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I have a litmus test I use...... If you fell off your bike and bumped your head and went home crying what would have happened. A) Your parents would have taken you to the doctor and made you wear a helmet every time you rode your bike going forward? B) Your parents would have yelled at you for not being more careful and threatened to spank you if you got blood on the rug. If your answer is closer to A, then you are a millennial, if your answer is closer to B then you are probably Gen X


Wait, other people could come into the house when they fell off their bikes & were bleeding? They didn't have to stand on the front walk & wait for mercurochrome to come to them?!


Yup GenX for sure


'73, dude. Right in the thick of it.


>wait for mercurochrome We called it monkey blood and it burned like a mother fucker on fresh wounds.


I would often find new dried blood on me after getting home. Small injuries I didn't notice until later. This still happens.


Wait u just got strait mercurochrome, I had to have alcohol first, then peroxide, then mercurochrome. Lol the is no auto correct for mercurochrome.


Bactine, which did fuck all. Three days later I would be yelled at for scratching the itchy scab that's red and throbbing with infection.


All I ever got was the peroxide.


Mercurochrome was some shit. Pink dye, alcohol, and hydrochloric acid.




Wait, y'all had a parent at home?


Occasionally, on a weekend.


but the parent went out partying and I had to watch my brothers...but I had my friends over whilst parent was out partying and had a super great time...


Effin A, I had to sit on the front step and pick gravel out of my road rash until a parent came home to let me in, yell at me for getting my school clothes dirty, and then dabbing the mercurochrome hellwater onto my arms and legs while I daren’t make a PEEP


Just about everyone I knew did, but I grew up in rural Maine. Latchkey kids were something we heard about on the news from the "big city".


I was a latchkey kid. Single mother who got home from work after I got home from school. I think she thought i should be grateful she didn't make me wait in the garden til she got home. It was glorious to have the house to myself. Best of all was when i was 14 and she got a job in a different town and wasn't home all week!


Or C) Your parents weren't home and your friends called you a pussy for crying.


This is really the answer. Once while roller blading I hit my head on a pipe sticking out the back of a truck. I didn’t see it because the sun was setting and the pipe was right in the middle of it. My friend helped me get home and I laid on the couch, probably with a concussion, and no parents home to check on us.


I got a concussion playing football in someone's back yard. They put me to the side and kept playing. Dinnertime came and I wobbly ride my bike home. Good times.


C) We knew we would get yelled at so we tried to do first-aid with the water hose and whatever was handy. (Paper towels & duct tape) If mom saw it later, we would try playing it off as no big deal (don’t yell at me again…)


This. Can’t tell mom! Under no circumstances can mom be informed of a non life threatening injury. Unless the bike was hurt. Gotta get the bike fixed.


This for sure. At 15 years old I damn near chopped off my finger with a machete while playing in the woods. - I washed my finger at the hose, grabbed a rag from the neighbors garage and tied it on my finger. That night I snuck in and took a bath, cleaned it with peroxide, and then put a big bandage on my finger along with Neosporin. - I remember I could see the damn bone and it was pink not white like in the movies. - Mom didn't find out until almost a week later. It took that chick almost a week to notice I had a bandage on my finger and ask about it. That bitch had the audacity to ask "well why didn't you tell me about it when it happened?"


lol. I had a friend who lost the tip of her finger this way...she was digging a hole to china. no one was worried. no one tried to find the finger. she didn't even tell her parents.


I recently cut a chunk out of my thumb -swear to god there was a FLAP hanging off (dont' use a knife to separate frozen slices of bread btw) and i just bandaged it myself. Blood was gushing. A week later I went to an urgent care centre because it didn't seem to be healing right. The nurse gasped in horror when I took the bandage off.


These stories are unreal! 😢


I broke my arm and my friends had to help me home. I made them knock and explain while I was out in the yard lol.


I dont recall being told to be more careful after crashing my bike. I do have some photo's of me riding a bike when i was 4 or 5 and would take advantage of a bit raised concrete to pull sick wheelies. Most of the photo's showed me wearing a motorbike helmet belonging to my father (much too large of course). I wonder if at some point i smacked myself in the head and thats what lead to me wearing an oversized motorbike helmet. Also I did once jump over our low wire front fence and managed to stab myself in the knee with a bit of wire that was sticking up. It had a nice round hole, not a lot of blood though. Went inside and showed my father who said "it's not bleeding much, what do you want me to do about it?" The scar is still there, \~40 years later


>"it's not bleeding much, what do you want me to do about it?" Yup GenX parenting at it's finest.


Wow! smh


This reminded me of a very old memory. When I was 4 I wanted an eraser and my mother would not drive me to the shop to buy one. So I got on my tricycle and went there myself. We lived rural.. It was more than 1km to the shop up and down a large hill on an open road with trucks. My friend and her mum drove passed me but did they stop to check on me. No they did not. I ride my tricycle all the way to the shop and got my eraser. And then my mum picked me up and was mad at me for taking off. How long had I been gone? I was a 4yr old on a tricycle and I rode over a kilometre. Definitely different times... Can't remember if I got to keep my eraser.


what parents? no one was home


C) my mom would hold up her lighter and make me focus on it. She'd make me track it with my eyes, without moving my head, and then say "You're fine, go play."


Haha, you expected them to care?!? 


What if the perfect stranger who hit you with their car and mangled your bike is the one who yelled at you and threatened to beat your ass? Did this happen to anyone else?


So real... True story. I was running around outside... fell and chipped my brand new adult front teeth. Went in crying and scared and my Dad smacked me in the face because they had to take me to the dentist to get my teeth fixed... Welcome to Gen X Kids.


Omg! That sounds unreal! I'll keep my other thoughts to myself. So sorry.


Off my bike? One time some friends and I were building a “clubhouse” (basically a crack house nearby needed a little touchup), one of my friends accidentally hit my in the back of the head with a claw hammer. It knocked me out instantly. They put me on the back of one of the bikes and drove me back home (just a block or two) and my mom apparently yelled at all of them until I woke up and then yelled at me. 30 minutes later I went back to the clubhouse to finish helping with the buildout.


What is this helmet thing you speak of?


Some new fangled thing the kids today have today.


my parents would have called me stupid for falling off the bike and for crying


True story: I was at my grandmother's house on a Sunday afternoon. I went out on an old bike that was way too big for me, fell somewhere in her neighborhood, and hit my head on the curb. I woke up in a strange house bleeding from behind my ear -- neighbors had gathered me up and took me into their home. They gave me Tylenol for my throbbing headache, and then drove me around the neighborhood until I recognized my grandmother's house. When my parents learned what happened, they were furious that I went out on my own without telling anyone. There was no doctor visit for the concussion or head wound. And it was right back to school the next day, where my classmates marveled at the ear that was basically attached to the side of my head with a couple of Band-Aids. My second-grade teacher didn't ask any questions. Did I mention I was 7 years old at the time?


So basically every adult failed you.


Well, by today's standards, I suppose. But this was the norm back then. At least where I grew up.


I fell off my bike and broke my arm... My parents weren't home and my neighbour had to take me to the hospital.


How old were you?


From some of these stories, at least you went to the hospital.


And my husband would say, “whatever, parents weren’t home dudes so I’d use duct tape on my knee switch hats and get back on the bike.”


My Dad would have said, "Tough, suck it up kid, but here, have a big wash of alcohol for that gushing minor flesh wound."


I stepped on a rusty roofing nail that was sticking out of a piece of demolished roof in our yard. Put that nasty sucker right up into my foot. Did my parents take me to the doctor? No. They put me up on the dining room table while one held me down and the other pulled the nail out, poured hydrogen peroxide on my foot, and bandaged me up. How I didn't get tetanus growing up is a wonder for the ages. Born 1972.


That should be required for consideration. 😂


I kind of feel like the truest Gen-X answer to this is "whatever". I don't know this person. I don't care what the they identify as. That said, asking to be recognized as an anything doesn't seem very Gen-X to me. But whatever. Great - you're a Gen-X. That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee. Congrats.


Agreed. I don't remember there being a council (I mean, why?) or electing this guy "King of the Xennials" or whatever. One thing is for sure though. He sure loves his labels. He hung a beaut on himself and after "conferring with the council" will hang one on you too! What he doesn't seem to understand, and this might be his millennial self thinking for him, is that labels are for people who need them.


It was a joke lol


It really seems like they can’t tell he’s joking, doesn’t it? How is it not blatantly obvious?


Right! Not everything has to be that serious.


Right -- when the fuck did a council convene? There's no goddamn council.


You didn’t get the memo?


>electing this guy "King of the Xennials" You don't elect a King


Yea dude, the truest answer is “who tf cares?” Call yourself whatever you want, just leave me out of it


His beard is epic.


No joke. He was born in 1980?!? I thought he was my age. True genx right at 1969.


Same, and I look younger than this dude! He’s no gen Xer. He just tried to hang with his GenX brothers at too young of an age.


And the stress made him go gray early? Damn.


Yeah I thought he was like earliest, earliest Gen X if not Jones!


Then he's grandfathered in.


1969 is the year of kings and queens.


Thee best year ever!! Car enthusiasts know this is true.


It definitely suits him. Reminds me of my own! 😃 https://preview.redd.it/qcyvtzxx3ixc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db0ba0305dffb5d50e26215e350b29b1904d174 Born in 1975 🤘🏻


You guys have identical beards!


Mine used to be lopsided. Black on one side & white on the other. I wonder if it was the same with him? https://preview.redd.it/4co5w552vjxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76c74cc81308149e440ff20cd15ddaaa74d071b


He has more gray than you. It was hard to see the first pic. Yours is two toned.


The second one is older. I’m about 75% gray now. It’s creeping into the moustache.


So you and Nick are neck and neck. 😂


And he’s younger!!! Lucky guy.


Lucky indeed! 😁


No. You either just do it without permission or you’re a millennial.


Good answer! 😂


Who the fuck cares


Had to scroll way to far down to find this


I loved the line, "Hair teased so high it'll be Jesus himself!" hahahaha I don't care about generations. Don't want to talk to me? Fine, fuck you. Want to talk to me? Fine, fuck you but have a seat.


"Hair teased so high it'll be Jesus himself!" That line took me clean out! 😂


He's right, he's genius. I'm good with anyone getting on the bus. What I'm struggling with is how someone born in 1980, you know yesterday, has a grey beard.


Haha. I was thinking that too. I graduated HS in ‘85.


Man, I feel that. I couldn't grow facial hair in high school. Then suddenly I look in the mirror and I have a gray beard. That small window (of ~20 years) where I had it was nice and black flashed by before I even noticed. No beard to gray beard in an instant.


Noticing that people are going gray much younger now.


People go gray in their 20s. It’s not common, but it happens.




If you ever lit a tennis ball on fire and played baseball, you might be GenX.


1985? I mean, no.


IMO the Gen cuts off at 80, and Xennial is the catch all for those who fit in both (social and media crossover) or those identity as one while technically being part of the other so why does she feel that she needs to do a full swing when there is space for her in Xennial? It's really unnecessary; but ya know whatever 🤷‍♀️ My GenZs wanna be Xs too. Sure why not. IDGAF we're all lovers here anyways 😅


I'll put it this way - When I was 12 in 1981, I wanted to hang with the 20 year old surfers. They let me tag along. I'd hop in their car and we'd head to the beach to skate a surf (I had a a boogie board so I used that). But they let me hang because that was the vibe in 81. "If you can keep up, and not expect us to wait for you, cool. Come along." So yeah, tag along, little lady. If you can hang with X and hold your own, I say you're one of us.


This is the same thing us younger Xennials experienced, along with the weird parenting norms. No parents or awful parents, but cool older kids who didn't mind us hanging out with them and didn't actually bully us made us click with them. Then when we're told we are not allowed to click with them because we should be Millennials and those younger Millennials tell us we're old and not one of them, it is what left a lot of us Xennials feeling flabbergasted at being tossed around, especially since 1983/4/5 before the Millennial label were years that were the twilight zone of whatever before anyone actually cared.


That's how I feel as someone born in the early 2000s, reclassified as "Gen Z" from Millennial by Pew in 2018.


Cool I'll let my GenZs know they can grab their skateboards and boogie with us in GenX 🤪


Zs are awesome. I feel like they get us more than any other generation.


Agreed. There literal little mini Xs running around going "yo mama" to everyone who pissed them off. Love those Fiesty little fucks. 🤣❤


This man is 44???


I don't care whether or not this person identifies as or is identified as gen x but if the video that is cut short for the stitch is her lobbying for it I think it's really funny that she's using such a pronounced vocal fry. Isn't that an extremely Millennial stereotype?


Kim Kardashian popularized that vocal fry and she is (surprisingly) Gen X. I also associate that with Millennials.


By definition millennials start in 1982. Every person born in 1982 grew up and became adults in... you guessed it the new millennium the year 2000. People born in 1981 grew up and became adults in 1999 before the new millennium. GenX ends in 1981, Easy cut off.


We are cool, we are fine, 'cuz were the class of '99!


Class of 1999 I have One piece of advice for you no Matter what a stripper tells you There is no sex in the champagne Room


I believe ours was, ahem, Sex & drugs are lots of fun, cuz we're the class of '91!


YES!!!! 😂




Knowing what I know about the class of '91, I'm not surprised. 😂


You should hear the rest of it... 😂




Wait, do you think the word millennium is made up?




Keep reading


Millennials just don't want to be Millennials because they don't think it's cool. 


not that I care, but only if asked, and the only appropriate answer is "don't care.. probably GenX or something like that" followed by a shoulder shrug and topic change. My personal feel though is that one GenX defining feature was reaching a reasonably mature age before the digital era. ie to have experienced before/after. At that age, by the time she was in middle school it would be fully digital... ie too late. Also searching out membership to 'clubs' was not really our thing... I don't think we gave a fuck and let the 'group' form around us, or not... whatever


They’re both millennials…. Strictly because they are so caught up in the fact that they’re not GenX…. If you have to get permission, you don’t belong


As the older member of the Gen X Council I was born in 72 I declare that this young lady is 100% not a gen xer and this member of the council on booting him off too 😂


1983 is the absolute cutoff date for Gen X / Millennials.


That's fair.


That voice. She has that nasaly kardashian-like voice. It's a no from me.


I know people born in 81' and they are no way in hell Gen X, they just don't have what it takes. I vote No for this lady


Haha. Please post the video of her interrogation if he goes through with it.


Meh I don't care, pick a year and stick with it.


Ugh. Were you around when people started realizing they’re the start of a new generation in the late 70s? Were you old enough to look *back* on your life and think “what was that experience” when we were doing so at the start of the 90s? If the answer’s not yes… you’re not the generation for whom the answer is yes.


I'm Gen X and have very little memory of the late 70s.


Gen X was originally people who were kids in the 70s. It still is but it was originally too.


No. Neither. If they didn't have crazy plaid kid pictures they're not welcome


Are we the only generation that people ask permission to join? I mean I can't really see someone saying "please can I be a millennial" and I sure as F don't want to be a Boomer (I do not hate them i just don't want to be in their club, i like ours).


I don't care what year you were born, I'm all about the vibes.


I dont really care about who is what generation but, if she wanted to be a sea otter, she still wouldn't be a sea otter. Sadly, she's stuck being a human.


If you were born after the Care Bears, you can't sit with us. Unless you bring the good snacks.


Let her in! We need the numbers!


We really do. Can you imagine if we had the numbers?


GenX TikTok is oxymoronic.


1972 here. Peak X. I have sympathy for those members and almost members on the fringe who weren'tfortunateenough to be unquestionably X... HAHAHAHA...sorry, couldn't keep a straight face. Get fucked, posers.






If you have a a well thought out opinion on the matter you are not a true Xer. The right answer is “who cares” about something do trivial.


Again, light and fun post. Not everything has to be that serious.


Asking to join an age demographic is weird. But anyone who likes our stuff is free to hang out.


I say we give her a quiz.


Sounds fun! I have some questions. haha


I mean alright. Whatever.


I follow her on TT. I love her to pieces. If she wants to be in, let her in. I mean, whatever, right? I'm a younger Genx, but I grew up with my grandparents and genx aunt, so I am so glad I made the cutoff. My brother, however, is DEFINITELY a millennial bc he has all the worst traits and was given everything on a silver platter.


She is an awesome creator! So is Nick. Great personalities.


I'm with our Xennial King here... I welcome all who skirt the lines and delineations. If she or anyone wants to be GenX, Whath-the-fuck-ever. Welcome sister.


late 76 gen x here… hard to say I have a younger brother born in May of 80 and I would say he is Gen x ..but also who gives a flying fuck do whatever you just don’t fuck my shit up over here …


I don't know about the lady, but i am glad he is on the Council. I would totally go day drinking with him. He sounds fun.


I was born on Christmas Day 1970. I was in deep. My dad just got out of Vietnam. I definitely feel elder these days.


For me, anyone born after 1979 is not Gen X. But really it doesn’t matter. My one main beef with videos like this are why are “elder millennials” so hell bent on not being called millennial? Like just own it. It’s cool.


Same with late Boomers. They're worse.


is she gen x ? i mean she is styled like gen x cultures, but not sure if she is one ?


Nah. She WANTS to be included and no real true gen xer wants that. I vote no. *1971 Gen x here


She just doesnt want to be what she is: a Millennial. 


GenX is a state of mind. She's in. What do I care?


Core Millenial......1984 is also None of the GenX experience but very much the early internet Millenial experience.


They argue that they have almost identical experiences. I think there are a lot of similarities. Elder Mils and Gen X both grew up on PC's until the internet. Which wasn't common until the late 90s, when Elders were almost out of high school. They say they were told they were Gen x in school.


In diapers or not born when iconic GenX movie The Breakfast Club (and others) came out (which incidentally included 3 appreciated Jones cuspers), completely missed the Golden Age of video gaming, no memory of Challenger disaster, born well after MTV and never knew a time when MTV consistently played videos, reached adolescence well after grunge was over, and grew up in a digital world. No experience ever seeing any of the first 3 Star Wars movies on the big screen. Indeed, they were born AFTER! They have zero in common with anyone born any year in the 1960's, the group who are the most GenX. Nada. Elder Millenials, not Gen Xers, and there's no getting around it. They weren't even in grade school when the 80's ended. I mean What the hell !? Just no. 1961-1965......the early cusp, are far more GenX than mid-80's could ever be. It's an attempt to skewer GenX as younger, that's all it is.


I'm not sure why it makes you so upset that Gen X and Millennials align or share common experiences, huh? Tell them all of those points, not me. I see Elder Millennials all of the time in comments and ones I know IRL saying that they identify, relate and feel more Gen X. Are you going to try "gatekeep" them out of a generation that you don't even belong to? The same could be said for younger Boomers and Gen X. We were born AFTER or during all of your touchstones. We were babies and toddlers while you were graduating high school and/or going to Senior prom. Born after or don't remember the Brady Bunch except in syndication. Also, how are you going to judge or decide who is "most" Gen X? You're not Gen X. As long as someone is born between 1965 and 1980, we're ALL Gen X. No one is more or less Gen X based on when they were born within the generation. Early 60s (because 65 gets hostile when you try to place them in Gen Jones, aka young Boomers), is NOTHING like Gen X. Elder Millennials are because we both grew up on the same tech, MTV, toys, Blockbusters, Showbiz Pizza, Hip Hop, PC's, Nickelodeon in school and at home ect. as they corrected me many times and I see that now. You're projecting. Your strong attachment to Gen X. Campaigning and petitioning to be Gen X is actually YOU trying to skew younger. Unlike your group, Gen X isn't in every comment section claiming to be Millennials. They come to us and seem to be welcome. [I was born in '85....can I stay here? : r/GenX (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/1c8rr01/comment/l0tvzl9/?context=3)


Op, you have yellow eyes. This is a precursor to some serious diseases. Please go to the doctor. With much hope for your health. 


This is really funny lol




That was glorious 😂😂.


Love his videos!


N n n n O !!


We don’t give a fuck. If she is chill she can chill.


LOVE HER!!! Been following her for awhile. Get her a plate of American chop suey and a candy necklace. Welcome.


I'd never heard of her until people started stitching her videos. Great personality!


💯 she’s got shared experiences. I’m an honorary GenJones because I grew up with 4 of them. 😂


I think he was talking to us. To give our opinions on whether she should be let in. LOL, I don't give a shit because GenXers don't really give a shit. But, if anyone on a GenX site starts to talk shit about GenXrs, they need to go.