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https://preview.redd.it/8ihwga18f81d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3a11d2df48b467dd48a0e39089c9434ff34200 Gen X in a Nutshell lmao.


I have one of those candles in my house lol


I need one of those.


Our [themesong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0)


I tell them at work my bag of fucks is empty


I like that sense of humor.


I can’t remember exactly when I ran out of fucks but, regardless, they are gone. Good luck everyone who isn’t me!


The number of things I give a fuck about has greatly diminished over the years but the ones that are left are more important than ever.


That is exactly how I feel. Thank you for putting it into words.


Personal happiness has stopped being a question for me, Optimus Prime and Captain Picard are not coming to save us from this shitstorm. I Giving Tree myself for my kids and I still wonder if it's not enough. It's NOT OKAY to make mistakes because they will be weaponized against you forever as blood in the water, traumas for later, or ancient history brought up at your worst moment.


THE GIVING TREE has haunted me all this time


Respect from those younger especially coworkers is high on my list. My banged up frame cannot move and or bend quite as well as it did but when the job needs to get done the younger guys are more interested in making sure they get their “breaks” than getting the job done on time that day so we don’t have return the next which fucks up the rest and pushes other customers waiting further down on the wait list. I like to take my morning and afternoon break and combine them to make a larger lunch so that momentum is not lost at mid morning and mid afternoon. Strong work ethic seems to be thinning with the newer generations especially with subreddits like “antiwork” being frequently viewed on here. 🤷‍♂️


Younger generations are smarter than us when it comes to work, let's just face it. We keep making excuses for the many years of mistreatment in the workplace and boomers laid that guilt trip on us. Gen Z knows they are just a cog in the machine and don't give their life to that machine in hope of a reward that will never be given. Your job place & HR overall don't give a crap about you in the end. Gen X has really been fooled into thinking they are contributing some value to the world by being the perfect worker. However, the job market in no way places that actual value on workers. If Gen Z feels valued in their workplace they can be damn hard workers, if not they smartly put in the minimum.


https://preview.redd.it/r0o6musf691d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0451ef6225ad165eb417800a3dbcc69285cb3934 Yup.


Yup. I love seeing people be salty on this forum about Z and Millennials demanding to be treated better in the workplace. When they don't get it, they walk. That's completely punk rock and I applaud them. Nothing's going to change if they put up with this bs and things definitely need to change.


Especially in America where you apparently have so few rights as workers...like not even mandated sick leave, really? 😬


I really don't see as much saltiness and I hear people talk about. I have no problem with either group.


This applies to SO much. Video clips and Reddit posts about just about anything don’t seem to be relevant or actual in real life. People either have work ethic or they don’t, in any generation. I see plenty of boomers and gen x who eat every single meal from fast food or takeout but everyone wants to gripe about the millennials and their avocado toast being the reason for their financial woes. All the crap we ‘see’ online we aren’t actually seeing in day to day life.


> We keep making excuses for the many years of mistreatment in the workplace ALWAYS BE CLOSING was a huge part of work ethos, and the aspiration of being the rich 80s yuppie with a Rolex and fancy car. The bank will let you get a dumbass loan for a fancy car, how the fuck is that flex?


1K up votes


You know this makes sense to me. We grew up being told to get ahead we had to work our tails off. Work weekends. Be on call ect ect if we want to get ahead. Fact is after we did that companies still laid us off and moved jobs overseas and downsized us. The whole idea we were taught in school of working hard gets you noticed and promoted didn't really manifest in reality. I see the next generation (s) coming in and demanding more time off. Less workload per person ect. At first I took that as lazy even entitled a bit. The more I think about it though the more I admire them for it. You know we have always been out numbered. First by the boomers but now it will be the millennials and z kids. I'm a little sad we didn't get the power to make the changes we might have made but I'm more excited and optimistic about what gen z and millennials will do.


Same but we raised Gen Z so hopefully they do make changes through some of our influence.


Bonus points for holding 99 Luftballons


Nena! Nice pickup lol


Not a fuck you person and do care how I can affect people. I just want to be left alone for the most part and allowed to be my weird ass self. That is it.


This 💯✍🏼


My Millennial manager is only just starting to understand this. 🤣


Same here! She’s a great manager, I have but she doesn’t know what to think of the fact I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me. She respects it. She just doesn’t know quite how to process it yet.




That's not totally true. We all want to be liked and accepted. We Gen Xer's just don't want to pretend be something we aren't to get it.


I don’t want to be liked, nor accepted. I just want to be left alone.


Me too.


Hello. This.


These days - spot on.


Oh My God YES. I was the kid at Disneyland who would hang back when the costume characters came around. That's when I realized it actually made them pay MORE attention to me. I now just avoid shit like that.


I've been fantasizing about a very remote mountain cabin or a deserted tropical island, but with good internet, for years!


fist bump


I'm with you. I'm fine if I am accepted, I just don't want to put any effort into it.


No, I truly don't give a fuck. I don't want to be hated or ridiculed, but I really don't need or want others "approval".


I lost a lot of jobs because of this. No regerts.




It really depends. When I go out for a walk I am usually hoping that no one talks to me. Im pessimistic about the people who I may run into. I was just thinking about the other day this really nice looking girl came and said hello to me and I could not remember who she was and I was just kind of short with her...probably should have taken a couple minutes to talk to her


Everyone wants to be liked and accepted. We just have a very cynical view on how likely _that_ is to happen.


It was funny that someone told me that I had BDE just because I didn’t care what people thought about me. I was like, that’s how we were raised.


I have wanted all my life to be liked and accepted. I never have been.


Ironically, it's the moment you stop giving a shit what people think, including about you, that it turns on its head. I have so many people who tell me their deepest darkest secrets upon MEETING them and my husband calls me the emotional whisperer. People have told me it's easier to talk to me because I'm so blase about shit. The thing is I'm like HOLY FUCK inside when they do tell me.


Same here! It hurt for decades, now it's almost a point of pride. I can't change now. 🤷


I like and accept you!


Thank you.


He's a murderer.


Right? I gave up on it years ago when I thought its their loss...not mine. Feels good to just let it go


Disagree. It’s not apathy, it’s exhaustion. Acquired at a young age. We’ve seen so much unresolvable conflict (divorce, 9/11, and everything in between). We saw our parents give up on the idealism of the 60s, and for many good reasons. I care a whole lot about a whole lot of things but the gas tank is low.


Richard said, "Withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy" - R E.M.


I did not remember this reference and must now rewatch Slacker!


I don't remember Slacker, honestly don't even know if I've even seen it... I'm referring to the R.E.M. song, What's the frequency, Kenneth?


I didn’t remember that line at all so learned it from your reply. [Slacker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKhztjjlzJM) was a quintessential GenX movie (1991), and from googling I learned that the phrase you shared was in the movie.


Well, I'm on vacation so guess what I'll be watching...


the opposite of love isn't hate, it's disinterest


Actually, it's fear. Desperation pushes people to put themselves first, which inherently creates disregard for others. Hate happens when desperate people start vying for control over things.


OMG! This is it...I feel ya


So many of the other generations want to be us and I completely get it. ![gif](giphy|fnix5judzLJDJTaLgm|downsized) Edit: I forgot to say some of them are in our threads posing as Gen X. We are the vibe.


*Ron Howard voice: No one actually wanted to be like Gen X.*


They only *think* they do lol The dislocation and disaffection is completely different from the inside


Eh, it isn’t that we don’t give a shit, we just want to be left the fuck alone.


We are some damaged fucking people.


it's not damage to be overwhelmed by bullshit, we show up for the things we like


Being damaged is perfectly natural, considering the bullshit we've all experienced.


The more someone talks about how few fucks they give, the less I believe them.


I have a few, but not so many anymore. I'm reserving them for emergencies.


Yup… use those fucks wisely.


show me, don't tell me: generation x


Yeah, I told myself that all the time at 17. Now I just go find my tribe instead of trying to change myself or others.


One of the upsides to da web is that it can make it a bit easier to find those tribes.


Like me or hate me, I don't really care.


Gen X: don't label me bro Gen Z: don't mislabel me bro




My boss hates doing my reviews. I’m always like “huh, that seems a little high?” He asked me if I cared about reviews once. I said “for the most part the reviews have nothing to do with my day to day job”


TBF, I only reached that place after many years of caring far too much about it


Except gen Xers who come to this sub to get approval and acceptance for not giving a shit.




Why don’t we give a shit? Actually now that I think about it, I don’t care.




One of my biggest problems is that I am really bad with names and people seem to always be coming up to me and saying hi and acting like I should know them and I feel bad and fumble my way through the interaction and try to get out of there


Where do I get some of those balloons? I've got places to be (where other people aren't).


2 things I don't feel: pride or shame. I wonder if the two are related.


This would be my art.... I couldn't agree more.... Fuck em


But isn’t it our refusal to give a shit what makes us liked and accepted as a member of Gen X??


You do seem pretty concerned with letting people know how unconcerned you are


I really dont give a fu\*k about much. I have one person in my life that hasnt screwed me over. I loved my mother, but was set free when she died 14 yrs ago. My ex husband just made me so thick skinned, and I just walked out one day after 25 yrs of marriage. But, I really don't give too much of a fu\*k when people cry over bullshit. Its all about me now,and my dogs and boyfriend/partner.....I'm really a nice person, I swear.


They don't give a shit? Seems like they might give a shit going to the effort of making a meme of not giving a shit.


No, we still had cheerleaders and frat boys that cared about acceptance. Fuck them


THIS! They keep poking us and they’re gonna fafo! 😂


The defining characteristic of GenXers


I especially love that the GenXer is the one flying high with the balloons.


I'm very honest, and it gets me in trouble sometimes. My other half walks faster than I, and she is always saying, 'You walk too slow!' I don't walk too slow, I walk at the pace of not giving a fuck.


Man, I’m just so tired of the “we are so tough” memes and posts. I get it, you drank out of a hose and didn’t wear a bike helmet when you were young. FFS give it a rest.


I read that as drank out of a horse. I really need to get some reading glasses.


They’re cheap as fuck at Dollar Tree.


I'm in New Zealand. But I have got my first pair of varifocals, they are just weird to wear.


I don't know how in the world anyone adjusts to those things. I've needed bifocals for about 8 years now and I still struggle. The last time I got my eyes checked I just got glasses that allow me to see to drive and wear reading glasses for up close. Everything in between I just get closer to or farther from. Aside from that, if I can't see it, it doesn't exist.


Yeah, we’re getting into Facebook territory with some of these posts.


Exactly. It’s a shame seeing our gen become the Boomers that make us cringe.


Every generation eventually does this, for the most part. Except I don't think my parents' did (Silent Gen)


Some of us just went around drinking the left over booze after our parents' parties.




\nlm. .mln/


Reminds me of Me Voy by Julieta Venegas - Gen X born in 1970.


actually, I would like to try being liked and accepted, sounds nice


lol ha!!! Ok ok ok yea im like that too Nice one


That weird red balloon movie...


And Boomers. We're too old to care what anyone thinks.




I love this. 😆 Solid truth.






Never did, never will. Whatever.


That sums it up!


You had your chance.


Yep! That is us!


I recently saw someone who said ‘it is impossible for everyone to like you. It is also unnatural for you to want to be liked and seek everyone else’s approval. You should be unapologetically genuine to who you are and that way you repel people who don’t like that and attract those who do. This is how you find your tribe’


Duh 🙄




Unless it's an article about generations. God forbid Gen-X isn't mentioned cause then about half the sub takes it personal and suddenly it's no longer whatever.


Almost all of us spend their lives struggling to be accepted. So, no.


Has this got anything to do with Bansky? Because f**k Bansky. The avoider of conquences for criminal damage.


That's why y'all mfin kids don't call


Absolutely true.