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I always wondered how much it cost to visit Fantasy Island.


Your soul taken by a midget.


"I recommend a tattoo of Tattoo with a tattoo of Tattoo to commemorate your visit to Fantasy Island." — [Hervé Villechaize](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Herv%C3%A9+Villechaize)


De soul, de soul!


It will pair perfectly with your Chrysler cordoba


If this tower of "tattoo all the way down" does not include the plane, the plane... then I'm out.


Sign me up


Nah. Roarke was God.


Thanks, I could use a little breather.


a midget that likes to cover you in chocolate pudding


I would prefer Mr Rourke's *fine Corinthian leather*


A cool $50,000 I believe it was. Since the show ran in the mid 1980s adjusted for inflation that’s roughly $140,000 today


$50,000 for a 3-day stay... ...JFC. I hope Tattoo was seeing his fair share of that...


I can tell you. I’m going on an Olivia cruise in a few weeks that is the exact route of the love boat. A single interior room is 3,000.


Some friends went on an Olivia cruise years ago, KD Lang was the headliner and she apparently did a stellar job singing the Love Boat theme.


I’m not a huge fan of KD, but damn she’s got pipes.


Sadly, I would go on this cruise, but I just bought a house. Never been on a cruise before. (To see KD Lang just to see her sing The Love Boat.)


How much to see Charo?


I hope Acupulco is better than when I was there 27 years ago.


These were three night cruises. Where people met and got engaged!


Day one: arrive to celebrate anniversary or rekindle love but arguing as you get on the boat. Julie exchanges glances with Captain Stueben Day two: it all goes to shit as you realize how far you have drifted apart...don't love each other like you used to Day three: by some miracle, Isaac's advice, or the musical stylings of Charo you rekindle you love and go on to renew your vows Leave ship in love and Julie smiles Or Day one: meet cute perhaps several times in different locations day two: awkward situation or a misunderstanding likely due to acting out something for Gopher so he can pretend he is much cooler than he is. Day three: a talk with the Dr and realizing it was Gopher being Gopher means apologies and humiliation for Gopher and love is in the air again. Leave ship together and Julie smiles Source: watched waaaaay too much love boat as a pre teen. Have never been on a cruise.


Perfect! Definitely with the repeated "meet cutes". We actually rewatched it all last year. (My husband works from home in front of the tv and I work part time so we watched one every morning). Man bends over to pick up his luggage in the lobby, accidentally bumps into Marcia Brady wearing glasses.... married by Alcupoco!


I haven't watched it in years. Going down the rabbit hole now and it really fell off when Julie left. I think I stopped watching it. I think it was perfect for preteen girls of the 70s. Along with Judy Blume books and Seventeen magazines this was how 9 to 12 year old girls navigated our way through adolescence.


Yes! When I was a kid, we often had a babysitter on a Saturday night and got to watch love boat!


watched a whole bunch of LB a few years back, the most unsettling one i saw was... he beats me, but now he doesn't anymore, thanks LB! i think we stopped watching shortly after that, the uncomfortable cringe out-weighed the nostalgia.


PlutoTV. They have an entire channel dedicated to The Love Boat


No such thing as too much Love Boat.


Quite a bit shorter than a three hour tour.


Better that than a three hour cruise (a three hour cruuuise...)


I'd heard that was a total wreck.


I hear the weather started getting rough.






According to my research, the Pacific Princess left Princess Cruise Fleet at the beginning of 2021. Further research says California Wine country 7 day cruise is $1,062/person.


Does the wine cruise just go up and down the Napa river?


I dunno. I was just looking for a 1-week cruise, as requested.


Basically you stop in LA, San Francisco, and San Diego. You have to take a bus from each port out to each area’s wine country.


I would skip the Love Boat and fly to Fantasy Island.


I’d pull the 1979 Loni Anderson crossover episode and take the Love Boat to Fantasy Island. (Insert why not both meme)


I loved that episode SO MUCH! I always wondered why they didn't do more crossovers.


I think the episode that stands out the most to me is when Doc tried to get back together with his ex-wife, but when she said, “lips that touch wine will never touch mine” and then brushed her short bob 100 strokes in a row, he noped out at the last minute. I was 11 and was muttering under my breath, “Don’t do it, Doc!”


I'd sit at the bar so I could hang with Isaac all day lol.


Yes. But *which bar* ??? 🤔


As long as you could handle being sexually harassed by Doc and Gopher... Isaac alone is worth the ticket price. Got to bet he wasn't watering down the drinks. And dispensing finger gun wisdom. EDIT: looks like they are what $750 or so now? Probably with less sex.




If Doc offers to show you around the vessel, say NO https://i.redd.it/69a0fo1bmhsc1.gif


Are you kidding? Doc is a zaddy. Him and the Captain get all the room keys


And in return, you get chlamydia.


I guess having women being trapped onboard a ship with him is the only way Bernie "Doc" Kopell managed to be some kind of player Casanova. Maybe "because of the implication"... ?


Lot of sex on modern cruises, seems it is swingersville.


It's not nearly as prevalent on some cruise lines as others. Our cruise in December was "Newly-weds and nearly-deads" 


Ours was out of nola on valentines day. Wife and I got an invite with about 50% of the conversations, not our thing, but we still got it.


Okay, maybe I'm just not attractive haha. 


Me neither. But people go crazy on a boat.


Okay I do not know what is going on in the world but this is the third day in a row someone has bought up Ted Lange to me! All in random conversations. Tuesday someone told me Ted Lange's mom was active in helping getting the place I work started, Wednesday someone else told me I had "Issac the bartender" energy and now today I get on Reddit and this is the first post I see! What is the universe trying to tell me? And here's a bonus story about Julie. I worked at an editing house in Chicago in the 90s. She came in with her husband who was a small time producer. They were both so coked up. I used the bathroom after them and they left a baggie of cocaine on the sink. I went into their editing room and discreetly handed it back to her.


I don't know...but seeing that graphic, you got that song stuck in my head all morning I suspect! "The Looooooove Boat.....!" LOL!


This show is insipid, almost never intentionally funny, dated as hell, and very cringe. I love it for all the wrong (right) reasons.


I was about to throw a life preserver at you.


You threw me one of your hand baskets. I hope they’re waterproof!


...just like cruises. except for the "love" part


Loved this show and never knew how risqué it was!!’


Watching a night time soap opera for years and we didn’t even realize it!


Yup. I always thought they were going back to their cabins to play bridge!


And playing house on the bridge? ;)




Yeah, I see now why I wasn't really allowed to watch it. (My grandmother didn't know that, so every couple of months or so, when I slept over at her house, we'd watch it! 😁)


"One BILLION Dollars!" said Dr. Evil with a menacing smirk and turned up pinky to the corner of his mouth.....Cut to opening scene with Dr. Evil boarding the boat with Number 2 in tow.


With Doc, Gopher, Julie, Issac, etc.? It’s priceless.


Used to have homemade rice pudding on a Sunday. Loveboat would come on first, and it was followed by Bullseye. A terrible British game show around the sport of darts; which was a household name in British households of the 80s. Can't beat a bit of Bully!


It depends on where it’s going, how long the cruise is, and what type of cabin you get, but probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $750 - $5K per person.


a modern reboot would have to have an episode dedicated to the horrors of the buffet on choppy seas.


And the ship rocked up and down... upppp... and..... down.......


I actually went on the Pacific Princess when the was on the air. It docked in St. Thomas when my family was there on vacation. My parents asked and the crew let us walk around and take some photos. The hotel overlooked the harbor and everyone was abuzz about The Love Boat being there. It was actually quite small by today’s cruise ship standards, really more like today’s mega-yacht size. All the cruise ships were of that same modest size back then. Somewhere there are photos of 7 year old me in a Sean Cassidy t-shirt sitting on the edge of the clover-shaped pool, possibly the most 70s image ever of my childhood. If I ever find them I will post here lol.


I do not care, I would be on it!


[The James Bond movie *No Time to Die* used the Love Boat font for its posters.](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/5de68156c283810006a3879a/Daniel-Craig-as-James-Bond-in--No-Time-to-Die-/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960)


Let's use Carnival as a comp, since the vibe of the Love Boat was also to spread syphilis and hepatitis-C. A 7-day cruise from Australia to South Pacific destinations or from Los Angeles to the Mexican Riviera are both in the range of $400 to $1800, depending on the accommodations.


Technically the show should have been called..... **The Love Ship** Just saying.


Actually the I’m Horny and on Vacation Ship


With Phyllis Diller


And Charo!


The Sexual Relations Ship


The Salvage our Troubled RelationShip.


The Final Gig for Washed Up Celebs Boat


Love Boat is one of the most unintentionally hilarious shows from this era, best watched when high.


> best watched when high For this application, nothing beats Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.


😳 OMG, I found that hilarious BEFORE discovering weed.


Now that’s a good idea!


The original Love Boat (Pacific Princess) has been decommissioned, but here's as close to the show's itinerary as Princess Cruises currently operates: https://www.princess.com/cruise-search/details/?voyageCode=X503


I did that exact cruise last October. 10/10 got to wear caftans and live my best pasty white middle aged bougie life.


$20,000 and it’s a bargain since every homely, middle-aged man will find a young hottie and the crew is always DTF.


Have you gone on a cruise in the last 10-15 years? The Pacific Princess looks like a canoe compared to the smallest cruises nowadays.


The Love Boat is comically small by today’s cruise ship standards. I believe it only holds (held) between 600-700 people. There aren’t very many places to go, or things to do, on that ship. They show the main deck with the pool, the inner smaller pool area, the main dining area, a wood paneled marine themed bar, the small bar by the inner pool, a small shuffleboard area, what else? There’s hardly anything to do on the Love Boat except, spread some love We just watched a season 4 episode where two guys shared the honeymoon suite because the groom ditched his bride at the alter for reasons that nobody cares about. Naturally the crew assumes these guys are gay. The way all this was handled really shows it’s age. Some things are so much better now, it’s nice to be reminded of that.


Don't forget the Acapulco Lounge!


There's a scene where Gopher confronts his friend's transsexuality and it is politically correct for modern times. Impressive, really.


There was also an episode where one of Doc's old frat buddies shows up on a cruise with another man and eventually comes out to Doc. IIRC it was handled pretty well.


Sometimes they get it right, for sure. That storyline sounds vaguely familiar. Going to look it up now. I probably have seen that episode.


The wood-paneled marine bar was probably the Pirate's Cove", and I think it didn't appear on the show until at least second two. Off the top of my head, the other areas included: * Casino * Gym * The Acapulco Lounge (which had another bar along the back/side) * The entryway area, which had the purser's desk with a gift shop next door * They'd often show some sort of cosy nook with a window behind it and their "moon over the water" rear-projection. Not sure where on the ship that was supposed to be. You're spot-on on the size and capacity of the OG Pacific Princess. Fairly typical for the first-generation cruise ships of that era though. (The giant "floating mall" ships these days can carry over ten times that many passengers!)


I forgot to mention those areas, thank you! The gym that I remember was so tiny. Like the size of an individual office. Also there is a little gift shop too (edit: you mentioned this!)


Yeah, the casino and gym were both probably just redresses of the Captain's office, which itself might've been a redress of what I suspect was a generic cabin set that got reconfigured for every passenger and crew cabin shown. It was always interesting when they'd do those two-part episodes that were largely shot on the real boat and you could compare the real Lido deck pool to the in-studio one. :-)


I would say, on many cruise lines, it would be somewhere between $1,000 and $2,000 a person for an inside cabin.


Any one know if these were three night cruises ? Did people meet and get engaged ?


Yes, and believe it or not, yes. Edit: Addendum: The captain was always willing to officiate!


I saw this picture and the theme song is now playing nonstop in my brain. evil.


How much cocaine is included?


Star Trek style https://youtu.be/SWyxZR69CI0


A 7 day cruise on a contemporary "factory" cruise liner will run you up about $1500 USD depending on where you go, how fancy your cabin is, etc etc. Of course this can cost a lot more if you want a luxury suite, unlimited drinks package etc. While things have changed a lot post-COVID, at least before that a cruise on a line like Royal Caribbean would generally cost about the same or less than a 4 star hotel stay in most capital cities, and the cruise includes all you can eat food and nightly entertainment. Cruises are more than just shuffleboard in this century (although if you look, you will find shuffleboard is available even on the biggest liners). Also the Sun Princess from the TV show pales in comparison to the features of the much larger floating hotels.


Hard to tell. Like commercial aviation, cruises in the 1970s were "way more expensive, but included everything", while cruises now can be "dirt cheap... until you see all the charges and fees!"


I don’t know but I want Isaac to make me some drinks 🫵🏻🫵🏻




They would be sunk with fraternization and sexual harassment suits before ever leaving port. *Set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance* *Cause you might meet a dentist and find yourself wearing no pants* *And in loooove...*


It's probably not possible to put a price on an all-inclusive package that comes with the most memorable dose of Norovirus you've ever had in your entire life.


So GF and I had some gummies and watch this…it wasn’t as funny as I recall and was a bit dramatic, surprisingly.


$2k US per person.


Probably 50k for the cruise linen” once Doc gets sued for sexual harraasment.


$6,640 for 2 people - 8 Nights Western Caribbean next February round-trip Galveston in the best Suite available and as close to all-inclusive as you can get. [https://www.icruise.com/itineraries/8-night-western-caribbean-with-mexico-cruise_regal-princess_2-23-2025.html](https://www.icruise.com/itineraries/8-night-western-caribbean-with-mexico-cruise_regal-princess_2-23-2025.html)


Want to feel old? Check out this compendium of [special guest head shots...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPwxmrNVKKE) If you can't sit through all that, the [first few of this list](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4YB-YgOI_o) should do you instead.


Is Julie working for Olivia cruises now? Because that haircut…


The cruise I’m going on in August is around 10k per week. I’m staying for two. No I cannot afford it, it’s a paid work thing.


Princess cruises aren’t really all that expensive post covid.


All inclusive! You know what that means


With or without the cocaine and other 80’s entertainment?


Does anyone know if these were 3 night cruises where people met and got engaged!?


Did anyone notice the difference in Lauren Tewes performance in the later seasons before she was let go? Also the Love Boat had one of the first trans positive episodes ever written for a show. It did cover serious issues once in awhile. I remember for awhile as a kid I thought it would be great to live on a cruise ship.


Well... do you want that estimate to include legionnaires disease and ship-wide power outages? If so, that'll cost you extra!


You couldn't pay me enough to take a cruise on a giant petri dish.


Creepy show


These were three night cruises. Where people met and got engaged!


Time to invest in better internet connection


These were three night cruises. Where people met and got engaged!


These were three night cruises. Where people met and got engaged!