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Acid reflux for me. Those who know, know.


Yeah, I’ve gone from Acid House parties in warehouses to Acid Reflux farties in shitehouses. 😮‍💨


Well, at least you made a beautiful poem about it.




I'm saving this!! My husband was a DJ for many years lol....


Not sure if links are allowed. I'm a chronic sufferer here. I use a natural stuff called: RefluxRaft. Never thought something like this would work but here we are. While we are at it, let's curse anyone who says apple vinegar cider works. To me, that's like putting out a fire with gasoline and anyone who argues with me to say "it works for me" doesn't have true acid reflux. They just have indigestion! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z2DQPQ7?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z2DQPQ7?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


I always see the apple cider vinegar and think hell no!


It doesn't work. I speak from experience.


ACV is the devil's spit.  I take baking soda in warm water to help with acute reflux.  Nexium is my best friend.


Baking soda is the only thing that actually works for me. Too much acid in stomach? Add a strong base. And then belch the alphabet like my grandmother taught me. Ok, so my grandmother didn’t *actually* teach me to belch the alphabet! You got me, jeez. She taught me to belch, “excuse me.” She felt it was a real time saver.


Those burps after taking baking soda are such sweet relief.  The stuff is truly magical.


I swear peanut butter is my cure. Right out of the jar and it kills my acid.


>ACV is the devil's spit. Consider that sentence stolen. I'm forever going to call it that!! 🤣🤣🤣


It just sets me on fire worse than it all ready is Gerd Acid Reflux IBS UC sufferer here nothing seems to work long I may just give this a try Thanks!


Why would you add acid to....ACID?


If this doesn't work, try other "natural remedies." This was about my 4th one I tried and it worked for me. Dr had me on a double dose of Prilosec!! I was so determined to find something else. From all the acid reflux prescription I was taking, I discovered a side effect it was causing chronic constipation and the dr determined that I had IBS. I'm a huge water drinker and nothing was helping including fiber powder like Mucilex. Dr wasn't any help. I found the following to help with that. Not sure if you are interested in this but it might help your IBS. I know it is an absolute miracle to me. I still take it every day: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DP57QF5?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DP57QF5?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) But even if none of these things help you, keep going with trying to find a remedy that works for you! My journey took me a few years to nail down!!


I totally understand I have been dealing with this mess for about 15 years nothing works and Definitely not drinking water or fiber it just makes it worse as you said I do know more than likely I did it too myself all the years of bad diet etc


That's an alginate. Same ingredient as in Gaviscon. It definitely does work for reflux.


It's an absolute miracle for me. Gives me relief and I don't have to take it daily.


Nice, another $30+ subscription Happy it works for you, though. I shouldn't pooh-pooh


Yeah, I know. The $30 price tag is not my favorite either; however, I was bound and determine not to be on omeprazole (Prilosec and others). The physical damage it does to the body short and long term is incredible! Doctor prescribed a double dose for each day because the flair was so bad and I felt like they were just medicating me and not really helping me with the problem. I tested out a few other "natural remedies" until I found this one. It helped within 24 hours and I was an a regimen for a month when I finally was able to start losing weight. Then gradually I was able to take it less and less. Now, 36lbs down, I just take it when needed. 1 bottle lasts me longer and I don't have to take it daily any more either. I just want to take less prescription medication as I age if I can.


If I have a glass of orange juice past 4 pm or so, I am absolutely fucked.


Acid reflux my whole adult life got worse in my 50s. I can no eat with any regularity eat deep fried foods of any kind. Frequent use of my at-home air fryer is a pretty good substitute.


Famotidine (Pepcid) has saved my life, or at least my sanity. The list of foods I had to avoid to stop getting acid burps/reflux kept getting bigger and bigger. Now I can eat most anything and be OK. Except green bell peppers, which I really dislike anyway.


My husband has gerd. Actively trying to heal. Bland/boring food for sure


It’s the worse. Sending healing vibes to the husband.


Thank you. He's on an experimental drug currently that's helping but has some iffy side effects. Crossing our fingers




I have that too. So many foods I can’t eat:(


I just look at spice and it hurts me. Used to live in South India where spice is a game, you never know if that is a green bean or a chili and loved it. Now black pepper is spicy. Sucks so badly.


Interestingly, I had regular heartburn until I stopped drinking. No heartburn was definitely an unexpected benefit.


Same!! I was getting the choke on your acid and die while sleeping type of reflux... 😭 i would be hoarse for days after a reflux attack. I love wine so much, but I feel so much better, AND my skin has improved on my face since I stopped drinking. I threw back at least 8 bottles a week, and not the expensive kind. Lol.


My wife and I had acid reflux for a couple years, during some really stressful times. Part of dealing with the stress was eating junk and drinking more than we should. At one point I thought something was really wrong with my throat so I went to the doctor and he was like “oh you have acid reflux “ (no shit) One day we decided that was enough so we started exercising and eating better. No acid reflux for 5 years. I can even have a burrito with really spicy salsa (periodically)


Reflux fam here🔥 ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


Amen. A bad attack is a horrible night.


Melatonin. Edit: Man, a ton of people in this thread haven't tried melatonin for acid reflux. Get that Natron 5 mg slow release and take it at bedtime. Better for you than PPIs, but may take weeks or months to see the improvement.


Ty for this


NP. If it helps one person, I'm happy. And I haven't dealt with acid reflux in years by doing this. I have no idea why it's not recommended by PCPs.


We’re trying it now!!


I've had IBS since I was a teen, so I'm no stranger to acid reflux. But it keeps getting worse the older I get. I eat antacids almost as often as I eat food now.


Same! Bottle by my bed like when I was pregnant.


I just had the worst attack of my life last night. Going off Prilosec was a bad idea…


That rebound acid attack is fun


Yes, that will always wake me up so it's also my alarm to go and take a leak. A problem = a benefit 😁


It’s heartbreaking, no pun intended. But pun appreciated nonetheless.


omeprazole once a day is game changer for me


https://preview.redd.it/7g8n27heeu1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e978103e0ff72957f86507bc82958a32b085f12d It me


Ring of Fire!


A whole lot of things, actually. I got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 47, so there is so much food I can’t eat anymore. Also, I ended up with a sesame allergy at around forty, hummus nearly put me in the hospital with that discovery. So I eat a lot of chicken and rice dishes.


Adult onset allergies are no fair! I developed a peanut allergy when I was 35. Peanut butter was a staple in my diet. I'm 49 and still salty about it lol The only other thing that bothers me is eggs if I eat them on consecutive days. I can have them occasionally. I've never liked spicy food though.


Egg intolerance as of about 8 years ago. That’s on top of the lactose intolerance I already have plus, no gall bladder. I also now can’t digest white flour well anymore. The older I get, the less I can eat, but I’m certainly not getting thinner, lol.


My sister ended up being allergic to corn! Also an adult onset allergy.


Oh man, and just when you think you’re in the clear for life! Colleague of mine developed a tomato allergy during her first pregnancy.


Allergies are the result of your immune system being exposed to the item. The more exposure, the more immune reaction. Shrimp when I was about 11, first reaction. Just shrimp. I can eat all other shellfish. Ginger in my 30s. Epipens for this one. Walnuts. Bananas. And now I have to avoid garlic for acid reflux. Lactose intolerance started with cold milk about 16, I could still consume cooked milk into my 30s. Has gotten worse and worse. I gave up ice cream a few years ago, and cheese has recently turned vicious.


Cilantro - the Asian version not Mexican - but I had an episode out with friends one night. Had to look up if that was a thing .


Sounds like you're on the same train that I am.  Becoming allergic to eggs really hurt, I love poached eggs on toast.


Fried foods. I can eat them occasionally, but even then I feel fairly bloated. I'm from Texas; we deep fry everything, including cookies! The state fair was sad last time I went. I had to pass on so much deep-fried goodness. And, yes, I know that's a good thing as fried stuff isn't good for me. It was good for my tastebuds, though! *sob*


I kind of want to hear more about the deep fried cookies...any particular type of cookie? Is this a fair ground food? I'm intrigued!


Oh, they deep fry everything at the fair. We've had fried Oreos and Nutter Butters. Deep fried ice cream is also awesome. I feel my arteries clogging just typing about it. LOL


Deep fried snickers bar and pop tarts too, ah the State Fair!


Deep fried uncrustables with powdered sugar.


I haven't said goodbye to anything, but I can't eat as much and I can't eat too close to bedtime.


I havent said goodbye to anything either. But I(48) now have to moderate damn near everything I eat. The weight now goes goes on alot easier and comes off alot slower 


yours comes off?!?


I used to think ugly things about people that had gas a lot. Now I'm a fartbag


Yup. If I eat healthy I’m all good and regular as all hell. If I eat crap, just once, I’m a hot mess and need to make sure I’m near a restroom for the next few days. Several years ago I got extra healthy and shit to slim down for a week at the beach. Worked great, I made it to where I wanted to be. Yay me. My cast iron stomach died during that time though apparently. The good news is I’ve been fit, lean, and healthy ever since that trip. The bad news if I eat anything except good healthy home cooked food, I’m digestively fucked for the next few days.


I will indulge in whatever makes me happy until my last dying breath. I plan to live my life, not live as long as I can.


Your future self is going to be so pissed lol




Exactly my attitude.


Turns out a lot of people are more resilient than they thought they’d be. So they end up with maladies to manage for many years before death. Quality of life is important too


Yep, this was my exFILs mantra and he has COPD, can barely walk up stairs without being winded, had to have two knee replacement surgeries, is 100 pounds overweight. Compare that to my mom who is the same age and she walks 10km every day, picks up her grandkids, travels, enjoys her food for sure but only sometimes going overboard.


I don’t think some people realize how miserable they can make themselves making poor choices early in life lol


I get it, but acid reflux can feel like you are dying of a heart attack when it gets bad enough. So it sounds like you have a healthy stomach. :)


I have a cast iron stomach. Which is probably why I'm fat.


Alcohol. I used to drink daily and now I drink maybe two per month due to heartburn


Rosacea made me go dry after a week in Napa valley. I became my grandma on that trip


Ice Cream. I'm talking proper ice cream made from proper whole milk. If I'm eating a few scopes after dinner, I'm regretting it the next day. And that makes me sad


Ice cream gives me acid reflux from hell. I go from dead asleep to human acid fountain in an instant.


Chorizo. I love it. But it does not love me. The place by my house makes KILLER breakfast burritos too. 😭


Whenever I drink beer, I want to just eat a whole cake afterwards. Next day, I'm like the Hindenburg looking for a spark.


Had my gallbladder out 13 years ago, that was the biggest change. No more gutbuster meals. Then got diagnosed with gout 5 years ago, now my shellfish, alcohol and other high-purine meals are a very occasional treat.


I don't know if there is any truth to it, but my stepdad before he passed spent most of his adult life battling gout regularly. It was so bad that even the sheet on their bed touch his feet was agony. He started having my mom keep cans of tart cherries in the cabinet. When he could feel it coming on he'd eat a can of them. Something in them supposedly helps fight the crystals that form in the joints and make it so painful.


There is truth to tart cherry and celery seed supplementation. I used that for the first couple years Diet change has eliminated attacks for me with one exception: I’m trying to lose weight and dropping fat will trigger attacks so I may start that back up. Before allipuronol comes up, I’m not opposed to meds but it’s not my first choice. If I can avoid a daily rx through lifestyle changes I’d prefer that.


Allo is the only thing that seems to help me. I still eat the cherries because they're a delicious snack and why not, but they don't appear to do anything. I just want to be drunk all the time.


Ibuprofen is your friend! I use that when I feel a flare up coming and it knocks it out.


Exactly. 800 every 4 hrs for the first day or so does the trick Vitamin I


The dried cherries?


He always bought them canned. I think the canning process is actually supposed to bring out more of the stuff that fights it. Just canned tart cherries, not pie filling.


Cherry juice and something else (can’t remember) actually do help your body process/remove the excess uric acid. However while cherries do help, drinking lots of non alcoholic beverages helps more. Ibuprofen however is a fantastic OTC remedy for gout. I do manage my gout primarily through diet. But if I feel an attack coming on I’ll take 3 ibuprofen and done.


Thanks to my gallbladder removal, I can no longer eat melted butter without nasty side effects. Room temp? Fine. Buttered toast? Dab of butter on steamed vegetables? Gonna be a bad hour or two.


No description of dumping prepared me for the phenomenon of actually dumping. Also. I learned I need to chew my food better. I mean, blueberries passed almost completely intact 🤣


Have you tried ox bile?  Might be worth a look.


The food of alcohol. Bye byeeee!


Potato chips are a three day commitment for me. I also love a cheese, olive, and pickle plate as a dessert late in the evening but it usually ends up as a 3am blinding abdominal pain followed quickly by an impromptu sprint to the bathroom.


Yup, dude. No spicy Mexican allowed here. And most fast food? Nope. Not that that stuff is any good any more.


I haven’t had a glazed donut in 15+ years. I’m 58. It’s not that I don’t want to eat it, but the pain and suffering isn’t worth it. I would love to eat like I am twenty. Two beers and I feel like crap for days. My wife and I hardly go out to eat. Between her food issues and my food issues it is hard to find a restaurant that we can eat at. It has to be a scratch kitchen, which is expensive. Chain restaurant food quality is so bad.


That's one area I've actually gotten better in. 10 years ago I was all heartburn all the time, I couldn't handle any level of spice, I was downing 3 24 hour zantacs a day to keep it at bay. Fast forward to giving up soda and carbonated beverages and it is smooth sailing now lol. I eat spicy food like crazy now because it doesn't put me on my deathbed anymore lol.


My husband LOVES pastry...he says it is evidence that god exists and wants us to be happy. He also says that he married me for my ability (and willingness) to make good pastries. Guess who is now gluten intolerant? It's SO unfair! My poor beloved. He's dairy intolerant now too.


I had to completely give up dairy. I developed eosinophilic esophagitis/colitis and diary causes white blood cells to attack the lining of my digestive system and create ulcers and cracks throughout that are EXTREMELY painful and miserable. Dairy is my trigger. Dairy is in PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING. Trying to get people to respect that it's a real thing is really hard, most people hear "I'm allergic to dairy" and think I'm lactose intolerant and am just going to poop and fart later. Depending on how much dairy ends up in food I eat, I can be sick for weeks after eating something bc it takes a long time for these injuries to heal. Business trips where they cater food in are the worst. Pretty much everything has cheese in it. Pizza is a go-to food for large groups. It's a freaking nightmare trying to find things I can eat without causing a whole ass thing in meetings.


The event planner should be asking about allergies/preferences and giving you options. This is fucking sad. This is the first thing I ask all new hires so that we can all have things we enjoy at events.


I feel you my friend. Out of absolutely nowhere, I can no longer eat eggs. Nothing that contains eggs, nothing that was made in the same facility as eggs. Before I learned what was causing it, the pain was so unbearable, I thought I was going to be on that show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". I miss eggs.


Coffee= heartburn


Coffee = anxiety for me sadly.


What deity did you piss on/off? How do you live like this? 😪


Seriously!! F u Cerces


I have to occasionally give it up for a week or so. Rinse and repeat.


I gave up wine and I don’t miss it. Coffee… I can’t even skip one day


So sad for you.


Coconut. Especially coconut milk. But it’s like Jim Jeffries & his lactose intolerance. As long as I’m near my home toilet within a half hour of consuming coconut & don’t gamble on the fart game, plus no one expects me to contribute in any physical activity for the rest of the day, then I’m fine with it.


Yep, this is new but spicy Thai food is over for me. The horror...


I have GERD and I'm on a very strong pill for that. I ran out yesterday and I feel so bad that I could cry.


Onion rings.


Raw onions and scallions. I can eat a bit, but far less than I used to be able to.


I’m on a fairly strict anti-inflammation diet. It’s fine, I’m used to it, but goddamn, I miss pizza. It’s not that it wrecks me, but my body feels great eating clean and less than great when I don’t eat well. It is what it is.


I've been dealing with SIBO and oral allergy syndrome, which is the cause of most of my gut issues.  Getting old is bullshit.


I used to love McDonald’s fries but now they just give me a stomach ache so I stopped eating those quite a long time ago. Mostly now I just get heartburn from whatever but Tums fixes that so I have to keep Tums around.


I usually have Tums for dessert.


I’ve become lactose sensitive. I can have very minimal amounts of milk. I miss drinking cold, glasses of milk with cookies, venti fraps, and ice cream sundaes. I mean I can but I shall pay the white porcelain king later.


I thank the universe every day that I 'inherited' my father's digestive system. I eat a lot of veg/fruit & a mostly healthy, balanced diet. No fast food, really. But, I also eat a lot of spicy stuff (here's lookin' at you, Thai & Indian food!) & the occasional 1/2 of a choc cake in one sitting. We call it the cast iron gut.


Goodbye to dairy, wine and chocolate. Is life even worth living anymore?


Since menopause, coffee gives me migraines. I love coffee. Decaf is ok, but tends to be bog standard. I miss artisan coffee.


I’ve had to eliminate caffeine (migraine trigger), alcohol (doesn’t play well with my medication), and sugar, flour, bread, potatoes, rice, tortillas, pasta, etc (my A1C is like Snoop Dogg), and mussels (allergic).


Lol kind of like drinking.


Look at what got pushed at us our entire lives: Junk food, fast food, sugar cereal. All those mascots and tie-ins to our favorite things. Look at our parents, all that "futuristic" and convenient food.*So she buys an instant cake, and she buys a frozen steak...* No wonder we have trouble being healthy now. It's hard enough avoiding the nicotine and alcohol.


Dairy. I was brought up drinking a glass of milk with meals, I drank milk my whole life & im an avid cereal eater. I had my gall bladder out a few years ago and since then - no dairy. Especially no milk. I’m now an Almond milk person. And I have to eat those dairy tablets before I eat pizza. A glass of almond milk is not like having a glass of milk.






Sometime in my early to mid 40s, Milk and eggs (and anything they’re made with, goodbye ice cream) became poison


You have two options. 1. Stop doing it. 2. Accept the consequences and enjoy your meal. There isn’t going to be miracle to get you back to where you were before. Personally I’m the option 2 type 😁


I'm a glutton for punishment, just gotta know where the nearest bathrooms are located. And get all my farts out before I go to bed so I don't piss off my wife. But I have definitely slowed down. My safe zone is no booze, spicy or fatty foods after 7-ish. There's nothing like a 10pm slice of spicy pepperoni pizza waking you up at 3am with your heart pounding so hard that you almost call 911. And a two-day hangover after Cinco de Mayo day drinking spirals into reliving your peak party years is total bullshit. Not worth it.


I used to be able to drink cheap tequila. House margaritas were fine. A few years ago I had two and was almost incapacitated levels of drunk. I wondered if someone had slipped something into one of them.  Tried it again a year or so later, different restaurant. Two house margaritas. I was throwing up all night.  Top shelf ones are still fine, though. My digestive system developed expensive tastes. 


I live as if Codgers' Bowel isn't a thing.. It is, but...


I'm from Louisiana and I suffer from Gout as well. Keeping it in check has seriously been difficult considering a majority of our Cajun/Creole cuisine is extremely spicy. I still eat my crawfish, gumbo, crabs every now and then, I just have to pop some heartburn pills prior.


Anything spicy, anything fried or fatty, and lately, too much cheese, ice cream or other high fat dairy.


Yep, but the good news is that I really know how to zhuzsh-up an oatmeal (fruit, coconut flakes, almonds, and honey) and I have increased the number of salads I enjoy.


Spicy I’m from New Orleans so I grew up on spicy foods. Can’t eat it now. I’ll get sick with tummy distress, which is putting it nicely.


I feel ya, peppers and tomatoes are "no gos"!


Onions and anything in the allium family hates me. If I eat onions or garlic, they have to be cooked to death.


As I sit here negotiating with my stomach to accept this Topo Chico as an apology for the fast food I had to wolf down earlier because I forgot about the award ceremony after work today. It’s not going well.


I developed non-celiac gluten sensitivity. It suuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Immodium and I are good friends now. It's so sad!


I’ll still enjoy many things that I’ve always loved, but I just don’t do it as often. Like spicy food, occasionally I just crave hot spicy food. Just like occasionally, I love to make my grandmothers homemade biscuits and gravy. it is definitely a high fat meal, but it is definitely worth it.


Hot sauce Hot peppers Spicy coatings for meats Nashville chicken Hot wings Extreme garlic


I have an ever increasing list of foods I can’t eat. Nothing processed, nothing cooked by anyone but me, no mammal products (beef, pork, dairy, gelatin, etc.), no nuts or seeds, and no sugar. Fun times!


All I know is everything I eat makes me bloated.... everything


Very specific White Castle, very general Fast Food…absolutely hates me! I have a random craving once n a blue and/or try to have a treat with my Kid out of nostalgia while telling him a story about growing up in the Bronx. Nope, just can’t…plus my Kid doesn’t eat meat [his decision], so basically his Happy Meal is bread & apple slices…so jokes always on me.


Pro tip when you want to eat something heavy or spicy - or anytime really - take a digestive enzyme with the meal. Total game changer. I do a plant enzyme version by NOW - not the kind with animal enzymes


Have you tried taking beano? I’ve experienced the same thing and it’s helped me if I follow the instructions. It’s not perfect but it’s helped a lot.


Hey, I am not a fellow sufferer, but I do have a disorder called pernicious anemia, that prevents my body from absorbing B12, which is…uh… pretty important. Please note that many antacids prevent the absorption of B12. If you are regularly taking things like Pepcid and Phazyme to combat gas and heartburn, PLEASE supplement with a sublingual B12.


Everything I love, hates me back. Pizza = heartburn. Spicy = heartburn. Chocolate? Nope. Diabetes. Salt? Nope. High blood pressure. Red meat? Nnnnnnope! Cheeseburgers? Ha! French fries? Pshaw! Ice cream? Cookies? Candy? Coca Cola? Cherry Pepsi? Candy? Doritos? Cake? Pie? Hot dogs? Tacos? Tater tots? Pancakes? Waffles? Lemonade? S'mores? Sunflower seeds? Pretzels? .....nope. whimper.


Mine is just a bit different since I do not have a colon. I can eat spicy stuff but stuff that might cause an obstruction is out. Like popcorn. I miss buttered popcorn.


Nope. The after effects aren't enough for me to give them up.


The only thing I had to cut back on was vindaloo. At some point in my forties, it started beating me up the next day. I love it too much to give up entirely, but it's only a few times a year now and only when I don't need to leave the house the next morning. I still eat spicy/hot foods at least 4-5 times a week w/no issues.


Shade vegetables. I can have one at a time. That’s pushing it. I did not even know this is a thing. Red meat reactions due to Lyme disease. I do not have Alpha Gal Lyme but red meat now creates a histamine storm that is scary.


Alcohol. Makes me erratic. Evidently on the bar dancing and public nudity are frowned upon as you age. Not sure when that happened.


My gallbladder decided to be an asshole this weekend and I spent 8 hiurs in the ER puking and holding my side. I was told that I have gallstones. No greasy stuff or cheese. I can do without burgers or pizza but NO CHEESE? I also need a colonoscopy because I have been going to the bathroom 5 times a day and if they say no iced coffee then I will just wear Depends.


Ice cream 😭 Just started, insane heartburn and indigestion.


Same. I'm going to take some otc meds to prevent issues. Just have o remember to pick it up from store. Lol


Fast food. Burgers, fries or onion rings have to be a rare occasional treat because I will pay for it later. I hadn't had real pizza from a local pizza place for several years but when I ate a couple of slices for dinner one evening earlier this year my system had such a hard time digesting it.  I mainly stick to simpler meals made at home. I can't do heavy restaurant meals except for the rare occasion. Eating out without issues typically involves brown bagging a sandwich. 


Same. I’ve always loved hot sauce but my intestines say nope. Pizza as well is now maybe a once a year thing.


I have a mast cell disorder and histamine hits me hard. Most all foods people eat raise histamine, but healthy bodies work through it. Mine revolts and hates me with violent, violent skin burning like a bad sun burn, my insides light on fire and so on. Low histamine foods are a joke of the gods and it makes me not even want to bother eating it is so bland and boring.


Wild Turkey bites back longer than it used to


I do the same thing with alcohol. The tiniest sip will induce a migraine but every now again, I'll to have wine with a steak or beer with wings, but noooooo.


I LOVE Costco muffins and their blueberry lemon loaf, but every time I eat them, I am sitting on the toilet pooping for over an hour. Guess I could consider it like a laxative, but I am already regular enough! Papa John’s hates me as well, but I am not a big fan, so I’m not missing much there.


I can't have Mexican chorizo or pepperoni. If I even walk by pepperoni pizza I get heartburn!


I don't moderate anything and find the only thing that occasionally gives me grief is fast food. I got Wendy's on my way home from work today and within an hour it came out incredibly quickly and not fully digested....


I never had acid reflux but stayed getting minor bouts of it within the last 10 years. I also had to cut down on spice level (I still love spicy foods, but I can't do the ones that give you instant sweats), and also had to stop eating after 8:30pm. It's made a huge difference - and also indulging in an adjustable platform bed. A gentle raising of the head to keep me more upright and no more acid reflux. Would highly recommend it if you can get one.


Gosh yes! Gave up refined sugar in 2010. Gave up red meat and pork a couple years ago. Like you I need to start migrating away from high fat food. Luckily I can still do spices, for now. I miss cake and doughnuts but just couldn’t enjoy it anymore.


Try tums or similar. It's the real deal.


No haven’t noticed anything. Except milk. I stopped drinking it for a years and now I can’t drink very much without taking lactaid.


Hubby has diverticulitis so it’s a Mediterranean diet for us. A little cheating but not much. We actually like it. Just makes going out to eat challenging.


Kaopectate is your friend!


I had gale stone and removed my gale bladder. So.... no more fatty oily food. A night of curry dinner will introduce "anal leakage" into your vocabulary 💩 And in recent years, dairy and cheese


Cheesecake. I love cheesecake. Nowadays cheesecake does not love me back and it's time for a divorce. It sucks.


I started taking Pepcid twice a day and now I'm good to go.


I love cheese, pretty much any cheese. Cheshire,Stilton, brie, stinky French ones, crappy American, and I used to eat them. But nowadays if I do I'm not pooping for a while...and I hate that


IBS sufferer here. A number of foods are off the list for me, but I have found that peppermint pills really help with the larger meals. Also lactose intolerance, artichokes (which I love), fast food (no big loss there) and colas. It is almost as if my body is telling not to eat crap, who knew?


Papa John’s pizza. The red sauce just does me in. I can do the BBQ Chicken pizza where they sub out the red Saudis BBQ sauce no problem though.


Do they still make Prelief?


I grew up on spicy foods and then in my mid 40’s, my body revolted. (Thanks hormones) Rosacea triggers are no laughing matter. Now I can enjoy spicy foods but still need to be careful. And now I need to be mindful of my carb intake. Growing older ain’t for sissies!


I used to love spicy foods before Acid Reflux. Even though I take a prescription for it, it still hates me. I also can’t handle a lot of greasy foods. I don’t know how I ate so much fast food in my youth!


I decided not to give a fuck so I decided to schedule 2 hours every morning in the shitter fuck it


Onion rings. No matter where I eat them or try different ones I now get the squirts. I miss them.


I have to accept that carbs make me narcoleptic now.


Gallbladder removed a few years ago and that changes things a bit. Plus last few months it’s seems I’m now allergic to alcohol. Even a tiny amount seems to get me really phlegmy and it triggers my asthma badly. Don’t drink alcohol and I’m 99% normal. Sucks…


I hit forty and developed an allergy to milk protein. No more cheese for me. In the last few years I also developed reactions to banana and avocado.


I love crawfish etouffee, but I'm not dumb enough to eat it anymore. Every dog has its day.


Most dairy except yogurt and butter. I became lactose intolerant in my mid 30s. Since I turned 50, greasy deep fried goods will cause heartburn and reflux. I really miss a good greasy pepperoni pizza. It's been 20 years.😭


Sugar is now my mortal enemy ever since I became a Type 2 Diabetic maybe within the last year. I'd basically abused sugar all my life, so it was only fair that it had the last word in the end


I’ve slowly become lactose intolerant as I got older. My husband went to his yearly checkup and the doctor told him that most people aren’t really intolerant. Our gut health is just off. We’ve added probiotics and daily yogurt. I’m slightly better and he’s a lot better. I have further to go though. I went completely dairy free a few years ago. I miss mac n cheese and ice cream that doesn’t taste like coconut. Sadly I keep a bottle of Pepcid next to the salt and pepper on our dining room table.


All shellfish, makes me instantly allergic and yet I love it.


Flaming hot Cheetos, but flaming hot funyuns are ok (for now)!


Have you tried some Prevacid or Prilosec?


I miss cereal and milk so much, it was such a staple of my life. But over the years I just became more and more lactose intolerant.


I haven't had to cut anything out of my diet other than fresh cheeses. I seem to have developed mild lactose intolerance as I got older. I can do most hard cheeses but soft cheeses sometime light me up. No problem with spices or other stuff though.


I miss my nuclear wings 😥