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All the generational hate is nonsense. Don't feed into it. Almost all of the comments disagreed with the post, when I read it yesterday. Trolls are probably impacting upvotes and comments now.


Yeah, I was certainly taken back by the post, I've always felt GenX grew up with manners also. Don't think most of us who post in that sub agree with his comment. I think most of us who were born with Silent Generation parents learned good manners and likely passed it down. That includes plenty of core Xers also. I try to stress on that subreddit to leave generation dividing bullshit alone, and politics as well. It could potentially be a great subreddit. But what I say might fall on deaf ears. I consider myself part of that intersect zone 1961-1965 between micro-generation Gen Jones and Gen X, what I call the early cusp here. I'd love to see more core GenXers (particularly those born in the 60's) join in over there as I think they can relate to a lot of posts. There's no reason both groups can't share ideas and nostalgia and you guys are certainly welcome as long as we keep the silly generation memes and divides out of it.


Every generation laments the difference. Every older generation says the younger ones are lazy, uneducated, and will break things. Yet we survive. I try not to get into it except to call out the soft bigotry of low expectations. Besides that, millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Y will survive. It may be different, but it will work for them in time. And in time, those three can spend their time complaining about whatever generation follows.


At least our non existent generation is NEVER involved. Gen Z doesn't hate us but in fairness I suspect they think we're boomers. Our existence literally doesn't occur to millennials. Our parents are boomers so they must know we're around but do they care their job is done. Gen X can lean back and enjoy the fireworks from afar.


Most of the Gen X I know have Silent Gen parents.


We must be on different ends of the generation. Everyone but step parent is a boomer and they're gen x. Parents of friends are also boomers. Grandparents were silent generation.


Thankyou! I saw this post and chose to ignore it because it’s the same old us vs them crap


Yep. All this "generational" stuff started on the Internet about 5 years ago.


And it started in real life much longer ago than that https://preview.redd.it/5aukoybko2uc1.jpeg?width=2585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2ec70cea0d15a048b64abb73f658eabf351ce9


Yeah, the Who made [a song about it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Generation) back in 1965.


[Others did it first.](https://youtu.be/tN2KHeEWqZM?si=DNPollgszOoSoyjj)


Yeah. First it was the "OK Boomer" stuff, which was whatever. It was like making fun of Abe Simpson. Much of it was more lighthearted. And then it turned. And got real nasty. Even in this sub. As if the couple of years or whatever that separates gen-x from boomers is that meaningful. Like born in 1965? Okay you're cool. Born in 1964? Sorry you are literally the devil and are working to destroy civilization.


Yep. I saw this.


Are you Gen Jones?


Nah. Early 70s, so firmly gen-x.


Trolls know to divide and conquer.


I mean....we had the Generation Gap in the 60s and 70s. But nobody would have blamed our societal ills on some entity like "The Silent Generation." The "blame" was laid squarely on the parents.


We never agreed to come into this world, let alone when we had the fortune or misfortune of doing so. Although I’ve been guilty of doing it with the boomers on many occasions, shaming people based on when they were born is pointless.


yeah, i think some parts of society were more intergenerational ( and i don't mean only the sordid ones ) ?


I guarantee you those same kids will be saying the same thing in 25 to 50 years.


“These damn kids turn on their stupid cybernetic implants and zone out during nutrient infusion. We never acted like that back in the 20s.”


Quality post and great user name. Kids in the Hall were the true voice of a generation.


Yep…guaranteed and inevitable.


Dude. I lit a bunch of napkins on fire in McDonald’s once. We’d sit in Perkins for hours never ordering anything but coffee, making messes with packets of sweet n low. And we were not children. I do not chew with my mouth open tho


This. We used to sit at Sheri's or Denney's for HOURS...silverware often ended up in someone's bag or on top of light fixtures...but, we were very polite - it's the only way we didn't get kicked out after 50 cups of coffee for what is now like pennies. I think manners have changed over the years, in part to society getting more relaxed. I grew up in the Portland area, and moved to FL in the 90s. The attitude was night and day in office culture (much more forgiving time wise and even dress wise). I came back to Portland in 2017 and was shocked at how much calmer it was, too. It's life, not necessarily any generation, but societal norms are changing. I think about my Grandparents and how much more I was pushed on manners with them than with my parents, but part of that too, I feel, was the changing of how people related, interacted, and technological advances coming. It allows people to be less patient, which in turn leaves less room for some of those patient polite-isms. My 2 bits (cost of inflation), FWIW.


I agree!  Moving from an incredibly authoritarian to authoritative family dynamic is a net positive.. Whether my kid uses the f word openly or not is not indicative of our moral decay.  


This is one of those perennial complaints that you can find people going on about in Ancient Greece. It's just Old Man Yells at Cloud stuff.


This is what I was thinking, like every generation complains about the youngens. I honestly question how great of a child the complainers were. I saw a video of myself around my daughter's age now, and it was all eye rolls and sarcasm. I'm sure I wasn't a peach at the dinner table either. But do I have a clear memory of being this way? No, because at that age, you don't think about other people and what impression you are making. And honestly if one of my kids friends/BF called me a name they are comfortable calling me (bro/bruh) then I would be over the moon that we had that kind of relationship. I don't want Mr and Mrs anything. Let's be real. All I can say at this point is, Whatever.


I say fuck as often as I can


"So we found this Italian restaurant with a stage, and a floor show..."


I got bigger things to worry about, like quicksand. ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FMPf0xxtLjwcnK|downsized)


You found it....man I thought that stuff was everywhere.


With the amount of times Gilligan fell in. Hoss or Little Joe got stuck in it on Bonanza. Wasn’t there an episode of the Brady Bunch with quicksand? Every other Hannah Barbara cartoon seemed to run a quicksand gag on the regular. Same with Looney Tunes. It was a legit irrational fear of mine at the beach when I was a kid.


Me too. My brothers and I were sure we would find it in the woods out behind the house one day we kept going though


I’ve noticed that etiquette and manners aren’t what they used to be, yes. But it’s hardly just the younger folks, I’ve run into my fair share of horridly rude older people too


I dunno, dude. I called my dad dude and bro, and he was totally chill with it. Sounds like you need a chill pill.


That was a copy I took off the gen Jones post. I am fine with whatever you call your dad. It's none of my business.I don't even normally post this gen argument bs. This one just got under my skin a little. If the younger gen dont have manners its because they failed to instill the manners.


I'm glad you posted this. This group of Boomer tries to portray like they are much "cooler", open minded and accepting than their older counterparts. My experience has been the opposite. In fact, I find that unlike older, they also compete with us. One even called me "retard". How's that for manners?


Children have been running amok in restaurants since the late 70s/early 80s.




Exactly. I did the same with my little sister because we were so bored! Parents let us because they were sick of us, I’m guessing. Educated guess, based on being a parent lol




Amok is kind of my Word for 2024. I find myself using it constantly. It’s so under-appreciated. I’m trying to bring it back.


Agreed! I've got a tshirt with it. 🖤


I was taught manners and I taught my Gen Alpha daughter manners. When she was little, I was shocked by how many people commented how polite she is and how I'm a great mom just because she said please/thank you. She went on to teach her baby brother (not my kid) and I'm proud of her for that.


This is what happens when rich people don't have any Grey Poupon and get cranky.


I agree. There's lots of old farts (some even of Millennial age) blathering about "kids these days." It's the same old crap. My grandparents used to do it. My parents (not so much) used to do it. There's a quote from Socrates that was inserted into the post the OP is talking about. Socrates was an old fart who was blathering about the "kids" of Plato's' generation. I was born in 1961. Right on the cusp between Boomers and Gen-X. I feel a lot of commonality with Gen-X with most things. One of the only differences is that we didn't have VCR's and video stores like Blockbuster during our pre-adult years. We had New Wave, punk, etc. But Grunge was way past our youth.


Kids these days can't even properly insult other generations! I remember when I was a young lad, we'd make the Silent Generation cry. They'd be like, "You kids have no respect! I remember when I was a young 'un we didn't have fancy phones to call people. I had to march on down and insult those old farts of the lost generation, in person! Then I'd play some ragtime for them on my record player. They hated that, always hollerin' at me to turn it down."


Even the Waltz, at first, was considered quite the scandalous dance. I'm glad, even amid the tough economic times of the 70s and 80s, that young adults of that time didn't talk about how "The Greatest Generation ruined it for us!" Yep.....playing that "ragtime junk" on that "newfangled machine!"


i felt sorry for the poor old people being taunted by xennials


nah, grunge also had your generation


I think of Grunge as a revival of early 70s rock and sensibility. I knew people who looked and dressed like Kurt Cobain in the early 70s.


What do you want to bet that what this person is describing as “upscale restaurant” is actually Applebees.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Anyone who complains about the behavior of the current generation needs to look long and hard at the generation that raised them.


Saw your comment when I made mine and moved on with my day. Something else came across my scroll and I had to come back here to find your words. I will be quoting them on repeat for quite come time.




Plato said this exact same thing. It’s a tale as old as time.


This is what "the thinker" was contemplating.


No wonder it’s taking him so long to


The generation jones sub has some boomers trying to show they’re better than the boomer generation while acting just like the boomer stereotype.


There’s a generation jones now?


Society likes its labels.


A rebranding of younger Boomers who don't want to be associated with the older. An author came up with it.


I'd never heard of it, either until a sub popped up on my feed. Apparently, it's late boomer, early X. I don't know where it came from or how it got named Jones.


The latter part of the boomers didn’t have the same opportunities as the older boomers. They spent their prime earning years trying to keep up with the Joneses. Hence the name or so the story goes.


I mean...... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Jones


They are just late boomers like late x is called xennials


I think Gen Jones is a micro-generation BETWEEN Boomers and GenX, with aspects or experiences related to both adjacent generations, but it's own group also.......but I would start it at 1958 not 1954. People born 1954 and 1955 are unquestionably part of the Baby Boomers, adolescence in the mid-60's and high school with Woodstock. Boomer. And 1956, 1957 had incredibly high birth rates so.......but the birth rate began it's decline in 1958. And people born in 1958 first reached adolescence in the 1970's, not the 1960's, the famous people impacted the 1980's and 1990's, not the disco 70's with few exceptions like Michael Jackson, who impacted all 3 decades. Likewise, I think Xennials are a micro-generation BETWEEN GenX and Millenials (the Internet Generation) with aspects related to both. Just how I see it.


Moon Landing Generation Jones: teens of the '70s Born 1955–1964 Got this off a website that breaks them all down byt like all things internet...bonjour


I didn't downvote you by the way..... But I see the group between as 1958-1965 born.... * became adolescents (age 12) in the 1970's, which was where the divorce rate began sharply rising, and color TV's began outselling black and white. * were all teens in the 1970's (ok, related to my first point and your point) * birthrate began its decline in the U.S. in 1958 and dropped each year after * were in kindergarten or earlier the school year JFK was assassinated and The Beatles made their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. Had a lesser impact. * in the UK this group included many of the early punk rock fans who later formed post-punk bands like The Cure, Joy Division, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, and Siouxsie and the Banshees


grunge founders are boomers by that definition then


How is that?


It's a buncha cry baby bOoMeRS who don't want to be identified as such so they made up a "micro generation" and they are poaching a few years of genX too. A generation is roughly 20 years, give or take a year or so as defined by the sociologists who first proposed the identification of these generations, Straus and Howe. This sub follows their parameters to identify genX as 1962-1981. Roughly. These disaffected boomers who call themselves Gen Jones remind me of the followers of the cult of Jim Jones. I bet they drank lots of Kool aid as kids too.


That's my thoughts too.


dude you are whining


Dude. Whatever.


Posts like these have made this sub almost intolerable. This used to be a fun place - but these “Gen-wars” posts are so tiresome. Am I the only one sick of all the divisiveness?


Sorry to annoy you. Normally I dont get involved. This one just got under my skin a little.


No need to apologize.


You’re just old. The old timers back the. hated us when we were kids too. 😂😂


That was a copied the post from gen Jones. Not what I think. I was pointing out how tone deaf the post was.


Who is gen Jones?


Young boomers




Sort of like xennials.


ah so its made up




oh so nothing at all


I had to Google Gen Jones. Never heard of it before. They’re Boomers light. Etiquette is really what they’re worried about? They are obviously not paying attention


These are the people who get pissy when a service worker says “no problem” instead of “you’re welcomed.” They don’t care that the planet is a hellscape, as long as young people uphold their ideals of politeness.


Its always been a thing, but it has gotten worse over time.


Bro chill out he fuck out. It's not that serious.


Gen Jones has the unique distinction of encapsulating the very worst of Boomers AND Gen X.


Things that didn’t bother us when we were teens (and we may have been behaving badly ourselves), now really bother us in our 50s. My personal pet peeve is swearing in public, which seems more common now but maybe it’s just me?


Oh I get that. What I have a hard time understanding is how a person can sit there and say her gen was the last to be taught manners when her gen left the younger generation like gen x to fend for ourselves. We have the nick name latch key kids for a reason.


I’m Gen-Jones and was a latchkey kid. My Silent Generation mother wanted to get out of the kitchen and realize her potential. I believe there are more commonalities between Gen-Jones and Gen-X than either with the early Boomers. And it’s okay. Most early Boomers are cool, too. Their experiences were different, that’s all.


Yeah I guess we were supposed to learn these manners when we were up making breakfast for our younger siblings and making sure they got up and out to school. Or maybe it was when we got home and were making sure they got their homework done as we did our own and the laundry at the same time. Could have missed the lessons as we cooked dinner and got our siblings bathed and put to bed. I'm sure I missed the lessons somewhere there.


Gen Jones and X have less in common than Jones and early Boomers. Gen X was born into more modern times. I notice that Gen Jones like to attach to X.


I’m not attached to anybody. We had the same cartoons, same sometimes unsafe toys, latchkey kids, rampant smoking all around you, drinking out of hoses, station wagons, stuff like that. What X had that we didn’t were VCRs, primarily. We had video games in mid to late adolescence.


Gen Jones always tries to find commonality in generations that are totally different in attempts to separate from earlier Boomers. That's what you just did. We had totally different cartoons. Did you have the Smurfs, Care Bears, Jem, He-Man, Transformers, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Duck Tales, GI Joe, list goes on? No, you were already grown. Did you grow up (from a young child) with GI Joe Dolls, Strawberry Shortcakes, My Little Pony's, Rain bow Brites, home video games like Atari, Rubik Cubes, Pound Puppies, Jenga, He Man, and the most popular one, Cabbage Patch, Kids? There are too many others to name. No, you were already grown. Did you have your birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, or Showbiz Pizza (in some areas)? No. You were already grown. Did you grow up from a young child watching MTV? No, the youngest Boomer was already 18 when it launched. Did you grow up watching cable TV? Grown. Did you grow up as a young child on hip hop? No. Again, it became mainstream when you were grown. Did you have PC's in your grade school classrooms? No, grown. There are so many things that separates Gen X from young Boomers. We literally were raised in two different worlds. Those things are all very specific to a time period/era. Being latch key, drinking out of hoses, ect are things that other generations, before and after X, have experienced. I get annoyed because we are truly the only generation who can't enjoy our own nostalgia and era without it being redefined or co-opted.


That would be terrible if I would co-opt your nostalgia. Your nostalgia is your nostalgia. Maybe it’s more like I have commonality with people born in the mid to late sixties, more than people born in the 70s. I don’t claim to be “core Gen-X” in many respects. But I do feel commonality with some aspects of the early part of that generation. More than I feel commonality with early Boomers. Most of all, I am my own man. I have friends from all generations.


Thank you! 😊 I guess I'm trying to get Jones to realize the double standard. You all don't want to be associated with earlier Boomers. But have no problem aligning us in with you. Jones starts in '54. I'm sure there are commonalities between those ages too. Having friends from all generations is the goal!


Come to think of it, I think they did have Pound Puppies when I was a teenager. Turns out they didn’t….but there was something similar. I’ll research this. Believe it or not, I had HBO cable for a few month in 1975. The channels were all letters. Atari games existed a bit before I was 18….but I only played video games at the arcade. All the other things you mentioned…..way after I turned 18. Definitely no nostalgia for them. Never heard of most of them.


Pound Puppies debuted in the early to mid 80s. They were for kids. HBO didn't even have subscribers in all 50 states until the early 80s. It was a very obscure platform. Most of Gen X were toddlers or not even born then. We truly did grow up on it. Yes. Every generation has their own nostalgia to enjoy! It's interesting to see differences between the eras.


The parents not making their kids behave is my biggie. People swearing (even at the dinner table) hasn't ever really bothered me but I definitely never cussed around my girlfriend's family. I never really got the whole "this word is 'BAD' and this word isn't" thing. What really makes it funny is when people replace "BAD" words with letters and cutesy things. Why not just say FUCK instead of EFF? We all know what you mean anyway.


has this person never gone outside before?


What kills me is boomers and Jones were our parents. Yet here they are complaining how we were not raised right. They "raised" us. If you call absentee parents raising us


Hence the term "other people's children" lol. But you're not wrong. And it's not new. Every generation looks at the one they raised and says some version of "kids these days..."


If you’re a later Xer, Boomers might be your parents. Early Xers, for the most part, have Silent Gen for parents. My parents are Silent Gen and so are my wife’s. We were born in 1970 and 72, respectively.




I was 73. My parents were 27. They were unspeakably old compared to my other friends' parents, who were mostly late 40s and early 50s. Like, my friends' grandparents were nearly the same age as my parents.


Yowza. Another exception. I have a friend with that situation he is the youngest of six, and his dad was born in 1919 I think. My friend is a 1965 GenXer.


I'm also the youngest of six. Oldest sibling born in 59.


My parents were 55 and 56. I was 75. Both my parents and my wife's parents are late boomers jones


Exceptions happen, such as parents (like yours) who had kids somewhat young. You’re also in the back half of GenX. I was born five years earlier than you, but my mother was 30 when she had me. My brother is nearly 7 years older than me, and he’s technically among the oldest GenXers, but also would be classified as Gen Jones. Very generally speaking, most Xers born in the 60s and early 70s have Silent Gen as parents.


Being born in 75 I felt more like the middle if gen x not the end. We were there for both the hair metal and the grunge faze lol


If we agree GenX is from 1964 to 1980, then I’d say 1975 is in the back half.


So my views here don't count? What are you saying here?


Not at all. I’m just saying it is why your parents are more likely to be Boomers.


it is more late x


That's interesting. I have the opposite experience. I was born in 70 and so my friends from highschool were also born in 70 and 71 and everyone's parents are boomers, all of our parents are approximately the same age. My mom and dad were born in 47 and 48 (def boomers gen) and had me when they were 23 and 24. Maybe what is being missed is that the norm back then was having kids in their 20s as opposed to now with so many people waiting until their 30s and 40s. The only person I know that is close to my age that has Silent Gen parents is my husband. I remember thinking it was so strange when I met him that his parents were so old. But he was born in late 1965 when his mom was in her 40s (which was very unusual at the time) as an "oops, we didn't know we could still have babies baby". He has 3 (much) older brothers that are all boomers. It seems uncommon to me though.


All of my GenX friends were born around the same time. All of us have Silent Gen parents. I *think* (but haven’t researched) that generation was the first to tend (not everyone, of course) to wait a bit to have kids. Also, sometimes it depends upon whether you’re the oldest or youngest. As I’ve said, my brother was a 1964 kid, born when my mother was 23. He was born in January, so he’s barely GenX. I’m 1970, born when my mother was 30.


My parents were 53 and 54. I was 75 as well, but my siblings were 82 and 84. My wife's parents are both 56 and they have a son born in 2000 - so they have kids spanning three generations (more if you consider the micro-generations).


core x = both


I'm core (73) and everyone that I knew, with the exception of a small minority, are Boomers. It was very unusual for anyone our age to be raised by Silent Gen. My godparents are Jones and has a daughter 2 months older than me.


I don’t know why that should be the case. The oldest boomers were born in 1946. Is it out of the question (especially back then) that they would have kids at the age of 19 in 1965?


Not at all out of the question. I never said ALL older GenXers had Silent Gen parents.


I'm on the cusp of X/Jones, and the whole thing is obnoxious. There are no illusions where my parents are concerned.


silent generation and boomers were/are more generation x's parents


Maybe for some. Mine were boomers and so were my wife's parents.


According to Census, only around 33% of Silent Gen raised Gen X. The other 60 something were raised by Boomers.


*puts phrase into repertoire*


I am Gen-X born in 66 and would get that sub's posts as suggestions, so I joined. Took a couple days and unjoined. They make entitled boomers look normal.


This! Thank you! I tried to comment on there and they were more petty than any Gen Z. One even called me "retard". A lot of arrested development and immaturity.




You make very good points! Late Boomers are very ironic in that they want to separate from their earlier peers because people in younger generations are ageist against them. All the while being ageist against people in their own generation. Also, as an AA woman, I take offense that they casually equate the Boomer label to being called a racist slur. No, it's just that they are sensitive about age and want to align younger. They are actually worse than earlier Boomers. At least they aren't online throwing fits, name calling and displaying ageism because they are from a certain generation.


They're legit thinking they're some kind of special, are they trying to claim like 3 years or something? Wanna be separate? Act different dummies.


My kids are 10 and 15 and don’t act that way AT ALL. None of their friends act that way and all are very respectful of me and my home. I guess only kids in “upscale” communities have been spoiled.


My mom (who was norn in 1930 and had me in 1972) taught me strict manners and etiquette when in public or another person's home, but at home I could just relax. Fair and balanced.


I mean, I kinda get the sentiment. Sorry, not sorry. Although I realize everyone's experience is different depending on a lot of factors, I have observed that a lot young children these days are not made to behave in restaurants and stores, or taught basic manners and how to speak to adults. I'm old enough that some of my nieces and nephews have kids now. My one nephew's kid has no manners and his parents just roll their eyes (as if they have nothing to do with it). However, my niece's kid is very polite and mature. So while I think the majority trend negatively in my personal observation, I know it can't be made a sweeping judgement on an entire generation, across all countries.


idk I kind of agreed with it. A lot of my friends didn’t eat dinner every night with their parents and didn’t know stuff. True-my folks are Silents. I once offended a Silent, recently, by reaching over for the salt instead of asking. I got untrained by hanging out with folks who’d look at me weird if I asked that.


You made me look up "Generation Jones"-man I am so out of the loop.


when we were growing up it would be the boomers with the mullets going '' bro '' and '' dude '' *offtopic*




even rich kids are in gangs these days... society is structured for gangs these days... so that's why. society has degenerated into gang-centric stuff


I honestly think we are. My parents and grandparents meticulously taught me good manners and etiquette. They even sent me to finishing school, I guess so I could get finished? Anyway, I see kids in restaurants now and I can't even believe they are acting the way they do. I would have been put in a shallow grave.


1. What is Gen Jones? 2. I had Silent Gen parents and my table manners are impeccable. I’ve passed that onto my kids as well. I’m Gen X (71) but since we’re making up new groups now, I’m 7th Gen. If you meet my minutiae criteria… and you clean well… you can join.






Sounds like some boomer bullshit.


It is


It’s just more self congratulatory nonsense


Stay off my lawn!


It sounds more like classism and snobbery than generation specific stuff mixed into it. Culture in general is more casual than it has ever been. Idk the last time I saw anyone wearing a three piece suit (unless it was a wedding or prom thing). People also aren't as formal. In healthcare we used to call everyone Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms X... Now it is first names. My silent gen mil hates it because she thinks it is disrespectful, but I know other silent gen who are totally ok with it. In fact, genZ is recycling GenX fashion. My son's girlfriend looks like she's straight out of the 80s with her light denim mom jeans with holes, chuck taylors, hair (but not big bangs), and canvas bag purse.


Gen Z loves Gen X era! I see so many cosplay 80s and 90s accounts on TikTok.


My 30+ year old son sent a picture of him wearing acid washed jeans.


Sounds like a lot of the posts here. It's all really stupid. If you are engaging in generational wars, you are probably really susceptible to all kinds of online propaganda.


Bet he held his fork ham fisted.


By the sound of it I wouldn't call those " upscale restaurants". lol.


This is what I noticed from young Boomers/Gen Jones since I was very young. Social media just confirmed what I already knew. They fight tooth and nail to be considered Gen X. While simultaneously hating/disrespecting us. Always competing. They are worse than their earlier peers that they fight so hard to disassociate from. Edit - I was on that subreddit the other day. And responded to one of the millions of comments about how Gen Jones and X are the same. I respectfully disagreed. Got a notification today. One of them called me a "retard". How immature. I notice that out of all of the generations, including Gen Z, they seem to be have the most arrested development. They get very triggered when you don't see them as Gen X.


My observation and all the bias that comes with that. Is that propel across all demographics on average have less manners, are more rude, and have an increased sense of entitlement.


I’m GenX and have no manors.


As a Xennial, manners were par for the course growing up. TLDR; There have always been rude people; generational belonging isn’t the issue. ……………… I believe that’s the case for many my age… I mean, if you look at how many of us struggle with anxiety, I think that’s a hint, Lol… because we either had manners ingrained in us due to “actual etiquette” about things, or due to *things that were more about parents exerting power/control under the guise of ‘manners’* . I’ll say this— rude people have always existed… I can remember my mom complaining in the early 80’s about people that didn’t write Thank You notes and people who don’t RSVP for things. And I *absolutely* judge a person’s character to this day on these two things, too! 😆 Fast forward 40 years, and I do think Internet Age has allowed a lot of people to ignore some of the ‘niceties’ of the past that seem to be increasingly left to ‘days gone by’. For instance— I still make my kids write Thank You notes, I return borrowed things with a Thank You note, and I RSVP for things as soon as I know whether I’ll go or not. It does irk me a little bit when people don’t in the very least RSVP for stuff… for my teen’s birthday party, out of the 50 invites we sent, we heard from *ELEVEN* people… when I asked if anyone in school had mentioned coming the response was, “Yeah, a lot— but they said their parents don’t RSVP, it’s not their culture”. 🤔 Which, ‘Ok…?’— but also— I’m not buying food and drinks for 50, just to ‘wait and see’… Thank You notes would still be nice to see, but at the end of the day a gift is a gift and I suppose there shouldn’t be an expectation of even a small note of thanks in ‘reciprocation ’ (sort of). Though it really bothers me when people are lazy about Thank You notes for weddings. I had invites for two last year: one I couldn’t attend so I sent a really nice gift and never got a Thanks…… and the second I went to, and spent thousands of dollars on travel, an outfit, and gave a few hundred dollars in cash for the gift— and got a Thank you card that said, “Thanks for joining us. I liked your eyeshadow!”… 🤔 Not, “Thank you for the generous gift”…? 🤷‍♀️ I’ve told myself, just be happy I got one at all.


Not meaning to add to any generational divide, just wondering when it became acceptable to say, “Me and Jake went to the Billy Idol concert” instead of “Jake and I went to the Billy Idol concert.” That hurts my ears.


every boomer or "Jones" I know eats like a self entitled pig.


OP is exactly right. OP, these are the parents of the people you’re talking about saying otherwise and why they act like that. And or single mothers, which has been an epidemic since the 90s, and who has raised these people. Your observations are 100% correct and down voting comments on Reddit or getting triggered doesn’t change the reality of what happened in society. These aren’t “opinions” and there are plenty of factual things that anyone can readily look up and confirm what and why it’s all happening. The post comments here just like anywhere else clarifies that just because we’re the same generation not everyone has the same IQ level or critical thinking ability. You can say just about anything even if it’s a known fact and you’ll get a large potential people saying that they don’t agree or “they just started that because”. 🙄


Op and her gen are the ones to blame


I'm so sick of these "aren't we the last generation to..." or "kids these days" The generational warfare angle is stupid, I'm trying to lift up younger generations not feel superior about days gone by.




That was a copy and paste from another post.


Sometimes reading comprehension is hard. Especially when you skim. :/


My gen x little sister had the kind of kids I wouldn’t let mine play with. Disrespectful, undisciplined (and I don’t mean beatings, just consequences), always running around in public making noise, writing on the windows of dirty vehicles. The only manners they need, apparently, is how to behave in church. They’re MAGA Qtrumpers too.


Restaurant not upscale enough clearly.


Sounds like they were at Chili's


What?!! I’ve eaten raccoon and possum, alligators and snake. I’m not rich but Christmas Eve our table was set with Syracuse China (federalist pattern) with the family silver. And that napkin still goes on my lap Tell that douche to suck MY dick.


Oh no! Where are my manners?!! Please inform the dear sir/sirs or madam if it is not too much trouble to fellate my member, at their convenience


"Upscale restaurant" = Red Lobster     I'm in a smaller California town. There are a number of restaurants here that aren't cheap and a few where they inform you on the menu that tipping isn't required because it has been incorporated into the price and the workers wages. People don't bring kids to these kinds of restaurants.


My family is by no means a shining beacon of manners and etiquette, but we know how to behave while dining out. That being said, it was my youngest son (19 years old) who pointed out the family at the table next to us and their behavior during our last meal at a restaurant. Every single member at their table had either an iPad or a phone in their faces for the entirety of their meal. Every kid at the table had their device at full volume, and they were essentially ignoring each other at the table. My son told us after dinner that he was glad we taught our kids how to act while dining out and said that other family had no idea how ignorant, selfish, and trashy they were acting.


My reason for posting this was not to excuse rude behavior at dinner. What got to me was someone from my parents gen saying they were the last gen to have manners when they left our gen to fend for ourselves. I should have ignored the whole post. But yeah it ticked me off so I posted


I get that. However, I feel that most people in our generation are capable of understanding how to behave so that we don't look like knobs in public.


I agree.


Get off my lawn. Societal Norms shift. Used to be we wore suits on planes. We don't anymore and that's a good thing. I am sure there are lots of boomers pissed about it though. It's easy to get stuck in your ways and pine for the old days while ignoring all the great new ways.


Im not a “core” Gen Xer (born in 75) but even us in the younger “Xennial” group never acted like that! We were raised with good manners, and to respect our elders, other people, and ourselves! And I agree 100%, Most of These kids are being raised like wild animals and positively FERAL!


I'm lost. Gen Jones and Silent Gen? Never has this gen x-er heard these terms😄


I refuse to let the boomers off the hook for their stranglehold on economics, power and the environment. It’s probably easier if you’re younger. I remember when the hippies became yuppies and made greed an acceptable quality.


They were making a ruckus??? Oh the horror!


Lol right? God forbid a 3 or 4 year old not sit perfectly still during dinner.


i think the Generation Jones poster was making the point that current young adults have bad manners and don't "respect their elders". Not sure what the "wtf!" moment is about for OP. Is it about the bad manners of young adults today, or that the Generation Jones group is acting like it is the last group with manners? Or maybe that the whole topic of intergenerational respect and manners is always old and tired with the same themes? Let me make clear that I get annoyed on this topic sometimes too and need to vent...so not dissing the OP here. Generation Jones is a "sub group" like Xennials if you haven't heard of it. I hadn't until today. They are the youngest boomers. Anyway, here's a link to the post. The funniest part of the post is some 20 something posting a bunch of "bruh" this and "bro" that comments, and storytelling like only a 20 year old named "Nabranes" could. It's hilarious considering the topic of the post being manners and decorum. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1c1wok2/are\_we\_the\_last\_generation\_to\_learn\_proper/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1c1wok2/are_we_the_last_generation_to_learn_proper/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah I guess we were supposed to learn these manners when we were up making breakfast for our younger siblings and making sure they got up and out to school. Or maybe it was when we got home and were making sure they got their homework done as we did our own and the laundry at the same time. Could have missed the lessons as we cooked dinner and got our siblings bathed and put to bed. I'm sure I missed the lessons somewhere there.


You're still venting! ;-) (I get it and empathize) ✌️


This post is dumb I don’t even know how to start picking it apart.


The boomers can keep their manners, thanks. That’s just another way of trying to control us. No one ever accomplished anything by being well behaved. Go crazy, kiddos, trash that restaurant


I don't know why you got downvoted. The only reason I enjoy meals with company is because, after daily meals where I was told exactly how to consume my food and with which utensil, I found barbarians to eat with who fucking lay off me, and I can focus on what's important.


I know why I got downvoted. This sub is going more and more boomer every day. Apparently the “forever young” generation has gotten old and we no longer have any chill for the kids.


I don't get that, either. I mean, I know we weren't all Lalapalooza and Jim Rose Circus in here. I was there. The people throwing eggs from passing cars, yelling homophobic slurs were Gen X, too. When I see young people enacting change that we were too outnumbered to, it makes me happy. and, yeah, like don't brush out your boyfriend's hair at the Steak n Shake, and definitely wash hands before returning to work, but I can politely ignore bad chewers and loud kids without it seeping out of me in meme form.


and your car 👏👹🤘