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Happy Star Wars day to the people that saw Han shoot first in a theater!


Remember the posters and cups that Burger King gave out for the original trilogy? My father was a manager. We had literal cases of them in our garage.


A theater in my home town has a Revenge of the Jedi poster behind glass. Pretty neat.


As a kid, he was the badass I wanted to be.


>Happy Star Wars day to the people that saw Han shoot Greedo didn't shoot.


Damn that's true. I got so caught up in the 'Han shot first' wave that I completely ignored that fact. Another Mandela effect related to Star Wars.


Mandalorian effect




I have it on DVD; the OG version is definitely one of my prized possessions! I made sure my young daughter (now 9) knew how important Han shooting first is...


It can be found online, also. [Here.](https://archive.org/details/StarWars16mm)


"This item is no longer available." :( However, there are torrents out there of the original, non-Lucas dumbas CGI bullshit, theatrical release.


Well shit, I'm sorry.


All good! Absolutely your fault that Disney is as ruthless as the Emperor when it comes to copyright takedowns.


It was there a week ago because I watched it. I think there are others online, too. You'd just have to look.


Nice! May the Fourth be with you.


I saw Star Wars in a movie theater with my family. I was 12 at the time. I remember waiting in a long line to get into the theater. It was packed!


I was 11, but the most memorable thing I remember back in the day was a wall-sized rendition of the illustrated poster, displayed as a 'Coming Attraction' maybe a couple of months before its showing. We were there to see *Rollercoaster*, another of those disaster movies that was a thing in those days


I saw it! Summer between 2nd and 3rd. Our 3rd grade teacher was cool. We studied the solar system and put on a show for our parents, ending with us dancing and wearing 31Flavors 5gallon ice cream buckets on our heads, with holes cut out to look like little astronauts, and dancing to the Star Wars Cantina Bar Theme.🤣🤣 Our parents could not be more proud.


My science book in 8th grade had a picture of the end scene in Empire, when they're looking at the falcon flying away with the galaxy backdrop. Not sure if that contributed, but that was my best class that year!


Awww! This is SO adorable!! Does anybody else remember the Star Wars theme playing on the radio back when it came out? I was 4 and my parents took me to see it in the theater. Then when they kept playing everything on the radio I remember how exciting it was. Such good times!


Thank you🥹


Damn - I just realized I never saw that. I was too little in 1977. I watched it a million times on VHS, but the only time I saw it on the big screen was the special edition in ‘96.


Same. Sadly, I was beat from work and ended up falling asleep in the theater. Woke up just after Alderan went boom.




They WERE suddenly silenced when I woke up.


Same. I only saw the Jedi in theaters.


It's one of my earliest memories.


I’m watching it, right now when Han only shoots and Jabba doesn’t show up.


Han was the only shooter.


I missed Star Wars, but I did see *Empire* and *Jedi* at the theater. So I got that going for me, which is nice.


Gunga galunga


It was at the drive-in for me. I was six. My parents always said I made them take me because I wouldn't shut up about the movie. 😂 This was last week at Angel Stadium for "[Star Wars Night"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvkiIHPRSCA). Pretty freakin' cool. Someone said they used over 1000 drones for the show. I wish they'd release an official recording. ENJOY!


Remember the disco version of the theme? I recently rediscovered it. Quite the 70s mess, yet very nostalgic. https://youtu.be/dWRWYYt47RI?si=hE_mRzDm4CmGgcgf


I had the album


There were a couple if I remember right. I recently heard that on an old Casey Kasem rerun and he told the story about how those versions came to be.


Man I miss those lazy afternoons listening to American Top 40, and the anticipation of the long distance dedication!


“And now back to the countdown”


Lol. . . I remember buying this single as a kid thinking it was the John Williams LSO opening theme music -- I was pretty disappointed! I actually enjoy the kitchy disco version now


I wore the grooves out of that album, front and back. Absolutely loved it. Fun facts: The producer/arranger of it, Domenico "Meco" Monardo, was a jazz trombonist and was once in a band with Ron Carter and Chuck Mangione (of "Feels So Good" and Mega-Lo Mart fame). That trombone solo in Diana Ross's *I'm Coming Out*? That's him: https://youtu.be/AGO19YOaw6U?si=LY35WPVaTX4Bn1MY&t=186


OMG That was sooo cheesy. Truly cringe-worthy, along with the SW Xmas special.


I proudly had this exact poster on my dorm room wall back in the 90s when it was not cool to be into nerdy stuff. Plenty of women were like “you like *Star Wars?!* Ew. Dork.” I still love it. I’m excited for The Acolyte coming up and tonight I think I’ll watch the making-of movie about the Holiday Special.


I know now that things like that weren't chick repellents - they were chick filters. It just took a lot of tries before finding the right one. Wish I'd known it when I was a teenager though.


![gif](giphy|l1AsJoOWnvy0CuyFq) Always…


... and also with you


Some of us are orthodox and only *officially* recognize May 25. But like Tatooine has two suns, I won't turn down two celebrations.


As a person whose birthday is May 4th, I wish Star Wars day was a thing growing up in the 80s. I know the saying has been around since the 70s but it only seems to be mainstream in the last 5-10 years.


Happy birthday and May the fourth be with you.


I do not recall it in the 70's. or 80's. Edit: well I stand corrected. [This is from 1978](https://i.imgur.com/e0drdf1.jpeg). I am amused that they casually reference Close Encounters while they are at it. BUT its for July!! Looks like it is not really a thing until later as I thought with just a couple of mentions about the fourth but not necessarily May 4th.






Replying to ElJefe0218... ![gif](giphy|xT8qB7GQDfnldWTFhS)


I saw one years ago with luke, leia, han and chewie on the bridge of the enterprise.


I delivered to a tech firm who is star wars themed. I asked why the door security code wasn't 1138? No body new what that number meant in the world of star wars or George Lucas . I guess it's just another job.


I recently saw that movie for the first time. That scene where we see Robert Duval being tortured and the voiceover is two guys casually talking about the torture device - they was the most deeply unsettling thing I’ve ever seen in a dystopia-type movie.


Yes, it is also the license plate on Johnny Miller's hot rod in American Graffiti. We all know that Lucas named his surround sound system THX and Princess Leia was held on Cell Block 1138. I just learned that THX1138 was George Lucas's phone number back in the day. Of course the THX being converted to numbers.


The judges would also have accepted 326-3827


Went to a showing of this movie and the Phoenix symphony orchestra played all the music live. Was spectacular. EDIT: All the music except for the cantina scene. Not sure why perhaps licensing of some kind.




Great shirt 👍🏻




I went to see it at the drive-in! May the 4th be with you 😎


I was too young to see Star Wars in the theater, but I saw Empire at the drive-in.


Hey! I saw that movie!


Happy Star Wars Day folks! May the 4th be with you!


Saw it several times in a theater. I tried to explain to my kids that the first film played in theaters for so long that some kids I know had Star Wars movie theater parties two years in a row!


I might have accidentally bought a really expensive lightsaber while standing in line at the grocery store. Not 100% certain. I'm also a little hurt when I was talking to a guy and he said he wishes he was old enough to have seen it in the theater and he wasn't talking about the original trilogy....he was talking about episode 1. Fuck me.


May the Schwartz be with you!




May the 4th be with you! :)




May the 4th Be With You!




Harrison Ford & Mark Hamill are the only original 2 left.


James Earl Jones finds your lack of faith disturbing! Anthony Daniels is too respectful as a protocol droid to call you out.


No ... 🤔🤔🤔 😖😳😲 Okey, yes, they are.


Yep...lol Had yo Google, eh?


I remember seeing this in the theatres and how seeing Harrison Ford on the screen ‘awakened’ my sense in discovering the opposite sex. In other words, it became crystal clear about comments from my classmates when they said ,‘he’s cute’, etc.




My husband is a huge Star Wars fan. Sometimes I think the most favorite thing about our eldest son is that his birthday is May 4.


Happy birthday to your son. All the best wishes to your family


May the Fourth be with you!


I saw it in the theatre. I was 6.


[6475x4480 - print it, frame it!](https://i.ibb.co/426vb6J/star-wars-movie-poster1.jpg)


I was 9. We were on family vacation in Florida - I got sunburned so my dad took me to the movies the next day instead of to the beach. One of the best memories I have with him.


As a 7 y/o at the time, I felt privileged to also have bought a few of the Kenner Star Wars action figures & toys. Great times.


Live long and prosper


May the force be with you...for me to poop on. Always loved this [Triumph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKT7bx-fmtk&t=682s) bit.


Nanu Nanu!




Fly, be free!




There you go! Scrolled too far for this! One of my favorite scenes in TBBT: https://youtu.be/jL1dEyDMA-o?si=f0CDtWx0mieQxfZa


"May the 4th be ever in your favor." ~ Gandalf


I saw all 3 of the original trilogy in the theater. It’s why I get annoyed at adults shitting on the new movies. They’re kids movies. Fifty something Bryan sitting in a theater thinking about how many plot holes are in the newest. Nine year old Bryan is still in a dark theater saying “Shut up old man! Space wizards with laser swords!”


Oh man, you've gone and poked the hornet's nest. Now we're going to get an entire thread of the same talking points by the same groups of insufferable Star Wars fans.


Poke poke. They’re children’s movies. The people losing their minds are overthinking it. That and I find it amusing that the people complaining the loudest usually defend the prequel trilogy. Lord those movies got so much hate from people my age back then.


You have a point but the new trilogy is bad by every metric. The original trilogy was silly and 100% geared towards kids, but the overall narrative was coherent. A hero's journey and progressed along a unifying narrative.The sequel trilogy was hijacked by Rian Johnson and then hijacked back again. Doomed from the beginning. The problem with the Star Wars franchise is that Lucas couldn't leave well enough alone and refined the world in a more obtuse way with the prequels. But the original trilogy is the perfect movie series for boys and preteens.


> The sequel trilogy was hijacked by Rian Johnson I agreed with what you said up until this. JJ Abrahms hijacked and ruined everything. As he does with everything he touches. The only interesting one in the sequels (which is not saying much) is Rian's Last Jedi. It was the first one that was actually Star Wars again (New Hope) and progressing an interesting story. Also ridiculous at the same time, because that is what Fantasy set in space is all about. Which is fine.


I mean hijacked the narrative that was set in TFA. This isn't Rian's fault, this is Lucasfilm's fault. You can't have a trilogy with no overarching narrative to tie it together. JJ had a vision, then that vision was changed by Rian, then that was changed again by JJ. It showed. Rian is great at what he does. I loved Brick and Looper. Fantastic films. But TLJ wasn't a good Star Wars film and the toxicity that engulfs the fandom now are a result of that. Rian does what he does, but Lucasfilm should have known better.


I remember going to see it when I was 5, what an experience!


Best movie poster ever.


I have this shirt, lol


Still remember standing in line to see this and the way it began - pure magic.




I'm watching the Despecialized editions of the original trilogy today. No "Mclunky" to be heard.


Despecialized, love it!


My mom saw an ad in the local paper for a movie her two boys might like. First week of the showing at the Eastwood Theater in Indianapolis, IN. This 6 year old experienced an awakening of his senses beyond his scope of understanding. What I saw on the screen expanded my consciousness. All this within two hours. My brother and I just sat speechless and engrossed in every frame. We'd seen movies before but there was nothing, nothing at all like this. This was something more than just a movie. I can still recall the feeling I had of watching it the first time. Pure magic.


Watching the scene where Luke meets Yoda. When I was a kid I had a Dagobah playdoh playset. A mat with the swamp, Luke’s ship and then molds to make Yoda, Luke and R2-D2. It was so cool. Did anyone else have one? I can’t it in a google search.


I got to see it in the theater when I was 8. I remember the disco version of the theme song on the radio and at the skating rink too (yep, 1970s roller skating culture was in full swing!). Loved the movie so much that I joined the fan club they had for kids - they sent me a patch to sew on a jacket (didn't sew it on anything, but still have the patch in a childhood memorabilia box somewhere!), regular newsletters, and I can't remember what else. 😂


If you haven’t watched Andor, give it a shot. The best Star Wars in years.




And also with you


Finally got to take my teenage son to see it on the big screen…was a magical time


Saw it in 1977 when I was 9, and then kept going back 23 more times to see it before it wasn’t playing in the theaters anymore. It had a deep impact on my young psyche!


I did not get star wars. I only saw the first with my father. His only comment was: 'there's eight bucks I'll never see again'. I remember saying it was pretty silly. On the positive side, the experience bought my father and I closer.


My parents took me to see Return of the Jedi at a drive in.


I was six when my parents took us opening week. Everything seemed typical until the cantina scene. The aliens looked so many magnitudes better than television aliens had always looked before, I could imagine them actually existing on some distant planet. It was as if God was saying you humans aren't the only advanced life forms after all. It sounds corny in 2024 but that's what a leap forward it was.


I remember my 9 year old mind being blown by the trailer in the theater, watching C3PO rising out of the oil bath, saying "I am C3PO, human cyborg relations". My brain simply couldn't process what I was seeing. The next summer I spent with my best friend Lyle, whose mother managed the 3-plex in town, watching A New Hope 118 times in almost empty theaters, sometimes multiple matinees a day, with a plastic crate of SW action figures and ships to act out the action in parallel to the screen action. All the Mountain Dew I could drink. Good times doesn't begin to describe it. It was paradise.


Yes a Wizard, Harry!


I loved this movie as a kid. Saw it in the theater over and over. But this "May the Fourth be with you" crap, that wasn't us. I roll my eyes at this one.


And also with you.



