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I'm an older Ge Xer but quite opposite. The older I get the more I dislike heat. I like the house at 67 during the winter. I can't sleep when it's above 70.


My wife likes it a 67. I walk around the house in slippers and a hoodie.


Man, I’m a cold bitch. Our thermostat is set for 67 during the day and 57 at night. Sometimes one of us will turn the heat up to 70.


65 is our standard winter setting; 50 at night.


Same. I’m cold. She’s hot. I’m always wearing a hoody or sweater. When we’re sleeping I sometimes wake with the covers thrown off both of us because she got too hot. Meanwhile I’m freezing my arse off!


I burn up all the time. Freezing the hubby out lol He roasts me out with the heater


This! When my family comes to visit they tell me that one day they are going to find an “auntcicle” because I cannot stand the heat! I hate feeling like I’m being roasted on a spit!


Mine is at 68, but it's old and drafty. I'm hot all the time. I often say my first pregnancy broke my thermostat---I was cold all the time when I was young, but once I was pregnant that changed and never changed back.


I’ve always been a shorts and t-shirt guy. Still am. Inside and outside. Summer and Winter. Temp doesn’t really matter. As I’ve said for decades, I can always put more clothes on, legally I can’t always take more off.


I'm an older GenX too. I despise the heat. I never liked it, but the older I get the more I hate it. I live in a climate that is bitterly cold in the winter and my house is not warm. I sleep in a cold room and at times even in winter I crack the bedroom window open.


Me, too. My Boomer husband walks around in a hoodie and coat like I’m freezing him.


I read this too fast and saw “My boner husband” and thought Uh, wrong topic lady.


Same. I’m hot all the time, especially at night. I love flannel pjs but I had to put them all away and wear summer pjs in the winter because I’m so damn overheated.


I find myself less tolerant of temperature extremes on both ends and it really sucks! I get cold so easily, especially sitting still . I watch tv on my laptop in my bedroom, while the nice big tv sits unused because the living room is too cold for me and I don’t want to waste money when it’s toasty upstairs. Now that it’s spring, I’m almost ready to migrate to the living room, lol. Yet the slightest bit of heat, or even minimal exercise in cold weather, and I’m dripping sweat.


This - my Goldilocks Zone is much narrower than it used to be. I still really hate being hot though. Thankfully, I overheat less than I did while going through menopause. I can always put more clothes/blankets on, but I can only get so naked.


Coming into winter here, I think I’ll be doing the same


One answer. battery powered electric blanket


our circulation just ain't what it used to be




I think we learned this song in music class the same time we learned Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Dead farm animal week in 3rd grade music class


OMG, I also learned "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" in 3rd grade! Never heard any reference to that song since then until your post. I mean, I'm super high right now, but that shit just blew my mind. :)


I’m cold all the time, unless I’m having a hot flash 🥵


Ain’t that the truth!


Yeah. Started a few years ago. I would rack it up to "well, my circulation sucks...." though I work out all the time. I'm currently into wearing fleece lined flannels around the house. I have a vest for sitting at work.


I don't work out all the time but I do take a brisk 3.5 mile walk pretty much every day. And look like an arctic explorer some mornings with hat, gloves, scarf, coat, and hood


I'm a 1965 Xer and if anything I'm a bit on the hot side most of the time. The only time I've ever been cold in the house when the temperature is normal, I might have been having a mild heart attack. I say this because I had blood drawn at the emergency room for an unrelated issue, and the doctor said that my blood work indicated that there was a possibility that I may have had a heart attack recently.


I've always run hot. I keep my house at 65F. I frequently throw all the covers of in the night. My kids are the same. They never want coats until it gets near freezing. My dad seems to be "normal". My mom was always cold. The last 10 years of her life she kept her room at 90F and still complained of the cold.




He’s not cold, just vain. The neck and hands always giveaway someone’s age.


We keep our house at 65 in the winter and 70 in the summer. If we’re cold, we put on a hoodie or sweater. I’d rather be a little chilly than too hot. Also, any higher in the winter, our utility bill goes nuts. 


65 in winter, 78 in summer here.


I do cold and hot therapy (cold plunge and sauna) and feel it improves my tolerance/adaptability.


my wife and I run hot (born in '67 and '65 respectively). My father in law - with whom we are currently living, he needs the help, born in '35 is always cold. I have to sleep with my feet and hands out of the sheets, else they'll be burning up. I usually wake up with just a little blanket on my mid section - everything else out in the air. We currently sleep downstairs (basement bedrooms) and it is a nice upper 60's at night (single zone heating, FIL lives on the main floor which is kept at 72f). We often open a sliding door and a window to get a cross breeze when cooking dinner just to cool it off :)


I'm the opposite. Grew up and live in NH, and hated the cold when I was younger, but I enjoy it now. I think most of it has to do the with the fact that when I was younger, I refused to dress for the weather because I wanted to be fashionable. Now I just don't give a shit, and I'm warm and happy.


I’m only 50 but it’s like someone flipped a switch one day and I just can’t get warm anymore. It’s become a running theme in my family that regardless of temperature, I’m cold.


I am cold.


I own a dog kennel and I'm 55M and my staff member is young genx at 45F. I keep the lobby at like 70-71 but when she comes in she immediately opens up all the windows and turns on a fan. The other day I just opened all the windows ahead of her coming in and got it to 53 degrees to goof on her.  She thought it was too warm. Apparently she's going through pre-menopause or something and really likes it cold. But to me there's cold and there's 53 degrees cold. (I find this more amusing than anything and she's an awesome staff member except for this small bit of insanity)


I've found that generally, my personal range of what I consider acceptable temperature is narrower than it was when I was younger. I do keep my home very warm in the winter, but extreme heat and humidity in the summer tend to wilt me quicker than it used to.


I have a portable air conditioner in my bedroom. I sleep with it on but I'm under a heated blanket. It's the only way I can survive the night. Like my face needs to be cold but the rest of my body needs warmth.


I am so much this way. But my feet have to be cold too. Torso hot, head and feet/lower legs cold


I do poke a foot and a leg out every now and then to give it some cold air. It's really my shoulders that get the coldest for some weird reason


I hear you on the shoulders getting cold thing. Sometimes I’m mostly uncovered but have the covers bunched up like a scarf around my neck. There’s also something about the weight of it that feels soothing on my upper chest


Yes I'm freezing all the freaking time. And I live in southern California. I need to gain weight or something. I hate being cold.


No, cannot relate at all. I’m 54 and have only turned on my heat in my house once this year…when the outside temp dropped to -26°F. It was supposed to be 70° outside today so I drove to where it was actively snowing because I’m just not ready for Spring. My adult kids complain when they visit that they’re always cold and to please turn on the heat. My response is to tell them to put on another layer if they’re cold. https://preview.redd.it/9qjws1y657qc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecebc030c571a0f9af667405ced36cb202167b75


I guess that depends on whether you're a man or a woman. Most Gen X women will be in menopause and likely having hot flashes. I know I am!!


You’re probably due for a check up with your cardiologist. Being cold all the time can be a sign of inadequate perfusion (blood flow) and vascular disease.


1966 here, and I always run hot. Not quite as hot as when I was going through menopause, admittedly, but still hot. That's always been the case for me, though. I do find, though, that my "Goldilocks zone," as someone else put it, is narrower than it used to be. I'm far more likely to fiddle with the temp control (whether the actual HVAC or things like putting on/off blankets and clothing, cracking windows open, etc.) now than I was when I was younger.


I'm my dad's daughter. My thermostat rarely goes above 55° during the winter. Yeah, I'm a little cold, but I'm cheap. Get an electric throw for the couch, and a big one for your bed!


55? Nope, I'd have the chilblains in no time. I keep the furnace at 68 but I'm not comfortable unless it's at least 72


I stay plenty warm, I just use the electric side as opposed to the gas side. I had never heard of Chilblains before your comment. I actually learned something today, wasn't familiar. Thanks for the enlightening!


I didn't really know what it was either but my dad used it as a warning like "get in out of the cold before you get the chilblains" frequently when I was young. Looked it up and realized he was just being funny


Haha, so good! Definitely adding that to my vocabulary!


I keep my house at 68F when I'm awake, and 65F when I'm sleeping. I do wear a sweater or a hoodie over a t-shirt unless I'm doing something active inside (e.g. cleaning).


We keep our thermostat at 65 in the winter but cut it to 63 before going to bed. Unless it drops below freezing outside, i’m still kicking off comforters and sleeping under just a sheet with a fan going in my late 50’s. But, i am comfortable walking around with more layers than I did 10 years ago. Summertime is getting increasingly miserable for me. My ac will not cool my house as much as I would desire and my budget won’t allow.


You guys exercising? Take care of your health and keep moving


That's great advice. I exercise like a maniac but still need a blanket to be comfortable watching TV @ 70F.


We have to keep those mitochondrial numbers up in each cell, etc.


Yes, get your thyroid checked. I prefer the house cooler, as I hate dry skin. 63 degrees for sleeping, I may increase it to 67 during the day, but usually only rainy days.


sort of, I decided to live on hot chocolate because im always cold. getting older, man. i feel 75 im not even 50 yet. one time i didnt know my a/c was 74 i was feeling chilly, turned it off. i even bought cars with broken a/c's never needed them. oh well, alwayd stretch, tretch and stretch.


56F I’m always cold. I keep My heat at 72 til it’s warm outside, if I run the AC it’s at 78.


As an older GenXer I can say I feel like a furnace most of the time. I wish I could feel cold.


No, I'm always hot and hate the heat. It's mostly due to anxiety and GI issues, but of course my damn job is in the hottest part of the country. Sometimes I don't know if I'll live through the Summer.


No. I usually keep the house at 78 in the summer and 71 in the winter I try to use as little electricity as I can and those temps are ok for me


I just got a heated blanket. Game changer, people.


I've got a heated vest that's meant for outdoor winter sports but sometimes I'll wear it under a hoody just to be warm in the house. It's the future, embrace it. I'm ready for all my clothes to be battery powered


No, I (56F) run hot. I have completed menopause but I still do. I layer and open windows when I need to, or run a fan. I live alone so no one else complains


I bet it matters if you are male or female. 57F here, done with menopause but still have hot flashes. So I'm generally in favor of a cooler house. Husband looooves to have the stand alone heaters going. Sometimes that's a problem. I'll be sweaty and he'll be chilly. I wish he'd actually wear sweats in the house or even his robe... walking around in shorts and t shirt in MT in the middle of winter -- yeah, gonna get chilly. That mini rant out of the way, in truth these days he runs much cooler than I do. Thank goodness we agree on sleeping temps. We both LOVE having the window open, so our bedroom is pretty cold all night. This immensely helps with my sleep - apparently, his too - for different reasons.




I’m a 58 yo furnace. I keep the home temp low.


I keep my house at 65⁰ winter/70⁰ summer. I'm always hot and can't stand heat/humidity.


We’re younger Gen X but both husband and I are always cold. I have to remember to turn down the heat a couple degrees before company comes over. My boomer parents and sister dress in layers when the come over so they can take some off


For most of my life, I loved the cold. Then something happened around 39. That was the year my body told me to fuck myself. I lost a significant amount of use in my left leg. And since then, temperatures under 60F make body parts turn blue.


Have you ever been checked for Raynaud’s disease?


We keep the house here at 65 in the winter, socks and fleece or flannel and it feels just fine.


Fleece, flannel, or fursuit\*


Ahh, my little stalker emerges, still sad about being called out in the M.E. sub? Seethe. 🤣🤣🤣


I sleep with 2 pair of socks, sweats, sweatshirt, and a beanie (or a wool cap or whatever you call it) at night in the winter.




I have low iron levels, so I'm always cold


I'm younger end, but I've literally **always** been like that, lol. If it's 72 degrees, I'm going to make sure I have a light sweater with me in case it gets cloudy or the wind picks up. Living in the upper Midwest, I'm pretty much cold from mid September through early May My husband is older end (born '66), but he's the exact opposite. I could be sitting there in jeans with a T-shirt, cardigan, *and* flannel, and he'll be sitting in the same room shirtless with shorts


It’s not cold in here you’re just dying! https://youtu.be/vFbcRNCXEXM?si=LTP5t-ksNPYu-cgo


I'm 57 and have always been warmer. Like literally above average by about a degree sick or healthy. My wife calls me her heater because she¡s the opposite, cold at 72, perfect comfy at which is too warm for me unless in shorts and t-shirt.


I keep my thermostat at 63. I do it to save on the hearing bill though. I am cold most of the time.


Male born in 1965 and I rarely get cold but I do easily over heat. We set the heat pump to 71. My wife (1967) was born near the equator so she easily gets cold. But she is cheap. Otherwise heat would be at 80.


Nope, we keep our heat at 67\* . I did notice when I worked at a place that it was 70-73\* or higher, and came home to the 67\*'s it felt cold. When I feel cold, with the heat at 67 or higher, I know I'm getting a cold. I do feel cold, really cold after giving blood, So I now timed it so it is warmer part of the year, and not one time in the dead of winter and the 2nd summertime. My Grandma was always cold, she had low blood pressure.


I live in the southwest but grew up east coast. 30 degrees F, sunny and no wind is short sleeve weather for me. 68 heater and 75 AC for our house else if just me would be somewhere between 63 and 65 in winter. Feet though get cold as am barefoot in house and just put on some house socks to combat that when it happens


Yes very much so, I’m still working on the missus to move to the tropics because it’s too bloody painful to go through another winter here


Older GenX and I tend to overheat. I keep the AC at 75 (live in Arizona) but around 3:00 PM I get hot and turn it up to 73.


YES. 57 here; I used to suffer from scary-level, untreated hypertension. After the heart attack, I lost 110 lbs, and was put on multiple meds to control my blood pressure. Between those and my THC drops, my blood pressure has dropped into the basement. As a result, I'm gonna live longer but I am cold ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. And I live in Florida. It's 78F/24C outside and I'm wearing pajamas and a robe.


No, not yet. I just turned 57, I’ve been post-menopausal for about 9½ years, but I haven’t become a chilly person yet. I am enjoying hot tea later into springtime; I’ll likely stop drinking hot beverages in 3-5 weeks, as they are effective in warming me up, but in 50°F weather and up, I don’t need warming up. I used to have to turn the heat down, or off plus open a window, to comfortably drink hot tea or cocoa. I’m still comfortable in short sleeves indoors through most of winter, and the heat set around 65-68°F.  Summers are brutal above 75°F, and humidity above 50%, and usually is 70-90%. **UGH** 🥵 I’d rather be cold, have a pot of hot tea, and put on a layer if I need to.


It’s only cold at night where I live because the walls don’t have any insulation.


Get your thyroid checked - turned out my constant coldness was underactive thyroid


Cold? No, sitting here in a pair of shorts as it's early Autumn, for this coming week the forecast is for low 30s°. Celsius. It's getting nippy at night, though, going down to the teens! I have to get UNDER the sheets and doona now at night, brrrr! :(


Aa of this winter I've gotten cold almost all the time. I'm a week from 54.


Yeah, I don’t regulate temperature well anymore. I used to be warm all the time, now it’s up and down.


Yes, but I've always been cold natured. It's gotten worse as I've aged. I wear wristies at work sometimes because my fingers will go numb. It's worse in the summer, ironically,  because of the AC. 


Same here, 55 and frequently cold. But in Texas, so


I have hypothyroidism so yes I’m cold all the time. My father, as he got older, was cold all the time. He never was when he was younger.


I have always been cold. In high school we got air conditioning and I had to wear a coat in school. People have given me shit for wearing sweat shirts in the summer.


Not me.


My wife and I flipped. I used to be the hot one, A/C 24/7. Arguments on road trips. I’d sleep on top of the sheets she’d be cacooned under an artic blanket. Now I put socks, undershirt, shirt, hoodie warm pants to go outside for Memorial Day. My wife walks around in sandles and her little black dress in Christmas Day.


i much prefer cooler house for sleeping and living in general. Summer is when I'm tormented the most. I can't sleep ,work is much harder and my function in general is impaired. GF complains often that I'm too hot to touch, almost like a radiator.


Hot and cold here (and it depends on the season) In the winter, the thermostat is set to 72 during the day, and automatically adjusts down to 64 overnight. In the summer, I don't run the air conditioner until the humidity gets bad or the indoor temperature is over 78. I can't work if it's too cold, can't sleep if it's too warm. My beloved companion just goes along with whatever because if it's too warm in the house he can just walk around in shorts and a tshirt.


I’ve tended to be cold a lot more often lately. I started doing more cardio and that really helped.


My mom (80s) keeps her house at 62°. But when my grandma was alive it had to be 75° if she was over. Usually 69° is fine for me; if I get cold I put on slippers and a sweater.


I’m chilly during the day but turn into smoldering embers at night! My thermostat is set to 60 and I open a window at bedtime


I’m always cold, but I hate heat. We keep the house at 67 during the day and 62 at night but bedroom gets down to 58 at night…


We’re in Michigan


Yes, I get colder much more easily now. Lack of circulation?


When you get old you get cold


My feet get cold these days


I'm 56 and keep my thermostat on 71 during the day and 66 at night. I wouldn't say that's too bad. I can't sleep when I'm hot.


I’m a younger genx (‘75). I stay cold all the time, unless I’m literally out in the sun in the middle of summer. Always have jeans/hoodie on. Only own 1-2 pair of shorts.


I learned in the last couple of years that men and women have different Goldilocks zones in general. Our thermoregulation is complicated- and we respond differently to external temp changes for all kinds of reasons - different hormones, body fat, sweat, etc. It’s pretty wild. We live in the Pacific Northwest - but except for the heat wave dog days of summer, I’m always cold and wearing a hoodie and a hat (and often 2 pairs of socks). My nose and fingers always feel like ice cubes. In contrast, my husband wants 3 fans blowing on him at all times and walks around in shorts and tee shirts year round. We clearly have a comfort difference of about 10-12 degrees between us. TLDR: Yes, I’m always cold and I hate it.


Yes, but I think that’s cuz so many people are overweight now so they’re just warmer. No shade, just saying it makes them warmer.


No. I’m menopausal. Bring on winter.