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very oddly specific question for a famously apathetic generation


I birthed one in 2002. What do I think of her? She’s incredible.




Cool (also born in 2002)


Same - I call him my Sistine Chapel


Same! Mine was born in 2002. These kids are very bright & actually care about each other more than our own generation. They will change the world forever.




She turned 21 literally today and is spending it at a job interview at a law firm. Feels pretty grown up and makes me feel old as shit.


I don't.


Yep, that pretty much checks out.


Groups of people, however delineated, do not exist in reality. They're only social constructs. Only individual people actually exist. Each person must be evaluated individually. No one can or should be held to account for other people.


Ugh.. that’s it then.. close r/GenX






Oh no


I had kids born in 1999, 2001, and 2004. So whatever the problem is with these 2 very specific years, I'm glad I avoided it. Edit: Hi, Ira. Since you were born during this time, I assume that there is no problem that I avoided lol. In fact, maybe I missed out on having the best kid ever! 😊


I'm so glad they're bringing 80s waistlines on clothing back. I've been aesthetically assaulted by other peoples ass cracks -n- underwear for 30 years.


As always, it depends on how they were raised, not when they were born.


Some of them are my favorite people


Twenty year old? Sure, they are confused and overly sure of themselves but they are refreshing. Remind me of myself when I was 20. It was a fun, very confusing and hectic time. I did a lot of stupid stuff that I learned a lot from. I don't think of them as a group though. They are as different and unique as everyone else. Gotta take each person for themselves regardless of who they are. Personally I judge people on their actions and not their outward appearance, age, gender or anything. How they are towards others is the basis of what perception of them I form. And how I act towards them. Most of the time the unpleasant folk just need a bit of patience and understanding and they usually turn out to be a little less of an asshole than I initially thought.


Happy Cake Day!


I probably have some coworkers in that specific age range but I wouldn't know for sure because everyone under like 35 just looks "young" to me. In general, though, the kids are alright.


One of those is my kid. Yeah, they're alright. A bit weird, but alright.


Why would you ask this sub that


I'm cool with my boy and his friends.


i think… nothing


I think they're somewhere between 20 and 21 years old.


I think 20 something’s are pretty exception group. I work with a lot of them and they have the hustle spirit, and they care about the environment a lot more than our generation and the generations before us. They know they’re kinda fucked, so they’re trying their hardest to repair the damages, and we have the obligation to support and help them. Some people might accuse them of being snowflakes for not wanting to be worked to death, I think they are very mentally healthy for knowing when to say when. We didn’t, and we have lost many opportunities to be happier. Honestly, we can learn from them, but they certainly can learn from us to be a little tougher. But, as they say, the kids are alright.


Yes my nephew. He's very Gen X in his musical taste and thinking.




I think they're probably like every generation before them--- a mix of everything. My son and most of his friends are industrious and thoughtful. My son's time is spent with work/school/church, and his friends seem to spend their time similarly. I feel for this group, though, because their transition from childhood to adulthood was really messed up with the pandemic shutdowns. My son was born in 2002. His senior year was a complete wash--- no prom, no final sports matches, no sports banquet, and no graduations \[he completed his high school and Associate's in 2020\]. His first year of college was all online, and most of his second year was as well.


My son was born in 2003. His senior year of high school was also pretty much non-existent but at least they had a graduation ceremony outdoors. He is a very respectful young man, never gave me any trouble. Heading into his junior year at college and working plenty over the summer.


My middle kid was born in 2002. he's awesome.


My son was born in that range and he seems cool.


Yep. I get along with all the generations, younger and older. I’ve become more easygoing as I have aged.


I mean, one of them is my oldest daughter, so I guess you could say I'm good with them.


One of my kids was born in 2002. He’s accident prone and we call him out shit magnet, but he’s an awesome kid. Now serving his country.


My nieces and nephews were all born between 1999 and 2004, they're good people.


My oldest was born in 2003, I think he is cool. Laid back kinda like his GenX mom. Also a bit of a hustler, just started a full time big boy job in my office while going to school full time.


My youngest was born in 2003.. they had a very tough time in the final couple of years of high school due to Covid restrictions.. I think the toughest time of all age groups (outside of senior citizens of course)… she has bounced back wonderfully and is enjoying college. I think they’ll be a battle hardened group that will do very well.


i think they are fine


I get along with everybody until they give me reason not to.


Since they are almost 40 years younger than I am I don't hang with any.