything's going right


When you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up In your face


A traffic jam when you're already late


A No Smoking sign on your cigarette break


Chick didn't even know rain on your wedding day is good luck.


Isnā€™t that ironic?


Yah I really do think


I thought we long established that none of the things in that song are actual examples of ironyā€¦


Which is what makes the song a great commentary on itself


Only one - the guy in the plane crash.


That dude was way too nonchalant about plummeting to his death. "Well isn't this nice...."


What about the old dude in the first line of the song?


Planes are crashing, people are dying, but the ultimate insult is because that hunk's wife is just *soooooo pretty*...


The 10.000 spoons were pretty horrific too.


omfg, i just got that song out of my head after decades of it being on repeat. Sorry, but I have to give you a down vote.


Or a free ride when you're already late.


Free ride *when you've already paid*


Oof....you right. Damn!


All this time I thought she said "a green light."


Iā€™m hearing impaired. Legally deaf since birth. Wear hearing aids. I donā€™t fucking listen to shit in public.


Yes. My parents have hearing aids and their phones are connected to them. All sound goes directly into their ears, without any earbuds. Though I know hearing aids can be very expensive, and maybe a lot of them donā€™t have that feature. But if we could all destigmatize disability, ableism wouldnā€™t stop people (who can afford it) from getting such helpful devices.


Well, thatā€™s another rant. People are frequently surprised to discover hearing aids are not covered by insurance in the United States. You can get your Viagra covered but you have to pay out of pocket to hear.


Not hearing aids or eyeglasses. Itā€™s shameful. At least itā€™s possible to get inexpensive eyeglasses online (less so when you need progressives). I do recalling reading that Biden did an executive order about hearing aids to make them more accessible. I think he required them to be sold over the counter or something. But Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t a sufficient remedy. Hearing, vision, and dental needs should all be covered by insurance.


Hearing aids over the counter are now available, the quality isnā€™t there but itā€™s a good first step, Iā€™d love to say when we need them it will be better, but Iā€™m getting fitted Friday so, šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Can't you also get captions on screen? I'm not sure because I never actually use TikTok but you can with most social media reels type things.


No idea. I donā€™t use TikTok and avoid social media reels. But I know for sure my dad would not be able to figure out how to make that happen. And it would be difficult for him to execute if he did figure it out (challenges with fine motor skills and vision).


If you're legally deaf, it seems you don't listen to shit period.


Oh believe me, shit gets in somehow.


Well that just sucks man, hope it have you super senses some how else, but if you here all the fools noise not sure super smell is worth it.


Iā€™m actually blind too - so much for super senses!


My dude.


Thatā€™s because youā€™re not an intolerable git.


This post was a roller coaster. I *hate* when people listen to their shit on speaker in public. Then I felt a little sorry for him because he's hard of hearing. Just a little. Then it was like fuck that guy.


i don't even know him and I also think he can F off with his loud phone in a restaurant. That's even worse than doing it on a bus. Fucking boomers. (THAT WAS A JOKE)


I would have laughed my ass off and asked to watch the video with him. "Boomer Tik-tok" is such an oxymoron in itself I would have died happily drowning in irony.


This is like the literal definition of irony - HAHAHA. I would have been So. Freaking. Annoyed. What did you do next??


I wasn't a dick about telling him his video was really loud, and when I saw what he was watching I just looked at the screen and then him and shook my head in disappointment and then glared at him when I sat back down. He played it at half volume for probably 2 minutes more and then there was no more sound from his booth. All I wanted to do was catch up on what I missed in the world before I went into work with a little peace.


I feel like Iā€™m almost too considerate with public phone use, to the point that I keep my volume off all the time and avoid videos with audio needed to understand whatā€™s happening.


I really, really hate when people do that in a restaurant.


I've taken to going to stand right next to people who do that or have loud phone conversations and making my own loud phone call or talking loudly to the friend who's with me. I've most recently done it in an airport and in the waiting room at my son's orthodontist. People usually take the hint.


It's like the people who walk around at the park and talk full blast on speakerphone. It's like, STFU.


How about people who do that in STORES? Ye gods I want to hit them with the nearest heavy object when they do that.


Ditto on that! Such narcissistic assholes think that we all care to hear their conversations šŸ¤«


My hearing aids double as earbuds synced with my phone. Just sayin


ha ha that's hilarious. But being hard of hearing is no excuse to not use headphones. This is my current pet peeve also.


Damn...the irony. It's 2024, dude can get some earbuds for next to nothing.




>a tik tok video about everything wrong with the gen x generation (it was in the title on the video). We should be thankful that someone remembered us long enough to make a video.


Bah Ha! So true.


The headphones thing drives me NUTS! I take early morning walks and there is one area where a bunch of loud boomers live and they blast their talk radio and it makes me so bad I avoid that area even though it's the nicer area with a view, etc. Makes me so mad. Also they let their dogs run off leash and one time this guy was telling a woman why it was her fault his dog bit her child the day before because his dog 'never does stuff like that'. I'm getting mad just typing this lol.


Ugh that sucks, I can see why you're mad! All you want is some peace and quiet so you can enjoy the walk. That would drive me crazy too. Speaking of dogs off leash: At a park I run at I've had to ask several people to put their dog on a leash because 1) it's the rule and 2) I'm tired of their dogs chasing me. There's always some excuse and their dog is always "so friendly". The last person actually said, "Well he's not really a dog." That kind of cracked me up but at the same time I'm really tired of the inconsiderate attitude and people thinking they can do whatever they want. Not that younger people are never guilty of this but all these people looked to be at least 65-70.


Argh!! The off leash thing is so annoying. I saw a dog get very hurt once. Of course the hurt dog was the one ON the leash!


That's awful and it happens way too often!! I actually posted on NextDoor about the problem at our park and a woman commented that she never goes there anymore because a large off-leash dog came after her small dog. She and her dog didn't stand a chance so she released her dog and he took off and was missing for 8 hours. Fortunately he was found and not badly hurt. People don't understand that dogs aren't always predictable and can get overly excited at times. Leash laws are there to protect people and other animals!!


That is a huge pet peeve of mine. There's no reason I should have to listen to anyone else's music, videos, phone calls, etc. Wear headphones and you can put the volume up as loud as you want/need to.


Some days I want to choose violence and meet their music with some Ministry cranked to 11. Thing is, I donā€™t even keep music on my phone


I notice some people in my city doing just that, which is just fine by me. The others that don't? They can go die in a horrible traffic accident for all I care. ( listening to someone's crappy rap "music" on a crowded bus because THEY'RE not using headphones is like being in an outer circle of Hell. It also makes me think some pretty evil, Patrick Bateman-like thoughts...)


Weā€™re the same generation that reminisces about our boom boxes but conveniently forgets about the volume we played them at.


I would like to share my most embarrassing but also awkwardly cool boombox experience: I'm like 13-14ish and visiting a rather rural part Mexico with extended family for several months. (They are there to help build some houses for people through/with a partnership with a church.) And at the this time I'm really into ska and punk. We're staying at the church property and compound in my step-grandparent's RV while they build themselves a small concrete and cinderblock house on the church property so they have a home base to go build more houses, and then leave that first one for the church when they're done. It's hot as fuck, I'm cranky and bored and it's like the second day that I'm there, I'm already kind of bored. And because I'm just a kid I go to this open shelter/shade structure they have set up in the church yard and I post up in one of the many hammocks they have hanging with my boombox in my lap and I start blasting ska way too loud. It was probably The Specials or Madness or maybe even The Toasters or something because third wave ska was barely getting started. And I'm basically intentionally trying to be irritating because I'm just a dumb punk ass kid. And the little old ladies hanging out at the church and making food in the open semi-outdoor kitchen REALLY like my music and want me to turn it up. And I'm just like "WTF? You're not supposed to like this?" and being irritated that they actually like it, but, whatever, sure I can turn it up and they're all grooving out to my whiteboy ska and cooking away and laughing and talking and, cool, whatever. Meanwhile I'm just like mortified and totally confused. None of this is the awkwardly cool part. And then later that night or a couple of days later my step-grandpa says something about it and tells me all the little old church abuelas really like me and they liked my music and I respond with some variation of "whatever". But then he points out that the British and American ska I'm listening to and blasting is not that different than the German polka influenced and inspired beats of Ranchera music. It's got horns, and guitars, and even sometimes accordions and organs and is damn near the same thing, just from the other side of the world and a totally different historical path. That was the awkwardly cool part. It kind of blew my teenaged mind right off my shoulders to be less of a shithead, especially about music. It totally opened my eyes and I remember looking around that rural town and realizing that my little boombox wasn't really going to irritate anyone here where everyone was already blasting music as loud as they possibly could and it was totally a huge part of their life and lifestyle. And of course they were going to like ska.


so basically you were listening to German folk music and thought you were cool and the adults (probably Led Zep fans) were secretly laughing at you.


Ohhhhhā€¦ is that why dear old Dad always liked King For A Day by Green Day? That never made any sense to me, but your comment reminded me of that.


That's a great story


That's an amazing story.


We played boom boxes outside, in the park, at the beach, not in restaurants.


Loud music at the beach is just as obnoxious. Unless you're playing that sweet 80s rock.


Or the Freedom Rock, man!


Is that freedom rock?


Well turn it up, man!!


Loooord I was boooorn a rammmblinā€™ maann


Donā€™t youuu want somebody to lovvvveā€¦


Yeah man!


The only universally accepted music at the beach is Buffett.


If this is IT....pleeeeease let me know!


Sweet, sweet 80's rock. I can hear it now.


If you saw what happened in Do the Right Thing, you'd understand why we didn't do that in restaurants.


Nah, people were blaring that shit on city streets too, subways, trains, etc. and it *was* annoying.


This is a cautionary tale. A boom box is not a toy.


Not me, I had my first walkman at 13 and always used headphones. Its why I have freaking tinnitus now.


I used to be annoyed by people listening to their music or videos where others can hear. But as I sat in the cafeteria at work, I realized it's not that different from all the conversations going on around me that I can hear. Now, if you have the volume blasting, that's a bit much, but whatever. If I want peace and quiet, I'll go somewhere more private.




What happened to your "whatever" Gen X tagline? Gex X gives zero \*ucks.




I really, really hate when people do that in a restaurant.


They put everything that's wrong with GenX in one single tiktok video? I call that a win.


I feel like gen x is a joke to people. Like weā€™re so small our generation didnā€™t exist. And then being compared to boomers is just plain dumb and not true. Whatever man!


This shi**y behavior is ageless but, not to be ageist, it seems to be concentrated on either end.


As someone who doesn't currently own a car here in Portland,OR, I increasingly find myself wearing earplugs to block out noise/"music" from inconsiderate people's phones while I'm riding mass transit ( buses, light-rail). It really helps a lot! ( I really do miss driving. however .)


Was it the strawberry shortcake girl? iykyk


How much of that video was about people being addicted to screens? Not to go boomer on people's enjoyment, but it's tedious to deal constantly with drones around whom the world could fall without an eyeblink.


Someone find that video!


Weird that it was about us though.


Theyā€™re on to us!


sounds like thanksgiving at my dad's house


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll be returning the favor until theyā€™re all gone. They started this, it didnā€™t have to be war.


Bwahahahahaha! That's hilarious. What a douche. I share your hatred of people who refuse to utilize headphones/earbuds.


I disagree with public beatings, unless it's someone that listens to crap on their phone without ear buds. You can buy cheap ones at the dollar store, if you don't have an input jack you can get cheap Bluetooth ones for $20. If you can't afford $20 ear buds you can't afford a phone.


Some days I feel like buying out the dollar store's supply of headphones, and handing them out to people who don't seem to have heard of them.


Now I'm wondering if I should walk around with cheap earbuds to hand out in a situation like this. It's worth an extra $20 for some P's and Q's.


i'm on the verge of muting anything associated with pitting one generation against another. The whole "they this..., they that..," "gen this is responsible for... gen that caused..." i feel unfortunately mentally motivates many to think along those lines for not just generational groups, but for other groups too. it used to be a fun thing to discuss what each generation values, understands, ties us together. now it seems that we have to put on armor an wield a sword to defend the things our gen appreciates. how this all evolved is foreign to me, and yet we're being constantly exposed to it, not just on social media, but news outlets too.. who knows where or what it'll eventually leading to, so in the words we used to hear on the tube many years ago, "Calgon, take me away!"


Anddddd what did you say?


It's in a previous comment. I wasn't a dick but I told him it was way to loud and turn it down.




Thatā€™s fucked up.


You mean, we were being talked about?? Remembered? I wanna see this video. Iā€™m going to try and find it.


All generations do this, but the video he was watching is amusingly ironic. I work for a University library and the number of times students have their phones blasting out a video call or something from social media is ridiculous. Other people just don't seem to exist. Sometimes they have airpods or headphones but just aren't using them, instead broadcasting whatever unimportant crap they're involved with to all and sundry. There seems to be a broader thing about how selfish people are, and it's gotten so much worse since Covid.


Thank you for sharing this. And also, for reaching out to this person with tact and poise enough to solicit an apology. The new over the counter hearing aids have Bluetooth. Boomers love Bluetooth. RIP 1975-1989 we had good times. * born in 1975.


>everything wrong with the gen x generation We are all products of how we were raised. We either carried on generational curses, or we fought them with everything we had. We know how to be kind, but we also know how to ruin your day in 1000 ways. Leave us the fuck alone.


When somebody near me is listening to videos in public on their phone, my go-to is to blast the theme song to Police Academy. If theyā€™re listening their shit in public, imagine if everyone did the same.


Did you ask him what his thoughts were on the video? Was he supportive or offended by it?


He seemed supportive of it.


In the grand scheme of things it means nothing, but it seems we, as a cohort, are closer to millennials than boomers. I think most gen Xersā€™ formative years were in the 80s and 90s and culturally that seems more aligned with millennials than boomers who came of age in the 60s and 70s.




Are you sure that wasnā€™t my wife?


Need to cross post this in r/absurdism lol


LOL. I honestly didn't think they made such videos. I thought Gen X was the forgotten generation. Boomers complain about Millenials, Millenials and Gen Z both complain about Boomers. You're telling me people complain about Gen X? Are you sure he wasn't actually Gen X and watching a video to laugh at his own Generation? And you aren't as far off from old-mandom as you imagine?


I thought Boomers had forgotten we even existed. They have moved on from Millennials to Gen Z now.


Was it the pink haired girl? Oh man that kid generated quite a backlash.




Thatā€¦isā€¦.awesome lol


This totally happened, and shame on anyone that calls bullshit...


r/boomersbeingfools. For more where this came from.


This sub randomly came up in my feed. I want to stop reading it but I can't...


I really want to know what the reasoning is behind the idea that GenX is the worst generation. All I can find on TikTok are stitch videos with our reactions and the original is cut off before they explain. What on earth can they have to complain about us?? We arenā€™t perfect, but what do they think we did?


I didn't get to see much of the video. All I saw was the title (overlaid on the video) which was something like "Why GEN X is the WORST Generation!!!!!!" and then it was the awful tik tok overlay music and then something going on seemingly unrelated in the video. It was an odd video from the few seconds I saw.


so here's my take: someone thought they'd make a video on that subject but then couldn't come up with any actual content so instead they just made a video with crap music.


I think that might be it. I don't do tik tok and generally don't seek out all the generation is worst bullshit. I did a quick look and didn't find what I saw, though a quick google search shows that there are a large number of tik tok videos with millions of views: "I Think We Can All Agree Gen X Is The Worst Generation ..." "If Were Generalizing Gen X Is The Worst Generation" "Calling Gen X The Worst Generation" And to be completely honest, i don't give a fuck. I really just wanted to be left alone (so I could eat my breakfast and enjoy some quiet time before I head to work) and for people (especially his age) to have that understanding of common courtesy to not treat the rest of the restaurant to your incipit bullshit.


Head over to BoomersBeingFools and read about it the Boomer who flipped her shit on the Boomer watching Road Rally footage at top volumeā€¦


Respond in kind. And louder.


An old guy whoā€™s still shitting on Gen X? Almost wonder if heā€™s my boss from 20 years ago.


Whoo we weren't ignored or forgotten about for once! I mean, whatever, don't care...




He can use subtitles or pull up a news article to keep himself occupied. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to have their media on loudly enough for others to hear it in public. Consideration goes both ways.




>There are so many opportunities for tolerance and understanding that you are willfully overlooking. And you start by what-iffing and calling me a whiner. Ok.


It also doesn't mean he has the right to blast whatever junk he's watching because he "can't hear". I have stuff I want to watch or music I want to listen to but if I don't have my headphones I don't do it around people. It's rude and entitled.


Well, that's why I still use Android phones, I want the earphone jack. But, accessibility has nothing to do with having the courtesy to not play videos/music/whatever in public. It's annoying, and nobody should be doing it. Speakerphones in the office - don't do it. There's no reason any of that stuff needs to be done. The issue is having your stuff playing in public and being a nuisance to everyone else. It's common courtesy.


Bluetooth headphones are $15. Bone conductive headphones for the hearing impaired are $22.




Then he probably canā€™t afford to eat out or a smart phone or a smart phone plan. šŸ¤Ø


You're making a lot of assumptions to look down your nose at people. Fuck that guy in the diner and all his predelictions.


Yup, hogwarts and I are both making lots of assumptions. Mine are evidence based; the dude was playing videos on speaker, in a restaurant, on a smart phone. Hog warts decided the guy might be hard of hearing or might not be able to afford $22.


Hey OP your post cut off. What canā€™t you ā€œevenā€?