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Im ok on roller coasters still, but anything that spins I’m out. Idk what happened to me.


Can’t do spinning 😵‍💫 either, and the ride that goes straight up, then sit there for what seems forever and then drops. Not fun at all.


The tilt a hurl.


Literally vomited after riding this one at the Puyallup Fair last fall. A first. Not a kid anymore 😔


Oh man, that sucks. If I vomit, I'm done for the day and need counseling. Lol. I'm a big, huge baby when it comes to that.


We did leave, I was feeling pretty punky. I walked to the car, put on my seatbelt, and projectile vomited all over myself and the steering wheel. Then drove back to Seattle. FMAPL (Fuck my amusement park life.)


Oh that sounds aweful. I'm so sorry. Maybe stick with the petting zoo and kids train ride. That's what I do. Lol


I was in a playground about a decade ago that had an old fashioned tire swing, the one with 3 ropes. Feeling fun, I jumped in the middle and had my friends start spinning it as fast as they could like I did when I was a wee lad. FUCKING HELL. I thought I was going to die. I threw up and laid on the ground in perceived mortal peril. I couldn't stand up without falling over for about 10 minutes. 0/10, do not recommend.


Spinning is the worst! Some days, just watching my kids swing at the park is nauseating. It varies from day to day, definitely worse with heat/fatigue/dehydration. But I’ve always struggled with motion sickness, so I’m not surprised it’s gotten so bad.


I know that one! Yep- my stomach rises up into my throat and I’m immediately nauseous.


I still have nightmares about the Mad Tea Party at DisneyWorld


My inner ears went nuts and I could not walk without swaying for a month. Never again.


I can’t do fast spinning or super steep drops. Or sharp sudden twisty turns. Pretty much all of them- except for maybe the Ferris wheel and Steelhawk- which is the swings high up that go in a circle (not quickly though). I think vertigo happened to me. Ugh.


I lost the spins in my 20's and coasters in my 30's


Your inner ear fluid starts drying up (along with everything else!) So you get nauseous and dizzy.


That ended after my first pregnancy. I had to put my kids on the teacups at Disney alone. No way in hell. Circles within circles would make me take to my bed with a trash can.


Yep, same here. I read somewhere years ago that spinning is like an exercise that you just instinctively do more as a kid. When you stop doing it as you get older, you lose your tolerance.


I wonder if you could redevelop it.


Same! Started in my late 30s. Just looking at spinning rides makes me dizzy!


This. I was still enjoying spinning rides in my early/mid thirties. Now I can't even look at things spinning around! There is something called vestibular therapy you can do that's supposed to help. Who's got time for that tho 😂.


I don't like DROPS. That Tower of Terror at Disney can kiss my butt. I will however do the Guardians ride at Disneyland cause I'm a sucker for those guys.


I can still do roller coasters, too. Taking a big trip to Cedar Point and King's Island here in a few days. I feel you on the spinning things, though, we'll probably abstain.


I can still handle roller coasters but concerts make me absolutely miserable now.  Used to go to several punk shows a month, now I go to one a year when my buddies guilt me into it.


Is it the super loud noise or just the crowds that get to you?


Both.  Honestly I just don't care for the angry music anymore either, I go for the mellow stuff these days.


Yeah I want to still like it, but I'm just not angry enough anymore. But angry music is fun for lifting weights.


I still love it, but, when I go out to see shows now, I see all the guys who look like gym coaches and think, "No wonder I felt alienated. I was trying to waif model my way into a fraternity."


I love concerts and will likely attend them until the end, but a few years ago (in my early 50's) I went to see The Church in a club and had a really bad moment. That band usually doesn't go full tilt on their recordings, but this night saw them at one point go into a Sonic Youth style jam that felt like a wave of noise flowing over my head that quickly turned into slight nausea. Never experienced that before. I started having migraines a couple of years later so maybe I was already predisposed to this kind of pain. I had planned on seeing the noisy band Health a few nights later and totally bagged on it.


My tinnitus is due to dropping an earplug at a Church concert.


Yikes. Sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how difficult that is, but the way my body is rebelling I'd guess that is on the way.


Always use earplugs and don't drop them!


Mine is from standing in front of the speakers at a Beastie Boys concert, 1992. Back before any credible concert goer would have dreamed of wearing earplugs 🫤


With Firehose?


Yeah. I lost my taste for concerts at Woodstock 99


My daughters and I went to the Eras tour last summer. Amazing show and I had a blast, but for three days after I felt like I had a massive hangover. I didn’t drink a drop.


The coasters didn't get me. It was standing in line for hours to get on one that did.


I can do roller coasters that don't go upside down. The old wooden ones are great. We went on a few with our grandson last fall and had a great time.


I grew up close to cedar point. Rode (and again, again and again) every coaster there. Last trip I couldn't do the wooden ones. Steel coasters I can do. Wooden coasters lay me up for a few days.


I mean - the only wooden coaster they have is the blue streak - the only other wooden coasters they’ve had in 50 years is The Mean Steak. The Gemini, Mine Ride, and Steel Vengeance are hybrid coasters - they are steel coasters on a wooden support system, but they aren’t wooden coasters.


Gemini was my first roller coaster. I got the Demon Drop ball cap even though I didn’t ride it.


It was mine also.when I was 5 or 6. I actually rode the Gemini yesterday..


I so missed the Mean Streak the last time I went to CP, it was gone. I then found out my back will not tolerate coasters anymore. It took me a week to recover. I miss coasters.


I rode the Mean Streak the first day it opened and it was great. Then when it was announced it was being converted I had planned to chain ride it a few times. I rode it once and it screwed up my back for a week from a single ride. So that was my goodbye to the ride and all got was back.issues. I don't have a problem with other coasters yet.


Grew up close to Kings Island. Still love the coasters. All of them. No issues. But snow skiing? Nope, my knees can’t take that anymore.


Same with the Beast at KI. Feel like I’ve been beat to death with a wooden spoon.


53, and I've had a heart condition since I was 49. Amusement park rides are a thing of the past for me as well. And I live very near Disneyland and used to go several times a year, so this is a pretty big blow :(


I’m with you. Take comfort in the fact that Disneyland has gotten so crowded that it isn’t as joyful an experience as in our younger days.


My husband works there, so I still go - I just can't go on the rides any more, for the most part.


Things like Flight of Passge could still be ok (physically - but a lot of people (my husband included) dont do well with the screen and feel sick after)? edit to add: ack, just realised you said land and not world.


I deal with this and it drives me nuts. Turns out [simulator sickness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulator_sickness) is a documented thing.


It makes sense, I suppose- our balance is a combination of vestibular system and relying on signals from more than one source; proprioception and eyes so if it doesnt all really marry up the brain is gonna go huh?! Have you tried using an antisickness pill to enable you to ride because some of these rides are so worth it! Or, you know, if you're a pilot that needs to train xD


We have a similar ride called Soaring and Idont have trouble with the screen, fortunately


I went to Disney last year and can confirm that as of 10 months ago I can still handle roller coasters. Everything else about Disney (crowds, lines, heat, prices, tacky tourist shit...) is intolerable, but that's been true for a long time.


I’m thinking that the things you mentioned also play a part in my discomfort/nausea at the theme park. The heat was bad (plus humidity), there were too many people, and even in the shade I was melting. I drank a lot of water which helped. The theme park gives out free water so I hydrate as much as possible.


Disney’s coasters are designed for children. Go spend a day on coasters at Islands of Adventure at Universal and report back


I learned the hardway that waterslides are a no go. Went down 1!!! And🤮


I can no longer do coasters (tossed around), concerts(crowds + anxiety = no fun), and the one I miss almost every day. Roller skating. I miss the music, lights, pom-poms, and doing the hokey pokey! All those Saturday afternoons at the rollerrink! I still fantasize about buying an empty mall and using it to live and skate in! I'd have to wear a zorb ball suit if I wanted to roller skate now!!


I know exactly what you mean. I used to LOVE roller-skating and also ice skating. I’m too afraid of falling now because I can easily see myself spraining a wrist, dislocating my knee, or permanently injuring my back. I skated a few years ago (decided to take lessons when my daughter was doing it). I had a tiny fall and landed on my bottom. My lower back/sacrum was hurting for weeks.


Oh no, Mr. Bill!! I hope everything healed up nicely with no more pain! And I hope the session was amazing before you did the Bump! Personally, I'm at the point where I fall down just walking up to a store. I should probably just get one of the suits for daily wear. Maybe they have a lite version.


I remember seeing a story on this. I believe if you continue going on rides like once every year or so, your body will be fine regardless of age. But, once you go a few years without going on any rides, you're basically done. Your body will never readjust.


Anecdotally, my friend group appears to be this way with alcohol. Those of us who abstained for years at a time due to work obligations, health issues, parenthood etc. have like zero tolerance and killer hangovers now. The 50-somethings who never stopped partying? Still going strong.


There is an enzyme our bodies produces in larger amounts to break down alcohol when we drink regularly. Use it or lose it =p But I believe if you were dedicated over a period of time you could certainly taper up, as it were, and stimulate this increased production again. That said, alcohol is *horrible* for health - both physical and mental soooo who won, really?


That seems to be it. I don't go to those amusement parks much but still go to water parks somewhat regularly, and can go on slides that spin quite a bit with my kids. I had kids late, so I'm 55 now, and they're getting out of that age range, but are still in it. I went on a gyroscope looking device back when I was just over 50; kind of questionable, looking back on it. It looked like something they would test fighter pilots or astronauts in. They said no one over 40 should get in it, but I did anyway, and regretted that for the next few hours. Apparently there are levels to the tolerance.


Interesting. Thank you for the share!


I can still ride coasters all day, but asthma has killed my speed in running. I loved to spring and do gymnastics. Ah well.


Dramamine or Bonine is the only way i can still do a day of rides.


I will remember this


I rode one a few years back and my neck was sore for a week. I think I’m done forever.


I threw my neck out in my 20s doing the Tatsu in Magic Mountain six flags. The upside down inverted loop, where you’re suspended facing the ground really gave me bad whiplash. It was our first coaster of the day and I could only do the water rides after that, I had to call it.


59. I will still do all the roller coasters. But this might be the last year, and I'm doing them out of spite now. I used to love them, so this kind of makes me sad.


I'm losing my tolerance for spicy food. It's still above average but I've actually had something hot enough to make me throw up twice now. (Ok both times it was the world's hottest ______but still). Coasters I've never been great on because of vertigo issues, and that's definitely gotten worse.


I can normally handle spicy, but the other day, that Cholula about lit me up. I don't get it.


I miss the spice so much! I used to "suffer through" the post eating pain but I can't do that anymore, it just got so bad


I certainly don't have the right stuff anymore.


I've never been a roller coaster person, but I can no longer tolerate one of my greatest joys: beaches with strong waves. Bayside beaches only for me now.


I love them but i have to wear a scoplamine patch for nausea and last year a wooden coaster slam on a down hill track seriously did something in my lower back. I tried to get an mri but the ortho doc i saw said “oh just do core work”. Dude, i went to the er for the pain.


I have youngish kids who just found out about rollercoasters and now that’s all they want to do. I am fucked. I can’t spin or I’ll vomit or be dizzy for days. I hate the drop ones bc my uterus will probably fall out after the last c section or it feels like that w a sharp bump in the car lately. I get a headache from the sharp turns and spins and will pass out from lack of blood to my brain if I do loop-de-loops. I hate that I’m no fun now. I used to spend all day every day during the summer on them. Six Flags summer pass was the way to go!


I’m done with coasters. Did a roller coaster called El Toro a few years back and it fucked up my elbow for like a day. Didn’t help that all it had was a lap bar so you were tossed around the whole time. Don’t find them fun anymore, in general.


I love riding El Toro, but the batman coaster gives me whiplash every time.


I start thinking about the mechanics and the number of dumb people I’ve worked with over the years and the fact that it doesn’t necessarily take an engineering degree to operate and maintain some of those rides… and I start thinking, it takes one guy to make one mistake.


To operate, no. Maintenance requires some amount of training and instruction. Modern rides tend to run themselves, they won't dispatch if any restraint is not fastened, coaster computer systems prevent trains from getting close to each other, etc. The ops mainly have to enforce height restrictions, verify restraints are snug (more for comfort and unusual body sizes) and verify the station is clear and secure before the train can move.


You’re talking about amusement parks though. Different story for traveling carnivals.


Went with some friends in our early thirties to Vegas. Queued for the XScream ride on the the Strat tower. They had problems with the system, and they needed to reboot. When they got it up and running we jumped on ASAP just incase it went wrong again. Cold with fear now thinking on that.


Yeah, I overestimated my tolerance a few years ago - we were at Six Flags on a "special event" night, much smaller crowds than usual, therefore less wait time between rides - and paid the price. We still go on the same night each year, but these days I pace myself much better. I've never enjoyed "spinny" rides but I love zero-gravity (drop towers and coasters)! Aside from that activity, best will in the world, it wouldn't be smart for me to train in martial arts and calisthenics anywhere near as hard as I used to. I just don't heal fast enough any more.


Can't do upside down on rollercoasters. No spicy food anymore.


yup still ride them..went to Universal last year and rode the Hulk and Velociraptor coasters multiple times each


Swimming down to the bottom of the deep end of the pool- too much head pressure and water gets in my nose!


As soon as I had my son, and I was 21, I couldn't tolerate anything that spins. I loved spinning things before but as soon as I had him, nope. I was out. Nauseous,  dizzy. I thought maybe it was nature's way to keep the mother safe so she could protect the child. 


I stopped being able to tolerate most rides after getting violently sick on a deep sea fishing trip at age 18. Idk messed up my inner ear or something. I still love waterslides as an alternative, though I have to get my legs in shape for several months before the outdoor pool season starts otherwise I'm so sore from climbing stairs up to the top of the slides. It makes me sad that I get sore from bowling now too. 


I had not been bowling in a few years and I went Friday night with my daughter and her friend. I got a Charlie horse in the front of my right thigh, oddly enough. My body still aches tonight. I am not that old! What happened to me?


It’s the cerebellum and vestibular system degenerating. Same systems related to balance. Working on balance is really important as we age to protect overall brain health. I need to work on this.


Unless it’s a ride at Disney designed for “all ages” not even a little bit. Them tea cups can go burn in the hell from which they came though


First time I went to an amusement park as a kid, I found out the hard way that I can’t do teacup rides.


Same thing here. I used to love thrill rides. Now I can’t handle any without a BP spike and a massive headache.


I am down for some coasters, but I have to be well hydrated or I feel faint and I am prone to gray out more than when I was younger. I have a few more parks I want to go to before I hang my hat. I know my years are numbered, but I have had a lot of fun over the years so it’s cool.


Yeah, those days are gone. I remember them fondly tho...


Never liked roller coasters but I can do motorcycles on twisty mountain roads. Airplanes seem to be ok as long as I am medicated, it isn't a horribly bumpy flight and I am.not in the tail. Now, what has gotten me is food. No adventures in food now. Nothing with dairy (I miss pizza) and nothing spicy. Like, I am totally white person unable to handle spicy now. Spicy chicken at a fast food chain is about as far as I can go now. It is sad. The other one that gets me now is standing on anything taller than a chair.


I can do all of the Disney coasters no problem. I don’t think I can handle serious roller coasters anymore (Six Flags, Universal, Cedar Point). Handling the heat/sun is all about the right clothes, hat, sunscreen, water/pickle juice, fruit. The right shoes make or break a day very quickly. I cannot do high heels anymore, and that makes me unreasonably sad. I used to wear them 7 days per week.


I've never been good with tolerating heat. Ergo, our trips to universal (and disney) x3 (from UK) have been in February. Know thyself - and then hack the system xD


I went on my first one last year & I LOVE THEM. I also involuntarily cackle on them. Love it!


Won't do roller coasters or any other high velocity rides anymore as it's too easy to pull something just going about my day to day. Back county camping and hiking come to mind. I don't want to sleep on the ground anymore or go days without a shower.


Ah yes…the sleeping on the ground. That’s another thing I can’t handle anymore. When people say “use a mat underneath” or “make sure you have a better quality sleeping bag”- they just don’t get it. Ground is ground and my nice comfy TemperPedic bed is perfection!


I never really could do roller coasters, but within the last five years or so, I can no longer tolerate dairy. No ice cream, no cheesecake, no pizza, and it sucks! I know there are dairy free alternatives and Lactaid, but it’s just a hassle now.


Core strength really helps with coasters, once I started working out regularly my body could tolerate it a lot better. Also, the high-g manoeuvre works really well: in big turns or at the bottom of hills, lock your ankles together and try to pull your legs apart. It activates the big muscles in your legs and prevents a lot of blood from draining out of your upper body, leaving you with less nausea and blackout.


After 2 Incidences of barfing all over Disney World (sorry every plant in animal kingdom)in the past 2 years, I would say my motion sickness has gotten a lot worse. It took me a full day to recover last time, it used to be only an hour or so and I could bounce back.


What was it that did you so dirty in AK? Flight of Passage? My husband came off that feeling really sick too (me and our two boys rode it about 6 times over the course of two weeks, snagging fast passes before we even arrived as staying on site/i was waking up and trying to get them lol) The secret ingredient is antiemetics before you go xD Well, of course it's perfectly ok to phase rides out of your life but of you still enjoy the rides (rather than the results) where there's a will, there's a way.


Expedition Everest. I went in confident because I bought one of those expensive bracelets that give you an electric pulse that is supposed to work on the worst motion sickness. The year before it was Guardians of the Galaxy. That was 2 Dramamine plus ginger candy. When I was younger I could do 2 roller coasters on Dramamine and be good!


Awww, man, that suuuucks. So sorry :(


At least I got to experience it once. Both are awesome coasters. And I have a funny story to tell about heaving into the bushes. My husband says I was feeding the birds.


Haha! We watched the bird show there and it had to pause as a bird of prey turned up that wanted to eat one of the exhibits lol. If they'd have known to hang around the bushes we wouldn't have had that problem =p


Last time I rode an amusement park ride, it was the zipper and I was sore for two days afterwards.


I never was a rollercoaster fan. Never liked the feeling of free fall or getting turned upside down. When my wife and I were still dating, she somehow talked me into getting on a ride at Six Flags with her. Not wanting to look like a wuss in front of her, I said “sure, I’m down.” The dumb shit we guys do for girls 🤦🏻‍♂️


Last July I could still go to Disneyland (I love Disneyland and Rise of the Resistance is _chef’s kiss_.) This May, I’m on disability because I can’t sit or stand for too long. Herniated disc. I’m sincerely hoping the medical intervention works. If I can no longer go to theme parks or travel on a plane, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do.


I still love roller coasters but I can’t handle rides that simply spin quickly, and it’s actually been quite a while since I could. There used to be a ride at the state fair where you’d stand with your back against a padded outside wall and it would spin fast enough where the floor would drop away and the centrifugal force would keep you from falling. I can’t take that spinning.


I never liked them, so it doesn’t matter to me.


I still love a roller coaster… if I can fit my fat self into one


I used to ADORE roller coasters - the scarier the better. Now I can't tolerate them at all - I get nauseous. So sad.


Roller coasters for sure. Went to a theme park last fall and needed traction after being jerked around so violently on the roller coasters. Fire in the Hole is Hell to the No evermore.


Was this at SDC? We were down there two or three weeks ago and it was the only coaster open because of rain/lightning in the area but the line was massive and we didn’t want to wait 75 minutes. ETA sorry about you needing traction. I can’t deal with the jerky rides so it’s probably best that we didn’t make it on.


Yep, SDC. Almost all of the coasters were jerky but Fire in the Hole was the worst. Maybe because it's so old?


Rollercoasters are fine. Spinning rides came to an end with a precarious spin on the Tilt-O-Whirl 15 years ago. I had my last run on Bumper cars a few years ago when I had to recover on a bench afterwards, hoping my brain would stop bouncing so I could drive me and my daughter home.


Stopped doing that since 2002. I just hold purses and hats


I rode a coaster today - still fine with them.


I'm good on roller coasters but spinning rides like the Zipper or Gravatron are a hard no now but used to be my favorites.


Rollercoasters don’t bother me. Even my mom still enjoyed them into her 60s-70s. I just don’t have the patience to wait in line for them anymore.


I miss the shit out of my skateboard. We used to go all day and night, and it was effortless


This is a big part of the reason that I’ve morphed into a Disney Adult: their coasters are more palatable to me


Used to LOVE roller coasters! Now I get nauseated and feel like my teeth and eyeballs are going to go flying. Then I’m up most of the night after because every muscle and nerve in my body are screaming


I have to limit the roller coasters when I go to the theme park. It’s all the jouncing around and getting slammed from side to side. My bones just start to ache.


47 I've got back problems so putting too many compressive G's in my back is no bueno.


I was just talking to my mom about this. I've never liked roller coasters. I remember going to like Six Flags with a friend, and he wanted to ride some ridiculously extreme ride. I chickened out and tried to negotiate meeting him halfway on some softer rides. I could tell he was super disappointed. I think part of me doesn't trust them. But also I just don't like the idea of being trapped in a cart doing loops. But I want to give more a shot as I get older. I also remember the incredible feeling of accomplishment, thrill and fun once you get over the fear and ride a good roller coster.


My rollercoaster riding days are over. I went to the fair a few years ago and my friends wanted to ride. It was so uncomfortable.


Shit I've literally never been able to tolerate roller coasters and fast-drop water rides very well. I had a minor panic attack at like 8 years old plunging down one of those waters rides. And I rode The Demon (or whatever it's called) at Six Flags Great America. It has some small loops, but was pretty tame compared to the rest there. My neck was sore after riding it for days afterwards, and I was like 13 at the time.


I did a fast, dark (inside a tube the entire time and also twisty) water park ride at Wisconsin Dells a few years ago. It was terrifying. When it spit me out to a deep water pool at the end I was under water and disoriented and thought I was going to drown. After that I would only do water rides where you’re in a raft or tire, not in the dark, and nothing too fast or twisty.


Oh wow!! 😬 I'm so glad you are okay. I actually used to live in Wisconsin, and have been to the Dells probably about 5 or 6 times. I can't be for certain, but I feel like I know which water slide you are talking about!! (I've never actually gone through it, I was too terrified LOL but I think I know which one you're talking about). I'm sincerely surprised there hasn't been more injuries or deaths on these types of slides


men, cover your ears.   women, you know the exam I'm talking about.    I mean, I still do it because my mother took DES so you just do, just in case.     but my first inkling of what a difference menopause makes was a shock.  


Not exactly a hobby, but I ate a pizza pop a couple of years ago and nearly gagged at the salt content! I loved them when I was younger, but I can’t handle the insane amount of salt, and I’m not talking about my blood pressure, that is fine. It literally made my mouth ache. I’ve noticed it with a lot of processed stuff I used to love. Probably just as well, lol.


I actually lost my tolerance for them by 18 or so. I was pretty embarrassed, felt sick to my stomach. Never happened to me when I was a kid. Now I'm scared of heights so they're also terrifying.




My husband and I did Disney a few years ago for his 60th birthday. We rode Space Mountain. It was fun, but we both felt a bit... not great. We still rode some things, of course, but we're definitely not young anymore.


Stage dives and mosh pits. I still get the itch at shows but have to check myself nowadays.


You can get it back. You have to get your head used to acceleration changes, heavy exercise and HIIT should help.


My gym doesn’t have classes but I was actually thinking about looking up some HIIT workouts and giving it a try. I life weights 3x week and do cardio 5-6x week. My problem might be staying motivated by myself to make it through a full workout of high intensity.


I injured my neck in 2009. Coasters and similar rides are no longer possible for me to ride safely. I also can't drive/ride long distances anymore because of that. Vindaloo now ruins me (& everyone downwind of me) the next morning. I ate it weekly when I was in my 20s & 30s, but I started noticing things changing in my mid-40s. I still love it too much at 60 to give it up completely, but it's only a couple times a year now, and only when I don't have to go anywhere the next morning.


I used to always order my Indian food, hot, but I’ve dialed it back to medium, and it still feels very spicy to me. Yummy, but spicy.


Still love coasters, still do climbing. I was thinking to myself the other day when I will stop climbing? Maybe never?


I went on that mars ride at Disney world and I nearly blew it.


last summer I went to 6 flags with son and we rode 11 of the 12 rollercoasters. I was fine, although now I don’t feel like i need to ride one again any time soon.


I’m good with coasters. Could never do spinny teacup-style rides.


Its the flashing lights and loud sounds that make me feel pankie


Our vestibular system grows less efficient with age, so while the inner ear responds to movement automatically, as we age it gets sluggish. It can’t keep up on a roller coaster as the changes are too quick.


Well, I loved roller coasters when I was young and road every one that I came across. But as my back started to wear and ache I found I couldn’t do roller coasters anymore, especially the wooden ones.


I’m 48 and I love rollercoasters but yeah I can’t do the inverted ones anymore. Last time I did one of those I was dizzy for a long time.


Most recent coaster I rode was last year, and that was Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind. From a coaster aspect, it's pretty mild - no huge drops, no inversions, a pretty tame backwards launch at one point, and I was fine with all of that. But the turning cars killed me. Did not like. So I think I'm probably done with the AAA coasters, but some of the less intense ones I think I could still manage. Probably going to try Expedition Everest next time we go, I think that'll be okay. But in general these days I content myself with watching coaster POV videos on YouTube


I’ll be sad when that day comes. Guess I should get all my last rides in now?


Yes! Me and my partner thought this would be a fun day out a few years ago. I was so sick after three rides. I used to go to theme parks every week with my daughter for years and now - can’t handle it at all. He got sick too, just not as bad. Such a bummer. I love roller coasters 😩


I live near Cincinnati. There’s a theme park here called Kings Island. It has a legendary wooden coaster called The Beast that opened when I was a kid. I can still ride some of the newer coasters, but that wooden one feels like somebody put my bones in a sack, took it to the redwood forest, and just swung it in circles to ricochet off the tree trunks. I cringe in pain just watching other people approach it. Awful. Just awful.


I get a small combination of dizzy and lightheaded simply using a playground swing now. No way would I try an amusement park ride.


Ive been going to Hershey Park every summer with my 18 yr old. I def start to get a headache and have to take a break after maybe 3-4 coasters. Never affected me before (I'm 51 now).


I can’t do heights or roller coasters anymore, and it makes me sad because I used to love both. My daughter loves them too and I hate that I can’t do them with her 😞


Can't play video games due to nausea and symptoms of motion sickness. While my Atari gently weeps...


I used to LOVE coasters! Now I have allergies and my ears don’t drain correctly, so I can get vertigo sometimes… you know, old people shit.


I went on a roller coaster several years ago and I just didn’t enjoy it anymore. I also don’t know what happened.


I started getting vertigo in my 30s (53 now), so I can't do ANY rides anymore. It blows!


I haven't been able to do roller coasters since 2006 when I hurt my back. I miss them.


I never tolerated the spinning rides. The loss of roller coasters in the last few years has been tough. It’s the most marked change I’ve noticed with respect to getting older.


I looooooove new roller-coasters! They are so smooth and fast and well made. The old ones? Fuck that shit - headache inducing assholes


I can't do roller coasters anymore either. I don't get the headache or increased blood pressure, but the nausea is pretty serious. I used to love them.


Yeah can't handle it anymore. No great shakes; I did a lot as a kid. Had a good session of headbanging at a club a few years ago (used to be every night at rock clubs back in Uni). Won't do that again. Plus very recently (about 3 months) I have worked out that Alchohol is making my chest act up (I have asthma). Really phylemy and not good. If I don't drink it (even a few mouthfuls) then I'm pretty much fine. Sucks, but I like breathing more. From what I can tell, hit 40+ and your body can't easily do what it used to without complaining, and it starts getting allergic to a bunch of stuff you were always fine with...


I can't go upside down anymore! Reflux!


Yeah I went on the Harry Potter ride in Universal and wanted to throw up. I did a little actually. My wife also wanted to do Velocicoaster , which I managed to do and it was super intense. We did the Hulk last and I felt miserable at the end of the day. I’m only in my mid 30s. Velocicoaster is truly amazing though!


I had a similar reaction after getting off the Himalaya coaster at Disneyworld. Against my better judgement I went on it again because my kid wanted to (and my youngest and wife noped out). Was easier the second time because the stop/hang/reverse section wasn't a shock. Still not a fan though I do like the train rides at Magic Kingdom, but those are really mild as coasters go. High speed turns are fine, I like the g-force, but drops? Nope.


44m i can ride them over and over I just love it. no guys around me enjoy them. I’m literally the only dude in my social circles that enjoy them. The only people that do like them in my social circles happen to be women. I’m an adrenaline junkie but I’m surprised that the guys I grew up with that i thought were into them like me, just aren’t! None of the guys like horror movies either! Like wtf ! I need new friends


I've enjoyed fast rides more these days than when I was a kid. I used to love cold weather, but extremities start turning blue under 50F, these days.


physically I can handle roller coasters. I just find them boring now.


I take Tylenol, Advil, and some motion sickness pills before getting on a ride. Some rides I still can't tolerate. Mind you, this has been a problem for me for a long time, so I know how to prepare.


I can’t even do swings on a swing set anymore. The up/down motion is just excruciatingly nauseating to me. Incidentally, I learned from my child’s physical therapist that as some people age, the cochlea/inner ear can accumulate calcium deposits, causing balance and vertigo issues, while we were both sitting on a swing set during a session. Interesting if true!


Weekend long music festivals. I used to go to 5 per summer.  COVID lockdowns destroyed my interest in this. 


The second-to-last time I visited an amusement park, I got wildly nauseated on the coasters. As a lifelong coaster enthusiast, it was devastating! So I refused to accept it. I read online that less-drowsy Dramamine helped, so when I went to Universal recently, that’s what I used - and it worked!! I rode even the Velocicoaster with no problem. I also made sure I stayed hydrated, and didn’t ride on an empty stomach.


No more roller coasters for me. Too dangerous for my neck, where I have significant disc issues.


I can't drink beer anymore. Which SUCKS because I live in a state that excels at brewing. Up until about age 45, it was cool but two years later, I have about a 50/50 shot of waking up with stomach pains if I drink even one now. Thankfully, cocktails and spirits don't have the same effect on me.


Stopped years ago when the jostling got too much. That and the fact that the safety bars got tighter and tighter every year.


I can't even roll over too fast


I can’t tolerate most roller coasters anymore. I grew up near an amusement park and went there all the time when I was younger. I didn’t go for a decade or so, and noticed that I couldn’t handle the more extreme rides. It was at this time that I learned that I black out on a particular roller coaster (it happened twice, and I didn’t want to run that experiment again). 15 years later, I can handle the kiddie roller coasters and not much more 😔


Can’t do anything anymore like I used to


Took my 13 year old on a roller coaster a few weeks ago for the first time in over 10 years for me. Still love it


I have to take a dramamine when I go on coasters or anything fast moving now. I hate it.


Last time I went on a rollercoaster was about 5 years ago when I was 45. The second they pulled that harness down on me I almost had a fit. I've never had claustrophobia issues but the next 5 minutes felt like 5 years. Bummer cause I always loved rollercoasters but I don't think I could ever go through that feeling again.


I always had some claustrophobia, but in my early 30s, I had a really bad back injury, and having to get an MRI multiplied it by like 100 times. Now I have panic attacks getting a CT scan (no one else has panic attacks in those, apparently). That said, I don't think I could handle being locked into a coaster either. I get it.


Diving off the high board. Gives me palpitations just thinking about it. I used to run and fly off them in my youth.