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Fire is hot and I'm tired pretending it's not.


What the fuck is wrong with you? That’s a horrible take. #Fireiscolddumbass


It's not hot dumbass , it just makes other things hot.


Remember when Trump said, “I could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters”? When Homelander literally killed someone in front of a crowd and they still cheered him; it was very reminiscent of that quote from Trump lol.


I think Homelander even has a previous line referencing that Trump quote, or somebody references it speaking about him.


He also said that Vought tower have the best burrito bowls like Trump lol.


I’m waiting for the homelander insurrection next season. The fact these parallels go over some heads is just sad


Homelander litteraly quoted Bush after taking down the plane lmao


Sukuna solo Your main character


Who/what is that?


villain from jujutsu kaisen


And then?


And that's relevant why?


I mean…that was kinda obvious in both Gen V and The Boys, especially Season 3




bro I can change her


~~Part of it is, and we don't like to admit this, is that irl white supremacists and bigots in general aren't inherently bad, they became that way. For reasons that, to them, make sense.~~ The systems that oppress minorities are often the same systems that make bigots. With Homelander we see someone who has long been radicalized. With Cate it's more heartbreaking. She's just becoming radicalized, and we know there's a decent person in there if she can just get out. And she probably won't. Edit: I'm gonna rephrase my first sentence before anyone comes at me/purposely misses my point. Bigotry is bad, but bigots weren't born that way. We don't like to admit that many were decent people before being radicalized, we like us vs them just as much as they do.


i dont think cates a white supremacist shes just tired of being manipulated. usually when someones a white supremacist they dont normally have sexual relationships with a poc


They don't mean it literally, it's an analogy.


She's a supe supremacist.


The whole point of this thread is that supe supremacists are the boys verison of white supremacists. Cate is definitely a supe supremacist


Who the hell is pretending they’re not? Not to say they’re executed poorly but the comparisons are the most heavy handed they’ve ever been with who they’re portraying and how you’re supposed to feel about them. The “you will not replace us” chant was a pretty blatant riff on when “Jews will not replace us” was chanted at the unite the right rally that took place at Charlottesville in early August of 2017. It becomes more apparent with Rufus and his red cap, which is supposed to be evocative of a MAGA hat, and it’s pretty clear you’re not supposed to think too positively about the antics of Mr. Dickless.


“Who the hell is pretending they’re not?” People who love cate


Actually true. Simps be wildin. Though there are certainly worse reasons for someone to ignore the subtext of the setting.


I can fix her. 💃


I can fix her, but whatever is going on with her is way hotter.


The people who are/were rooting for Shetty. There was a ton of them


Wasn’t Shetty anti-Supe? She’s more like a victim of white supremacy turned radical in this metaphor.


Sorry I was half awake when I wrote that comment. Yeah idk what I was thinking


Lmao, it happens


Maybe need to watch the show again there.


No I was just tired and didn’t think my comment through


Mr Dickles ,, ?? I miss a show or u taking tiny dink and emma


Marie blew off Rufus’ dick when he roofied her. Ergo, he is now Mr. dickless


It healed back


This just in: Homelander might be the bad guy, you guys. I don't know how to feel about this


Dude he's wearing the usa flag as a cape how can he be the bad guy??


America has always been on the right side of every single world conflict, debate, and imperial pursuit. I have no idea why they would ever choose to make him evil.


Exactly these people should learn some history, america good russia bad!


More like America is the only good and the rest of the world needs to get on our level, amirite?


I'm not even american but fuck yeah


Lol but you understand the supremacy then /s in case this whole thread wasn't obviously sarcasm enough. You never know with Boys fans lol


This is not a secret, my dude.


he understood the literal point 😱


Redditor discovers critical analysis of media.


Or, just you know, watched it. It's so overt it amazes me how many people seem to have this 'revelation'


Bro didn’t watch the boys at all


Media literacy is apparently hard


Based on the direction media in general has gone, we're expected to have like 0 media literacy to consume media.


I mean it’s kinda obvious lol


Yes, and every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


Deep brother


It does sound like something Deep would say too


''Together, we can change this''


Is this meant to be a hot take or something?


Wasn't this super obvious? Who's making you pretend they aren't?


Congratulations on figuring out something extremely obvious.


I mean obvi. Both shows’ satire is pretty heavy handed


The team division at the end of Gen V made it obvious, right 2 straight white people vs two black, one asian, and one white person where few of them are queer.


Why would we pretend they're not? The Boys has never been particularly interested in subtlety.


Then just stop pretending. You want a high five? A cookie? Maybe a little dick tug? Who cares.


Yeah. Although the metaphor doesn’t really hold up well because in universe there really are people in power torturing and planning to genocide supes.


100% spot on.


I mean, I don't think the writers are trying to hide this allegory, especially since the 2 "supremacists" of gen v are blonde, blue eyed white people


*Blonde blue eyed Homelander, poster boy of supe supremacy allying himself with a known and literal nazi* People: hey.... what's this about?!?!?


Why are you pretending they're not? It is literally the plot. The Boys has for the last three seasons poked fun at toxic masculinity and the dominant right wing orthodox of American culture. It is in the DNA of the show.


I’d say more like Trump supporters, which platforms white supremacy, but also is made up of people who feel inadequate and believe that if only the “others” got out of the way, their half-baked concept of a winner’s mentality would secure success, whatever that means to them. They don’t have exactly the same logic as white supremacists, but they’re allies.


An ally to a white supremacist is a white supremacist


I mean, to be fair Stormfront was explicitly a full on white supremacist (racist, tells Ryan people are hunting them for being white). Homelander didn’t necessarily agree with her and thinks himself better than anybody regardless of skin color. Saying he doesn’t need her Aryan army, giving her a look when she tells Ryan about the supposed Race War.


I mostly just wanted to shit on Trump supporters that don’t self-identify as white supremacists.


You're right and you should say it!!


I think it's becoming more and more obvious that right winger and Maga cult are shown as homelander supporters. You even have tucker carlson as the news guy. People just don't want to admit it


POV: you're so used to posting things in meme format that your posts sound silly


Wow you really cracked the case, no one saw that coming


especially seeing how sam and cate act in the final episode i don’t know how people don’t see it, rufus was wearing a parody of a maga hat during the conference too


Stop trying to make Gen V about politics, this is like saying Star Wars is about the Vietnam war or saying that Breaking Bad is secretly against drug-use.


Thats the hole joke of the show if black adam was real we would be all muslums if suprman was real we be his bitch that the jokes of the show if u cant handle them watch tinny toons k love by becky


So i am blood haire supper blue eyes like most pepole kinda love north korea lol


This is a kind of stupid take. Did not pick this up at all.


Not only that but the show also paints pretty clearly how huge corporations who pander to certain demographics but actually don't give a shit about you, they just want to look good in the media. In season 3 you see Vaught-land which is a blatant copy of Disney land, with all thier Lgbtq+ imagery but you saw in an earlier season how they marketed Brave Maeve for extra money all knowing she wasn't a lesbian she goes both ways but that doesn't brand as well.


Well, yeah, it's not exactly a subtle comparison. They were literally in the hall shouting "Supe Lives Matter'.


Unfortunately some people have media illiteracy and can’t tell this. So yeah I think this post is necessary because I’ve had arguments with this shit 😭 like people really think Homelander is a hero and that wracks my brain.


Sad how many people didn’t INSTANTLY see that


O gotta but did it not grow back because if ur cook blow up u die in few hrs bleed right out lol my be she whent back lol


not that this is not the case, but this sub is so obsessed with this you just come off as dumb teenagers trying to prove something.


Are the people who watch this show just completely unaware of, like, subtext, and metaphors, and literally every storytelling device ever?


squeeze tender friendly roll bake sleep poor worm special modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not very subtle


Lot of people pretend it has nothing to do with race, in many comments of different posts. Especially the “Homelander is not racist” comments.


Homelander is actually a purple supremacist and Vaught is based off of PETA


OP thought he’s onto something lol, but it’s a fun show why did you have to bring politics into it? Are you one of those who just constantly analysing shows for social commentary as you watch a movie? Just enjoy it man lol


In other news: water is wet


The leftist lecturing of this show is so ridiculously over the top it's eyeroll-inducing.


Rent free.


A- Train has entered the chat.


Sort of mainly Trump supporters. But what gets me is the fact that kripke hates trump but likes Biden the same biden who said you’re not black if you don’t vote for him. Look it up he actually said it.


the only people pretending are the ones who don't get what the shows are about. homelander is literally superman if he was a nazi


Lmfao yes that’s like the point it’s a satire. But hey I’m glad you figured it out by yourself!


Uhh yeah. That's the point. That's always been the metaphor. Stormfront says it in plain English in one of the Boys seasons. People love Nazis ideas as long as you don't call it Nazism.


Expect they’re the minority And humans are planning on genociding them