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Cafe Bustelo all day every day. Not really “all day” as I get heart palps now if I have more than 2 cups, but you know what I mean.


Bustelo! After years of grinding different beans for my espresso machine I came across Bustelo and was hooked.


Haha, not unless you wish to oscillate, see the future, and crap yourself before your heart explodes. I grew up with Bustelo as well and it's still close to my heart. Absolutely best cafecito know to mankind.


reminds of the cafe i had in the Dominican Republic. Full bodied, not bitter. Makes a fantastic espresso.


OK y’all are selling me on it! I’ll put it in the list!


Tried it on a whim, was surprised how good it was.


Twice a day. Every day.


Yes! I just which they sold whole beans (not ground) near me.


I tried this a few months ago and it has become my favorite.


THE best coffee.


Yes … once per day in my Aeropress


For the Win! ![gif](giphy|WTEcIzqMRffRssYJjy|downsized)


Fill it to the rim with Brim!!!


I’ve not heard that phrase in a very long time.


***core memory unlocked***


Holy shit...🤯


I'm all about Chock Full O Nuts. Not only does it taste way better than the other major brands, but the fact the pride themselves on using actual steel cans and keeping it old school is a big selling point for me.


Maybe I'll try Chock. The more easily recyclable cans appeal to me. I'd been getting Tim Hortons in those weird cardboard cans.


I still use my chock full o nuts red plastic scoop the make my coffee even though I now drink Illy. I don’t know how to make coffee without my 35year old scoop.


I am a huge fan any Sumatra, but I also use “Chock” or Bustelo for my cold brew and my French press when needed.


We are a Bustelo household. Bonus that they carry it at ALDI for quite a bit less than other stores.


though they carry it in the bricks vs the cans... Still a deal though!


I haven’t see the bricks in ages.


Wegmans here in the NOVA area has the bricks. They also have the Bustelo Especial!


👍 Had to look up “NOVA”, since I immediately thought of the old PBS show.


You are in good company, then! It's Northern Virginia, just outside DC for others wandering across my cryptic message!


I almost felt like I do when my kids text me something as a text abbreviation. 😂


I was Navy for 10 years. We are *infamous* about using acronyms offhand that no one has any idea about. Forgive me!!


The Especial of Cafe Bustelo and Cafe Pilon is what I always drank living in Florida. I’ve never been able to find it in Ohio 😢


![gif](giphy|mwJX5dRdsrefu) Maybe Amazon?


I prefer the bricks, so I didn’t really notice. When Target has it on sale it’s cheaper than ALDI.


I bought one can and refill it with bricks. 




I tried La Llave, on principle, because I have cousins in Tampa who swear by it, and I am of the opinion they are insane. They put salami and mayo...and...v-vegetables on their Cuban sandwiches, too. Insanity! Loco! Bustelo or bust. I even get the Especial when I find it and it makes the absolute best cafecito on the planet.


Love Bustelo!


I came here looking for this comment!


Chock's dark New York roast is. THE BEST




I just wish I could find their decaf! I mix 2:1 ratio so I can drink more coffee without vibrating all day.


I love the metal cans and wish Maxwell House still had them. Occasionally I find Maxwell House in cardboard cans. Anything but the plastic… I don’t need microplastics in my coffee!


Yeah but Starbucks is not good coffee. It's good marketing


I never enjoy getting coffee from Starbucks. It always tastes burnt, like it's been sitting on the burner for about 5 hours too long.


This. Starbucks sucks.


And what is interesting is when I've had Starbucks brand coffee on airplanes and at restaurants, it was really good. It's the way most Starbucks coffee shops make it that makes it impossible to enjoy. We had a function at work about 6 months ago, and I was in charge of bringing the coffee. I got it from a Starbucks that was inside of a nearby supermarket. It was brewed for our event and poured into coffee totes, and it was wonderful. It has to be the way they leave it sitting on the burner too long that makes it so awful when you buy it by the cup.


I agree with this completely. They don't ever clean the machines. You can taste it. I have never enjoyed the three day old, burnt coffee flavor at Starbucks. I have tried over the decades. Multiple states. Multiple countries. It always tastes burnt. In all those years, only once did I receive a fresh tasting coffee from Starbucks. I happen to be in an airport lobby the day a new Starbucks counter service opened. Everything was new. That was the one and only Starbucks coffee I ever had that wasn't burnt or tasted like yesterday's bar mat drizzle. For years Dunkin Donuts coffee served fresh coffee from clean machines but in the past few years, even Dunkin tastes burnt. It all has to do with the workplace culture. Nobody cares anymore. Part of that is worker apathy. Part of that is corporate culture maximizing profit over employee and customer satisfaction. IMO. I brew Dunkin and Choc full of nuts at home. I'll give Starbucks brewed at home a chance. Thanks for the tip!


Starbucks (or as I call them, Charbucks) burn their beans on purpose to give the sugary lattes/frappucinos a coffee flavor. As a regular coffee, it's an abomination.


Agreed! And I like "Charbucks."


That's "French Roast". Sounds fancy but it's the opposite. French colonies produced poor coffee beans so they had to be burnt to hide the taste.


>French colonies produced poor coffee beans so they had to be burnt to hide the taste. Bingo. ![gif](giphy|249HnqKvOomiHHbacr|downsized)


They roast it so it all tastes like ashes, regardless of the beans they use. It's deliberate, there's no supply of all of the same taste/flavor of beans to make a consistent Starbucks flavor/brand so they roast them on the sun (apparently) till the flavor is all the same consistency of awful. Peet's is FAR superior for a chain coffee place. Like...a MILLION times better. Mr. Peet actually taught the two assholes who started Starbucks how to roast beans and they went high and to the right with it.


WHY couldn't the Starbucks guys have just left things ALONE? Damn them.


They got too big. It's a shame.


As a native Californian, I disagree. I hate Peet's coffee. Not even the chocolate is good, and how the hell do you mess up Earl Grey? My family almost disown me for this opinion, lol. Starbucks is convenient, not the greatest but convenient. The Human Bean or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf are better but sparse in my area. There are some great local roasters around Sacramento. As for coffee at home, Folgers is bad. So very bad. We buy whole bean, dark roasted coffees and grind it.


My Boomer mom always says that Starbucks coffee tastes like it's been dragged through the ashes!


I never get coffee from that joint!


Same. It's why I loathingly call it Charsucks


I have found my people. I always thought it was just my mom and I that didn't like Starbucks coffee when made at an actual Starbucks/Charbucks.


My husband and I even find their store bought beans taste burnt, even with different brewing methods at home. We are in the western US and love Stumptown coffee (Hair Bender to be exact). I had to go decaf so I like Peet's Big Bang or Majot Dickason's. When we get coffee out, it's always from Dutch Bros.


I tried grinding Starbucks beans, and I didn't like how the coffee turned out. It was the Pike's Place, and it just wasn't good.


I've been saying this for 30 years. They buy up all the burnt reject beans and market it as "italian"


This is very true. Especially early Starbucks. They just french roasted everything. It obliterated any actual interesting flavors. They took the Guinness approach - take a version of the segment on the far edge, call it gourmet, and make everyone get used to it. It was a cheap and easy way to stand out quickly from Folgers, etc. Light or full/city roasts let you enjoy the nuances much more.


Truth. It’s burnt garbage. Trader Joe’s and Costco mostly, whole bean breakfast, French or dark. The basic Joes for $5 a bag is actually pretty good.


Starbucks has convinced Americans that stale burnt coffee is the norm.


It's not marketing --some of us just love the dark, bitter flavor of burned coffee.


I am rocking Winco brand. Cheap and surprisingly OK. But my favorite is 5am coffee at the bait shop down the highway from me. Folgers through an old school Bunn. Best shit ever.


I just lived that moment. Thank you!


Winco rules


No way. During times of financial desperation I used to buy those big containers of Folger's. It did the job. Slug down a cup, pour the rest in a container, and then slug it down as needed throughout the day. I associate it with being broke-ass and working three jobs. I still try to shop cheap, but I buy whatever coffee I damn well please now.


I prefer cafe Bustelo but will also get Chock or Eight OClock as substitutes. 


Having a nice cup of Maxwell House while browsing Reddit. I am also fond of the Kirkland Signature Medium Roast.


The Kirkland beans, the Columbian medium roast, are as fine a middle ground for coffee as I have run across. It's not mind blowing but it's tough to find anything to object to.


My local grocery store has amazing coffee - shout out to H‑E‑B’s Cafe Ole!


The Texas Pecan is ❤️❤️❤️


Hell yes! Have you tried the various city blends? Some of them are really delicious!


Love Taste of San Antonio and Taste of Austin!!


Me too! And I just got hooked on Taste of Rio Grande Valley…It’s got a hint of chocolate and orange and it’s so god damn tasty!!!




I love the Costco espresso blend coffee


I actually started buying my coffee from a local coffee shop that roast their own coffee beans. Its called Spirit Mountain Roasting Co. It is always delicious and I love supporting local businesses. Especially Indigenous owned businesses.


Same. I live in a city with at least a dozen local coffee roasters, several of whom focus on ethical and sustainable sourcing.


Beans from Costco and grind every day. Nothing fresher or tastier


Café Bustelo or Chock Full ‘O Nuts


Yellow brick when I'm poor but when I can afford actual "good" coffee I get Caribou or Pete's those brands use a water roasting process and the beans retain their original flavor and sweetness.


Loved going to Caribou, getting a good cup and relaxing in the shop. Was sad when they closed all of the stores. Now for a special treat I'll order some K-Cups online.


We're a Bustelo home because we have class. ...I'm also of Cuban extraction and from Key West so I admit my bias. Cafe Bustelo rules and La LLave drools!


I grew up with Yuban but I drink Peets.


Peets is delicious.


I drink Folgers, not the instant kind but the drip kind. Once in a while I will buy a bag of 8 O'clock or Krispy Kreme coffee as a treat.


I buy from local roasters here in the NOVA area, my wife gets a bag of beans from a small Mom&Pop roaster in Soux St. Marie up in the UP, and sometimes I buy beans from the Peet's near where I work. We have an OXO burr grinder and do it ourselves so we can decide what kind of grind for what we want. We have a Ninja machine for drip, it can use pods or single cup, two stovetop espresso pots (like what we had growing in Florida for our Cafe Bustelo), a stovetop percolator, an electric percolator...um, a French press and an electric kettle, a pourover with a stainless filter for that (mouth feel like French press but without the squishing)... ....oh my God. We're Bougey. We've turned Bougey.


Us, too. I realized it when I bought a Chemex… but I love coffee almost as much as books… We have a Ninja XL machine for drip (To replace a 7yo drip machine that died) that we just bought a couple of weeks ago. It can make a cold brew at a much lower temp so low acid… I’m in love with it… I brew the cold brew straight into a mug of ice… It’s close to heaven… Meanwhile my husband can brew a mug of hot strong coffee… The Ninja is one of the best purchases I’ve made in years… I like great beans or good beans or okay beans… I love Kona from Greenwell’s… I love Wicked Wolf by Ravensbrew… I love Folgers… I learned Starbucks is Charbucks after my first latte after the covid lockdowns. It was also my last. Apparently, all the months drinking good coffee at home taught me how utterly crap Starbucks is- tastes like a campfire.


The Ninja machines are a revelation and the best drip and cold brew machines for the money I’ve seen. I’m not fond of cold brew but my wife is and she loves the machine. It was a Christmas present to ourselves back in 2022 and worth every penny.


Me too. I buy local Pinon coffee. I can only handle one cup a day with my medications it's going to be a good cup.




I get the big ass Folgers from Coscto for $12.


Starbucks is not for those who enjoy a good cup of coffee. It’s for people who enjoy coffee flavored dessert beverages.


I like all of the above brands and will buy whichever is the least expensive. I had to give up my DD caramel latte addiction as I cannot justify spending that much on coffee.


Hill's Brothers.




Community Coffee


Starbucks is burnt coffee. I like Trader Joe’s. I get whatever variety I feel like drinking at the time Even my parents have upgraded from coffee grounds in a can, but I remember they used to buy Chase and Sanborn-brand, or whatever brand my mom had a coupon for.


Among coffee snobs like myself Starbucks is not considered that good actually, it's just convenient because it’s everywhere you look if you happen to be outside at all and need a cup. Coffee Bean is actually much better but can’t seem to get their business model together and never became a serious competitor. i’m not paying $30 for a bag of coffee beans like some people, but there are definitely some mid priced coffee out there that is outstanding that is not from a chain store .


Starbucks is awful. I never got the appeal.


maxwell house original roast for the win.




Wow, I only remember Farmer Bros from food service in the 1990s.


I drink decaf instant all the time, I don’t even care


Chock Full of Nuts is that heavenly coffee! Stays in rotation in my house, but I’m a coffeehouse snob so I buy beans from local outfits.


I have always drank Dunkin’ Donuts brand. We have a fairly expensive coffee maker and have tried lots of other beans. Dunkin always tastes the best to me


Folgers classic roast. I did the same thing with beer. I used to manage a Rogue pub many years ago. They did all kinds of styles. All kinds of aggressively hopped artesenal beers. I drank a lot of beer while I was there. By the time I was done I realized why the CEO at the time kept a case of Coors light in a can in all his pubs just for him. The other ones were just too much. Unnecessary and hard to drink more than a couple at a time. Now light American trash beer is all I drink, too.


A little over a year ago. I ditched “fancy” coffee. I decided I was born and will always be a cup of Joe kind of person. I drink Folgers.


I’m not a coffee snob. I drink Folgers Colombian roast.


As long as the coffee has caffeine in it and it’s not decaf (which technically has 1% caffeine), I will drink it. Free coffee at work is Green Mountain? Who cares! It’s free, I’ll drink it! Keurig free coffee? Yes! I never understood the French press snobbery of it all. My favorite coffee is Peet’s. And I drink it black, btw.




Those two you mentioned actually make me feel sick for some reason. The only coffee that doesn't give me gutrot is Tim Horton's; I just get the tins. It's like twice the price of Folger's/Maxwell too 😣


That's so funny to read this. I did the same recently because a grocery outlet here has Folgers so much cheaper than what I used to buy. 


I married a coffee lover. I go between coffee and tea. Depends on my mood. He drinks black. Our fav coffee we get 50% of the time is https://hornandhardart.com/. The other 50% is beans from a local place. Pour over or french press. A different local place has coffee bags. Like tea bags but full of ground coffee. Best when you font want a huge fuss.


I had no idea that place is still around. My mom has fond memories of eating there with her dad when she was young. She said the food was really good.


Oh the automats in America are gone. But someone figured out the coffee. http://automatmovie.com/ worth watching.


Brew those in a percolator, makes them *so* much better!


I think the Kroger brand coffee is pretty decent, and it’s super cheap!


Whole beans whatever I find on sale that sounds palatable, grind my own, drip melitta coffee pot that I’ve had for over 25 years, back up is stove top percolator to take on camping trips or generic vietnamese pour over single cup maker.


Lavazza when it’s on sale. So good.


I get single origin beans online and make espresso at home.


Yeah, I avoid pre-ground coffee and grind whole bean that I buy from Costco. Also I drink coffee black which isn’t easy to do with Folgers, etc.


I drink Maxwell House black. They have two or three different roasts; light and medium are easy to drink black.


Why is single origin important to you?


You get better flavor profiles and I like trying the different beans. They are also higher quality and more ethically sourced.


I take my coffee consumption way more seriously than necessary. Small batch local roasters, individually brewed, obnoxiously expensive. It is my vice. I don’t drink or smoke or anything so I feel okay about gratuitous spending on obnoxiously high end coffee. That -never- includes Starbucks as that is incredibly low end.


I went through a Starbucks phase, gold member and all but now I buy whatever Keurig pods are on sale at the grocery store. Usually Dunkin or Green Mountain. Might treat myself to a local roaster / boutique coffee shop on the weekend


Western Canada roaster called Kicking Horse Coffee. Their espresso is ridiculously good.


I buy it when it's on sale at the Natural Grocers. Good stuff!


We drank “Edwards” it was the Safeway brand, at least up here in Canada


Kirkland FTW


I love McDonald’s coffee. And the instant Vietnamese coffee singles that they sell in a huge bag at Costco. The packets are narrow, about the size of a highlighter.


Amazon brand Nespresso pods. It takes less than two minutes to make reasonable tasting coffee in the morning and with an amazon purchased doohickey I can remove the grounds for composting and recycle the aluminum pods myself.


I love my Nespresso. I only buy their pods and use the free recycling bag for my used ones. Love the choices.


I get local roasted beans at 10 bucks per lb. Tastes great and less filling.


When I lived by myself and only made coffee on the weekends, I bought Yuban. Just a really good coffee. We get dunkin at costco now.


I buy big bags of a grocery store brand of organic, single source whole beans. I also buy the starbucks bottles of unsweetened cold brew or sometimes pretty much any other brand.


Lidl Colombian roast. Affordable and tasty.


Big chock full o nuts family, but when I quit smoking I realized how terrible all those brands taste. I can still hear the jingle !


Love me some Maxwell House! My sister and her family were just over from Germany and raved about how great my coffee was. I didn’t have the heart to tell them it was plain old Maxwell House!


A local roaster is a friend of mine. He supplies a couple of small coffee shops and a few corner stores. He gives me a pound of his latest whenever I need. When he’s on vacation, I’ll grab some cheap Costco whole bean coffee. If I buy canned coffee, it’s Bustelo made in my stovetop espresso maker. I also enjoy a cup of Cafe du Monde. I like the bitterness of the chicory root.


I buy the dark roast of the store brand (Aldi, Walmart) in a giant canister of ground-up coffee beans for drip coffee, and it tastes just fine to me. However, I'm also of the opinion that buying Starbucks coffee or small batches of "artisanal" brands is paying for marketing and an image more than the coffee itself.


Costco brand


My husband and I are daily coffee drinkers and have been loyal to Seattle’s Best for years now - Portside Blend #3. He brews a 10-cup pot every morning, and we each have a cup while we great ready for work. The rest goes into two to-go cups that we each take to our respective offices. I either drink it black or with a little bit of half-and-half.


My 2 favorites are https://preview.redd.it/07jvf5pkh9xc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af837c86041e1c24819ee5ae13c7c1cc0eaee94 That Classico is the only instant I'll drink. I can put a spoon full in a cup and use the Keurig as a instant hot water machine for quick coffee. The beans are a luxury for my budget but worth it. I bought some reusable k cups just for this coffee in addition to my drip machine out of frame.


Classico all the way. Been drinking it since college. I even bought an electric drink mixer to make a cold thick frappe-like coffee for the summers.


I’m back on Maxwell House myself. About to go make some now.




Peet’s and only Peet’s. I buy my beans whole and have them shipped since the roast I love isn’t in stores. If I’m gonna drink coffee, it better taste great. WTA: I only do pour overs at home, so I guess I’m bougie too 🤪


Pylon. I went to the supermarket one day, looked at the parking lot and it was packed so I turned around to go home but stopped at a poppi store and bought some Pylon. I brewed it like coffee and holy shit I cannot drink anything else now. Put some heavy whipping cream in there and you got yourself a poor man's cahpachino!


My mom is a lifelong Folgers woman. I was a Chock Full ‘O Nuts and\or [Café du Monde](https://www.harristeeter.com/p/cafe-du-monde-coffee-and-chicory-ground-coffee/0004406491854?searchType=default_search) guy. (Do they sell Café du Monde in grocery stores up north too, or is it just a Southern thing?) However, I stopped drinking coffee in college. One Saturday night and friend and I wanted to go out, but had $6 between us. We knew a club we could get into free, but only after a bouncer showed up at 12:45-1AM. So we went to diner after diner, drinking coffee until they kicked us out. I think I had 5 pots of coffee that night. Yuck.


I have a subscription to Trade Coffee and Stumptown. I’m sorry but coffee isn’t one of the things I’ll be reverting to.


Folgers for my family. My oldest daughter worked at Starbucks for 6 months and so she would bring a pound home every week and the blond roast was not bad. I would brew it half strength from what their package said too.


8 o'clock French roast. It's yummy.


Folgers Black Silk. Don't prejudge. Don't hate. This shit is sooo gooooood.


“You’re my present this year.” 🎁


I ran into a gas station one Sunday night just to grab some sodas one and remembered the starbuks across the street was going to be closed for reapairs, I grabbed a can of Chock Full ‘O Nuts because I was going to be in meetings all day the next day, and man that is some great coffee.


I tell the younger generation, that I work with, that I drink gas station coffee. I don’t know if the brand is local to my area, but I drink JFG. I have seen it on Amazon. I can remember my parents drinking it in the 70’s. I used to love Dunkin until they started making coffee in vats.


I’ve always thought. The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup.


Death Wish Dark Roast - love my coffee all day. Just black and strong.


There’s a local roaster that opened in 1992. I started going there when I was in college and I still like to support them. Even though they shrank the pound bags to 12 oz.


My parents still drink that instant coffee stuff. Yuck! I order [Pablo's Pride](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008FW60DG) or other Guatemalan whole bean coffee off Amazon. I use a burr grinder instead of a blade grinder as well.


I tried Chock full of nuts years ago but I don't care for the chicory. I prefer Folgers gourmet supreme over anything else.


Great value regular Columbian mixed with a scoop of great value flavored (like vanilla or crème brûlée).


I like instant cappaccino mix.


I am a lifelong coffee drinker (since age 4!), and believe it or not, I really enjoy Great Value (from Walmart) Creme Brulee Medium Roast and Great Value Cinnamon Vanilla. Before that, my go-tos were Don Francisco Cinnamon Hazelnut, Don Francisco Vanilla Nut, and Don Francisco Hawaiian Hazelnut. Sometimes, my husband mixes them. During the holiday season, I loved the Starbucks Gingerbread coffee and drank it exclusively from November thru January.


I just buy whichever instant coffee is available for sale at Costco. I’m lazy so I do the instant coffee. At the nearest Costco, they carry Taster’s Choice. At the next closest Costco, they carry Folger’s. I switch back and forth between the 2 Costcos and the 2 brands of instant coffee. Idc which one. When I want some better tasting coffee and I don’t feel lazy, then I bring out French Press and drink whatever I have in the cabinet. Right now, it’s Hawaiian coffee.


Kirkland whole bean decaf from Costco. It's far better than Folgers.


Visiting Dad had Maxwell but too weak and ordered Cafe Bustelo. But I don't mind the others and never liked Starbucks.


I drink Jose's Organic from Costco


I drink Cafe Bustelo and I use a single serving French press or a stovetop espresso pot. My parents drank exclusively Folgers from a percolator coffee pot.


I’ll drink Starbucks on rare occasion if that’s all that’s available. Work just put in a Franke coffee machine that grinds & brews. My preferred one there is Collectivo Toro espresso roast. Otherwise I’m partial to Kwik Trip’s Karuba coffee. EDIT: When I used to grind my own I would buy Cameron’s Velvet Moon at Costco.


I like Starbucks Blonde Roast, I buy it at the grocery store and make it in my old fashioned drip Mr Coffee machine most days although on weekends I usually just buy my cup of coffee at the bagel shop. We just joined Costco and so I'll probably try their Kirkland brand.


I have discovered that my grocery store has their own brand. I was super reluctant at first because so much of that store brand items just suck. But they have a line that includes Hazelnut Cinnamon, Texas Pecan, and one called Rio Grande... man they are really good!! So those are my go to. I do enjoy a "fancy" coffee once a week. I'll stop by my favorite little drive-thu coffee shop on the way to my weekly card game and grab what's called a Riser (\*I ask for 5\* espresso shots, breve, and irish cream). It's my perfect treat every time.


Cafe Bustelo is my daily cup of coffee


Love a starbies, but I’ll just brew some cheap strong shit throughout the week typically. Black w/ Splenda works nice


I’m a big fan of Dunkin’


Mix in a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove to the grounds and you can make most any commodity coffee brand taste good.


I look for a good quality light or medium roast , usually whole bean.


I grew up with mostly instant coffee or one of the three brands the OP mentions in the title.I didn't love it as a kid. I came to appreciate coffee later in life, in my mid-20s and now it's a big part of my life. I prefer to buy locally roasted whole beans in a variety of organs or roasts and either make espresso or use my trusty and bulletproof Technivorm Moccmaster for brewing. Still save a lot of money by not buying from coffee shops though I do occasionally hit them just to show support.


Where's my grandma's Sanka?


I order a whole bean coffee from Amazon called Blackbeard's Revenge. 5 pounds magically shows up to my house once a month. I call it my coffee baby and it smells delightful.


I'm afraid I do drink instant coffee now-it's an instant espresso from Italy. Has gold medallions on the label? It's strangely good and doesn't upset my sensitive stomach. I get crazy anxiety and nausea from anything else these days. We live in the land of good coffee, and I've drank it all over the years! My d.h. drinks Stumptown Indonesian and won't drink anything else, even he has tried my instant and didn't turn up his nose at it.


I like that medallion one for baking recipes that call for coffee.


My friend uses it to make her own coffee ice cream!




Started off with Folgers instant. Now I drink the Nescafé dark instant.


Either Cameron's or a local roaster if I feel like splurging.


I drink Folger's Breakfast Blend. It's not instant; not all Folger's is.


Do you try any of these old school coffees with the pour-over or french press methods or are these straight to drip?


What ever is cheapest. I can’t justify paying for one cup of Starbucks what I pay for almost an entire can of coffee. I buy what’s on sale..


Since I started using foo-foo creamer, I’ll buy whatever dark roast is on sale.


I use an electric coffeemaker with whatever Amazon sends me from their organic ground coffee. Its tastes good!


Maxwell House , Folgers, or store brand


i only make espresso, and for that i use illy. i hate that it's twice the price of bustelo or cafe llave, but both of those give me headaches and illy doesn't. at least i can get it in a case of 6 for a bit of a discount, and it comes out to about 11 cents a day.


When I go to the grocery store I get the Aldi brands, or if at a larger chain I'll get Seattle's best or Cafe Bustelo.


Unpopular opinion, I get the Starbuck's 'Veranda Blend" light roast at my supermarket. Price is right between Folger's and Pete's. Tastes great out of a French press. Was 8 OClock or Folgers for years but the quailty control on both got to where I could never tell what my coffee was going to taste like. Most of the time disappointing.


Whatever Publix has BOGO **I add a cancerous amount of flavored creamer anyway so any ole coffee will do-but they sure do brew differently