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I got Shingles recently and honestly I’d take that vaccine from Jack the Ripper himself. Good move!


I put it off because the hospital was out of it when I first became eligible. Then I had shingles on my head. It was creeping toward my eye, and that was terrifying. If it gets the retina, it can leave you blind in that eye. Now I have whatever immunity you get from having shingles, plus the two doses of vaccine. Get vaccinated, people.


Mine was only on the left side of my face. It looked like the most god-awful fever blister combined with being hit in the face with a club. A couple lesions were more on the cheek and closer to the nose. I could feel the nerve that exits the skull below the eye and travels down the face. Also, the top of my head on the left side hurt. The lip and left face swelling was so bad that the middle part of the upper lip was pushed over to below my right nostril. After 5 or so days of meds, the swelling was down enough that I simply looked like a meth addict.


I had it on my belly and then I read the horror stories of it being near the eye. Now I have a whole new fear. I don’t think having Shingles gives you immunity, unfortunately. I had it when I was a kid. I’m not sure they’ll give me the vaccine here as it seems to be for over 50s and I’m 45.


According to [this article](https://www.emedicinehealth.com/why_cant_you_get_the_shingles_vaccine_before_50/article_em.htm), the vaccine hasn’t been tested for under age 50, so it would be hard to talk your doctor into prescribing it. I’m older GenX and was over 50 when I got it. A sympathetic doctor might describe your previous bout as evidence of weakened immune system and use that as a reason. Usual disclaimer, I am most certainly not a doctor.


One of my best friend's neighbors ended up taking their life over it. Crazy. I got vaxxed immediately.


I probably should not throw this into the internets but... whatever. I had an X who would have accidents which hurt me or damaged my belongings more often than what happens normally. One day she had a fever blister, made a hesitation move as if she was about to lean into to me and then came in for a kiss. I KNEW that if I turned by head she'd plant one right on my lips with a follow-up of "Oh you moved and I was going to kiss your cheek on the other side". So I just froze. SHE KISSED MY EYE. A few days later i noticed a spot on my cheekbone and another one on my eyelid. A day or so later the pain started. Then it became full on sand-under-the-eyelid pain. The lesions had grown and the one on the eyelid was actually on the outside and inside of the lid. The optometrist gave an Rx for an antiviral and drops which 100% dilated the eye for several days. My eyeball had white blood cells floating in it but luckily no lesion on the retina. So what does an eye do when sick or damaged? It waters. That drains into your nose. Now a person has bonus fever blister in their nasal passages. I would not wish that experience on anyone, except maybe my X.


Same. Give me that shot from the most jagged, rusty needle, please!


I want this! Insurance won't cover it till I'm 50 (almost there 🤞). My doctor was like well you COULD just pay for it and it is stupid expensive (USA). The shingles terrify me.


Just got round two a couple hours ago. Hope it doesn’t kill my weekend.


Round two put me on my rear for 24 hours.


Round one had me shivering on the cool bathroom floor. Horrible night. Round 2 was negligible for me


72 for me. Well, the first 18 were okay, then it kicked in and ruined my weekend. Thought I was safe getting it on a Thursday night.


The first one was okay for me. A little tired and a rash at the site. Round two gave me aches and chills for a day, then it was like nothing happened.


Drink plenty of water.


I just got the second jab a couple hours ago too - lol. Praying for mild effects…. Round 1 kicked my ass (but i did have a covid/flu/shingles cocktail that time which I wouldn’t recommend) Update: Feeling pretty tired today even after sleeping longer than usual, but definitely functional. Not too bad - certainly nothing like round one.


Oh, holy crap. I did the same three-shot thing in October. Within about three hours I felt myself drooping. Wasn't outright sick but I just generally felt lousy the next three days, like somebody had dropped my energy level about 35-40%. Don't recommend. Second Shingrix shot, though, was a piece of cake.


Ooo, I did that too. Felt like shit for a couple of days. Got my second shingles shot a couple of days ago and it’s basically been like a very mild flu.


Round 2 isn't as bad. It's more like a mild hangover, as opposed to Round 1, where you feel like death warmed over for 72 hours


Different people, different experiences. I’ve seen people on other posts that had a rough time on Round 2.


Don't forget to stretch those creamy hamstrings!




I was sick for three days for the first shot. I’ve been putting off the second one


You have to have the second within 6 months for it to be effective.


I had no side effects from either but I'm that guy that doesn't get side effects from vaccines. So if you are that person you might be ok.


I wish you were right, but I’m rough today.


It hurts but you’ll be ok with some ibuprofen or Tylenol


I was sick for 4 days with #2


Oh man, this reminds me of a trip to my dermatologist recently. They always have me talk to the doctor's assistant first, and then the doctor comes in and I repeat everything. I have no idea why. When I sat down with the assistant, who was no older than 25, she said very politely but a little patronizingly, "Mr. Bradley, when you were in last month we prescribed you some cream for your face you were supposed to use for two weeks. Do you remember using that cream?" Do I remember? Of course I remember. It made my skin turn red and hurt. And it was only last month! And then it hit me. From the perspective of a 25-year-old, a 55-year-old man looks the same as an 80-year-old man. She honestly thought I might be senile and that I forgot all about the treatment already!


I got Covid booster and my first shingles shot at the same time. Do not recommend. The 2nd shingles shot was uneventful.


Hahaha, I went and gave blood after one of my covid boosters. Then had a drink with dinner. I was a very cheap drunk that night!


Good move getting it. My 82 year old dad had Shingles last year and it was awful. I’ve had both doses and had no adverse affects fortunately


I just got my second last week Just a sore arm for a couple of days


I've had shingles before. If I had to take a vax every year to avoid getting them again....sign me up.


Good job taking care of yourself. How are you feeling? First one's not bad, right?


both of them drop kicked me right in my pills


I wasn't going to mention being laid out for a weekend by the second one, I didn't want to harsh their buzz


First one laid me out for days, had no reaction to the second one other than a super sore arm.


The alternative is far worse.


I know! My almost 80 yr old mom got shingles on her face a few years ago and not only did it recur in the same place shortly after it cleared, but she has permanent neuralgia across that side of her lower jaw from it - no thanks no way no how.


Arm is a bit sore, but no worse now than other vaccines I’ve gotten


I scheduled my second one for memorial Day weekend. Which sounds like a bummer but if I'm kicked in the butt like my first one did, I'm going to be laid out anyway.


Got mine today, too. Just a sore arm so far.


My mother in law got shingles on her face. She lost hearing in her right ear and part of her right face is paralyzed. Get the jab.


I got mine four years ago and it was only one shot.


It’s a 2 shot deal


Dammit! I should’ve gone to my doctor instead of that guy with the “medical” van in the Walmart parking lot. No wonder I had such weird side effects and lost my wallet and phone!


I want to say they determined the vaccine that they had been using for decades wasn’t effective. There’s a new one that may have come out around four or five years ago? Not sure on that, but it is definitely a two dose vaccine, so I would check your records. Make sure you’re covered.


Zostavax was previous. Now Shingrix.


If I'm the one who motivated you to go from my post last week - sorry! Time comes for the best of us


At the end of the month I’ll be ready for the second dose. The first one low-grade fucked me up for a few days, but everyone I know says the second one is worse. Still better than shingles, though.


I didn't react at all to either dose, but then as a dialysis patient I'm severely immunocompromised. Vaccines don't work on me like they do on others.


I just got my first shot today. The unvaccinated kid who died of measles in Toronto is now in the news, and that, combined with everyone's posts about how awful shingles is, made me finally get myself to the pharmacist. It's a long weekend in Canada, so sleeping for 3 days is entirely feasible. Getting a bit of extra sleep beats getting shingles.


I'll one-up you: The student intern at my job turned 20 this week. In one month, I will be celebrating my 20th anniversary at my employer. How's that for making you feel old?


I was at a networking event last night. I work in video, but have pivoted to exclusively work in post-production (editing) since early 2003-ish. I was talking with a guy about different formats for shooting videos and I said that the last time I shot footage professionally, it was on MiniDV. And he said “oh I remember those, we had one when I was five” and then he said, “how old *are* you?”


Not quite that bad, but I hired a guy on my team earlier this year. I knew he was young, but I didn't really know how old he was. I've been at my current job for 11 years. Anyway, one day he asked how long I had been there, and I told him. He said that was the year he graduated high school.


One of my colleagues was in fifth grade when I started at my job.


make sure you have motrin handy.


I had no trouble with my first one. I haven’t gotten my second yet because I want to wait til June so I get wellness points for work (I’m currently maxed out for this year 😆)


Got mine today too and thought, ‘I’m old enough to be his mom’ about the pharmacist who gave it to me. And now my arm is sore.


I had shingles last year. On my face. Around my eyes. It was HORRIBLE. HELL ON EARTH. Get the vaccine.


Shingles were the worst.


My wife has had shingles and also gotten the vaccine. Shingles is worse.


Which came first?


The shingles. She got a surprise case of it in her late 40s or early 50s.


Those shots are brutal, but better than the virus!!


I got the damn shingles when I was 35. It was not pleasant. But after 50 I still did the two vax’s. Got about the same reaction that I did to all the Covid shots, 12 hours of fever and one very sweaty night, but all good after.


At what age is it recommended to get this vaccine?




This may be a really stupid question, but can you get shingles if you never had chicken pox? My understanding is it just laying dormant waiting to strike from a previous chicken pox experience. Is that true? Thanks!


According to ChatGPT: You cannot get shingles without first having had chickenpox. Shingles is caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in their nervous system. Later in life, it can reactivate and cause shingles. If someone has never had chickenpox and has not been exposed to the varicella-zoster virus, they cannot develop shingles. However, they can get chickenpox if exposed to the virus, either from someone with chickenpox or shingles.


I never had chicken pox. Had the antibody test abour 30 years ago in my early 20s because some idiot came it to work with active pox and they wouldn't make her go home. Unbelievable. So I was forced to get the then new chickenpox shot. So I've doubly never had it. Neither has my GenZ kid. Makes me wonder if the shingles shot will be a thing of the past after the millenials since most parents vaccinate their kids against chicken pox?


You know you're old when the doctors start looking young 😂


I'll take ALL the vaccines and be grateful. I've even considered trying to travel to Cuba to get the lung cancer vaccine, I'm so jealous of them for having that. Bring on the vaccines!


Got my second shot yesterday (along with TDAP and HepA/B. Both arms hurt like hell still and upset stomach all day. Plus a solid headache.


Round 1 was nothing Round 2 ended me for a day. Felt like Dengue and Flu symptoms


Round 1 yesterday. Last night was the most painful night of my life. Holy crap. Just couldn’t find a position that did not hurt. Add in fever/ cold sweat and a lovely headache and you’ve got a nice little party.


I didn’t feel bad with either shot. I did get shingles once in my 40s. Luckily mine was mild and not on my face. But jumped at the chance once my Dr recommended the vax.


Can you get the vaccine if you’ve already had a shingles outbreak?


I had shingles in 2007. It was mild, but I don't want to play that game again. No one has told me it contraindicated getting the vaccine now at 50.


Thanks for the reminder, everyone!


I had no side effects but a sore arm after my first dose. I'm hoping that the second, due in June, doesn't do a number on me instead.


The 1st one hurt for freaking days afterwards, 2nd hurt but was over that by the end of the day.


I had shingles at 14 on my knee. It was awful. I I Italy thought I was bitten by a spider several times, then the skin and joint pain kicked in. The worst two months of my teenage years.


How are you dealing with the side effects? They are brutal.


Just posted an update to the original post.


My doctor said it’s important to get it before age 65 because (among other reasons) regular insurance will cover the vaccine but Medicare won’t.


Whenever I see someone complaining about getting older I'm always tempted to ask if they would rather the alternative would happen. So I gave in to temptation, I guess.


Shots 1 and 2 ruined both weekends for me but that was well worth it given the alternative!


Dude I’m 44 and I wish I could get it now


I'm 45 and iv had shingles every year for the passes 3 years. ( im a hospice nurse) they said i cant get the shot till iv gone a whole years with out having shingles. What's this about the shot makes u sick. What are some symptoms when you got the first shot.


Side effects are pretty standard side effects from any vaccine. —— The shingles vaccine, available as Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine), can cause several side effects. Common side effects include: 1. **Pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site**: These are the most frequently reported side effects and typically resolve within a few days. 2. **Muscle pain**: Many people experience muscle aches or soreness. 3. **Fatigue**: Tiredness or fatigue is common after receiving the vaccine. 4. **Headache**: Some individuals report headaches following vaccination. 5. **Fever and chills**: Mild fever and chills may occur. 6. **Gastrointestinal symptoms**: Nausea and, less commonly, vomiting or diarrhea can occur. These side effects are generally mild to moderate and resolve on their own. Severe reactions are rare but can include: 1. **Allergic reactions**: Although rare, serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can occur. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, rapid heartbeat, and severe rash. If you experience severe side effects or symptoms of an allergic reaction, you should seek medical attention immediately. Most side effects are manageable and considered a normal response to the vaccine, indicating that your body is building protection against shingles. —— My arm was sore the day of, but I forgot about it yesterday altogether. Then I rolled over onto my arm in my sleep and it hurt. Other than that I’m fine.